#look at me getting the hang of tagging for gf characters!!! :D
roseverdict · 3 years
More Than He Seems
so i stumbled across Shifting Bodies, Shifting Souls by captainbrooklyn aka @skywalkersinflight and was inspired
and by "inspired" i mean "my brain latched onto the idea of slightly-to-the-left-of-human stan getting into hijinks and such and then the inevitable angstfest that happens when he gets ford's postcard" and i immediately started writing fic set in this 'verse because i have no impulse control
warnings: local shapeshifter mullet stan has issues of the "why am i here? who am i? am i really myself?" variety which i'm pretty sure there's an Actual Term™ for but it escapes me at the moment. it mostly manifests in him referring to himself by his full name and only his full name for a while. also a bit of swearing from stan because he's had A Long Series Of Mostly-Canon-Compliant Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Days and isn't retelling it and censoring it for a couple of preteens and a soos.
anyway here's wonderwall the stan twins' reunion
now on ao3
It had been four years since the person once known as Stanley Pines had come across the probably-not-really-an-old-lady who'd somehow given him the power to become anyone and everyone else.
Or, well, it would be four years in a few months, but he wasn't going to nitpick.
He held his breath as he heard the sound of footsteps receding from his motel room, and as soon as he was sure they were gone, he slipped out of the shape of a child (small, innocent, harder to notice) and back into himself.
There was a postcard below the door.
He frowned, cautiously stepping closer to pick it up. On the back, or maybe the front (he never was quite sure which side was which), there was a photo of some picturesque forest with the stylized words "Gravity Falls" overlaid atop it.
His breath hitched.
He flipped the postcard over-
It was addressed to Stanley Pines.
It was from Ford.
The person who'd received the postcard stared at the hastily-scrawled "PLEASE COME" that took up the entire left side of it.
There wasn't anything else to go off of. Did Ford need him for something? Did Ford get into trouble of his own? Did Ford want to see him? To talk?
…maybe he could afford to be Stanley Pines again, just for his brother.
Just for a few days.
For those familiar with the events that took place in 1983 in Dimension 46'\, the following days mirrored them almost religiously.
Stanley Pines drove like a bat out of Hell to reach Gravity Falls.
Stanley Pines found himself walking the last leg of his journey in the freezing Oregon winter.
Stanley Pines found his brother a paranoid, twitchy shell of who he'd once been.
Stanley Pines followed his brother into the basement.
When they were in the basement, however, their timeline once again veered away from that of 46'\ with one simple sentence, one which carried a harsher consequence than its 46'\ counterpart.
"Stanley, you don't understand what I'm up against! What I've been through!"
Stanley Pines's blood boiled.
"No, no, you don't understand what I've been through!" He snapped. "I've been to prison in three different countries! I once had to chew my way out of the trunk of a car! You think you've got problems?"
In 46'\, Stanley Pines followed this with the declaration, "I've got a mullet, Stanford!"
In this dimension, he followed it with an angry "I'm not even sure I'm human anymore, Stanford!"
For emphasis, so there could be no mistake that he meant it literally, he let his form flicker, startling Ford and making him go white as a sheet.
He kept going, back to his solid, original self. "Meanwhile, where have you been? Living it up in your fancy house in the woods-!"
"Not human?" Ford's voice came out a venomous hiss.
"Hell if I know!" Stanley Pines held his arms out wide in a mockery of a shrug, viciously wishing he could have real flames come from his eyes, but knowing his ability could only go so far. "Then again, you've been out here living your dream! It's been ten damn years, Stanford, and-!"
Something in Ford's face hardened.
(Stanley Pines hadn't even realized that was possible at this point.)
"I should have known!" Ford snapped. "The real Stanley would never have come, would he?"
That…was not where Stanley Pines had expected this fight to go.
(He clung to his old identity with a new fervor. He hated it more than anyone else ever could, but if there was another creature out there that could take it for their own, if there was another creature that could hurt someone under his name-!)
His thoughts whirled around his skull, but all that managed to come out of his mouth was an eloquent "Whuh?"
Ford grit his teeth and clenched his fists. "Don't play dumb with me, Shifty! You escaped the bunker, intercepted my postcard, and took on my brother's form so you could get me to hand over my journal and the forms therein, but I won't let you escape again!"
Stanley Pines swallowed and held the beat-up journal a little closer. "Okay, um, I feel like we're running on completely different-!"
Ford leapt at him, eyes wild.
Stanley Pines fell to the ground, the journal knocked from his hands. Ford scrambled to grab it, but Stanley Pines tripped him and snatched it up, glancing back at his brother. "Clearly, being cooped up out here has driven you nuts-!"
"GIVE IT BACK!" Ford roared, shoving Stanley Pines into the control room and up against a wall of switches and levers, grappling with him for the journal.
Stanley Pines snarled, "Oh, you want it back, you'll have to try a little harder than that!"
The two fell to the floor, tumbling one over the other until Ford lay on his back and Stanley Pines stood over him, washed out by the flashing red of the control room and unearthly blue of the portal. (When had it turned on?)
"You left me behind, you asshole! It was supposed to be us forever! You ruined my life!" Stanley Pines ground out, stubbornly forcing his tear ducts to vanish so they couldn't betray him.
"You're not even Stanley, and I'll prove it!" Ford shouted, lifting a foot to Stanley Pines's chest and kicking him back into a-!
For one, agonizing second, he only knew pain.
Fire coursed through his veins and lightning lanced through his brain, and his form flickered through countless variations before returning to what it had been. He became dimly aware of a bloodcurdling scream from somewhere nearby. He kind of wished that whoever was screaming would stop, actually. If he wanted to scream, he could do it himself, thank you.
It wasn't until he fell to the ground and the agony centered itself on the back of his shoulder that Stanley Pines came back to himself.
He realized he was the one who'd been screaming.
(If he hadn't been in so much pain, he'd be embarrassed.)
Ford seemed horrified. "W-wait, Stanley?! It really is y-?"
Stanley Pines punched him in the nose.
Ford stumbled back into the portal room and fell against a lever, and as machinery began to clank and whirr, Stanley Pines stormed after him, picking the fallen journal up almost as an afterthought.
"Some brother you turned out to be."
Smoke rose from his shoulder and the acrid smell of burnt flesh and polyester assaulted his nose.
"You care so much about your dumb mysteries that you can't even recognize your family when it's right in front of your face?"
Ford's eyes were impossible to make out with the blinding light of the portal behind him, but if Stanley Pines had to guess, he'd imagine Ford was glaring at him.
Stanley Pines's hands shoved the journal into Ford's chest-
-and then Ford began to float.
His rage twisted into something different, something he didn't dare identify. "Whoa, whoa, hey, what's going on? Hey, hey, Stanford!"
Ford was floating towards the portal.
He flailed in the air, terror evident in his every movement. "Stanley! Stanley, help me!"
In Dimension 46'\, Stanley Pines would be helpless to do anything but watch.
In this dimension, he glanced around fearfully until catching sight of the nearby lever.
"Stanley, do something!"
An idea sprang to mind.
Stanley Pines had never before needed to make himself look like anything other than another face in the crowd, but if there was any time to change that, it was then.
He gulped and launched his right arm at the lever, stretching and stretching and stretching some more until his hand reached it, six feet away.
Good. He knew it was possible now.
Stanley Pines gripped the lever with everything he had-
-and flung his left hand at Ford's leg!
His arm grew and grew, and he saw Ford's eyes widen in shock, but then his fingers closed around Ford's ankle and he couldn't spare any thought for Ford's mental state.
All that mattered now was fighting the pull.
All that mattered now was getting Ford out of danger.
Stanley Pines screamed from the effort (and his shoulder screamed back at him in protest), but he managed to take one step back, and then another, and another, and then he was stumbling away from the hungry portal, Ford falling on top of him in a tangle of limbs.
The portal roared as it lost power, as though it was a ravenous predator and Stanley Pines had just stolen its prey.
Stanley Pines just heaved for air and painstakingly pulled his arms back to the proper lengths, shakily keeping his burnt shoulder off the ground as best he could.
"Stanley, I…"
"Zip it, Stanford." Stanley Pines snapped, sitting up and trying to get his legs under him. "You've made your point quite clear."
His legs gave out, and he groaned. "Oh, of all the shitty luck-!"
Ford pushed himself upright in the corner of Stanley Pines's vision, and Stanley Pines had to hide a wince at the horror in his brother's face. "Stanley, what happened to you?"
Accepting that his legs were going to make him pay for the stunt he'd just pulled with his arms, Stanley Pines huffed. "Do you want the short version or the long version? Because the short version is that I'm pretty sure I ran into a witch and she took pity on me."
Ford blinked.
No impassioned excitement over the existence of a witch with the ability to turn someone into a shapeshifter. No wide-eyed terror of the thing that had once been his brother. No anger over Stanley Pines meeting a real, honest-to-goodness magic user when Ford was the one who studied the weird and the anomalous. No pity directed at Stanley Pines's casual mention of the person who had apparently changed him into something just to the left of human.
Somehow, the exhausted blink was worse.
"If you want the long version, I'm getting myself some ice first." Stanley Pines grimaced, forcing himself to his feet. "I'm not dealing with this and a third-degree burn."
At that, Ford scrambled to his feet. "The sigil! Oh my gosh, Stanley, I'm so sorry, if I'd realized it was really you, I would've never-!"
"Yeah, well, you did." Stanley Pines snapped, clutching at the shoulder in question. (Was there a sigil burnt into his back now?) "Ice now, words later."
This was how the two found themselves sitting in what was probably Ford's kitchen a few minutes later.
Stanley Pines slumped against the table and let a bag of frozen peas sit against his burn, and for a moment the freezing cold let him breathe properly for the first time since being injured.
Then he shifted in place and rested his chin on his arms, levelling a hard glare at Ford and the notebook in his hands. "So. The long version started on our twenty-fifth birthday…"
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More Than He Seems?
I sent word for the man I intended to take the final journal, but to my surprise, it seems he, too, has come into contact with the supernatural! Or, more accurately, he has BECOME supernatural! (Shukdsv L vkrxogq'w eh vxusulvhg, wr eh iudqn. Zh vhhp wr kdyh edg vkl rgg oxfn lq wkdw uhjdug.)
When he first arrived, I had assumed he was the same selfish man I remembered, but he seems almost broken as he recounts his tale to me: on the night of our his 25th birthday, he was approached by a woman who I've identified as a magickal crone of some kind. Much like in the fairytales of old, she approached him for aid, and when he gave what he could to her, she offered him a boon in return.
(A sketch of a man in a zip-up hoodie, his eyes obscured by shadows. He holds a duffel bag over one shoulder.)
(Kh vdbv vkh dvnhg zkdw kh zdqwhg iru klv eluwkgdb. Kh doohjhgob dqvzhuhg, "Wr eh dqbrqh rwkhu wkdq klpvhoi.")
(9-19-25 26-1-18-8 12-3-7 20-9 3-9-7-2 5-19 5-19-25-2-6-22-16-8-6-19-26? 13'14 17-11-7-5-13-15-11 22-3-1 17-2-18-1 25-17-3 17-13-7-17-17-23 16-10 22-22-21-23 17-25-2-14-24-9.)
His boon revealed itself during an altercation with some of the shady characters he's encountered over the past decade: the ability to shapeshift! Unlike Shifty, he was not born with this ability, nor do his character or genome seem to be changing for the worse as he uses it. He prefers human faces, but for the most part, has stayed in the form that I assume is what he would look like if he hadn't gained this ability.
(A sketch of the man's face, caught in an anguished scream of pain. Three exclamation points float above his head.)
This leads me to my other point. When he came, I was aware of none of this. When I showed him the depths of my folly, he had the audaci countered with folly of his own, revealing his paranormal nature to me.
(A sigil. Specifically, the sigil on the control panel of the portal.)
I took it badly.
(R yizmwvw nb ldm yilgsvi drgs z hrtro nvzmg gl ezklirav fmuirvmwob vmgrgrvh, ufoob yvorvermt srn gl yv zm vhxzkvw Hsrugb! Lm gsv lmv szmw, R zn rnnvzhfizyob tozw gszg sv hfierevw zmw gszg R xzm mld szev hlnvgsrmt hlorw gl zmxsli nbhvou gl ivzorgb, yfg lm gsv lgsvi, sv xlfow hgroo hfxxfny gl rmuvx gsrh rh qfhg zmlgsvi rm nb olmt hgirmt lu nrh R YIZMWVW NB LDM UF dliwh xzmmlg vckivhh sld sliiryov R uvvo.)
In the fight that followed, he was injured, the portal was reactivated, and I was nearly pushed through. It was only the quick thinking of this man that saved me, using one arm to anchor himself and stretching the other to reach my leg and pull me back.
As he tells me his story now, immediately after the fact, (drgs uilavm kvzh lm srh yizmw rm zm vuulig gl ovhhvm gsv kzrm,) I believe I will not record it. Some things are not meant to be saved to the history books, and if the way he keeps skipping over large chunks is any indication, it is as uncomfortable for him to retell as it is for me to hear.
(A sketch of a bag of peas, held closed by a rubber band wrapped around the open end.)
I am going to offer him my spare room. It is the least I can do after harming him so.
(Dqg shukdsv L'p ehlqj d elw vhoilvk lq zdqwlqj wr nhhs vrphrqh forvh iru zkrp L kdyh vrolg hylghqfh L fdq wuxvw…hyhq li L lqiolfwhg wkdw hylghqfh xsrq klp pbvhoi zkhq qrw lq pb uljkw plqg.)
I can only hope he accepts.
"…and for the past four years, I've been pretty much anybody and everybody that wasn't Stanley Pines." He finished, though he did manage a sardonic laugh. "Fat lot of good it did me. I couldn't bring myself to cut off all contact with Ma, and that's probably how you managed to find me, and now here we are."
"Here we are…" Ford murmured, unable to meet Stanley Pines's eyes as he set the notebook aside.
"So, what's this 'sigil' supposed to do?" Stanley Pines asked, tilting his head against his arms like a tired student falling asleep at his desk. "Considering I'm pretty sure it's gonna be on my back for the rest of time, and all."
Ford cringed, but answered, "It's meant to be a ward against evil supernatural beings. I've…had some run-ins with malevolent tricksters before. One was an alien with a remarkable affinity for shapeshifting similarly to how you can. The other is a triangular demon that can enter one's dreams and make deals. He desires to have a physical form of his own, but is not above possessing others to enact his schemes."
"Okay, but what's it gonna do to me, Science Guy?" Stanley Pines almost rolled his eyes.
"Well, that's the rub." Ford admitted. "We were fighting, so the sigil must have recognized you as an attacker and acted accordingly, incapacitating you while you were in contact with it. At the same time, you…"
Stanley Pines gestured with one hand for Ford to keep going. "I…what?"
"…you saved me from being lost to the portal, so you couldn't have been intending to do lasting harm." Ford breathed, as though the mere idea froze him in place. "The sigil recognized you as not malicious at heart, so while it caused you to halt your attacks, it didn't disintegrate you like it would have if you were truly malevolent!"
"Wait, it woulda what-?!"
"And then it used the less lethal deterrent as a method to imbue itself into you as well!" Ford concluded, walking around to swap out Stanley Pines's wet bag of peas for another, fresh from the freezer. "You ought to be warded against such entities now, yourself!"
Stanley Pines groaned and let his forehead drop to the table with a 'clunk.' "Whoopee. A magic whatsit decided I'm not as big an asshole as I coulda been, so instead of just killing me instantly, it fucking branded me. Is this gonna heal up anytime soon?"
"Unfortunately, it will likely take as long to heal as any mundane burn this bad would." Ford admitted.
Stanley Pines buried his face in the crook of his elbow. "Dammit."
Ford muttered to himself, turning to leave the room. "I'll have to clear out one of the extra rooms, maybe see if the spare mattress is still in relatively okay shape…"
"Wait, what?" Stanley Pines stiffened. "Stanford, you really don't have to-!"
"Perhaps not, but Stanley, I want to." Ford cut him off and sat down across from him. "Were you anyone else, were you free of the sigil now on your back, I wouldn't. I wouldn't be able to afford to trust you. As it stands, you're really you, you really came, you're safe from whatever the demon might use me to do, and you've clearly been through a different sort of Hell than mine over the past ten years."
Stanley Pines lifted his incredulous gaze to his brother's. "I'm sorry, what was that about the demon using you? Can we go back to that?"
"I told you before, I've made mistakes." Ford sighed and intently studied a dark stain on the table. "One of those was extending my trust to a being that didn't deserve it."
Stanley Pines glanced around the house with a new understanding, seeing places where a human body the size of Ford's must have been slammed into stairs and walls where before he'd just seen a mess.
"He possesses you, doesn't he."
It wasn't a question.
Stanley Pines…no, Stan dropped his forehead back into his arms. "Alright. Alright. Guess I'll hang around a bit longer."
It wasn't like he had anything to go back to.
"So, how do you plan on getting this asshole out of your brain?"
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thecatboyfriend · 2 years
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[ ID: An image that reads “my tumblr year in review” on a blue box with various doodles surrounding it. End ID. ]
I posted 2,053 times in 2021
910 posts created (44%)
1143 posts reblogged (56%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.3 posts.
I added 3,323 tags in 2021
#rb - 516 posts
#art rb - 514 posts
#remi rambles - 487 posts
#q - 424 posts
#personal - 360 posts
#dsmp - 334 posts
#ranboo - 228 posts
#toh watchthru - 164 posts
#tubbo - 151 posts
#remi replies - 145 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i get to take art instead :d!!!!!! i have no idea what thatll be like but it was that or foods and the smell in that class makes me feel sic
My Top Posts in 2021
i want a cute bf. i want a hot gf. i want a swaggy partner. romance is disgusting. im aro <3
57 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 03:07:53 GMT
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[ ID: A digital drawing of Dave Strider and Karkat Vantas from Homestuck.
Dave is an albino trans man with pale skin, light blond hair, and red irises. He has black round shades on his head, a long sleeve black and white striped shirt with a red t-shirt over top, blue jeans, and black nail polish. Karkat is a chubby dark gray troll with small horns that go from red to yellow, along with pointed ears and sharp teeth. Vae're wearing an oversized black turtleneck and grey jeans.
Karkat is in Dave's lap, slouched against him and asleep. He has one hand against Dave's chest and the other hanging behind Dave. Dave has his chin on xer head, holidng vaer head and shoulders to him and looking down at him lovingly. The drawing has a red tint and there are hearts around them. End ID. ]
davekat <33333 i love them [ click for better quality || he/him for dave, he/vae/xe for karkat ]
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[ ID: A banner with black text that reads, "if you're not going to reblog/queue, don't bother to like bc likes do nothing" with a red heart emoji at the end. End ID. ]
61 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 06:03:39 GMT
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sasharcy beloveds,,,,,, <3
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76 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 04:26:25 GMT
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crona my beloved <3!!!!!
click for better quality || dont like if you dont rb
87 notes • Posted 2021-09-03 05:54:28 GMT
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art for @/ghostly-tart’s twinbur au!! i love this au sm <3
click for better quality || dont like if you dont reblog
156 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 08:55:23 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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akria23 · 6 years
Note: Part 2 of my all gay rec list...I really should do a girlxgirl one...there needs to be more stories truly. anyway....I accidentally deleted this whole damn thing and had to type not up again so thats why it took so long I was highly pressed. I almost said fuck it cause most of ya’ll gonna swipe past it anyway but I also like to keep my word so...not as good as when I first did it but here all the same. 
Crashing: one of those stories that are best when you're in need of something quirky and funny. Fred is tall nerdy and the responsible type while Sam is the short over the top drama queen that makes you laugh in a - that lil asshole - type of way. They're totally on different ends of the spectrum and it makes for a charming awkward combination that works.
The way he Looks: tells the story of Leo, a young man who does not have the ability to see. This lack has created a life of being dependent for him where those around him feel like he's incapable and thus his life is sheltered. That is until he meets Gabriel of course. Gabriel is a new student and after he starts to hang with Leo and his best friend he finds himself quickly enamored (read head over heels in love) with Leo. Gabriel doesn't view Leo's lacking the ability to see as a need for dependence as others do however, not being able to see doesn't mean Leo is incapable of doing - it means he just may have to do it differently. As Leo let's Gabriel into his world, Gabriel intern introduces him to the world we take for granted everyday.
Akron: a story that has no coming out issues introduces us Benny and Christopher who meet at a game and decided to get their attraction a shot. That is until Benny finds that their family history is more twisted and connected than either one of them would have ever thought possible (no not incest you losers lol). Benny finds himself stuck between still wanting to be with Christopher and the decision he knows those he loves would want him to make. They cute shit so...I would've been looking at my loved ones like 😬...
The Get Down: (Thizzee) The get down is about a a group of brothers and their friends coming together to create music. Set back when hip hop was in the scratch of a record and disco was the thing. Dizzee is a revolutionary - he tags (spray paints) as his preferred artistic release. And that's how he meets Thor, another tagger whose tags he's seen before. They become quick friends and then something more when Thor introduces him to a new world, where rules are different and freedom reigns - aka bish we all gay round these parts. The scene was hands down one of the best until the show topped itself by having this scene where the two stood in a house covered in their art that represented them both and painted one another while dancing around and laughing. A metaphorical beast - the intimacy, the endorphins, the thought of being so high on happiness that you feel strong enough to do anything allow yourself to be anything. Thizzee is just such purity man - usually I'm not even down for that type of shit but they really pulled the shit together on another level. Thor had respect for Dizzees art, understood him where others called him weird. He helped him realize this greatness of self acceptance.
Note: THD and Thizzee are both still important to me even though Netflix was a lil bitch. They're not overt like my other ships and that bothers some people. I get it after for many years of Hays not getting that rep we want to see them get to be overly physical because we lack that, but I think it's okay to create a story where overt is not the key, I just feel like EVERY story should not be that way cause then it's bad representation and message sending. Dizzee is my fav character, he's what I'd been waiting for for young black men for a long time.
Shelter: I'm sure everyone has seen this one - it's one of the few and more popular gay films we have in America. But I did add this one for a reason - before I get to that, for those of who who don't know, Shelter is about Zach a young man that works at a dead end job and seems at a standstill having given up hos dreams to help raise his nephew Cody because the father is a deadbeat and his sister, the mother, might as well be a deadbeat. Zach has an on again off again gf and it makes sense why they yoyo so much when Zach's best friend's older brother Shaun comes back to town. Zach been on hold for the D - that's okay because Shaun has been in love with him since before that was probably even okay.
Anywho - like I mentioned before I love to read as well, there is a book that is very very similar to Shelter. The book allows a deeper exploration of the characters and their stories - with only slight changes. The book takes Cody from a shit cute kid to an intelligent, charmer that excels at sass and whit. He even ends up getting his own book later in the series. So I'd def give it a try if you loved Shelter. The author is T.J Klune - Bear, Outter and The Kid, the sequel Who We Are and the the kids book, The Art of Breathing.
Also I have switch the vid for the Eyewitness I prefer the new one. And link to original rec list. 
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ka-go-me · 6 years
11 Questions:
Rules: Answer the questions you’re given, write 11 of your own and tag 11 people. Tagged by:  @thathanyouinuyasha
1.) When you think of your muse, what’s the first scenario that comes to mind?        Aa...I think of her in miko kosode no hakama or a beautiful kimono with Inuyasha not too far from her-or with his arms around her.
2.) Do you think if you and your muse were in a room together, you’d get along?        Uhm....Probably? Though I don’t know if we’d actually have anything in common...lol. The only way to really find out though would be to actually put us together in a room. Sadly that’s impossible...
3.) Do you tell people that you RP?  Why or why not?          Yes. Ofc I do. I don’t care who knows. xD It’s my damn escape-PLUS it’s a creative outlet. No one can look down on me for that.
4.) What is your favorite thing to do outside of the internet?          Outside of the net~I like to--play games. Video games, D&D, Star Wars table top RPG. I also like to hang out with my girlfriend...When I can. I love to read and draw occasionally, watch movies and TV shows I have on DVD, cosplay sometimes and go window shopping. :)
5.) What do you consider when looking at people to RP with?          Depends on the platform I’m RPing on really...But one constant is that the person can write with proper punctuation and grammar.          Here on tumblr, I like it if they’ve taken the time to write out rules and a bio (especially if its an OC), and generally I look to see if they’ve taken any sort of time on their pages. Although that isn’t a requirement--I tend to lean toward those muns who have put some effort into their page layouts. 
6.) Pineapple on pizza or no?           I’m good with it~! I love Hawaiian pizza.
7.) What are some other things that you enjoy?  Movies, books, youtube, social media, photography, drawing, singing, etc?          Err--Reading, cosplay, drawing, video games, a shiz ton of other fandoms, collecting things, candy, IMVU, Pintrest, Youtube, G+, Discord, Comic Books, MY GF, friends...
8.) Do you have any pets?         Three Kitties!! Speccy, Woo and What’s-His-Face.
9.) If your muse could describe you, what would they say?          A sugar fairy with problems saying “no” to people, but very pushy at the same time and opinionated out the wazoo--but also a listener who works as well as a peer mediator.          probbaly...?
10.) Why did you choose your muse?            She--wasn’t my first choice...Though it boiled down to the fact that the people I was RPing with when I finally did start using her--didn’t have that character in the roster. So I took her up. I just stayed with her after because I found I could actually do so much with her personality-and build her up to be much more than the sum of her canonical parts. 
11.) What is your stance on the whole icon vs non icon debate?              Um,...I don’t have one??? I use icons---but---honestly---if you don’t--Irdc? That’s your choice--and it doesn’t bother me one way or the other. 
The 11 Questions the next person has to answer:
1.] Why have you stuck with the muse(s) you use now?
2.] What’s your take on the manga vs anime debacle?
3.] Subbed or dubbed?
4.] How old were you when you started to rp?
5.] Why do you RP now? 
6.] Favorite food?
7.] If you could ask your muse(s) ONE thing--what would it be?
8.] What are the movies that stand out to you as the best of all time?
9.] If you could change anything from the actual canon of your muse what would it be?
10.] What drew you to RPing on tumblr?
11.] Where is your fantasy vacation destination?
Tagging: @ncohi, @slayersheart, @thecrescentofthewest, @akaimiko, @isagiyo, @tatteredteacups or @imperishableblaze, @thathanyouinuyasha (cause--I wanna know? xD) @collectiveillusion And whoever else...Idk.
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