#look at the gay old men. yeah. yum
art-of-the-maiden · 6 months
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i wasn’t super sold on royalteeth/kingleader/kingmaster until i discovered my partner kins kinger and i kin caine. therefore, i had to draw them being dumb gay old men
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they r holding handz <3
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girlbookwrm · 5 years
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(or it was at any rate, it took me Some Time to get this all typed up because holy fuck it’s long. looks like i’ve got Some Feelings about The Winter Soldier. WHO KNEW)
ANYWAY, if you’re wondering what the hell this is all about i’ve been rewatching all the marvel movies (and commentating on them) in preparation for Avengers: Endgame and NOW IT IS TIME FOR MY FAVORITE ONE
Day 912: i still miss the old marvel logo
“~on your left ;)~” honestly? iconic.
God Bless Steven Grant Rogers and his Smedium Shirts.
Steve, known bisexual disaster, is hitting on Sam here. this isn’t even in question, right? Sam’s quip about “making me look good to the girl at the front desk” was a soft rejection and Steve takes it like a champ.
Important to note: the black widow uses emojis in her text messages. 
Also important to note: Sam Wilson hits on the Black Widow because he flies into combat at 100 miles per hour wearing a tee-shirt and dad jeans he fears nothing not even death itself
also also important to note that The Roommate went to see this movie by herself, low key cosplaying as Fem!Cap. she did this in part because I had gone to see it first (i was in the UK at the time, and it came out over there before it came out in the US. ~IRONY~) and as soon as I got back from seeing it (i had low-key cosplayed as fem!Hawkeye. it’s a long story) I emailed her and was like O HAI U SEEN DIS? U WILL LIKE IT. ~and she dii-iiiiiid.~
every time i see this scene now, i hear that bit from the gag real.
cevans: Kill the engines. wait for instructions. *whining and stamping his foot* cuz i’m in chaaaaaaaarge.
Being asked about your dating life and then immediately jumping out of an airplane is a Big Mood
I would like us all to appreciate that steve put a nice matte stealth finish on his patriotic dinner plate, special for this mission. 
Also, we’re all agreed that Steve kills at pool, yeah? Give me Steve being a pool shark at the local watering hole plz n thank.
Steve: *punches a guy through the shield*
The Roommate: but why does he punch that guy through the shield?
Me, having a Terrible Thought: Maybe one time he accidentally punched through a guy’s face and ever since then he uses the shield as, like, a buffer when he wants to take people alive.
~Hey Sailor ;)~
that one guy working for Batroc really needs to lay off the steroids, or whatever is giving him this Unnecessary Rage. You know the guy I mean.
love how batroc is jchilling and then WHAM! IT IS I! AMERICA!
did he learn this from Dernier? he learned this from Dernier.
The Gal Pal: that is a ridiculously huge flash drive
Me, Just Now: overcompensate much?
Nat’s little eyeroll after Steve says “you’re damn right”
The Roommate: Nat is So Tired of Steve’s Drama™. And now she’s going to have to deal with his cold shoulder the whole flight back, and she’s going to have no one to talk to but Rumlow and uggghhhhhh
Steve comes into Fury's office and Damn. Dat Ass.
The Roommate: They know what they're doing here.
eyyyyyy tony’s in this movie (kinda)
I love that Steve just like, drives around with the shield on his back. 
Enter The Smithsonian.
The Roommate: I! LOVE! THIS! SO! MUUUUUUCH!!!
Me: Gee sure would be nice to be able to go to a smithsonian right now.
*american sobbing intensifies*
The Roommate: what is the timeline here? does he come straight back from the mission into yelling at fury? and then straight here?? Is Steve just like “oop time to go look at my old stuff and Emote”? Is this his routine??
listen yall know the extent of my BuckRogers feels but every time they pull out that compass i develop a terrible case of The Steggies.
“It’s just not the same” ha ha kill me.
~So Dramatic ;)~
Fury’s Computer:
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At This Juncture The Commentators Would Like It Noted That It Has Been 23 Solid Minutes of Stuff We 1000% L O V E and everyone’s favorite brainwashee has not even appeared yet.
but he’s coming
s o o n
Also, we all hate Alexander Pierce but he is a great villain and also Robert Redford might be an older fella but he can definitely still get it heyooo
Steve is so awkward here. But like, imagine him actually going to one of these VA things, like everyone’s all “ied this, helicopter that” and steve’s just like “so one time in ‘44 i punched my way into a panzer”
at this moment, the DC driving types lost their goddamn minds.
“You wanna see my lease?” i c o n i c. 
Did you know that SLJ was an actual Black Panther? I did not know this, but as soon as the Gal Pal told me, i was like “oh yeah that checks out.”
meanwhile, the couch based road rage continued all around me.
“Traffic alert? on the Roosevelt Bridge? Yeah in other news WATER IS WET.”
“wait is he getting on 66? ARE YOU GETTING ON 66?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???”
“Have you ever even been on 495?????”
just like, damn gurl, u make that highway ur catwalk. 
Me: What the hell kind of laser pointer do you have there, Nick?
The Gal Pal & The Roommate: It’s A Lightsaber.
The Roommate: So is this just like? An Average Day In The Life Of Captain Rogers? Get up, go for a run, annoy a veteran, fly to the other side of the world, kick ass, fly home, talk back to a superior officer, drop my priceless shield off at home, go emote at a smithsonian exhibit, have my heart ripped out by my nonagenarian ex, go flirt with annoy a veteran (part two, now with added Feelings™) go home, get rejected by my neighbor, CHASE A FUGITIVE.
honestly his neighbors must hate him
that’s why Sharon’s his neighbor, everyone else LEFT.
The Biggest Flash Drive
Let’s Not Forget, that because she is undercover as a nurse, Sharon probably just kicked that door down with crocs.
let’s appreciate that the Soldier’s theme music is just SCREAMING and also you should know that every time it comes on, the Gal Pal and I start SCREAMING. not, like, in an “oh we’re excited” way, just, like, the way you sing along to the theme song of your favorite TV show, you know?
The Roommate: good job with your eyeliner there, buddy. You Did Your Best.
The Gal Pal: That Is Dupont Circle and Steve is Extremely Gay. 
(yes, we know he’s bi.)
Natasha really should know better than to believe that Nick is dead.
The Gal Pal: genuinely, it’s such a bad hiding place it stresses me out.
The Roommate: Yeah, what was he thinking? I mean, was his logic just that no one likes that gross bubblegum?
The Roommate: ... yeah but it’s the gross bubblegum flavor?
At this point we lost a few minutes to divide into Pro and Anti Bubblegum Camps and then had to run the movie back because we missed:
~Neighbor ;)~
i c o n i c
The Roommate: Sir. Stop Having That Face. That is Illegal.
(she is having A Difficulty. The Difficulty is cevans’ jawline)
But seriously: What actually happens in this scene? We are all Steve and we all want to punch our way out of this confusing conversation.
God that face/those tits/that ass tho
Young Man. You Stop That.
THE ELEVATOR SCENE. I mean how many movies can say that some of their best scenes happen in an elevator? That alone is a real accomplishment.
They’re all ~soooo casual~ and then there’s rollins, who isn’t even trying. “records.” These WWE wrestlers are not going to records, come on.
at this point we stopped commentating except in inarticulate whoops of delight and shrieks of glee. except for one brief aside
Me: This scene is so sexy, but like, not in a sexy way? Like, the fighting style isn’t that “oooo I’m fighting in a sexy way” it’s just, it’s so...!
The Roommate: Primal?
and I regret to inform you all that yes, she is 100% Correct, it is indeed sexy in a primal way.
“whoa big guy”
i just.
that’s all i got on that
tiny turtle of freedom
we had the subtitles on, and it just says “woman screams” Screams in what? JOY? 
It’s raining men! Hallelujah!
“Stand down, Captain Rogers! Stand! Down!
Captain Rogers: *accelerates*
They’re being made to watch social media so what I want to know is which poor SHIELD guy got stuck monitoring tumblr?
“oh we’re getting all kinds of hits but uhhhhhhhhh they’re not......... pertinent..............”
why doesn’t The Biggest Flash Drive have a cap? it is now full of crumbs. it’s full of crumbs, guys. if it’s going to be that big it should at least be one of those cool slider ones.
“Are you calling for my resignation? do you know who i am? Bitch I Am Robert Redford.”
Apple Store Aaron. “hey guys why’s your flash drive so big??”
“yeeeah. we’re getting married.”
Honeymoon destinations -- where are you going?
Steve: (without thinking, reads the first thing he sees) New Jersey
Steve: *dies a little inside*
Steve: *forgive me bucky for i have sinned*
I love that they’re coming out and Steve is 100% tactical brain and then Nat’s just like “put your arm around me and laugh” and when it works Steve just looks back over his shoulder like:
oh my god it worked???
sPyING is WitCHCraFT?????
“was that your first kiss since 1945?”
“That was not my first kiss since 1945,” said Steven Grant Rogers, Who Is Definitely Lying, and Furthermore, Is Fooling Exactly No One.
Sidenote: Ship and let ship, obviously and always, but I love Steve and Nat as BROS too much to ever see them romantically, The Bromance Is Strong With Them.
it’s been said before, but it’s worth saying again
Steve: kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience.
Bucky, ten minutes later, wearing bondage gear: HELLO IT IS I
of course he memorized the army regulations.
Listen. The cell phone trick Bugs Me™ and the only thing that lets me get through it is the idea that they cleverly cut around natasha standing there for 40 minutes trying out every possible permutation of those numbers, with possible duplications.
I like the idea that Computer!Zola has been building this little fanvideo since the mid-seventies and he’s just! so excited! to show it to someone!
Steve punching the screen is another Big Mood.
“even captain america and the black widow can’t survive a missile Directly To The Face” BITCH U THOUGHT
it’s nice that they give bucko a kirk light here
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~u want some milk? ;)~
honestly, what the fuck even is that line.
they made Robert Redford say that line.
what does it mean
altho tbh i want a slightly grubby Steve in a tank top to give me a pep talk, like, every day. that would be fine.
The Gal Pal, A Curly Haired Individual: hhhhhhhow did Natasha straighten her hair. This makes me So Angry.
Me: I mean, I like to imagine her with Sam’s Iron and ironing board, just like *mimes frantically ironing hair with a Very Soviet Expression*
Fort Meade is the best scene that isn’t in the movie.
Aw Gary Shandling’s here. Awwwww Gary Shandling...
Sam, are you intimidating this guy or flirting with him?
To Those who remember the Potato/Gremlin Scale, I propose a third option, a kind of venn diagram situation going on, where the third option is Fey Creature. Sam is neither Potato nor gremlin, but he might be a Fey Creature.
God I love this scene.
LOOK AT SAM HERE: No armor, no flightsuit, no fucking knee pads no goddamn helmet just Casual Dad Falcon, Suns Out Guns Out.
Steve: What the fuck’s an SAT.
he’s coming.
he’s here.
is it murder or is he modeling?? “you got this Soldier, make ‘em wait for it... Boom.”
this is the greatest fight scene of all time, honestly. This and then the fight scene in the first RDJ holmes movie are the Only fight scenes i can even remotely stand to watch. Except maybe some of the bending battles in ATLA. but this scene. this is top of the list. it’s just. *kissy chef fingers*
Soldier strolling along not firing his weapon because he has no shot and he is a Child of the Depression who don’t waste no bullets.
only loses his cool when Widow Breaks his stuff.
Sam Wilson: Brings a pocket knife to an automatic rifle fight and wins.
“go, I got this!”
aw yeah you do
Soldier strolling along the street. so bored. could be home watching project runway.
That thing Soldier does with the arm Does Things to me for reasons that I choose not to examine too closely
“who the hell is bucky” wow there Soldier you went from Full Russian to American Accented English awfully quick I Wonder Why
Soldier’s reaction to confusion is to Immediately Shoot and honestly that’s a Big Mood.
We are all agreed that the only reason SHIELD succeeds in taking Steve in is because
look at that face
steve’s not here right now, please leave a message.
natasha y r u surprised that Fury is alive?
oh noooooooooooo it’s time for this scene
Robert Redford to James Buchanan Barnes: You are a literal treasure.
The Roommate: yeahhhhh this was maybe an. inappropriate scene for me to have to see in a theater. alone.
I love that while they’re making this ridiculous plan (yeah it’s ridiculous, i don’t care) Fury has to check in with Sam (WHO HE HAS LITERALLY NEVER MET BEFORE) presumably to just touch base and be like “Is this White Nonsense™?”
spoiler alert it is not White Nonsense™, but it definitely is Extra™
DAT JAWLINE THO. of course he’s giving the orders, LOOK AT THAT JAWLINE
I’m with you to the end of the line.
what kind of marriage vow nonsense is that
This is the second secure government facility that they have broken into. Possibly the third, depending whether you count the bunker.
Dem Asses. Seriously. Everyone in this shot has an enviable ass. *distinguished golf clapping* bravo
“~Excuse us~” i c o n i c
God, Steve gives this speech and then we get sam’s reaction and you can physically see him having a sexual identity crisis and honestly BIG MOOD THERE, SAM
I have questions about the effect of this on the potomac river which has already had a hard enough time and does not deserve this Supervillain Nonsense.
you are ON FOOT steven. it is a FLYING AIRCRAFT CARRIER and you are ON! FOOT!
i’m so mad that it works too
mad, but like, also turned on. duh.
what’s cap’s true superpower? DRAMA
The saddest thing in this movie is that Jenny Agutter is Scarlet Johansson
don’t get me wrong, i like scarjo but this movie would’ve been even better if it wasn’t the black widow and was just a badass old british lady.
The Roommate: Sam’s superpower is that he’s the sane one.
Me: He flies into combat at 100 miles per hour with a jet pack and a tee shirt he is not the sane one.
The Roommate: Sam’s superpower is that he’s the emotionally balanced one?
Me: given the aforementioned armorless airborne combat situation that is highly fucking debatable my dude.
let’s appreciate that Bucky is definitely flying this quinjet with a dead guy that he just murdered as his copilot.
i don’t know why that is so badass to me but it is
again, we don’t have time to unpack all of that, moving on.
sidenote: i’m gonna really enjoy coming back to this movie after Captain Marvel. I can just feel it.
Maria is so casual about this. And that is an extremely sexy thing. I’m not sorry.
“Hey Sam, I’m gonna need a ride.”
Sam is still learning Rogersese and does not know that this means “I ALREADY DID THE STUPID THING PLEASE COME GET ME.”
Bucky ripping the wings off a beautiful butterfly
because Sam IS a beautiful butterfly.
except now his knees and legs and ankles are all broken because That’s How Bones Work.
he’s here
lol of course he’s got a knife.
I just love the sounds the arm makes.
the slide Bucky does here, this isn’t combat this is voguing.
Steve fights like the world is his barroom, bucky fights like the world is his catwalk.
what’s the found family version of a BroTP? I have that for Dad!Nick and Adopted!Soviet!Assassin!Daughter!Natasha.
found familotp? FFOTP? no, that sounds like some kind of tactical asset. “LAUNCH THE FFOTP”
anyway, get on this tumblr, i want at least 10 options on my desk by monday.
This Extra. He could honestly make a living playing Confederates and Klansmen, you know which extra I mean.
“wHere ahre the tahrgets?”
the targets... is we.
A DC Local Aside: Everyone on 495 is So Tired of this nonsense. I sincerely hope they all remembered to pee before they left work. I hope they have snacks and water in their cars. because they now live on 495.
this shitshow is gonna fuck up our already extremely fucked up traffic patterns for yeeeeaaaaarrrrrssssss
Sam’s a born quipper, so i really like it when he sees the helicarrier coming down and just fucking bolts. NO TIME FOR SASS WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE
“Got a location on Rogers?”
Don’t know where he is, but he’s doing something stupid, i Guarantee It.
“you know me.”
“nNOo I dOn’T!”
Oh Steve. You put that shield down So Often. And you keep having to fucking pick it up a-fucking-gain.
And This Was The Moment When We All Realized That We Were In Trouble.
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Big Mood, Bucky. Big Mood.
Sam wasn’t on the approved visitor’s list or anything, he just winked at one (1) nurse and they let him in.
i know just what to say it’ll annoy him so fucking much. “on your left.”
“Why haven’t we heard from Captain Rogers?”
Because he is taking a damn nap.
no but seriously, because if we put him in front of a camera right now, you will get the Talking To of the Century.
*eight hours later, congress is crying, hydra has surrendered, fox news is shutting down, steve rogers is still going strong* “AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON STUDENT DEBT!”
~cool guys don’t look at congressional meltdowns. They drop the mic and they walk away~
(they did film some in DC, obviously, but also cleveland.
*emoting at exhibits intensifies*
in sum i have been typing for Too Long and I’m going to hit post so i can Go To Bed but there may need to be Corrections in the morning who tf knows
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katybelle83 · 5 years
Ultimate Fantasy Come True
So here is a fanfic about Adrian Toomes. Whew that was a ton of writing. Note I haven’t written in nearly 10-15 years! I would appreciate feedback. Enjoy!!!
Pairing: Adrian Toomes x OC
The satin sheets surrounded me as I slept. I hadn't realised that I had fallen asleep until I felt a pair of strong arms around me and when a voice whispered in my ear, saying "What are you doing here?" I woke up startled and gasped as my assailant glared down at me with blazing familiar blue eyes. I stammered, unsure how to respond, "Well, uh--" and I didn't get to finish my sentence because a pair of soft lips crashed down onto my own with such quickness that I didn't know what had hit me.
"Don't talk," he whispered. "I want you and I am going to have you! Just lay back and enjoy the rest of the night while I make sweet love to you until the dawn!"
"Oh baby, bay-bee! KATE!!!" I sat up quickly and saw my coworker, Kelly, nudge my arm. "Frankie's gonna be mad if we don't get this inventory done by the time we're supposed to open tomorrow!"
"Sorry", I replied. "I drifted off into one of my infamous day dreams again." Kelly smiled, knowingly, "Oh, you mean about you know who?" I replied, sheepishly, "Yeah, about Adrian!"
I had an almost unhealthy obsession with this certain villain, Spiderman’s arch nemesis to be exact. And I had for a long, long time. And Kelly knew all about it too. My family was close to Peter Parker’s especially with Mae, whom my mother grew up with. I wasn’t really close to Peter as I was a bit older than him, but I knew his secret and Adrian Toomes’ secret. Kelly giggled, "man if only Liz Toomes’ dad knew about you and your crazy obsession. Man he would think you was loco or something!" Yeah right, I thought, he doesn't even know I exist. Well I did meet him and his family at a function. I had also tutored Liz on occasion before her parents divorced. "He would think you were mental and a stalker or something." She looked over at me and said, "Girl I was just playing. I mean maybe he would be flattered that you were into him. Who knows. I don't know how the man thinks!" She continued to shelve the movies by alphabetical order. Well, I brightened up a little, not because I thought I would actually have a chance or anything, but that maybe he would be flattered that a younger person was interested in him, in all sorts of ways. And even for an older man he was still very sexy and fine as hell!!! My parents, especially my dad, always chided me saying I needed to grow up and that this obsession with older men had gone way too far and that I was way too old to have posters of silver fox celebrities on my wall. Well, I never listened to him anyways. I didn't think it was all that bad. I wasn't a bad kid. I did fairly well in school and stayed out of trouble for the most part. And now I am in my thirties and still hot for older guys. Though since I am grown up now I can lust and obsess all I want without anyone nagging me. And when I fantasize about Adrian, it just gets my blood boiling hot and part of the reason is because he is an older man and a great looking one at that, With a twenty year old body. Yum Yum!! So maybe he would be flattered that someone nearly 20 years his junior would be lusting after him but I didn't share that thought with Kelly. Anyway, it is not like she would really understand even though we have become quite good friends. I mean she has the hots for Sandra Bullock and has a butch girlfriend. Yes, Kelly is a lesbian. But perhaps, maybe she would know how it felt to lust after someone she couldn't have. It just wouldn't be a guy in her case so I do take that back. I suppose that was unfair.
We continued to shelve the videos under the proper categories in silence for awhile. Tomorrow we would be re-opening the store after it was relocated, and revamped. It used to be sleazy and in a bad part of town but once it was taken under new management, we prayed that would change. With all the upgrades to the store, I was hoping and so was Frankie, that we would be getting a lot better mix of clientele. I suppose working at an adult XXX store had its advantages. I would get to see who is naughty. Would I see classmates, or neighbours or friends here? Well I would find out soon enough.
Kelly and I finally finished cataloguing the videos and then got ready to head home. It had already been a long day and I was ready to go home and relax. We said our goodbyes and left. It was a hot day so I went home and drew a long cool bath with scented candles. I turned on some slow music that got me into a horny mood. I leaned back and closed my eyes and began breathing deeply. I slowly began to massage myself with the bath oils (imagining someone else's hands instead of my own) and running them all over my body and concentrating on the places I liked to be touched, especially my nipples and clit. and I was once agian thinking of my fantasy man. After awhile I scolded myself for being silly. But why not. What the hell? What was wrong with a little harmless fantasy. It wasn't like I was stalking the man. I mean, I admit I downloaded a picture of Adrian from a local article. But that is about how far my obsession goes, really. In the big scheme of things, that is not all that bad. I mean, look at the crazed female fan of David Letterman's, who apparently broke into his house and told everyone she was Mrs. Letterman. She of course was apprehended. But that is way obsessive compulsive if you ask me. I guess you can say that Adrian Toomes is my little indulgence in life. Indulgences are different with each person. Sometimes it's ice cream, or a new pair of shoes or a foot massage. For me, it's my "man". Don't get me wrong. I am not mental or anything or so ugly that no one would ever go out with me. I have had several boyfriends, but they all turned out to be brainless dawgs!!!
The last one, Mark, I am pretty sure was cheating on me with his ex-wife, Loretta and tried to tell me he had nothing to do with her. Yeah I am that much of a drr drr drr. I ride the special bus to school!, No, I was not born yesterday and if he wanted to keep going out with that ugly hoe or screwing her, fine with me! I mean this bitch was so ugly. And she reeked of cigarettes all the time and he reeked of cigarettes all the time. And he doesn't even smoke but his car always did so that told me something right there. When I was "dating" him (if that is what you want to call it. We hardly went on any., It was more of come over to my place for a night of lousy fucking!) I always felt like he didn't want to do things with me. Like it was a forced effort. Like putting me on the back burner. I was angry at him for cheating on me for a moment, but it wasn't like it was the end of the world. I didn't go into a drastic state of depression or anything like that. I was more mad at myself for even attempting to go out with such a loser as Mark. And another thing that really bugged me about him and his attitude was that he avoided my family like the plague. If you want to be my boyfriend, then at least include my family in a fraction of our relationship. Come over for dinner or hang out at the house. Well I found out that he was avoiding my parents especially because he was a registered sex offender. And not that that really bothered me. He gave me the whole story and I don't think he should be on the list for what it was he supposedly did, but his fucking ex wife was involved so just because of sticking around that stupid bitch drug fiend woman, then he gets what he deserves. I cut it off there, the relationship, not his cock, though I should have. But to be honest there wasn't even anything really to cut off in the first place. Besides, he wasn't that cute anyways. I pride myself in not being hot but being satisfied with how I look and I know that I could have landed someone with much better looks and that wasn't such an asshole to begin with. I guess I just felt sorry for the poor bastard which is why I even considered going out with him.
So I told myself that I needed a break in the relationship area for awhile at least. But that didn't mean that I stopped thinking about men and sex in particular, considering I never really got any that was worthy to be called sex. I am still human and I do get horny and randy. Part of the reason I got the job at the store was so that I could somewhat experiment with my own sexuality and be around all sorts of people, straight, gay, lonely,, or taken and embrace all kinds of sexuality in the air. And one thing that many of my customers shared in common with me was fantasy. I firmly believe that fantasy is a healthy part of life like our dreams and if I wanted to fantasize about Adrian Toomes , then dammit I was going to fantasize about him. And that was easy to do.
After my bath, I wrapped myself in a satin robe and slipped on my slippers and walked into my room, There I flopped onto my bed and then kicked off my slippers once again and I looked at Adrian’s picture. My hands slowly undid my robe and my hand slipped between my legs and I slowly started to stroke myself while my other hand played with my tits, pinching and twisting them and imagining that Adrian was going to come out of the picture and have his way with me. I rubbed faster, pinched harder and worked myself into a frenzy. I grabbed my vibrator from under my pillow, rammed it into me and turned it on to the highest setting. I felt ripples of pleasure soaring through me. I felt the tidal waves getting higher and higher and was on the verge of a huge orgasm! And that is when the phone rang. Normally I would have just ignored the phone but sometimes something happens to just ruin the mood. So I decided to just get up and dressed, after I answered the phone. it ended up being a stupid ass recording about lowering your mortgage. I don't even have a fucking mortgage, stupid drr drr drr's!
Our re-opening was successful. And I got to see a lot of people who I know and that were really embarrassed when they approached the counter with their arms full of naughty items and seeing me there at the register. I tell them not to worry, it's natural. I do it too! Hell I work here. Don't be ashamed. But I have seen some people that I was not expecting to see here. My old boss and his wife were here the day after re-opening and that was a complete shocker. I always thought of my boss as a prude but I knew that wasn't the case when he came up to the counter with bondage items, and naughty DVD's and the strap on that his wife was going to use to fuck him in the ass with. And I have seen people here from school and church. I even saw my bestest friend here with her husband, Nadia and Kenjii. and many of them liked the arcade we had where for seven dollars you can watch a full length film. A lot of customers came in for that alone. I found myself enjoying my job more and more. I had lots of interesting chats with people there and not just about sex but about their kids, or friends or foes, troubles, or their jobs. I knew that I had found a happy niche in my life and I was pretty happy with where it was going. Soon I would have my degree and I could move on to better things, but at the moment I knew my life was a smooth ride. Nothing could have made me happier, or so I thought.
Kelly was sick so I was left closing the store by myself. We weren't too busy and most everything was done. It was just waiting for the clock to strike midnight so that I could lock up and go home, after a quick vacuum and counting out the drawer. The clock was dragging onto 11. Another long hour and there wasn't a customer for the last 20 minutes. I was trying not to let my head droop but I kept jerking my head up. The clock read 11. Droop. Jerk. 11:14.  One couple came in and bought some magazines. Droop. Jerk. 11:36. No customers. Droop. Jerk. WIDE AWAKE! I I had not noticed him come in. A man was standing there, about to tap me on the shoulder but glancing at the floor. He wanted to watch the Big Bosomed Beauties DVD, already with the seven dollars in his hand, shoved towards me. He was trying to avoid my gaze, a ball cap pulled down over his eyes. I straightened up in my seat and took the money. "Don't be ashamed man. I watch dirty movies too." I said. 11:55. "Oh damn! I am closing in 5 minutes. Come back tomorrow. We are open until 2. I am so sorry. I drifted off" The man continued to stare at the floor and stammered. " oh-oh no I'm am sorry. I thought you were open until two tonight. I misread the time." this in a quiet voice. I handed back his money and thought gods why does he sound so familiar. He put the money back in his pocket and handed me the DVD. Then in a complete change of attitude, he looked up at me, took off the ball cap and winked. He said, "then I'll be back tomorrow sugar. Sure hope you are working then" and with a quick turn on his heel he was gone. I just sat there frozen, my heart stopped in my chest and I couldn't breathe. The man standing before me just now was....No it couldn't be. But it was. Dammit it was him. Come on and pull yourself together Kate, I told myself. I walked to the door to lock it in a daze. No activity in the parking lot. No cars but my own. The man was Adrian Toomes or his identical twin. That was why he sounded familiar to me. I just couldn't believe it. Nah, I was just hallucinating. It was just someone playing with my head. Someone that looked just like him and sounded like him. That's all. Remember, I was drifting in and out of sleep. Droop. Jerk. I probably wasn't even all the way awake. I must have been dreaming. I pinched myself really hard. 12:03. I was awake. The big bosomed Beauties DVD still in my hand. I just felt numb. I counted out the drawer, locked up and went home.
I dropped my keys on the hallway table, fed the kitten, let the dog out and prodded to my room. I kicked off my shoes, threw off my clothes and put on my bed t-shirt. I didn't even glance at Adrian’s photo as I turned off the light and climbed into bed. I couldn't. The only thing I could do was replay what had happened tonight. His eyes, those sexy blue eyes (with a hint of brown), that face, and that smile. God it looked like him. It did it did it did! I don't make stuff up like this in my daydreams; it was all too real. How else did that DVD end up in my hand. That guy was no one else. No one could have sounded or looked like him dead on. I had so much trouble falling asleep, those images of my man going through my head over and over again. .The man staring at the floor, looking up at me, winking. Smiling. Adrian Toomes....
The next day dragged on. I didn't have to show at work till 8 pm since I had the late shift. I kept myself busy during the day by finishing up my shopping, taking the dog out for a nice long walk/run, and I listened to some upbeat music. I told myself that I was really tired and that there was no way in hell that Adrian Toomes was in the store last night. It was just some guy and he was playing games with my head, whether it be intentional or unintentional.. The store was hopping that night, it being Friday. We had a good business and a lot of couples wanting to use the arcade. Since we were so busy, I soon forgot about the whole affair and the fact that "he" said he would be back. Like he would make an appearance at a place like this and avoid being seen. I could just see the headlines now. "The Vulture seen in the naughty store on Calypso Drive up in Falls Springs, California!" ha ha yeah right! No drooping or jerking tonight. Frankie had come in tonight to help with customers but he left around 12:30 because he promised his wife a good fucking so I bid him farewell and happy fucking! I started closing procedures. I closed the arcade since after 12:30 or one it was useless to get any use out of it since it wasn't enough time to watch a whole film by closing time. I left the light on in the arcade so that I could vacuum later after I locked the door. The last hour was deader than dead and I was glad that I may get to get home at a good time, before 3 at least. I went to lock the door and proceeded to count the drawer. Then I vacuumed the lobby and straightened all the displays.
I proceeded to the arcade to finish a quick clean. I gasped and stifled a near scream. There sitting in the front of the room by the screen was......him! "B-b-b-bu-tt, oh god this is not happening!" I stuttered and felt very faint. He smiled that sexy smile of his and laughed quietly. " I managed to slip in before you locked the door. Didn't I tell you I would be back?!" I shivered a little. “Well it's not like I m-m-mind but I don't know what game you are playing mister and we are closed so I am going to have to a-a-ask you to leave, p-p-p-l-ease." He stood up and walked towards me, leaving about two inches between us. Gods, it really was him!!!! My heart jumped to my throat and my mouth turned sandy dry. I started to perspire and my breathing came in short gasps. He continued, "Yes I am who you think I am and none other.. And I know how you feel about me as well.. I mean the looks you dropped at me during the Spring Gala and those times you came to tutor Liz. Thought I didn’t notice? Well sugar buns? I did notice. You probably think I am stalking you." He backed up for a minute, holding up his hands. "No that was just coincidence. I am actually visiting some good friends. On the way back to my hotel, I saw this place and decided to check it out since it looked almost empty and hopefully no one would recognise me and I wouldn't attract much attention.  And yes we dads have urges too! Yeah it is like that.   Anywhoo, that's when I recognised you as Liz’s tutor. So I thought I would drop by again tonight and well here I am!" and with that he came closer once again, his frame only inches from my body. His face was so close to mine I could feel him breathing and then he smile that wicked smile once again, his hot breath brushing my face. I think I only took in about half of what he just said. I then realised that my back was pressed into the wall behind me. Damn he smelled good, my head was swimming. He leaned closer and put his mouth to my ear and whispered, "You know, it's been a long time since I have been with a woman, and an even longer time since I have been with one as good looking as you." My breathing once again stopped right there. I felt the world go black and I think I fainted.
That's when I felt his arms catch me and bring me back up and he pushed me gently against the wall. He pressed his lips into mine then whispering against them, "Don't think that I don't know about all the things you fantasize about me. Well I do know and I am going to let you fulfill your wildest fantasies with me tonight, right here." He continued to kiss me. I slipped my arms around his neck and returned the kiss and he slipped his tongue into my mouth and slowly explored it. I slipped my arms around his neck and gripped at him hard, stroking his hair. He began to kiss his way to my neck while his hands started to explore my body in slow motion. He found my ass and cupped his palms around it and pushed me towards him. I could feel him getting hard. This was turning me on so badly. I wanted him inside of me. The fire was burning inside of me intensely. My legs got weak and I found myself moaning and saying "I want you now!".
He picked me up and carried me to the break room at the back of the store laid me down on the big leather couch we had back there. He just stared down at me for a minute with those drop dead gorgeous eyes. I stared back at him too, taking in his handsome features. Sure he was an older man and he had slight grey in his hair but he still had the nice firm body of a twenty-five year old that worked out and his smile was just so sexy and he felt so good leaning over me like that. "You have such beautiful eyes baby," he said softly. "And tonight it is all about you" and with that he started nibbling on my neck. His hands found my blouse and started to unbutton it, exposing my low cut bra. He undid the front clasps and my tits sprang free. He stopped with my neck, looked at my breasts hungrily and began feasting on them. Wrapping his mouth around one of my rock hard nipples, he began sucking nice and slow and hard while his hand was teasing my other nipple. My whole body was going into frenzy and started to tremble all over. I had to press my thighs together to try and stop the heating desire that had built up. I moaned loudly and threw my head back while I was blindly clawing at Adrian’s shirt, trying to tear it open. He quickened his pace and started to suck the other nipple just as hungrily as the first one. His other hand found its way up my skirt and my already dripping panties. His fingers crept in and found my love button and began to tease it, rubbing and rolling it between his fingers while I started to buck against his hand. My heart rate doubled and I was breathing like I had just finished running the marathon. I finally had managed to slip his shirt off, revealing a nicely toned chest with a soft layer of chest hair and nice looking nipples. I wanted to suck his nipples so badly. I have always been turned on by thinking about sucking a man's nipples. I could feel his hard on pressing into my thigh and after caressing his chest for a moment, my hands found their way to his jeans. He grabbed at my hand and said "No not yet and not here" He pulled me up and quickly threw me my shirt and grabbed my hand and said, "Let’s go to your place where we can finish our little tryst."
We went flying through the store, while Adrian grabbed some stuff hanging in the displays. I threw off the lights and locked the door. We got into my truck where he insisted that I drive like a maniac because he wanted to finish what he started and soon. He kept looking at me with hungry eyes and I couldn't concentrate on driving home very well. Luckily the roads were deserted at 3 o’clock in the morning. We made it to my house in record time, where I once again threw the keys on the hall table and Adrian picked me up while kicking the front door shut and locking it with his arms around me. "Where's your room, sugar?" I pointed to the left door at the end of the hall. As soon as we got there, he gently placed me on the bed while he got on top of me and ripped all my clothes off. His shirt was still off, not having put it on in the car. I fumbled with his fly, trying to get his huge erection out. “Not yet baby.  I haven’t finished with you first!”  Adrian began to kiss his way down my body.  He started at my ears and nibbled his way down my neck, down between my breasts, gave each nipple a kiss and worked his way down my stomach.  He lowered his head further and began to kiss my thighs.  He was taking his time and whilst it felt good, I wanted to feel him inside of me.  But he was purposely teasing me to make it all last longer.  At this point my panties were completely soaked and dripping from my excitement. He ripped them off in one fell swoop. Some women would be mad at that, but I didn’t care.  Hell he could rip up my entire fucking wardrobe I wouldn’t give a shit!  This man is so fucking sexy and amazing that just being here with him was mind blowing. 
Adrian wrapped his arms around my thighs and lowered his hot, wanting mouth to my pussy and began to kiss it softly. After a few seconds, he snaked his tongue between the folds of my hole and began to lick up and down.  As soon as I felt his tongue touch my flesh, I went completely crazy and moaning out his name.  “Oh, Adrian that feels so fucking good!” I murmured. I grabbed his head and pushed him harder against me as he continue to lap at me like a thirsty dog at his water bowl.  I couldn’t contain myself longer and cummed on his face as he happily drank it all up. After a few more minutes of him licking and me squirting all over his face, Adrian finally came up for air.  He proceeded to kiss me deeply, letting me taste myself on his lips.  His cock was a raging hard on at this point.  I reached down to squeeze it and a small moan escaped his lips.  I pushed him onto the bed on his back and began my tour of his amazing body. I began by biting his earlobe and worked my way down his neck and chest.  His hands were stroking my back. I continued south until I got to the crowning glory that was his huge cock.  I started by kissing it up and down and then slowly licked the tip. 
The Vulture was much endowed and I could only hope I could fit him into my watering mouth. I started by slipping the head into my mouth and slowly began working my way down and hoping I wouldn’t gag.   This man made all of my ex boyfriends look teeny weeny. I inched slowly downwards until I could feel his head at the back of my throat and I had managed not to gag.  Thank goodness.  I quickened my pace and began to bob my head faster and faster.  I used my hand in sync with my mouth to double the pleasure for Adrian .  I knew he was enjoying it because I glanced up at him and his head was thrown back and his eyes closed; his face was twisted in pure bliss!  He began to moan a little louder now and I knew any time he would be releasing his hot load into my hungry mouth.  I looked up at him again and found his blue eyes staring back at me.  My heart skipped a beat.  He brought his hands to my hair and began to gently pull on it as he was nearing an orgasm.  I felt him tense up and moan aloud right before splashing his love juice down my throat.  He was loaded.  Wave after wave of cum was pouring down my throat but I drank every last drop.  He tasted wonderful and sweet. I lifted my head to regain my breath.  We were both breathing quite heavily.  He then said, “I want to taste your lips.  Let me taste myself.  I want to taste what you just did.”  I was surprised.  Every man I had been with refused to kiss me after going down on them.  But not Adrian. More proof that he was a REAL man!  I met his lips and we kissed deeply for several seconds.  With our hearts still pounding, we lay there for a few minutes to catch our breath.  I looked into his eyes as we lay side by side.  His face was so gentle and loving.  I always thought he had an amazing face.  There was something especially special about his eyes and how he gazed lovingly at me.  I stroked his face and snuggled close to him for a few more minutes.
But apparently Adrian wasn’t quite done with me yet. We began to kiss and touch each other once again and I felt him growing hard.  He got on top of me and threw my legs over his shoulders and rammed his large cock into my burning up pussy. Oh, it felt so good. So big. I moaned and moaned. And he grunted as he thrust into me harder and harder. I couldn't hold back much longer. I knew I was on the verge of exploding and I needed satisfaction and NOW! The climatic waves kept getting higher and higher. Adrian’s moans started to get louder as well and we were moving to a passionate rhythm. I started to cry out, "oouuuu uhhhhhh Oh I'm coming. I'm Cummmmminnnng!" just as, with a low gutteral sound, he shot his load into me filling me up with his love jizz. He collapsed on top of me, both of our breathing heavily laboured. I could feel him sweating against my naked body, our hearts beating to a new drum. He rolled over and sighed and I leaned my head on his shoulder and put my arm around him. We were bathed in the faint light of the full moon shining in the window.
The sun started to come up and I woke with a start, feeling restrained somehow. I realised that someone had their arms around me and I looked over to see Adrian Toomes in my bed. That's when I remembered the previous night. I felt so warm and good knowing that my fantasy was right there with me in my bed!!! I couldn't resist. I leaned over and took one of his nipples into my mouth and started to softly suck on it. He stirred slightly then let out a soft moan and his arms came tighter around me. He said gently, "Oh that feels so good. I love when women play with my nipples. In fact you're the first woman who has done that. MMMmmmm." He moaned again. I lifted my head and met his gaze. "I have always wanted to suck a man off through his nipples, but my ex's were never too fond of it. I sure am glad you are" and I resumed my sucking. After awhile we just lay there in silence and I was thinking to myself that I just couldn't believe my luck. I still wondered if this was all a dream, and I pinched myself to check but so far this checked out to be reality. I knew it wouldn't last, it was only a one night stand, but one that I would remember for the rest of my life! We had both drifted off when Adrian whispered that he should be going now and so we both got up and he washed up and got dressed. I dropped him off at his car by the store. We stood in an awkward silence for a minute then he came over to me, put his arms around me and kissed me deeply and said, "Thanks for the wonderful time last night baby. You will always be in my dreams! Maybe we will cross paths again." And with that he was gone. I was shaking. I was happy but sad at the same time. He was such a gentleman and I think that overnight I had honestly fallen in love with him. I watched him drive away, probably getting on with his life once again. As I needed to with mine. I went back home and took a long bath, though not wanting to wash his scent off me. That was when I realised he had left his sweatshirt on the bed. I brought it up to my nose and breathed in his scent. I slept with it that night, and the night after that and so on. And my dreams were filled with Adrian Toomes. I was happy. I got to truly express my feelings for the man I had grown to love. My sexy silver-haired Vulture!!!!!
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!..........................................................................
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Don't Stand So Close To Me Ch. 13 (BiAdore)- Splatt
Danny giggled and peppered Roy’s face with sweet kisses until his mom came back with food. The rest of the day was quiet and peaceful with the three of them just hanging out enjoying each other’s company until Danny’s siblings came over once again.
All seven of them plus Danny’s sister’s baby girl crowded around the living room together chatting.
Roy’s face lit up when the little girl was handed to him, and he made it his personal goal for the day to find every way to make the one year old laugh.
“Hello Lily!” he greeted, letting the tiny girl hold his thumbs and stand on his thighs.
“Aww, look at that! The three of them make a cute little family.” Bonnie teased her son.
Danny blushed and chuckled. “Don’t do that, mom! We haven’t talked about kids yet.”
“Roy, do you want kids?” Genevieve, Lily’s mother, asked.
Bonnie grinned at his embarrassment. “Danny always said he wanted three little babies. Isn’t that right, Dan?”
He rested his head on Roy’s shoulder and buried his face in his professor’s neck. “Don’t listen to her! She’s going to try to have us engaged and looking up adoption agencies by the time we go home.”
Roy smiled widely at the little girl and tickled her feet.
“Roy?” Danny asked. He kissed Roy’s neck to see if that would get a response. “Baby?”
“Oh my god, he doesn’t even know you’re talking to him.” Ernie pointed out.
Danny moved away and watched his soulmate play with the baby. “Hey Roy, I’m going to take my clothes off now.” he announced. “Roy! Dr. Haylock! Professor Haylock?” He kept trying.
Everyone around him laughed.
Danny cocked a brow at all of them. “Oh, I know how to get him to listen, but none of you would want to hear that.”
Roy cooed at Lily and leaned slightly closer to his soulmate.
“Maybe he is listening and doesn’t care.” Frankie, the middle brother, suggested.
Danny shook his head and laughed. “No, that’s the soul bond. I feel it, too. He wants one of his own.”
Bonnie smiled. “Try to get his attention again.”
Danny hesitated. “What, do you want me to pull out all the stops so he’ll actually respond? He’s in his own little world right now.”
Everyone shrugged. “We’ve probably heard worse from you.”
Danny sighed. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He leaned in close to Roy again and the older man’s arm snaked around him subconsciously. Danny leaned up to his ear and bit down on the cartilage before moaning softly. “Daddy, have I been a good boy today?” He licked the shell of his ear. “I want a special treat right now.”
Roy looked up from the child in his lap and blinked a few times, coming back to reality. He felt his face heat up and he scowled. “What the… heck are you doing?” He carefully censored himself.
“You weren’t listening to me, and I got jealous, daddy. Was I bad? Are you going to put me over your knee and spank me?” He sucked the skin behind Roy’s ear into his mouth to leave a hickey.
Roy pushed him away. “Danny, your entire family is sitting right here. Stop it.” He grimaced.
“Baby, do you want kids?” Danny asked.
Roy finally looked up and met his soulmate’s eye. “What? Right now?”
Danny shook his head panickedly. “No. No no no no. NO. Later. Eventually. Once we get married, maybe?”
Roy glanced between the little girl in his arms and his lover. “I, uh… Yeah. Yes. I want kids, but I want them to look like you.” He answered softly.
Bonnie excitedly clapped her hands. “I’m going to be a grandma again!”
“Hey, you shush. You made us have this conversation, and now we’re finishing it, too.” Danny pointed at her accusingly. “Told you I could get him to answer.” He motioned for Roy to continue.
“How do you feel about surrogacy?” He asked, reluctantly handing the baby to his soulmate. “That way it’s really genetically ours.”
“What a sciencey answer. I’m open to it.” Danny took his niece and blew a raspberry on her belly.
“Are we just going to ignore what just came out of Danny’s mouth?” Frankie asked.
Danny blinked innocently. “Do you really need an explanation? It was pretty self explanatory.”
Ernie leaned forwards. “Okay, I’ll bite. What just happened?”
Bonnie stood up and took Lily from Danny. “I don’t want to hear this. I’ll feed little miss Lily pad.”
Danny kept up the innocent smile until his mother and niece were out of the room. “I’m a glutton for punishment.” He smirked, “and I know I’m going to get it later for calling him ‘daddy’ in front of everyone.”
“You’re a fucking bitch is what you are.” Roy muttered.
“What’re you going to do about it?” Danny pushed.
Roy glared at his soulmate, but Danny could feel the sparks of arousal through their bond.
“You’re insatiable.” he rolled his eyes.
“So are you. You just hide it better.” Danny moved into Roy’s lap.
Ernie made a face.
“So Dan’s the… receiver?” Genevieve asked.
Danny chuckled. “The correct gay boy term is ‘bottom’ Jenny, but no. Not always.”
Roy laughed, too. “Yeah, just ninety percent of the time.” He cackled.
“Still not always.” Danny pouted.
“Why’re you denying it? You just told the whole world that you have a massive daddy kink, but you won’t admit that you’re a bottom.” Roy teased.
Danny rolled his eyes. “Bitch, I was a hardcore top before you came along. Like, I think I had bottomed maybe twice ever before we matched.”
Roy paused for a second. “Seriously?”
The younger man nodded. “I know! It’s hard to believe now that you’ve made me into such a cock slut bottom!” he covered his face and slid down so that his head rested in Roy’s lap.
“Is the daddy thing an every time thing or is it special occasion?” his oldest sister, Monique, asked.
Danny snorted. “I mean, it started as an accident just in the moment, but I liked it, and he didn’t tell me to stop.” he told them. “I don’t know, I guess it’s pretty often. That’s not the weird shit, though. Not even close.”
Roy carded his fingers through his soulmate’s hair where his head rested on Roy’s thigh.
“Do you have cute little not fucking kinky nicknames?” Monique asked.
Danny looked up at Roy sweetly. “He calls me kitten, I really only call him baby.”
“Why kitten?” Genevieve asked.
“Because I scratch and bite.” Danny admitted. “So I guess that one could be considered kinky, too, but I think it’s sweet.”
“Why is it always the girls that ask questions?” Roy wondered allowed.
Danny shrugged. “They don’t have penises, so they don’t know how a relationship between two men works out.” He kicked his feet out to rest in Monique’s lap on the other side of the couch. “Isn’t that right, mi hermana?”
She shrugged. “I think it’s because Ernie and Frankie don’t like guys, so it’s not as interesting to them.”
“Guys are fucking great. Every once in awhile, though, I wake up after a really rough night and my ass is on fire. I’d have to say that’s really the only downside.” Danny admitted.
Genevieve scoffed. “Yeah, try pushing a baby out your vagina. I hated my husband for a while after that.”
Danny laughed. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, Jenny, but we can have as much sex as we want without getting pregnant. It was worth it, though, wasn’t it?”
She nodded enthusiastically. “I love Lily with all my heart. She said ‘mama’ the other day.”
“Oh my god, she’s going to be a real person soon.” Danny groaned.
“She already is a real person, baby.” Roy tugged lightly on Danny’s hair and the boy’s eyes fluttered closed.
“I’m pretty sure you love her more than me.” Danny joked.
Roy flicked his soulmate’s nose. “Yes. Definitely. I love her more than you. I’m going to kidnap your niece and raise her as my own child, because I’m definitely not your soulmate, and if I don’t kidnap her I will never see her again after this vacation.” He replied sarcastically. “I remember when Lola was that little, and her mom let me babysit.”
“Who’s Lola?” Danny furrowed his brows.
“Lola is my goddaughter. I thought you knew that? There are pictures of her all over our apartment.” Roy went back to playing with Danny’s hair.
“She’s your goddaughter? I thought she was your niece or something like that. How old is she?” Danny pulled Roy’s left hand to his chest to trace his soul mark.
He smiled. “She’ll be five in December.”
“How long have you two lived together?” Frankie asked.
Danny hummed in thought. “Well, when we realized we were living together we already had been for a couple of weeks. I don’t think I’ve spent a night in my dorm since that first night when that fucker and his friends threw a pencil at my head. Fucking Jessica and her bitch-ass boyfriend. Jason’s cool, though. I’m pretty sure he’s gay. He was full on eyefucking me when I was stripping the other day.”
“That was only two days after we matched.” Roy told them. “So it’s been around two months.”
“How did you not notice you were living together?” Ernie asked. “I know you talked about that yesterday, too, but I just don’t understand.”
Danny giggled. “I was over every day after classes to fuck anyways, so I just slept there and kept bringing my shit over. Well, I use the term ‘slept’ loosely. There wasn’t much sleeping.” He brought Roy’s mark to his lips and kissed it. “But then I went to my dorm one day, and all that was left was a coffee pot and some food, so I told Jay he could have the food and went to Professor Haylock’soffice and we probably kicked his grad assistant Shane out and fucked. We have a lot of sex.”
“That’s because you’re a fucking slut, Dorey.” Roy pointed out.
Danny smirked. “I haven’t had any complaints yet, Bea.”
“Do the other kids in your class know you’re together?” Monique pushed Danny’s feet off of her.
Danny nodded. “Yeah, that was an accident. He used the doc cam to write out a reaction and everyone saw that the lipstick on his mark matched my cherry candy yum yum that day. They love it, though. We’re entertaining with our bickering and flirting. They even came to a show.”
Bonnie came back in with Lily and looked around the room. “Is it safe for us to come back in? I think she wants her Uncle Roy again.”
Danny sat up and let Lily have her place in Roy’s lap again. “You’re going to be a great father, baby.” He cuddled into his soulmate’s side and played with the little girl with his lover.
Roy kissed Danny’s head and wrapped his arm around him. “So will you, kitten.”
“Is it official that he’s going to be her Uncle Roy?” Frankie asked.
Everyone waited a few moments for an answer.
Danny cocked his head. “Do you mean like are we engaged? We’re not, but we’re soulmates, so I think it’s safe to assume we’ll get married eventually.”
Roy cleared his throat. “I-ah… I was…” He started.
“What’s wrong, baby? This is going crazy.” He motioned to their chests to indicate the bond. “You’re making me nervous.”
“I have a ring picked out for you.” He admitted.
Danny stared at him dumbfounded for a few seconds before he took Lily away from Roy and handed her to Genevieve. He turned back to Roy and schooled his face into an unreadable mask. “Roy, what do you mean you have a ring picked out?”
“I actually already bought it.” He admitted. “I wasn’t going to tell you yet, but you’ve mentioned marriage and engagement a lot since we’ve been here.”
Danny’s eyes widened and he crawled in closer. “You got me an engagement ring?”
Roy nodded.
“Like you had a plan to propose? When?” Danny’s lower lip trembled minutely.
“Can you do me a favor, Dan?” Roy took his hand.
Danny nodded, afraid that if he spoke he would cry.
“I want you to stay right here in this spot and not follow me into your room.” Roy instructed and stood nervously before walking to Danny’s room.
Danny glanced panickedly around the room to see six smiling faces and his mother holding her phone obviously taking a video. His mouth hung open slightly, and he turned to face the back of the couch so he could see the hallway leading to his bedroom. It wasn’t long before Roy appeared again and circled the couch to stand in front of his soulmate. He reached for Danny’s hands and pulled him to stand, but the younger man’s legs gave out and he fell onto Roy. Roy held him steady for a few seconds before backing up to hold him at arm’s length. He dropped to one knee.
“Danny, will you marry me?” He opened a small box and showed him the ring.
Danny broke down in tears and dropped to his knees to wrap his arms around Roy. He nodded and choked out a sobbing “yes”.
Roy slid the ring onto Danny’s finger and hugged him back. “I love you, kitten.” He whispered into the boy’s ear.
“I love you too.” Danny sobbed into his shoulder. “I love you so much.”
“About now is when you should kiss so I can get it in this video.” Bonnie reminded them.
Danny pulled Roy into a hard kiss, and his siblings and mother all clapped happily.
“Can we get off the floor now, sweetheart?” Roy asked.
“I don’t think I can move. I think I’m in shock. Did that really just happen?” Danny stared down at the ring on his finger and turned his wrist to look at his soul mark.
Roy chuckled and pulled him up onto the couch. “It did just happen. We’re engaged, Dan.”
Danny sat with his legs across Roy’s and wrapped his arms around the older man tightly. “We’re going to get married.” He laughed. “Holy sh-… poop.” He censored. “I have a fiance.”
“If you weren’t planning to propose yet, why did you have the ring here?” Ernie asked.
“I was thinking about doing it when everyone else is here tomorrow for dinner, but this just felt right.” He beamed at his new fiance. “At first I was going to wait until he graduated, but I couldn’t wait a whole month.”
“Is there anything you want to say to the camera, Daniel?” Bonnie asked.
Danny sniffed and choked out “I’m getting married” before wiggling himself fully into Roy’s lap and folding up as small as possible to be held by his soulmate.
“You are way too freaking cute.” Roy kissed the ring and then Danny’s soul mark.
Danny cried into Roy’s chest quietly.
“Welcome to the family, Roy. We’re happy to have you.” Genevieve congratulated them, and Lily gurgled contentedly along with her, still clapping and bouncing from the excitement.
“You want to hold the baby again, don’t you?” Danny asked.
Roy smiled. “You know me so well.”
Genevieve passed Lilly over to Danny, and the girl sat in their laps facing the couple.
“Roy?” Danny wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
Roy looked up to meet his eye.
“We’re still not having kids right away.” He insisted.
Roy laughed and nodded. “I know.”
Danny groaned and fell against the arm of the couch dramatically. Roy shot him a questioning look. He pouted and crossed his arms.
“We just got engaged tonight, and we can’t do anything, because my mom’ll be here.” He whined.
Roy rolled his eyes. “I’m absolutely sure they’re all done with hearing about anything we do together.”
Danny grumbled to himself and furrowed his brows.
“We could go out for pizza.” Roy suggested.
Danny perked up. “and ice cream?”
Roy nodded.
“You eat like a five year old, Danny.” Monique pointed out.
Her little brother grinned evilly. “No, Monique, I eat a lot of things five year old don’t. Isn’t that right, Roy?”
Roy held his hands up in surrender. “I’m not touching that one. Not today, Satan. Not today. Don’t corrupt the child.”
“That’s not what you said earlier.” Danny teased.
“Here they go again.” Frankie said under his breath.
Roy glared playfully at his soulmate and lightly smacked the back of his head.
“Hey! Rude.” Danny stuck his tongue out. “I was obviously talking about things like coffee and sushi and other things like that.”
“Coffee, sushi, pot brownies, vodka…” Roy listed.
Danny turned bright red. “That was one time, okay? And I wouldn’t have eaten two whole ones if I had known they were pot brownies. More like just a half and saved the other half for you.”
Bonnie grimaced. “You’re underage, Danny, and you shouldn’t be doing drugs.”
“I don’t usually do drugs. Jay offered me the brownies and I didn’t ask questions until the walls started moving. I thought they were normal.” Danny explained.
Roy scoffed. “Where do cigarettes fall in this? You most certainly smoke those.”
Danny glared at Roy but didn’t say anything.
Bonnie gasped. “Daniel Anthony Noriega, you smoke?”
“So do you.” He muttered angrily. “This is supposed to be a happy time. Can we go back to that?”
Roy tightened his arm around Danny and kissed the boy’s cheek. “I’m sorry, baby. Yes. We will get pizza and ice cream later.”
Danny relaxed slightly and rested his head on Roy’s shoulder. “I love you.” He whispered.
Roy smiled softly down at him. “I love you too.”
“No, wait- how long have you been smoking cigarettes?” Bonnie asked.
“Since I was sixteen. It’s not a new habit.” Danny sighed. “I know, cigarettes are bad for me. I taste like an ashtray after I smoke. It’s a lot of money I could be saving. I know. He won’t kiss me after I smoke until I brush my teeth.” he recited. “Trust me, I know. He’s got it covered. You don’t need to say anything.”
Everyone looked at Roy, and he shrugged. “I’m a chemist. I lecture him all the time about how bad everything in cigarettes is for you.”
Ernie laughed. “You won’t even kiss him?”
“Yeah, he’ll gladly eat my ass, but he won’t kiss me if I’ve been smoking.” Danny complained.
Genevieve glared at him. “Language, Dan.”
Danny kissed Lily’s forehead loudly and hugged her. “I’m sorry, baby girl, Auntie Danny has a potty mouth.” he tickled her sides and she let out a high pitched laugh and tried to push him away.
“Danny!” Lily gurgled.
The boy’s face lit up. “That’s right, Lily pad! I’m Danny, and I’m your favorite aunt and uncle, and you’re my favorite niece, because you’re my only niece.”
“Danny Danny Danny Danny.” she blathered.
“Lily Lily Lily Lily. Tell grandma to let up on Danny, because Danny is an adult, and he can do what he wants.” He helped her stand up on his lap and put her little hands on her hips. “Pop that hip, Lil. Give them some sass.”
She bounced up and down repeating his name.
Roy rolled his eyes. “You are unbelievable, and your argument is flawed and therefore invalid.”
“Do explain, Professor Haylock. How is one so much worse than the other, Doctor?” Danny mocked.
“I’m not talking about that with your family and a one year old here.” Roy refused.
“Your family too now.” Danny reminded. “We’re getting married, baby.” He broke into a goofy grin.
Roy tightened his arms around Danny and Lily. “I know! I took Beyonce’s advice and put a ring on it.” He spun the ring around on Danny’s finger.
Danny made Lily do the Single Ladies dance, moving her wrist in the air. “Hey, Jenny, does she have a soul mark yet?”
Genevieve nodded. “It’s on her chest.”
“Lily, we need to have a serious talk.” Danny turned her around to look her in the eye. “One day, you’re going to meet your soulmate, and that person may be grumpy and naggy sometimes, but they will be your best friend for the rest of your life, and one day you might get a sparkly ring like this to show how much you love each other.” he held his left hand up where she could see the engagement ring. “It’s gorgeous, isn’t it Lilypad?”
Lily gave him a tiny fist bump and giggled.
“You’re such a sap!” Roy laughed. “I’m not grumpy and naggy.”
“Danny, you shouldn’t smoke! Danny, rinse your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher! Adore, wash your pantihose! Danny, don’t get super high before class and then have a breakdown because you can’t handle the walls moving!” He mocked Roy’s raspy voice.
Everyone laughed at his impersonation.
“I’d say those are all perfectly reasonable things to want, Dan.” Bonnie pointed out. “At least he cooks for you though, Roy!”
“Did you really get that high in class?” Ernie gaped.
Danny nodded solemnly. “I freaked out because I thought I was going to float away, and I thought I was dead.”
Roy nodded. “Then he told all of my students things they should never ever know about their professor.” he glared.
“Everyone should know how amazing you are. Especially when it comes to those things.” Danny pointed at his fiance accusingly.
“There are some things that shouldn’t be announced to a class that’s supposed to listen to and respect me as their supervisor.” Roy flicked the boy’s head.
Danny flinched and swiped his hand away. “Respect your elders, kids.” he mocked.
Roy rolled his eyes. “I’m thirty four, Daniel. I’m not that old.”
“And don’t call them kids. You’re the youngest one here.” Bonnie chided.
Danny raised Lily’s hand and raised a brow. “I’m no mathematician, but I’m fairly sure twenty is more than one.”
“You may have been alive longer, but she’s more mature.” Genevieve took her daughter back and stood up. “It’s time for her nap. Do you need a nap too, little Danny?” She ruffled his hair.
Danny shrugged. “If a nap involves being naked and in a locked room with my new fiance, then I would very much like a nap.”
Frankie threw a pillow at his youngest brother and groaned.
Danny threw it back and pointed accusingly at him. “Just because you’re not getting laid doesn’t mean I can’t. I just got engaged. I deserve it.”
Roy smoothed the green eyed man’s ruffled hair. “My leg is falling asleep.” he pushed the boy to sit next to him rather than on him.
“How do you sleep with me on top of you all night, but you can’t have me on your lap for more than ten minutes when you’re awake?”
“Magic.” Roy responded sarcastically. “and blood flow. When your weight is evenly dispersed, it doesn’t cut off as much blood flow. When your weight is mostly on only one of my legs, it’s a different story.”
Danny huffed and crossed his arms.
Monique snorted. “Foiled by science, huh, Dan?”
Roy laughed and draped his arm over the back of the couch behind his fiance.
“He loves to try to explain sciencey shit.” Danny pinched his soulmate’s cheek.
“I’m a chemistry professor! Of course I like to teach science.” Roy pulled his hand away and threaded their fingers together. He thumbed the engagement ring and grinned.
Danny smiled back. “Nerd.”
“Brat.” Roy countered.
“But you love me anyways.” Danny giggled.
Roy’s chest pulled tight at the giggle and he nodded. “Unfortunately.”
The singer gasped in mock offence. “Miss Bianca Del Rio, how dare you!”
Roy rolled his eyes at his fiance. “Calm down, queen.” He chuckled.
“How am I supposed to calm down when I just got engaged?” Danny grinned widely. “How are you so calm?”
Roy shook his head. “I’m not. I’m freaking out. I’m just trying to play it cool and act like I expected all of this to happen.” He admitted.
Bonnie cackled loudly from her chair. “They’re precious, aren’t they? Go open a bottle and make out in the kitchen.” She pointed to the kitchen.
“We’d better not hear anything else happening, Daniel.” Monique warned.
Danny nodded and pulled Roy quickly to the kitchen. He turned the corner and pinned the older man to the sink, attacking his mouth feverently. His hands pushed Roy’s shirt up to his chest so he could feel all the familiar skin.
Roy responded just as quickly by pulling Danny up into his arms and making the taller boy wrap his legs around Roy’s waist. He turned so that Danny was sitting on the counter and got handfuls of his soulmate’s firm ass.
Danny caught Roy’s bottom lip between his teeth and tugged playfully. “I want to do it soon. I don’t want to wait.” He whispered against Roy’s lips.
Roy nodded and kissed him again. “We can start planning the second we get home.”
“No, baby, the second we get home I’m going to fuck you so hard that it’ll be awkward to sit down for days.” Danny thrust his hips against Roy’s pelvis.
Roy dug his fingers into Danny’s ass and dragged him closer. “What makes you so sure you’ll be doing the fucking?”
“We both can. We’re seriously cutting back this week. We’re going to have a lot to make up for.” Danny panted. “Shut up and kiss me again.”
Roy chuckled and kissed his fiance again, this time more slowly. His hands came up to cup the younger man’s face, and he caressed Danny’s cheekbone with the pad of his thumb. And stroked the shell of his ear with the fingertips on his other hand. Danny shivered slightly at the touch. Their bond crackled between them like a pleasant fire and warmed both of them to the core. Everywhere their hands touched left an icy-hot trail of pins and needles.
Danny’s hands snaked down under Roy’s pants and underwear to knead his ass, and both of them laughed into the kiss.
“I love this right here.” Danny squeezed a few times to punctuate.
Roy kissed the tip of his fiance’s nose. “I love all of this.” He dropped his arms to fall around Danny’s waist.
“I love you, too.” Danny smiled and moved one hand to the front of Roy’s pants. He palmed the professor, not able to move his hand too much because of the constricting fabric.
Roy closed his eyes and took a deep breath, willing himself to not make a noise. His mouth fell open slightly when Danny’s hand wrapped fully around him. He flipped open his fly and quickly unzipped to give Danny more room.
“Is that good, baby?” Danny whispered. He swiped his thumb over the tip and used the leaking precum to make it easier to get him off. “I know you like that.” He nipped at Roy’s earlobe.
Roy nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
“You have to be really quick, okay? Like, back to the first time you ever got off fast. Less than five minutes.” Danny pushed Roy back and hopped off the counter to kneel in front of him.
Roy nodded and swallowed a whimper when Danny dipped his tongue into the slit. Danny took as much as he could and swallowed around him.
“Fuck. Jesus christ, baby boy. That’s so good.” He whispered encouragement.
Danny moaned quietly at the praise and started bobbing his head.
“I can’t wait until you fuck me properly, baby boy.” Roy rocked his hips into Danny’s face. “I love you and I love your cock, baby.” he whispered.
Danny paused and looked up at him.
“And your mouth, kitten. I love your tongue and your big, sexy lips.” He stroked Danny’s head and held it still so he could thrust into his mouth. Moments later, his hips were stuttering and he spilled down Danny’s throat.
Danny tucked him back into his pants and stood. He pressed himself fully against Roy and thrust against him. “I can’t wait to fuck you either, baby. I’m going to tie you to the headboard and pound you into the mattress. Wouldn’t you like that, daddy? Would that make you feel good?”
Roy pulled the front of Danny’s pants down and wrapped one arm around Danny and grabbed his ass with one hand and used the other to jerk him off. “Yes baby boy, that would make Daddy feel so good. You make Daddy so happy, baby.” he kissed his fiance and held him close.
Danny grunted into Roy’s mouth and whined. “Roy, I’m so close.” he whispered huskily. “I’m so close, daddy.”
“Come for me, baby boy.”
Danny shuddered and his jaw dropped open in a silent scream as he came into Roy’s hand.
“Good boy, Danny.” He licked his hand clean and kissed him one more time before turning and pouring them each a glass of white wine.
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tropicophan-blog · 7 years
This is a Call of Arms- Chapter One
Summary: Danielle is gay and her parents are very religious. They force her to attend church and youth group, but when the pastor’s daughter, Phoebe decides to befriend her, it becomes much more bearable. 
Genre: AU, fluff, eventual smut, angst
Note: This is my first fic. I noticed that there weren’t a lot of fem!phan fics, so I wanted to contribute. I’m just a very gay girl who wants to write about very gay characters. Feel free to send asks, anons, and requests. 
I like girls. I don’t understand why more girls don’t like other girls. Everyone at school knows that I like girls. So do my parents, prompting them to decide to send me to youth group every Sunday. I’m not sure if they actually care about the sermons “curing” me, or if they just want to get more involved in the church to gain the respect of the pastor. Mom and Dad have always cared about what the pastor and the church thought of them, and I still can’t pinpoint why, but that doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to go to church every Sunday morning and youth every Sunday night.
Saturday dinners are always fairly dull, as are most dinners we spend together as a family. The only thing about Saturday dinners is that they are required. I usually spend most of my time at Jessica’s house. She has been my best and only friend for years, but it has and always shall remain platonic. Her mom is always so welcoming, as her daughter is far more open about her sexuality than I am. Dinners are usually much more fun at the Keaton household than they are at mine.
“Sweetie, I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to attend youth group. All of the kids are just so wonderful, especially Pastor Mark’s daughter. Phoebe is a lovely girl.” My mom keeps trying to make me want to go to church so she won’t feel bad about making me.
“Making me go to church every week isn’t going to change the fact that i’m gay.” I didn’t look up from my plate as I said it.
My father spoke up, “Danielle, I will not have you identify yourself as a homosexual any longer. I did not raise a dyke.”
I was surprised. I actually chuckled a little bit after I heard my mother gasp. I just looked at him, stood up, and went to my room. I just sat on my bed for a moment. I had never heard something so hateful from either of my parents before. I would say it hurt, but it’s hard to be affected by people who think of you like that. I didn’t want to think about it too much, so I just put on a record. I figured that The Smiths would be a little too sad, so a settled on Kid A. I’d rather feel spaced out than depressed. Maybe i’m a little bit more affected by my father's harsh words than I let on. Neither of my parents spoke to me again that night. I didn’t stay up too late. I had church in the morning.
I woke up at 8:00, which was fairly early, considering church didn’t start until 9:30 and it usually took me about 15 minutes to get ready. I’m sixteen and I still haven't started wearing makeup, i’m just too lazy to learn how. Luckily, my skin is decently clear, so I can almost get away with it. About ¾ of my time is spent trying to tame my hair, which I can’t say is curly because only parts of it are. Others are wavy and some strands are pin straight, but all of it is frizzy and permanently tangled. Because I had time, I took a shower before church and straightened my hair afterwards to tame it. By the time I had finished, it was 9:00 and I heard a knock on my door. I quickly put on a dress and walked to the car where my parents were waiting. The car ride to church was silent, and it wasn’t until we were greeted at the door that my parents finally spoke.
“Danielle, what a beautiful girl. Where have you been hiding this one, Cassie?” Gloria Davis, an old woman that was greeting at the door said to my mom. “We haven’t seen her here in ages. We are delighted to have you back, young lady,” she said to me before turning to shake the hands of another family.
“So noone here knows.” I said under my breath, only half wanting my parents to hear me.
“You are correct, and they will NOT find out. Do you understand me Danielle?” said my father in an incredibly harsh tone.
“Yes, of course. We wouldn’t want the whole congregation to find out you raised a dyke, now would we?” I retorted. “You will not use that language in God’s house,” he said back to me as we sat down in a pew.
Before the sermon started, I spent some time looking around the church. I hadn’t been to a service in over a year, and I was starting to forget what it was like. There was so much forced friendliness as everyone greeted each other. I will admit, however, that the stain glass was gorgeous. I was admiring it when Pastor Mark and his daughter Phoebe entered the sanctuary and started greeting the people in the pews. They made their way to the front when Phoebe stopped at the first pew. As she walked to find her seat, she turned and her eyes met mine. It was extremely awkward, as neither of us looked away for a while. She was pretty, with long light brown hair that hung past her shoulders in natural waves. Her eyes were brown, but they had depth that I thought my father’s and mother’s brown eyes lacked. I finally broke eye contact when her father started speaking at the pulpit. He went through the mundane announcements, obituaries, and births, when the music started playing and everyone stood. We sang an old hymn, and then he began his sermon.
“This world, or rather the society, is broken. We allow immoral things that are blatantly against the will of God to be legalized and even celebrated in our culture. Examples of these include the legalization of marijuana, euthanasia, and most disgusting, homosexual marriage.” This earned nods and hums of agreement from the congregation. I started to stand up in order to avoid a hateful sermon, but my mother grabbed my hand and pulled me down before I could fully stand. “Leviticus 18:22, Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. This, of course goes for women and womankind,” he says. Both of my parents quickly glance at me and return their eyes to the pulpit. “Leviticus 20:13, If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. The men and women committing these acts do not deserve our prayers, but they need them. As Christians, we cannot allow them to damn themselves to an eternity in hell.”
The sermon continued as would be expected. Afterwards, everyone began to greet each other with the same forced friendliness as before. The pastor and his daughter approached my family.
“Danielle, it’s so nice to finally see you here again. What has it been, a year? Why haven’t you been coming?” Mark said to me.
I opened my mouth hoping to respond with, “I have been coming, but with girls,” but my mother interrupted me.
“She had a few rough months and preferred to look to God in solitude rather than with a congregation.”
“Well, that’s fine. A personal relationship with God is the most important aspect of life. I trust that you have moved past these rough times?”
“Yes, sir.” I responded. “Thank you for asking,” my words practically dripping with disdain. He didn’t seem to notice, but my mother did, shooting me a harsh look.
He looked at his watch. “Oh, my. I have a meeting right now, but it was nice catching up, Danielle. Bill, Cassie, see you at the luncheon on Wednesday. Beef stew, yum.”
“Of course, Mark,” said my mother. “See you then.”
Pastor Mark walked off as my parents started walking to the car. I was about to follow them when Phoebe spoke to me, “Are you coming to youth group tonight? It should be a blast.”
I was confused as to why she was talking to me. She went to my school, which meant that she knew that I was gay. “Yeah,” I responded. “It’s not like I have a choice.”
“Oh,” she said.”Well, i’ll see you there. It’ll be fun. Maria is bringing Twister.”
“Great,” I said before I turned and walked towards my parents car. She was beautiful, and if she wasn’t a gay-hating Christian, I would probably have been much less curt with her, but looks can’t always make up for personality.
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