#look up the season 1 ending on youtube and if it looks like it'll interest u give it a shot. it starts slow but it picks up for sure
chadsuke · 5 months
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Comics Read in 2023:
Mr. Bride Vol. 1 by Natsumi Shiba (2020)
Mr. Bride Vol. 2 by Natsumi Shiba (2020)
Mr. Bride Vol. 3 by Natsumi Shiba (2021)
Mr. Bride Vol. 4 by Natsumi Shiba (2021)
Shadows House Vol. 1 by Somato (2019)
Shadows House Vol. 2 by Somato (2019)
Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu Vol. 4 by Natsuya Semikawa & Virginia Nitouhei (2017)
Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu Vol. 5 by Natsuya Semikawa & Virginia Nitouhei (2017)
Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu Vol. 6 by Natsuya Semikawa & Virginia Nitouhei (2018)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned books. End ID.]
0 notes
ok but can we talk about morel Orel?? This may seem a bit random but I saw some random clip of it on YouTube and thought it looked interesting so I binged watched the show on my days off and wow
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So let me start off by quickly explaining the show for anyone who doesn't know cause, I don't know I didn't hear anything about this show and knew nothing until that single clip on YouTube, so I genuinely don't know how well known it is, if it's popular or what
So to quickly and briefly explain the show, it's basically about this kid named Orel, the eldest son of the puppington family, who lives in a town names moralton (subtle I know) the town is extremely religious and try to teach Orel their ways, Orel is a people pleaser and wants to make everyone happy and wants to be the ultimate good Christian boy, but he often takes things to far and to literally in trying to follow what the town tells him. This always results in chaos and always ends with his father spanking him and then lecturing him at the end.
At first based on that description of the show you may think "ok? Just seems like your standard christian show" except the show is supposed to point out the flaws and hypocrisy of these people so I can already hear "ok? Again so what? Just a standard satire show on Christianity" except the show for the most part doesn't attack the religion. It attacks the people and a lot of the aspects it attacks isn't even their religious beliefs or the fact that they're religious.
Before we dive right in to exactly what the show is tackling and the message it wants to give, I just want to say my main praise for the show is the way it's structured. The way the show is structured is brilliant it's 3 seasons long, first season is very standard satire adult swim, crude humor whatever, until the season finale. So far up to this point we've been dealing with run of the mill shit, fantasy world crude humor shit. We've risen the dead, got some people to drink orel's pee whatever but the season finale grounds us into reality. After this point we don't see a bunch of unrealistic things anymore, and the tone shifts. It's no longer "lol what kooky goof ups is Orel gonna do this time" suddenly it's more serious. This starts with the season one finale where the first time we start seeing more of the parents. For the first time we see something actually serious happen. And while season one had these serious things that finally get addressed in this finale they were in the background and played more as jokes. But now they take a sudden turn to the forefront and played as a serious topic.
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So now season 1 finale has established that we're getting deeper and more complex and more grounded in reality which is followed up by season 2. Season 2 we dive more into the people of moralton. Before the reverend was just the priest character who would give the sermon in the beginning of the episodes now he was a fleshed our character, with a life, with goals, with uncertainties, with flaws but with good parts of him too. The parents who before Orel's mom was just kind of background character and dad just the dad of the show now they had more personality, desires, hatred, etc.
While the formula was basically the same of Orel would misunderstand the lesson or take it to literally, there was a bit more nuance in it. While In season 1 Orel may raise the dead because of a misunderstanding of the sermon, now Orel is learning that his mother hates her father and hates her life
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Season 1 we had Orel have his classmates drink his pee, now we have the town killing Orel's pet dog
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Shit gets more serios and we slowly see Orel learn how fucked up everything is but while still thinking that maybe he just doesn't understand yet that one day it'll make sense. Until the season 2 finale. Season 2 all builds up to show the town, the people and how fucked up they all are and how despite it Orel still has hope and faith in all of them and trusts them, especially his father, which makes the season 2 finale all the more heartbreak.
Season 2 let's just say an...event happens that completely destroys Orel's faith and respect in his father and in the people around. After this point while Orel would just blindly believe and trust people in season 1 and 2 this point forward he'll start asking "why?" He'll start questioning all of them and he'll no longer have that respect and blind Faith he once did. In season 3 it's a lot of flashbacks. Season 2 finale is the big moment that forvever changes Orel so season 3 takes a step back to see how did this happen. What events happened to lead to this. Season 3 we flashback to see why the mother is the way she is. Why Orel's father is the way he is. Why a lot of the towns people are the way they are. Season 3 doesn't focus as much on Orel as Much as it focuses on "how did this happen to Orel. Why did it happen to Orel" and to understand that we need to understand the town and the people in this town and why they are the way they are.
So the structure is amazing how it starts off goofy and crude until the finale where it makes a shift on tone the next season following up on this shift and having the lessons and what happens to Orel all be build up to this horrible and tragic event that changes who Orel is and how he views the world, and then season 3 going "now how did this happen." Beautiful
Now I just want to talk about two characters. Almost all the characters have impactful stories and characters arcs and changes in how we view them and they're all really well done in my opinion but this would be an entires book worth if I delved into every character I wanted to talk about lol
So for now I'm gonna talk about the main two
Of course we have orel the main character, a 12 year old boy just trying his best to be a good religious boy. When the show starts he is incredibly naive, takes things very literally, has a good heart and is a good kid and just trying to understand the world around him and trying his best to be a good person and he has a lot of faith in the people around him and trusts them. As the show progresses we see pretty awful things happen to him yet despite it he continues to try his best and to believe in the people around him and believe they always have his best interest at heart. Of course until season 3 where he realizes just how fucked up everything is. Despite this we do see him grow up still being religious because one of the things I like about the show is that it doesn't say "religion bad" none of the towns people are seen as bad by the show because of their religion, that's never demonized, and the show shows this by showing Orel as an adult at the end of the show as a good person, who is also religious, the religion was never the problem.
But anyway I digress Orel's progression from being stupidly and annoyingly naive to being kind of cynical and doubtful of the world around him was actually kind of heartbreaking
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One of the most heartbreaking scenes in my opinion is towards the end of the show. It's an episode focused on the towns people and what they were doing while Orel had his.... incident at the end of season 2. They all had shitty ass weeks. They all saw some shitty stuff and all did shitty stuff including the reverend. Now the reverend is giving a sermon at the end of the episode and Hsi sermon was supposed to be on hope, he looks around the crowd of people in the town to see if he can find inspiration (since he forgot to write the sermon ahead of time) and finds a their miserable faces looking back at him, he's about to give up when he suddenly thinks "Orel!! Orel puppington is always filled with hope and happiness and faith" and he looks at Orel...only to find Orel's miserable face looking back at him and Orel then looks away in despair.
This is probably the only time In this show where Orel is at church and not happy since it's always emphasized that he's always happy at church and considers the church his safe space seeing him like this is all the more heartbreaking for the audience and the reverend who then looks at his paper and after looking at Orel one more time looks back down and adds "less" to the word hope at the top of his paper and the episode ends.
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I think this does an amazing job of really showing the audience how much Orel has changed and how even the towns people are starting to realize how fucked up it is.
We then have clay puppington. Clay is the heart of the show in my opinion, clay is an awful awful person. But the show wouldn't be NEARLY as impactful if he wasn't. His awfulness and why he's awful are essential to the show. Clay puppington is Orel's father and main antagonist of the show, he starts off as just the normal cartoon dad his only is really to lecture Orel in a very monotone indifferent tone. Until the season 1 finale where he gets more of a personality and a bigger role. We learn clay is an alcoholic who never wanted to get married and was basically tricked into marriage by his wife who also didn't want to get married to him and just felt pressured to do so because of her toxic family and the toxic environment around her. He's a bisexual man who feels the need to repress that side of him and constantly push away the only person that actually likes him. He has a kid he hates, shapey, Orel's little brother, because he's the result of his wife cheating on him with the guy he has a crush on (whole telenovela there I know) he had a father who didn't love him and was very honest about he didn't love him and his father use to say he didn't think clay was "worth it" something that stuck with clay all these years later. He has a mother he accident killed as a kid. Lot of trauma is what I'm trying to say. And In season 2 we get to see him slowly progress into a worse and worse person, he was always a bad person but the show took place from Orel's pov and he never saw the guy as awful so the comments he made or things he did were played off as a joke and more of a background thing until season 2 where we get to see it come more to the forefront and then blowing up in the season 2 finale and we get to see a few episodes of backflash to explain how he became like this (not excuse mind you the show is very clear in that the show itself thinks clay is a awful person it's simply an explanation) and we get a few episodes of him in the present and see a even darker side to him then we knew and see him for what he truly is, a truly awful and pathetic man.
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I simply love the show and loved how it was structured, how it developed it's characters, not even really developed just slowly revealed the person they always were and show how they came to be like this and show Orel's own progression I highly recommend 10/10 in my opinion
It's on HBO max it's only 3 seasons, each episode being 11 minute's long
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roughentumble · 2 years
A Comprehensive List of Henry Cavill's Movies And TV Shows, And Whether I Personally Think They're Worth Watching
**Updated and current**
as requested by the oh so lovely @fangirleaconmigo
obviously take this list with a grain of salt, as im just one man, and i certainly have my biases. and even if something is in the "not worth it" section, if something about it intrigues you, feel free to totally ignore my advice! sometimes the best evenings come from watching reportedly terrible films, and one of my favorite Henry Cavill movies was summarily panned by critics and audiences alike. that being said, let's start with the stuff i didnt like.
Red Riding Hood
----> Available for free on youtube, and yet still not worth your time. Poorly made, often unsettling, with bad music (in a musical of all things) and children forced into racist caricatures. Very funny if you want to watch Henry Cavill suck on a lollipop and get punched by a farting werewolf, however.
Vendetta (A.K.A. Laguna, A.K.A. Hotel Laguna)
----> Technically semi-competent... I suppose it's a mob movie? Also his film debut! But it's largely boring, and the entire film hinges on a sexual relationship between teenage Cavill and an older woman. Genuinely and deeply uncomfortable when she fondles his bare chest, and it's inescapable how much he LOOKS like a child in this film. If I never see a teen that young kiss an adult again, it'll be far too soon. *shivers in disgust*
Sand Castle
----> A war movie, and not a very good one. While I commend it for its attempts at an anti-war message (a very "why are we even over there" vibe), that doesn't make the movie less boring or more watchable. Those who love war movies didn't like it, and it wasn't anti-war enough to seduce the likes of me.
The Tudors (TV)
----> I think my mom summed it up perfectly when she said, in reference to her attempts to sit through season 1 and questions of why she bothered, "there was less on TV back then." (She never made it into season 2, by the way.) It's like the other historical dramas of it's ilk, so if you go crazy for those feel free to give it a shot, but even among its peers it's kind of not great. From the era where showtime really was putting an eye-rolling amount of sex in their shows, so get ready to be accused of watching soft-core porno on the family television like I was.
That being said, a lot of the sex scenes are Cavill's, so if that's your poison, this show'll keep you well fed.
Night Hunter (A.K.A. Nomis)
----> Apocalyptically terrible writing and editing. The performances the cast gave weren't bad, and the camera work itself looked plenty nice, but anything good to be said about the film is dragged down by the foundation itself being utterly rotted. Maybe good to put on to mock... when you aren't confused or bored to tears.
Hellraiser: Hellworld
----> It breaks my heart to say it, because I did find joy in this odd little film, but it's so genuinely bad that I would be a liar to place it anywhere else on the list. Campy and fun in places, but largely just boring, slow, confusing, and BAD. Not a real Hellraiser movie, not enough gore to appease horror fans, not meta enough to be meaningful while still being so meta it drags you out of the story. Genuinely the ending doesn't make sense.
If you're wildly in love with Henry Cavill, you'll love Mike. I love when he gets hooked in the chest and dies, the "sweet cheeks?" line is iconic, his zombie look is adorable. I'm getting a tattoo of the meat hook from this movie.
Do not watch it.
----> Some technically interesting work here, some nice fight choreography, and a unique visual style to the film. And yet it has such a blandness of performance across the board for all its actors, and such a confused and thoroughly Christian approach to what was supposed to be a story about greek myth, I could never recommend it to anyone. (Since when does Zeus "not interfere" in the lives of humans???) Just enough style points to eek it's way out of the "no" pile.
Whatever Works
----> Whatever Works is a Woody Allen film. This is enough to make it a controversial choice on its own. Certainly one of his lower quality works as well. Henry Cavill as Randy was a delight, however, so give it a chance if you watch Woody Allen movies! Not as bad as I thought it would honestly be, and again Cavill was really good as Randy, but I can't really in good concious put it in the recommend section.
Tristan + Isolde (2006)
----> Billing itself as an alternative to Romeo and Juliet, I mostly found the film to be boring, and I thought James Franco was a bland, boring lead. Other performances in the film were good (especially Rufus Sewell as Marke and Sophia Myles as Isolde), the movie looked fine, it just... was boring. Watch if you're an absolute sucker for this kind of period drama, otherwise skip it.
I Capture the Castle
----> I was deeply unkind to this film when I watched it. I didn't exactly go into it expecting to have a good time or with much of an open mind, which potentially colored my experience. I... didn't have a good time watching it, to be frank. But perhaps if you go into it with a kinder outlook, you'd enjoy it more. A film about love's many forms, how it often hurts us, and it's utterly illogical nature. If you bother watching it, I hope it's kinder to you than it was to me. Perhaps you'll even agree to walk with it through the bluebells, who knows?
----> Not really "a Henry Cavill movie", as he's only in it for a few minutes, but the film is an exceedingly fun fantasy romp that's well worth your time. It's something of a cult classic for a reason.
Count of Monte Cristo
----> Excellent adaptation of an old classic, delightful watch. Cavill as Albert was wonderful, Jim Caviezel as Edmond was fantastic, and the ending made me genuinely gasp and sit on the edge of my seat. I didn't expect to love it, and yet I absolutely do!
----> You don't get a whole lot of henry cavill for your buck, but it's a fun goofy spy film that you could easily watch with the family! Sam Rockwell is also there, as well as Bryce Dallas Howard, and theyre both fun to watch. Ignore the fact the special effects look like they spent $12 on them, and allow it to just be a fun time, and it'll treat you right!
The Cold Light of Day
----> Nothing mindblowing, and Sigourney Weaver + Bruce Willis give shamefully bad performances. And yet, Cavill is a charismatic lead, the chase sequences appropriately thrilling, and it's overall a perfectly servicable action movie. Grab some popcorn and make a movie night of it, IMO.
Blood Creek
----> Another perfectly servicable film. Not blowing any minds, but fun while it's on. Unfortunately, the plot relies heavily on Nazi mysticism (a personal pet peeve of mine), and some of the CGI leaves something to be desired. But still, at its heart it manages to be a very fun horror flick, if you're into cheap horror like me.
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
----> This is... a flawed movie. And it's extremely hard to recommend when Armie Hammer is so unintentionally frightening in his role as Illya. And yet, the intro sequence is so FUN, Cavill as a thief is so delightful, I'd be remiss not to recommend it. Fun little spy romp!
Mission Impossible: Fallout
----> It is a Mission Impossible movie. Not much more to say, you either love them or hate them, but they know EXACTLY what they're doing, and they have it down to a science.
Enola Holmes
----> A great time all around! Go into it expecting it to skew for younger audiences, and you'll have an absolute blast. 13 year old me would kill to watch this movie. Millie Bobby Brown was great as Enola, and her relationship with Cavill's Sherlock genuinely tugged at my heart, because I am deep down a huge sap.
Enola Holmes 2
----> Ditto! Same as the first, just as worth your time!
Lynley Mysteries & Midsomer Murders (TV)
----> Lumping these two together, as they're both one-off episodes of long-running, competently made, british police procedurals. The episodes are definitely worth a watch, though I can't speak to either series as a whole.
The Witcher (TV)
----> Obviously divisive among long standing fans of the series, and not without its flaws (S2E2, jfc), but ultimately for all my bitching, I'm a TWN stan, and Henry Cavill's Geralt owns my heart. Also probably the reason you're reading this list, so I don't feel the need to expand all that much.
-> *long, beleaguered sigh*
-> ok so, like. ok. how much do you like superhero movies? how much of your life are you willing to devote to a zack snyder production that spent half the time setting up plot threads for a large expanded universe that the execs very suddenly pulled the plug on? how little do you love yourself.
-> jokes aside there are redeeming qualities in these films, and if you really love the characters i'm certain you'll find value in some of them.
Man of Steel
----> Despite my very real and present complaints about odd tone, too much illogical lip service paid to the armed forces, a runtime that makes me want to start throwing punches (Just skip the first 20 minutes exactly. They do not matter. They do not add anything), a sterility to the script, and lack of care or acknowledgement given to civilian lives (something at the heart of superman and present in THE AVENGERS, so to do worse than the avengers is pretty egregious)... IT'S STILL a decently fun and entirely servicable (apologies to Mr. Cavill for how many times I use that word in reference to his films) superhero movie. I like Cavill's Clark Kent! I like his little bouncy curls, and I like how much he loves his momma. Superman is fun! He's my friend. MoS worth it, if you can find it in your heart to spare 2 and a half hours for it.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Ultimate Edition
----> Don't bother watching anything other than the Ultimate Edition. It's the only one you'll find half the time you're looking for the film, anyway. This film, to me, is the sink or swim moment. Tooth-grindingly long, and more of what you got in Man of Steel. It's-- ok, I didn't like the Christ allegory, but that's also blatantly Zack Snyder's entire thing wrt Superman, so I can't blame the movie for being exactly what it said it was. If you can get through this movie and enjoy it, then the rest of the DCEU films will be a breeze, and you're now officially A Fan. If this movie is a slog that makes you wanna die, do not bother with any other DCEU films, this is the point where they're officially Not Your Thing (said with affection, not derision). Despite all my complaints, Superman is my best friend and I think about this movie constantly. Wonder Woman is the best. Clark STILL loves his mom(yay!!!). The fact they decided to tackle doomsday+the death of superman as their plotline for this movie is so fascinating to me that I'm giving them points for sheer audacity.
Justice League (Joss Whedon's Cut)
----> *rubbing my temples* Everything within me screams to tell you not to watch this abomination of a film, because of Joss Whedon's obvious and blatant racism and sexism, but it is admittedly much shorter and a bit easier to follow if you're not a fan of Snyder's style or you're not a big comic book person. Whedon made reshoot decisions that removed the black character Victor Stone, A.K.A. Cyborg, from prominence in the plot. He was arguably the(or at least a) main character in Snyder's version, and Whedon cut his scenes extensively, and then added extra scenes to make Batman the protagonist instead. Not to mention adding in scenes of a slightly sexual nature that Gal Gadot(Wonder Woman's actress) refused to film, which he then got a body double for and digitally added her face in post. BUT!!! But. I must admit. 2 and a half hours versus 4 and a half hours is an appealing cut-back in length, and some people find it difficult to follow Snyder's exposition-heavy style. Plus there are a few added scenes of Superman which are genuinely adorable, if very short. If you're a fanatic, watch both. If you just want to watch one version... Well, I would recommend Snyder's, but weigh the pros and cons for yourself.
Justice League (Zack Snyder's Cut. Also knows as "Zack Snyder's Justice League")
----> Genuinely unforgivably long. Zack Snyder, I don't forgive you for the length of this movie. AND YET I personally had a total blast with it. Coming hot off the heels of Whedon's cut, seeing Cyborg more fully fleshed out was like a dream come true, and some of Whedon's trademark 'humor'(which these days I find grating) is thankfully lacking. I personally find it to be a better movie, a better showcase of the characters, and all around more fun, but I had also innoculated myself against the strain of long Zack Snyder superhero movies by doing marathons of his other DC films before diving into this one. Also the film has a lot of references to future plotlines which will never fully make sense, because they were sequel set-ups for movies that never got made. Those parts are... hard to sit through, whether because of confusion/boredom or the heartbreak of knowing you'll never get to see that movie which doesn't exist(depending on your emotional investment). For some reason this film is split up into like 5 or more different "chapters", and I theorize that you could watch one chapter a day like it's an episode of television if you need to not watch it all in one sitting, and you might get a better experience out of it that way. Superman is here and he's still my friend! He still loves his ma soooo much! There's a super fun scene with his heat vision!! Wonder Woman and Cyborg and The Flash and Aquaman are here!
Zack Snyder's Justice League: Justice Is Gray
----> Literally just Zack Snyder's cut of the Justice League, but in black and white.
I must admit that, despite saying I've watched "everything" Cavill's ever made, I've only seen clips of his performance for the following film.
In Goodbye, Mr. Chips, he only has a 5 minute apperance. It seems a good enough movie, I suppose, but I couldn't bring myself to sit through hours of TV movie for 5 minutes of Cavill, especially not when his scene has been politely uploaded to youtube. His scene was moving, despite the fact I experienced it completely disconnected from the rest of the film, so make of that what you will.
...phew! ok, that's everything, i think.
feel free to disagree on any of my placements. also feel free to watch night hunter and then come yell in my inbox about how it sucked, because i am constantly shouting into the ether about it and no one understands my pain.
i hope this is helpful for anyone interested in watching some hcav movies but not sure where to start... i suppose i am now some sort of authority on the matter, though i didnt intend to become one lmao.
im very excited for his upcoming roles, both in the romance The Rosie Project, and in the rumored Highlander film. not to mention an Enola Holmes sequel (!!!) and..... Argylle, which i will make myself watch because i am now committed. hopefully i can find some way to distract myself from his truly terrible hair... though i never would've started my marathon if i hadn't been disgusted by his haircut in Argylle, and then immediately wanted to see him as a spy with GOOD hair. so i suppose i have to thank it, which i will do by sitting through the whole movie. thank you and you're welcome, mr. cavill (EDIT: it turned out great 10/10, yay!)
if anyone likes this enough or cares, i can update it to include more henry cavill movies as they come out! <3
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skylardoesthings · 3 years
What is Legacy SMP? Legacy SMP is a vanilla survival invite-only server, with twenty-one active members and three inactive members! Currently, the server is on 1.17! Most streams on the server and some make videos! Currently, the SMP has been very slow paced so you can catch up fairly quickly!
The active members are: Avomance, BowTieDaniels, ChimneySwift11, JermsyBoy, Kimandjax, Logicalgeekboy, Mr Beardstone, Musicman1017, Nashcrafter, Nikolian, PoptartKatze, PyhtonMC, Skizzleman, Slicedlime, TheFrogQueen, ThomasToSpace, Viggoman!
The inactive members are: Archelaus ChosenArchitect, fWhip, GeminiTay, MythicalSausage, Pearlescentmoon, and ZloyXP!
Where can you watch the active members? Here's the list:
Avomance: YouTube, Twitch
BowTieDaniels: YouTube, Twitch
ChimneySwift11: YouTube, Twitch
JermsyBoy: YouTube, Twitch
Kimandjax: YouTube, Twitch
LogicalGeekBoy: YouTube, Twitch
Mr Beardstone: YouTube, Twitch
Musicman1017: YouTube, Twitch
NashCrafter: YouTube
Nikolian: YouTube, Twitch
PoptartKatze: YouTube, Twitch
PythonMC: YouTube
Skizzleman: YouTube, Twitch
SlicedLime: YouTube, Twitch
TheFrogQueen: YouTube, Twitch
ThomasToSpace: YouTube, Twitch
Viggoman: YouTube, Twitch
Legacy SMP website! Legacy SMP has its own website, in the website you can find the list of members, advancements from the advancement race, voting, the community, and server map! Here's the link to the website!
Lore? Yes, lore! Legacy has some lore and bits of roleplay in their SMP, now their acting isn't the greatest in the world but what the lore gives you makes up for it, here's a little explanation for the lore in Legacy SMP! I won't do an in-depth explanation cause that'll take too long but here's what you need to know,
1. The Wither Fight The wither fight is something that happened in Season one, it started as a game of spawning withers with the members IGN and it ended with the legates spawned in around 260 withers at the same time, causing the world to fall from the Withering energy,
2. Python's Summoning This lore isn't that big or has much play in anything but- Python was summoned into Legacy because of Logic's experiment.
3. Church Of The Holy Bee The simplest way I can explain this is that Chim made a Chuch of Bees in Season one because he liked them so much.
4. One True King Feud So, in season one Logic and Sausage made a castle in the fantasy area, and because of that, it caused the both of them to have a feud on who the one true king is,
5. The Withering Energy The Withering Energy is an energy that was caused by the withers in season one1, it is a hivemind that controls The Chaotic Events.
6. The Chaotic Events? The Chaotic Events are controlled by us viewers in the Legacy Website, every two weeks or so there will be an event that you can vote for, and the winner of the votes will be unleashed on the server.
7. Quantum Reef City Ah yes, Quantum Reef City or QRC is Logic's base in the server, the base is made with a futuristic style floating in the water, a drastic change from the server's post-apocalyptic builds. Why is this a part of the lore? I can't say because it'll spoil things, but I suggest looking at the world map on the website, you can't miss it, big towers white concrete with different coloured stained glass with very odd placements for each build.
8. The Advancement Race Legacy can have an advancement pack in their server! It is the blaze and cave advancement pack, that pack adds 750 new custom advancements to the server! Why is this a part of the lore? Well, at the end of the race something happened, what happened? Can't say it unless you want some spoilers.
If you're interested I suggest starting with season one's episode finale then going with SlicedLime and LogicalGeekboy in season two, then continuing with ThomasToSpace and BowTieDaniels when they've joined!
And as a bonus have some screenshots, most of them is from the season 2 trailer cause it's a pain trying to find some good screenshots, some with shaders some not,
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Just curious, what made you start playing OBM, and why did you continue? I started playing some time in 2020 bc I saw some art on tumblr, but then I stopped playing for a while up until a few months ago. I'm really glad I got back into it, it's been great fun :) I'm only halfway through s2 so I've got loads of content waiting for me
I've been sending a lot of asks (I'm the person who got the Barbatos UR card twice, and I've also asked about the boys' outfits), could I be 🦇 bat anon if I send more?
I'm glad you were able to get into it and have fun! And yeah you can definitely be bat anon!
Ohhhh smdknjjsmdd okay so long story short it was on a whim.
But really there were a lotta circumstances that lead to it. It was a complete domino effect of coincidences.
You know how Diavolo called MC coming to the Devildom, fate bred out of coincidence or something like that? Yeah that was it exactly.
Gonna cut it cause it'll be long and I'm gonna end up ranting
Normally I don't regularly watch youtubers. Trust me this is going somewhere.
Anyway normally I'll watch like 1 or 2 videos every once in a while but it's never a regular thing
I've never watched a playthrough of a game before either.
Until youtube randomly recommended a cody ko video (I hadn't even subscribed) of them playing season 1 of love island the game and I was bored so I figured why the fuck not (I also didn't know he had a youtube channel at the time and part of why I clicked it was "hey? Isn't that the guy from vine?")
Turns out you could romance one of the female characters in the game too and I ended up watching the whole series, except they never reached the end cause all their game data ended up getting deleted
For about 2 weeks after that I kept wandering if MC ever got together with Talia and how it happened and etc until I finally gave in and downloaded the game (also the first dating sim I've ever played)
Litg uses a lot of gems though for premium choices and cause I was only interested in finding out how S1 ends I figured I'd just quickly run through s2 without making any gem choices and collect all the gems I could after finishing chapters
Except turns out, not only is the are style of S2 better but the characters/their personalities are more 3D and the writing was better and I ended falling completely in love with it (and Bobby)
By the beginning of 2020 I'd replayed S2 at least 3 times and by April we were in lockdown and leaving the house could get you arrested and I was bored and my litg hype had died down and I was on play store just scrolling through and now that I'd played one dating sim they kept on recommending others as well including OM!
I clicked on it (did not read the description) but looked at the pictures, got the general idea and scoffed and downloaded it cause I figured it'd be dumb and I'd delete it in a week or on the off chance that it was good I'd delete it in a month or two cause that's usually how long any game (even ones I adore) manage to keep my attention (litg s2 had softened me up a lot and made me more open to dating sims, without it I highly doubt I'd have given OM! the chance considering I'd been ignoring the arcana for years despite how many times play store tried to recommend it to me)
I've never played otome games before but I knew MC was always a petite fair skinned, long haired girl. And that the LIs would trip over each other to get at MC immediately for no reason and with no built up chemistry.
Looked at my wall, saw the rubber lizard stuck to it and named MC Eliza - short for A-Lizard - cause I figured that's a generic name for the type of person an otome game MC usually is (and for the type of person who'd get stuck in a gothic house with demons)
So I downloaded the game on April 20th (completely forgot about 420), named MC, played a bit and immediately wanted to punch Mammon in the face cause like what the fuck is that guy's deal!? What a fucking asshole!? Why are we stuck with him!? He's gonna get mc killed! Ugh at least ik who my favourite character won't be!
Anyway it's been 1 and a half years and I've made sure to login every single day to get the login reward (even if I don't play the game I need to login outta some weird need to prove something to myself)
MC's only visual representation being a sheep, MC being completely gender neutral, MC using they/them pronouns, the brothers not immediately falling for them, only getting a kiss at the very end of S1, the found family trope, the mystery with Belphie & Lilith in S1, the growing urge to punch Lucifer in the face throughout S1, MAMMON, the way all the characters develop & grow on you, MC & the brothers being separated at the end of S1, MAMMON, the layout of the homescreen, how easy it was to get dv & dp, the potential for angst and deeper lore, the chats and how realistically all the characters spoke in them - they weren't stiff yknow? They said things and had interactions the way real people do while texting
^ all those things kept me hooked plus the fact that I'm grateful cause:
• my gender's always been very up in the air and I've been confused and uncomfortable with it a lot, but the first time they referred to MC as "they" I went "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
• The Mammon Way is the first Devilgram I got & read (and I think it's everyone's first). I read it and instantly went "Oh. He has ADHD." and then went about my day. Found out a lot of people thought that too and then someone sent me a really long twitter thread that talked about Mammon & ADHD with canon evidence. I was heavily on board that HC then. Started writing Mammon × MC fics in july and it took me till around oct to realise that maybe the fact that I relate to and project on Mammon way more than I do on MC (the character literally created for us to project on to) while writing fics probably had a deeper meaning (turns out it did)
Eliza ended up being none of the things I though they'd be. They're tall, brown, short-haired and definitely not a girl and I'm as attached to them as I am to the brothers
The only thing I regret is that I made their birthday the 21st of April, the day after I downloaded the game, not realising that if I'd just kept the current date their birthday would be 420🥲
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damejanai · 3 years
S: Today...
K: Ou
S: I was at the same job as kaito kun before this, which was unusual
K: Mmm
S: This is a continuation from what we were talking about just now but...
K: Mmm
S: I went to rewatch Dame x Prince
K: Oh!
S: Well... that show was crazy in a good way
K: Totally unthinkable right
S: You know, totally, i wanted to watch some comedies, and, i don't really rewatch the ones i was casted in but totally you know... episode 1..Nareku, who is voiced by Kaito kun
K: Mmm
S: Started doing ad-libs all the way
K: Right?
S: Hngh! Hngh! Hngh! Aannn! uuun!
K: That's totally un actor-like
S: You just went ahead and did it right? *laughs*
K: Hahahaa
S: Nobody asked for...
K: Since he was moving so much, as an actor, that's totally a sign for me to do something right?
S: Totally.. well, i, you know, I hope you take my words seriously but, Nareku was so funny
K: Right?
S: Hahahhaha, so pure!!
K: Hahhaa, well it's not only me who created Nareku
S: Well well yes, it was totally, i want to do it again, with that team
K: Well but it won't have a second season, probably
S: Don't say that!
K: No but! those who have watched it would understand, the story had closure
S: That's true
K: The princes also matured. Amongst the comedy, the princes had growth
S: True...
K: Are we able to... return to that? Hahahahaa
S: I.....will i be able to do Ryuze?
K: ....Ehhh you can!
S: well.....nanodesu (high pitched)
K: You did it!
Script: The streets are slowly beginning to look like Christmas eh?
K: Roppongi, or rather Keyakizaka? That area is totally..
S: *giggling*
K: Ah!!
S: Stop it! Stop it! I have recalled it!
K: I remember now!
S: For the details, please refer to... it's already in the archives? no?
K: But it was like from last year end, or the beginning of this year
S: Those who are able to listen please do...I too was... two men alone...what are you looking at? stop it stop it
K: It's still flashing...
S: Stop it! seriously... come on..
K: It was from then on right?
S: Stop it stop it, Recently you know... this is not good! like... i think this was my fault but... what was it about "from then on"
K: From then on, we began, right?
S: AHHHHH! WAhhhhh!! Ever since you started YouTube, you unlocked that kind of thing
K: AHahhahaa no no, what began was that I started driving Soma s-..... *giggle*
S: Hahahahahaa Oi! You don't have to do year-end tax adjustment for that too!
K: Oops, nothing's.. different
S: You know... I.... stop it? While doing Dameraji, the way we do radio has changed also?
K: Uh-huh
S: So, over there, when we spill our hearts out.. it has.. the buddy relationship has deep---*giggle*
K: I wonder why.... we... everyone has been saying that about us from the beginning..
S: Well well yeah
K: We being a pair, well regarding that, there was also a time when it was toned down...
S: There was, totally
K: Me especially
S: Well well, because of that, it became like, we should distance ourselves more.. right?
K: Stopped going for drinks, and stuff, well in times like these, more so, but it started even before this happened
S: Yes yes
K: I want to have a drink now! (together)
S: Me too, totally, shall we? Like before the year ends.. For Christmas?
K: Shall we? HAHAHA
S: Wahhhh, like, we are craving something
K: Craving.... no, we want to throw something away i think
S: Hahaha
K: This is bad, Okay! So the business talk shall end here
S: Hahahaha
S: * Talking a bout how the space FC is 440yen per month*
K: Wait a minute, is that price okay for you?
S: We thought about it over and over
K: That's unacceptable! come on! That many services and that price... makes my membership quality seem lower
S: Don't cut in before i'm done with this email, geez
K: But anyway, your FC is finally starting
S: Until now, i've done one concert, so from now on, if i am going to have concerts, or release CDs, we'd like to give fanclub members priority, and we also wanted somewhere to communicate with fans, so decided on the name, "space".
It's the pace of S
K: Oh, "space" doesn't mean that there is a space in between huh
S: No no no, the name of the FC is "space". When I/we thought of it, i realised that it could have different meanings. Like Soma Saito's space, or a space for everyone, or outer space
K: Space right?
S: So decided on this name, it would be great if it is a space created by everyone
K: Nice~
S: But it is still in the works... we will be trying different things so the contents might be changing. I felt that this one song a day recommendation, is quite amazing
K: Yea it is amazing totally, what's recommend?
S: *giggles* Um, like a song a day depending on my mood, or a book, everyday
K: Are you serious?! Crazy
S: This is totally....Well to make it a place where you would want to visit everyday
K: Wow... amazing! amazing! Wait wait can you list out the services you're providing again
S: Mail magazine, one recommendation a day, one person radio with video, and also, bonuses
K: Well, and also you're going to think of new things from now
S: Yes
K:....... That overlaps with mine
S: Wwww well there's one email here too, Ishikawa kaito has started membership on his YouTube channel
K: And also actually I also have an FC ahahaha
S: Who would have thought, this is a coincidence right
K: Well you know, when i saw the news that Soma san was going to launch his fanclub, i was actually already in midst of creating mine but, i panicked, and panicked, i thought, oh no!
S: Hahahahaa
K: And posted a video quickly
S: So, like i've heard alot about how Kaito kun was going to have membership on his channel, right?
K: Umm
S: Then i said, ooh this would be good too right... and stuff, while behind the scenes, i was actually planning my FC
K: And also like, you know our services overlap too
S: Hahahaa, what will you be doing?
K: I will be holding live streams every month for members, well probably it'll be like 2-3 times per month
S: Amazing!
K: Livestreams where i just talk casually. And on YouTube "community", i will be writing stuff that happened, like a blog, and also after events or event streamings, i have done some already, i would quickly film my reflections/comments on the events and just upload them
S: Ahhh i guess well you have the chance to talk about those on radio sometimes but everyone would be interested to listen to Kaito kun's feelings about your events right?
K: Yes yes, so i thought, "recommendations huh?"
S: Well well well, that would be a total rip-off wouldn't it
K: Everyday...
S: But for me, it's contradicting but, i have a lot of jobs where i have to write now, but, i'm a poor writer
K: Ooooh
S: Like, i feel that it is hard to write
K: Well because you have too many options
S: Don't know if it's that but, i was thinking about whether i would be able to continue my blog properly. Well but if people were to be paying for the fanclub and the writings are not that good, that wouldn't be ideal so i thought, maybe i could recommend something different everyday
K: I'm so afraid now hahahaa
S: Ishikawa san's membership, is it a monthly payment?
K: Yes.. i wonder how much it was but, i made it really cheap
S: Ahhh
K: I searched up the services and prices of the memberships of other YouTubers, and made mine around the middle quality type of services, and the price low. I am not doing music as well, so the videos i upload might not be viewed as "highly priced" and that would feel horrible so
S: Ahhh, true...
K: And I manage the YouTube myself so, when i have guests over, i might need, outfits and stuff
S: Uh huh..
K: Or certain equipment.. like if we were to be playing games together, I would need to buy the game so... the membership fees would go to that
S: Wow... that's awesome~~ When... shall i go?
K: So, what shall we do?
S: Wwwwww what kind of ... what kind of reaction is that?
K: I thought of asking Soma san on the channel, well we did one story reading before
S: Yes
K: So i do want you to come but, i can't think of anything to do!
S: Come on come on, you're saying that there's nothing to do, in front of me?
K: Coz, we could just do it here
S: Ahh, we should differentiate it from this, things we can do that are not done on Dameraji
K: Yes, if it's the both of us, it'll inevitably be this
S: Hahhaaa, i wonder what...?
K: What, reminisce about "Zankyou no Terror"?
S: wwwww
K: Hahahhaa
S: "AAHHHHHH!! Remember, us" ah that's nine's line
K: Why are you snatching away my line
S: I was already shot before that
S: Dun dun dun, dun dundun!
K: Ahhh cries~ cries~, Those who have not watched "Zankyou no terror," please do!
S: And well i really want to go on your channel, and i've already told my agency about this
K: Really? Ahh but your manager was nodding just now
S: Yes so it's safe to say that, it's approved already
K: Oooooh, ok so next i'll think about, what we are going to be doing
S: Shoudn't it be opposte?
K: Yess
S: Let's discuss then
K: Let's discuss, we have an expert here too
S: Won't that be Dameraji then!
~Dameraji photo studio~
Topic: Take a photo where the two photos would look like they're part of one photo
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