20 and 29 pwease uwu!!!
im assuming for teh music asks!! x3
20: A song that has many meanings to you
Demolition Lovers - mcr
it remindz me of when i first got with my bf in February x33
we drove to pizza hut n i was REALLY dressed emo >w
however it also remindz me of a rough time in summer 2015 i haz with my family n ex. i used to only play bulletz bc it helped me feel okai. later on from that i had a HUGE mcr phase in my last year of school. during my examz dis was my shiz with youll rebel to anything by msi!! 
29:  A song that you remember from your childhood
why not a few! 
dance your love away - Micheal prince
as a kid i often got the words wrong in songs >w
i was convinced “dance your love away” was “ketchup away” n one time in pe, i remember so vividly i had this pale pink barbie shirt on they said they were gonna play the ketchup song me and my childhood stupidity was HYPED for 80s dancey pop to start blasting. but no, it was the fucking ketchup song XD i was so angry poor 5 year old kirsty
video - jeff lynne (electric dreams ost)
little me also absolutely ADORED the electric dreams soundtrack! i still do to dis day, however video and let it run were and still are my favourites, to the point i was like 6ish and i was blasting the songs and singing my heart out. my dad snook in and videoed me, to this day i still cant get away from this memory XD
John Farnham - You're the Voice
howeva dis reminds me of me and my family driving down to the isle of wight!! it took around 6 hours and i was OBSESSED with my ds, i must of been around 7. i remember getting my harvest moon ds game for my birthday a couple months before, to this day i ADORE this game. however i got my horse in game when this song was on ^^;.
thank u @lost-aliien
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hyperthrust · 5 years
yooo i had the best morning today!!!! i got up around like 7 and watered my plants and took my dog for a walk and like actually ?? ate breakfast?? something i dont normally do lol. hope u have a good day today too!!!! and whenever u see this uhh,,,,have any Fun Exciting stories from the past week or so?
oh i fucking love this, sounds like a day right out of a ghibli movie, if you enjoyed it mayne make some room to do it more often - i did have a good day, went to look at paint swatches since i’m decorating my attic to turn it into a practice room where i can shove all my instruments, nothing Fun Exciting just yet, maybe in a few days when i’m visiting another city
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lemon-geesus · 5 years
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polito0 · 5 years
i keep reading your sona's name as "polio" not polo and it confuses me all the time
Oh no that’s terrible hsvdj
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i am "a coward with empty threats of gay" - @a-ghost-named-tea
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murdrscne · 5 years
hey hey hey this is ur daily reminder that everything’s gonna be okay!!!! remember to take some deep breaths and slow down for a little while and just relax. we love u and all care abt u a lot a lot!!!! have some hearts bc ur doing a good job 💞💞💗💞💗💞💝❣️💝♥️🧡💖💘💞💝💖💗💞🧡💕💚💘💝♥️💘💛💝💖💞💗💞💗💞💝💖♥️♥️💘❣️❣️🧡💕💛💓💗💝💗💞💞❤️❤️💖💕💕❣️
thank u :((
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heckolve · 5 years
ezra,,,i hope u know how happy yr art makes me,,,,i literally arm flap when i see it im like ":0!! thats ez's stuff!!! *flaps + assorted stims*" like ur stuff is so unique and good like holy shit i wish i could draw as good as u!!!!!! like holy shit dude it deserves more notes than it gets!!! specifically more rbs :^) hope ur having a good day sorry my rambling is done kskjds
H RAD….. god i love hearing shit like this!!! thats so cool!!! i love ppl loving my art kjdlsjflkdjlkjl thank you so much >:0……. and no i dont mind u rambling at all!!! 
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aguecheek · 5 years
hey drew yr a pretty neat dude!!! be sure to eat some food!!! u always put me in a good mood n never make me blue!!! yr the coolest guy on the crew bc u drink mountain dew!!!! (hope u liked my rhymes hehe 🖤)
bless u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh man this made me smile like a fuckin BABY thank u Corey (thts ur name right?) o heck bless up 
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dragonwolfcrane · 5 years
hello!! whats ur fav movie and why? also do u like mint ice cream?
favourite movie? hmm, I’m not big on movies, I prefer series. I like - dont crucify me here please - I like frozen. Oh and a silent voice is good, i only like half watched it and i was still crying wow.
Mint choc chip was my favourite for years! i love mint icecream.
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pinstripedaisy · 5 years
16, 19, 43
Hey thanks!
16. How tall are you?
Somewhere between 5′3 and 5′4 I think.
19. Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
Yes and no. There’s no way to prove they exist but there’s no way to prove they don’t exist. Until there is a way to quantify a spirit’s or ghost’s existence, I’m firmly in neutral territory.
43. Any piercings you want?
I answered this earlier, but I’ll do it in a less convoluted form. Yes, I want one in my right ear lobe because so far I have none, but I’d like one.
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0, 9, 10, and 26!!!!! :3c
thank u!! >w
0 - height: 5ft3! im short xD
9 - got any piercings?: yez! just 1 lobe piercing i got when i was 10 ;-;
10 - want any piercings?: i was only talking to my mam about dis! i wantz:
- 3 lobe piercings
- both nipples
- 2 orbitals  
-2 indutrials
n id love a suicide piercing!!
26 - my biggest pet peeves: sloppy digital animation. “just tween it!” 
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hyperthrust · 5 years
hows your day been? do anything fun?
its been alright! better than yesterday anyway, got some piano practice and drawing in, even if it’s not very good
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lemon-geesus · 5 years
a c and i for the gay asks >:3c
a: favorite album?
i have so many uh danger days? or black parade? or vessel? or pretty odd? idk
c: favorite candle scent?
usually something seasonal or a more subtle scent when i’m tired of the current season lol
i: favorite ice cream flavor?
mint chocolate chip!
thanks for the ask :)
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drunkwombats · 7 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 5 blogs you would like to get to know better
thank you for the tag @ letsgetonethinggay  (nice username lol)
a - age: i’m 17, but i’ll be 18 in less than two months (whAT)
b - birthplace: deurne
c - current time: 18:28
d - drink you last had: water, alcoholic drink was beeer
e - easiest person to talk to:  my best friend
f - favorite song: mmm i dunno i have this awful playlist i listen to https://open.spotify.com/user/jovalie4/playlist/3TjhN9pUe3klTlBmpEWGke
f - favorite food: i love to make rice with carrots n some veggie stuff with loaads of spices and honey and idk i cant really cook lol 
g - grossest memory: one time in preschool i votimed all over my soup and was forced to eat it bc the teacher didnt see and thought i was just being a baby
h - horror yes or horror no:  yes but only with friends n in the sunlight
i - in love?: yes!!! very much!!!!
j - jealous of people?: yes (i’m not jealous when it doesnt come to love though, then i just admire people) 
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: walk by again, i usually don’t notice people very fast 
m - middle name: Anke Marc
n - number of siblings: i have 2 brothers
o - one wish: live in a happy place, be content, wake up with someone i love and with a few cats and a lot of sunlight and plants
p - person you called last: one of my friends who we lost in a festival
q - question you are always asked: (i DO want to know if you and your twin are identical lol) BUT um ‘what happened this time??’ is mine probably idk 
r - reason to smile: my friends are amazing, i’m not feeling depressed anymore and life is moving forwarddd
s - song you last sang: cAaaaandy, she’s sweet like candy in my veins... 
t - time you woke up: first time at 11 and then at 15:30 HA 
u - underwear color: black
v - vacation destination: i dont have any vacations planned but i’d love to go to the provence and the ardennes to camp again 
w - worst habit: procrastinating, not telling people what i really want, eating in bed ha
x - x-rays: my hand to see my growth processs, and my teeth for the dentist
z - zodiac sign:  sagittarius!!! 
i’m supposed to tag 5 people sooooooo : @amke hoi @glitterfeyrac hey @just-an-aliien hello @soggy-bunny hi @alostdisneyprincess :-) 
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2, 6, 20 ask me stuff (most recent one u rbd)
2. If you had one wish, what would it be?
that all my loved ones are happy and safe
6. Have any pets?
yep! i have two cats: bowie and suki
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20. Fancy dinner date or quiet movie night?
quiet movie night all the way. fancy dinners make me anxious heh
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heckolve · 5 years
hey hey hey ezra? guess what? i have a secret! [whispered] ur...a pretty rad dude!!! hope u had a good day cos u work so hard and ur so good at the stuff u do!!!
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h THANK YOU........
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