goddesstonythetiger · 3 years
Describe yourself by using pictures on your phone.
Tagged by the wonderful @hopeamarsu ! My camera roll thanks you for giving it a reason to use some of these 😂
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No pressure tagging a few sweet people (sorry if you’ve already been tagged, I haven’t been active recently and haven’t seen!) @in-silks-and-flesh-and-leather @barbers-glimmerin-darlin @mariesackler @lostrightnowastheoceandeep @hornykylo
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icedxoatlatte · 3 years
@lostrightnowastheoceandeep, thank you for helping me when I passed out in the road earlier
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
I hope I’m not too late to do this (if I am, that’s ok) - but I was hoping to get some soft!Ben/Kylo. Especially after you’ve had a rough mental health day and how they would take care of you. 🖤
(Sorry, I’ve been having a lot of those lately)
If anyone knows what it feels like to have rough days, it’s Ben/Kylo, and I have absolutely no doubt he would take the very best care of you. Also, remember that I love you to meecey pieces. Please accept these soft snaccs.
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He’s extremely affectionate. Soft kisses, playing with your hair, holding you close... anything to make you feel loved, seen, safe, and cared for.
Sharing stories from his past to take your mind off things. If you’re stuck in your own head, he’ll tell you about his childhood adventures in the Falcon with Han and Chewie or all the incredible places he’s traveled to just to get your mind off things.
Using the Force to help you sleep. On those nights you’re struggling with insomnia, he gently eases you into a peaceful state of rest—he knows how important it is for helping you feel your best
He tells you about his own dark days. He’s had more than his fair share of them, and he wants you to know you’re not alone in your experiences.
Overall, he wants you to know that there’s nothing you could do or say that could scare him off or make him think less of you—he knows what it feels like to struggle with inner demons, and he’s so proud of you for fighting your fight.
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
idek if I’m too late for this : but, your favorite selfie(s) (max ..4) 🥰
HELLO DEARHEART! I’ll give ya two: naked holding my giant rabbit (on-brand) and 20 years later surprisingly not naked and holding my giant rabbit (still on-brand) 😹💘
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
Could I be added to your Basic Instinct tag list? 🥺 I just read the first chapter and I’m in love!
HELLO SWEET FRIEND! I don't usually do separate taglists for each fic—I just kinda have one big blob list I use on everything. I'm not writing anything else until I finish this, though, so if you want to hop on the main taglist and then use the form again to hop off, that'd work! Would that be okay?
jynzandtonic taglist
Also, I just want you to know how much I love you and that I think about ya every day. I'm still working on that little clyde piece for ya but I haven't had the chance to finish it yet. It's coming, though!! <3
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
Z! My friend! I feel like it’s been far too long since I’ve said hello 👋 and checked in with you. How are things going?
I’m okay. For the most part. (Some days are better than others, but that’s mental illness for ya) My partner and I redecorated our apartment, it looks CRAZY different and I’m so not used to it. lol. We also acquired a flocked purple llama, a Coraline & Princess Diana pop!funko to go with our Kylo, baby Yoda (yes I know he has another name. :p) and French Mistake!Castiel.
Gaaaaaabriel! My love!!! It’s so wonderful to hear from you <3 I’ve been thinking about you lots lately! I’m so glad to hear that you’re hangin’ in there—the world is weird and scary and hard right now even without mental health struggles, and I’m damn proud of you for taking good care of yourself amongst it all. I hope you know I love ya to meecey pieces on the bad days (and the good)! 
Ooooh! Redecorating is so fun! It can be such a great little reset when you’re feeling ‘blegh.’ Also, funkos are so stinkin’ cute. Also also, I’m obsessed with llamas. My family had one when I was a baby. His name was Llama Lou and he would spit on everyone except my mom and me and we’d chill in the backyard eating plums together.
I’ve been doing pretty well! As always, I’m focusing on drinking water, eating foodies, and taking my meds every day because self-care is boring but KEY!! and I’ve also been running a bit (it’s sort of nerdy/soft, but it makes me feel close to Sackler). The snow is finally melting off the hiking trails here and getting out more has been great for my heart :) 
I’m sending you all my love and hugs—I’m grateful for your friendship, darling!!!
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
Describe yourself with pictures from your camera roll.
Thank you for the tags, @finn-ray-nal-beads @lostrightnowastheoceandeep @caillea!
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 3 years
Aesthetic Tag Game
rules: google your name + favorite color + aesthetic post a collage and tag your friends
thank you @hopeamarsu for the tag my sweet love!
i decided to use my second fave because the last time i used black so here’s my other choice 🤍
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i think this turned out so fucking dreamy i just wanna live in it forever 🤍
tagging: @maybe-your-left @historyandfandoms50 @mariesackler @sacklerscumrag @butyoudidthis4what @direnightshade @han-not-solo @desiraypark @millenialcatlady @jynzandtonic @adamdrivercouldchokeme @lostrightnowastheoceandeep @barbers-glimmerin-darlin @xxcatrenxx @xxindiglow @theoncrayjoy @ohdamnadamm @ohdamnadam @worm800 @wayward-rose @cowboy-kylo @caillea @clydesducktape @daydreamsofren @nurseofren and whoever else happens upon this and wants to join in! let’s make a rainbow loves ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 3 years
Sara! I need some music recommendations ASAP! Some really shitty things have happened and I need some good vengeance/angry metalcore/deathcore music to soothe thy soul.
@lostrightnowastheoceandeep BABE I GOTCHU LIKE HOLD ON A SEC ✨🖤
i would add so much more to this and i’ll direct you to the kylo playlist for more crazy shit like these three🥰
and a little pick me up from me to you: no matter what has happened in your life… you are worthy. you deserve love and respect. and you are important to this universe babe. i love you and if i can help you in any way shape and form i will be here.. i may not answer right away but i promise that i will be thinking and sending all the best vibes your way.
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 3 years
@worm800 @lostrightnowastheoceandeep stop everything and listen to this on full fucking blast right the fuck now i am DECEASED
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