#loved this quote from laszlo in wwdits
stevie-kun · 8 months
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day four: another crossover prince / pig
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cottoncandysprite · 10 months
Guys holy shit ok i just had a fun moment of overanalyzing a background prop. So this is on one of Laszlo's plan posters in Local News:
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Transcript: "During my absence I should leave my friends unconscious of the existence of their enemy and unprotected from his attacks, exasperated as he might be by my departure. But he had promised to follow me wherever I might go, and would he not accompany me to England? This imagination was dreadful in itself, but soothing inasmuch as it supposed the safety of my friends. I was agonized with the idea of the possibility that the reverse of this might happen."
It's a quote from Frankenstein (which to be clear I have not read past the first chapter yet, but I have seen summaries and listened to plenty of infodumping about it from @goddamnlethamlet, who also helped me with this theory despite not watching wwdits), from when Victor leaves behind his family and fiancee to go build a monster bride for his creature, specifically him choosing to bring his best friend/boyfriend Clerval (yknow, instead of his fiancee. Just guys being dudes). It's also right before the creature kills both Henry and eventually Victor's fiancee on their wedding night, so that's..... worrying.
With it being associated with Laszlo by being on his plans, as well as him fitting into a scientist role this season, i think its safe to say any foreshadowing would put him in Victor's shoes. And with laszlo as the scientist, Guillermo would be his experiment, the Creature. Obviously Nadja is the fiancee and I believe Sean would fit into the best friend slot. As for Nandor, remember how I said victor planned to make the creature a bride? Well, the reason the creature lashes out and kills everyone is bc victor has a moral crisis over the bride and scraps her.
So I think in the finale, Guillermo lashes out, maybe even goes full monster mode, and somehow hurts (or god forbid kills) Nadja and/or Sean before running off, all bc Laszlo told Guillermo he would smooth things over with Nandor after his turning gets revealed but for some reason Laszlo fails or just straight up lies and doesn't do it.
Another alternate take is that this quote in particular refers to the fact that Laszlo is willingly hiding the dangerous creature (vampire guillermo) from the others as to not concern them, but in doing so is also putting them in danger because they have no warning and no defense prepared against him. Hmm.
Anyway I for one love classic lit parallels and would kill for any of this to be actual foreshadowing bc i spent way too long typing that for me to be wrong
TL;DR If they made that Frankenstein reference on purpose we are FUCKED
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rel312 · 10 months
Things I loved about the first two episodes of WWDITS Season 5 (SPOILERS!!!):
Episode 1:
Laszlo acting like he doesn’t care about Guillermo but he clearly does if he not only noticed he was off but also commented on it
“Cause I’m the king of bottoms”
Nandor clearly not being okay, no matter how many times he says he is
Nandor hypnotizing everyone just so they could forget he tripped
“We are not laughing with you, we are laughing at you”
Nandor breaking down the door
Abandoned orphanage = twinkle twinkle little star apparently
“Your nicest shitty sweater”
Colin Robinson is a waiter I-
“I got so shit on my faced”
All humans work at Panera Bread at some point in their lives
Guillermo’s pause for the editors to put a romantic montage of him and Nandor
The sheer amount of to go bags from the restaurant
How they immediately came back after hearing “mall”
All of them immediately walking away after Guillermo tells them to stay put
Laszlo following Guillermo
Nandor having the time of his life on the carousel
The boss not even noticing all the blood
Guillermo not needing glasses anymore but wearing them anyway to not tip anybody off
Nandor getting a foot locker
Guillermo using said foot locker as a coffin
Episode 2:
“You just said doo doo” “touché”
Nadja crying about problems that she caused
The Guide!
The fact that no one noticed she was gone
Laszlo quoting Homer and Sean’s friends saying d’oh
The Guide desperately trying to be Nadja’s friend
Guillermo can make bat ears
Laszlo not knowing who Celine Dion is
“Get in losers, we’re going shopping!”
The destroyed police car
Nandor and Laszlo getting arrested
Laszlo admitting he’s not very good at hypnosis
Nadja also losing her language
There’s a Little Antipaxos!
Nadja talking about how kind she is and ignoring The Guide
A vampire finally got to turn a Jonathan
Never mind
Nandor telling all the cops he’s a captain and letting Laszlo be one of his favorite characters
And then using that power to do whatever he wanted
Laszlo thinking Guillermo had “the shits”
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parttimesarah · 9 months
💜My immediate reactions to WWDITS 5x6💚
* Flying frogs? With Guillermo’s immaculate hairstyle? **UPDATE: AND THEY CAN TALK?!
* Laszlo encouraging Guillermo to try flying is so sweet. It’s beginning to seem like Laszlo wants him to turn!
* “Making Pearl Jam” 😂 That’s a new one.
* I believe in you and love you too Guillermo! And you did it! … kinda.
* Oooo Colin’s eye makes him too interesting. Not what I thought! Tricky tricky teasers making me think this was a big plot point to do with him being a relatively young energy vampire. I guess Colin and Nadja just aren’t going to have any kind of multi-episode arc this season. It seems like all their stories will eventually converge on the Guillermo-being-turned plot.
* Yes, Nadja lifting Guillermo up! It’s so awesome to see her being a strong vampire lady!
* Why does Laszlo even have that energy draining/transference machine? **UPDATE: Ah, so he can have more sex. That tracks.
* Also, OMG, Guillermo’s foot is literally hanging off! How does that happen by falling flat on your stomach?
* Nandor encouraging Colin is adorable. He’s a good friend and just wants everyone to be ok.
* LOL the first big celeb cameo and it’s a hit and run (and then return and bore) by John Slattery
* Not the platform 9 3/4 wall into the familiar clinic. 😂
* “Ecsqueeze me?” has slowly made its way into my daily lexicon and it’s all Mark Proksch’s fault!
* Is John Slattery an energy vampire?!?!
* Guillermo’s “Oh hey, Nandor!” when he’s all drugged up and Nadja walks in is just so funny. They are SO not shying away from Nandermo this season!!!
* Of course you love Nandor the most, Guillermo! I legit thought they weren’t going to let us hear him say that (like I didn’t think we’d hear Nandor say he was going to space to impress Guillermo), but they did!
* The Guide saying “Who rescued who” and yet she doesn’t have her own familiar. 😂
* Nandor giving Colin tips on how to be boring in the convenience store is… kind of in keeping with Nandor’s vibe and it’s adorable.
* Are you kidding me? Nandor is almost killed by giving up his energy for Colin Robinson right after Guillermo quotes Aliens while saving Nadja from a murderous vampire-familiar doctor? This episode is insane!
* The real question is how much does Nadja’s loyalty to Laszlo extend to her desire to help Guillermo? Also, hearing Laszlo say he wants to reverse the process of Guillermo’s turning was new. I had assumed he wanted to figure out what was happening, but actually full-on reversing it is interesting.
* Nice to meet you, Arthur Simon Santino, ex-boyfriend of Davy Crockett!
* Ok, who else was just waiting for Nandor to grab Guillermo’s face with his hand? That would have been… terrifying and amazing.
* I really got a taste of how upset Nandor will be when he learns about Guillermo’s turning and I already know it will destroy me.
* Ugh, Guillermo was so close to having the whole house on his side (except Nandor). But Colin saying he didn’t care was a good sign he’s back to his regular strength and probably won’t care what Nandor does to Guillermo one way or the other.
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cobbbvanth · 1 year
I relate to that so hard 😭 sometimes I'll have a set fully planned out in my head and then I go to make it and completely blank! also omg I LOVE The Martian!! I absolutely agree that it's the best book to film adaptation I've ever seen!! The movie makes me cry every time slkdjfhgd and it's actually one of the rare instances where I enjoy the movie more than the book, even thought I loved the book as well. Changing the subject a bit, what are your favorite fictional couples?? – psc anon <3
bestie you are speaking my language <3 the end of the martian (especially in the movie) is just so heartwarming? how the whole world was watching while the crew brought him home?? 🥺 the "every human being has a basic instinct: to help each other out. this is so fundamentally human that it's found in every culture without exception" at the end is one of my favourite quotes, and it comes from the same story as "mark watney: space pirate" and "yes, I did in fact survive on a deserted planet by farming in my own shit." THE RANGE ahsdgjkal
favourite fictional couples: jake and amy (b99), david and patrick (schitt's creek), nick and charlie (heartstopper), eleanor and chidi (the good place), stede and ed (ofmd), nadja and laszlo (wwdits) <3
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quinnigallagherjones · 6 months
top five quotes that live in your brain rent free :)
hi mitali !!!!! 🤍🤍🤍
to the edge of the universe and back, endure and survive (from tlou, so many quotes from tlou live in my brain rent free tho !)
you idiot, we could have been us (from good omens, it HAUNTS ME)
it makes no damn sense, compels me though (from knives out, i LOVE BENOIT BLANC)
GIZMO SHUT THE FUCK UP, WE ARE DOING A PIECE TO CAM ER UHHH (from wwdits, pretty much all of laszlo's quotes live in me head rent free bc of his pronunciation of certain words hahaha)
what a wonderful day, quick reminder, we are dying (from new girl, once again so many nick quotes live in my head RENT FREE)
ask me my top 5/top 10 of anything !!
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cryptid-s-wips · 2 years
17 & 21 for the character asks perhaps??
Thank you so much for the ask, Varan!
17. Who is your favorite OC?
My real favorite is actually one I don't talk about too often on here because a) he's relatively new, compared to some of my others, and b) I haven't figured out what kind of project to put him in yet, BUT his name is Daedalus Smythe, he's deeply terrible, very bisexual, anticapitalist, definitely not cisgender, a lil bit insane, and he's also an interdimensional assassin who basically accidentally adopts a child while out to get a mark. To quote Laszlo Cravensworth from wwdits, he's my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good-time boy. And he also gives me gender envy. That's a major contributing factor.
Second up, though, (and first of my characters from my WIPs) is Reid from Highway to Hell because she is the messy, selfish, terrible, mildly deranged woman with a heart of gold representation the world needs.
Thalia's a close third and that is because I am actually just in love with her :)
And there are so many more I could go on about because the more I write the more I realize I can't decide between them all 😭
21. What is one of your character's biggest fears?
I know this is the Easy Answer because it's basically the whole theme of the WIP, but Reid from Highway to Hell's biggest fear is not being in control of her life, and her realization that something bigger is pulling the strings is what motivates her to actually do something for once in her life. She tries to act like she's laid back and down with anything, but on the inside, Reid wants nothing more than to know that she's the one steering the wheel.
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