#madhu is creating her own reality
mad-who-ra · 2 years
The things that I have read and understood so far about the Law of Assumption
Okay so this is for my personal reference and instead of writing it in my notes, i decided to make a post.
You. Make. Your. Own. Rules.
If you assume the thing you want is gonna take time, it is gonna take time. If you assume the manifestation will come after a certain event, that’s what’s gonna happen. Reality is multifaceted and there is no fix set of rules. The universe reflects your beliefs back to you so you make your own rules and the reality responds in that way. Which means the manifestation process can be easy, effortless and it’s gonna show up even if you don’t do any elaborate ritual or affirm a thousand times if only you believe it to be that way.
Assume you have what you want
Because you do. The 3D reality is just a fragment of the whole universe and there are other dimensions and once you decide you have something in the higher dimensions, the 3D reality has to reflect it back to you. So assume you already have what you want, cause as soon as you make that choice, it is done in the higher dimensions and it will show up in the 3D sooner or later but you don’t need to stress about it, cause you already have it now. So behave like you have it. Dress like you have it. Act like you have it. Think like you have it. Because you do. And that is what is gonna saturate your brain and the process will be quicker.
Avoid the negative talk or whining
So yeah, it’s fun to cry over the things that you don’t have and want with your friends, but that is breaking the illusion. We are basically tricking the 3D reality into believing that you already have the thing and there is a glitch in the system because it’s not reflecting it.
Don’t check the 3D reality constantly
Yeah be delusional. That’s the best way. Ignore the reality and live in that day dream. Ignore the people who tell you otherwise cause you know, in the higher dimensions, YOU. HAVE. IT. They just can’t see it yet.
React positively to unwanted circumstances
If the 3D reality is throwing the fact that you don’t have the manifestation yet, keep affirming that this is what’s gonna lead you to it. Anything that goes wrong, is a way to your manifestation. Any step in any direction is still a movement and if you have it in the higher dimensions, it’s gonna show up! As long as you hold the assumption of already having it, nothing can stop it.
You don’t have to take any action
You make your own rules. So yes, it is possible for the manifestation to just show up at your doorstep without you doing anything. This is what i am choosing to believe and that’s how easy it’s gonna be for me. You don’t have to take an action in the 3D reality to get your manifestation.
Excess potential is gonna slow things down
So, putting a thing on a pedestal is not a good idea? Again, it can or cannot apply to you according to your belief system but it seems logical to me. If you assume that you have the thing that you want, why would you obsess over wanting it? You live your life. Reduce the excess potential by acknowledging the fact that there is a possibility where you don’t get the manifestation but you are choosing the reality where you have it. Because-
This is literally like ordering something at a restaurant. You select what you want, and you get it. Infinite number of realities exist in the quantum field and Schrödinger's cat experiment does talk about how one reality splits into two when you make a decision or an observation and you can choose to shift realities to your desired reality. All you have to do is make that choice and it’s done. It’s. Done. You. Have. It. You have your manifestation.
Don’t worry about how it’s gonna happen
It’s not your problem. Once you order a thing, do you care about how it is being made or being delivered to you? No. Because you know it’s coming anyway. Similarly, you don’t need to care about the HOW and the WHY or anything at all. It’s gonna happen. You just wait and watch the universe lead you.
I am gonna keep adding to this as I read more and remember more. Again, it’s for my personal reference, if you don’t agree with it, you have your own set of rules, i am making mine.
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maryoliverdotcom · 11 months
A Shade Darker Than Red: Chapter 8
Chapter 7
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A week passed by. Paro was eerily quiet when she was with me, and I thought of what I had said that day. Had I really, truly ruined all my chances of saving even our friendship?
A million thoughts rushed through my head as I turned restlessly in bed, staring at the ceiling.
The ceiling of our bedroom was painted with blue fluorescent stickers shaped like stars. Papa had done that. I had asked Maa to take them off if they bothered her, but we never did.
Beside me, Maa tossed in her sleep. They say if you think of someone, they can’t fall asleep. Could she hear my thoughts?
I had nothing to distract myself with. No phone, no book—nothing. Just me, my thoughts and the stars on the ceiling.
A sudden, vivid memory flashed in my mind. We were six. A year had passed since my meeting with Paro. We were running around like hooligans in the park while our mothers talked about work, pados-wali aunties and whatnot. I still remember what Paro was wearing: a frilly, white frock with Minnie Mouse sewn onto its sleeves. The sky was red and so was our laughter, until Paro bent down and ripped a flower right off its stem. “For you,” she had said, clumsily tucking the flower behind my ear. When she touched my earlobe, the flower was white. When she let go, it was red.
Another memory. We were nine. She sat with me on the bed while I rambled on about my latest hyperfixation: dragons. She listened to every single detail I had mentioned and, by the end of the afternoon, showed me a drawing of a wyvern.
Twelve. I was reading The Priory of the Orange Tree, sitting on the windowsill. I took a sip from my milk tea, letting out a contented hum. I wasn’t on the windowsill anymore. I was Ead, pressing a kiss to Sabran’s brow. Sabran was someone who looked uncannily similar to Paro.
An annoying ding! from my phone forced me back to reality. I heard Maa’s grunts and snores: the coast was clear. 
I climbed off the bed, taking care not to put extra weight anywhere that would make the mattress creak. I walked towards the desk and picked up the phone.
WhatsApp: You have 3 messages.
It was Paro. I checked the time: 3:49 a.m. Paro was a morning person, what was she doing staying up all night?
Paro<3: hi renu are you awake? —00:27 do you wanna hang out on the roof like we used to?  —02:01 its ok if you dont wanna. go back to sleep you have a big day tmrw. actually, if ur awake rn i’ll kill you —03:48
Oh, Paro.
I glanced at Maa, slowly increasing the fan’s regulator. Please don’t wake up soon.
I walked out of the room and closed the door. Thank goodness I’d oiled its hinges last week. 
The main door was locked—opening it meant creating a ruckus. “Shit,” I muttered under my breath. No wait, actually not shit. This meant I’d have to take the old way around. Jeez, fourteen-year-old me was fun.
I opened the door to the balcony and hoisted myself up on its railing. It was an easy jump. I tumbled onto the grass, praying that a grasshopper wouldn’t find its new home in my ear. The grass was wet and the air smelled of petrichor. 
I stood up, smoothening my pyjamas. Staying out late at night was a risky thing, especially in our neighbourhood. Plenty of TicTac-shaped pills here and there, and men on the prowl. I didn’t give a damn. I was eighteen and probably feeling some feelings I wasn’t supposed to be feeling. (That’s a lot of ‘feeling’s, I know.) What could possibly hurt me?
A lot of things, I realised, as I walked up to Paro’s house. Like that mad dog Rathode had warned me about. The creepy guy who keeps children in his basement (just a speculation, but when Madhu speculated about something, it was most probably right). An overspeeding motorcycle that could crash into me any minute. My own mother, with her pots and pans, once she realised I was gone.
Oh well, the damage was done. I found myself opening the gate on instinct, as if I knew Paro’s house better than I did my own.
I stepped into their garden, careful not to trample on any beetles—and made my way to the window of the woman who lived below Paro’s flat. Madame Fosco, I called her, in everything but her looks.
The tin shade Madame Fosco had installed last year was probably on its deathbed by now. Rust had made its edges creaky, but Fosco was deaf, anyway. I grabbed onto it and hoisted myself up, finding myself staring right at Paro’s face, our faces a millimetre away from each other’s. She screamed.
I screamed.
My foot slipped and I fell off the tin shade, tumbling onto the grass once again. At this point, I would be surprised if a grasshopper hadn’t found its home in my ear.
“For Whitman’s sake, hush,” I hissed.
Paro peered out of the window, her mouth forming a perfect ‘o’. “I’m sorry,” she mouthed. 
I shook my head (in case a grasshopper had organised a nice family dinner in my hair) and climbed onto the tin shaft once again, pulling myself onto Paro’s windowsill.
“Come in,” she whispered, switching the lights on. 
I felt comfortable squatting on her windowsill like a failed Spiderman and grumbled as I walked into her bedroom.
Paro switched her phone’s torchlight off. “I’m gonna kill you.”
“What?” I stared at her retreating figure. “What did I do?”
“Why are you still awake?” she snapped. I followed her to the door.
“Why are you still awake and staring out of your window like Oscar fucking Wilde?” I snapped back. Paro flipped me off while trying her hardest to pull the gates across the door. Sweat shone on her forehead, her eyes illuminated in the moonlight.
“Hold on, let me help,” I offered, gently grabbing her wrist. Paro grumbled, stepping aside.
I pushed the gate back and pulled it in again, keeping the screw in with my thumb. It glided into the opening on the other side, miraculously not making a single noise. I turned towards Paro. She was staring at my arms.
“What?” I asked her, incredulously. One moment she said she wanted to kill me, and the next she looked at me like I was something she couldn’t quite wrap her head around.
“N-Nothing,” she muttered. My heart fluttered. Dammit, these butterflies in my stomach had turned into fucking bats at this point.
Paro walked up the stairs while I followed her footsteps in the dark. “Just like the old times, huh?” I heard her say.
I smiled weakly. “You make it sound like we're old.”
Paro opened the door to the roof, the tensed line in her jaw glinting in a sliver of moonlight. God, she was as beautiful as ever.
“Come in,” she said, her words echoing in the marble walls.
I followed her to the railings, leaning against the cool surface. A light breeze rippled through, making her hair fly for a brief second. Dear God, she was poetry herself.
“Where are Auntie and Uncle?” I asked, trying to break the silence.
A light breeze caressed my cheeks. “They won’t be back before tomorrow. Business trip,” Paro explained, edging closer to me.
“Oh.” I was suddenly aware of the pen still tucked behind my ear.
“So we’re—we’re all alone, then?” I asked her, hoping she wouldn’t hear the slight quaver in my voice.
Paro nodded. “We are.” Silence, again.
She leaned against the railing. “You’re going away in three weeks.”
I nodded, not quite knowing what to say.
“I asked you a question.” Her voice was cold and harsh, harsher than I deserved. 
“That was a statement,” I snapped. “And don’t use your CEO voice with me.”
Paro frowned. “I’m not.”
“You are.” I glared at her. “And you know it.”
She stared at me, scrutinising my every feature. “I’m sorry,” she finally said, letting out a sigh. “I’m sorry. It’s just been—you’ll be gone—and—”
“I know, it’s okay,” I heard myself murmur, edging closer towards her.
“I—I’ve got that Poe book with me,” she said. “Do you want it now or at the graduation party?”
“Now,” I said, without thinking. “The party will be too loud. And too crowded,” I added as an afterthought.
Paro bit her lip so hard I was scared it would bleed. “Alright,” she nodded. “I’ll get it.”
I watched her retreat into the shadows, taking the white along with her. The night was a pool of blood, again.
I hummed. Did she know about the history of ‘OK’? Probably not. I’d tell her. Not knowing things I wouldn’t be able to tell her before we drifted apart wasn’t a good idea. At least she’d be able to tell her children that their Renu Auntie had told her about the history of ‘OK’. Maybe she’d sigh and think of me, again. Words were a certain but clumsy way into a person’s mind. 
Papa had told me that. Maybe that’s why I can’t stop thinking of him.
Did Paro know about Jinnah? That Netaji might’ve actually been alive? Did she know that birds came from lizard-hipped dinosaurs? There was so much I had to tell her before I vanished from her mind. It was pathetic. Scrambling onto every crumb of unrelated information I could find, just to hang onto her thoughts, stay on in her mind for a little while longer.
“I’m back,” Paro said, stepping into the moonlight.
She looked like Aphrodite, the goddess of love born from love itself, in all her glory—clutching a book of Edgar Allan Poe, the letters of which shone in the lamplight or moonlight, that I do not know.
“For you,” she said, handing me the book.
“It’s beautiful,” I gasped as I ran my fingers along the edge of its spine. It was a leatherbound book, The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe written in shiny gold lettering. I opened the first page. To Renu, it said. Keep me in your mind, always. From, Paro.
I chuckled, flipping through the pages. “Of course I’ll keep you in my mind, Paro,” I laughed. “What a silly thought!”
Paro looked at me, hope faintly glimmering in her eyes. “You will?” Her voice had softened down to a murmur.
I looked at her incredulously. “Well, duh, Paro, I can’t just forget my best friend of thirteen years now, can I?”
Paro’s lower lip trembled. “You promise?”
I smiled. “Always.”
A comfortable silence followed and as we looked at the stars, I knew we were both smiling.
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zurich-snows · 3 years
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Sohrab Hura, The Coast
Comments/Context: The Indian photographer Sohrab Hura first got my attention with his intimate and poetic photobook Life is Elsewhere (reviewed here). It was the first part of a wider trilogy entitled Sweet Life, which sensitively documented the life of his mother who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia when the artist was a teenager. Hura, who became an associate with Magnum Photos in 2018, has also been investigating other subjects, including local Indian communities, employment issues in rural India, and, in the past few years, the absurdity of political life in India.
Hura’s most recent photobook, The Coast, is part of a larger project The Lost Head and the Bird, which explores the frightening post-truth world, with a focus on the socio-political environment in India. As the country has gradually slipped into growing polarization and violence, Hura noticed that his parents were becoming victims of disinformation. He felt the need to express his observations and unease through his own visual language, and the project was first released as a short film (which in addition to Hura’s photographs, also uses an archive of found and researched images). The photobook is its most recent iteration, and while the film and the book use different approaches, they both explore storytelling through visual elements.
The book has a striking cover: a pair of eyes looking sideways and an open mouth appear against an extremely dark background while a touch of a red adds an element of a creepy horror (the image is actually a man wearing a mask during a religious festival). The title of the book and artist’s name are printed in bright yellow, creating a strong contrast.
The Coast opens with a short story – it centers on Madhu, a woman who has lost her head, quite literally. It was apparently stolen by her obsessive lover, and a fortune-teller had actually warned her that this might happen. The tale also includes the character of an idiot photographer (possibly Hura himself), who heard about Madhu and came from the nearby city of Chennai to take photos of her and “all the other wonderful and vicious things he sees along the coastline.”
This absurd story of a headless woman repeats itself in the book in 12 iterations. In each version, Hura changes just a few words, shifting the meaning and the tone of the preceding story (in the book, these specific parts are highlighted in yellow): frantically to surprisingly, obsessive to distraught, money to gift, warned to advised, etc. With each retelling of the story, he tones down the violence and the empathy shifts away from Madhu, gradually pushing the blame from Madhu’s miseries away from others and toward her. Hura notes, that “Just like with the images, each story forms a slightly different meaning in every subsequent reading and it becomes one of a dozen different truths.” Clearly, the shifting line between various versions of reality has been made deliberately muddy.
The story sets the atmosphere for sequences of photographs taken during trips to different points along the Indian coast. The images are printed full bleed with just a narrow slice of white space near the gutter, creating an immersive visual flow. One of the images near the beginning of the book captures a young couple passionately kissing in bed; it is paired with an image of a small green bird perched on an outstretched finger, shot against a bright yellow background. In the next spread, the image of a kissing couple is now paired with a photo of a cat with a brutally scratched nose. And the spread after that replaces kissing couple with a barefoot man with a knife walking in the darkness, his feet and arms covered in blood. Hura re-uses the same images repeatedly, but their meaning keeps evolving as he alters their context and the nearby juxtapositions. These images, violent and wild, are invasively flash-lit shots with bright and vivid colors, taking us on almost hallucinogenic trip, and the continuous reordering of the repeating images puts our stable perception of reality and fiction into question, blurring the lines even further.
In another sequence, there is a portrait of a man with blood running down his face, with a photo on the left capturing a woman looking in the mirror in horror. The meaning shifts as the following spread replaces the woman with a shot of an orange mass that looks alive with plastic eyes and a leaf as a mouth. These constant negotiations between pictures and their apparent truths create excitement and confusing movement, also exposing the way propaganda operates in the society – depending on who is arranging the images, we can come to surprisingly different conclusions.
Hura consistently uses the country’s physical coastline as a metaphor; the coast also refers to the margin, the edge, the boundary, not only physical but also psychological. That’s what we see in his photographs: a girl in a polka dot dress making soap bubbles, a portrait of a man with a foggy left eye, a corner flooded by rats, a fish in water, boys playing/fighting outside, a close up of a mouth, a crowd of people dancing, religious festival celebrations – these images all express emotional energy: anger, joy, confusion, rage, and countless others. The visual narrative builds up and culminates where land and sea meet. People walk toward the water, take a dip, frolic in the waves, and wash their bodies, their facial expressions and body language showing a sense of joy and relief, as if they have found the comfort to be themselves out on the edges.
The Coast boldly reflects on our current state of the world, where the overwhelming stream of information makes it difficult to distinguish between reality, fabrication, and the oddly surreal in between. In his work, Hura calls for a reevaluation of how we consider and observe the world around us. As a photobook, The Coast is an intelligent and thoughtfully produced object, and stands out as one of the strongest and exciting photobooks published so far this year.
Collector’s POV: Sohrab Hura is represented by Magnum Photos (here), where he became a nominee in 2014 and an associate in 2018. His work has not yet found its way to the secondary markets, so gallery retail remains the best option for those collectors interested in following up.
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tiannas-ocs · 3 years
Madhu Prasad
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gif credit: @dcbrvss​
Fandom: X-Men (Movies: X-Men Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix)
Alias: Lollipop
Faceclaim: Maitreyi Ramakrishnan
Age: 15
Nicknames: Mads, Lolli
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight???
Occupation: Student
Species: Human Mutant
Affiliation: Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters
Abilities: Candy Manipulation (can create lollipops and control preexisting ones), Candy Bombs (can turn lollipops into bombs)
Intro: Madhu Prasad was born in Boston to two candy shop owners who made and sold their own candy. Their store was a popular one in the area, and had even started to gain some national recognition. Her parents hoped their daughter would follow in their footsteps and take over the family business when she was old enough, but it soon became apparent that that wouldn’t be possible.
The first sign of her mutant abilities was noticed when she was 9 and her parents were taking inventory., only to discover that a large number of lollipops had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. They didn’t think much of it, thinking it had been an error on their part, and moved on. Business was good, and they’d completely forgotten about the lollipop situation, until they started flying off the shelves. Literally. There was no one else in the store at the time besides them and their daughter, so the cause was very clear. It was Madhu.
At first they were very scared, knowing all about the problems mutants have caused in the past, but they knew their daughter wasn’t bad. She just didn’t know how to control her powers. That’s where Charles Xavier comes in. The flying lollipop incident had alerted the man of her existence and he stopped by their shop in Boston to offer her a place in his school. It took some convincing, but they accepted and said goodbye to their daughter, telling her to visit often.
She did visit her parents often, except not to their little apartment above their shop in Boston anymore. Now her visits take her to a condo in the Upper East side of Manhattan. The year after she left, her parents got offered a deal to expand their business. Now they have multiple locations all over the United States. They’re also super rich. Mads may have let their newly acquired money go to her head, and often comes off as a bitch because of it; always flaunting her expensive jewelry and designer clothes. 
Madhu liked to think she had lots of friends. That’s what happens when you have money and an endless supply of lollipops to give away, right? Wrong. In reality, her powers were probably the only thing most people liked about her. Her snarky and sarcastic attitude caused most people to keep their distance. She didn’t mean to come off as bitchy or mean, she was just proud of her parents’ accomplishments and wanted everyone to see that. Where people saw her bragging, she just saw it as proudly claiming the Prasad name. It wasn’t her fault people are jealous.
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fidelityjobs · 5 years
Your own private Fidelity art tour… in virtual reality
By Prem Paul Ninan, Senior Manager - Corporate Communications, Fidelity India
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What if Fidelity employees, and even customers at investor centers, could experience art in 360 degrees without being in front of it? It would be the perfect way to marry technology with art, and the result could be magical.
This is what happened when Anupama Madhu, who is part of the startup accelerator program in the Fidelity Center for Applied Technology (FCAT) in India, visited the company’s headquarters in Boston. She was riveted by the art around the Center. For anyone who has been there and several of Fidelity’s offices, you cannot miss these visual treats.
The Fidelity Art Collection comprises over 12,000 pieces of contemporary art installed throughout all Fidelity’s offices, from investor centers to regional sites to international spaces. Sasha Jack, Program and Communications Specialist for the Corporate Art Group at Fidelity, says, “The art at Fidelity plays an important role in our culture. Much more than a beautiful element of décor, the art catalyzes creativity, connects people, brings the outside world in, and embodies Fidelity’s values. The paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures, and even digital and video works are carefully curated to build innovation here at Fidelity while also supporting arts communities locally and globally.”
Anupama’s mind raced with possibilities. Her team had been thinking for a long time about piloting a virtual reality experience. She reached out to Sasha, and the connection was made.
“I was thrilled to participate,” Sasha says. “Our art team is always looking for novel ways to educate and engage associates around the collection.”
Anupama and Sasha met several times over video conference, and their excitement grew as the idea took shape. Art-related content and creative support came from the Fidelity’s art curation team, while a startup company that provides augmented and virtual reality solutions to enterprises filmed the space and created the VR experience, using inputs from Sasha. The iterative process incorporated feedback from Fidelity India and the Fidelity art team.
Both Jorge Nario, Head of FCAT, and Vikram Biswas, Head of the Enterprise Technology Group at Fidelity India, were excited about this opportunity for collaboration and capability building. “It gave us an opportunity to work with a startup while building an internal VR capability at Fidelity.”
We now have a dynamic, exciting new way to engage with art at Fidelity. The new VR experience allows anyone with a VR headset to ‘walk’ through the lobby of 245 Summer Street, learning about its art as though they are on a private tour with a member of the art team.
The experience is now live, with demo devices installed within FCAT Boston, Bangalore and Chennai.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
As Kabir Singh battles brickbats, a have a look at Malayalam cinema's latest subversion of poisonous alpha males- Leisure Information, Firstpost
http://tinyurl.com/yxdlm6xr On this 12 months’s Kumbalangi Nights, one of many primary leads Saji (Soubin Shahir), believing himself chargeable for the surprising loss of life of his good friend, is nearly on the verge of a meltdown when he turns to his little brother—”I believe I’m shedding it. I need assistance. Can you’re taking me to a health care provider?” Within the second that he confides to the Physician and sobs throughout him, we’re witnessing the overhaul of the poisonous masculinity that has been celebrated in Malayalam cinema for ages. The scene concurrently subverts one among its oldest and most profitable tropes—the highly effective, protecting elder brother. In any case, Saji is the eldest in that dysfunctional household of 4 brothers. In the identical movie, his youthful brother (Shane Nigam) proves to be a by-product of poisonous masculinity and will get enraged when he realises that he isn’t entitled to take possession of his girlfriend but. The girlfriend, in the meantime, calls out her misogynist brother-in-law who considers himself the protector and the legislation of the household. “In our household we give ladies affordable freedom” being the fixed chorus. The brother-in-law, Shammi (Fahadh Faasil), the image of an “supreme household man” who can also be casteist, snobbish and misogynist, finally ends up being the psychopathic antagonist within the movie. Kumbalangi Nights, directed by Madhu C Narayanan and written by Syam Pushkaran, not solely succeeds in overthrowing the celebrated alpha male but additionally factors out that in idea he’s the villain of the story. “However I want they hadn’t made him right into a psychopath. He truly represents the typical chauvinistic Malayalee male,” says CS Venkiteswaran, movie academician. A nonetheless from Kumbalangi Nights. Having stated that, the movie nonetheless doesn’t drift away from the bigger narrative in Malayalam cinema — exhibiting ladies as nurturers, about ladies anchoring the boys and providing them objective in life. Agrees movie critic Sreehari Nair, who says Kumbalangi Nights was additionally about “what number of sturdy, gifted, impartial ladies willingly hand over their very own character to grow to be captives of bushy brutes.” “In Kumbalangi, the reactions of these ladies within the Shammi family, the best way they virtually tense up in his presence, how they, by conditioning, cower down earlier than his masculine grandeur, is a actuality in lots of Indian and Malayali households. These reactions, I believe, are as vital to review because the character of Shammi. The reality is that quite a lot of ladies, by placing love earlier than their very own honour, carry slavishness upon themselves. I personally don’t suppose this is a component that wants ‘correction’. It merely is one among our nation’s many poetic insanities,” Nair observes. Malayalam cinema, which has been on a studying curve publish WCC and New Wave, is consciously making an attempt to rephrase the century-old conditioning layered within the basically male-centric narrative. Although Malayalam cinema has not at all times glorified the poisonous male, it can’t be discounted that standard cinema at all times gave credence to him over the feminine voice. There have been the occasional KG George (thought of one of many most interesting filmmakers of all instances) movies (1980s) with advanced women and men who fell from the excessive pedestal of morality, obtained up and continued with their lives with out being judged. Whereas the 1980s had a mix of real looking portrayal and endorsement of the poisonous male hero, it was in the direction of the mid-1990s that it grew out of hand. A lot earlier than Ranji Panicker-Ranjith-Shaji Kailas trio scripted their alpha male icons, Director Balachandra Menon (between 1979-mid 1990s) had created and popularised a story the place the best girl was somebody who bowed to her man and was not able to making large selections in the home. He made positive that every time the standard position play obtained disrupted (or every time a girl spoke towards this male-order), he introduced them again within the patriarchal order, as he believed solely that stabilised the right household. A number of of his movies rallied across the “actual man” syndrome. Maniyan Pillai Athava Maniyan Pillai has a hero who rapes a girl to reveal his masculinity, whereas Prashnam Gurutharam’s protagonist opts for suicide over residing as an impotent man. “Within the 1980s there wasn’t a lot age parity between the hero and the heroine, which helped to carry an equality within the relationship, not like post-2000. Be it Jayabharathi-Soman, Venu Nagavalli-Jalaja or Shobha. However after superstardom, the age hole between the hero and heroine drastically widened, making the creation of alpha males simpler. Now after all, we see the age hole decreasing,” observes CS. Director Padmarajan has depicted poisonous masculinity in a number of of his movies. In Kariyila Kattu Pole, we see a hero (Mammootty) raping a girl to “educate her a lesson” and to point out her “what an actual man” can do. And worse, her trauma is hardly addressed within the movie which opts to digress into the bond between the daddy and youngster. In the meantime, his 1983 movie Koodevide has an entitled misogynistic hero who results in jail for murdering the scholar of his lover. In Thoovanathumpikal, his most celebrated work, the main man, Jayakrishnan is a product of poisonous masculinity, unable to take a woman’s rejection leading to a one-night stand with a name woman. However even there, his fragile male ego makes him responsible of coveting a woman’s virginity as he believes like each patriarchal male that it defines a girl’s existence, prompting him to supply her marriage. Within the late 1990s, when heroines have been being sidelined, alpha males rose in prominence. Director Rajasenan’s standard mainstream movies that includes Jayaram had appalling plotlines woven round middle-class households. In all his celebrated movies, be it Ayalathe Adheham, Meleparambil Aan Veedu or Njangal Santhushtaranu, males steeped in patriarchy mocked, judged or introduced the “drifting ladies” again into the household. In Ayalathe Adheham, the hero is a grouchy sexist who believed that exhibiting affection or flaws earlier than his spouse would make him much less of a person. So, they find yourself demonising the one who overtly made a present about loving his spouse. Whereas Meleparambil Aan Veedu makes an announcement that society considers a girl virtuous as alongside as her unborn youngster is claimed by the daddy. The heroine in Njangal Santhushtaranu is the stereotypical trendy spouse who can’t prepare dinner or be motherly and wears trendy garments. She is named out for not being the standard obedient spouse. However the minute she “realises her errors” she wears a sari and turns into the motherly determine he needed her to be. Sathyan Anthikad made positive his heroines have been the catalyst for his heroes to know their objective in life. As soon as that’s completed, the women go into the standard gender roles. In Priyadarshan’s Mithunam, it’s once more a hero who doesn’t speak in confidence to his spouse concerning his financial points, as he both thinks she is simply too dim-witted to know him, or she would suppose much less of him as a person. Finally, she is pressured to apologise for not empathising along with his silent remedy of her. Lohithadas’s Kanmadam has a hero (Mohanlal) who thinks he can weaken a girl’s (Manju Warrier) defences with a kiss, as he feels that’s all she yearns for. However then she can also be proven as a daring, grumpy girl who’s being pressured to shoulder the accountability of her household within the absence of her brother. The overall thought being sketched is {that a} girl is happiest when a person takes care of the home and she or he performs the spouse and mom. A minimum of the hero’s motion and her response reinstate that idea. Although Malayalam cinema has had comparatively fewer romantic films, the notable ones had stalking (Vandanam, Chithram, Annayum Rasoolum) getting used as mandatory instrument for wooing. Whereas these are largely depictions, the narrative took a disturbing flip by the late 1990s and early-mid 2000 when superstars (Mammootty and Mohanlal) have been crafted as demi-god alpha males and their heroines the place diminished to arm sweet. They adhered extra to hegemonic and hyper masculinity. There was Renji Panicker, who created heroes who at all times judged the “trendy lipstick sporting girl with a thoughts of her personal,” gave them a category on self-discipline, traditions, and household. After which there was writer-director Ranjith who made positive he created ladies who prostrated earlier than their main males and eagerly jumped at their flippant, sexist marriage proposals. In all these narratives, a person’s value is at all times weighed on the paternity scale — “If you’re born of a single father, carry it on,” is the ISI mark of heroism in Malayalam cinema. Dileep movies endorsed misogyny and sexism within the guise of household entertainers, passing off crude humour concentrating on ladies in each movie. As soon as the development of alpha male superstars began to say no (although this 12 months, one of many greatest hits is a celebrity glorification car known as Lucifer), the New Wave set in. That and social media collectively prompted the emergence of girls writers in movie criticism and the formation of WCC. Conversations started on ladies’s illustration and misogyny in older Malayalam movies, leading to extra insightful discussions. Political correctness was thought of as essential to a movie’s acceptability because the story, medium and method. The change is clear in latest instances, when audiences are woke in the direction of misogyny, racism, and casteism being glorified on display screen. A nonetheless from Varathan. The result’s the likes of Varathan and Ishq. In final 12 months’s Amal Neerad directed Varathan, the hero is a metrosexual, the subversion of poisonous masculinity. He’s mild, type, giving, and doesn’t react to conditions like how society perceives a person ought to. He’s additionally susceptible, emotional, and compassionate, traits typically seen as weaknesses in a person. Of their marriage, he makes no fuss about being helpful within the kitchen or in not being the salaried associate. “It’s an fascinating depiction, however his climactic transformation is that of a celebrity’s, which I believe was deliberate,” says CS. Whereas director Anuraj Manohar’s Ishq has a extra advanced layering. It’s a few younger couple who tries to rescue themselves from the clutches of a creep who harasses them within the garb of ethical policing. However as soon as the issues tide over and the vengeance has been extracted, comes the reality concerning the hero. It’s solely when he’s reassured that the villain didn’t contact his girlfriend that he decides to stroll again into her life. He endorses machismo and has all of the particular traits of a poisonous male who thinks his manliness has been mocked and challenged when he couldn’t “shield and defend” his girlfriend. It’s that alone which makes him plot a revenge plan that goes utterly towards his character. However in the long run when that façade falls in entrance of her, it’s heartening to observe her take a stand. Between all that is the baffling indisputable fact that Arjun Reddy, the 2017 Telugu movie which has been remade in Hindi as Kabir Singh (and is at the moment operating in theatres) which in flip has been aggressively slammed by North Indian movie critics for its blunt glorification of poisonous masculinity was effectively acquired in Kerala. Shahid Kapoor in a nonetheless from Kabir Singh. YouTube Most likely we should always simply take coronary heart in the truth that Malayalam cinema and a piece of the discerning viewers has although belatedly acknowledged poisonous masculinity and the dangerous, abusive methods it’s reared its head, the conversations are in full swing. The change may even be effectively on its means. Up to date Date: Jul 02, 2019 09:15:48 IST !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function() {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)} ; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '259288058299626'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.9&appId=1117108234997285"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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ushashresthra-blog · 6 years
Time’s Cardiogram
The Periodic Cardiogramsis an English versiontranslated by myself from my Nepali poetry named “Samayako Cardiograms”that was published in Nepali in 2058 (2001).  And itaims at reinforcing important concepts that people have practiced the fundamental cultures, religions, philosophy and even science being convinced that they are the backbone to build the societies.Cleared, worldwide people have inculcated their minds through these various opinions and they have accepted them as true sources of our surviving in this world. In fact since childhood a baby is influenced by the surrounding cultural philosophies or scientific practices and brought up with the concepts that parents follow or the society holds practically. Thus a child depicts the concepts of his her parents, the neighborhoods and the teachers or the leaders who influence the societies. But in present, due to the unlimited facilities of science and technology the whole world is easily accessible and various concepts developed globally can persuade the children through thedevices.Viewing the facts, I have tried to encompass most of the thoughts developed in the societies at home and abroad conciselyin this poetry.
           When I published the poetry in Nepali in 2058 (2001),I have tried to include the various theories of religions and some pros and cons of scientific inventions that are influencing to the worldwide societies. The parents, neighbors, relatives and teachers from schools and colleges inculcated me profoundly and I carried onapplying in my life. But my timely ripened maturity started observing my past and I found that the concepts learned in past should be sorted out. Accordingly I started writing the poetry by thinking that readers can gain some ideas and be matured before wasting time as I had to spend in the unfathomable illusion unreasonably. I also would like to request everyone that the cultures, languages and religions that one has grown up within might be worth understanding well, before one jump into the next influencing one, because throughpredetermined genes in the blood can offer mastery in a personeasily.
           In the process of writing poetry, many new practices emerged and before I could grasp them in it they faded away. Therefore many things though I tried to include here are left out due to the potent pace of time. Within the limited time I have translated this poem in English and put forward it among the learned people hoping your fruitful suggestion to improve it in further publication. Here, I also would like to mention the confluence of trio arts from the same family members: poetry is by me, the front cover page painting is by my first son Ashish and back cover page is by my youngest son Saisav.
  Periodic Cardiograms
Thewind is assumed vacuum and the water colorless
Gas is anticipated void, only fragrance as the wind
In some forms, there is perceptibility in the five senses
The forehead makes the essence of vacuity flow in won physique
Even the void is found beseeching its basis, pursuing its environment
The sun’s shatteredportionformed the earth creek! Chirp! Flash! Bang!!
As dins occurred there, some applicable tumultuous noises
Euphonious echoes of the music might have festooned there,
The expression of nature might have been soaked in fluid
The same sound might have dawdled perpetually
Until,there was a celestial phase of its tranquility.
 Ashish and Saisav
Feel yourself about a sense properly
The numerous natural endowed tangible forms
A conch of snail form the ocean is fixed in the holy worshipping-room
Nay, but it is expounded with its causeof significance!
When the conch blows, it sterilizes infectious bacteria, distills environment
Even science has already acknowledged so
The nature compresses entirely inflowing in the unfathomable illusion
That accomplishes equilibrium immeasurably
Within the reverie of OM chanted personally in void
Or from the blow of the conch there is uninterrupted eco of the Vedas
Tearing out the stillness of the void a trace is carved to ripen the creation  
We sing oriental hymns the Puranas and recite Swasthani in the winter
Tracing the aged narratives of the planets to the homeland
We venerate them bowing down our heads
Adoring sincerely we treasure more chronicles in our own native land
And resonate them in elevation with full of pride
We unfold the Saptasati in the Dashain festival
Which are the chronicle of manifold formulae of the Shakti the powerful goddesses.
  Ashish and Saisav!
The religious stories of the Puranas, the Bibles
And of the Korana, the Jataka and the tribal ones
There is no variance in genius explanation
Though the process of touching nose with hands might differ
Externally diverging in their process, but in authenticity  
We are one progeny universally
Erudite readings since infantile stacksdeeply in my mind
Duly, I want to share them with you  
But the surroundings is contaminated selfishly and egoistically
Religious theories are adulterated absolutely
In the splendor of nature violator (Bhasmasur) is arrived
Jalandhar (deceitful) encompasses everything in his snares
Deceptions are embedded deceitfully everywhere
Malevolent devils (MadhuKaitava) sprawling evil sentiments
To violate the lotus of lovely creation
Gulping it to make rambling its devious treacheries
Inspecting such ruses I obtain smoldering pangs
Having these throbbing chronicles within me
What envisages in me by aged gatherings
My mind is reverberating on the conversion
Though I am neither a scholar, nor an audience
Still the preceding tutelages I recall and engrave  
Cause, my mind is enthralled in them.
 Ashish and Saisav!
The creation of science is written implicitly
Among them to be penetrated in the heart are
The Vedas and the Puranas, by periodic nature
Conferring time actors are selected there
Apt inspiring words are conveyed by them
And delivered immeasurable treasure of intelligence
Thousands of years old stories are there
Some are significant and some irrelevant
One as a duck must pursue water and milk
Being detached from the illusive snare
Possessing acumen naturally
Split the route amid immortality and mortality
Again where to situate the potent time
Above mentioned accounts of Swasthani
And chronicles about the submerged universe of the Shaptasati
Pursuer can perceive the depiction there
Stated that universe was flooded!
In the void of universe the lord Vishnu was slumbered
Creating a bed of Sesh Nag (serpent) in yogic sleep!
Cleared, symbolically lord Vishnu is called protector
Lacking creation may be called sound yogic dozed
Days were failure to act, no way to be operated!
The creation was molded in vacuum
On the blossomed lotus-stem petals  
The Brahma- icon of the creator
Tranquillybe positionedin there!
For the industrious desired creation.
     Ashish and Saisav!
In yogic sleep imbalanced naval lotus
Churning of somnolent and aroused may yield weird creation
Cerumen drops off through his ears
Forming two powerful devils from the ear wax
Named Madhu and Kaitav who hunted food in famish
To gulp the Brahma dashed swiftly towards the Lord
Then to arouse the Lord from his sound sleep
The Shakti, goddess Mahamaya, Yogaswarupini appeared
And aroused the Lord from the slumber!
A battle took place between devils and the Lord
Neither side could conquest for a long
Battled neck to neck consistently
So, adoring the illusive goddess Mahamaya
Lord Vishnu throws snare of bogus words illusively
Oh! Insuperable combatants!
I am delighted with your heroic combat
I want to grant boons to you both
But proud devils in vanity bellowed
We have victory, excelled in our bravery,
Thirstier we are moreintensely
It seemed you are totally exhausted
Burt you cowardice ask us for your boons illusively
Rather you ask boons from us we award thee
Then Vishnu mad them take vow for their demise
He took boons from thembeaming cynically
That form his hands both devils have to decease.
  Ashish and Saisav!
The virtue and vice of gods and devils to be sought in senses
Indraimposedthere and overwhelmed
Incorporating his own strategy
Being obliged in the trap of boons
Of killing the both devils in arid place
Entirely flood everywhere in the world
Contrary to this submerged domain
Lord comprehends entire inundation
He standstills being despondent, astonished, astounded!
Lord Vishnu as granted in blessing
Lifted both devils on his thighs one by one
They weredecimated!
Craftily by the lord Vishnu
Potent tow devils were perished!
I impressed, calm and commotion
Along with discriminative supremacy
Entangle in steady episodes
Afore or later incidences occur
Formerly anticipated the whole lot formally
Like a game of infantile puppet
The nature displays at this point
The fattyobesity of both devils
Molded into frost due to cold
And produced soil that is supposed!
With their flesh and bones made mountains and stones
Desiccated, and appeared arid land it is expressed!
  Ashish and Saisav!
Who is in apex attracts perceptions
Cause the devils also contemplated
To the supreme Lord Brahma
As each peace of cloud has it silver lining
In the enormity of vacuum and tranquility
There intermingle fluxes of profane tumults
Because for a fresh creation
Of associating each atom’s formation
Here might requisite tumults and commotions.
  Ashish and Saisav!
The Puranas on the freshly creation progresses pleasantly
When one recites and listens about their extension
There the Brahma initiatedthe stages of creation
Among the fourteen worlds created one earth
The creation of the Brahma
And the formation of human body
Both are formed similarly
The existence of human beings depends on the reality of the Sumeru
Stands visibly, invisibly the universe
Stances in equipoise
There formed planets and clusters of stars
Beneath of the earth to
The slightly above the heaven
The Brahma’s kingdom elongates radiantly.
  Ashish and Saisav!
PatanjalYogadarsan illuminates about the spiritual horizon
If preferred, you can study, apprehend yourself well ahead
In between this entire world and in the fourteen planets
Ahead or behind, our habitat lovely than paradise subsists
Among the seven seas there exists the Jambudip
In the sphere of the Char Seaour apt habitat is
The length of narratives is unmanageable to inscribe
Simple to complex science
At this point the Puranas varyingly expound
Like a whirling disk device
Rotating the habitats pace
Erratically revolving its drive
Unceasingly into weeks, dates, months, seasons and eons
Revolving in relevant speed perpetually
The intact creation, design, construction
If viewed topmost to bottommost elongated baselessly
From the power of inertia, Tamogun
Elevated up to the quality of Virtue, Satya
The entire creation alternate inversely
From the Satyayug to downward
Revolving forever in complete circle mutely
Form Satya, Treta, Dwaper to Kali
Circling one after another Yugas incessantly
Having its own thorough coursein equilibrium
But one day there will be a holocaust and
The spheresuccumbs in the conflagration of Tama, torpor.
  Ashish and Saisav!
As the mother Nature of air blows shivering
Trees and vines and foliage
Naturally at the aurora of the dawn
The virtuous quality emits through Satyaguna
Engrossed in action of pursuing the ultimate truth
In the domain of goddess
Reversed, incomplete, indolent monsters
Appeared bigheaded to initiate hostile power
And to profane the entire creation mischievously
But gods emanate afterward stimulatingly
The Brahma, initiator of the entire creations
Uniting with Shakti in the prolific power
As in the Puranas, perceiving attention mentally
The water derives first
The Ganges pours through the head of the lord Shiva
Portraying the image of innermost wisdom
Primarily the earth was in inundation
Thus first ascends aquatic creatures
When the footstep of evolution accelerated
Amphibious tortoise etc. generated
Underway, arid land appeared someplace
Vegetation of flora, shrub or trees tailed
Animals to wallow in the muddy ponds
Wild boars progressed, and then humanoid ensued.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Supposed, men also appeared with progress of creation
Includingfowls etc. completeliving beings originated
But there is variance
Between the levels of preliminary and advanced creations
Supreme souls are subtle from the corporal bodies
In the notion of Oriental scriptural philosophy
Giving up every corporal bodies
They yield in more advanced
Corporal physiques recurrently
In the contemplation of science and scriptures
Except the spiritualism
Evolutionism can be in existent similarly
Reincarnation, creation, progression and only in figures
Around the circle of images a void moves restlessly
Into eighty four lakhs wombs, but science denies searching it
And creating havoc of no heads and tails in examining
There is nothing after death, passionless blankness
Such myriad matters of the spiritual truths
Flowing in their won doleful expressions
When science enmeshes the accounts of rebirths
In search of the systematic proofs hazes the facts
Still in this profound mystery sometimes it is gauged
Science utters ‘the grapes are shower’ for theism.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Recently an event took place in Makhantol
A young boy barely spending three months of wedding
Collapsed in the cruel claws of the death
In the dusk of third day, his subtle spirit
Haunted in corporal body in front of all
Body turned into ash could appear due to love
Publics supposed hearty affection was the cause  
Egg was not the source of steady creation
Imagined, the stable trees were constant creations
If immobile womb was the alpha of the creations
Was there incarnation of gods for creations?
To safeguard the creations watchfully
Enigmatic expression of avatar can be crafted
Wadding eighty four wombs to each one
Poised human being in the final wheel of life
Person is paramount, Bindu of wisdom
Equipoise in the midst Bindus
Myriad Bindus of Bindus (point)
Portraying an image by someone
Gawked over it attentively
Maltreating freedom
Consequence of unusual toils
Rebirth for agony is said to be endured
May be the natural trials it named
Or slithering on the time-wheel forward
Upgrading developments complete upon spheres by spheres.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Personthrough self-intellectualrealm
Pursue preserving supremacy on others
Lifecycleon unremitting evolution
Progress through beast to human wombs
The wombs alongside supposed
Like the wombs of lion and monkey
If craving too much to the worldly lusts
But if upright life progresses in virtuous scale
The soul can achieve the Brahma
Then sparking radiantly in the Brahma realm
That mingles in celestial divinity shining like a bright star.
  Ashish and Saisav!
The internally hidden glow of men
Through the Yogic process
Can be ignited with self-effort lustrously
Spiritualism recalls the item on entire creations
The gen of physical science and
Shares the intentional details
Though being based on scientifically
Claims that the prior wombs of inertial man is ape
The earlier womb of passionate man is lion
And the former womb of virtuous man is claimed
More narratives of planets and the first man Manu
Narrated in the Puranas are being changed over the times
Tales on the earth and planets
Likewise epics of the Brahma
To quest on them physical science also revisions
Through its powerful inventions
Also by small research projects
As we recite the sagas on Nehru’s Letters
Studied and penned there tale on the earth
The mysterious creations of the earth gulp with various claims
As newly research falsifies the aged ones
In the time our schoolings
In first paper of grade ten
We had to cram the legend of civilizations
Imparted by the then spellbinding teachers  
As now we arelistening and watching films.
   Ashish and Saisav!
The texts are ruminated and elapsed
As tore out the pages, but not
And the exposedfolios of nature can be mused freely
Quenching the thrust of inquisitives entirely
Millions years old earth
Now is encircled withwretchedness
As consequences of human’s discoveries
In the clutch of global warming and Antarctic melting
It’s Smoldering internally and externally
Thispanics men in and out intolerably
The world ismissing its apt consistency
Not devouring with excess of inventions
Earlier should have two sides of a coin’s intention
Before deriving magnetism and repulsion
Perhaps, envisioning the concept of gravitation
Two divine and devil replicas were in mind cognized
First Occidentals hypothesized flat earth
Later regarded as spherical, credible to Oriental philosophy
The legend is- of attraction and detraction
Flicking away in hollowness by gravitation
Revolving being entwined in obscurity
The earth, daughter of the sun, blazed longtime
Her own surrounded wind vapor
Aptness for rain was generated
For the equitability of creation constant internal and external chilling yoked
In this unceasing hot-cold lure-repel onus
A piece of the earth brushed away and formed the moon.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Craving of development and nature in evenness
Inevitably satiated necessity by self-desire
Heat of the earth until now
Still sweltering as fire inside it
Entering water eruptedvolcano sometimes here
Gouts of lava streams as a river
As consequence of searing and freezing
Assumed, the ground in between Japan the USA  
The standing place that is occurred there
Fatefully formed the Pacific Ocean
After flickered away the existing soil of the depth
Could craft the moon, sub planet bedecked
In the observance of this ingenious bard
The sun is blazing in waves of ignite
From the infinite physique of the sun
A portion chipped off to constructthe earth
Only the outer shell remained in the cold
That is the earth from which a chip broke off
And started naming after it the moon
While the earth was chilling down
The vapor air altered into water ebbed in the earth
Heavy rain puddled in the pools and ponds
Generated seas, the oceans and the lakes
In void of the freshening earth germinated colorful vegetation and animals
First marched the flora and faunas accordingly.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Self-illusive games of nature concord in former state
Apropos structures started stepping then
And conception of tenderness
Following that appeared layer of scum
Delicate embryos! Without back bone
Spunge, amoeba transfigured evolutionarily
Owning a spot or heart in the middle
Curtailed from the prolonged one
Manifold into the added numbers
After vitalized mysterious natural power
Underway accomplishing numerously
Sea grass, boned shell-fish, crabs
Germs from various havocs and river sides
And transmuting from one to others
By compression reformed into mines as recited nowadays
Reformed stances rough soil ornate  
Desiccation softened tenderly the bottom layer
Symptomized for the survival of animate
Likewise the living beings deficient of appropriateness
Started declining consequently
But some transmuted into better guises
They were embracing aptness
As appositeness is even impelling today
Embedded in accordance to the place
As white animals existing in the snowcapped place
Surprisingly, the faunas transfigured the unfavorable condition
Into their favorable states, as live in more renovated guises.
   Ashis and Saisav!
The nature illusively dramatizes in perplexing forms
The florasaccord with its domicile, convoluted existence
According to the adjacent surrounding things are
Revolvingand get extinct in adverse stage
Again revivify afresh enduring withits interiordignity
It maneuvers unceasingly
Molding and mending the past accordingly
Adjusting itself with its present acceptably
Embracing the conversionperceptively
Concealed and desiccated in overheating earth
Furnished modifications of species environmentally
With conch, bone species, crabs, fish and the oceanic greens
Such existencesare as easy to recite as books
Some things enclosed by the natural or ecological events
Entrapped within the immense stones unfold history
Exist unwrapped like the exposed folios
Constant work of nature is incessant and persistent
Instable and indulgentin ceaseless creations
When dilution took place appears the dry ground
In the arid place emanated crocodiles, frogs
Amphibious or aquatic animals
Appeared in the diverse phases
Again time created land animals or fowls
Flying in the sky is illusive natural act
Infinite and lustrous enactment
Like a game of seek and hide
Thus, saga of living beings is shaped playfully.
  Aish and Saisav!
When one cannot endure oneself after time
Nature does not endeavor any things
Pace of time utters be tender and resilient
A tender and modest one can be betrayed or looted
In numerous ways
Consequently, to follow the variation of time
Seems as the instruction of time
When the land animal was created in ancient time
There might have been dense jungle in the water
Tumults of earth quakes and others
There might have been twists and turns
Manifolds concealment of the wombs
Covered the flora in layers
Smoldering in interior fires
Molded coal of the canceled trees
Big animals like reptiles, crocodiles, snakes
Not only big animals of that time
There were meters of long animals
The family of the Dynacare is within it
Though they are inexistent today
Succeeding them the mammals generated
They were giant apes and monkeys
Immune with climates growing, existing, revolving
Enlivening in newfangled forms
The first humanoid ape occurred  
Following predecessor and their traits and mannerisms
Human being is evolving forward.
  Ashish and Saisav!
May you remember Charles Darwin?
Who has claimed man’s ancestor is an ape
Likewise, with abundances of elephants, tigers, beards- living animals
Occupied the earth with peculiar decorations lustrously
The living beings adapting themselves environmentally
Continued their existence freshly upward evolutionally
Prior living beings were boneless there
But they could not endure for a long timehere
And the nature delivered viable survival to them
In accordance with former animals of owning joints to
The living beings of owning bones
And several boney species ensued
Again fish like species grew from the ovaries
Meek living beings were befallen
They could yield thousands of eggs
Many spawns were ruined in negligence
There were voluminous offspring deceased
Asno properly brooding to them had.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Proper nurturing plays a dynamic role
Cherishingraiseneeds even in the animals
Method of love was produced
The advanced animals bared dear and care
And were thought fostered and advanced
People of that era
Had no proficiency of building habitats
They assembled together in one place
Imagine, in the present existing northern pole
The glaciersglided from Britain to Germany.
  Ashish and Saisav!
The misfortune-stricken days
How painfully they spent!
To have abode was difficult
Even in the no glaciers places
The Mediterranean Ocean was
A big lake at that time
There was no land in the red-ocean
Ocean was there even in Indian island
Only Panjab and few pieces of lands were plains
Entangled in the certain limit
Due to oceanic reasons, the south and middle India
Separated between the Himalayas and a the widespread island
Anciently, when people came in to existence
They were encircled with the gigantic wild animals there.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Perhaps of these causes
Fire was acknowledged first
To ensure their own protection in the surround
But now men govern the entire world
As what man desires personally now
He can make entire animals to comply accordingly.
  Ashish and Saisav!
By perpetual steps of brain and brawn
Human being is positioned up to here
By slow and steady steps of lifetime
People have advanced themselves
Since fire, the series of inventions track
They have even made elephant dance
Undoubtedly, the first invention of men
Must have had of the fire then
To get protection form the beasts
They acquired fire the first natural shield  
Initially, stroking stone with iron
To ignite any dry stuff was the attempt
And might have conducted experiment
Likewise, stepped upward bit by bit  
Stone weaponsand other things
Invented security and edible foodstuffs
They might have used fire for cold
And for the protection of the wild beasts
Heroically, they have prophesied by past to future
And have casted inventive inquiry off for a new search.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Witty are the source of wisdom,
But spoilt men are found worse than the heinous beasts
By now gradually and progressively
Ice age glacier has been sluggishly vanishing
From the Asia and the mid Europe
Human beings got rid of cold bites
And in the lap of the warm climate
Jubilantly, inhabitation extended far and wide
When they identified only caves to reside
Forget the matter of harvesting side
Only they could take shelter in the caves
With the limited food of root and nuts
There they had raw meat of the beasts
Before they knew the fire to ignite
Even then the ancient men could imprint carving
Not in painting, but with the stone chisel hits
Impressions were disfigured and bizarre
Like a novice one’s crafting weird
The then was time like that
Paleolithic or pre-stone age
But novelty appeared when
The Neo-Paleolithic age emanated
There was paddy field for plantation
By labour, rest, and hard work for germination
This toil and rest for further source
Edibles might have been the cause of innovation.
   Ashish and Saisav!
The progress of human beings was
Traced by the human language
In some way they had gen of speaking
And were enabled to make the clay pots
To have food after cooking
Thy skilled them in the stone armaments
And started keeping the domestic animals
Like dogs, cows, and goats etc.
They were trained for the work of profits
And skilled themselves to build shelters to inhabit
Even they identified the other metals
Gold was conveyed in to practice
Dispersed the improved crowds slowly
Forming the different classes and sub-classes there
In the monitored schemes a headman was dignified
The reason of it was shifting habitation
The cause of altering weather
Created numerous exertions unfavorably
Havocs of instability and other
Diversity was established even
In countenance and costumes.
  Ashish and Saisav!
The original story of human beings animals
The sun, the earth, the planets and stars
That has been carved on the pages of
Stones and sand and sandy terraces  
Of course, the probing hands to be progressive
It can be recited in tads, nooks and crooks
But acquit eyes must be required
To grasp the inscribed accounts of memoirs
By seeing the pages of the reminiscences
Or the replica of human existence
The impressed fossil on stones about life
These areas to studies are in abundance
One has to be prudent filled with knowledge
By erudition or analysis from this world
Without contemplation but in personal selfishness
The natural splendor is adulterated, now we face
Earlier the human being was nomad
Cultivating only once on a fertile place
One wouldswinginto the different place.
  Ashish and Saisav!
There are caves and caverns due to mayhems in the earth
Amazing rows here the natural ferry
Formerly the habitats were built with tall wooden pillars
They were built to protect them from the beasts
But men’s evolutionary cognizance is honed wittily
So they have built sky-tapering houses not only here
Evenin the moonthey have habitatsthere
Man is evolving in his inventive talents efficaciously
But some being appendage with creeds traditionally
They engrossed the old customs even in our country
Many tribes are itinerant as wanderers
They are the Rautes, Chantyals, Satarsetc
They admit the life of wanderers
At the end of Paleolithic age in the Mediterranean Ocean
In where there was only oceangoing
Many people had habitants in surrounding that place
But a kind of situation came unexpectedly
Suddenly there was inundation in between Europe and Africa  
The flooded land was far and wide
Simultaneously, the water of Atlantic Ocean
Started flowing into the Mediterranean Ocean
The mishaps of casing might have taken place
Having had a trap in life without escaping
Occupied with the widespread flood there
The Mediterranean Ocean sustained there
The Bible, the Sanskrit scriptures, Puranas
They all inscribe about it in their own terms
Though there is an inquiry on this information.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Even in this disaster some people might have survived
To share with their offspring
The story of the holocaust
Likewise, the old tale were transformedinto new forms
Sustaining as adage from one to next generations
The tale of newly sprouting ocean
And legend of human evolution
Till present day they are fictionalized
Slowly and gradually
The ice age was terminating
From Asia and mid-Europe too
Glaciers were ended declining  
There was trace of warmness
Then people were spreading hither and tither
Wandering around without habitats and farming
They still used to kill animals with stone weapons
And used to have roasted meat and edible fruits
There they would live in the caves
But could engraved images on the stones
Cause, paper, pen and painting brushes
All were only their veiled imaginings
With small chisels of the stones
They could depict carvings on cave walls
Such carvings of the wild animals
That we can determine even today
Thus we can draw a diagram of the ancient phase.
Ashish and Saisav!
For the people of ancient time
It was called Paleolithic or men of Stone Age
After the Stone Age was over
Environmental revolution took place in the world
The clutches of severe cold were curtailed gradually by the heat
Glaciers were declining
They relocated towards the northern Ocean.
  Ashish and Saisav!
After that in the mid Asia and Europe
Density of forests was triggered extensively
The first tribal man ensued in the vegetation
It seemed they established their habitants there
Figuratively, they were modified than Paleolithic
In another words to be said
They were skillfully ingenious
Though they were using stone
They were in later Stone Age
Or were called neo-Paleolithic one.
They were acknowledged
People of further developed age
They retained more intelligence than animals.
They initiatedagricultural phase
And reached to the prominent stage
By plowing they planted the crops
They educated to toil best and take rest
From it they were enabled to hone cognizance the best
They started cooking
After making clay pots
The previous rough stoned weapons
Were smoothed and sharp bladed.
   Ashish and Saisav!
Likewise gradually
They started to keep domestic animals
Like: cows, sheep, goats and dogs etc.
And they even started weaving
They also knew further
How to construct
To build shelter and dwell
They constructed the sheds in the middle of the pools
These dwellings were built in there
And they become the protective places
From the dreadful beasts
Thus, they are called
The habitats of living by ponds.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Ancient weapons have been discovered
By a group of SINAS investigator recently
In the northern area of Arun river
It is almost seven thousands years old
The stone arrows are white, black
And mixed coloured stoneweapons
In length of four to seven up to
Two point four centimeter long
Or two point eight to
One point five centimeter wide
Such weapons previously
In Asia and East Siberia
And other places also are revealed
From mid Paleolithic Age to
Or the ancientness of Neolithic Age
As are predicted twelve thousands years old
Explores claim
In the snow mountains of Nepal
Before seven thousand years ago
Agriculture was in progress
But he initiation of farming
That has not been verified yet
The usage of the weapons
The wanderer, ancient men, could have done
Upper valley of Arun in Sankhuwasabha
And in a place named OlangchunGola
Just the discovery is two months old
The real investigation is still to come
Many new places are still to be excavated.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Likewise, reading open sheets of this world
We have to expose till its deep levels
Entering pillarsdeep down in the earth
Making the high lofts over there
They might have woven a thread of cotton
They could have woven sack-thread thick clothes
And they might be wrapped by the animal skins
They could have been skilled for so at that time
Overtimes they could have been skillful
To mold the copper and other metallic
And revealing other metals else
They embellished them even with gold
With the growth of natural inclination
There was growth of diverse ethnics’ concepts
They were formed in their own groups and sects
In different places and widths
In diverse climatic surroundings of the world
There was compulsion to be entrapped climatically
And not only the wears but languages were used differently
There are men to tolerate trembling cold
And they can exist in excessive temperature
Eskimo stays alive in hot places
As Sherpa survives in the Himalayas
Climates changed the colors and guises
Existence accustomed with nature
When we go to the southern equator
There are hotter places consequently
Still no certainty of the first step of man
His first advent is yet unknown
We are wondered it might have been in Africa
But anew discovers of humans’advents areample.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Like itinerant in Siberian Tundra area
Horizontally vast and wide
Green plains lacking joyous environment
The earliest man remained nomadic
Wandering enduringly
Of course, even now in our country
They wander in the jungles agitatedly
Harvesting once they move to new acreages
Ramble in a new place like Gipsy
In the progress of evolution
Agriculture frolic-some or foremost role  
They might have inhabited
By the sides of the big rivers
There might have been sheltered
In those river side habitats
They discovered fertile arable land
Even with easily availed water
Thus like on the sides of the Sindhu Ganga
Greece in Mesopotamia, Euphrates and the Nile in Egypt
Whong Ho of China, Sinja, and Karnali
Similarly:Arun River and others in eastern Nepal.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Likewise in Bharat (India)
First Dravid, and Mangol then Arya
They possess their own languages
Mangol, Negros, Arabian and Hebrew
They were all one but due to
Environment, Climates and varied places
There appeared in different looks and colours
Languages: Sanskrit, Latin, Greek, English, Italian
The branches and sub-branches of the Aryans
As progeny they were spoken continuously
Now there are various differences in languages
But root of them are limited
And when they were distant from the root
They were branched and sub-branched numerously
For instance Newari Language in the valley
It is spoken variously
But it is not so far off from the originality
It differ in Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur
But valley Newar cannot comprehend DolakhaNewari
Arya, Mangol, semantic
Or Arabian, Drawid and their roots
And their correlated semantics
The words are synonymous each.
   Ashish and Saisav!
It is a source to be great
To possess personal development
By speaking the languages of the world
There of Brahma Nad in mother tongue and motherland
And it is the certre of dialects the replica of veracity
If greed is there in someone else belongings avidly
Imbalance occurs with misfortune gravely
All the human beings of the world are our companions
But invoking the word ‘Mother’ appeases you
What is the affection of relatives?
Show no contempt on anyone’s language, costume or wear
Bear no hatred on one’s own language, costume or wear
If tolerates so, one can be like a matricide
Songster’s warbling independence
Gluttonous or three faced
We can see destruction of colleagues wickedly
Like ancient manor amasses everything selfishly
Sniffing everything around like a trickery cleverly
Babbles his speeches verbosely  
Not only to sack language, costume or wear
But even to end the whole world
They are hunting an apt chance and
Deceptively they are fooling around
Keeping tricks up their sleeves in name of civilization
Showingdreadfulfeats for devilish enactments
Ravenous dawdle as starving food mongers
Then predatory converts from gentlemaninto fiend
Likewise formed cold war can be perverted beyond its limit
  Ashish and Saisav!
Lo! What a moment one fails to recall oneself
There is blindness to see the relatives
Blind eyes cannot see in dark!
The same person is as dead primarily
Slowly there are forward steps
On the accelerating advancement
Being vigilant and sharpened wits
Started hunting lonely and quietly
After knowing the significance of time
Assembled in groups being intrepid
And gauged the value of accessibility
Seizing the privilege of acceptance
The clustered groups mutually
With their reverences and supports
Persuaded to their own groups coherently
And it was accustomed
To remain in the racial crowds
If not attuned in the racial credos
There was a rule of refusals
To apply the rules to everyone
It was essential of a leader
Obliged to nonstop combat as mandatory to times
The vigorous one were selectedcustomarily
When there was a glimpse of the hostility
The combat was occurred
In between the different groups
For seizing the preys
  Ashish and Saisav!
The nature is controlled by invisible supremacy
To gratify that controlmeans were offered
Not only animals but even men were slaughtered
Fear compelled people to adore Shakti primordially
That overawed concept still exists consequently
Albeit persons to persons are kith and kin relatively
There arecults naming faithsdevotedly
Chaotic disorder spread ubiquitously
Depictedimpressions of someone are hanging
Now only fact of humanity remained in human beings
That is elapsed insensibly
Or in the assumption of being God
Started guiles and murders to his own cohabitants
Or to be extraordinary
In the impish self-regard of his devilish power
Converted him into destroyer in personal grief
Upsetting the whole world permanently
Since then people can have imitated
Suchhostile practices rapidly
Unsuccessfully and even erroneously
Ants are tiny insect but it is supposed
Their husbandry is done collectively!
After plowing and ingraining seeds
Discovering the edible grass
Clustering around it
Removing bit by bit
It is claimed that the tree protected.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Feasibly learning from the ants
People might have cultivated initially
It might have happened in mimic
Planting the seeds likewise
Learning so for a long time
It might have managed gradually
After organizing the agriculture
The further works added-on
The first linked effort in crop growing
It is predicted that there was labour divisions
From the herdsman of the cattle
To the plowing men in the field
All might have been nomadic but
They might have acquired a stable halt
Constructing villages and cities naturally
Growing them more than required by labour
The habit of preservation occurred there
Numerous treasuries indicated affluence
There appeared the experienced exports
To accomplish balances inthe societies
With the manifestation of arrangement
The struggle was appreciated well gradually
Everyone could yield their own apt shares.
Through which concept ruler and subject arose
And the system uncovered deliberately
Thenthegoverning present age ascended.
  Ashish and Saisav!
In the continuity of creation and evolution
With the end and means of pursuit
Afreshresources are unveiling mysteriously
Reveling the new folios inherited by preceding ones
The increase is incessant diurnal.
In such continuity
Exhuming the cosmos and the human body
Science in innovative enquiries
Uncovering the new discoveries
The moon constantly gravitated by the earth
Orbiting around it
Likewise, the earth enticed by the sun
It revolves constantly around it
What is this magnetism?
What supremacy makes
Circling them continuously?
When we fling something upwards
It instantly returns downwards
It is said the earth is a bit of the sun!
It is claimed a bit of the earth is the moon!
They are suspended in no provisions
To concede and cognize the formation of the universe
The astronomers and geniuses are unifyingconstantly.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Before twenty-three years
Aristotle explained that
Any kind of substances
They are rooted naturally
To incline towards their own origins
This view might be beyond knowledge
But there is now its acceptance
Through the innate intelligence
In Europe, East Asia and South Africa
There was a challenge in astronomical principles
When Newton proceeded in Latin
His Natural Philosophy of Mathematical principle
In sixteen hundred eighty-seven
According to the gravitation norm
Everything is plummeted
Or attracted asinto its weight
The further it moves
The smaller it appears
The principle was a burning issue
Thus influences universally
Through his newly creation
This British Isaac Newton was
An inhabitant of Gram Bulse
His childhood story was painful.
   Ashish and Saisav!
These scientists’ explorations on gravitation
Worth to discuss shortly than other stories
In sixteen sixty-five AD
Under the tree Newton was observing the noon
The moon with what magnetic power
Could rotate around the sun
He was brooding on it then
An apple fall down at the same time
The second idea also was overlapping
Why did it drop down not going upward?
Though this fall discovered principle of gravitation
Consequently,he molded this solution
On the Christmas day in sixteen hundred forty-two
This innovatory boy Newton was born
A son in a simple farmer’s family
He was a posthumous child
Even mother abandoned when he was three
Luckily, his grandmother brought him up
After his primary education
He went to school in a town at twelve
He ever kept busy on writing on the paper
Without reason he was beaten one day
Revenging that beating in pride
He transformed into avant-garde study
His step father passed away in sixteen sixty-five
His mother returned to his house
And she made him a farmer giving up his studies.
  Ashish and Saisav!
He could not relish in farming and
He restarted his study again
He completed graduation at sixteen
And studied at Cambridge at eighteen
Gaining exceptional knowledge scholarly
At the age of twenty-two in sixteen sixty-two
In the major principal of mathematics
He discovered binominal theorem
But the plague appeared in Britain at that time
All the educational institutions were shut
After returning home he was contemplative
He discovered new mathematical branch calculus
Simultaneously, he thought of falling apple in gravity
He even contemplate consequences of spectrum  
After plague he resumed research in sixteen-sixty-nine
In Trinity College becoming a Mathematicsprofessor
There verifying different principles
Verifying different planets’ gravitations
He went forward gradually
And in seventeen hundred three he was chosen
A member of parliament simultaneously
Or a chairperson of Royal Society
He was awarded ‘sir’ title in seventeen hundred and five
Oh! He passed away in seventeen hundred and five
And his statue still exists there
At the University of Trinity college
That reminds us to recallhim permanently.
  Ashish and Saisav!
These Newtonian principles in many folds
Today are the basic sources in the world
Now needs to discuss furthermore
Why the up ascending things descending down
Why do our legs stand erect on the ground?
Why do moon rotates around the earth
How is she suspended, and what is the cause?
Likewise other planets and sub planets, scintilla
What kind of gods and goddesses make them revolve?
In what law of principles the sun and other planets weigh
Their shapes and spares
Other planets were also discovered
Still new planets are uncovered  
Those were concealed for years
Beyond the zone of the sun
Countless stars are there
The also traced Newton’s principles
They are in their pairs in queuing
In the magnetism of godly gravitation
Compacted they are intimately
In the construction of the creation
Havoc it seems and poignant entirely
Enabling the invisible devout power
Externally and eternally becomes unlocked.
  Ashish and Saisav!
This scientific world seems gorgeous
Lacking visibility on the atom
Its mysterious picture is concealed
Though the principle is proved strong and solid,
The smallest facts can be restructured
The proven point with hundred principles
By the next complex mysterious point
There can be an enquiry with a new question
Even in the principal of Newton
In eighteen seventy nine
Manyqueries were appeared
In the law of rotation
Mercury should have rotated the sun
The French astronomer viewed differently
In nineteenhundred fifteen
Einstein in his general relativity
He has explained general principles
Gravitation is not strength
It is not even a habit of an object
It is only a recognized symptom
That was sign of space time region
Newly principle noticed on it
What is the newly word?
As mentioned above on space time
There is no length of a point
It exists in the line
The surficial length has
Lengthand breadth too.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Likewise, matter and the sky
They are divided into three dimensions
Length, breath and height or depth
According to Einstein’s approval
But more than three measurements are in math
The fourth measurement is material world
That is time
Through which in the material world
The matter according to the time
That cannot be claimed firmly  
This creation of time took fourth place
The fourth dimensional creation
That is named space-time
As mentioned above
Sage Kanad, philosopher of Vaishesika
In his book of formulas
Nine kinds of the matters were counted
The earth, water, fire, air, sky, time, direction
The soul and mind
The sun heavy planet according to Einstein
In its existence of nearby planets
In the space-time
Making it steep
The planets like mercury or earth
Reaching close to the sun but without bangs
Evolve round in ovate course of the sun.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Forgetting the facts,I think
Imaginative mishaps may beknotted
To know more about the reality
The new principles has to be grown further
Whatever revolutionary principles are there
Material science finally implores the proofs
Along with the evidences
And according to the calculated reasons
The difference that is exposed on the Mercury
Its solution was established
The habit of the Mercury in Einstein’s view
Agreeable verifications were found
In the sun eclipse of nineteen hundred nineteen
The scientists of the sun eclipse
Observed it practically
The waves coming from the distance
And approaching them towards the sun
The concrete space-time pit by the sun draws hard
How the strength could be fascinatedsince
The ray was running in the lightness zilch!  
  Ashish and Saisav!
The earth with her ability wise
Within the limit of her own region
She built armour of the space-time  
Thus, whatever hurled upwards
It returns back into the earth
As a result
The flight of aircrafts and shuttles
Of the middle horizon
In the space-time
In the integrated constant pace
In the other words
Space-time cleans
 The filth made by science
Likewise, in the principle of Einstein
There is next claim too
The rays of light that come
Since the millions of light-years ago
The nearer Milky Way
Attract the rays temptingly
Like a attraction of the binoculars  
Grasps the light rays
From which it is assumed that
The usage of distant Milky Way can be
Used as the binoculars.  
   Ashish and Saisav!
Einstein might have thought
His expounded principle
In the form of principle source could
Not be impossible to bring into practice!
But his complaint of impossibility
As a flow it was verified
In nineteen hundred seventy-nine
The Quasar scientist twins
Could view similarly
In their subtle observation
In fact, it was not Quasar
Only a reflection instead
Replicated from a far-off distance
Hidden on the hind
Near the basis of the Milky Way
Within the replicated depiction
As Einstein has stated
The far-off Milky Way
Through the nearer Milky Way
Reflected as if through the binoculars
Likewise, the far-off Milky Way
When draws up to the nearer Milky Way
Then the light curves
Shrinking in two different forms
And replicates it
Into the paired mirage reflections.
  Ashish and Saisav!
In nineteen eighty-seven
Far-off forty hundred millions light years
Around one galaxy
Replicated similar to the reflection
But after the observation of these four reflections
They were found only one reflection
As they reflected that of the Quasar’s
In fact Quasar was
Within the circle of that galaxy
That we can observe
From eight hundred millions light-years
The scientist named it
Einstein’s cross cosmic mirage reflection  
If we explain more
The basis view
Not the nearer Quasar’s view
But it might be from far-off galaxy
In this view
There appears the internal form
Within the circular of the reflection
And marks or dots appears
In the wave of the blue forms.
   Ashish and Saisav!
Further, in nineteen hundred eighty-eight
In the galaxy called
CL zero twenty-four
Next reflection appeared
In its basis
A bluish light in the galaxy
Appeared in the circle
Of hundred million light-years far
Or from so far-off proximity
That was incredible to see by the help of galaxy
Likewise, recently
Through the Hubble binoculars of the sky
Followed by gravitation
The far shade of galaxies and Quasars
Existing in the ray of the lights
Ten hundred millions of light-years far
We can observe
Thus, it is valued more
The historical bygones can be noticeable openly
By sighting the ancient meanings profoundly
We are in touch of the periodic achievement
Or after the big-bang theory
T’s theoutstanding cradle age of creation.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Let it be recalled
The big bang assumption
There is claim about the formation
Of the earth, planets and sub-planets
The time of millions suns
The millions of the galaxies
We are practically spending the time
With the infantile creations
As pointed out above
Through the concept of big bang
The creation is thought to be commenced
The initiated time might be
Before fifteen or sixteen billion years
Gravitation, the mysterious binocular is there
Through which we can depict the stories of
The origin of the physical world
Though four or five millions of years ago
The formation of our earth and sun was
There derive the secrecies before that
Overlapping mysteries are there
Still endless findings are required here
Not only in the folios of astronomy
But also in the genetic factors many
They have been bemusing issues now
All the peoples’ minds are fully cognizant
Attempt knowing in own forms and natures
They have dreams to overcome on death and diseases
And, of course approach towards the proximity.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Based on genes taste-tube-baby is transformed
Through which animals are cloned
Process of human beings cloning can be initiated
Even in objection of the motion
Secretly there might have cloning protraction
It is said God never perishes! Since
Gods were ambrosia fed
While devils were wine fed betrayed
The Puranaa tale of Yayati’s son is made
Form his old age he was rejuvenated  
Similarly, the story of gene is correlated
By the ceaseless seeks of the scientists
This mysterious track is unbolted
This same earth was so-called hell
To formit into an immortal or pious place
The sages were in appalling penance
The tales of the Puranas express
There are many explanations
About the men’s passions of eternity
Never been extinguished serenity
Through yoga, penance, Mantras
And even serving ambrosia in homicide
The death is not ceased yet
But longevity of life is exceptionally
Verified everywhere
Somewhere else and it’s even here.  
  Ashish and Saisav!
Science nurtured longevity of life is claimed
About thehuman beings’ living age
Before the century is said
Men’s maximum existence was
Only twenty-two to thirty-five of age
And only thirty-fivein middle age
But in five-hundred years it was thirty-eight
Now it is claimed seventy-seven of average
But in our country it is only expected
To make live on men for sixty-five of age
But luck does not favor to survive all to that age
No existence so far for poverty stricken stage
There is next logic of the scientists yet
Human beings’ age is in enemy’s bondage
The skeleton maturity has supposedly formulated
Only in five elements of time it is fascinated
The human beings’ skeleton maturity
Only for twenty-five of age is stated
Thus the longevity of humans’ oldness
All-out hundred and twenty-five of likely age
But some of the scientists of the world
Bringing anti-aging of this conception
They are emerging with a new observation
To conquertheir oldness and death.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Through constant research there is progress
Scientists David Sinclair and Leonardo Guetta
From institute of Massachusetts Technology
A mysterious claim was acknowledged
In the daily works of the labourings
Slowly and gradually the cells damage
When get covered with specks including DNA
Gradually the specks get abundances
And cells are dead in their tactlessness
This study is proved in such case
On the result of cellular researches
This case of cellular inactiveness
Or their demises is expressed
The scientists expounded that
The chromosome in cellular centered
Telomeres is constructed on t-lopes
Whenever the cells divide
Telomere gets shrinking  
The smaller it gets
The fewer cells can branch out
And finally the cells dead in old age
Such conditioned cells in this case
Telomere enzyme establishes
The cellars turn into telomeres
Growing into two hundred and twenty folds
This process is called by the scientists
The Cellular Fountain of Youth.
  Ashish and Saisav!
To have youth continuously
There is capacity of cells’split ceaselessly
If the cells can be actuated there is youth…..
Until the vivid cells of our body  
Divide incessantly
Formation of new cells is remaining
Until this process is incessant
Aging is far-off from the body
When this process is ceased
Within the body silent demise approached
In the wheel of demise and alive
Constant body wheel moves lively forward
The explored principles of living and demising
The principle of free radicles is entitled
In nineteen hundred fifty-six it is principled
It is quite renowned in present
The cells of the body in this principle
Named free radiclesmolded by daily toil
Produced the germs
They are always active
And they aggravateall the cells
Through which the anti-protective system
Of the body is damaged as by atomic bombs
The fast outbreak of the germs
Feeble the body incapable to encounter them soon.
   Ashish and Saisav!
After birth many diseases entice men to death
They also grind human being with aging bait
Thus scientists call it biochemical thyroid
The growth or decay of free radicles is
Depend conspicuously on our
Life-style, diet and atmosphere
Also mental stress, pollutions
Adulterated and inorganic
Or contaminated foods
Human body is deteriorated
By the use of antibiotic too
The body with germs infested  
Though inside our body too
Process of auto-natural antidote rests  
Anti-free radicle power is also existed
But whenever aging process is nurtured
The immunity power in the body is deteriorated
The bacteria infested body isenervated
The scientists claims by governing the free radicles
The life-span can be delighted blissfully
But for it flamboyant life need to discarded
And simple living high thinking should be accepted
Further, regular yoga and exercise must be added
With the practice of intake nutritious foods or
Just consume it less in amount plainly.  
  Ashish and Saisav!
Real evidences have taught that
Men should accept untainted and pure milieu
Having edibles with more calories and fivers  
And also having no stress at all
Hard labour must be more
In National Institute of Aging in USA
When monkeys were delivered less foods
Consequently they were healthy with longevity
Fewer calories in foods, no harm with free radicles
And increases better coulstore in the bodies
When the mouse was guinea pig
To test the blood pressure
The food was provided
With sixty to seventy percent less calories
Mouse had twenty to forty percent longevity than others
Exercise is also a formula of longevity
A hundred-page booklet has been published
By the National Institute of Aging
Some scientists of the aging state
The mystery old age and death in our body
Self-formatted chemicals are within the body
Pineal gland on the lower part of the head
Less melatonin will be formed
And the body is compelled to the old age
Whenever Russian scientists planted on old mouse
The pineal gland of the young mouse
Not only it became young but had longevity too
It again reminds us the adage of Ayati.
    Ashish and Saisav!
Thus for anti-aging use of melatonin
Anticipated towards its consumption
Similarly male dynamichormone testosterone
That has been traced for anti-aging solution
The pituitary gland in the head
One of the most valuable glands
That produces most essential hormone
For the evolution of human body
This hormone after age of sixty
Gets decreased by percent seventy
But if the hormone is restored artificially in the body
Aging can be meticulously suspended
In the Wisconsin Medical College
The artificial hormone was provided
To the twelve aged ones
For six months practically gifted
After receiving the evolving hormone
Their ages were ten to twenty years reduced
And for this hormone
Remedy of anti-aging was entitled
The next hormone named TDHAE by adrenal gland
It is also named anti-aging remedy
Its admiration is growing persistently
It is now economical
The Anastrozole and progesterone female body hormone
They somehow are also recognized for anti-aging
There are other anti-aging lately produced remedies
Coenzyme q ten named medicine is for heart curing
And it is suitable for the cancer diseases curative
When this medicine was first applied on the mouse
The mouse had longer life
It throws away alpha-lipoicacid from inside the muscles
It also consumes free radicles and mental aging removes
The substances to make oily to the
Leafy vegetables, salad, pods and tomatoes
Pigments that is called lycopene
Removes the free radicals totally
Since it eliminates lycopene
From the human bodies
It can be taken as medicines
Likewise piracetam supplements
Can be more helpful substance
To foster memory power and attentions
Medicine named picamilon that sold as vitamins
Grows blood circulations and boosts up the memories
Dipronline medicine eliminates the fierce engines from brains
And discontinues the aging of the brains
Japanese scientists have discovered a chemical
Like vitamin B twelve called methylcobalamin
That strengthens entire functions of the body and brain
And keeps human beings far from aging.
  Ashish and Saisav!
These are the medicine the most famous up to now
And they are the oldest among the used ones
It is interesting that the medicine called GH three
That was made by Ana, a Romanian scientist
Suddenly in the centuries of nineteen forties
It has been made mixing useful elements of procaine
Killer of the body’s internal pain
KH three is mainly procaine
That made in Germany
They are GH three and KH three
Medicine made to check human’s aging
Or to extend the human’s surviving
As morning shows the day
Twenty first century will have miraculous day
But socialists’ and economists’ visions
It is not propitious for the heydays
There might have many socials and economics
Insolvable problems can be created  
In the average of human’s longevity
Or in one year’s total expenditures growth
It will be increased in one percentage
Even this little growth of the percentage
Can create big problems in economic stage
Internationally self-wished euthanasia is begged
In the international human right’s phase
Even the door of international courts are knocked
On the other hand, though immortality is impossible
Yet there is accepted of life’s longevity
Up to the age of one hundred and sixty.
  Ashish and Saisav!
For the progressive development
And development for progress is famed motto
Consequently from chemical weapons to
The biological one is endured
Fertilizer and anti-biotic medication
Bacteria infested our bodies
Changing arable land into sand
Having artificial edibles from land
Harvesting granary abundantly
Again climbing Ravan’s ladder of dreamland
We are eager to view that now and then
Obtaining life by scientific benediction
So-called ambrosia to taste even
Waiting to swallow with our mouth opened
Some are ready to gulp with mouth-undid
Churning act of ambrosia is again reiterated
The illusive actions might derive deceitfully  
Though not to be descended it here
Wishing not to recur it for fifteen years
In the laboratories of America or countries else
Constructing actively the dominant computers  
To pursuit for the essential mechanisms
For the mysterious human lives
Or to have therapeutic remedies
On the ailments of human beings.
  Ashish and Saisav!
There is a rumor of achievement now
In the month of June (Jesth&Ahad)
Every person’s construction of body
On the eye or hair colored disease by birth
It is totally determined by the genes
The mass of the genes is called genome.
For its first stage of fifteen years
It is called Human genome Project
Each and every parts is searched well
Thekind of genes are there accordingly
They are opened and closed consequently
And research is activated to cure scientifically
But in this moment firstly
They have to identify the characters by deep study
The first step of all human genomes should be introduced
In some of the areas though
There will be historical and intellectual stage is pronounced
In American Sherelalaboratory
It has been already claimed that
Scientists have found the growths of the genes
These growths are called chromosome
And their activities are also well known
Till now genes of various microbes and insects
Possible diagrams have been prepared.
  Ashish and Saisav!
And there is concept of their comparison
With the group of human beings’ genes  
In the last March a map was made ready
About the bee of drosophila
It has contained similar genes
As human beings are holding
But as the proverb
Actions are harder than the words
It could not be conformed yet
How many genes are there in human body?
Some have predicted sixty to hundred thousands
In one recent article of the Nature
About the genes it is far-of the scientific approaches
According to two scientists
There are thirty-four thousand genes
But a French scientistestimatesthirty thousands
But the poets and writers of the Nature
And other research centers
Claiming that they are one lakh and twenty thousands
The continuous studies of the genes
From one to until ten
The examinations are going on
The samples are taken
Either from the spam or blood
And genes are claimed
Very essential to humans
To have complete body of men
In the body of men
Millions of the muscles contain
In each muscle centre
The directions are formed
The directions are notices
Among the forty-six chromosomes
They are orderly in the steps
The first step directs
To the flow of the protein
Thus, is called gene.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Taking out DNA
From the sampling
Groups of microbes are separated
Like for DNA
There are taken out from minor laboratory
By the help of the robots
Samples are collected from the growing groups  
And the best DNA are divided into pieces
And these thousands of pieces
Putting in the computers
The solutions of the problems inspected
The language of the DNA is
Formed from four alphabets of English
And it is found that from the alphabets
Three billions numbers can be matched
The computers are installed
In the laboratory as mentioned above
Only they can have capacity to explain
In fact four alphabets (ACTG) have
Three billions of numbers
Formation of DNA is by repetition
By remaining in schemes
The frequency of repetition is identified
When the real frequency is repeated
Its mystery is released
Genome Central director
From Washington University claims
Knowing approximately all genomes in this stage
Remaining can be understood more lately
The best present for us will now be
To see what finally this life is
How this life starts
And how it grows
Finally how it expiries
We will invent the reliable facts
Ultimately this fact for the doctors
Will be the source of therapeutic remedy
Knowing man’s inherited genes finally
After the triumph on this unlimited scheme
Science will be man’s life’s blue print
Or it will be capable to understand
The layers of human lives’ complications
According to the biologist
Of the Howard University
We will really understand
What is the meaning to be a Man?
And this scheme will disentanglegenome
Parting a surprising revolutionary name
As the best era of medical treatment in fame.
  Ashish and Saisav!
In nineteen seventy seven the Apple company
Introduced the home computers firstly
By then no one had fantasized
In future channelized
Such commercial Internet
In future following the track similarly
The road of discovery will have certainly
And evolutions in our life and thought
Will be conveyed forward surprisingly
Thus it can be forecast certainly
Doctors will drops our gene
Into any of the genetic chips
And our virile glands
Might not be affected by any cancers
And how they can be lethal in us
Not only be known the types of cancers
But the source of the medicines
And the genes to cure our wounds
Will be identified tremendously
And be eliminate them permanently
The other genes will be acknowledged
Curing ailments like bald and gastritis
What kinds of genes are curative?
In learning, thinking and getting tired  
The genomes scheme initiated now
Will be continuous until the thousand centuries
And add theflow of ambrosia in human lives.
  Ashish and Saisav!
First time in the last December
All the scientists have revealed on
Total human genetic chromosomes  
From the discovery scientists recons  
Three hundred and forty five billions
Or the sequence of chemical elements
Had been exposed every things
From which chromosome 22 creates DNA
It was not recognized till the day
How long it was the DNA
The protection system of the human beings
It has been figured alphabets of twenty three millions
Heart problems or mental diseases can
Due to carelessness in our life-span
All its responsibility is on chromosome
The mystery has been opened
And it is expected to be reopened
In the union of twenty three chromosomes
Twenty two secrets have been well-known.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Similarly the scientists in last May twenty-first
Compiling of chromosomes has been discovered
From this discovery
The mystery of various diseases’
Understandings might derive unwrapped
Japanese and German scientists have expressed
In front of them
To identify chromosomes of all the genes’
Activities have summoned them to be well-known
In fact in the muscle of human beings DNA
The present of genes is only three percentages
To separate the remaining genes from the cluttering
It is like seeking needle from the pile of dusts
Some computer companies are producing
The surprising computer chips
They can at one time examine
The thousands of the genes
According to one scientist
In the birth time of every one
The condition of health will be determined
Parents can receive such a CD-ROM
In which the formulas of the child’s genes is written
Doctors can prescribe there the right medicine  
The personally suitable medicine can be determined.
   Ashish and Saisav!
Along with the researches of government organizations
By the scientist Sherelle
The genetic formulas was first approached
He started atomic alphabets to be decoded
And he prepared genetic formulas in our DNA
His approach has been recognized as a mile-stone
Such approaches of the scientists
The work of each genedeciphers
In the false finding they exam seriously for solutions
Determining the root of genetic diseases
Each patient will be genetic make-up provided
In place of medicine genes will be supplied
Even in place of wrongful genes
The healthy genes can be supplied
But thescientists of government organizations
The process was found bit different
The samples of DNA what they won
Have been divided into mainly twenty five hundred millions in length
(Until now it has been said
There are 3.5 thousands billions alphabets of genomes)
Later, six thousands alphabets from there
There was sub division in one group here
Lastly the leftover bit of chromosome
Was mixed to the root one
But Sherelle observed DNA dividing into millions parts
And what the ten millions genes do in our body individually
To study their working systems can take fifty years eventually.
  Ashish and Saisav
Genome or our life-groups
Our strange self-story versions
Since the beginning of forefathers lives
We don’t know but they survive
This existence is in great evolutions
Our closest relatives
That we know now are chimpanzees
Gens for all kinds of living beings
Are forefathers or one muscled microbes’
Can be made openly known the mysteries
Genomes were originated in this world
Around four thousand million years ago
And not only the future of the genomes
But their history is also revealed records
Through which it clarifies
And when you will be growing up
Your body will be having changes
The messages and the actions of lives
Now also you can understand
Whenever all the messages are entirely opens
When they are clear and unties
They discloseour new faces
There are five fingers we possess
And in a mouth thirty-two teeth
The enabled us to understand and voice
And there is more in a minute
But the real ability is also defined.
  Ashish and Saisav
It is not time to complete
The scheme of the genomes
But there might have a commotion
On the scientific and technical fields
Scientists have claimed in amazing things
Industries are not in backward
Not only Sherelle in his press notification
But socialists, humanists and economists
They are agreeing on scientific inventions
Though it can be wright or wrong norms
Sherelle has already claimed
Ninety percent mysteries of genomes are known
But Olson’s press notification
From the University of Washington
Claims that the growth of scientific inventions
The major source of looming troublesome
It is very necessary to move on
With the traditional way of the scientists’ norms
In the compactness of one other
The evolutions of genomes should be done
About the research in the genomes
There are more than fifty thousand genes
To conform the actual amount of genomes
It might depend on the personal construction!
Personal genomes individually
How it works in the muscles
It depends on personally
Though individual structure
That person-wise remains variably
The twins can have same commonly
Fifty percent of the same parents’ children
Their working structures have similar usually
For the proteins that used
For mending, protecting and dividing
To the muscles are said
To be directed through the genes!
In each muscular centre
The chromosome genes remains
Except twenty tow chromosomes
Two extra remaining chromosomes  
Determine the sexof everyone
They are named X and Y
There are two X chromosomes in female
Whereas one X and one Y remains in male
With a special case
If one gene gets eliminate
Hypothesis of treatment expresses
By therapy or by change
The similar protein can be mended
The bodily structure will be cured  
Thus the main work of the genes
In the human biological bodies
This specialresearch confirms.
  Ashish and Saisav
I have by now briefly mentioned
The main theme to be conveyed
Now, waving the garland of genes
With the concept of British Director
Of National Institute of Health  
Dr. Francis Collins’s directions
In the Human Genome Project
American Organization’s chairman
Of Celera Genomes Genomics Project
Along with Dr. Craig Winter chief scientist
Director of British Seizure Centre John Charlton
And the scientists of France, Germen, Japan, Chin
Digging about the mystery of genes genuinely
All are searching forward profoundly
The word genome itself is so charming!
It is a complete book of genes founding
In its each foliage portrayed scientifically
Everything is well versed beautifully
The differences of humanity than others evidently
Not only about that are we none
Not existing therefore alone!
  Ashish and Saisav
The mysteries are explored deeply
What kind of Pros and cons
Genes have contained actually
And what might be sustaining healthy
Or what can be sickening everybody
Constructing one’s health comfortably
Not only science is remedy to make one healthy
But it can even make someoneunhealthy
Since it has already identified genes perfectly
The beatification of genes can anticipate
Before a disease can sicken one inprospect
Earlier than disease damage someone’s health
It can easily be inspected before it might infect  
Such revealing codes of the unsafe ailments
Only by the formulas of the chromosomes inspect
The ailments can be pre-medicated perfect
The scientists have kept the layers of sub unions
Along with the three point one billions epochs
To understand the mysterious capacity of DNA
Likewise, in DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid
More than fifty thousandgenes exists
Still its accurate populaces is
Not correctly yet determined
Inside the DNA cell of nucleus
The clue of microbe is tinted
In DNA Adenine, Thymine, guanine
And Cytosine remains in pairs forms
That is called nucleotides
The pair-base of life structure is
Found as the main reasons
Of the complex formations
By which science is in confusion
This mixing system on each other
Or the various systems or mingling
When observed penetratingly
Scientists intermix these pairs
Assembling them first analytically
Through researches they have investigated successfully.
In each group of three pairs
Controlling is occurred over
The formation of amino acid
And this acid creates proteins
Through these proteins
In the cells and hormones
In the body other elements are formed
Approximately in each gene  
One thousand amino acid remains
If a person has green eyes
Or one has cancerous
The cause of so is more than one genes
Due to such complexities there is confusion
Knowing the genes well then prepared proteins
Scientists havebeen facilitated to recognize them
Through the process which one gene
How and what kind of protein is formed?
And how does it function in the body?
Every cloud has silver lining
This adage is here too relating
The hinderingor troublesome things
Can be healed with tranquil things
These process facilities to the doctors
To make medicine ready to the patients
Even to the so-called irredeemable diseases
Like heart problems, cancers, AIDS and Alzheimer
The fatal diseases now they are…….
When the enigmatic door is opened
About the human-life’s main mystery
John Harish claims that now in men
Therecan be possible of eternity
Not less than twelve hundreds years
This longevity might create populace
And doubt on traditional system can arises
As the neighboring countries in present
Examine the foetus in the womb now
And they have an abortion if it is female
Against this action people do protest
Such discrimination can be more apparent
Since parental genes transformation
Cloning might have in corrupted compotation
Regarding their children’s beautiful appearances
Or desires of brawn and brain with physical forms
Likewise by the practitioner  
Billions of dollars can be saved
Due to the predicting of someone’s genes
Or the possible diseases can be foreseen
The mysterious keys of life be unlocked
Astonishingly to be believed
With such miracle success of the scientists
Amazingly incredible actions of the scientists
They have been in practice
Like animal cloning is distinguished
Its slow action has been now exhilarated
In one survey on cloning in USA
Forty one percent are against it
But forty seven percent support it
The mass that are against it
Claim that there will be immorality
In cultures and ethical societies
Someone might advocate tomorrow
To protect the culprit from crime
By the production of criminal genes
The crime is committed so he is faultless  
The most dangerous thing on the base of genes
Over any one person, clan or a caste
Can be discriminated with abhorrence.
  Ashish and Saisav
New science is in search of mystery and eternity
On the support of mysterious science
There is ruin of humanity by us
Thus human-welfare should be practiced by us
But now throughthe mystery of genes
We can gauge our self-annihilation
Our action for human demolition
The next human problem is inlayer of ozone
Self-made one due to industrious revolution.
  Ashish and Saisav
There are many sources of knowledge
Instinctive and external in million numbers
No emptiness by their loads of collection
But the more we assemble the more we throng
Though tail first and head last upside-down kept  
But head is first and tail is last positively printed
First men might have traced
Perhaps by seeing the tree impressed
Often with the strong core of tree might have selected
That might have forwarded a better step
And then well printed  
To exhilarate the printing pace
Then the use of paper commenced
Then ink and glasses were followed
And necessity of printing press invented
This invention revolutionized the study-craze
Then turned to embroidery shawl-sari dress
Through wood the borders of the dress pressed
Though works were completed castes were traced
Even traditionally designated works related
Thus, the workless castes were falselypermitted.
   Ashish and Saisav
This worldly evolution often makes us rotate
But it revolve back from where it started
Sometime it is like a kite without string
It looks like sometimes a rebirth is fetched
The world is weird in studying and viewing
In reading the Puranas science of superstition moves
Wow! There is a strange outcry!
Men is enriched into deity and performs mysteries
A son’s vigorous youth into his father is lured
And the hoary father’s stage in the son is tempted
The entire story I feel that might be spurious
When the concept of genes and genomes act
Muddling remark
The veracity is far or near in fact
The matter of space travel and other actions are
Personally, I feel quite peculiar on them too, so far
Besides, the sheep cloning is next abattoir  
A surprising action is bringing a novice star
In its acceptance there is blessing’s and boon’s war
There is a scuffling-conflict among the people so far
On the one hand human being is immensely going forward
The human life is engrossed to scientific onward
On the other side religious people are
Viewing not only humanitarian morality can discard
But egoistic desire might be destructive frontward.  
  Ashish and Saisav
In between nature and humanity
There might have fruitful subsidy
Evil tendency grows malevolent
Alike faces, bodies
One commits criminality
But punishes next personality
Protection is surrounded
Just in fancy but felt missing
Through uneven activities
Natural construction is in havoc
Actions of brutalities
Called favorable activities  
Vice and virtue both are
Divinities of natural activities
Except the sinful consequences
There are no extra substances
Subsequently the world is
Budding into the chaotic activities
With the shellfish and egoistic perceptions
Human’s duty is into the corrosions
The discrepancy between dull and sharp genomes
Acceptance and rejection is implemented
The horrible situation is created
Chaoticwar in prejudice is released!
 Emphasizing on this despair logic
Supporting vices and chanting it constant
Twenty-two hours sinking in criminal acts
Just an hour chanting mantras
To sanctify ones from the evil acts
Science stands as an example
Sending off effects worse than atom bombs
Discerning the societies
Into the lords and the slaves
Into the touchable and untouchable sets
Such dissection the human beings
Make sinking into the mire of labor disunions
Posts in works and castes in sects generate
Ramparts of impediments are created
Even male and female divided into castes
The worse stance in the human fetches fast
It intensifies conflicts in the humankinds harsh
Disparity of dullness and sharpness incongruence
This anguish conflict impends into obliterated ward.
  Ashish and Saisav!
The logics leaps one after other
To analyze for curing diseases further
Because analyses is must
To cognize edifice of humanity
And how the bodily structure imparts
Though the process is immature
In foetus cloning
With the survey
Of less than fortnight cell
For curing numerous diseases
Great possibility presages
If ponders one on the debate
The consequences of the dispute
Variously appears yet
On the similar pairs subjects
Though one is cleaver than the next
Instead of less-numbered to eradicate
There needs the fragile one to have equal respect
Such reverence is lacked but taken privilege
Egoistic activities over possessed for ages  
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were lethally bombarded
Repugnant misfortune was already witnessed
The more catastrophic one is looming next
The Biological weapon is now readymade  
It is longing for devouring a lethal period
To be burst as a Pandora box of the plagues
Andall the innocent living beings to eradicate
Short-sightedness of science,
Lacking in a proper gauge
This world is smoldering and scorching
And vapored or thwarted
With incessant grieves
Due to egoistic human beings
Or highly too cunning
To exhibit bogus show well
Depleting the ozone-layer
Polluting the worldly fair
Makes questionable in its existence
In such present stance
Living beings are encompassed
Within a catastrophic tempest.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Habitually blind acceptance
For and against substance
Scientific activities have alerted us
Today’s news is on cloning
Just have conveyed on the papers
Let’s link on the earlier mentioned themes
In the centuries of fifteen and sixteen
On the matters of printing and teaching languages
China invented papers and inks
The alphabets of wisdom appeared as waves
Today on them taking more researches
I am overwhelmed with this or that to express
Cause the mysteriesof science and nescience  
Can abundantly overflow even the world
Darkness can be lit by the glow of radiance!
There is a plan to circuit the entire world
Even the planet Mars can be toured
Not only temporary visit to the moon
But also habitat of mencan be there soon!
It is heard seldom
On the belief of highly regarded people
A question on the prestige is befell
Suspiciously the new generations yell
“Your Gods head isdefiled by leggs
And polluted the heavenly place  
Men is in the palace of Indradev
His paradise is over possessed”!
  Ashish and Saisav!
Reverence is not only for faith
Venerating is not only to adore
Reverence and venerating both
Surely impact on our daily life
Such power in the thankful form
Reminder of instinctive thinkers
Or proclamation of the souls
God in faith but rock, woodin mistrusts
Which one living and non-living substance
Not ensnared with the compass of time-pace?
Confined with time nature bestows its offerings
To the universal planets and sub-planets
Provided the same time-gifted accolades
Speechless human beings is full of speeches
Shouting through the papers or magazines  
Before the invention of printing press
Can be appealed lacking educations
In past there were noises
But no formation of words
As a result there were absent
All the queries and conscience
The featureless human beings
Who could compute as social beings!
In the inadequate means of life
In the inefficiency of external means
The intuitive power of men was free
In this indefinite environments
No money but conquering mortality
That was the specialty of superiority
Humanity was in intensely activity
Since intimacy was in supremacy
Sharing was caring familiarity
One social-goal was unanimously
It was outstanding
Civilization of equanimity
No resentment in allocation
In the altruistic unity of immortality
Alike views were afresh in sprout fluidity
Philanthropic one-pointed strategy
Lacking covet, anguish and exploitation
No trace of inequityin persuading
The deep souls of generous humanity
But now in sneaky plan of development
Dramatic display is in insurgent
Encircled life in a circumstanced line
Of circled, triangle, straight and curve one
Ensnared in perplexed intricacy
Theatrically spectacled in circular density.
   Ashish and Saisav!
With the invention of printing press
There was flow of conveniences and easiness
Treasury of knowledge and with alphabets
Worldly news was accessible with smoothness
Broadly education was everywhere extended  
Once formerly written on the papyrus
Books were only on the hands of the teachers
But after press published books were in hands
Of the students could be reached individually
Formerly engraved memories of the kings
On their braveries for memories were handed
Through the books in printed forms spread
Since fourteen hundred forty to fifty-six arose
Astonishing new-era revelation of newly press
Thanking discovery of the Guttenberg Germany press
Next scientist expressed technically his opinions
Through the well-adjusted printing devices
Offering the resourceful device of restating
Human being is facilitated coincidentally
Printing books and magazines abundantly
Made adjacent associates to us secretly friendly
Among the poor and rich one correspondingly
Refreshed all inculcating the knowledge equally
Equipoised in education illuminating
Expedited everyone with an opening-eyed gen
Initiating wise and stable path to every man.
  Ashish and Saisav!
As any interesting story
There is next exiting one
When the matter of book comes
But the first one to be named
As Grasse . . . is mentioned
The perfect one is enmeshed in printing mistake
Bringing this book in the printing form
Six lexicographer were involved to refine alphabets
Proof-readers were convoluted on each page
Five-hundred times in single page repeatedly
All the six of themperuse judiciously
When books were publically
Published once persistently
There was prizes declaration of two-hundred fifty dollars
To the one thatdogged the printing mistakes in there
Surprisingly the xix mistakes were set up outstanding
In the first page itself printing mistakes were swaying
There was dumbfounding
When the printing mistake was remaining
In the first line of the first page performing!
Whose was the shocking mistake?
They were missed or forgotten to correct
But twelve eyes were cheated
Under the nose mistakes were persisted.
  Ashish and Saisav!
To guess whose mistake
Let’s examine ourselves
For so one must know printing processes
Therefore let the story on it expressed
There was continuity of printing as today
Through the treadle machine printed that day
That was imported in Nepal in the first place
The first vulture press in Nepal traced
By inches or according to the pages
Big or small formation of pages
There were big and small as pages
The machines were perfectly arranged
Big and small machines were settled
No only possessing the printing press
But the major things were needed
Thousands of alphabets
Four/or six thousands each
Wide and prolonged wooden block
There should be in wooden room kept  
Very small alphabets of glasses
Different sized letters were reserved
Nepali A to Gnya or even half letters stored
The pie is in the big type settings rooms
That separate alphabets
There is iron printing block
That looked like a small tray
Eight, twelve to inch sized alphabets
The perfect compositor
To compose them
They know by heart
The correct alphabets where to fit
Picking up the correct one repetitively
Sentences are formed by letters
On the wooden line
Based are of glasses
In each linings
Those are called linages
As previously expressed
Filling the small block
They are kept on trays
In the sequential orders
That is called lining
The complete page is bound with thread
According to setting
The frame is tightened well
Then fixed to print in the machine
Before it is printed
It is examined carefully
If the alphabets are fixed correctly
The process is called proof reading
To the proof there are signals
Those are signaledin gestures
Keeping mum to correct there
The lined words of the glasses
To proof read are kept in the tray
And robbed the black ink on fronton
By rubbing with the heavy iron rod
On the paper for proof reading prepared
That also is called tray proof read
After completely corrected by proof readers
Composters correct by the help of pinchers
All the alphabets are fixed
Sometimes the proof reader’s mistakes
Composters can separate
On the frame of the printing structure
Corrections are mutually corrected
In such concise process
Books and papers are initially printed
With electricity or legs
The treadle printing can be activated
There is new technique now a day
Though offset printing is existing press
But history of press should be provided
The laborers toil for printing aid
Folding, binding and sewing phase
These are inclined in various stages
The brief history of printing press
Concisely it is expressed
The scientific revolution
In the press is forwarded
Viewing on the time of magazines
Around eleven hundred years passed
Butfirst time in China it was invented.
  Ashish and Saisav!
But the history of magazines
That is assumed for two thousand years
KomunaStopu of Russia
And Unesko Courier
And Prabada are the oldest ones
In thirteen hundred forty
After the Pecking Gadget
In Britain too
Magazine published in sixteen hundred
It is claimed that in Germany
The magazine commenced
In sixteen hundred nine
In the beginning the magazines
There were only headings on a page
There were advertisement and picture
In the long run of the magazine
Today in Spain
There was magazine of clothes
From the form of black and white
Transformed colourful forms
Of the magazines appeared
In the course of printing history
In nineteen hundred nine in Nepal
Printing press was set up
SudhaSagar was the eldest magazine
Published from the Pashupati press
Siddhi CharanShrestha initiated
As the first editor of the magazine
Named ‘Awaj’ the daily paper
Then the Gorkhapatra took place
In nineteen hundred fifty-eight
Today in its hundred years journey
Included The Rising Nepal and Muna
Madhuparka is also included smartly
These all are daily papers
From India “Gorkha” and “Bharat Jeevan”
Started published monthly
In the history of literature
Became the most common
To fertile the literature in Nepal
The next press named ‘Jor Ganesh’
From the family of the Mallas
The first historical offset press
There are Riddhi, Govinda, Vijaya etc.
Those are the gems of literary family
In the historical memory of the presses
Annapurna of Ashan is memorable
In the history of publication side
The BhakttaBahadur Book Seller
And the celebrated RatnapustakBhander has fame
Now a days there many magazines
Kantipur, Himalayan Times, Space Times
All these magazines are taking speed forward
If we want to mention all of them
A thick book needed to be formed now
The time of press and the history of magazines
Encroached by through the powerful speediness
Of computers and waves of electronics devices
The movement of the news communicated abundantly  
Faster than the promptness of the newspapersdaily
Electronics are popular than these newspapers
In education, business and entertainment
The is ample of information
But still the importance of books
And the newspapers identities is
Constantly spread among the publics
Totally poles apart then the electronics.  
Ashish and Saisav!
Since last five years
Internet is hosted
Passingrevolution in style of lives
Offering amenities of services in information
Even depicting exact voice or printing design
The blooming service of the devices amended
Drastically altering in the human living style
Encompassed lives and the business  
By all theseinnovative means
These means are well-timed and fast
They even are affordable in fact
In the surrounding of notice and mass media
The electronics means is grasping
As an advanced idiot system
This mad box
Of course should be called mad box
Because it entices retentively
Thus, is causing mental problems
Emitting its source obsessively
It seems having great possibility
For reducing strength of intuitive power
And isolate from innate individuality.
  Ashish and Saisav!
Such scientific communication
Habituates man automatic mechanically  
Such symptom is performed initially
Small children in its facility presently
Behave unsociably and imprudently  
And made guardians worried anxiously
They even communicate indecently
There is also craving of its misusing and
Psychological adversity may root in society
So is the presumption of experts scientifically.
The habit of internet shopping in a long run
Also may cause an unreasonable life
By shifting our vision monotonously
And it can infuriate one abruptly
Further the computer addicted children
Can be debarred from different improvement
If there is abundant flow of deteriorated mind
How will be the rational state of a child?
As the maxim ‘every cloud has silver lining’
It is practical in each scientific discovery
Communication strike was in India recently
But businessmen used internet alternatively
Of course forgery of internet is used frequently
It is in search of dreadful deception globally
By a faker in California Ambulance Company
Hundreds of million dollarswas cheated in fakery
A student called Mark Jacob discharge in wave
A deceitful press release
A romour of fake bankruptcy of the companies
Theforgery maid the main executive members
To resign from their respective posts unreliably
Consequently that press release
Made drop the share of the company
From eighty-seven to forty-four severely
The reason of Jacob’s fake plan is
To possess more shares additionally
With the shares what he won previously
And he had a plan to gain extra deceitfully
But no sooner completing the plan he was in custody
First his earning was confiscated almost immediately
And has been sued a case to the court additionally
If loses the case he will be imprisoned years fifteen
Even then over the security system there
Dare to browbeat with his bragging ability.
Let’s concentrated now to the cyber tutoring
Undoubtedly form Gurukuleducation system
To the schools then to the universities is wayfaring
And again school is entangled to the room limitedly.
Let’s think about education further
It launched its steps in Nepal too
But in many neighboring countries
By correspondence one can be certified
And academic education is accelerated
From Darjeeling Bible was taught by letters  
Free of cost the forms were filled for exams
Later on certificate used to be delivered
Now computer education is compulsion in schools
And public schools are also in scheme to get the facility
The government is taking the initiative
Through the cyber or on line education
Motivation of worldwide education is alternative
This facility is desired by the people
To educateindividually even in busy time
According to specific concern in self-education
A person can select thedesired pages through it
Education through television looks better
Than through the radio education indeed
The better device is invented
That is internet media modality
Including curriculum study  
Self-evaluation is the modern possibility
In the other words if we say
Through the means of internet
School and university education be acquired
And education attained through it can be divided
It into three categories
The first on is school education
Facilitating into the higher education
Or enabling to the college education
Then in the university education
And far and wide knowledge can be flourished
On the base of decent school education
This higher education can have stance
Into the profit making business education
Likewise the media means education can be
In more influencing and effective for instance
Or it can be conclusively understood then
Now, in the recent cyber education
There is many websites’ involvement
And countless organizations
To instruct their own employees through on lines
They have been providing innovative instructions
To teach the students
Including India along with other countries
Sites are made available through internet
Their most of the curriculum are based
On the weekly lessons
To have study on them
Including Cymereducation
There are many subjects in conversation
To make it avail among everyone
It might take a long time then
Extremely costly it is
The connection of internet indeed
Affordable capacity one need
People have looted as pirate in other side
Or robbing the bazaars besides
To benefit selfishly with false information
Selfish impostors might be using
The internet to cheat
Through www.vu.org.
Even in the health sectors
It has been used practically
The available suggestion has been
In the allelopathy and homeopathy
Included in them regularly
For some people it may be helpful
But “the grapes are sour”for many
In the cost of fifty thousands
Oh! Fey!! It is not affordable
Once in the past time
Radio used to be distributed in our village
To inform about the structure of development
Once televisions were carried  
In the villages
On the one hand like a strange bird
On the other to inform on development
Or just make the people considerable
Between the two displayed birds
The first one is stronger than the latter
If we turn on the switch by mistake
To watch so called internment
Fearfully as villagers may be pouncing sticks
Or here on television only
See! Children of seven and eight years
They are having affairs through internet!
In the expenses of their parents
It is connected at home through the sky
Like email and internet . . . there is snooker in every place
A competition is also comprehended
In the field of service
World link mercantile e-net
Capital on line
Following offspring to the mother too
Moving forward also having benefit
As like teeming flies in the sweet
Swarming like flies hiding secretly
Students and youth affectionately
Having pleasurable affairsjubilantly
Like some companies of Europe
All are in form of competitions
Now even India is charging five hundred at once
And planning to connect internet on televisions
But some people claim the service is impossible to run
Some ones are supporting its service confidently
As we calculated the competition of emails
There is similar competition in tourism sectors
The telephone booths serving as phone facility
There is also high competition look here!
The growth of science is progressed
And Nepalese are also highly qualified
But the political instability
That creates doubtful entity  
Still highly skilled Nepalese
Also expert in technical activities
In the field of medical science
Neck to neck with foreigners is Nepalese
Working cooperatively
To fulfill the gap of foreign employs
There is awakening of employment within the county
To receive the foreign currency in own country
Its initiative is generated here basically
If we preview ingenuity
To the side of establishing industries
They can generate earnings dearly
Better than tourism the income might be
And the technical employments in the industries
Solution of the educated disparity there can be
It might be the unemployment frustration’s remedy
It can be expounded further in next section
Now let me tell you
About the internet itself
Since a sweet and fresh dream is contemplated
Similar to dream it can be remained
Unless it is achieved successfully
The revolutionary information or
The opening of information technology
Overpoweringly it is initiated
On the bottom of a coat
Earrings, rings kind of jewelries
In small speaker and microphone
In pagers too there is plan of is embellishment
Through the digital technology in jewelries
The related scientists are working hard
And impending to the peak of success
If this is carried out successfully,
Future rings can be installed with wave pages
There we can download messages
Earrings or tops can receives
Tie of sari-pins can be used for calls
The coin looking device
Micro disc can make all it possible
As the price of banana skins’ price
The American technology forwards
One device likely
Wireless mobile computer is prepared
And it can be used wherever desired
There has been recently
In the London World Conference
Giving the hint of the device
In the fashion show envisaged
Through it the fashioned findings
To bring popularity is planned
According to Katarina Barlow
The co-founder of the plan
Already intimidates the public
Because the technical device make
Personal life dwindling as obituary
Though fashion show presently
This technology is source of attraction
In persons’ thinking and perception
But contrast to this technology
Some companies are claiming
There is harm envisaging
Still the device is encroaching to hum beings
As a direct example it is assumed
As the source of busy wave reminders
There is search of diverse usages
Regarding this internet competence
In the small to the impressive business
Even in the industries economically
The use of internet is thoroughgoing swiftly
It has brought challenge in the modern work
Its benefit is as adage of banana and peeling
Communication is dominating
And still in the mass media
It is inventive with imminent plans
In each phase
With means, snider internet
There is economical conjecture
The expanse in the coming decade
Fantasized growth from two hundred Kharabdollars to
It reaches to two hundred thousand Kharab
They, regarding this economic growth
A new theory has been conceived
And is called meta-capitalism
In this new economic management
India may be a strong pillar they fancy
According to their vision of meta-capitalism
Within the eighteen months
The economic growth will go high maximum
Through the internet and newly devices
There will have as strong support
To transport into the drastic economic change
The present economic growth consequently
In the decade of nineteen hundred nineties
Being involved with the internet or mass media
Everything in the short span of time
There will have radical revolution in business
Traditional business model will be eliminated
And the market will be performed  
Having a newly and modern surface
And market will attainreplacement
In the capitalmarket
It will create dependency  
Being center of utility and capacity
Companies started to get benefit in money
According to necessity of consumers
They produce changing views in business
Bestowing goods required for today
They follow this concept everyday
Meta-capitalism is a type of economic revolution
On its basic concept
The entire world’s economic system has new appearance  
Meta-capitalism is a kind of
Principle of capital management
In which finance, worldwide capital measurement
Remains as one of the essential aspect
Through this business management
Now, also to the small companies
To have own productions will be easy
And these small companies too
Capable to prevail their trustworthy  
By the helps of huge producers
In entire area of producers and consumers
In mass media or in communication
By the help of electronic devices
Higher place can be achieved
In a smaller amount of the currency
That is the source of value added commodities
The facility of human related network
That is attached importantly
Through the internet
And its close connection unitarily
The highly demand in the market
Impending solution viewed in eighteen months.  
 Ashis and Saishav!
With this framework about the area
Of industries and business
There is possibility of revolution
Through the use of internet
Similarly, the software will be
P.A. or personal assistant too
Your voice will be recorded
In the digital file be computed
And through the special filtering software
Everything will be stored memorably
This method in the eighteen century
Developed enabling voice recording
It seemed previously invented
The voice in the phones in busy time
Food in the oven
Along with the list of foods
Service also will be provided.
 Ashis and Saishav!
After a constant attempt
About possibility of real life
That I have expressed
Within the limited range
Only for research
Over the human’s life
Even mainly
The genetic diseases
Parkinson and aligners
And only for
The defects of mental diseases
In the law of the Britain
Proposed for the amendment
The scientists were defeated
By the three hundred sixty-five members
Against the hundred and seventy-four
Through the party whip  
Or being free form the force ballets
In the law of the Britain
There might be amendment
If possible, from the higher house
The bill will be passed
And it is like a adage
“Agreement until there is no support
But after that there is encroachment”
It has been if fact found in reality
Indians who came here as businessman
Now are dominating us as chiefs or bosses
Until there is no strength in their steps
But when stepped in power they over posed
Time has strength to break by creating rust
Whatever strong chain is used for binding
That makes like me and you diverged out
And appeared as an weak branch
And remains in negligence
Today, there we received  
Fresh news on environment
From the office that remains in Geneva
The World’s environmental organization
Historically in hundred and forty years
The year of two thousand
The hottest year is measured
In the world record of the atmosphere
It is mentioned here
Since nineteen sixty one to the nineties
The average temperature is
Thirty two degree in the two thousand years
Before it
Nineteen ninety eight
It was the hottest recorded
And the climax of heat
In the nineties
Broke the record
Of the previous centuries
But the twenty first century
Beating the record of the past temperatures
Its climax reached up to zero point six degrees
Viewing this fact Nepal too
Scheduling to control heat intensifying freezes
Or industries like
Cement, bricks etcetera
These in this bowl like valley
Formation of carbon is too high
Withburning plastics or smoky vehicles.
The smog comes down
And pollutes longs by breathing
Inspiration is highly contaminating
If such environment is explained
A different section can be made
Human health in thisimbalanced nature
Running by car or flying in the sky
Or using the electronic devices by men
Or using electrical communication
All these modern facility in fact
Slowly making men a slave fast
Makes men lonely
Detaching from the closed ones
And it is really true
For Allred Noble first murder was harmony
Later he realized peace is necessity
Likely king Ashok after Kaling war
Buddha’s enlightening he adored
First people relish in external property
And wallow in the worldly prosperity
But one should anticipate impending effect
When one is enjoying with opulence
Blindly used present scientific facilities
Theojen layer emission encounters
In the Mount Everest melting snow
There is fear of snow lakes avalanche
There is encounter to seaside like Maldives  
And challenge in existence of seaside countries
Egoistic science for fleeting satisfaction is burden
This wise and conscious human beings actually
In the imminent troubles as king Baly’s destiny
The more persons are educationally polished
The farther he trips into woe being stupid
Unfortunately stricken with misfortunes
In this own lovely earth once a paradise
He has polluted and made gloomy
Constantly misplacing the tranquility  
And plunging into the pond of melancholy
Men face mishaps and calamities
Through the overuse of scientific facilities
Engulfed with grief by forgetting acumens
Helpless men is misplacing serenity
The pyramid of conscience ‘the periodic cardiograms’
May I offer to the humanity of the wonderful universe
As a majoring rod to prevail worldly peace!
  Ashis and Saishav!
There are machines, mantras compactly used
And they are sincerely believed
The remarkable prodigies of modern science
Teaming recently is in occurrence
The more I write the more are discovered
Annals of Manufacturing labyrinth is unlocked.
0 notes
artatak-texts · 7 years
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Women dancers in India and UK at a glance
An article by Katerina Valdivia Bruch for Culture360.asef.org
Katerina Valdivia Bruch was in India as a bangaloREsident at Natya & STEM Dance Kampni. During her stay in Bangalore, she was able to attend the BENCH India, a conference on gender inequalities in the performing arts, held on 7 February 2017 at Alliance Française de Bangalore, as part of the Attakalari India Biennial. What follows is a short survey on the current situation of women dancers in India and UK, the challenges they face in their practice and the projects and/or initiatives they are involved in.
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Tamsin Fitzgerald
How did you start with The BENCH? What moved you to create this initiative?
The BENCH as an idea started in 2013. There were rumblings in the UK dance sector around the absence of female voices on both the stage and in leadership and the negative outcome of this for both audiences and young artists. I decided that I would try to change things for the better. In 2015 The BENCH was launched in the UK. We work with artists, venues and the wider sector to encourage change.
The BENCH INDIA launched in 2016 after discussions with Indian artists and organisations. So far it has been an incredible journey, shifting perspectives and historical ways of working is always going to be a challenge, but that’s what makes it unique and why it’s needed.
Tamsin Fitzgerald founded 2Faced Dance Company in 1999 and has choreographed several major works for the company, which have all toured across the UK and internationally. In 2009, she received the Rayne Fellowship for Choreography and worked with Australian Dance Theatre and The Ballet Boyz. In 2013, she was awarded the prestigious Jerwood Choreographic Research Prize.
Tamsin is also founder of The BENCH, a bespoke programme for female choreographers. Created in 2015 as a direct response to the gender crisis within the contemporary dance industry, the The BENCH aims to challenge the sector and give mid-career artists a voice and platform for their work. In 2016 The BENCH INDIA was launched.
2Faced Dance http://www.2faceddance.co.uk/
The BENCH INDIA http://www.the-bench.org/the-bench-india/
Photo: Tamsin Fitzgerald | © Luke Evans
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Madhu Nataraj
How is it to run your own dance school and company at the same time?
We have a training centre, a performing unit and an outreach & archiving cell, that nurture and support each another. In 1995, when I birthed STEM Dance Kampni – Bangalore’s first Indian contemporary dance company –, I had to literally ‘create’ dancers. The classical trained dancers were initially hesitant to try out this ‘strange’ movement. So, simultaneous to choreographing new works, there was a strong training to make sure we had dancers ready to perform.
Today, I also head Natya Institute of Kathak & Choreography, one of India’s first dance institutes initiated in 1964 by Dr. Maya Rao. From training, curating, marketing, choreographing, to administrative realities I have balanced it all from the very beginning. I honestly don’t know other way of functioning!
Can you tell us about some challenges and achievements in the past years?
I think our most important strength is sustainability. Everyone wants to pioneer a new movement, but what about sustaining it? That’s a constant challenge. The very fact that we have managed to sustain a 53 year old institution and a 22 year old new age performing unit through recessions, lack of funding, being ostracised, attrition and the like is an achievement.
Madhu Nataraj is a dancer and choreographer, and director of Natya Institute of Kathak & Choreography (NIKC) and STEM Dance Kampni. A performer, choreographer, graduated in commerce and journalism, Madhu was trained in the classical form of Kathak by her mother Dr. Maya Rao, as well as Chitra Venugopal. Apart from learning contemporary dance in New York, she has also been trained in Indian martial arts, folk dances and yoga.
Madhu was chosen as one among India’s 50 Young Achievers by ‘India Today’, as well as received the ‘Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar’ from the Central Sangeet Natak Academi and the Mohan Khokar Award for excellence in dance. Madhu is also a panelist at important design, cultural and academic institutions and is often invited to perform, design and choreograph productions for a number of local and international cultural institutions.
Natya Institute of Kathak & Choreography www.natyamaya.in
STEM Dance Kampni www.stemdancekampni.in
Photo: Madhu Nataraj | © Ramy Reddy
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Ranjana Dave
How is Dance Dialogues supporting performing arts?
During The BENCH conference, I referred to the fact that in India it is not about a lack of opportunities for women only, but a lack of opportunities in general. As part of Dance Dialogues, our concerns are about accessing the few opportunities available and creating new avenues.
Dance Dialogues was formed in response to a scattered dance ecology in Mumbai, where artists were unable to connect with each other, find moments to critically engage about their practice and gain new skills. Through a regular monthly programme of workshops, screenings, talks and community discussions, we generate conversations, connect artists to each other and establish peer support networks. During our five years of operation, the Mumbai dance scene has changed. Some dancers have benefited from our programmes, and new initiatives have emerged, bringing the dance community closer.
Do you have any project that supports women dancers? If yes, can you name some examples?
Our activities are not targeted to any gender, because a gender bias in availing of opportunities was not the big concern we were tackling. As I mentioned before, the concern was the lack of opportunities. But, I can say that we have worked largely with female artists in all our projects. Apart from this, our organisation is completely run by female artists since its inception in 2011. That, I believe, filters also whatever we do.
Ranjana Dave is a dancer and writer based in Delhi. She works with Gati Dance Forum as Director of Programmes and contributes to their curatorial and educational initiatives. She is the co-founder of Dance Dialogues, an initiative that works with dance makers and dance lovers, helping them to connect with provocative and diverse ideas, individuals and institutions.
Dance Dialogues http://dancedialogues.org/
Gati Dance Forum http://gatidance.com/
Photo: Ranjana Dave | © Akshiti Roychowdhury
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Seeta Patel
As an independent dancer living in London, who dances Bharatanatyam and contemporary dance, could you tell us more about your work, both in UK and India?
I have been lucky to have worked with many talented artists from a variety of disciplines and I am privileged to be in a country that has government funded arts, which has allowed me to have been able to create and be a part of much great work over the years. Since becoming a full time professional artist in 2003 I have grown my experience by being involved in a number of different projects, which includes theatre and film, as well as teaching, that helps me keep my Bharatanatyam work fresh by having a wider experience alongside my classical training practice. Connecting with my teachers in Chennai is also a vital part of my practice as a grounding experience by which I continue to develop my growth as a classical artist.
I have also produced a short film that takes a humorous look at how identity can so easily become a fickle commodity in the dance world. I am fascinated by the perceptions people in the UK have of Bharatanatyam, how it is spoken about, the tokenism of culture, how within the South Asian sector the idea of the exotic is promoted, and am constantly trying to challenge how people perceive me as a Classical Bharatanatyam dancer born and raised in the UK. My current challenge is to try and keep my focus on my work, without succumbing to external pressures and perceptions that narrow the scope of who and what I can be.
Biography Born in London, Seeta Patel began training under the guidance of Kiran Ratna in 1990 and has since worked with a range of Bharatanatyam and contemporary dance professionals. She furthered her studies in Bharatanatyam under the guidance of Mavin Khoo, Padma Shri Adyar K Lakshman, Meena Raman and Pushkala Gopal.
She has also worked with Professor C.V. Chandrashekar and Liz Lea. Seeta has toured with DV8 Physical Theatre, Shobana Jeyasingh Dance Company, David Hughes Dance Company and Mavin Khoo Dance, amongst others. Over the past 12 years, she has received numerous awards and bursaries for her creative and professional development. Dance UK has chosen Seeta to be a part of the 2015 Mentoring Programme as a future leader within the arts.
Seeta Patel – Homepage www.seetapatel.co.uk
Photo: Seeta Patel | © Stephen Berkeley-White
Author Katerina Valdivia Bruch is a Berlin-based independent arts writer, curator, dancer and choreographer, who researches on dance and other fields of art. As a dancer and choreographer, she regularly collaborates with different artists, such as experimental musicians and visual artists, focussing on interdisciplinary work. Her dance projects have taken her to different countries, where she has developed her practice as a choreographer and dancer, but also as a teacher. She has performed, created choreographies, given lessons and workshops in Germany, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Spain and Peru. www.artatak.net
Click here to read the original publication >>
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maryoliverdotcom · 8 months
A Shade Darker Than Red: Chapter 8
this is a repost because tumblr, being a jerk as always, decided to delete the former post. if you like this one, you could maybe check out the entire series using the masterlist i'll post in a few minutes.
A week passed by. Paro was eerily quiet when she was with me, and I thought of what I had said that day. Had I really, truly ruined all my chances of saving even our friendship?
A million thoughts rushed through my head as I turned restlessly in bed, staring at the ceiling.
The ceiling of our bedroom was painted with blue fluorescent stickers shaped like stars. Papa had done that. I had asked Maa to take them off if they bothered her, but we never did.
Beside me, Maa tossed in her sleep. They say if you think of someone, they can’t fall asleep. Could she hear my thoughts?
I had nothing to distract myself with. No phone, no book—nothing. Just me, my thoughts and the stars on the ceiling.
A sudden, vivid memory flashed in my mind. We were six. A year had passed since my meeting with Paro. We were running around like hooligans in the park while our mothers talked about work, pados-wali aunties and whatnot. I still remember what Paro was wearing: a frilly, white frock with Minnie Mouse sewn onto its sleeves. The sky was red and so was our laughter, until Paro bent down and ripped a flower right off its stem. “For you,” she had said, clumsily tucking the flower behind my ear. When she touched my earlobe, the flower was white. When she let go, it was red.
Another memory. We were nine. She sat with me on the bed while I rambled on about my latest hyperfixation: dragons. She listened to every single detail I had mentioned and, by the end of the afternoon, showed me a drawing of a wyvern.
Twelve. I was reading The Priory of the Orange Tree, sitting on the windowsill. I took a sip from my milk tea, letting out a contented hum. I wasn’t on the windowsill anymore. I was Ead, pressing a kiss to Sabran’s brow. Sabran was someone who looked uncannily similar to Paro.
An annoying ding! from my phone forced me back to reality. I heard Maa’s grunts and snores: the coast was clear. 
I climbed off the bed, taking care not to put extra weight anywhere that would make the mattress creak. I walked towards the desk and picked up the phone.
WhatsApp: You have 3 messages.
It was Paro. I checked the time: 3:49 a.m. Paro was a morning person, what was she doing staying up all night?
hi renu are you awake?
do you wanna hang out on the roof like we used to? 
its ok if you dont wanna. go back to sleep you have a big day tmrw. actually, if ur awake rn i’ll kill you
Oh, Paro.
I glanced at Maa, slowly increasing the fan’s regulator. Please don’t wake up soon.
I walked out of the room and closed the door. Thank goodness I’d oiled its hinges last week. 
The main door was locked—opening it meant creating a ruckus. “Shit,” I muttered under my breath. No wait, actually not shit. This meant I’d have to take the old way around. 
Jeez, fourteen-year-old me was fun.
I opened the door to the balcony and hoisted myself up on its railing. It was an easy jump. I tumbled onto the grass, praying that a grasshopper wouldn’t find its new home in my ear. The grass was wet and the air smelled of petrichor. 
I stood up, smoothening my pyjamas. Staying out late at night was a risky thing, especially in our neighbourhood. Plenty of TicTac-shaped pills here and there, and men on the prowl. I didn’t give a damn. I was eighteen and probably feeling some feelings I wasn’t supposed to be feeling. (That’s a lot of ‘feeling’s, I know.) What could possibly hurt me?
A lot of things, I realised, as I walked up to Paro’s house. Like that mad dog Rathode had warned me about. The creepy guy who keeps children in his basement (just a speculation, but when Madhu speculated about something, it was most probably right). An overspeeding motorcycle that could crash into me any minute. My own mother, with her pots and pans, once she realised I was gone.
Oh well, the damage was done. I found myself opening the gate on instinct, as if I knew Paro’s house better than I did my own.
I stepped into their garden, careful not to trample on any beetles—and made my way to the window of the woman who lived below Paro’s flat. Madame Fosco, I called her, in everything but her looks.
The tin shade Madame Fosco had installed last year was probably on its deathbed by now. Rust had made its edges creaky, but Fosco was deaf, anyway. I grabbed onto it and hoisted myself up, finding myself staring right at Paro’s face, our faces a millimetre away from each other’s. She screamed.
I screamed.
My foot slipped and I fell off the tin shade, tumbling onto the grass once again. At this point, I would be surprised if a grasshopper hadn’t found its home in my ear.
“For Whitman’s sake, hush,” I whisper-shouted, if that’s a thing. If it wasn’t, it probably is by now.
Paro peered out of the window, her mouth forming a perfect ‘o’. “I’m sorry,” she mouthed. 
I shook my head (in case a grasshopper had organised a nice family dinner in my hair) and climbed onto the tin shaft once again, pulling myself onto Paro’s windowsill.
“Come in,” she whispered, switching the lights on. 
I felt comfortable squatting on her windowsill like a failed Spiderman and grumbled as I walked into her bedroom.
Paro switched her phone’s torchlight off. “I’m gonna kill you.”
“What?” I stared at her retreating figure. “What did I do?”
“Why are you still awake?” she snapped. I followed her to the door.
“Why are you still awake and staring out of your window like Oscar fucking Wilde?” I snapped back.
Paro flipped me off while trying her hardest to pull the gates across the door. Sweat shone on her forehead, her eyes illuminated in the moonlight.
“Hold on, let me help,” I offered, gently grabbing her wrist. Paro grumbled, stepping aside.
I pushed the gate back and pulled it in again, keeping the screw in with my thumb. It glided into the opening on the other side, miraculously not making a single noise.
I turned towards Paro. She was staring at my arms.
“What?” I asked her, incredulously. One moment she said she wanted to kill me, and the next she looked at me like I was something she couldn’t quite wrap her head around.
“N-Nothing,” she gasped. My heart fluttered. Dammit, these butterflies in my stomach had turned into fucking bats at this point.
Paro walked up the stairs while I followed her footsteps in the dark. “Just like the old times, huh?” I heard her say.
I grinned. “Just like the old times.”
Paro opened the door to the roof, the tensed line in her jaw glinting in a sliver of moonlight. God, she was as beautiful as ever.
“Come in,” she said, her words echoing in the marble walls.
I followed her to the railings, leaning against the cool surface. A light breeze rippled through, making her hair fly for a brief second. Dear God, she was poetry herself.
“Where are Auntie and Uncle?” I asked, trying to break the silence.
A light breeze caressed my cheeks. “They won’t be back before tomorrow. Business trip,” Paro explained, edging closer to me.
“Oh.” I was suddenly aware of the pen still tucked behind my ear.
“So we’re—we’re all alone, then?” I asked her, hoping she wouldn’t hear the slight quaver in my voice.
Paro nodded. “We are.”
Silence, again.
She leaned against the railing. “You’re going away in three weeks.”
I nodded, not quite knowing what to say.
“I asked you a question.” Her voice was cold and harsh, harsher than I deserved. 
“That was a statement,” I snapped. “And don’t use your fucking CEO voice with me.”
Paro frowned. “I’m not.”
“You are.” I glared at her. “And you know it.”
She stared at me, scrutinising my every feature. “I’m sorry,” she finally said, letting out a sigh. “I’m sorry. It’s just been—you’ll be gone—and—”
“I know, it’s okay,” I heard myself murmur, edging closer towards her.
“I—I’ve got that Poe book with me,” she said. “Do you want it now or at the graduation party?”
“Now,” I said, without thinking. “The party will be too loud. And too crowded,” I added as an afterthought.
Paro bit her lip so hard I was scared it would bleed. “Alright,” she nodded. “I’ll get it.”
I watched her retreat into the shadows, taking the white along with her. The night was a pool of blood, again.
I hummed. Did she know about the history of ‘OK’? Probably not. I’d tell her. Not knowing things I wouldn’t be able to tell her before we drifted apart wasn’t a good idea. At least she’d be able to tell her children that their Renu Auntie had told her about the history of ‘OK’. Maybe she’d sigh and think of me, again. Words were a certain but clumsy way into a person’s mind. 
Papa had told me that. Maybe that’s why I can’t stop thinking of him.
Did Paro know about Jinnah? That Netaji might’ve actually been alive? Did she know that birds came from lizard-hipped dinosaurs? There was so much I had to tell her before I vanished from her mind.
It was pathetic. Scrambling onto every crumb of unrelated information I could find, just to hang onto her thoughts, stay on in her mind for a little while longer.
“I’m back,” Paro said, stepping into the moonlight.
She looked like Aphrodite, the goddess of love born from love itself, in all her glory—clutching a book of Edgar Allan Poe, the letters of which shone in the lamplight or moonlight, that I do not know.
“For you,” she said, handing me the book.
“It’s beautiful,” I gasped as I ran my fingers along the edge of its spine. It was a leatherbound book, The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe written in shiny gold lettering. I opened the first page.
To Renu, it said. Keep me in your mind, always. From, Paro.
I chuckled, flipping through the pages. “Of course I’ll keep you in my mind, Paro,” I laughed. “What a silly thought!”
Paro looked at me, hope faintly glimmering in her eyes. “You will?” Her voice had softened down to a murmur.
I looked at her incredulously. “Well, duh, Paro, I can’t just forget my best friend of thirteen years now, can I?”
Paro’s lower lip trembled. “You promise?”
I smiled. “Always.”
A comfortable silence followed and as we looked at the stars, I knew we were both smiling.
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mad-who-ra · 2 years
About me
Madhura (she/her)
Reader, Writer, Illustrator
Languages : Marathi, Hindi, English
Fandoms :
- Books HP, ACOTAR, SoC, The Selection, The Poppy War
-Series SPN, Gossip Girl, The Good Place
(There is a list, but for the sake of this post, I will add only one.)
-Fictional Alluri Ramaraju sorry Sirius, you have been dethroned
-Celeb Vidyut Jammwal
RRR Sticker sheet
Baahubali sticker sheet
Madhu creating her own reality
Charan x Assistant!Reader
All the love we lost (Charan x Reader)
Silent Whispers (Dhruva x Wife!Reader)
Ram x Reader (RRR)
One day 
Always will be you
All That Matters 1 2 
Archery 1 2
Small Things
Brave is the heart
Jewels in your eyes
Dagger and Arrows 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 14 15 16
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