#maestro cadenza
batbobsession · 9 months
I was looking through the list of official BATB characters and I just--
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"When the villagers raid the castle, Cadenza takes part in the fight where he bodyslams LeFou and fires his remaining keys as a form of hailing bullets at the villagers but not long before Lumiere scares the villagers off by lighting one of the gunpowder puddles on the castle floor causing it to spark and forcing the villagers to retreat in humiliation."
Yes, that is exactly what happened, but to put it so bluntly and formally and all in one sentence is just the right form of humor to leave me giggling like a toddler.
Also, "retreating in humiliation." Not dumbstruck terror? I mean, they were plenty humiliated, but that shouldn't be the first thing on their minds.
Also, apparently there's a pigeon named Witherspoon.
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groveofsouls · 2 months
tag dump seven ft. general charas part two !!
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opera-ghosts · 7 months
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OTD in Music History: Legendary composer and violin virtuoso Eugene Ysaye (1858 - 1931) marries his first wife in France in 1886.
Ysaye might well have received one of the greatest wedding gifts in the history of music: On the morning of this wedding, important composer and pedagogue Cesar Franck (1922 - 1890) had a friend present Ysaye and his bride with the score to Franck’s freshly-composed Violin Sonata, which was also dedicated to Ysaye.
The Franck Violin Sonata is arguably Franck’s single greatest masterpiece, and it is undoubtedly one of the most famous and beloved works of its kind ever written. The history of this Violin Sonata actually presents a rather intriguing mystery: Nearly 30 years earlier, in 1858, Franck had promised to compose a violin sonata for Franz Liszt’s (1811 – 1886) daughter, Cosima, on the occasion of her marriage to her first husband, famed concert pianist and conductor Hans von Bulow (1830 - 1894). This promised work never materialized – but the correspondence documenting this promise has long fueled speculation that whatever efforts Franck put towards that 1858 piece (if any) might well have ended up being incorporated into the 1886 Violin Sonata.
Returning to Ysaye's wedding day, the story veers from charming to characteristic: A normal person would have graciously accepted this gift and then turned his attention back to his nuptials. But Ysaye was a born performer -- and so, after commandeering a pianist and conducting a hurried rehearsal, he instead privately premiered the Violin Sonata at his own marriage celebration. (His bride’s reaction to this turn of events was not recorded.)
Ysaye publicly premiered the Violin Sonata at a concert in Brussels two months later, and his efforts to champion the work thereafter greatly contributed to increasing public recognition of Franck as a major composer.
PICTURED: A c. 1910 real photo postcard showing Ysaye holding his violin.
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everardentarchived · 2 years
tag dump eight ft. more chara tags !!
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diceriadelluntore · 6 days
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Questo in foto è un capolavoro di arte artigianale: è un orologio Breguet che ha molteplici "complicazioni", cioè mostra dei dati come l'equazione del tempo (la differenza tra il tempo solare medio, il nostro tempo civile della durata convenzionale di ventiquattrore, e il tempo solare vero, che varia in funzione dell’orbita irregolare della terra intorno al sole) o il calendario perpetuo e sul quadrante finemente lavorato a guilloche sfoggia un tourbuillion, geniale invenzione di Abraham Louis Breguet, cioè l'installazione dell'intero scappamento (il bilanciere con la rispettiva molla, l'ancora e la ruota di scappamento, ossia le parti più sensibili agli effetti della forza di gravità) all'interno di una gabbia mobile che compie una rotazione completa ogni minuto. In questo modo, i difetti, che hanno una cadenza regolare, si compensano reciprocamente. Questo è un prodotto fatto quasi totalmente a mano da un abilissimo orologiaio. E abilissima è l'autrice di questo libro, che ho adorato
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Rebecca Struthers è una delle ultime orologiaie del Regno Unito. In questo saggio racconta la sua storia prima di studentessa (fino alla laurea in orologeria), poi di giovane artigiana e infine da affermata restauratrice di orologi antichi e, insieme al marito Craig, fine produttrice di pezzi unici, fatti completamente a mano nel loro piccolo laboratorio di Birmingham. Ogni capitolo è un pezzo di storia della sua vita, un pezzo di storia dell'orologio e un pezzo di meccanica, dove spiega con la massima semplicità (tipica di chi è maestro di una disciplina) le meraviglie tecniche che indossiamo al polso ogni giorno.
Oltre le incredibili storie dell'oggetto, i cui andamenti variano da oggetto di lusso a status symbol economico, in una sorta di spirale sinusoidale di successo, commercio e crisi e dei personaggi a loro legati (scienziati, re e regine, inventori, industriali, geni come Breguet, generali, esploratori, sportivi e così via), ci sono due aspetti che mi hanno colpito profondamente e personalmente:
l'importanza del lavoro degli artigiani, e soprattutto l'importanza delle scuole per gli artigiani: il saggio di Rebecca Struthers è anche un viaggio nel declino di una certa idea di trasmissione del sapere che è coinciso con la fine delle scuole di alta specializzazione (Struthers è stata una delle ultime a completare un corso di studi specifico per l'oreficeria e l'orologeria, che adesso non esiste più). In un paese come il nostro, che spesso solo a parole si vanta della propria tradizione artigiana (che ancora resiste), dovrebbe essere un motivo di studio e dibattito;
Ci sono delle pagine che ho sentito molto vicine a me quando Struthers parla della decisione di mettersi in proprio, e di aprire un laboratorio "fuori dal tempo": le difficoltà iniziali, il modificare macchinari vecchi e usati, il primo stipendio serio dopo anni ma allo stesso tempo la certezza che una scelta di qualità, che comporta molti più problemi di una scelta di quantità, con il tempo sia premiante soprattutto a livello di piena soddisfazione di sè. e l'importanza di fare le cose con le mani, che è un momento creativo eccezionale.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 16 days
throughout the movie, lumiere, maestro cadenza, and mr. potts ALL call their wives “darling” at some point. like!!! no wonder adam calls belle that so much!!!! that’s what all the good men in his life call their beloveds!!!!!!!!!
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princesssarisa · 1 year
7 question ask: barbette/fife/plumette
Three facts about them from my personal headcanons.
Her real name is Babette in all continuities. "Fifi" is just a nickname Lumiere sometimes calls her because her middle name is Josephine, while "Plumette" is a nickname he gave her in the 2017 remake-verse because (in human form) she's rarely without a feather-duster in hand.
While she sometimes flirts with other men in a playful way, just as Lumiere does with other women, Lumiere is her true love, he knows it, and vice-versa.
She came to the castle from Paris, as did Lumiere. Their French accents represent Parisian accents, while the other characters' American accents (or British accents in the 2017 remake) represent the local French dialect.
A reason they suck:
In the animated version, her costume in her human form is too skimpy for a maidservant in a royal castle. Even though we only see her for a moment, and of course the animators wanted her to look sexy, they really should have designed a better dress for her.
A reason they are great:
She's adorable, lively, and always charming in her flirty and romantic moments with Lumiere.
A reason I relate to them:
I'm also a lover of fun and romance.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character:
She belongs with Lumiere, no question.
Five things that never happened to the character that I believe should have happened:
In a perfect world, that she had never been turned into a feather duster, although of course there would be no plot then.
That her dress in her human form in the original film were less "sexy" and more elegant and historically appropriate.
That her role in the original film were bigger, which it thankfully is in the stage musical and the 2017 remake.
That she had more interactions with Belle and they were shown as good friends.
That she had been named in the original film, so her name wouldn't change in every new iteration.
Five people that character never fell in love with and why.
Cogsworth. He's too "tightly wound."
Chef Bouche/Cuisinier. She finds him a little intimidating.
Maestro Cadenza (2017-verse). He's already taken.
Maurice. Even though in the stage musical she does some lighthearted flirting with him, he's really too old for her.
The Beast/Prince Adam. Even after he become kind, he's too serious and awkward for her taste.
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ticenchantedtoc · 4 months
3 for the holiday fic stuff? Any characters you wanna use is fine :3
It had been Belle's idea. Something her family used to do when the roads were buried under snow and the award money never came.
In the castle, though, it was simply convenient. Belle had gathered everyone in the ballroom, which was still a mess in preparation for their usual, ostentatious Christmas gala. The tree sat empty, and the floor was littered with loose pine needles and golden glitter. Dusty boxes of ornaments and candles were piled anywhere there was room, in some method of "organization" that only made sense to Angelique. Belle made a seat for herself atop an old cedar trunk, sending another puff of dust onto the once-polished floor. She barely suppressed a giggle at the way Cogsworth's nose scrunched up.
The names were shuffled in an empty box for the garland, scraps of tinsel and evergreen tossed with them. Everyone walked out with a folded scrap of paper and the promise that someone had theirs in turn.
Everyone except Fife.
He hadn't come to the ballroom. In fact, Madame de Garderobe could not recall the last time she saw the boy at all.
"We should do something for him."
Her husband glanced up to her with a blink, as if he hadn't seen her at all. His pen had stilled so abruptly that a blot of ink bled into the page. A soft smile graced her face. "Apologies, mi amore, I did not mean to interrupt you."
In an instant, and for no discernable reason, Cadenza suddenly noticed the growing dot of ink beneath his hand. He frantically tried to smudge it out with his thumb, which only made the mess worse. His face fell into his hands. "Yes, mi stella?"
Garderobe pulled a handkerchief from his coat pocket to dry the black stain now on his cheek. With a cheeky grin, she whispered, "My sincerest apologies for disrupting a genius at work."
He crumpled up the paper with a huff. "Nonsense, all I've written is nonsense!"
"I'm sure that's not true."
"How am I supposed to appeal to the prince? He has been famously been difficult all his life, and if that wasn't challenging enough, now he's a different man entirely!"
"And I'm certain the most talented composer in all of Europe can make something perfect for him."
Cadenza tossed the paper ball into a corner, the newest addition to a white, crinkly mountain of ideas that would certainly be brilliant to anyone else. But not Cadenza. Temperamental, perfectionist Cadenza with too many ideas and too little patience.
Garderobe chuckled more as she leaned down to kiss his cheek. "Now that I have your attention, I have a little request. The little flautist, we should do something for him."
"Mi amore, we barely know him!"
"But we do!" she insisted brightly. "We share an art, darling; that is more than enough!"
Cadenza shook his head. "Oh, if you insist."
So their search began. Cadenza asked as much of the staff as he could, but not even Lumiere knew a thing about the boy.
"He is— Well, you know, he keeps to himself."
"He rarely spoke to anyone but the Maestro. Quite flighty, as it were."
"He's an odd little tyke. I've tried talking to him some, but he always avoids us."
None of it sat well with the diva. Especially when she knew—or rather, had known—Maestro Forte many years ago. He had always been a bitter, reclusive man, and she could not bear to see sweet Fife become the same.
It didn't matter that she didn't know him. Madame de Garderobe had never been the type for small things. On the stage and in her behind-the-scenes life, she would love with her whole heart, sing until her throat was raw, throw herself into anything if passion swayed her so.
And suddenly, she knew what to do.
"Mi amore, what was the name of that carpenter in Villeneuve?"
"Firmin, I believe."
"Thank you, dear!"
Cadenza shook his head as she disappeared out the door, her thick skirts following a few seconds later. There was no use arguing with his wife when she set her mind to something, but that was also one of the things he loved about her.
She poked her head back into the room. "And the seamstress?"
"I don't know," he chuckled. "Why don't you ask Belle?"
"That's brilliant! Thank you, love!"
She was gone again before he could answer, and thus Cadenza remained tucked away with only his harpsichord as company. Hours slipped between the keys as he wrote and rewrote and wrote and rewrote... His hands seemed to move on their own as his mind followed the road through the forest, all but invisible beneath the snow. He thought of Garderobe in Villeneuve, shining like a Christmas star in all her jewels and silks and beauty. And above all else... her joy.
Cadenza looked back to his sheet music with a smile. He had nothing to worry about. Tomorrow, the gifts would be exchanged, and there would be laughter in the ballroom, and none of his stresses mattered because there would be joy.
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christinegrrl · 2 years
Some thoughts on Phantom 10/8
I was lucky enough to see Phantom on Broadway this past Saturday and wanted to record a few thoughts!
Cast: Paul A Schaefer as the Phantom, Emilie Kouatchou as Christine, John Riddle as Raoul, Raquel Suarez Groen as Carlotta, Carlton Moe as Piangi, Erica Wong as Meg, Nehal Joshi as Andre, Craig Bennett as Firmin, Maree Johnson as Mme Giry
The Overture really Hits Different when it may be your last time hearing it live with a full orchestra 
Raquel’s Carlotta is just. So good. She lives the role, every detail is carefully thought through and executed. Obsessed
Erica Wong is an adorable Meg. I was bummed not to see Sara Esty again because I adore her Meg, but Erica was so cute and also very thoughtful with her acting. The Megstine hug at the beginning of Angel of Music was !!!!!!!!
Emilie. My love. I have been wanting to see her live for almost a year and she completely lived up to the hype, just incredible. Her Think of Me cadenza was so beautiful, the notes were hit wonderfully and her smile just lit up the stage, it genuinely brought me to tears, which I was not expecting. 
John is always doing The Most to be kind and supportive, a genuine friend to Christine. You can tell that he and Emilie are friends off stage, they have wonderful chemistry and you’re really rooting for these crazy kids (yes, even us E/C and Raoul/Giry shippers). Their Little Lotte is sweet, and I have it on good authority that his delivery has become a bit more horny since Jordan Donica’s Raoul which. good. We love to see it
Emilie full on smiles during the Mirror, she is very happy to see him 
Much has been said about Paul’s Phantom. Or, well, little has been said because people seem to think little of him. He has a really lovely voice, pretty classical musical theater (as opposed to Ben who’s voice veers a little on the rock side for my taste). His Act 1 was not fantastic. The title song was fine, an inkling of Hand(TM) at the beginning of Christine’s cadenza, an okay hat toss, and then. unfortunately. a very meh cape twirl followed by him folding the cape. The disappointment in our box was palpable. He definitely is a more conventional phantom, Doing the Blocking, and there were moments in Music of the Night where I was getting into it, and then he would like. walk. and it was just the most pedestrian walk you’ve ever seen. and it didn’t work. He also seemed to not know what to do with his arms when he wasn’t doing the blocking which. you could argue is on-brand for Erik but I don’t think it was a Choice. Emilie’s O-faces during MOTN were excellent though, she definitely brought the energy level up, and he quite tenderly tucked her under the cape. STYDI was fine, the plorp was a bit disappointing but he slithered on the floor quite well so we’ll call it a break even 
Notes with this cast is great! Nehal, the new Andre, has such an anxious energy about him and I relate on a deeply personal level. Raquel crushed it as always, and Carlton is so great at the little Piangi moments he gets. John is such an attentive actor, he’s always in character even when he’s not the focus, I love watching him in the background of scenes because he clearly loves this role so much! The end of Prima Donna also brought me to tears because it’s just. so good with this cast. 
Nothing much for Il Muto except John smiles when Emilie is doing the little pillow toss/plump. I hate them I love them. Also Raquel is still wonderful. They’ve been really playing up the “Maestro bring the ballet forward”/Andre tutuphobia and it hits every time, we really need some levity at this point in Act 1 and Nehal’s yelps were very endearing and hysterical. Shout out to the ballerina who notices the Phantom shadow and then turns around to hit her pose with a forced smile, she brings down the house, give her a raise 
AIAOY is just. so cute. John and Emilie are so great together, it’s a very tender rendition, they smile, they giggle, they look like they’re having fun. The first kiss is tender and timid and then Emilie goes for it for the second one and you just want to say “get it girl.” AIAOY reprise gave us some good whimpers, nothing too special but nothing bad either. The gasp at the angel is always a highlight for me
Erica has a leopard print-like Meg Masquerade costume (also like an ombre-ish pink/purple I think?) and it’s important for the world to know this 
John Riddle ships Raoul/Giry more than I do, the sexual tension during Mme Giry’s Tale is palpable, and it’s important for the world to know this
Emilie’s “Twisted every way” was heartbreaking, her acting is always phenomenal but your heart aches for her in that moment omg. I cannot sing her praises enough, run to see her if you haven’t yet. Her “Wishing” felt so meaningful given [gestures vaguely around] and if I hadn’t been so dehydrated by that point in the show I would have cried. Really fantastic
The trio for “Wandering Child” was so good, their voices blended really well and it was goosebump-inducing in the best way
Okay. PONR. Paul definitely had a Red Bull or something during intermission because there was energy!! We had some Hands. We had a body shudder when Christine went up behind him. He put his hands on his stomach! His proposal was begging her omg. I was here for it
Emilie was also great. I do enjoy the new blocking and I think she played it really well, showing the evolution of Christine’s realization and feelings over the course of a short time. She really lingers when putting her hand over his mask to show that she Knows, and her realization is one of anger (justifiably). She shoves him close to her at the end, and it’s just. so good. 
Final Lair time! (this is. so long omg). Paul was very hunched over and skeleton man during the boat ride, good stuff! It felt like he aged 10+ years since the unmasking. He had some interesting deliveries, his tone shifted A Lot throughout the scene which I really enjoyed, very sarcastic when Raoul showed up versus very monotonous post-kiss. When Emilie went to hug him post-”why make her lie to you to save me,” he almost violently flinched away? I can’t describe it but it was like he couldn’t stand for her to touch him. He also waited a good amount of time post-kiss to release Raoul, good build up in tension. A nice “I love you” post-ring return, and he full on got down on the floor to touch his face to the veil for a veil sniff, which we have to love. Overall just much more engaging and emotive than Act 1, I really enjoyed his performance here 
Emilie was also super fantastic, her “tears of hate” was so so so angry, if someone sang like that at me I would simply melt into the ground. Her going for the hug (that’s how I choose to interpret that part anyways) was also interesting, desperate but you could still tell she was pissed. I was angled away from her for most of the scene unfortunately so I couldn’t see all of her acting, but vocally wonderful 
John has so much swagger in his totally unbuttoned shirt like sir this is not the time (but also good for him). He also continues to commit to looking/sounding like he’s full on dying in the noose, I really enjoy a more active Raoul in this scene as opposed to Raouls who are just. there. He’s just wonderful
Overall, a lovely time! I was expecting very little from Paul and he was better than these very low expectations, especially in the second act. I also really don’t care for Ben’s interpretation so I was happy to see something new. Emilie was just incredible, lovely singing and great acting, one of my favorite Christines for sure. The rest of the cast was also great, the energy was fantastic, especially considering it was a matinee 
Other things: people were standing. They paid like $40(?) to stand for 2.5 hours omg. I’m not over it. Packed house, standing room tickets. The audience was also so into the show. We do not want it to leave Broadway </3 
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enchantedtm · 1 year
very gently kickin the ground 👉🏻👈🏻 could i have a couple of ideas for where you might think pedro pascal might fit best?
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firstly,  you're  adorable,  secondly  my  members  and  i  could  see  him  as  king  arthur,  king  midas,  philoctetes,  gepetto,  triton  (  if  ariel  is  adopted),  the  huntsman,  cadenza  /  maestro  forte,  doc,  grumpy,  gepetto,  a  stabbington  brother,  zeus,  the  big  bad  wolf,  lord  capulet,  lord  montague,  lancelot,  or  inigo  montoya.
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lamilanomagazine · 23 days
Cagliari: fino al 26 maggio 2024 all'Exma “Archimede, le invenzioni che hanno cambiato il mondo”
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Cagliari: fino al 26 maggio 2024 all'Exma “Archimede, le invenzioni che hanno cambiato il mondo”. Riparte da "Archimede: le invenzioni che hanno cambiato il mondo" l'offerta culturale dell'Exma di via San Lucifero a Cagliari gestito da Orientare srl. Il primo appuntamento di prestigio è dedicato alla mostra interattiva allestita, con il patrocinio del Comune di Cagliari, per ripercorrere le scoperte e le invenzioni dello scienziato siracusano Archimede. La mostra resterà aperta al pubblico fino al 26 maggio 2024 e permetterà ai visitatori di vedere da vicino le macchine progettate dal genio di Archimede provenienti dal Museo Leonardo da Vinci di Firenze. Esposte quasi trenta macchine costruite fedelmente nelle officine toscane specializzate nella riproduzione di strumenti scientifici storici per scoprire le teorie, i principi e le invenzioni di Archimede. Tra aprile e maggio la mostra sarà anche un'occasione di approfondimento scientifico attraverso cicli di seminari e incontri relativi alla figura di Archimede e, più in generale, a tematiche scientifiche indagate dall'inventore (es. idraulica). L'esposizione rappresenterà un'occasione per presentare anche studi scientifici legati alla contemporaneità, grazie a un ciclo di appuntamenti organizzati da Orientare in collaborazione con l'Università degli Studi di Cagliari e coordinati da Alberto Masoni dirigente di ricerca della sezione di Cagliari dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. Un ricco programma di attività è previsto nel corso dell'anno, grazie a un'articolata rete di partnership. Attività già iniziate nello scorso mese di febbraio con due cicli di appuntamenti dedicati al rapporto tra città e arte e su come quest'ultima partecipi attivamente alle politiche di rigenerazione urbana. Nonsolourbana: Arti Storie Luoghi ciclo di tre incontri dedicato all'arte urbana e al più ampio ambito delle arti visuali, organizzato da Orientare in collaborazione con l'Associazione Culturale Asteras. Rigenerazioni Urbane è stato invece il format ideato e organizzato da Orientare che ha visto l'Exma di Cagliari dialogare con alcuni ex mattatoi italiani e altri spazi storici trasformati in luoghi della cultura. Incontri che hanno coinvolto le regioni Marche, Emilia Romagna e Piemonte. Sempre a marzo è andato in scena anche lo spettacolo Melomania dal vivo, introduzione all'opera lirica con il comico Alessandro Atzeni e il maestro Fabiano Spanu. Nel mese di aprile l'Exma ospiterà la settima edizione del Solidando Film Festival, mentre a luglio sarà sede del Cagliari International Wine&Food Festival organizzato da APS Promo Eventi. In collaborazione con UNICA a settembre arriva La Notte dei Ricercatori che per la prima volta avrà l'Exma come sede centrale. L'autunno è invece il momento in cui il Centro diventa casa dei festival. Dal 2 al 6 ottobre si svolgerà la diciannovesima edizione del Festival Tuttestorie di Letteratura per Ragazzi dal titolo E adesso? racconti, visioni e libri sulle cose che finiscono, mentre dal 7 al 12 novembre il diciassettesimo Festival Scienza che per questa edizione 2024 sceglie il titolo Contaminando, due eccellenze non solo regionali nel campo della letteratura per ragazzi e nella divulgazione scientifica. Sempre a novembre un progetto espositivo articolato in tre mostre, organizzato in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Cagliari, che propone una rilettura dello spazio urbano come luogo di apprendimento attraverso lo sguardo di grandi studi di architettura internazionali. Anche quest'anno Radio X propone all'Exma il suo fitto cartellone di eventi dal vivo negli spazi all'aperto del Social Club. A partire da aprile e per tutta la bella stagione i live musicali avranno cadenza bisettimanale con la rassegna dei Martedi In Jazz alla quale si affiancheranno showcase e presentazioni di nuove produzioni e artisti emergenti. Da segnalare il giovedì gli ExtraLive Talks sui grandi temi della città, aperti ad associazioni, cittadini, imprese, amministratori. Ritornano inoltre i laboratori sulla comunicazione riservati ai ragazzi con Radioactivity e il progetto ExFarm. Infine a cura di Vox Day sarà ospitato il Festival di letteratura Neanche gli dei.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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batbobsession · 5 months
I find myself thinking that it would be great if we had a baroque-style classical music fandom with little gilded edges and castles and everything...
...and then I remember that the Beauty and the Beast fandom is literally that and we have three straight-up musicians to write fics and theories about (Chapeau, Cadenza, Garderobe) and a half (because it's basically been accepted in fanon that Lumiere plays the accordion)
and how I have literally structured Chapeau's playing style around Antonio Vivaldi and Cadenza's playing style around Domenico Scarlatti/Frederic Chopin and I've written several fics that revolve around those characters playing music:
A Shadow's Tune
A Rare Gift Indeed
and I fall back on that from time to time and just remember yep it's me. I'm the music nerd that turned Chateau Villeneuve into a mini prodigy hall where music thrives despite an eternal winter and a complete lack of hands
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enkeynetwork · 25 days
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openingnightposts · 2 months
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Cardiac Pinnacle: Navigating Heart Health in Lucknow and Ahmedabad"
In the labyrinth of life, where the pulse of existence is dictated by each heartbeat, Lucknow and Ahmedabad stand as vibrant hubs echoing the importance of heart health. This article embarks on a voyage through the compelling reasons for seeking the expertise of top 10 heart specialist doctor in ahmedabad, unraveling the unique tapestry of cardiological care in these culturally rich cities.
1. Harmonizing Hearts: The Essence of Cardiologists in Lucknow and Ahmedabad:
Embedded in the cultural fabric of Lucknow or pulsating within the urban rhythm of Ahmedabad, the call to cardiologists resonates profoundly. Lifestyle shifts, stressors, and genetic predispositions propel individuals to seek the guidance of these cardiac maestros, custodians of heart well-being.
2. Cardiological Symphony: Roles and Treatments Unveiled:
Diagnostic Crescendos:
Cardiologists orchestrate diagnostic crescendos, decoding the intricate melodies of cardiovascular health.
ECG Sonatas: Unraveling electrical rhythms, unveiling irregularities.
Echocardiographic Harmonies: Employing ultrasound to visualize and interpret heart structures and functions.
Interventional Concertos:
Beyond the scope of general physicians, cardiologists perform interventional concertos with unparalleled precision.
Arterial Aria: Placing stents to ensure unobstructed arterial pathways.
Catheterization Cadenzas: Delving into heart chambers for diagnosis and targeted interventions.
3. Recognizing Melodic Hints: Symptoms Prompting Cardiologist Consultation:
Discerning melodic hints within health nuances becomes imperative for timely intervention:
Arrhythmic Refrains: Palpitations or irregular heartbeats.
Ischemic Overtures: Chest pain or discomfort during exertion.
4. Treatment Overtures: Artistry in Cardiac Interventions:
Stent Symphonies:
Coronary Crescendo: Deploying stents to maintain arterial clarity.
Percussive Balloon Concerto: Balloon angioplasty for arterial expansion.
Pacemaker Serenades:
Rhythm Restoration Rhapsodies: Implanting pacemakers to regulate heart rhythms.
5. Resonance of Neglect: Consequences of Unattended Cardiac Harmony:
Neglecting the symphony of cardiac well-being creates a dissonance resonating beyond the heart's chambers. Unaddressed cardiological issues may lead to heart failure, strokes, and an impoverished quality of life, creating a discordant note in the composition of a fulfilled existence.
In summation, the pursuit of top cardiologist in lucknow is a symphony where each heartbeat contributes to the opus of life. Consulting the top cardiologists ensures not only the safeguarding of the heart but also the composition of a melodious and resilient life. Embracing specialized cardiological care harmonizes individuals with the rhythm of life, where each beat is a testament to the richness and vibrancy of their existence.
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huynhrom · 2 years
De La Sol - Tiện ích nội khu
De La Sol - Quận 4 - Với hơn 50 tiện ích vượt trội và thiết kế tinh tế dành riêng cho các chủ nhân.
TIỆN ÍCH HOÀN HẢO Với hơn 50 tiện ích vượt trội và thiết kế tinh tế dành riêng cho các chủ nhân. De La Sol_Overview Day_FA Cadenza Drop -off – Sảnh đón Cadenza Alto Lobby – Sảnh Alto Ensemble Canopy – Vòm Thanh Âm High Jump Arena – Nhà bạt nhún Jazz Pool – Hồ Jazz _FA Lap Pool- Hồ bơi tràn 50m Maestro Junior Room – Khu vui chơi trẻ em Maestro Multimedia Room – Phòng đa chức năng Party…
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