pleb-the-original · 11 months
Day 1: Jersey Devil
(Back at it again. Like I said before, the Catalog is now a separate project which will be started after this challenge. Which I guarantee will not be finished by the end of July. But I'll try not to take like how many months this time. As for the actual story, a regular interview seemed like a good entry point. Also being able to explore the fact that technically according to the rules established in my world, The Jersey Devil is legally not a cryptid.) Alright are we rolling? Ok. Hello, I am the Jersey Devil and a lot of what you have heard about me is probably wrong. Let’s get one thing straight: I am not a cryptid. Well not when you get into the schematics of it. By definition, a cryptid is and I quote “a monster or creature formed out of the belief of humans and who’s perpetuated existence is dependent on said belief.” I was not formed out of belief nor do I need it in order to live. In fact, I don’t even have a monstrous soul. By all accounts, I’m a regular fire demon. How’d I end up as a cryptid? Long story, and no it does not involve Mother Leads. So my mom is actually an incubus. Calls herself Llawes Goch. And apparently her kink is talking animals because one day she decided to go find herself a magical goat and…Well she called it “living up to my stereotypes”. Nope, not even a sapient goat. Just a random goat on a farm that so happened to be magical enough to be intelligent. She said she came back to the farm to give birth to me since even in her sick twisted mind she wanted “the father” to be able to see the baby. Guess she made too much of a ruckus because apparently the farmer found out and shot at her which scared her off and left me in that sheep pasture. I crawled my way into those woods where I lived and grew. That’s just where I stayed, eating whatever I could find and occasionally running into and scaring off humans. I had no clue about the Mother Leads legend but apparently one human decided to weaponize it. He literally called me out from the woods with a sheep carcass and summoned her spirit right in front of me. I guess it was some kind of bid to get me to become his slave? I dunno. We were both just standing there confused. The guy literally has to explain to both of us my legend. I of course ate him right then and there, but Leads stuck around. I guess she appreciated the break from hell and kinda took it upon herself to try to escape and take care of me a little. She’s a nice mom, way better than my real one I gotta say. Why’d I never go back? Well first of all, I never learned how. It was only after some guy called the Cryptidmaster came around that I learned that I was a demon and that I “belonged” in hell. I liked it better up here so I stuck around. I mean I doubt anyone would want me to leave the mortal realm anytime soon, too good for merchandising. Does that make me an aswang? Maybe? I mean I did accidentally get invited to one of their gatherings once, it was cool. Us demons up here just gotta keep in touch y’know. Sometimes they come around and we have spaghetti and venison together. Speaking of, I could use a snack. Thanks for the chat. 
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666candies · 11 months
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Demon Bonfire by Marisahorror
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