fantasticpeaceart24 · 1 month
What do you mean by true love?  Men's classic Love Slogan Tank Tops including magnificent   designs have unique qualities to give to your family members, friends and loved ones. A gift for her.
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shit-talk-turner · 2 years
Sure but…why not just post on her own Instagram? Or have a friend hype her up if she wants to be subtle? Others in their social circle like Cam, Tyler, Zach are always posting “check out my friend’s new single!” Also people do post about her on tiktok, too. We’re happy if someone thinks we’re that important but…we’re not that important.
Everybody knows that Louise thinks she is some kind of a misterious artiste of exquisite quality, a deep meaninglove song creator and other bs. She plays games to build all that 'mistery' around her privacy, talent, French o'clock bs and what not. A rumor that starts in boyfriend's fandomis worth 1000 more than Avery's share. Because by speculating, the fandom will add a dose of intended mistery plus a million little things that don't exist but help the 'project', like maybe 'serge and jane kind of a song' - no friend of Alex's would say that, but we will. A blog with 300 followers is ideal to start all that shit. Your willingness to not ignore her, to not refuse to talk about her, our eagerness to speculate and theorize - it's a perfect place to launch a promo the way she wants. English shouldn't have been a problem. By now she shouldhave at least one English speaking person who wants to help.
Y’all really be wearing your tin foil hats this weekend huh?
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Lovers Tarot Card MeaningLovers Card Symbols An angel or cupid, a man and a woman, two trees (in Waite, it is Adam & Eve with one tree having a serpent and apples) - in some decks one tree is flowering, but the other has fruit. Also in some decks there is a man standing between two women. Lovers Tarot Story The Fool comes to a cross-road, filled with energy, confidence and purpose, knowing exactly where he wants to go and what he wants to do. But he comes to a dead stop. A flowering tree marks the path he wants to take, the one he's been planning on taking. But standing before a fruit tree marking the other path is a woman. The Fool has met and had relationships with women before, some far more beautiful and alluring. But she is different. Seeing her, he feels as though he's just been shot in the heart with cupid's arrow. That's how shocking, how painful is his "recognition" of her. As he speaks with her, the feeling intensifies; like finding a missing part of himself. It is clear that she feels the same about him. They finish each other's sentences, think the same thoughts. It is as if an Angel above had introduced their souls to each other. Though it was his plan to follow the path of the flowering tree, and though it will cause some trouble for him to bring this woman with him, the Fool knows he dare not leave her behind. Like the fruit tree, she will fulfill him. No matter how divergent from his original intent, she is his future. He chooses her, and together they head down a whole new road.Lovers Tarot Meaning New readers often ask, "What is the Lovers' card about? Is it about finding love?" Yes, and no. It is possible that the original name of this card was "Love." The oldest decks call it "The amorous one," The Lovers being a mistranslation. So really, it's about one person being "in love" with someone or something. Many books, however, define the card not as "Love" but as a "choice." And the images that have been used for this card make it even more confusing. The original trump featured a man and a woman with a cupid above them about to shoot his dart (into which? Cupid's arrows only make the one they strike fall in love). Later decks had a man choosing between two women, or a man meeting his true love with the help of a matchmaker. Still later, with Waite, we have an Angel above Adam and Eve. The Angel stands for Raphael, who is emblematic of Mercury and Air, with Adam and Eve related to Gemini (sign of Mercury) in that Eve split from Adam and is, essentially, his twin. And the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge indicates Adam and Eve choosing to "know" each other in every sense of the word. This connection to Gemini means that the Lovers card is NOT about "romance" or passion. Romantic emotions are typically related to water. And blazing passion is associated with fire. Gemini, an air sign, is about messages and making contact. It's about the psyche. In addition, at #6 the Lover's card is about "harmony." Thus, it is about something that speaks to you, that you "know" and recognize as your other or mirror self (twin), and which makes you feel harmonically balanced or complete. You may experience this psychic attraction to something small like a pair of shoes you have to have, or a rock band whose music says all you ever wanted to say. Or you might be drawn to something huge, a plot of land you want to own, or someone else's boyfriend/girlfriend who, at first sight, makes you think: "That's my husband/wife." In interpretation, the card indicates that the querent has come across, or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing (a puppy, a car, a house) that they will fall in love with. They will know instinctively that it was meant for them, even if it means diverging from their chosen path (that is the "Love" part). On the other hand, their common sense must also make a decision on whether or not to go along with this psychic "choice." There is often a measure of hardship or cost that comes with giving into this spiritual attraction.Thirteen's Observations on the Lovers The Lovers' card often confuses readers as its most common interpretation is about making a choice. If we examine it closer, we see this does go along with the name (or mis-name of the card). Two choices are involved with the card. First, your soul or psyche is making its choice. It recognizes this other person/thing as being your spiritual twin or as harmonizing with you; you become "amorous" for it. Now the rest of you, the demands of your life, your emotional heart, passionate soul, can agree or not. That's the other choice. You will feel powerfully drawn to this career, challenge, person or thing so much so that, no matter how scary, how difficult, irrational or troublesome, you will be inclined to go for it. This is LOVE. But you will also know that it comes at a cost. Maybe the person you're attracted to isn't a romantic and your dreams of a wine-and-roses love affair can't be. Maybe they don't set you on fire and you can't have the passion you want. Or maybe this thing/person is just inconvenient. Your friends and family may also weigh in. They may think you're crazy, may argue with you not to get involved. You, yourself, might think its madness to change your life or break with your community in order to have this. Coming after the Emperor with his imperial rules, and after the Hierophant with his communal faith, The Lovers acknowledges a spiritual power that often defies earthly laws and religious traditions. Obeying this urge can be foolish, dangerous, selfish, thoughtless, earth-shattering. Yet you can say "no" to this attraction. You do have that choice. If, however, you don't allow yourself to try and make this person, career, challenge or thing a part of your life, you may regret it, profoundly and forever.
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t-aciturno · 10 years
Hoje eu tenho motivo Motivo de riso De quem dá abrigo De quem é mais que amigo Pois posso contar com você Que me ensinou a crer E enfim acreditar De novo em amar Amar sem medo De novamente ser deixado Amar com propósito Amar e ser amado.
Mnnglv, por Larissa Tavares.
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mrandmrscambridge · 12 years
One-Shot: "The Meaning Of Love"
Ok,so I'm really tired right now,but I want to get this out right now!I don't know when I'll write again,so I had to get this out as soon as possible.It's different than the ones I usually write,meaning it's not based on dialogue.It includes dialoguebut it's not based on it!I think I like this one a bit more than I did with the other ones.So,here we go:
“The Meaning Of Love”
Friend:a person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection, and loyalty; an intimate
It was a regular morning at home. William was away working and I was alone,planning our wedding. It was something I was so looking forward to experiencing. Well,William and I had been living together for quite a long time,but our marriage would seal and make our love official forever.
Apart from choosing the music for our reception,I also had to single out and make up my mind about the guests I would invite. I took a pencil and a piece of paper,made myself comfortable on our comfortable couch and started writing names. When the page was fully written,I decided to take a second look and double-check those whom I wanted to invite. In the next two minutes or so,I had erased a dozen names and written about a handful new ones.
Ugh,it couldn't be that difficult. How could everyone else do it?I mean,William had his list almost ready. It was a mutual decision of ours that we would pick up whom we want to invite individually and then mix our lists together. But why on earth couldn't I finish this up?
“I need a break”I thought and stepped up from the couch,heading to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator door and got me a Pepsi. After some minutes of thinking,I realised why I found it difficult. I had so many acquaintances, people who would greet me when they met me in events,who would call me and ask for favors or send me messages saying that they've missed me-while we were together just the day before. So many people would want my help with their charities,or would even offer me a job in their business - even though I was happily working at Jigsaw. They were always there when I was happy and full of joy.
But,they would - somehow - disappear when I needed them. When I left my work at Jigsaw,every single position was filled up at their companies. When I broke up with Will,none of those so-called “friends” called to ask how I was doing. When my dearest grandpa died,no one sent me a message to see if I was ok.
I know, friendship has to be unconditional,but I wasn't asking for much. Just someone to care about me,to stand by me when I was in need. To be there for me through good and bad times. Just that. Was it too much?Maybe. Was I way too demanding?Probably...but if they couldn't “fulfill” my “pushy” and “over-the-top” “commands”, then they had nothing to do with my wedding.
My wedding wasn't an event for me. It would be one of the happiest moments of my life. And I needed friends,those who would be happy about my happiness and proud of me. Not simple acquaintances who would show me their occasional love and support just to ensure an invitation to “The Royal Wedding”.
I went back to my job. I took the piece of paper in my hands, took a deep breath and looked at it. After I read every single name out loud,it was my pencil's turn to dominate. In less that ten minutes,everything had fallen into place. My guest list was officially ready. And the best thing of it was that it was consisted of real friends. Were they many?No. But they were true. And that was all that mattered to me.
Jealousy:vigilance in maintaining or guarding something.
“...Emily,Olivia and Alicia.”
“That's all?”William was giving me big eyes,he couldn't believe that my guest list wouldn't overcome thirty friends of mine.
“Yep!Now your turn!”
“Ok,Oliver,Tim,Fergus,William,Nick,Jack,Alasdair,Chelsy,I have Olivia as well,Jecca,Arabella,Isabella...”
“Oh,oh wait!What?”I couldn't believe what I heard. He had invited his exes to our wedding?How dare he?
“What what?”He seemed confused. I was exasperated now.
“You invited every other ex of yours or these are all?”I asked while raising an eye brow.
“Kate,what are you talking about?Jecca and I are just friends!” “I know!It's not Jecca I'm wondering why she is invited...” “Then who?”
“First of all,Arabella was a friend of mine. Nothing happened between us,although I really wanted it then,because of the distance. She lived in New York,we couldn't have a proper relationship.” “I can't believe you're talking to me about liking another woman!”Now he had got me really mad. How could he?
“Kate,relax. That was more than ten years ago,before I even attended University,I hadn't even met you...”
He took a step closer to me and got me in his arms. Oh,how could that warm cuddle be always irresistible?
“I can't even think of my life without you. Since I met you,no other woman meant anything to me. You are my one and only”he whispered while caressing my back with his one hand and my curls with the other one.
Even though I really liked that lovely atmosphere,I had to clear things up.
“And Isabella?”
“And Isabella what?We never dated!” “You didn't,but you liked her...”
“When I was 20 or 21...Why are you being unreasonable now,baby?”
“It is the press I'm thinking of now...”I said and went back to sit on the couch.
“What do you mean?”William said while coming closer to me and sitting next to me on our couch.
“They are going to go mad when they find out whom you invited. They will start saying that you never loved me,that you're still in love with them and so many more things I don't want to face right before our wedding...”
William understood and hugged me again.
“Come here”he simply said and I obeyed. We were standing there,totally silent,both lost in our thoughts. After a moment,William finally spoke:
“How about inviting your exes?” At hearing those words I stood up quickly,totally shocked.
“What?How about you not inviting your exes?”
“You know this can't happen. They are aristocrats,I have to invite them. There are bonds between our families,I can't do whatever I want.”His voice was still calm,although I was sure he didn't like what was happening between us now.
“So,I have to invite Rupert and Willem?”
“Yep!That's all!You and Natasha,Rupert's wife,have been talking lately anyway!Plus,you and Willem went out two years ago and were photographed together. It will be a shock neither for the public nor for the press!”His tone was reassuring and persuasive. Whenever I thought that the end of the world had arrived,he had a way of showing me an obvious solution and calm me down.
“Fine!”I said and nuzzled back into his warm and welcoming cuddle.
“Were you really jealous?”
I hesitated,but after a minute or so,I replied:
“But why, love?Don't you know that you're my one and I'm your one?We are meant for each other,we belong together,there is nothing that can keep us apart!”
After a moment of thinking – and realising how right he was- I got out of his cuddle and finally answered:
“It's simply because I want to protect you.”
William was now starring at me confused,his eyebrows were inadvertently raised.
“Protect me from what?”
“Protect you from anyone who might hurt you and guard you,so that I will never lose you. If anyone even tries to put her hands on you and take you away from me, I don't know what I'll do.” A smile appeared on his face, and I was pretty sure he was holding a tear back.
“I promise you,here and now,that something like that will never happen. Ever!”
Somehow,he managed to calm me down. Was it his voice,that would always make me obey to his commands? His tone,that was reassuring?Was it the look in his eyes, that genuine look he always had when we talked about our future?Maybe...but I trusted him. With a simple “thank you” I fell back in his arms. And simply stayed there.
Passion:a person toward whom one feels strong love and/or sexual desire
I was sitting comfortably in the car,looking outside the window. The view was lovely. Despite the fact that the weather was cold and rainy, the amazing clouds and their really weird shapes never failed to amuse me,as well as make me a bit dreamy.
I didn't want to get out of the car. Not because I didn't want to attend that day's engagement, neither because I wasn't in mood to meet people. How could I?They managed to stay in the rain,waiting for hours,only to catch a glimpse of us. I was simply a bit anxious. It was the second time I would be out for engagements the whole day. William's presence by my side was definitely relaxing, but I was still a bit nervous...
“Ready?”he said as he placed his hand on mine. Nervous?Who,me?With that man by my side?Any feeling of anxiety that was smouldering inside me was blown away when Will touched me. Any kind of negative feeling was replaced by positive thoughts, as well as a smile on my face.
“Yes” I said while looking deeply in his eyes. After a moment of intense eye-contact, I took my sight away from him. I tried to stretched my skirt,which was a bit shorter than usual and,even though I thought it would be a perfect choice for such an engagement, I kept cursing under my breath for choosing to wear it that particular day. As for Will...when I turned my sight to him, I found him looking at my legs rather excited and amused. I gave him a “I-saw-what-you-did-there” look and he smiled,not in a guilty way as I would expect, though. That look was full of passion and lust. He couldn't do much with the driver right there,but he definitely felt much more comfortable with him than I did. So,he took the initiative and placed his hand on my thigh.
“Are you ok?I think you look a bit pale...”he said and I was amazed at how he would act totally normally. I trembled at his touch,and he felt it. I thought it was time I counterattacked!
“Well,yes,thanks for asking!”I replied and now it was my turn to touch his thigh. After a moment- for me it was like an eternity- I took my hand back and turned my face outside the window again,trying to focus on the trees and the dark clouds.
Me and him hadn't been much together lately,due to his pilot duties and my dress rehearsals. So,we both wanted it. We both knew we had to wait til later that day, but if things kept going like that,I don't think we could make it.
People were amazing and extremely excited to see us. They were all so polite, despite the fact that they were wet from the rain. I would try to apologise for being late, but they wouldn't allow me to. They smothered me with flowers, little wedding gifts and lovely wishes for a happy marriage. How could I not adore them?
As for (cough cough) our thing, me and William generally behaved. Except for that hand on my back. Whenever he did it, I kept trembling. Yes,it may sound sweet now, but it was a bit embarrassing for me if anyone noticed. What would people think? That I tremble at his touch after 8 years of dating?It would be silly and totally unrealistic. Who would believe that this is how I felt whenever he touched me?Because,that was my one and only,true reaction when he touched me after spending a while away from me.
But what was his reaction?He reacted in a similar way to mine when I touched him in the car,so would it be the same in front of hundreds of people?I had to check it up...
After spending some minutes away,it was time we would meet up again and leave Lancashire. As I approached him,I saw him raising his hand,ready to place it on my back. And I did the same. Now,he was the trembling one. Well,it wasn't obvious,the only one who knew it was me. At least, he felt the same way I did...
“Did you enjoy yourself today?”he asked as we got home.
“Are you crazy?Didn't you feel it?”I asked. I was sure he knew...
“Your tremble every time I touched you?”he said,a smile in his face,a mischievous glint in his eyes.
I opened my eyes in shock!He indeed knew. But did anyone else notice,or it was just between us?
“Gosh,do you think people noticed?”I asked anxiously.
“No way,love!It's our little secret!”he smiled and came closer.
But I wouldn't let him win...at least not without fighting first.
“You trembled at my touch,too. Don't think I didn't feel it,Billie!”I said and gave him a little punch on his stomach.
“At least mine wasn't a raunchy touch...”he said while trying to justify his behaviour.
“Oh,really?And what was it then?”My tone was clearly ironic.
He kissed me on my forehead and replied:
“It was a touch of pure,strong love. You simply misunderstood my plans...”he was now giving me puppy dog eyes. I was almost defeated. Almost. I still had an ace in the hole.
“Sorry, Billie. I thought of it as an innuendo because...because we have been really distant lately...you know what I mean. We haven't had our “private parties”for a long time now because of duties and rehearsals,so...I just thought you wanted me as much as I do.”
“I do. More than you could even imagine,but this is not the way a gentleman could show his passion to his lady.”He smiled.
“Fine!You won!”I said and tried to leave his embrace,but he held me tightly.
“Haha,it's ok,love!I can win once in a while!But,seriously now,this wasn't the way I would show you how much I want you. It wasn't a sign of sexual desire...”he said,trying to be seductive while at the same time he sounded like a nerd. And he knew it.
I smiled. I could play his game!
“Oh,ok!But if that wasn't a “sign of sexual desire” what is such a sign then?”I asked,sure for my win in this battle...until I felt a poke on my bum.
Did I even try to reply?No. I simply gave in to his kisses and cuddles. And after a long while, we finally shared a night of passion, consisted of both of passion's meanings:love and desire.
Love: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
As we were lying on our bed,me in William's strong arms,we remained silent. We didn't have to say anything. Nothing could make us more blissful. I had never been happier in my life,and I was sure William was feeling exactly the same as me. It was his smile,that was more genuine and true than ever. Hie big blue eyes,that were bigger and lighter than ever before. And his laugh...oh,his laugh...my favourite sound. It was echoing like a nightingale's song in my ears...
As I was thinking those,I turned to look at him. He was looking at the TV,without watching,as long as he was ready to fall asleep. I starred at his eyes and counted to three. Before I even got to two,his eyes were shut. He was sleeping. He was so blissful,if I didn't know he was terribly tired,I would say that he had a really relaxed day. He looked lovely,more handsome than ever before. I got myself half way up and placed a tender kiss on his lips. Before going back down and falling asleep myself,one and only question was dominating my mind... “if me and William weren't sharing a true,pure,unconditional love,then who did?”
Since I already knew the answer I let myself free and in less than a minute's time I was asleep...
Love isn't easy. It consists of support,jealousy,passion,affection...and no one has invented an instruction book on love yet. As a result,people do their best to make their love last. Some of them fail. Others,manage to make it work. It's not easy,they go through a lot of effort,but – in the end- they know it worth it. For some reason,I'm sure me and William both belong to that second category...
This is it.I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did while writing it.What did you think?Do you prefer this kind of writing or like dialogue more?Please let me know,feedback means the world to me!
Love you all,
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fantasticpeaceart24 · 1 month
How to explain True Love Meaning?  Women's classic Love Slogan Tank Tops including magnificent designs have unique qualities to give to your family members, friends and loved ones. A gift for her. Link in BIO
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