#mermay post from February anyone?
forestshadow-wolf · 29 days
Because I am equally obsessed with cod and a video games call coral island, I have meshed the two together so often but imagine a very loyal protective guard captain of the menfolk kingdom ghost who distrusts humans and human soap who got out if the military and takes over the family farm as a fresh start and falls in love with ghost. Anyway I hope you have an amazing day!
Aww this is a cute idea :)
Soap had always had an affinity for the ocean. A couple kilometers down the road from the farm is a vast expanse of rocky cliff-shores. He used to spend his days as a boy playing, and swimming down at the rock flats with his siblings.
He fell out of touch with that side of himself not too long after joining the military. There is a severe lack of beach days in the army.
So I'm thinking about soap not quite fresh off of honorable discharge due to his demolition days having put a permanent ringing in his right ear, and a bad explosion wrecked his knee bad enough that he's got a permanent limp and sometimes it'll go weak and drop him. He's deep in depression without the direction and rigidity of military life. Sure he's working, his da sets him to work in the fields, but it's all just numb.
One night he finds himself walking out the front door, down a distantly familiar path that leads all the way to the rock flats. He almost doesn't realize until salt water is splashing over his bare toes and soaking into his trousers.
And for once he actually feels something. He feels real. It feels like home. He should have come here sooner. He doesn't know why he hadn't.
Something catches at the corner of his gaze.
There sitting in the edge of the rock is a man. Sitting dangerously close to the water for the time of night it is. The tides get... playful when the moon comes out.
He moves closer to warn the man of the danger, but as he approaches he sees that its not a man. Or- it is (maybe) but he's not a human. He knocks a pebble with his shoe and it skitters across the rock.
The man- the mer, he sees now- whips around, some kind of viscous hooked weapon in hand. The man's large frame coupled with the bleach white skull obscuring it's face, and the wicked sharp teeth it bares at him, the man makes an imposing sight. Soap freezes, holding his hands up in Surrender.
A better look at the man reveals details a quick glance didn't reveal to him before. The three notches in the underside of the dorsal fin, oddly enough it looked red and almost fresh. Fresh scrapes along the length of his scaly tail that soap could see. What looked to be old scars, and fresh cuts on his chest and arms.
Another attack on the kingdom from the shadows, had left the kingdom wary, and Ghost on edge. He was working himself too hard, ghost knew, and soon Price was gonna send Gaz after him to settle. But for now he had a job to do. For now he focused on protecting his kingdom. And fight now that meant patrolling the area, making it known that they were as strong as ever, that should the Shadows from the south, or the Kretch from the east decide to attack, they were ready.
The Kretch had been fairly quiet as of recently, but he'd found another scouting group of shadows on his rounds of the land. Taking them out was a workout, they bashed him into the rocks, opening fresh wounds, and scraping up his tail, but nothing he couldn't handle. It was the dog they let loose on him that had been the problem. Bullsharks. Viscous creatures, even in the best of times it was smart to avoid them. But especially so if it was the Shadows' dogs, they keep them starved, makes them angry
He's strong, but he knows his limits. And he'd struggle with one on a good day. Injured and overworked, he has no chance. His saving grace? Bullsharks are fast, but he's always been faster. So he swims.
Away from the kingdom. Away from the people he swore to protect. He swims to land, dreadful, dry land. The only thing besides death that'll deter these beast is land. So up he goes onto the rocks. He'll have to wait it out.
I'll be continuing this later today. Let me know if you want a tag.
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myulalie · 1 year
AO3 Wrapped (Writer Version)
Nobody tagged me but I'm tagging myself ;)
Works Published: 42
Word Count: 243,075
Hits: 36,075
Bookmarks: 438
Most Popular by Kudos: Wooing the Hale out of Derek (Sterek, Teen Wolf, Teen)
Most Hits: Idris Tour Sweethearts (Malec, Shadowhunters / Pokémon Fusion, General)
Longest: Idris Tour Sweethearts (Malec, Shadowhunters / Pokémon Fusion, General) but if you only take into account fics posted AND completed in 2022 then Something in the Water (calling my name) (Sterek, Teen Wolf, Teen)
Shortest: I've got a bunch of 1k ands even 500 words ficlet so I'll just pick the shortest outside of these parameters x) Fancy some roller coasters? (Alex Rider, General)
Most Comments: Idris Tour Sweethearts (Malec, Shadowhunters / Pokémon Fusion, General) and if you don't take into account the WIP from like 2021 that I completed in 2022... String of pearls and prompts (Ficlet collection, Shadowhunters CNTW)
Fic that made me cry: A lover's lament (Yalex, Alex Rider, Teen), the ending is very emotional.
Fic that made me smile: A million stars trapped in glass (Yalex, Alex Rider, Teen), I got fond memories of London that I was happy to revisit for this fic.
Since a couple of those were parts of events and collabs, I'll save them for later haha! I gifted 7 works and 1 ficlet this year.
Kind Hearts and Bright Souls (Malec, Shadowhunters, Teen) for my darling @abby0007 as part of a friendly gift exchange to enjoy some mystery in winter!
Wrong place, wrong time (Yalex, Alex Rider, Explicit) for @icebluecyanide who was such a sweetheart coming to my rescue while I was writing!
Wanted Men (Yalex, Alex Rider, Mature) that I gifted to the person who unknowingly prompted me!
Collaborations: Eyes on Fire (Sterek, Teen Wolf, Teen) for the Sterek Reverse Bang with @geekmom13 who is at the origin of the plot with their badass gifset!
Events: The aforementioned StRB, but prior to this collaboration I had alson taken part in the Sterek Big Bang with The Cure (Sterek, Teen Wolf, Mature). Oh! and I made art for @1lostone!
I was lucky enough to receive a bid from @EvanesDust in Fandom Trumps Hate and wrote a lovely piece Talk shit, get kissed (Sterek, Teen Wolf, General).
Wooing the Hale out of Derek (Sterek, Teen Wolf, Teen) was actually part of a friendly Valentine's Day contest!
Something in the Water (calling my name) (Sterek, Teen Wolf, Teen) was a Mermay fic ;)
Fancy some roller coasters? (Alex Rider, General) was created for the Alex Rider Secret Santa.
I wrote no less than 30 Yalex (Alex Rider) ficlets (1k each) for my Smutember series.
And briefly attempted an ambitious series for Alex Rider Ship Week.
Coming in 2023
I'd really like to complete the ambitious series mentioned above, as well as TMI:Skyrim (Malec, Shadowhunters x Skyrim Fusion, Mature).
I think I might join in the Merlin Bingo as well, and I do have a prompt list for Femslash February...
Tagging: @aceon-ice, @sterekxhale, @polarnacht1, @kelkblr, @wildelydawn, @countessrivers and anyone else who wants to join in!
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Curriculum for the Solo Writer
Some years ago I came across Radiorunner’s Curriculum for the Solo Artist. Ever since then I have wanted to produce the same thing for creative writing. And here it is, or, at least, the beginning of it. This is a project that is going to take some time to complete.
What will make up the curriculum?
I am going to draw on the following sources:
Youtube videos
Writing prompts and projects
The idea is to bring together available resources into a curriculum that can be followed. For the most part, the content will be free or low cost. There are some expensive options available and some of them are excellent in terms of what they might offer. However, there are lots of people for whom those are out of reach, and so this list will be aimed at them.
What will the content look like?
Each month will contain a topic and prompts. You can use these together, or simply use the prompts for practicing your craft in some way. In addition, once every quarter a month will be dedicated to creating alone. Because practice is the best teacher. You don’t have to follow this, but its there if you want the structure (and for me).
The Solo Writer’s Year
Quarter 2
April - Camp NaNo May - Mermay Prompts + Learning June - Prompts + Learning
Quarter 1
January - Prompts + Learning February - Flash February March - Music Prompts + Learning
Quarter 4
October - Inktober Prompts + Learning November - NaNoWriMo December - Prompts + Learning
Quarter 3
July - Camp NaNo August - Prompts + Learning September - Prompts + Learning
What content will be provided?
I will host a list of possible materials to study and prompts to practice from. I will attempt to provide content for all fiction writers, though some modules might tend towards certain genres. A rough outline will be:
Ideas and Preparation
Being a Writer
Revision and Editing
Marketing and Publication
While this will be the general order of things, some elements will be interspersed with one another.
How can I get involved?
I’d like to encourage people to respond to posts on this site, Instagram, Tumblr or Discord with their own responses to the content. I will link these options in the course. Post how you are using it. Post things that might help other writers to get the most from it. Post alternative resources. I am a single writer with a single methodology and and preference for certain genres. The more experiences we can bring together, the more useful this resource will be.
Please feel free to promote this resource if you think it is helpful.
How much will this cost me?
That is up to you. My thinking is that you will get some value from the books included, and at least some of these might be worth buying. I will keep a list of these and the cost of them (at the time of writing). If you want to spend money on the courses, you can. I may or may not purchase them and will make clear which ones I have completed myself. I know some people prefer to learn in this way, so if I come across a course I am confident will have value, I will list it. The videos and books are sufficient for me.
I am not going to make money from this. If I ever charge for content, it will be content I have created. If anyone makes money from this, it should be the people whose content I am suggesting.
How often will you update this content?
For quite some time I will be generating new content, rather than updating old content. If I come across something that stands out, I will update the module at the time. Otherwise, when the curriculum is complete, I will go through and do an update on the whole set. Beyond that, we’ll see.
If you have content you think would fit in well, or know of content that may be useful, please post it under a linked post. That is the first place I will look for updates.
You’ve listed my content and I would like it removed.
Just let me know. I’ll remove it.
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So wow today marks a year since I started my writing challenge (for those who may not know February 14th 2021 I started a year long writing challenge).
On one hand I can't believe that it's been a year already and on the other it feels like the year just dragged on lol. The year did not go as planned at all, originally I was going to start my writing journey in January 2021 but the passing of my grandpa and my hospitalization pushed it back a month, my writing partner dropped out a month or so in, and then there were just other things that got in the way and made it hard to meet my goals. But that's life right? We make plans and God laughs lol.
My goal with this challenge was to just grow as a writer, push my boundaries and make some stuff I'm proud of. Which I did, I'm super happy with all the Mermay stuff, I love Sprited Away part 1, Beautiful Ghosts and Little Red Riding Hood might be the things I'm most proud of and there are so many other things. I also made some stuff I am not so proud of and will be happy to forget as the years go by lol.
Here are some of the things I've learned through the year:
Writing every day is hard lol, I had so many big ideas for long fics that just never got finished because of how frazzled I got having to come up with something every day (choose your own adventure coming 2022 hopefully)
That a lot of the really weird ideas I have other people love and really vibed with it
Motivation is hard to keep up, I'd get a new idea and get so excited for it only to lose the drive halfway through it
I suck at endings, like I suck so hard at them and it's something that just hasn't gotten better, I actually think it's gotten worse lol
I learned a lot of other things but these are the main ones. The year was though and I enjoyed it but I am definitely looking forward to a little break. I'm going to try and take a week or two off from writing a posting every day so I can finally finish some big things I've been to burned out to finish and edit.
I'll still be active if anyone wants to send things in. Thank you everyone for joining me for the year and I look forward to all the things and ideas the new year brings
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marvelartparty · 3 years
Marvel ArtParty Happenings
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What is ArtParty all about?
We're a discord server just for Marvel fanartists!
➡️ ☆ See our introduction post ☆
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Current ArtParty Events:
🎨 Marvel Art Party Bingo. Check the server for details 🎨 Mermaid Fin Up Book. This year we are hosting a Mermaid Pin Up Book. Click on the link for more information. To join you must be on the server. Signups close 6/14/2023!
🎨 Penis Envy Challenge. Choose a sin and create any type of art you like that incorporates that sin in a way that suggests a penis and Marvel. Go wild. Be deranged. Be subtle and tasteful. Whatever you like. No boundaries.
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Past Events:
🎨 Marvel Pinup Book for charity! Come see all the info about the Art Party Pin-Up Book. Sales are now open!! 🎉
🎨 #februfairy is back!: Think MerMay but in February, with fairies! Here is the Round Up post for the 2021 Marvel FebruFairy art 🧚🏽‍♂️🧚🏾‍♀️🧚
🎨☎️ Art Telephone Game: The art is now revealed! In small teams, artists created art based off their teammate's art before them.
SFW Team 1
SFW Team 2
SFW Team 3
NSFW Team 1
NSFW Team 2
NSFW Team 3
🎨 MerMay: For the month of May, we celebrated Marvel mermaids! See here for more details 🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀
🎨 July 2020-Dec 2021 Pinup Calendar: Build your own calendar from 40+ pages to choose from, or download/print Showcase #1 or Showcase #2 calendars, which feature every participating artist!
🎨 Stick Figure Bingo 2021: July 1st - Sept 30th. Designed to be an easy & fun bingo, for artists and non-artists alike! Anyone can join, no sign-ups needed! See all the fantastic Marvel stick figures folks created in 2020 & 2021 😍
NEW for 2023 1. Marvel Art Party Bingo. Check the server for details 2. Mermaid Pin Up Book. This year we are hosting a Mermaid Pin Up Book. Click on the link for more information. To join you must be on the server. Signups close 6/14/2023!
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elizardc-arts · 5 years
Drawing Daily in 2018!
Hi, it’s me - Eliza! I decided to draw everyday for 2018 and posted the process in instagram. Each month I did a drawing challenge and each month I tried out a new medium.
Creatuary: Mythical Creatures. I was lowkey doing the Creatuanary challenge created by dibujantenocturno, joshuacairos_art, and rafater_official. What’s fun about Creatuanary was that they tell you what the prompt for the day only so you can’t really pre-plan and just have to do things on the spot. I think it’s a really fun exercise. The medium I used for this month was the Zig Brushable Markers. They’re for calligraphy but I like doing art with them, they’re super nice. I highly recommend them to anyone. They’re kind of my go to markers. Though, I haven’t actually experimented with TomBows or the Prismacolors or Copics at all so I’d take what I say with a grain of salt.
Faebruary: Fairies! There’s also FaerieFeb hosted by archibald.art and maxineart. This was super fun. This was one of my favourite challenges. I don’t know if it was the medium I used or the subject matter - probably a combination of both! I used watercolours - a Palette of Prang - and I really enjoyed it. I hadn’t used watercolours since I was in high school and I remember not exactly enjoying the experience overall but within three days of painting fairies I’ve gone aboard the watercolour boat and I don’t wanna get down!
March of Robots: Robots! Created by chocolatesoop - MoR is super bomb. I used Stabilo Boss Highlighters for this month and my big take is HIGHLIGHTERS DO NOT SCAN WELL. Or at all. Also, I hear they fade. So, it’s not really a medium that has ‘archival quality’. However, it was super fun. I love using bright obnoxious colours. Everything just pops! Also! They give away brand spankin’ new wacom tablets to five lucky participants regardless of skill level! I highly recommend anyone join this!  
AstroApril: Constellations and planets! I couldn’t really find a monthly drawing challenge I wanted to do this month so I decided to make my own with AstroApril! I love the stars and galaxy art is always great so I figured why not? And - I decided to use coloured pencils - I got a pack of Prismacolors. Two things - one Prismacolors are the best coloured pencils I have ever used ( I’ve only used student quality sets thus far so I might not have the best grasp of the best coloured pencil sets) - they blend well and are so so creamy it’s such a dream! Two - I don’t recommend using coloured pencils when doing galaxy art. It was fun sure - and I have a deep relationship with coloured pencils now that I have never had before but in terms of efficiency, specially with the subject matter - I highly discourage it. It took me a very long time to create each piece. I guess that’s just the way things are with coloured pencil but you can get the galaxy effect very easily with paints.
MerMay: Mermaids! Created by tombancroft1 - mermaids were fun! You gotta play with fluidity and it was a fun challenge trying to figure out which pose to do. I also considering it was May - Star Wars Month - enjoyed drawing star wars characters as mermaids. I used gouache for this and wow is gouache great! If you’ve never used gouache before, just imagine what would happen if acrylics and watercolours had a baby. I used a reeves set that was gifted to me. And considering its a student quality kit, it gave me a very nice taste of what could be accomplished with gouache. I’m highly considering investing in a more heftier set of gouache.
Journey June: the hero’s journey in art challenge form! This was great because it introduced me to a lot of cool new things like Creative Twitch Streams and the process of conceiving a story. Better yet! It introduced me to cloverkin and galvosaur the pair who created Journey June. They’re super cool hoomans and I recommend you drop by their stream. Also! I made a story! It’s about a hornless unicorn and he goes on an adventure to try and get a horn. I used mechanical pencils with coloured lead to draw my illustrations. They weren’t the greatest to work with considering the lead broke easily. I’d probably use actual pencils for this next time.
Julycanthropy: Werewolves! On the high of making a story from Journey June, I thought it would be fun to do another one for Julycanthropy. I used black paper and white charcoal/white coloured pencil for this. White charcoal is more vibrant against the black but white coloured pencil doesn’t smudge. It was a fun challenge to think in reverse and only colour the highlights instead of the shadows.
Smaugust - This is probably my least favourite drawing challenge I did this year. I used pentel oil pastels which I liked well enough but I just don’t think dragons are my thing. Also, I wished my country sold oil pastels per piece. My white oil pastel is very very smol.
Sketchtember: Sketches all month long! I sketched out hoomans! I’ve always wanted to draw humans but I’ve always been somewhat intimidated. I’m not so sure why anymore, they’re fun! I’m a little bit addicted. I used graphite and this little pilot lead holder - very fun, highly recommend.
Inktober: Inks all month long! Does Inktober really need an intro? Made by jakeparker - it’s just all about practicing your inking skills for the month. I drew more humans for inktober - this time with pet familiars! I used faber castell ecco-pigment and I used this fancy bristol paper. This was amazing. A pair made in heaven. I think I’d like to use maybe a brush pen next time to cover up larger areas but all in all no regrets!
Huevember: Colours all month long! I used Stabilo Chalk Pastels on Pastel paper! I decided to do the greek gods and goddesses and zodiac women. I’m not sure pastels are my forte to be honest. They’re fun but I guess they’re just not my thing. I really like the pastel paper though. They’re a bit pricy so I shouldn’t really be so surprised at how well they held onto the chalk pastels. However, because the pastel paper I decided to use was multi-coloured it was really difficult to tell the colour gradient between each piece. Kinda ruins the Huevember effect - Still a fun learning experience over all though!
Drawcember: Free Draw! There’s no particular prompt list for this monthly challenge it’s just free draw - which is a lot harder is some ways so I decided to make my own list again. I was inspired by the theme of demons and angels. I thought because of the free draw nature of the challenge, to use mixed media. This was very difficult for me. I ended up just doing portions of ink and portions of paint separately but ideally I wanted a more happy marriage of the two. I definitely need more practice in mixing the different mediums. But on the flipside - I was definitely pleased I was painting again. I enjoy painting a lot. Though - skin tones - very difficult to get right. It wasn’t too bad when I was painting demon skin or angel skin - but human skin has a lot going on.  
General Thoughts
I honestly can’t believe I managed to do 365+ drawings throughout the whole year. It was both easier and harder than I thought it would be. You have good days and bad. I think for anyone planning to attempt this, take advantage of your good days - pop as much drawings as you can out and go easy on yourself during your bad days - you can always always catch up. Sometimes you just need a little break and that’s okay.
I learned a lot, made a lot of pals, and I’m definitely looking forward to next year.
Best, E
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
There has been a change of plans. Originally, I was going to do 14 Valentine theme yandere writings beginning at the 1st of February to Valentine's Day but since I don't have enough ideas for the whole 14, I've decided that along with what I have already written plus any valentine request I get will all be posted on the 14th. Meaning that before and after the 14th will be like normal and there will be lots of posts on the 14th. 
  So, if anyone has any yandere Valentine themed request feel free to send it in. 
  I will also change and add to the request page soon. Hopefully within this week or so.  (I will mention it again when it actually happens.) 
   I was also hoping to do some writing for mermay so if anyone has any requests for yandere sea creatures that's open as well. (Stories, reaction, headcanons etc.) 
 One last thing for those who had requests that had mixed in compliments or just compliments I want to thank you. I know I don’t usually answer in the asks (or however you say it.) unless it’s a question but just to let you know that I don’t just ignore them. In fact, I reread them from time to time and it does make me teary to see that people like what I write. I'm sorry if it looked like I really was ignoring them because I didn’t answer. (Also, just people being polite and patient is awesome in and of itself.) 
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