#mhi memes
damemirrianofoccident · 8 months
MHI as Various Posts.
Because I'm re-reading it and I'll probably be posting a lot about it.
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honeybadger-hibachi · 8 months
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Dumb MHI memes are back
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emerald-dragonflame · 2 years
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Some more MHI memes from my deranged mind
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beameized · 2 years
Boyfriends Webtoon: An Impression and Analysis
NOTE: Before you do read this, please note that I am Native SouthEast Asian (SEAsian) so I'm viewing it wholly from the perspective of someone who is SEAsian and living in SEA. The Artist is also a SEAsian trans guy from Indonesia and the characters in the webcomic are either SEAsian or East Asian. So I think there are some things that would fly over westerners' head (and yes, even western-based POCs cuz while our cultures may overlap, there are still variances. It's not a bad thing tho. It's just some things are different but nothing to worry about. It doesn't mean you are less Asian, just mean you are Asian in a different way).
A short impression and Summary
As a short summary, Boyfriends Webtoon is a lighthearted romcom story featuring a polycule of four guys who are basically the archetypal jock, prep, nerd and goth but they remain nameless aside from their archetypes (unless you go to the artist's patreon apparently, where they do have names. Don't follow the artist's patreon tho so idk what they are). They all go to the same college and it's pretty much just soft and cute moments, nothing heavy. The later part of the story also feature a polycule of four women too who are also archetypal jock, prep, nerd and goth. The two polycules interact as friends but still focus mainly on the guys, hence the title "boyfriends."
It's very tropey especially in the first half and it features a lot of pop culture memes but it's expected since the characters are based on pop culture archetypes. For the first parts, it feels too plotless, too general and very light to read. I can't say for sure though if it's done to ponder to a wider audience or if it's because of the artist's lack of experience in writing. In the later portions though, I think he's started making some liberties as there's already an established audience. I'm seeing more and more SEAsian easter eggs and the main characters are interacting more with others. The characters are starting to feel more animated and there's definitely improvement in how the artist writes his story. All in all, it's a fun read. If you're looking for stories that dive deeply into being queer and queer relationships, this one just isn't it.
2. On the characters and their cultural background
The bf polycule are exactly what their archetypes are so expect the tropes (won't explain that either) but I love that the artist interweaved some very common SEAsian dynamics into some characters in a matter of fact kinda way, which is nice especially in the later parts. SPOILERS AHEAD.
Jock (bf) is Vietnamese and has a thing for cooking. He's been featured making ca phe trung (Vietnamese egg yolk coffee), bahn mhi (Vietnamese baguette sandwich tho the word itself can also just mean bread) and Banh Bao (steamed buns). His graduation pic also featured his mom in Ao Dai (Vietnam's national outfit). He mentioned getting hand-me-down clothes before (THIS MUNDANE ASIAN THING IS BIG OKAY?! I'VE NEVER FELT MORE REPRESENTED) and he has a high-functioning older sister (who is the jock in the gf polycule). One time he's asked why he is like "so good at everything" and his reply was something like "trying having an older sibling who is an achiever." Out of everyone, I think he's the one with the most SEAsian easter eggs. He's also bi and we see him flirting with women too (at least before they were in a closed polyam relationship).
Prep (bf) is Singaporean though haven't seen anything particular Singaporean about him (others might. I admit, don't know much on Singaporean culture). I feel tho, he is written as the SEAsian rich kid at your school who "has to be good" at both studies and extracurriculars cuz their parents are mega rich. It hasn't been touched but this could be a really good way to address the very real asian issue of Asian parents expecting too much outta their kids simply because they provide for them. It is reflected in his chara too. Like the whole "am I likable" drama at the start is less imma drama queen and screams "I'm an SEAsian kid and parents expected too much from me so now I've set unrealistic expectations for myself" energy. He uses the rainbow flag but idk if it's used to mean he's queer in some way go guess what or if he's like gay.
Goth (bf) is Chinese while Nerd (bf) is Japanese but I think they pander more to East Asian pop culture that's like prevalent in SEAsian rather than actual JPN/CHN culture but ngl, I get why the cultural portrayal is watered-down. Japan (contrary to how Japanese were treated poorly and unjustly so in the USA due to racism) invaded Southeast Asia first during WW2. This led to destruction of infrastructure, hunger, abuse and even death of countless Southeast Asians at the hands of the Japanese military. China, on the other hand, is one of the biggest imperialist/neo-colonialist powers in Southeast Asia, right next to the USA (not to mention Chinese mainlanders are one of the biggest gentrifiers of SEAsian neighborhoods in SEAsia). There's stigma that's hard to process outside of pop culture, as well as a lack of insight on how irl Native East Asians actually live their lives. Nerd (bf) is pan though and Goth (bf) is trans. I think his transness is handled pretty well but since the artist is also trans, it's right up his alley.
As for the gf polycule, there's not much cuz they are fairly new characters. Jock (gf) also Vietnamese. Prep (gf) is Korean and a transwoman. Goth (gf) is Indonesian and Nerd (gf) is Filipino and trans/non-binary. Nerd (gf) used "hay nako" which is a phrase often used by us Filipino when we are exasperated or in disbelief. It's kinda funny though cuz after saying it, they go on to do the task the the phrase was directed to. (If that ain't Filipino, idk what is).
3. On the setting
Boyfriends webtoon is set on a College but on exactly where, it is up for interpretation. Interestingly though, everyone has different nationalities (Artist used nationalities, not ethnicity or race) so makes me wonder if they're like in an international school or something. But like because the setting is a blank slate, it can be set anywhere. Not to say this is a bad thing because again, panders to a more general audience, but it can also be a weakness since it's gonna lack nuances that are pretty clear when the setting is established. It's lost in translation.
A prime example would be western people mistaking Prep (bf) as a white guy even though he's actually a SEAsian rich kid and only SEAsians can truly see this nuance either through shared experience or like knowing people like him. But if say, the setting was established as in South East Asia, it'll be easier to frame his character.
4. On the language
I think I'd give the artist pretty decent points on this one. While it is true that the writing in general feels limited (partly too cause the story is quite simple), y'all have to understand English is not the first language of South East Asians. One thing I've heard people note is that sometimes the conversations feel like they are in group chats/chatrooms rather than speaking in a conversational level and that's a valid point. These people are probably native English speakers who speak the language very casually and it's understandable why they'd feel a dissonance cuz it's not the type of English they are used to.
But let's try to meet half-way. SEAsians rarely use full English in conversational levels. For conversations, English is often mixed together with the local languages like Taglish, Singlish, Kapampanglish and Chinglish and it is forced to adapt to our intonations and language quirks, or we just don't use English at all. Full English is only often used in formal school/office settings or when, you guessed it, talking to people in chat groups where only English is the shared language. US/UK-based conversational English isn't something we can acquire without actively looking for it and even then, it would be a totally useless skill aside from making online content that panders specifically to US/UK-based casual English speakers. I think it is unreasonable to require this type of English mastery to SEAsian content creators. Add up the fact that US/UK are SEAsian colonizers and English remained popular as a language here due to US/UK imperialism. While it is constructive criticism and I do think there is also room for improvement, it translates to insensitivity to people already trying to speak another language to accommodate you, at least the way I see it.
5. On themes
The theme of the webcomic is very escapist. From the pastel design to the very simple cutesy storyline, it doesn't have like this ~realistic queer experience~ energy to it but I think that's the point. It assumes a world that's pretty much the same as ours but virtually without any transphobia, polyphobia, homophobia and just general queerphobia. This is why we get scenes of Jock's mom calling all his boyfriends her future son-in-laws (as Asian moms often do when they see their daughters bring home a good guy) or like scenes where they are very embarrassed about the PDA (like queer PDA is gonna legit get you expelled in a lot of SEA countries or worse, you can go to jail). It's written very simply but its has a queer escapism theme of like "would be nice if my life and future wouldn't be on the line just for being queer." And while I'm not often into overly fluffy media, that theme is one hell of a mood.
6. Final Note
Honestly, I think that the allegation against this webcomic are blown out of proportion. I don't think it's like groundbreaking queer media but there's nothing particularly fetishy about it. It definitely is tropey though but that's also kinda the point. The characters are, after all, pop culture archetypes. I also feel it is like written for a younger audience but there's nothing particularly wrong about that either. If you like very light reads and meme energy romcoms, I would recommend it. But if you don't or if you tried to read it but didn't like it, that's okay too. A content that's queer doesn't have to be liked by all queer people. I just hope that if you don't like it, you are at least civil with those who do and don't fall into hate/cringe culture hole. On a personal note, I think I might read future chapters but what I like about it is the SEAsian tidbits I'm seeing in the later chapters. I don't wanna oversell that though lol (but considering how few SEA queer pop media we get, I'm taking it).
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diabolicum · 3 years
@the-taker-of-life​​ replied to: “Which one of you pathetic neophytes took my hat?”
-Whistle to myself-
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knightengale-kaeya · 4 years
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     @scorchingdawn​ said:
🎊 I’m happy to have met you.
👌 Your character portrayal is amazing.
☺ I love our muses’ relationship!
👍 You’re doing great! Keep it up!
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     I am very glad to have met you too and to have reached out to you and not be a coward!!! QAQ Also your portrayal is great and I love their relationship too qwq
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angry-healers · 5 years
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
Jetii for the wip meme 👀👀?
haha, ok, fair cop there anon, you get some mando'a. If I was mean, I'd leave the translation as an exercise for the reader. I'm not that mean though, so, in the tags.
"Naryc, ne'ven. Mhi as'gaanir sol'tan Jetii meg ne'lendat uhiibur."
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notquiteaghost · 3 years
⭐ for “when we see each other”!
(fic here; director's commentary ask meme) i hope u were wanting me to yell about ghost company because i am gonna yell about ghost company. also do quotes still? work?? im sorry if quotes dont work
Losing Waxer was so hard on Boil, they’d not expected him to make it much longer. That was generally how it went, those last few months, squads and batchmates following each other like dominoes. But Boil didn’t get careless. He got angry. Spiteful. I’m making it out this alive and I’m taking you all with me, he spat once, as he kept pressure on a still nameless shiny’s thigh.
If anyone was going to kidnap Cody, it would be Boil.
i cant remember if the actual structure of ghost has come up in fic yet but. fun fact! waxer is a captain! ghost has four lieutenants, who each have a platoon, then waxer above them, then cody above waxer. this is meant to be so overseeing the nitty gritty running of a company isn't cody's problem but in practice he just backseat drives a lot because he has control issues. waxer gets promoted to sergeant after ryloth, then to captain like two months later. before that ghost doesn't technically have a captain, in that on paper their captain is kabu & in practice if it's not a medic problem it's not kabu's problem
anyway, boil is just a sergeant. he never gets formally promoted because by the time waxer dies ghost's command structure isnt even a flimsy pretence, ghost's command structure is 'whoever yells the loudest and/or has medic training'. boil did NOT get CC training he did NOT qualify as a medic he is a SNIPER. stop! asking him! to sign things!
When Obi-Wan finally moves his head back, Cody brings a hand up and gently wipes away the tears. He says, voice thick, "Thought I killed you."
"No," Obi-Wan swears, vehement, "No, it wasn't you. And I'm here. I'm right here."
"Yeah," Cody rasps. "Found you."
Nowhere you can go I won't follow, he'd said, vowed, their hands clasped in the hangar bay, blood still trailing down his face. Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome.
cody & obi-wan get married entirely on impulse, after a particularly devastating battle just over two years into the war. depending on how u count it they've either not been together six months yet or it's been a year n a half. kabu is a witness entirely because they're convinced either one of them is about to collapse from blood loss. also there is anakin, because obi-wan can't snark about not being invited to his wedding otherwise. the actual ceremony is not even a little legally binding and performed by wooley and not even ten minutes long. they save speeches for when theyre back on coruscant because kabu wont let any of them have alcohol when they are all still actively bleeding.
"We need you," Fluke adds. She's sat to Boil's left, Rex to his right. Rex and Boil are arguing, quietly, through pre-flight checks. "Gotta get Kabu and Ely, next. They've got my fucking platoon."
Obi-Wan looks to Boil, raises an eyebrow at Fluke.
"Only me that went to Kamino," Fluke says. "Kabu and Ely were on Ehn's transport, off Utapau. Haven't seen any of them since."
"We'll find them," Obi-Wan promises, without thinking.
Fluke grins at him, knife sharp, and says, "Good to have you back, sir."
boil is part of fluke's platoon! fluke & waxer are batchmates :) kabu's chip was also fucked (my lowkey fix-it justification is the chips degrade over time & the older a clone is the more likely their chip won't work as intended. this wasnt always a good thing tho). kabu sedated the entire platoon, drove the shuttle themself to the nearest civilian medical facility, then held a lot of people at gunpoint until they worked out what the fuck had happened and how to fix it. did a lot of brain surgery. bounced for a backwater little moon somewhere & then had to sedate people a lot more because ghost are insane and no one wanted to be sat twiddling their thumbs when they could be helping, so what if there's a shoot on sight order! are you saying they're incompetent!
which is to say: fluke's platoon is fine. it takes them a while to find them, because it's a big galaxy & the imps are really cracking down on communications, but they DO find each other and they DO then wreak havoc. rex misses his crazy people.
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stagtic · 4 years
———  BASICS!
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NAME: cast.
PRONOUNS:  they / them.
ZODIAC SIGN:  aries.
TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken, yo.
i lived outside the country for a few years as a kid.
i love indian food.
i work with kids for a living and i super love it. debating going back to school and getting a degree that’ll land me a better job, but i’m enjoying what i do now.
PLATFORMS USED: at present, discord and tumblr. feel free to hit me up on discord if you wanna write!
GENDER:   WELL my muses generally tend to be headcanoned as some form of Not Cis because that’s what feels right to me. i gravitate towards masculine muses a lot -- and apparently i do a pretty good job since people have been surprised in the past that i’m not a dude?? -- but i'm comfortable with all genders as a writer.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S):    i made a lotta icons from, like, in - between frames and stuff and idk why. i almost never use them.
MULTI OR SINGLE:    i prefer single muse blogs, but i do have a multi and a hazbin - specific multi in the works.
FLUFF :   if i’ve not made it painfully obvious i am a big fuckin’ fool for soft things. i just ... love love!! i love how different characters express it, how much it MEANS to them and why. all forms of love, too. romantic, platonic, familial ... all of it, so good and so beautiful.
ANGST :   i just like emotional intensity of all stripes, really. not just extreme sad, but extreme ANGER, extreme joy, just -- BIG LOUD EMOTIONAL THINGS! they’re very cathartic to write and tend to be the threads i’m the most engaged in.
SMUT :   with people i trust and am comfortable with, yes pls. smut’s just fun, whether it’s just indulgent and saucy, or it’s a real moment of deep connection or intense emotion between two characters. it gets a bad rep as being a “ lesser ” form of rp, but i think it can be as good or as bad as anything else.
PLOT / MEMES: i prefer memes or just. letting stuff happen organically with minimal prior plotting. i am SUPER bad at coming up with ideas, because i hate assuming shit for other people’s muses.
Tagged by: mhi said do it so i gotta
Tagging: u
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honeybadger-hibachi · 2 years
Sorry for the MHI meme spam, I’m going through some hyperfixation shit, and you all are gonna have to deal with it, my b
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mcuntainbcrn · 4 years
———  BASICS!
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NAME: abra.
PRONOUNS:  she / her.
ZODIAC SIGN:  cancer.
TAKEN OR SINGLE: single, but crushin’ pretttty hard.
i’m a licensed, practicing body piercer.
i have a sphynx named lady godiva.
i have a propensity for getting songs stuck in my head and having to listen to them on loop to get them out [i basically listen to them til i hate them].
PLATFORMS USED: tumblr almost exclusively - i’ve tried writing on discord a few times, but i’ve found that usually that’s where my roleplays go to die; not always, but 7 times out of 10
GENDER:  my own OC - I’ve been fleshing her out for the better part of a decade now [fuck i feel old] and while i’ve dabbled in a canon character or two, i lose muse for them quite rapidly, so i prefer to stick to my cactus
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S):  i have a decent amount of icons that will more likely than not never see the light of day since they would fit into very particular circumstances that i rarely if ever get to explore in writing outside of drabbles.
MULTI OR SINGLE:  i prefer single muse blogs, but i’m not at all against interacting with multimuse blogs in the slightest - i applaud those who run them; i lack the ability to split my focus like that
FLUFF :   it’s nice in small doses - i’m not the fondest of it since it can divert a bit too much into saccharine for my liking, and it’s just not who my muse is barring specific circumstances
ANGST :   i am a SLUT for angst - angst is something i excel at to a strange degree [it’s probably the depression tbh] and i am a sucker for writing threads with my partners that makes them scream at me for ripping their hearts out and showing it to them
SMUT :   i adore smut, but due to my muses’ trust issues and proclivity of keeping others at arms length, i rarely if ever write smut anymore; she would have to be in a good place with whomever the other side involved was and i’ve found few have the patience for that particular slow burn...i do miss it, but i’ll never force it.
PLOT / MEMES: i admit it - i prefer memes; not that i’m against plotting at all, but it’s a weak point of mine [that i really ought to work on]  and memes allow for a plethora of situations that force me to think on my feet, and i am most assuredly a ‘fly by the seat of my pants’ roleplayer
Tagged by: mhi and cast told me to
Tagging: everyone who wants to
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followmetoyourdoom · 6 years
MHI Memes Day 8
DM ominous laughter before the session event starts multiple times
Subtle vegetable conditioning 
“What Dolin awkward? I can’t imagine that.”
“No I can’t tell you, I took an oath, the bad spirits will-” “What about writing it down?” “Then the spirits of writing will come-” “What about painting a picture.” “Then the spirits of paintings will-” “Okay, nevermind.”
Discussion about animals close to a crab and where to find them.
“I require your least expensive knife!” “I have a butterknife.”
“You wanna know what gwen’s doing?” *guitar melody* “But with a harp.”
Return of the dancing zombie 
Black tents for shadow witches. “Everyone’s so committed to the aesthetics in this town.”
“Hey look at this special spoon I found!” *sad Dolin noises*
“What’s wrong with the fox?” “Everything.”
Utensils anonymous
Big info dump
Freaky deja-vu moment, sudden lack of existence, and... a tummy ache
“Who hurt you, point them out I’ll fuck ‘em up.” “No, he can fit in.” “...Okay so I’ll punch everyone.” “No.”
Mannequin punching
“...up here.” “Up whe- THAT’S EAST!” “It’s north of your current position!” “Bold of you to assume I know where I am.”
“Can we perceive for people watching us.” “You’re the weird ones here, there’s a lot of people watching you.”
Small child: “You’re stupid!” Gwen: ...wELl mAYbe You’RE sTuPiD
Fail to perceive for a neutral face
“...who drew a neutral face on our map?” “Maybe Bob.”
“Wow two ones, yeah okay so Gwen just throws him across the arena.”
Crush increase
“Okay so Lulu-” “Iuitl!”
“You got this Dolin, just fight dirty.” “That is terrible advice, thank you.”
*Dolin fails a roll* “I can’t believe this.” “I can.”
Gwen vs Dolin fight. Dolin: I’m gonna die.
Dolin lying on the grass, defeated. “Well this is the outcome we all saw coming.”
“So now lotion-” “IUITL!”
“Gwen wrestles Iuitl to the ground.” “That’s not the wrestling they were hoping for.” “Eh, take what you can get.”
“I wouldn’t eat popcorn, it hasn’t been invented yet.”
Gwen wins and cheers for herself
“I love rolling perception without knowing why.”
Gwen grinning with grass between her teeth from the times she hit the floor
Iuitl’s hormones getting the better of them as they think about other things
*Party walks into bath house* “Oh good lord!”
“Honey is a person too, I will fight you on this!” “SO WILL I.” “No, no I meant verbally.” “I didn’t.”
Bribe the lady to let Honey through
*characters in the steam baths* “I see this session is rather steamy.”
Medieval Lush
*ten minute talk about baths*
Buying bath bombs that could change ecosystems
“I’d like a sNAck.”
“What a surprise, the fox having chicken.”
“Something catches your eye from the shadows-” *baby cry* “A BABY!” “...no.”
*counting* “Okay so plus 6 is my bonus.” “...you have a plus 6 bonus” “yes *explains it*” “hm”
*after character decides to just take one* “Oh.. oh wow, oh, hm, oh.” “I love the sound of that.”
*Honey is take* NO OUR CHILD
“So we’re gonna sideline our entire quest to rescue Honey now.”
Bonus dancing zombie:
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oneangryhyur · 7 years
What's your muse perfect romantic date? -Meme-
Perfect date? That is a good question, if it had to be perfect or ideal I suppose it would go like this: Go out to a nice show at the Mhi Khetto Ampitheatre, a nice candle lit meal afterwards preferably not cooked by Vulkan because he can’t cook to save his life. 
Afterwards would be followed up by a night gazing up at the stars and moon high above the treeline of Gridania with nothing but the birds chirping and the woes of distant adventurers to serenade them.
Cheers for the ask!
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deathcupcake · 7 years
First Final Five Meme Cite the final line of five of your fics – your favorites, or the most recent ones. Tag five writers who should do this next.
tagged by @aileuromania​
This exercise has taught me a sad reality: often, stories of mine that I like best have sucky or overly sentimental endings. Also, nothing here was produced after 2014 and I doubt I’ll return to writing fic until after I retire, if then. It was kind of bittersweet going through the smattering of old fic and seeing how far away from that I’ve moved.
Also, I just realized that I misread the instructions as final five lines, but the final line would (as you can see), be really meh.
This is different.
The earth breathes. He can feel it tickling his scalp, wisping through his hair, warm and secure. The stone cradles him and the void --
the void retreats.
He sighs, his body relaxing into sleep.
His body slipped over the edge, startled violet eyes and red lekku floating above him as he disappeared from view.
“I never sleep on the job,” she stated, then whispered “We return to the water to begin the new cycle.”
Flip the switch. Break the circuit. On to the next job.
"And hunter," the Jedi turned his head to speak quietly over his shoulder, his voice barely disguising his mirth as Kyr started at the acknowledgement of his profession, "don't waste time."
With a swish of his robe he walked away through the brightly lit stalls.
Kyr watched the Jedi, his expression unreadable as he mulled over their conversation. He shook himself and slid his goggles and gloves back on before turning in the direction Misk had indicated.
Yes, he was ready to go home.
Dusk gathered at the edges of the sky, and he stood, brushing off his trousers. He shook his head and chuckled at the thought of someone seeing him like this, an old man lost in sentimental memories.
I will see you tomorrow, my love. Until then, the stars will keep you company.
Ret'urcye mhi.
The shadows see me and pause, then lovingly stroke my cheek, welcoming me as one of them, and I sigh.
The people don’t understand. They deny.
Their eyes will open.
We will claim them, too.
Tagging people is always difficult for me, especially now, when I’m not reading much of anyone’s fic. Maybe @depizan @lukeskywalkersbutt @lhunuial @darthvronton @kaosstar (as usual, with the “only if you want to” caveat)
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angry-healers · 7 years
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In other news--
Meme book get. >:)
-- Mod Mhi
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