#mia caldwell
killershushikk · 3 months
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Found some old Mia designs and merged it to make renegade!mia
@dicktat you inspire me is much
She is my wife also she beats the fuck out of Hakon just for fun :3
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afrotumble · 1 year
Kelvin Okafor hyper realistic portrait of Mia Caldwell 💪🏾💪🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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sunrise-wanderer · 3 months
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While you are thinking about your renegade Mia, I remembered my little Mia
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She just wants ice cream
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Childhood Imaginary Friend,
Your concept of who she was isn't true...
Screaming, genuinley screaming, Mia deserved better-
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rageflippedtables · 2 months
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Can't move on
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dicktat · 3 months
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New DL merch :33!!!
Villedor zoo standee/stickers
🐺 Aiden 🦊 Hakon 🦌 Vincenzo
🐅 Lawan 🦚 Juan 🐏 Sophie
🐈‍⬛ Shen Xiu 🐈 Mia🦉 Thalia
🦨 Barney 🐊 Rowe 🦁 Aitor
🦡 Ciro 🐻 Frank 🦈 Waltz 🦎 Harper
Characters requested by YOU (my lovely mutuals) and critter suggestions! If you see your idea made it claim it down in the comments! Anyways enjoy the little guys
Price: not sure yet (!)
Shipping: international
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Broken Things (Resident Lover)
Pairing: Very much platonic Mia and Miranda (I am rotating them and their dynamic in my head) Rating: G for General Audiences Warning: HEAVY SPOILERS for Miranda's route, mostly implied but this won't make much sense if you haven't finished it. I recommend also getting the cult ending for maximum clarity. Summary: For two people that hate each other, Mia and Miranda have more in common than either of them want to admit. The night before an important (but heartbreaking) ritual, they share a few moments together. Alternatively: do you think they ever talk about being the only two to really know the MC? I think it hangs over them, equal parts comforting blanket and burial shroud. Exploring their dynamic a lil bit. Also, this is probably the longest thing I've written in one sitting in ages, so... cool. Noice. Just over 1.2k words.
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If she had bothered to knock, there would have been no answer at best, and a flurry of feathered rage at worst. No point in entertaining that formality; not tonight, the eve of another undoing. Few things had any point tonight. But Mia had never been one to overthink things, never one to bother drawing up reasons for her behavior. That was what made her so charmingly irritating. Or just plain irritating, if you asked the headmistress whose office is now being invaded.
“I’m not in the mood for company,” Miranda warns from where she sits at her desk, the barest hints of exhaustion bleeding into her normally veiled expression. Even Goddesses get tired, it seems. Cruelties stir in the back of her throat, vile words and heavy hexes, but she doesn’t waste any energy on letting them spill out. Simply swallows, hard, and crosses one leg over the other. A stiffness occupies her bones this evening.
“I know,” Mia answers, without any snark, carefully setting down a couple glasses where there’s room. The bottle in her other hand has already been opened, the contents mixed with other things, and hastily sealed again. For once, Mia bothers to wipe the condensation off the bottom before setting it down. “Neither am I.”
This time, her lips curl up at the edges, but the downturn of her eyebrows betrays the bitterness she feels. Another thought dances on her mind, and her mouth makes it halfway open before she discards it, playing the movement off as an exaggerated sigh. Pushing Miranda’s buttons is easy… achieving anything else is Herculean. Part of Mia wonders how far she’s already pushing things, not because she cares about the consequences, simply because she can’t tell.
Leaning her weight against the desk (avoiding the side table like a single touch would kill her), Mia grabs the bottle again, popping the cap off with a flick of her thumb. Almost immediately the smell of strong whiskey drifts around the room. Miranda’s nostrils flare, briefly, the purse of her lips growing tighter. But she says nothing as Mia pours drinks for the both of them, eying them closely to make sure they’re filled evenly. A moment passes, then two, before Mia nudges one of the glasses closer to Miranda.
“I don’t know why I keep you around,” the headmistress says, bringing a little bite to her words to show dominance, her posturing a sad show of deflecting vulnerability. They both know exactly why Mia is still alive, why she’s here, in this town, in this day, in this life. Why she doesn’t slip out the door without a word and disappear forever. All the same reasons keep Miranda here, urging her hands to continue pulling strings, weaving and undoing and weaving and weaving and unmaking with the same heart that compelled Penelope to do the same.
Mia chooses not to point it out. Bites her tongue, nurses the mixed whiskey like it was her last. Lets the burn linger on her tastebuds. Breathes in deep, turning her gaze to the dark sky beyond the office window. A few tiny figures move across the campus grounds, returning from parties or maybe more clandestine affairs, utterly unaware that everything was going to be reset tonight. None of them have even an ounce of worth in her eyes, nor in Miranda’s.
“Nobody else has a clue, do they?” Mia muses, somewhere between a sneer and a giggle. Both halves sound forced. For a moment, she basks in the silence, only to remember she wasn’t one to find comfort in such things after all. A glance towards her companion reveals a raised eyebrow, Miranda not yet parsing her words. The details of the reset were a closely guarded secret, to prevent dissent, but most of her flock understood that something important lay past the dusk. What they didn’t understand is all the more fundamental, built into the very cause they pursued. “They all think they know what we’re missing.” More bitterness in her voice this time, acidity on a slow-drip to her veins, a scoff kicking out some of the weight from her chest.
Something clicks, then, an idea alongside Miranda’s tongue. Dimitrescu imagines her daughters. Beneviento’s grief haunts everything she makes, but the feelings fold into different shapes. Followers flood their senses with Mother’s goals, with her purpose, but they are driven by their devotion to her. Not to her. All the lives in the world, vast and uniquely faceted, and only the two in this room have a clue.
“You don’t love her the way I do,” Miranda whispers, nail guards finding places to pinch her own flesh. Slowly, she uncrosses her legs, and finally reaches for her glass. If there’s any fragility to the way she holds herself now, Mia is kind enough to ignore it, and uncaring enough to leave the pain without relief.
“Mmm, and you don’t love her the way I do,” she breathes. Neither of them are lying. Oddly enough, nor are they challenging each other. Just declaring their surviving differences in this moment of alikeness. “Salut,” Mia adds, ignoring the huff (of irritation or amusement, she cares not to differentiate) from Miranda, but cracks a smile when their glasses raise in sync. A toast to the heart of their shared world, to the central victim of the reset.
There’s no hiding the way Miranda recoils at the concoction, almost a snarl with glinting teeth, the strength of the cheap whiskey hardly diluted by whatever was added to it. Hardly her drink of choice. Yet she runs her finger around the rim of the glass, mirroring the way her tongue flickers across her teeth, savoring the misery of it all. Hauntingly familiar, the closest Mia had ever come to recreating a cursed relic from their past. At least it will get us drunk fast, she had once said, with this same grimace, the icon of their love cheering on the words. Teasing gently about her obsessions with efficiency.
By the time the memory moves beyond her eyelids, the glass in her hands is almost empty. Mia hums a halfhearted tune, pouring another round for Miranda, before pushing herself up from her perch. A few wrinkled papers get left behind, without anyone batting an eye. Everything was pointless tonight, remember? Beautiful nothingness, even stale blood gushing like ichor, almost all things rendered equal.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some poor decisions to make,” Mia suddenly chimes, face twisting up into a visage of mischief, brushing the last of the dust off of her mask. One hand snatches up the bottle, the other smoothes over her leather jacket, subtly ensuring she could still feel the presence of her switchblade in one of the pockets. WIth unabashed glee, she waltzes through the doorway, off to draw blood and make merry with the worst of what the university has to offer.
She only hesitates for a microsecond, as she goes to close the door behind her. Glances back to meet Miranda’s gaze, all-knowing and piercing as ever, the two of them exchanging silent assurances. Their beloved would be remade, eventually, no matter how long it takes. No matter how many times they have to start over. A determination only matched in each other, as universally true as it is unspoken.
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mackspaws · 2 months
i never wanted to be saved
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fanart of an absolutely wonderful fic by @eternalpeaceisoverrated <3 please PLEASE go read it, as well as all her dl2 fics bc AHHHH THEYRE SO GOOOOD
You can read the fic this specific piece is based on here!!! 👇
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marshalllir · 1 year
Dying light 2 characters as chat memes:
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+ 2 bonuses
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Thanks to @dicktat for the permission to use circles with photos of characters
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volatile95 · 7 months
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Day 27 - Aiden and Mia as children
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roweidens · 11 months
Лелеет лето лучший свой цветок
История, в которой лилии сравниваются с патронами, букет цветов стоит, как несколько зарплат, штормовое предупреждение случается всегда вовремя, а изучение новых языков помогает найти совсем-не-любовь-просто-симпатию.
Ко всему прочему, некоторые сёстры очень проницательны, некоторые курьеры очень красивы, а некоторые владельцы цветочных магазинов очень плохо понимают намёки.
AO3 | Ficbook
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killershushikk · 3 months
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Dying light band AU designs and headcanons
They’re called NightRunners
•Aiden - lead guitar
served in army for several years to pay for Mia’s cancer treatment
classical trained, used to play violin
listens to lo-fi, classic music, jazz
used to be a dr*g addict :(
•Hakon - frontman
writes his own lyrics, a mix between french and english
started to sing in his 20s, oldest in band
acts crazy on the stage (knee sliding and stuff, also stupid dances and random backflips)
listens to old rock, pop divas, LOTS OF LADY GAGA, musicals
•Lawan - drums
Hakon taught her the basics and then she became better than him >:)
Back vocals on her
Used to play trumpet in school, HATES JAZZ
Listens to metal, grunge, garage rock and all the stuff that hurts her ears
•Mia - bass guitar
Used to play cello
Introverted, but pretty loud with her friends
Cancer survivor
Listens to pop-punk (emo trinity) funk and electronic music
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corvidsaremybesties · 4 months
shoutout to that motherfucker in the dying light 2 intro reading the newspaper during the realtime fall of civilization and there's a volatile twerking on a cop car behind him
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sunrise-wanderer · 2 years
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@killershushikk I LOVE YOU AND YOUR AU😭😭😭
I will headcanon that it was.
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The ending we wanted and deserved.
Survivor!Mia is the only thing keeping me alive /j
[Also if anyone tags this as ship, I will take your fucking spleen.]
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epccna · 2 years
Still stuck on thinking about the absolute brain-fuckery Aiden would go through after the main story. He centered his entire being around this false narrative, but then it literally blew up in his face. Who even is he without Mia? Dude’s whole life was dedicated to her, & not himself. He never really formed his own identity on the road. Just this lost puppy hellbent on playing the knight in shining armor role.
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