#mine: chandler x janice
starryeyesxx · 10 months
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trishlia · 1 year
The Suprise
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Characters: Chandler x reader (romanticly), friends x reader (platonicly)
Word count: 1.2k
contains: making out, mention of sex, naked. one shot
a/n: this is my first time writing something like this, so its not that great and english is not my first language. I made the idea myself and I wrote this at 2 am and posted this 3 am so enjoy!
Me and Chandler have been going out for a while, but the other five didn't know about it. We wanted to surprise them by kissing in front of them, we would love to see their reaction.
It was a Saturday evening at Monica's apartment. Everyone was hanging around on the couch.'It's a Saturday, does anyone have a date tonight?' Joey asked.
'Not me.' Monica added. 'Same for me.' Rachel spoke.
'Yea no luck.' Phoebe exclaimed. 'Nope.' Said Ross.
'How 'bout you two?' Joey pointed at us.
'Me? Yea, I do.' Chandler said, 'She's amazing!'
'Wow, somebody got a date. What about you Y/N?' Rachel asked.
'Yeah, I have a date tonight.' I said, nodding my head. 'Lucky! I hate not going out.' Said Monica.
'Well, who's the date? What's their name?' Joey continued.
'Yea!' Everyone agreed. 'I'm not telling you guys. Yall are just gonna tease me with his name.' I rolled my eyes.
'Same, I'm not telling. But she's better than Janice I tell ya.' Chandler said.
We spent the whole evening talking in the living room, it is now 8 p.m. 'It's getting late, don't you two have a date to go to?' Phoebe asked.
'Oh right! Let me go get ready. Rachel can I borrow your-?' 'Yes! Let me help you get ready!'
Rachel brought me to her room and closed the door behind us. 'Well what about you?' Ross asked Chandler. 
'Mine's at 9, we're going to watch a movie.' He stood up walking to the kitchen, 'What are you guys gonna do?' 
'I guess we'll just play foosball the whole night.' Joey said looking at Ross, 'I'm soo gonna beat your butt.' he grin
'Hahah, the only butt getting beat is you.' Ross pointing his finger at Joey.
'Well have fun and good luck Ross, you'll need it. What about you Pheebs?'
'I was thinking about betting you for Joey but I know I'm going to win… 20 bucks?' She said happily.
'That's not fair! You have Joey! But sorry Pheebs, I'm not in my betting mood.' 
'Its fine, Monica?' She turned her head to the black haired girl.
'Yep no thanks!' she said loudly.
I finally got ready and stepped outside of Rachel's room, who was walking behind me. 'You look gorgeous!'
'Wow! Where are you going all fancy?' Monica asked. 'Just the movies, I told you, Rachel! Nothing fancy!' The room went quite.
'Huh, what's wrong?' I asked, me and Rachel looked around the room. Noticing everyone was looking at Chandler. At that point, I knew I messed up. 
'What is with you guys? Chandler?' Rachel was confused.
Chandler was standing still beside the refrigerator, his face was nervous. 'What? Mines at 9!' Chandler was now looking at me, making everyone do the same.
'Mines it's 8.45, and it's 8.30 I'm going to be late!' I walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind me.
'That was weird. What happened?' Rachel asked. 'Oh, we thought Chandler was going out with Y/N.' Phoebe told Rachel what happened. 
'Pfft! Like Y/N would go out with a guy like Chandler!' Rachel laughed. Chandler was offended, 'Hey! What are you saying? Like she's out of my league?' 
'Heck yea, she's out of your league!' Monica said. 'So you think I can't get a Y/N? I can get a Y/N okay?' Chandler said, walking towards them holding a piece of cookie.
'Come on! You and her? Can't see it!' Monica added. The others seemed to be agreeing.
'And they said you are out of my league! And said that we aren't a match !' Chandler said as we were walking at the park going back home. 'Don't make a fuss about it.' I said, 'Tomorrow we will surprise them, I have a plan in mind, but it includes us making out.'
'Okay, I think I like that.' Chandler said, smiling.
We are now at my apartment. 'So are we actually going to make out?' 
'Of course! Why would I lie about that?'
I quickly pulled him in for a kiss, he then kissed me back and put his hands around my hips.
'My dream has finally come true' he said.
The kiss led us to my room, he pushed me on the bed and continued to kiss while he was on top of me. I was cupping his cheeks and giving out a moan.
The next morning, I woke up seeing Chandler was already awake sitting beside me fully naked. He covered his lower body with a blanket. 'Good morning, sweetheart. How was last night?' He said smilingly looking at me.
I sat up straight 'Good morning, honey. Last night was interesting..' My face was all red, we had sex last night. 'What, good, interesting?' He asked.
'Amazingly interesting..' I stared blankly at myself and notice I was naked and there was nothing that was covering my upper body.
'I can see that you're enjoying the view.' He laughed as I said that.
Chandler wore his clothes and went back to his apartment. I quickly changed and walked to Monica's apartment bringing Rachel's Jacket that I borrowed.
I opened the door to the apartment seeing that everyone was making fun of Chandler. 'Look, Y/N! Someone came home with the same clothes he was wearing last night,' Monica said as she walked towards me.
I smiled at Chandler, 'Whoo hoo! How was she?'
'Incredible! It was probably the greatest night!' He said, forgetting the woman he was talking about was in the room. His face got red quickly.
'Alright then, Rachel! Your jacket.' I said
'Oh thanks Y/N, just tossed it inside my room'
I did as I was told and walked towards the kitchen where everyone was hanging. 'You're not the only one who was having fun last night, Chandler.'
'Whoo hoo!' Everyone whistle.
'Well, how was he?' Chandler asked.
'He was amazing! It's like the dream you had Monica! He really did me.' I said. 'Really? Lucky!' Monica said.
As everyone was eating breakfast, it was the perfect time to show everyone that me and Chandler were dating, I have the perfect excuse as well. I gave Chandler a head signal and he nodded.
'Well I gotta get going, this grocery list is not gonna finish by itself.' I said, 'Wanna join babe? I asked him as I was walking towards him.
The room was now silent, everyone stared at the both of us. 'I told you I can get a Y/N' He said putting his arm around my shoulder, he turned his head to me, kissing me softly on the lips. 'And yes, I would love to help with your groceries darling.'
'Alright then, finish your breakfast. I'll be waiting downstairs' I said, walking out of the apartment. 
Everyone is now staring at Chandler, 'You and her? You and her?!' One of the five said. 'I can't believe it, I just can't!' Rachel added. 
'What's the big deal?' Chandler scoffs. 
'Can't you see? You're the most awkward guy with bad social skills gets the girl while me and Joey didn't!' Ross said. 
'Yeah! I can get any girl but she dumped me, remember?' Joey added.
'Oh, I see it now.' Chandler spoke, 'Alright let me eat my cereal. I need to get going.' 
'Wait, so that means you had sex with her last night?' Phoebe finally spoke, 'Wow! Did she top you?' 'Nope,' Chandler replied.
He ate his breakfast and walked towards the front door 'See ya guys!' Closing the door behind him. He walked downstairs to Central Perk seeing me drinking coffee waiting for him 'Hello darling,'
'Hi sweetheart.'
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missielynne · 2 months
More Friends asks if you want: Rachel x Ross, Rachel x Joey, both or neither?! Do you prefer the first half of the series or the second half overall? And name five UOs about the series ---I'm guessing one of them is that Rachel is your least favorite of the female Friends? (Mine too, btw, so I'd love to hear why!)
Rachel and Joey brotp for sure, but romantically...neither. First half of the series overall because it always happens a lot with me that when characters start having babies and things, I just get less interested.
and UOs:
I don't like Ross and Rachel. It just doesn't do anything thing for me.
Rachel is my least favorite of the female Friends because I guess I've never really been drawn to her type. Like you give me a show and you have the main character who's the Rachel, the lead, and you're supposed to root for them, but they also have a quirky (or otherwise characterized underdog) friend, I will always go for the friend rather than the lead because the friend always seems more entertaining. (Although I was surprised when I started watching it to realize that I didn't actively HATE Rachel as as a character. She can be really endearing. I just don't enjoy watching her the way I do Monica and Phoebe.)
I am not a fan of all the kids that popped up toward the end. That really made it drag for me.
I don't know if it's a UO, but I didn't like Chandler and Janice, and as a character she kind of grated on me.
I hated Rachel getting off the plane. I know it's supposed to be this big romantic ting but...no.
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funface2 · 5 years
60 of the funniest Friends jokes and quotes as the sit-com turns 25 this month – iNews
Friday, 20th September 2019, 10:20 am
Updated 35 minutes ago
Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Chandler and Phoebe – can you name a more iconic sextet than the central cast of Friends?
Over 10 seasons, each of the New York residents made audiences laugh and cry as they pursued life goals with inevitably comedic results.
wenty-five years on from the show’s pilot episode, the show continues to be adored by legions of fans – here are 60 of the legendary sit-com’s best jokes and quotes.
“I can handle this. Handle is my middle name. Actually, handle is the middle of my first name.” (Chandler)
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Ross: “Pivot! Pivot! Pivot! Pivot! Pivot!” (while trying to lift his sofa up a flight of stairs)Chandler: “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”
“Joey doesn’t share food!” (Joey)
“Guys can fake it? Unbelievable! The one thing that’s ours!” (Monica)
“If you’re going to call me names, I would prefer Ross, the Divorce Force. It’s just cooler.” (Ross)
“All right, look if you absolutely have to tell her the truth, at least wait until the timing’s right. And that’s what deathbeds are for.” (Chandler)
Ross: “Hey, Rachel, did you notice…” Rachel: “Your teeth? Yeah, I saw them from outside.”
“Dear God! This parachute is a knapsack!” (Chandler)
“You have to get off the plane. Something is wrong with the left phalange.” (Chandler)
Ross: “No, homo habilis was erect. Australopithecus was never fully erect.” Chandler: “Well, maybe he was nervous.”
“I’m glad we’re having a rehearsal dinner. I rarely practice my meals before I eat.” (Chandler)
“Until I was 25 I thought the only response to ‘I love you’ was ‘Oh crap!'” (Chandler)
Ross: “I went to that tanning place your wife suggested.”Chandler: “Was that place the sun?”
“What’s not to like? Custard – good. Jam – good. Meat – good!” (Joey)
Chandler: “I got her machine.”Joey: “Her answering machine?”Chandler: “No. Interestingly enough, her leaf blower picked up.”
“You know what’s weird? Donald Duck never wore pants. But whenever he’s getting out of the shower, he always puts a towel around his waist. I mean, what is that about?” (Chandler)
“Ross, just for my own peace of mind, you’re not married to any more of us are you?” (Chandler)
Janice: “What a small world!” Chandler: “And yet I never run into Beyoncé!”
“Your collective dating record reads like a who’s who of human crap.” (Phoebe)
Ross: “Does little Ross like dinosaurs by any chance?”Mr. Zelner: “Yeah, they’re all he talks about, why?”Ross: “How would he like to come with me to the Museum of Natural History after everyone else has left, just the two of us, and he can touch anything he wants. [Pause] I just heard it as you must have heard it and that’s not good. Let me start again. I’m a palaeontologist, you’ll be there with us and the touching refers only to bones – fossils!”
Monica: “You don’t think sharks are sexy do you?” Joey: “No. Wait a minute… what was the Little Mermaid?”
“SEVEN!” (Photo: Warner Brothers)
Phoebe: “Look I had a hard life, my mother was killed by a drug dealer.” Monica: “Phoebe, your mom killed herself.” Phoebe: “She was a drug dealer.”
Cathy: “You have really great hair”Chandler: “Oh thanks I grow it myself!”
“If you want to receive e-mails about my upcoming shows, please give me money so I can buy a computer.” (Phoebe)
“It’s a moo point. It’s like a cow’s opinion; it doesn’t matter. It’s moo.” (Joey)
“First divorce: wife’s hidden sexuality, not my fault. Second divorce: said the wrong name at the altar, kind of my fault. Third divorce: they shouldn’t let you get married when you’re that drunk and have stuff drawn all over your face, Nevada’s fault.” (Ross)
Joey: “It hurts my Joey’s apple!” Chandler: “For the last time, it’s not named after each individual man!”
“Oh, are you setting Ross up with someone? Does she have a wedding dress?” (Rachel to Monica)
Joey: “You didn’t cry when Bambi’s mom died?” Chandler: “Yes, it was so sad when the guy stopped drawing the deer.”
“Your collective dating record reads like a who’s who of human crap.” (Phoebe)
Rachel: “…How many centimetres am I dilated? Eight? Nine?” Doctor: “Three.”Ross: “Just three? I’m dilated three!”
Monica: “The camera adds ten pounds!”Chandler: “So how many cameras are actually on you?”
Ross, just for my own peace of mind, you’re not married to any more of us are you? (Photo: Warner Brothers)
“If you don’t help me cook I’m going to take a bunch of those hot dogs and make a new appetiser called pigs in Ross.” (Monica)
Ross: “I am gonna be happy this year. I’m gonna make myself happy.”Chandler: “Do you want us to leave the room?”
“I can’t have a mimosa? I’m on vacation!” (Phoebe)
“I’m not so good with the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” (Chandler)
Joey: “But it is odd how a women’s purse looks good on me, a man.”Rachel: “Exactly! Unisex!”Joey: “Maybe you need sex. I had sex a couple days ago.”Rachel: “No! No, Joey! U-N-I-sex.”Joey: “Well, I ain’t gonna say no to that.”
Monica: “I think I’d be great in a war. I’d, like, get all the medals.”Chandler: “Before or after you’re executed by your own troops?”
Ross: “Chandler entered a Vanilla Ice look-alike contest and *won*!”Chandler: “Ross came fourth and cried!”
“Oh look, ugly naked guy is decorating his Christmas tree! Wow, you should see the size of his Christmas balls!” (Phoebe)
“Why is it inside out?!” (Ross reacting to Rachel’s new Sphynx cat)
“I can’t believe my Dad saw us having sex! He didn’t make it to one of my piano recitals, but this he sees!” (Monica to Chandler)
“If you want to receive emails about my upcoming shows please give me money so I can buy a computer.” (Phoebe)
If you want to receive emails about my upcoming shows please give me money so I can buy a computer (Photo: Warner Brothers)
“Come on Ross you’re a palaeontologist – dig a little deeper.” (Phoebe)
“You can’t have S-E-X when your taking care of the B-A-B-I-E.” (Joey)
Ross: “Hello? Did you not read the Lord of the Rings in high school?”Joey: “No, I had sex in high school.”
“Come on, Ross. You’re a paleontologist, dig  little deeper.” (Phoebe)
“A hundred million people went to see a movie about what I do. I wonder how many people would go see a movie called Jurassic Parka. No, no, no, a bunch of out-of-control jackets take over an island!” (Ross to Rachel)
“Hey buddy, this is a family place. Put the mouse back in the house.” (Gunther)
Rachel: “I’m not someone who goes after a guy five minutes after he’s divorced.”Monica: “No, you go after them five minutes before they get married.”
Ross: “We were on a break!”Chandler: “Oh, my God! If you say that one more time, I’m going to break up with you!”
Joey: “Could you close that window? My nipples could cut glass over here.”Phoebe: “Really? Mine get me out of tickets.”
“How you doin’?” (Joey)
Joey: “Could I BE wearing any more clothes?!”
Monica: “Do you have a plan?”Phoebe: “I don’t even have a ‘pla.'”
Phoebe: “They don’t know that we know they know we know.”
Phoebe: “If it’s a girl, Phoebe. And if it’s a boy, Pheebo.”
Joey: “Occupation? Dinosaurs.”Ross: “Actually I’m a paleo…”Joey: “Dinosaurs is fine.”
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Bài viết 60 of the funniest Friends jokes and quotes as the sit-com turns 25 this month – iNews đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.
from Funface https://funface.net/funny-quotes/60-of-the-funniest-friends-jokes-and-quotes-as-the-sit-com-turns-25-this-month-inews/
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starryeyesxx · 5 years
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