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So after 30 years, Power Rangers seems to have ended.
(Until the reboot, if that's still happening.)
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prbuddy · 2 years
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b-rainlet · 1 year
Me, when Aegon first appeared: Well at least there was no uncomfortable sex scene-
Episode 4: Hold my beer
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flaynbestgirl · 5 months
i feel like a im super picky with new media anyway (like in the whole i have to be in the right mood and it has to have the vibe im craving kind of way) and combining that with stuff i hate seeming to be common things in horror it makes it seem like i dont like it at all but i do im just ridiculously picky
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flocklings · 2 years
I’m so over horror leaning on disabled/disfigured people for cheap on screen shock value. Just like I’m over writers using mental illness as an explanation for why antagonists are the way they are. They are weak narrative choices that only stigmatize and fail to challenge the audience and it makes me so frustrated because I believe horror can be transformative. Fear is such a vital part of the human experience and the industry was built from cheap thrills and only a handful of writers/directors seem interested in pushing the genre.
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mayo-advance · 1 year
My Power Rangers Best Season Bracket round 1 is out now!
I made it chronologically to simplify it. I grouped all seasons of mmpr together and excluded the “super” seasons
Zeo vs Turbo
In Space vs Lost Galaxy
Lightspeed Rescue vs Time Force
Wild Force vs Ninja Storm
Dino Thunder vs SPD
Mystic Force vs Operation Overdrive
Jungle Fury vs RPM
Samurai vs Megaforce
Dino Charge vs Ninja Steel
Beast Morphers vs Dino Fury
Reblogs of this post or any of the brackets are always appreciated I would love to see a large sample size! I feel like somebody has had to have already done this and if so dont tell me bc im really excited about this… Anyways have fun voting!
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yasgraminha · 1 year
fiz um poema me expressando, ficou todo cagado mas fds
o titulo é "sem titulo"
o peso da vida me cansa to na ponta da lança to ultrapassando o peso da balança me alma ja ta cansada que nem viva me sinto sendo ama ja sofri tana merda na infancia e to no começo da minha caminhada a vida nao é um mar de rosas mas os espinhos sao u mmar de magoas to frustada da vida diaria o rotina me prende e eu sinto que no final tudo muda independente do que faça desisti de ser a melhorar quando eu vi que nao importa o tamanho da estrada, mas sim que vc fez pela caminhada ja andei tanto proucurando algo que prenchese a minha alma que no final tudo o que me encheou foi o nada ja dei tanta risada ja briquei e ja fiz coisas que nunca esperava mas no final, nada disso importa pq em todos esses momentos tinha alguma coisa que eu buscava mas oq eu queria ja tava ali, só faltava eu aproveitar cada momento e pq no fundo a vida é só mais um ciclo que no final todos morrem mas o tempo nunca acaba hoje eu sou frustada amanha serei a mesma pessoa porem mudada eu gosto da sensaçao de sentir me privei tanto de sentir que hoje ja nem sei mas como consigo tentar mas acho que no final é isso tentar, tentar, falhar, falhar, no final nada disso realmente importa mas isso que me motiva, caso eu tenha uma vida falha eu vou estar satisfeita por tudo dado tudo de mim e ter vivido no final sem se importar como se fosse nada
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Mmars what doiduou think abt raggedy ann my belobed
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normalsproutanon · 1 year
done with my proper gra,,mmar arc now I spell like i;’m not on my meds 
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bizarrobrain · 2 years
"Besvikelsen" by Mylingar - From "D​ö​da Dr​ö​mmar" (2018)
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housepartycom · 6 months
Skapa magiska minnen med House Party: Din ultimata partner för evenemang
ᅣr du ute efter att skapa magiska minnenᅠsom kommer att vara livet ut? D¥ beh￶ver du inte leta l¦ngre ¦n till House Party! Vi ¦r din dedikerade eventpartner, redo att hj¦lpa dig att organisera of￶rgl￶mliga sammankomster som kommer att l¦mna ett best¥ende intryck p¥ dig och dina g¦ster. Med v¥rt expertteam och fantastiska t¦lt ger vi liv ¥t dina dr￶mevenemang. L¦s vidare f￶r att uppt¦cka hur House Party kan hj¦lpa dig att g￶ra varje tillf¦lle till ett verkligt magiskt minne.
Att skapa oförglömliga upplevelser
P¥ House Party ¦r v¥rt uppdrag enkelt men djupt: att skapa magiska minnen f￶r v¥ra kunder. Vi f￶rst¥r vikten av varje fest och h¦ndelse i ditt liv, oavsett om det ¦r en f￶delsedagsfest, br￶llop, f￶retagssammankomst eller n¥got annat speciellt tillf¦lle. Det ¦r d¦rf￶r vi g￶r allt vi kan f￶r att se till att ditt evenemang blir helt spektakul¦rt.
V¥ra omfattande tj¦nster
Vi kan uppfylla alla dina evenemangskrav p¥ en och samma plats. V¥r engagerade personal hanterar varje steg i proceduren. Fr¥n leverans och montering till nedmontering och packning efter festen. Du kan luta dig tillbaka och njuta av varje ￶gonblick, med vetskapen om att vi har allt under kontroll. V¥ra paket ¦r utformade f￶r att tillgodose dina specifika krav och s¦kerst¦lla att du f¥r b¦sta valuta f￶r dina pengar.
Utforska våra paket
House Party erbjuder en m¦ngd olika paket som passar dina unika preferenser och evenemangets storlek. Oavsett om du organiserar ett litet evenemang f￶r n¥gra n¦ra v¦nner eller en stor fest f￶r hundratals personer, har vi det perfekta paketet f￶r dig. V¥ra t¦lt ¦r inte bara t¦lt - de ¦r eleganta, rymliga och anpassningsbara f￶r att matcha ditt tema och din vision.
Partnerskap för perfektion
N¦r du v¦ljer House Party som din evenemangspartner, v¦ljer du excellens. Vi tar hand om varje detalj, fr¥n layout och dekor till belysning och underh¥llning. V¥r skickliga grupp kan skapa den r¦tta st¦mningen och atmosf¦ren f￶r ditt evenemang och se till att det blir ett magiskt minne i skapandet.
Skapa magiska minnen tillsammans
House Party ¦r inte bara ett varum¦rke, det ¦r ett l￶fte. Vi ¦r fast beslutna att g￶ra ditt evenemang verkligt speciellt och of￶rgl￶mligt. Oavsett om du firar en viktig f￶delsedag, s¦ger "ja" eller samlar dina kollegor f￶r ett f￶retagsevenemang, finns vi h¦r f￶r att se till att dina minnen blir helt magiska.
Avslutande ord
Sammanfattningsvis ¦r houseparty.se din go-to partner f￶r att skapa f￶rtrollade minnen som varar f￶r evigt. V¥rt dedikerade team, anpassningsbara paket och uppm¦rksamhet p¥ detaljer g￶r oss till den ultimata eventl￶sningen. S¥ varf￶r v¦nta? Utforska v¥ra paket, v¦lj det som passar dig b¦st och l¥t oss vara din partner f￶r att g￶ra dina dr￶mmar till verklighet. Tillsammans skapar vi magiska minnen som du och dina g¦ster kommer att uppskatta f￶r alltid. Upplev magin med House Party - ditt evenemang, v¥r expertis och minnen som st¥r sig ￶ver tid.
för mer information:-
Uthyrning av eventutrustning
Unik evenemangsfest
Partiorganisatör Sverige
Uthyrning av partytält
Fantastiskt partytält
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rodriquezrosales46 · 1 year
The Outcomes Of Marijuana On People With Depression
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The ideal way to cannabis doctor and have your mmar card is to buy the instruction kit from Easy Access Canada This kit comes with a list of cannabis doctors in you area and everything else you'll really want.it's not free but it probably worth this item. Lesson: Being self-employed can be a financial roller-coaster ride. Have financial reserves in place before start out your business so in which you can pay your bills until begin making some cash. And, are usually come up short of cash, try negotiation to your suppliers or vendors regarding favorable payment terms. Between the years of 18-25 illicit drug abuse rose from 19.6% to 21.2%. The main promises reason in this increase was the surge in marijuana utilising. Overall, marijuana use in American has risen from 5.8% to.9%. The real number for marijuana users now stands at 17.4 million in united states. The survey did not explain what number of of each year are cannabidiol patients or are deploying it for a debilitating state. Bad fats can caused serious health problems, pertaining to example free radical damage, inflammation, weight gain, to mention just a few. Here are a handful ways to prevent them. The Hemp Legal is an adaptable crop, that be employed by many practical applications. Proper CBD Gummies Reviews lasting alternatives for that many applications. For example hemp fibres can be (and were in the past) acquainted with make strong ropes, clothing, and printed. Hemp clothing is 4 times warmer than cotton, 4x more water absorbent, has 3 times the tensile strength of cotton, frequently more durable and is flame resistant. Expert with an ax-You know, I saw this myth debunked not too long ago in Weekly Reader.why is it still getting in the way? Mason Weems, an early biographer of Washington's, made this story substantially as promote GW's honesty. Loved ones members have verified through the decades how the whole story is garbage. And while hemp rugs are byproducts of hemp, you is likely to make cosmetics and clothing from the plant also. By using the entire Hemp Plant, you're able to acquire more from each fast growing plant. Kevin: Yes. Absolutely. I think it's great people to actually realize number of who are in order to be site for information. Not merely limited to your friend's blog.
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nacptpharma-blog · 2 years
What You Need To Know About Medical Cannabis Training
Medical Cannabis
Recreational cannabis and medical cannabis are both derived from the same plant however, they possess varying levels of functional cannabis chemicals. Though cannabis plants contain many different phytocannabinoids, the two most utilized for commercialized and medical purposes are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CDB). Both these chemicals interact with the endocannabinoid system through various mechanisms.
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Medical Cannabis Legalization in Canada
Canada was the first country to legalize medicinal marijuana in 2001 as the Marijuana Medical Access Regulation (MMAR) in response to the Terry Parker case. Terry Parker suffered from epilepsy and found medical cannabis to be effective. Unfortunately, Parker was charged with possession and his plants were seized. Parker argued that individuals with the medical need should have the right to access marijuana for medical purposes and thus the MMAR was established.
The MMAR allowed patients to grow their own cannabis plants or have it grown for them. To cut down on legal home operations the MMAR was replaced with the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) in April of 2014. Under the MMPR, medical cannabis production was authorized to licensed producers approved under Health Canada.
Cannabis Anatomy
Cannabis generally contains distinct male and female reproductive organs on differing plants although hermaphrodites have been observed. Female plants are typically of interest as they produce resin-secreting flowers trimmed to buds that contain the cannabinoids.
Life Cycle
Germination typically takes one to eight days and requires stratification as well as darkness for metabolic processes. Once cotyledons have sprouted, the plant is considered a seedling and transpiration and photosynthesis begin with phototropism.
NACPT has offered specialized Certificate, Graduate and Postgraduate diploma programs in the pharmaceutical and cannabis training industries for over ten years. We also offer various cannabis skills training and business incubation programs in the related industries. As a college with affiliations of highly reputable organizations, NACPT provides analytical testing, consulting services and research & development in the pharmaceutical, cannabis and other sectors.
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dwter · 2 years
Mmar g
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ibulkweed · 2 years
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Clinical Cannabis or Marijuana is a sort of clinical medication and treatment recommended by specialists. An incredible number of sickly people are treated with this therapy.There are in excess of 250 sicknesses that have been recognized to have answered this medication. Sicknesses like joint pains,Guest Posting misery, anxiety, premenstrual circumstance, restlessness, joint illness, queasiness and regurgitating, intestinal system contamination, and even disease and HIV are dependent upon clinical pot therapy. Despite the fact that it is a natural plant it is developed under severe management to separate unadulterated weed.
The important fixing cannabinoids are taken out from marijuana which acts like the synthetic medication alluded to as endocannabinoids and it has a direct impact on the human mind. It isn't astute to take weed to encounter the comparative impact on the cerebrum like its compound partner. Consequently this medication ought to never be taken without a specialist's recommendation and treatment plan. An individual can purchase clinical marijuana with the assistance of the Medical Marihuana Access Division, assuming you are a Canadian resident and have a MMAR permit. Unmistakable rules put somewhere around the public authority of Canada for the utilization of this medication.
Westcoast Medicann, a restorative pot dispensary in Vancouver, gives certified and pure cannabis to their clients. They give clinical pot from their developed marijuana spice. They are careful about their patients and keep sufficient documentation of the individual's experience and of the endorsed staff associated with taking care of clinical pot. Severe watchfulness is kept to guarantee that the clinical maryjane is furnished to approved individuals and with a specialist's remedy. They keep the utmost security about their clients. Since they develop the actual plant the nature of its items are awesome. Simultaneously, they are truly friendly considering outskirts neighbors, in the City.
An individual can turn into a part, assuming he has MMAR permit which grants to convey explicit measure of weed with them for clinical use.You can get the structures from Chinese specialists or naturopathic specialists to acquire MMAR permit yet deciding your side effects by a capable doctor is judicious. The specialist endorses you the expected measure of dose contingent upon which classification you fall into.
Contact Us: Company Name: Bulk Weed Inbox Social Network: Instagram Email: [email protected] Office Address: Vancouver, BC Canada Google Map URL: https://goo.gl/maps/eMh59HxMdWDvdb6J7
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motopg · 3 years
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MOTOGP RIDERS AS BRANDS © 00. fabio quartararo vs. energy drink 01. maverick viñales vs. perfume 02. jack miller vs. batteries 03. miguel oliveira vs. toothpaste 04. marc marquez vs. dating app 05. franco morbidelli vs. hair products 06. valentino rossi vs. coffee 07. danilo petrucci vs. fitness
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