#mun : keep quiet for once | ooc posts
pupmusebox · 28 days
(Little note that I'm going to slowly open up on, something that I copy/pasted from another blog of mine and putting under the cut. Few tiny edits from the original post though.)
Taking a bit of time to open up a little about something, mostly due to not being accepted as how I feel as a fella really but I still identify myself as transmasculine. I didn’t realize of how I felt till my last few years of high school and I rarely was able to express myself openly, due to being unsure of how others take it at home and the like. Been in the closet for a good few years since then and wrestling with keeping a mask of a smile on for my parents while keeping my own feelings buried underneath it as a result, I’m not too keen of dress/skirt wearing mostly due to it being a forced thing (especially on having my ears pierced as well) since it be the way that one must go as a woman (old fashioned of how my mom is on that). It’s something that makes me feel uncomfortable and emotional when not sure where to look for help plus it’s difficult for native people to get help, least from what I seen here around where I live plus it’s a small town to be honest when out in the sticks if that be a way to put it. Why that I’m so quiet of this is due to a poorly timed note that I given my mom shortly after my graduation which didn’t go over well and which was told to my aunt (who expressed clear dislike when told of that), though as time rolls along I still consider myself a fella though I still don't look quite like my inner self would. Though I do hope one day in the future I can lift this veil around myself and not have to struggle in hiding this, tell the truth I still cry of this from time to time since it’s something I hold out for even when in a rough environment that I keep quiet of due to not wishing to have it bleed over to others. While I’m not very talkative of ooc things with others much aside from a few that I managed to ease open to when talking, I’m glad to have a small circle of people that I can be chill with and message as well given I had rough times when I be told that I was too much when poking messages before stepping away with a sad heart from those kinds of people. I’d like to be myself without someone being judging like how my mom is since she tends to show not much like to people that are trans and it dampens my mood on telling her how I feel of myself after that bad first time (plus I’m very shy in talking and I use written notes or texts to tell what I feel), while I’m scared of losing my voice’s tone since I don't plan on doing/taking or have surgery either in the future… due to my secret liking of singing that I like to do when alone. I like trying to hit the high notes when listening to musics that I come to like but too scared to sing for others due to being too shy, even though I did have choir classes once but I dropped out due to that constant anxiety that I get when stared at by others while up front. For now I’ll endure being locked away in a cage till able to fly if I can due to never having flown before, though I hope that others in the closet and in similar spots can hold out till able to be free as well. I’ll stop since this is a bit long now but have a wonderful day/night, from your quiet 'cryptid’ of a mun. :'3
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reliquiicis-a · 3 months
What’s a good way to start talking to you if people are scared to? Does knowing the other mun make writing threads easier or harder? How much anxious internal screaming goes on with you on a regular basis?
ooc — I don't know if any of this is going to make sense because for some reason my brain is still asleep, but here we go:
(under the cut because it got long...)
If people are afraid to talk to me, they could easily just either initiate a conversation by liking or commenting on a post of mine whether it be me gushing about something I'm watching, reading, or playing or a starter/inbox call. That will usually get me coming to your blog or messaging you in tumblr ims. Or if you do better making a post instead of coming to me - which I feel that on a spiritual level XD - then by all means. looks at Gem who straight up just made a post about wanting to like the inbox calls she kept seeing on the dash... But all in all, please don't be afraid to approach me, I promise I don't bite and if I do, that's a good sign that I like you.
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I think for me, it all depends. When it comes to shipping and smut, I find it easier if I know at least a little about the other so I can either feel comfortable enough to go to them to be like "hey, this is what I want to do, but I'm not sure if you'd be okay with it" or feel comfortable enough to know that if something happens between our characters and they argue that I can be like "okay, this is in character and my muse is overstepping boundaries, but the mun isn't like that" like as long as I have at least shared a few messages with the other mun and we both have an understanding that hey, if we don't like the way the thread is going, we can talk about it. But I think most of that stems from making friends with my writing partners. I can write without talking to someone out of character, but it's more fun if there's conversation outside of it and there's obviously less worry and confusion there. Even if we don't talk ooc and there's a problem with how my character is or how the thread is going, please don't hesitate to bring it to my attention. If I'm doing something wrong, LET ME KNOW. Educate me or help me to understand how "hey this thing you said or did is not okay and here's why". Don't just move on and ignore it. I don't intentionally hurt people and I feel awful when I do, but I absolutely feel worse when I've been hurting someone and they keep quiet for months without telling me. Like, please talk to me and tell me what I'm doing wrong when you see it.
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Ah, anxious internal screaming. My favorite pastime! Honestly, a lot. I would say at least once a day, maybe more. It usually comes with the territory of seeing people on my dash I want to interact with and don't know how to approach. looks at a lot of you. It even happens with people I've talked to ooc and written with in the past. It also happens ic, too. We're all just a mess over here.
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imthecleric · 1 year
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@rangersinclair​ said: Unanswered questions 1-5!
[ x ]
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1 - Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
There are characters a few I likely wont RP with mainly because while I am fine with making “villains” or “bad guys” a bit sympathetic I don’t like erasing aspects of the character that is clearly written. In this fandom people in the GA tags tend to erase the racism that some characters exhibit. I will let you fill in the blanks on why I likely wont RP with these characters cause I don’t want to condone racism. In terms of faceclaims, there are not fandom specific faceclaims I wont RP, I do have faceclaims I wont RP with because either I know the actor personally, or a few other reasons.
2 - Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
Fluff that has no end point. I am not opposed to fluff, but if it is just fluff for the sake of fluff meandering through then I can’t do it. And honestly the same for angst. I love angst ask anyone, but I need an end point. I always try my hardest in angst threads to have some type of building moment for my characters so that it isn’t just replies upon replies that are circular in their writing trying to find new ways to describe a character’s inner turmoil.
3 - As a mun, what are three of your biggest flaws when it comes to being someone’s RP partner?
First, I am so bad at responding to messages, and talking to people ooc and reaching out. Part of it is because I am on a sideblog here, but the other part is I am just so scared of annoying people with my mere presence. Then there is the I am shit at small talk. My longest friends from RPC know to check on me every once in a while but if it is simple small talk they can safely take that to someone else and I wont be annoyed. Like vent to me about your work day, but like go straight into the “oh my god my coworker is being a bitch because” no need for the preamble with me. Second, I am so bad at sending memes because I am a sideblog but because I am nervous I am annoying people and in this fandom I can never tell if people have a preferred Will half the time and don’t want anything to do with me. So I am just like sitting twiddling my thumbs praying for interaction which isn’t how this works. Third, I tend to go quiet or not check up on my friends because I get busy or just forget until I see a post on the dash from them. But I always worry about people, I am just shit at keeping contact until I run into you like four years later in another fandom. I feel awful about it, but like it stems from me not wanting to bug people.
4 - Have you ever dropped a thread because someone refused to ship their character with yours? If no, have you ever dropped a thread for another “unpopular” reason and if so, what was your reasoning?
No. I tend to not have shipping as my main focus in writing partially because I am asexual, secondly because half the time I am too scared to assume someone wants to ship. Will is the first that has more or less at least an unrequited love on my end that is canon that I don’t have to worry if I am pushing it on someone because it is seen as unrequited right now. I have dropped threads because smut was happening and I didn’t want to write it (not on Will cause i don’t write that here but on other muses that are of age etc.), and most commonly I will drop threads if after a few replies I am the only one actively trying to move the plot forward, and if I stop that the other person still doesn’t try to move the plot forward. Basically for this last one, if I am doing all the plot work in the thread and when I stop no plot work is being done then I will drop the thread.
5 - Have you ever RP’d with someone simply because of their character’s faceclaim, even if you did not like their character’s personality?
Nope. Faceclaim choice does not drive me to RP or not RP with a person. With alt FCs of characters, or OCs I tend to trust the judgement of the mun that they feel that that FC works for their interpretation of the canon, and for OCs, the mun knows their OC more than I do obviously. With the exception from above of my reasons to not RP with a certain FC usually my personally knowing the FC.
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sxperflxity · 4 years
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POST/THREAD TRACKER SHEET - if you don’t want to track your replies/threads on rpthreadtracker, or want to have a backup just in case, I present to you this post/thread tracker sheet. The original idea came from @liveslost who allowed me to use it, edit it, and eventually share it.
To download, click HERE. Credit is nice, but not necessary. To make a copy, hit file > make a copy and rename it to something you like.
When you have a reply, whether that be something you post or reblog - put the url of the person you’re writing with under column A. Put your muse under column B and their muse under column C. 
When it comes to columns E & F - those colors correspond to the colors in Column Q. You can edit the colors and the wording of column Q in any way. Essentially though, there’s a color for:
‘Drafts’ - things you have in your drafts
‘Drafted’ - things you have drafted (completely written, not yet queued/posted)
‘Queued’ - things you have queued.
‘My Meme Reply’ - They sent in a meme that you responded to.
‘Their Meme Reply’ - You sent in a meme that they responded to.
You can change those, from the colors, to the wording, to deleting them altogether if you’d like.
Column G is listed as ‘thread type’, which essentially just tells whomever if the thread is a starter, reply, or meme. (Starter would be something you’re posting, reply something you’re replying to and meme would, obviously, be something that was sent in). This also can be changed.
Column H is thread status, which is essentially columns E and F but in words. You can change this, but it will tell if something is in your drafts, queue, or you’ve posted and are waiting a reply from your partner.
Column I and J can be changed also but I use it for ‘links’ to the last response. Column I is for my last response and column J is either for my partner’s last response, or their original post, if they posted the post first. If one of those columns is empty, it means the response/post hasn’t been made yet.
Does that make sense? Awesome :D
In regards to the filter in Column A - you can chose to remove this or add it to a different column. I suck at filters in sheets though, and can’t figure out how to have a filter in different/multiple columns. The filter is mainly for your partners, so they can filter their username for easier viewing. 
If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask, or, check out my own tracker sheet to see it in use.
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demonsofdevildom · 2 years
(Little note that I'm going to slowly open up on, something that I copy/pasted from another blog of mine and putting under the cut. Few tiny edits from the original post though.)
Taking a bit of time to open up a little about something, mostly due to not being accepted as how I feel as a fella really but I still identify myself as transmasculine. I didn’t realize of how I felt till my last few years of high school and I rarely was able to express myself openly, due to being unsure of how others take it at home and the like.
Been in the closet for a good few years since then and wrestling with keeping a mask of a smile on for my parents while keeping my own feelings buried underneath it as a result, I’m not too keen of dress/skirt wearing mostly due to it being a forced thing (especially on having my ears pierced as well) since it be the way that one must go as a woman (old fashioned of how my mom is on that). It’s something that makes me feel uncomfortable and emotional when not sure where to look for help plus it’s difficult for native people to get help, least from what I seen here around where I live plus it’s a small town to be honest when out in the sticks if that be a way to put it.
Why that I’m so quiet of this is due to a poorly timed note that I given my mom shortly after my graduation which didn’t go over well and which was told to my aunt (who expressed clear dislike when told of that), though as time rolls along I still consider myself a fella though I still don't look quite like my inner self would. Though I do hope one day in the future I can lift this veil around myself and not have to struggle in hiding this, tell the truth I still cry of this from time to time since it’s something I hold out for even when in a rough environment that I keep quiet of due to not wishing to have it bleed over to others.
While I’m not very talkative of ooc things with others much aside from a few that I managed to ease open to when talking, I’m glad to have a small circle of people that I can be chill with and message as well given I had rough times when I be told that I was too much when poking messages before stepping away with a sad heart from those kinds of people.
I’d like to be myself without someone being judging like how my mom is since she tends to show not much like to people that are trans and it dampens my mood on telling her how I feel of myself after that bad first time (plus I’m very shy in talking and I use written notes or texts to tell what I feel), while I’m scared of losing my voice’s tone since I don't plan on doing/taking or have surgery either in the future… due to my secret liking of singing that I like to do when alone. I like trying to hit the high notes when listening to musics that I come to like but too scared to sing for others due to being too shy, even though I did have choir classes once but I dropped out due to that constant anxiety that I get when stared at by others while up front.
For now I’ll endure being locked away in a cage till able to fly if I can due to never having flown before, though I hope that others in the closet and in similar spots can hold out till able to be free as well. I’ll stop since this is a bit long now but have a wonderful day/night, from your quiet 'cryptid’ of a mun. :'3
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hiddenwashington · 3 years
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the city is still and quiet. the only sounds coming from the wind blowing through the trees as the city sleeps; perfectly at peace. for months now, there has been nothing. no brutal murders, no magical poisons, life has been… almost dull. but as the magic in washington tends to work, the moment you get comfortable, disaster strikes.
as the sun begins to rise, the citizens of washington are awoken by a crash of lightning, a blinding light that quickly engulfs the city. as the light fades, people begin searching their homes, trying to find their roommates, spouses, and friends who have seemingly vanished into thin air. before worry can fully set in, the snarls and growls of something inhuman fill the air. those remaining in the city realize they have far bigger worries than missing loved ones.
as they look out their windows and run into the streets, they see beasts and monsters completely foreign to dc. if one looks closely, they may recognize some of the creatures from the world they were born in, creatures they thought they’d never see again. enchanted corpses crawl up from the river, hellish monsters tear through the streets, soldiers armored in white march across the white house lawn, and creatures cloaked in black float over the rooftops, spreading despair wherever they go. those remaining in dc will need to fight to survive if they wish to see their loved ones again at the end of this storm. it’s time to prepare to fight creatures that most had never experienced before, or ones they were trusting to be locked away in their home worlds. will you team up with fellow citizens to fight? hunker down and pray for it to end? or enter the streets to save those who have never seen these monsters before? whatever your choice is, just make sure you make it through the storm.
for those who vanished, they wake to find themselves on a deserted island. there’s no civilization in sight, no land in the distance, and no way off the island. those who attempt to escape the island by swimming or using their abilities are thrown back to shore by a forcefield manifesting as powerful wind. at first, it seems they’ll be fine, stranded and trapped but, they’ve dealt with worse. seemingly, all they need to do is wait until whatever magical surge the city has conjured up this time runs out. but then it begins to rain, clear droplets that, at first, are easily mistaken as water, but it burns as they touch your skin. as the trapped citizens take shelter from the growing storm, they wonder what exactly they’ve gotten themselves sucked into this time.
after some time, it stops, but the relief is once again short lived as a new disaster begins. every hour, the island is plagued by some new horror. as if on a timer, it cycles through storms, fires, and magical surges, keeping those trapped just as much on their toes as the ones fighting for their lives back home. can they beat the clock, surviving on the island with nothing but each other and the trees to protect them?
once again, the magic of dc has turned dark and frightening; surging at an uncontrollable speed. the more time passes, the longer the storm rages on, the clearer it becomes that the city is changing. allowing unknown entities, and perhaps even more to pass through to this world. the tides are changing, perhaps for the worse.
-- the city of dc is once more plagued by a surge of magic, separating the residents from their loved ones all over again. half the city has been transported to a deserted island off the coast, trying to beat the clock as each hour on the hour a new plague hits them. it can be anything from acid rain to poison fog coming through the trees. they must survive long enough to make it off the island, unable to escape and swim to shore. while the other half is stuck in dc, trapped in the city with no word of their family being safe or not as creatures and beings both familiar and not begin to swarm the streets. they must make it through the storm as these creatures are set on making this city run red with blood. can they outlast the monsters from home and afar? can their loved ones return all in one piece? these questions remain unanswered as the magic surges on, the tides are forever changing. only time will tell what it will look like as the storm finally calms.
hello, hi, welcome friends!! welcome to hidden’s 12th !! event !! we are beyond excited to be able to bring you yet another labor of love, and chaos from us!! it has been such a blessing to come up with twelve amazing events for all of you and we cannot wait to see how you guys take this one and run! we absolutely love the energy behind it and we hope you guys will as well!! there’s going to be so much to do on both ends of this, and it’s going to be hard hitting from beginning to end!! please read on for all of the rules and information surrounding the event and please as always have fun friends!! we hope you enjoy this as much as we did putting it together!! ♥
july 10th - july 20th july 24th
this event will last for one week in character, ten days for us !!
your characters have been split up randomly between both dc and the island
you can find where you will be on the list here 
if you find that too many of your characters are in one group, please let us know and we will break you up !!
washington dc --
all the information you’re going to need to know while trapped in the city of washington dc
here your characters will face monsters both familiar and not. there is a long list of them that we have taken from a multitude of different fandoms to give a mix of difficulty but also variety. 
you can find the full list of creatures here 
your characters will have full run of the city as always, they are free to make safe houses, try and save people, run head first into a horde of zombies for the thrill of it. anything you can really think of. 
these monsters will not rest, making the streets everyone has learned to call home unsafe and filled with chaos. try to outlast, to out run, and survive long enough to find your loved ones in the fray.
these monsters will not just attack people from the fandoms they are from, they are free game to attack and be attacked by any and all citizens whether you have seen them or not. so be prepared to fight things you’ve never heard of!
the island --
all the information you’re going to need to know while trapped on the island in the sea
your characters have all woken up on a deserted beach, no sign of the city in sight, the only think they hear is the crashing waves against the ocean. it seems safe enough, except for the barrier keeping them all here, trapped with no way off. 
through out their time here, the island is a ticking clock, slowly getting ready for it’s next surge, it’s next wave of disasters to strike. 
each hour a new trial will happen, you can find the full list of them here
we admins will not be making a post for each time the disasters shift, so, please make use of the random number generator found on the doc. use this to decide which disaster will be taking place during each of your threads. you are free to decide any which one just so long as you use a variety throughout your time on the island.
if we see you only writing with one disaster we will come message you to ask you to shift gears to a different option. we want everyone to enjoy but also get the full experience!!
your characters are going to have to outlast these disasters and survive as they attempt to cause harm to you and those around. stay safe, protect your fellow citizens and best of luck!!
this island and these creatures are not here for a fun vacation or to be friends. this surge is dangerous and we want to make sure you all are prepared for such. of course, it is always completely optional for your characters to get hurt or die, but we want to give the information in case your characters get into a bind either from the ticking clock of the island or from some monster taking a swipe at them!
as far as injuries go, you are more than welcome to have any of your characters become injured. if it is something minor like a sprained ankle or some cuts, you do not have to message us admins about it. but if it’s more major, like broken bones or major cuts, please make sure you message us admins so we can keep track of it! 
now, for anyone looking for death plots, we are going to be limiting the number of character deaths per mun, that way we can keep track of the updates on the main and make sure that people are branching out with different plots beyond death!
the limit will be if you have 5 and under characters, you are limited to 2 characters. if you have 5 or over, you are able to kill 3-4 characters!
if you do plan to kill anyone, please remember to message the main, that way we are able to update the memories statuses of your characters post event!
one stop shop for all your plotting, posting and tagging questions !!
feel free to begin plotting now! you can post plotting calls, starter calls or anything of the like !! just remember to keep any in character posts saved for the 10th!
please hold any and all non event threads until the event has concluded on the 20th! you are free to pick them up again after, or start fresh with your characters adjusting to yet another magical surge.
you are welcome to have your characters text each other if they are in different groups, but remember the connection is spotty and unreliable. we also want to make sure everyone is focusing mainly on their groups so please, do not over do it. if we see too many text threads, we will have to remove this feature.
please tag all posts (in character , out of character , para , etc ) with hwevent12 
please make sure you tag all interactions with which group your character is in : examples like ‘ event : the island ‘ , ‘ the city group ‘ , even just ‘ the island ‘. this way people know which group you are in when interacting!
keep your eyes on the main for any information pertaining to the event as the days trek on!!
as always, this event is mandatory for all members !!
please remember that not everyone has to have their memories altered, and you are free to keep your character either aware/unaware !! but be sure to remember that if they do have their memories altered, this will affect them in the long run after the event as well !!
and as always, have fun, get creative, think outside the box and enjoy the chaos of our twelfth event!!! we cannot wait to see what you all do with this during the event and beyond !! please don’t hesitate to ask any questions, we know this is a lot of information to take in, so let us know if you need any help! and again, as always, please like this when you have read it all! ♥
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azure-seadragon · 3 years
Things I Like RP Partners to Know
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(i saw some people doing muse pictures and some doing mun pictures so i figured- why not both. a little comparison i guess lmao) I like to be called: I usually use ‘Cobalt’ as my online alias, though on discord or in game i will respond to Sol
Also if we’re friends/mutuals or on the same rpc group chat, using my IRL name is fine too! i won’t put it here, but im sure its out there and if you know it, you know it lol
One thing you should know about me:
I have a LOT of free time at present, but also have major adhd. This means that while im online a lot, i can alternate between instant replies or taking some time- i do not control what my brain hyperfocuses on sadly. so basically, i apologize for times where i might send a lot of things (feel free to tell me if im overwhelming you!~ odds are i got excited or something and didnt realize i was being a lot.tm ) AND i apologize for times where i may be a little quiet. I promise the latter never means I’m not interested in interacting anymore <3
One thing you should know about RPing with my character(s):
Solana has a lot of baggage and is extremely flirty. i’ve touched on these things before, but it means that sometimes some dark topics will come up- and that she will likely come across fliratious at least every once and a while. while the majority of dark subjects are not avoidable since they’re in her backstory, as far as the flirting goes i am more then willing to tone it down for a specific mun/muse- and the flirting never has to be reciprocated (in fact it doesn't even usually mean shes trying to date/sleep with them)
First language: English.
Age range: under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 40+ | 70+
Am I okay with NSFW?: yes | no | some nsfw
My favorite/most common thing to rp is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | plots | AUs are fine | Violence | Darker themes |  I dunno.  *
*Character development - i love seeing characters grow and change and experience things, so this is a big one for me *Romance - listen. i’m a hopeless romantic dork at heart, who thinks about writing romance and stuff all the time. i obviously LOVE platonic relationships too, but i adore writing some good pining/slow burn/yearning/other romance tropes. though if we write ships/romance together be prepared for fanart and for me to jump into dm’s randomly to throw ideas and affection at you lol
Canon Character RP Friendly?: yes | no | depends *
RP blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc *
*i post OOC sometimes, mainly things that still involve sol or other rp related topics- or important info regarding why i may not be online,ect. but this isnt a personal blog, so i keep most of it to myself. that being said though, im 100% down with OOC dms and becoming friends outside of rp <3
Tagged by Taken from: @spotofmummery​ (it looked fun and like a good way to put info out I hope that’s ok lol)
Tagging: @kolak-magiya​, @ashenbun​, @protection-and-pleasure​, @halcyonic-aether​ and anyone else interested <3
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rpbetter · 3 years
Raven used to be my friend but I had to cut ties recently due to feeling like walking on eggshells everytime we spoke and they never apologized to me for when I brought up something that they did upset me. I really miss them but I don't want to deal with the if it's not about me I don't care attitude.
Pt 2 of Ravens old friend. They reblogged anti fandom posts on their resource blog and I happened to be in that fandom and it hurt. A resource blog shouldn't be doing that.
Hey, Anon! I wanted to post this before I released one of my drafts, as that draft happens to be something I do not want you to misconstrue being about you. Thought about it after the fact and honestly, felt a bit ill over potentially making you think any such thing! The post is about how pushy people can be about what they like (usually as regards fandom) that you don't, and how that can be a contributing factor toward people saying hateful things about fandom topics. It was the quickest of the finished drafts sitting around to edit, so it was being queued, that's all! I do not think you were being pushy about your likes to "deserve" this, and frankly, even if you had? One's meme/resource/help blog is not the venue for shitting on your friends.
Okay, just wanted to clarify, everyone is stressed and feeling judged enough, I don't want to inadvertently contribute to that with any drafted posts!
I'm really sorry this happened, Anon. I don't mean that in a passing, flippant way that looks good on my blog. Not that I mean anything that way lol but I frequently have had "friends" in the past who felt like it was totally fine to reblog, even make original posts, like what you're talking about. Anti-fandom, anti my part of the fandom, my muses, my takes, and so on. Really hurtful things when we'd spoken in DMs about how upsetting it was, then they go and throw full support behind it in front of me.
It would be irritating with a grain of betrayal if it was a friend of a shorter time, or a mutual one doesn't really interact with OOC, but with a closer or longtime friend, it's actively hurtful. It feels like they looked you right in the face, said they do not give a single shit about either what is important to you or sparing your feelings, and went on. Yeah, it's just fiction, but the way we treat each other over fiction is real.
Given the behaviors displayed openly, it's not a shock you received no apology. Whether you got an apology or not, though, good on you for trying to bring it up to them! It's hard to do that with friends, even ones you're more certain won't blow up at you for it. I think if we could all be a little more (calmly, nicely, reasonably) open with each other like this, we could avoid problems that result from things festering and piling up, but it's hard to take that step...and I'm sorry this was your reward for it.
Just as blogs that are not one's RP or personal blogs shouldn't be openly judging and hating fandoms like that, friends shouldn't leave you feeling like you're walking on eggshells.
And, I'm going to say something unpopular here - sometimes, we all are capable of doing that to people we care about. Bad moments in lives combine, there are misunderstandings, sensitive topics, and things we can't entirely control otherwise. I don't like this idea tumblr has that anything other than a perfect, sweet, forever-cheery relationship is the actual height of abuse, so I want to be clear on that because it's just trivializing and blinding people to the possibility of toxic and abusive interactions. When you think "toxic" means "they don't like x, I love x, we don't talk about it," you're not aware of legitimate signs like being too worried to be yourself around them.
It's when this is the typical, established behavior that it's a problem. It's when there's never any meaningful acknowledgment, apology, or attempt at changing that it's a problem. If you constantly feel like you have to be worried about what a friend is going to say or do, it's not a friendship you need to be in, and I'm glad you recognized that and got out of it!
But there's also the idea that this is easy because it's the right and logical choice. It is not, and it's often made even harder because admitting to other friends that you miss the good times with the former one is all but impossible. They're often only reacting out of concern for you, the fear that if you miss this person they watched hurt you, you'll go back to that friendship, but it effectively shuts down a more healthy way of dealing with your feelings by sharing them with better friends who could support you.
So, Anon, it's also fully alright and normal to miss Raven! They were a longtime friend, and the thing about these kinds of friendships, these kinds of relationships in general, is that we seem to fail to realize that if things were straight awful from day one, we'd not have been friends. Of course, there are memories! Of course, you have the impulse to send them a link or that meme you know is their humor! It doesn't stop for a long time, either. That doesn't mean you're fucked up for it, it's something to be ashamed of, or that you're going to drop your better judgment and go send Raven a message immediately and rekindle that friendship. It's okay!
This right here: "I don't want to deal with the if it's not about me I don't care attitude." This is the place you should be in, and I congratulate you on being there because it takes a lot of shit heaped on someone by a friend to get there. Just keep remembering the good things you experienced with them, but always with this in mind, that their end of the friendship appears to have been predicated upon what they were getting out of it only.
Case in point, like everything they displayed to the whole damn RPC that encountered them these last few months, their personal interest and viewpoint was of greater importance to them with that anti-fandom post than a friend was.
I will say, it can be a delicate thing having this blog. I have opinions and takes that most of my friends share, what's important to me tends to run in the same lines as what is important to them, that's the basis of a lot of our friendship. We still disagree! We still have different interests, fandoms, favorite characters, songs, and experiences. Sometimes, I have to address a problem that they could misconstrue, in a totally normal and reasonable way, because while they're not doing whatever in a bad way, others are. I've made a point, more than once, to contact them and talk about it a little preemptively, and that's not just to keep up friendships, it also allows for extra insight from them and better phrasing from me so that other people I don't know won't take it the wrong way either.
Yes, I have some immutable, incredibly hard lines lol I think we all know what most of them are now, but expressing my purely personal opinion on something like fandom is not more important on this blog than anything else. I may genuinely feel like there is diseased connective tissue of disappointing behavior stemming from an origin point in a popular fandom, I'm not going to go off about it on this blog. It's inappropriate as hell, going to make people feel isolated and targeted whether they're my friends or not. Being passionately displeased about that does not have place here, and that's the kind of thing you have to consider, reconsider, force yourself to shut up about when you've got a blog that isn't for RP or a personal, you know?
I don't think everyone is cut out for doing that, and no one is cut out for doing it without ever making a mistake in judgment. Some people really should simply realize that there is nothing wrong with not being in the place in their lives or mental health to put that much effort into being fair or being quiet and concentrating only on memes. If you're one of those people, random reader? I'm serious, it's okay if you can't do it! It's not shameful, I'm also a deeply flawed human being, the quietest, politest, helpful meme blog out there is also run by a flawed human, they're just at a different place with themselves than you are. And. That's. Okay. Just don't hurt other people (and yourself, ultimately) by forcing it, please.
I suppose, knowing that it wasn't important enough to chill and reevaluate for the sake of a friend is some consolation lol what one won't do for friends definitely won't be done for random muns deemed problematic. So, maybe that'll make some other people out there feel a little better, and I thank you for sharing...as much as I wish you had nothing of this experience to share. I know it's an unpleasant one to have had, and I hope you have much better friends!
I promise you that I'll never post anything here that is viciously against any particular fandom or any such thing, and that if you feel like I've been unfair about anything at all, I welcome polite messages as a way of discussing it so we can all be clear and/or learn from each other. I know, I openly admit, it's kind of a draw of the blog, that I have a...um, tone of salt about things lol and sometimes, I don't phrase things the way they deserved. So, it's always okay to drop in for clarification or counterpoint, so long as it isn't being done with a shitty attitude that incites hostilities. Let's do have a legitimate conversation about it instead of hurt feelings!
Thanks again, Anon!
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bullflight · 4 years
((I’ve been quiet...))
((There really is no one singular reason I ended up making this sort of ‘update’ post. I know I’ve been really inactive here and elsewhere. I’m mostly to blame for it, my in real life troubles only now, after nearly eight months, finally looking to be easing up.
But here’s the thing: for the most part, my social network here on tumblr has completely rotted away. I’ve been with Bull for 7 years. A lot of the people I’ve befriended, roleplayed with, and even had relationships with... a lot of those people are gone. Some have left Homestuck behind, on neutral and negative terms. Others have stopped roleplay as a hobby. I’ve had a small handful of falling-outs. Hell, I’ve been blatantly ghosted by people I had sincere feelings and connections with.
I get it. Life happens. It hurts like a motherfucker, but it happens. I wouldn’t be here 7 years later with a smut-centric literary exploration of transhumanism and self-worth in the face of trauma and mental illness. [That makes Bull and what I write sound so much cooler and more legit than it is. Sue me.]
But I keep coming back. This is the place I found my real life BF. This is the place I actually began promoting myself as a writer, an artist, and networking with people. I, despite all the setbacks with his timeline and with roleplay partners, and with my life happening outside of here, I like Bull. He means a hell of a lot to me. I have a few planned projects for outside of the roleplay, homestuck universe with him for the future. 
That hasn’t made tumblr and existing here any easier. 
People I liked and admired change, negatively, and reveal themselves to be awful people. This happens a lot more often than you’d think. Drama exists on a cycle, once every few months or years cropping up and culling a sizable portions of present muns and muses. The homestuck fandom, hell the actual content for that matter, are going through a, decidedly twitter-based, reckoning. And you know what else?
People talk shit. People always have. There’s a fair few number of muns and muses who refuse to engage with Bull or me, ic or ooc on any level because of shit that happened six to seven years ago. I had multiple other muns, underage and aware I don’t engage with underage folk, lie to me and solicit me and Bull for nsfw content, in rp and to a certain extent in out of character discussions. I have had most of those people come forward after the fact, apologize, and we both proceed to move on. I started in this fandom and in this scene when I was 19/20. I get it. Shit happens. 
I use Bull to explore a variety of topics. I used to use Bull, and to a certain extent still do, to hone my skills in writing erotica. I’m sure there’s people who associate with me now who don’t know that I’ve been a professional author [and bad as fuck about progressing with it] for several years now. This hobby? Roleplay? It’s both an escape and a method of developing my skills.
And I’ve had multiple people lie to me, engage in darker themes, in erotic content, in discussions about the troublesome and problematic content in the canon proper, and then turn around and call me out, whisper amongst their circles behind my back, and have permanently color a sizable portion of this community’s opinion of me. 
Recently? Besides being ghosted left and right? I’ve been kicked out of friends’ servers because there were people there who were ‘uncomfortable’ with me and with Bull because of shit that happened more than half a decade ago and they’re too chickenshit to talk to me in person about it. There’s people who go around and discuss roleplay, ongoing and not yet resolved, that I do in private with them and it invariably goes around that I and my muse are horrendous awful people and I need to be shunned. 
I’m not here much anymore.
The fact of the matter is that this is not a ‘tumblr’ or a ‘roleplay community’ problem. This is a social media problem. Twitter for homestuck? An absolute dumpster fire. I’m there. I see it. It’s not too different from the shit I saw here in 2013 and 2014. 
There’s people who come into communities, plant a flag, and then burn and pillage the land before making a big show of leaving to go do it elsewhere. There are muns and muses who were driven into toxic corners by other people in this community and had nowhere left to go creatively. There are people, like myself, who lose chances at engaging in a hobby because of little whisperings behind the scenes. 
I’ve lost a lot of people close to my heart. I’ve lost a lot of people I considered good friends. I know that I am not blameless in all of those situations. I am a different person online than I am in real life, someone who is openly affectionate, sexual and flirtatious as a means of connecting with people, and someone who catches and keeps feelings too damned easy for my own good. I know I’ve had times, even if I am only aware of it in hindsight, wherein I crossed someone’s boundaries. But I apologize. I try to do better. I have good days and bad days and weeks where I go back to bad habits and bad mindsets, but I’m not an outwardly malicious or aggressive person.
And yet... within the confines of this roleplay community, this fandom, and social media in general...
You find out real quick if you’re not churning out content, whether it be art or writing or roleplay or cute selfies or callouts or engagement in performative drama... if you’re not making things for people to consume, they’re going to find you boring. They’re going to lose interest. You’re going to go from someone overwhelmed with DMs and Skype and Discord messages on a daily basis cause you were ‘popular’ to someone who cant even maintain a friendship with someone you admire and adore because they have people talking shit in their ears when you’re not around. 
I’m genuinely sorry to anyone and everyone who’s ever been at the receiving end of anything from my erratic, anxious, and depressed behavior. Every day I’m actively trying to be better about containing that shit and not letting it pilot my life and my relationships.
There’s no means to make people, roleplay partners and art friends and accounts you talked to a handful of times through fanmail [god I am dating myself now] to just reappear out of the ether. Sometimes people vanish. Sometimes people go away and you’ll never hear from them again. I get it. I’ve been on the internet since 2002. Before social media that was just a reality. I know it is. But I have tried, nonetheless, to keep in touch, to keep a foothold in this community, to be active, to be engaging, to be... something.
Yet, regardless of trying, eventually you start feeling like something went sour when two dozen people ghost you over the course of a year. When people with no relation to each other left and right just go ‘poof’ and stop replying, stop updating, stop existing. And you feel displaced. They’ve moved on to other things. You feel like you’re boring. Like you’re a one trick pony. That the craze for Daft Punk ended years ago and your gay robo-fuck isnt en vogue anymore and no one wants you around. And no matter how much Bull means to me, no matter how much I put into him, there is inevitably going to be drama, there is going to be people trying to push me and him out.
And for all purposes? It looks like they’ll get what they want eventually.
I exist on discord. 
Pretty much that’s it. 
I’m still working on commissions I’ve owed for an embarrassingly long time. I’ll start posting art again some day. And maybe I’ll be better about keeping in touch. Maybe not. Sometimes you just need to accept defeat. 
I’ll be around.))
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senboago · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: Abby / Kitty      Age: 24       Contact: pm, discord
Character(s) I rp: (canon) Candice Catnipp, Haineko, Mizuiro Kojima, Retsu Unohana, Yachiru Kusajishi; and them I have about 8 ocs. Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Elsabeth, Naomi, & Haineko. Current Fandom(s): Bleach (and one One Piece oc) Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Bleach (Mizuiro’s shinigami au) My language(s): English (natively), Japanese (elementary level) Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: history, mythology
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  Pms, mostly. If you have me on discord, even better. I have both apps on my phone too, so I’m usually good about replies; granted if I’m not busy, left my phone somewhere in the house, or am asleep.
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  Well, I tend to be the type that actually fails at coming up with plot ideas. It’s not that I don’t think of anything, but that I’m either too shy or my brain is too exhausted of ideas. So I guess just enthusiasm works for me, since it gives all the same energy! Especially when talking about ships (including platonic and hate ships) between our muses ‘cause that usually helps lead into some potential plots, as I’ll always be up for discussing new stuff for them; like how we want to develop them, where will they go, when will they get there, etc.
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  I’m a bit of too quiet to say anything really, kinda like a pushover. But if I can gain the confidence, I’d prefer to ask what’s going from my partner’s end. If it turns out they’re really not interested then, and I hate to do it, we’ll just drop it. I want us both to be having fun, and if they’re not into it, then it’d be too selfish of me to try and continue it.
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  Again, I’m pretty terrible at it, so I’m usually a go with the flow type person. So unfortunately, that leaves most the plotting to them, unless my brain decides to wake up. But when I do have an idea and have the courage to, I’ll pitch it to them. Usually my plots end up starting out as some random headcannon between our muses and their ship, and then it falls into the fascination of ‘I wanna rp that now’, just to see it have a story.
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: I get anxious easily. So whether or not I was really into it, it’s nice to know, and easier on my nerves if it was something I was really into. However, it’s not entirely and outright demand that they do all the time. - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  Not required, just preferred that they just let me know.
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  Two things. Disinterest is one, and pretty self-explanatory. Then there’s if I just lack the energy for a certain amount of time, after several attempts to actually reply. I usually hate to drop threads. But if I feel there’s absolutely no way I’ll be able to reply, then I’ll either pm my partner directly or make out a post and tag those I’ve dropped threads with, if it’s multiple. - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  Even though I’m terrible of communication, I still like to hear from my partners every once and a while. It’s kinda why discord is easier to get a hold of me ‘cause, since I have two servers there I mod/admin, I usually check it and will answer there more often. - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  I wanna say yes, but there’s that anxiety in me that says no. It’s a hit or miss with me. I usually try not to get defensive, and most the time won’t. It’ll just end up making become a bit more cautious, confused, or reclused, depending on what it is; and that’s all ‘cause of anxiety. - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  Mostly to have fun. Also so I can explore my muses and work on my creative writing. When people like what I post too, it makes me extremely happy and excited, wanting to pour out more! So really, not much of a goal other than just share my thought process and ideas.
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  To roleplay and post more stuff for Mizuiro. And to build more relationships of all kinds for my muses, especially my ocs. I’d also like to explore darker themes for a few muses as well, though that’s a bit of a tall order... Not too people can handle or are willing to deep dive, so I’m not sure if that’ll happen really.
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  I don’t really have any hard limits. However, I usually refrain from a lot simply for the comfort of others. So I guess there’s quite a bit I won’t ever get into, though I’d like to.
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: i’m usually good with just about anything. If I’m not, then I’ll inform my partner.
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  Better question is; what type am I not into? Though truthfully, I’m really into characters with a lot of development, an establish backstory of any kind, and just about any that can capture my heart (which isn’t hard to do btw). I’m not picky and I have very few I truly hate, except for their person rather than the character.
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Flat, one-dimensional types with very little development or their own story. I like seeing the ins and outs, the positives and negatives of a character. I want them to put me on a roller coaster of emotions, since that’s life in a nutshell. If they can’t, then I’ll lose interest quickly. Also mary sues/gary stues. Characters that just don’t make sense or follow the universe’s logic are also a major turn off.
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  Oh boy... I guess my dedication and love for my muses’ ships. It’s not much, but only thing I can think of. I also try to keep an open mind, be as understanding as possible and to support my partner wherever I can.
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?:  My inability to reply to drafts that have been sitting for a couple of weeks. I want to reply, and yet, as soon as I open the draft and get to work, my brain blanks. It’s really frustrating.
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  Just about whenever, as long as partner is up for it. And it’ll be for either or, depending. For certain ships, such as Kaede and Kenpachi, I feel it is part of their character and relationship development, seeing as they’ve managed to grow a deeper bond with each other through it. For other muses, such as almost anything with Amaterasu, it’s usually out of fun. - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  Eh... not really, unless partner is uncomfortable with it.
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  The growth between them. Just literally anything between that. Watching the couple’s bond deepen, how much they learn about each other, and the trust that strengthens over time. - What is your smut tag?: nsfw mention
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?:  Just about any; romantic, sexual, platonic, hate, family, etc.
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- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  Usually that’s up to the other’s interpretation of the character. But Kaede has some potential, developing surprising friendship despite her division’s reputation. She’s bit of an opposite from her captain and co-lieutenant, probably being the most patient and kindest of the three, as she’s the only one to pursue any friendships. I would say I’d love to find more plots in reference to her backstory, whether some random character she befriends or is enemies with finds out her birth, or she feels to rekindle a past friendship.
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   ... I dunno if I really have an answer for that. Kaede’s one of my easiest going muses, unafraid to interact with anyone. She tends to fit in just about anywhere. Though I’m sure this partly due to her being my most developed and being well established. - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Honestly, I think just about anyone, depending on the scenerio and who they are. That also determines how she approaches and interacts with them.
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  There’s a list of things. Gardening, social gatherings, her division... She’s also into new experiences, things that are foreign to the Soul Society. - What do they desire, is their goal?:  She simply wants to make her mother proud, to better society if she can, and continue to aid and serve her division. - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  Body language. It’s a trained type of thing, trying to read them by how they hold themselves. How approachable they appear, their intent, etc. - What do they value in a person?:  Depends, as she understands everyone is different. But mostly their determination, honesty, and dedication, even if she’s not the receiver. She can still respect them for it. - What themes do they like talking about?:  Eh... Just about anything, aside from herself. Anything gardening or about flowers is where she’s the most enthusiastic. - Which themes bore them?:  Idle chitchat or small talk. She likes to carry an actual conversation. So trying to ask her about the weather, she’ll more than likely walk away.
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Sort of? There’s a couple things; the discovery of Azashiro’s imprisonment and his crimes, the sudden disappearance of Yoruichi and Kisuke, and the brief encounter with Yhwach’s clone during the war. - What could possibly trigger them?:  Both Azashiro’s imprisonment and Yoruichi and Kisuke’s exile have been resolved, so no. Though to ask her about Azashiro, she’ll be guarded and, depending on the person, defensive. The incident with Yhwach was a literal flash, leaving her physically scarred, but otherwise unfazed. - What could set them off, enrage them?:  Azashiro, yes. Depending on who the person is, obviously. Kisuke is the most notable target of this rage. - What could lead to an instant kill?:  Again, Azashiro, depending on who brings it up and what’s brought up. Mostly, if it targets her mother and threatens to expose them, including her adopted father.
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Yhwach and Aizen. Both have caused a degree of grief in the Soul Society, and even for those outside it. She also hates those that use their position of power for selfish reasons. - Is there someone /-thing they love?:  Her mother and adopted father, and the Shiba clan as a whole. Her division, and her current captain and co-lieutenant, along with her former captain and her brother Yuushirou. She also loves, though won’t admit it often enough, Askin (verse dependent). Kenpachi as well (verse dependent). Any and all her friends, including Kisuke. There’s also a huge soft spot for animals of any kind.
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  As long as you’re not a sworn enemy to her or the society, just about anyone’s good to go. Just strike up conversation, ask for a spar, to drink, etc. She isn’t one to simply ignore or dismiss anyone, so long as there isn’t any bad terms between them. - Where are they usually to find?:  In the second division offices or training grounds (sometimes in the onsen), at her home, or strolling or patrolling through the Seireitei.
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Eh... nothing I can think of off the top of my head. Except that, no matter how kind a face she has, she can still be a merciless killer.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @skyvar​ (thanks for the tag, though not sure if I should really be thanking you ‘cause this about drained me!) Tagging:  you reading this.
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pupmusebox · 5 months
(Little note that I'm going to slowly open up on, something that I copy/pasted from another blog of mine and putting under the cut. Few tiny edits from the original post though.)
Taking a bit of time to open up a little about something, mostly due to not being accepted as how I feel as a fella really but I still identify myself as transmasculine. I didn’t realize of how I felt till my last few years of high school and I rarely was able to express myself openly, due to being unsure of how others take it at home and the like.
Been in the closet for a good few years since then and wrestling with keeping a mask of a smile on for my parents while keeping my own feelings buried underneath it as a result, I’m not too keen of dress/skirt wearing mostly due to it being a forced thing (especially on having my ears pierced as well) since it be the way that one must go as a woman (old fashioned of how my mom is on that). It’s something that makes me feel uncomfortable and emotional when not sure where to look for help plus it’s difficult for native people to get help, least from what I seen here around where I live plus it’s a small town to be honest when out in the sticks if that be a way to put it.
Why that I’m so quiet of this is due to a poorly timed note that I given my mom shortly after my graduation which didn’t go over well and which was told to my aunt (who expressed clear dislike when told of that), though as time rolls along I still consider myself a fella though I still don't look quite like my inner self would. Though I do hope one day in the future I can lift this veil around myself and not have to struggle in hiding this, tell the truth I still cry of this from time to time since it’s something I hold out for even when in a rough environment that I keep quiet of due to not wishing to have it bleed over to others.
While I’m not very talkative of ooc things with others much aside from a few that I managed to ease open to when talking, I’m glad to have a small circle of people that I can be chill with and message as well given I had rough times when I be told that I was too much when poking messages before stepping away with a sad heart from those kinds of people.
I’d like to be myself without someone being judging like how my mom is since she tends to show not much like to people that are trans and it dampens my mood on telling her how I feel of myself after that bad first time (plus I’m very shy in talking and I use written notes or texts to tell what I feel), while I’m scared of losing my voice’s tone since I don't plan on doing/taking or have surgery either in the future… due to my secret liking of singing that I like to do when alone. I like trying to hit the high notes when listening to musics that I come to like but too scared to sing for others due to being too shy, even though I did have choir classes once but I dropped out due to that constant anxiety that I get when stared at by others while up front.
For now I’ll endure being locked away in a cage till able to fly if I can due to never having flown before, though I hope that others in the closet and in similar spots can hold out till able to be free as well. I’ll stop since this is a bit long now but have a wonderful day/night, from your quiet 'cryptid’ of a mun. :'3
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rookieskrp · 4 years
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Here we are again with our old friend the mod application! This is Carly coming to you, milking my ability to make these announcements while it’s still my job. This time...we’re looking for my replacement! I’m (half) kidding; I have a lot of responsibilities in Rookies and have been here for a very long time, so we don’t expect anyone new to take over that role. Lari will largely be stepping up as far as the relations role goes, but we need someone to help fill that space I’ll be leaving come the 2nd of April. More than that, we need to get Lari some help with her current responsibilities so she can take over mine with as little stress as possible. We’ll cover what exactly we’re looking for below!
We’re looking to add at least one more person-- possibly more -- to the team. 
Want to help?  Here are a few requirements:
You have to be willing to work with the current team. The admod team is a group effort and it will fall apart if we’ve got in-fighting. If the idea of working with any of us doesn’t really sound good to you, then this probably isn’t the job for you. If you don’t have a problem with any of us and are just nervous, we’re all understanding and excited to expand the team, so we’d encourage you to apply! You’ll also need to be okay with one of your ideas getting turned down. We’ll never turn down/change ideas without a good reason and we’ll always be happy to explain why we think things may not work, but if you’re going to get offended over us saying “no” or asking you to change something or put something on hold, then we’re going to have a hard time working together.
New mods will have a HUGE impact on RK, but won’t be reforming the RP. Whoever’s on the admod team will, of course, have a large effect on the RP. However, there are certain aspects of the RP that won’t change. If you’re trying to become an admod to remold the RP into something it isn’t, it’s not going to work out.
Drama is inevitable in RP, and RK admods field more of it than the average leadership team because of points and auditions, etc. Applicants need to be able to remain levelheaded in the face of conflict or problems arising. RK operates on a strike system, and in order to hand out strikes, all active staff members vote on whether something brought to our attention is strike-worthy or not. Applicants need to be willing to look over collected evidence of conflict and drama presented, and vote at the very least, if not screenshot and diffuse drama themselves. On top of this, they need to be able to stay calm and reasonable even when they get the same question 50 different times from 50 different members, and no matter who approaches them, and they need to be self-aware enough to know when to step back and hand an issue over to another member of the team. Don’t worry; we won’t throw you to the sharks when you first start off, and you’re welcome (and recommended) to point any drama out to one of the more experienced mods and let us handle it until you learn the ropes. Regardless, any potential admods need to remain collected and as unbiased and kind as possible in conflict, no matter who they’re dealing with, and be willing to act and maintain the peace in Rookies as things come up. They also must refrain from addressing any drama publicly, because the way an admod acts in drama influences the atmosphere of the roleplay very directly. We’re very serious about this-- any admod vague-tweeting or anything of the like will be subject to removal from the team.
Obviously, applicants need to be able to set their own personal biases aside for auditions and things like that. Because we’re a group, we can easily check each other on this, but if we see that someone is consistently pulling just for their own and/or their friends’ characters, it’s not going to fly.
Availability is important. You won’t need to be on every single day- however, you’ll need to be able to dedicate at least a few hours each week to mod duties. Keep in mind that the main and two of the staff team are currently in the GMT-5 (EST) timezone. Bianca is in GMT-3, Ume is in GMT-7, Lari is in GMT+1 and Keith is in GMT+8, so clearly we’ll consider people from any timezone as potential mods, but sometimes timezones can make communication complicated. It would be most convenient if any potential mods could be online when at least one other staff member is for easy communication and accessible assistance, but we usually read through any chats we miss due to timezones, and we’ll be able to make anything work.
Reliability! We’re looking for people who plan on being here for the long haul.
You’ve got to be able to keep a secret. As a mod, you’ll often know about stuff that’s coming down the pike before the rest of the directory, and you can’t tell anyone- even your friends. You’ll also need to keep how decisions were made a secret unless the team agrees to share details with the public, no matter how many people hound you for answers.
You’ve got to have a pretty good grasp of the RK rules. If you don’t already know them super well, don’t worry- you’ll learn quick. Just keep in mind that you’ll need to get familiar with them if you aren’t already.
So, what kinds of tasks will new mods be accomplishing?
It depends! On the current team, we all have our own roles and cover all the bases pretty well, though we’ve also done some rearranging based on the roleplay and the team’s present needs. Because this system has worked so well for us, it’s something we intend to keep up. The tasks new mods will complete largely depend on what you want to help with, and what tasks we feel will suit you best after reading through your application. It’s also possible that you may need to pitch in to help on tasks you wouldn’t normally complete if a certain mod needs help with their usual responsibilities, so some willingness to be versatile would be a great quality! Here’s what we do as mods and will be enlisting your help in, though no single mod should have to do all of this at any given time (that’s why we’re expanding the team!):
MONITORING THE DASH: This includes keeping an eye out for any rule-breaking (both IC and OOC) and reporting it to the mod chat as needed, as well as keeping an eye out for any good gossip for rknetizens/idolators! You also might have the opportunity to write gossip articles from time to time, or help with the many articles that go up on rknetizens weekly. With a dash as active as Rookies, and with as many characters as we have in a roleplay, we’re in desperate need of more eyes. This is always a hard job to keep up with, especially with Tumblr recently breaking so you can’t easily go forward and backward on pages of the dash anymore (Mod Carly’s preferred way of doing things.) The more people that can help with this, the better, as it’s something we always end up sacrificing for the sake of other aspects of the roleplay and something we think Rookies would really benefit from. 
DISCIPLINE: As mentioned earlier in the post, at the very least, you’ll be voting in what we call “strike trials” to determine when we need to take disciplinary action or not. We’ll also likely have you take screenshots of any drama you spot to aid in this process, and to let the mod chat know of any issues ASAP. To start off, the more experienced mods will do the disciplinary heavy lifting. As time goes on and you gain more experience we’ll probably share the responsibility of confrontation with you, and may even ask you to write up a dreaded strike message based on who’s available. We’ll never force you to do this if you aren’t comfortable unless you happen to be the only mod around in the face of a drama emergency, but if you’re willing to do this, it’ll put you ahead of the rest of your competition for this position. Lari will take charge of this when Carly leaves, but this is undoubtedly the area Carly had the most involvement in and the area we’ll be lacking the most once she leaves. It’s really important that we at least have someone willing to collaborate on the right course of action to take in dealing with drama, and important that you’re willing to help field some of this alongside Lari eventually, even if it’s not all the time.
UPDATING LISTS/GENERAL UPKEEP: This includes idol rosters, as well as the secret (not so secret now…) lists we have for muns and potential scandal information we collect. Aside from that, we also run advertisements for Rookies in the KRP tags from time to time, and you can help fill up that queue too. These are incredibly easy to forget about and can be monotonous work, and both the mun list and gossip list are currently quite out of date and in desperate need of help. This is one of the top responsibilities we need help in!
GENERAL OPINIONS, IDEAS, AND LOTS OF COMMUNICATION: The most important (and hopefully easiest) thing for a new mod to do is contribute lots of ideas, and give the current staff feedback on their ideas. Just having you present as someone to bounce ideas off of and having another perspective around is a huge help to us, so we’ll often ask you what you think about something, and how you think the best way to go about something is, and we want you to be honest! I’m an incredible vocal mod, talking in our chat all the time, and the chat will likely be a lot more quiet without me. I really want somebody willing to communicate a lot so it feels like the other mods aren’t missing a person on the team in this regard at all!
HELPING WITH CASTING DECISIONS: A lot of times, the current staff members in charge of casting events may go through it without enlisting your help, but sometimes you’ll be able to help! This might mean we’ll need you to read a bunch of solos and tell us your thoughts, other times this means we’ll just need you to go around and put all the contestants’ points into a Google Doc to speed up the process, or do some math. Other times, we may talk it out as a group the whole way through, and conspire on the best way to make a decision together. Because we have lots of staff members available to pitch in here, we won’t often need your help with this, and if you have a muse participating in the auditions or would rather not be part of the decision-making process for any reason, that’ll always be optional. This is an area we don’t need help in, but it’s listed here just in case!
WRITING AND SENDING OUT PROMPTS: Sometimes, we’ll send prompts out from rkevent to characters. This can be for a variety of reasons; most commonly, it’s for disciplinary action for trainees IC, though it can also be for special opportunities, including street casting or feedback from the judging panel about auditions. There was even a time that 50 prompts were sent out during evaluations, and a set of auditions where we sent out around 50 total prompts as well. Naturally, these things can take a lot of time, so we may have you help in writing these, especially if we have a lot to get to! More commonly, though, we’ll just have you do some of the monotonous work of sending out the prompts to everyone. Any prompts you do write will have to go through a more experienced staff member first, at least while you get the hang of writing from the perspective of the RK companies! This is once again a task that isn’t that important for you to do, given how many others we have available to write these.
And what kinds of things are new mods less likely to handle?
FINAL CASTING DECISIONS: As mentioned above, while we might enlist your help in the casting process, the more experienced staff members will make the final call here. This may change in the future, but to start out, you won’t be doing any casting on your own.
COMING UP WITH RK-APPROPRIATE EVENTS: Gab and Bianca do a great job of covering this as our event team, and you shouldn’t need to help with this beyond pitching any ideas you’d like and reading some things over for them or offering any input they might need from you.
THEME AND GRAPHICS: Since we currently have a graphics mod, everything that falls under this area is a job largely accounted for, though more experience on the team certainly wouldn’t hurt! You can definitely offer graphics and theme suggestions as well, and may even get a chance to do some, but don’t expect to be the main theme or graphics maker on the team!
DEALING WITH THE MAIN: This is a bit of a strange task to list as something new mods are unlikely to handle, but our current team has this on lock, so you don’t need to focus your energy on this at all unless there’s an emergency and no one can handle a queue.
VERIFYING POINTS: This means checking each of those verification forms the trainees turn in to make sure they’re properly filled out and that nobody’s cheating, properly tagging the submissions, and posting them in a timely fashion, however, Kyle and Keith handle this currently and don’t need any extra help.
Anyone who’d like to apply should send a submission to the main.
This is what we want to know, in as much or as little detail as you think is applicable (and if you know us, some of us write a lot, so don’t worry about boring us):
1. Do you meet all the requirements? (Any area you’re a little worried about or particularly confident in? Feel free to let us know) 2. Is there anyone you would be uncomfortable working with? (Currently on staff or otherwise. Please be honest! The last thing we want is to accidentally hire two new mods that don’t get along.) 3. Of the mod tasks listed, which are you most interested in taking on? Which ones would you rather not do? 4. Do you bring anything else to the table that isn’t listed above? 5. Is there anything else you’d like to say about why you want to be a mod and why you’d be good at the job? 6. Imagine you’ve been tasked with messaging someone who hurt another member in the group. This deed wasn’t deemed severe enough to warrant a strike, but the team agreed someone should talk to them about it so they know they were in the wrong. Take a stab at typing up your message to them. Feel free to make up specific details of this case, or be as vague as you’d like. Don’t worry about being perfect with this if you aren’t particularly comfortable dealing with drama; just do your best. 7. Extra credit: Imagine you’ve been put in charge of planning an RK event. It can be any kind of event from a monthly eval to an audition to a holiday celebration to a vacation/retreat (such as the language camp back in the day or the summer camp, more recently)- whatever you think of! Write up everything that would be needed for the event, start to finish. This includes both public posts as well as behind-the-scenes information (for example, if there’s a contest element to the event, how will we choose a winner?) If events aren’t really your thing, feel free to think outside of the box here and write up a potential rknetizens or rkidolators post, or come up with some other kind of suggestion. In fact, since our event mods are in tip top shape, we’d rather something out of the box! 8. That’s it; thanks for applying! Now, tell us your zodiac sign (sun, rising and moon) and MBTI type, or another fun fact about you. (This won’t affect your chances of getting the job, Mod Carly is just nosy and will never have a better opportunity to ask than this.)
Please send your mod applications in by midnight at the end of March 25th. We’ll be taking our time to go through everything, to decide, and to prepare to have you on board, so we can’t give you an exact date for when we’ll announce the new staff. If you’re chosen, however, we’ll let you know before the announcement goes up. Thanks for all of your support and interest in advance!
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dreamybandee · 4 years
Tagged by: @panickypeachboy​! Thank you so much! :> Tagging: All nyall. If you want to and/or haven’t done this yet anyways!
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Mun name: 
Joy! OOC Contact:
IMs and Asks get my attention! But you can also find me on Discord! That’s where I am most often! I’m a little shy there, but I always try and get to direct messages as soon as I can and that’s the easiest way to get my attention! If we’re mutuals, feel free to ask me for my Discord!
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
A small, but very spirited and loyal soldier to King Dedede’s army! He’s come a long way compared to his earlier days as an everyday goon. As loyal as he is to his king, Bandana Dee is also a warm and diligent friend to many others such as Kirby and the rest of his company!
Points of interest:
Training to become a better fighter as every day goes by! He’s a professional with his trusty, signature weapon, the spear, unlike most other waddle dees who wield an umbrella...Well, Bandana Dee has used an umbrella a couple of times too. 
He also just simply looks to be a good helper to those around him! This waddle dee goes above and beyond with his deeds.
These are only a few things that make him stand out from the rest of the waddle dees! That and his blue bandana, his trademark headgear he always has with him!
What they’ve been up to recently:
The days have been rather quiet for the dee. Ever since the events of the whole Jamba Heart shenanigans have wrapped up and his once captured soul had been returned from Galeem and Dharkon’s control, the days have returned to being quite ordinary. That leaves plenty of time to train and become even stronger!
Where to find them:
While he is frequently seen on his home planet, Popstar, Bandana Dee has found himself alongside the residents of the Smash Mansion as well. Seeing his company is welcome there, why not?
Current plans:
Not too many as of right now. ;;; But new interactions and introductions are always open!
Desired interactions:
Someone please catch Bandana Dee in the middle of his work and give him a well needed break blease...Help is good, but the waddle dee doesn’t know when to stop. He’ll be a little stubborn but please, pull him out of his work. Go to a nearby town with him or even on a nice walk. Spend the day with a waddle dee who needs to learn to take it easy.
Exchanging stories about adventures, close friends, and little things in life would be really nice too! Bandana Dee loves listening to others about those kind of things!
There are definitely more I have in mind, but they keep leaving my mind before I can talk about them haha. These are just the two I remember most!
Offered interactions:
I haven’t had much time to open up for specific interactions and starters and such unfortunately! But maybe one day I can get to that! A really easy way to start off an interaction with Bandana Dee is normal, slice of life things! Those are really flexible! I’ll try and let you all know when there is availability and/or if I’m looking to plot anything! Or feel free to reach out if you have any ideas! I’m a message away!
Current open post/s:
Like mentioned before, I haven’t unfortunately put out much for interactions and posts. I’ll try to get to that when I have the time, confidence, and motivation to do so! Keep an eye out whenever I post starter memes! That’s my most common way I reach out with starter calls!
Anything else?:
I uh...I love this dee. He is the light of my life. Shaped like a friend.
If you aren’t finding me here, I also have a multimuse, multifandom blog! It’s @spcllbounded​! Feel free to drop on by there if you want to! 
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sxperflxity · 3 years
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IT’S THE WEEKEND!!!! *dances*. I don’t have to cook dinner tonight, other than re-heating it, and I’m officially done work, so I’ll be around working on my muse page and...maybe actually working on things I have saved, lmao. Come talk to me in my IMs or my Disco!
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sozotohakai · 4 years
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SPEED: I call myself fickle rather than slow or fast. My speed is fully dependent on my energy, but also what else I might focus on. For all I might be super energized one day, I might choose to focus it elsewhere. The trick with myself is to just not force myself, and chances are, I end up having some form of regularity, as long as nothing else piles up on me. In short, unless things demand more attention or I need to rest more, I do tend to write replies at least once or twice a week, although it’s gotten rarer for me to find the energy to do more than two or three replies at once. So I’m doing replies at least once or twice a week, but depending what inspire me, some threads take longer.
REPLIES: I can do short replies, but it’s very easy for me to develop inner thoughts or details of the environment, especially as technically, there’s three NPC always with Allen: Nea, CC and Timcanpy. I don’t always do it, but often, there’s just logic in writing out what Nea, CC and/or Tim is doing or feeling, as it can affect Allen himself. I also love to leave cues for my partners, like a glimpse of Allen’s left hand or a spike of energy, things can be used, your character seeing or sensing things, or not used. I do tend to match reply too, since what you give me will give a base structure of what I can give you, and sometimes inner stuff just take more words.
STARTERS: I found myself loving to do them. I think it started when, in my efforts to feel more at ease approaching people, I would offer to do starters too, especially as I noticed people often took that offer. There’s a part of me that does like to be able to set things up, and in general, I just feel a love for writing starters, and the fact almost everyone seems to enjoy leaving it to me just keeps this cycle of enjoying it. They’re 99% of the time plotted, as I do admit I don’t really  think of starter calls. I do some opens at time, and tend to make new threads out of replies, so notes remain clean, and people can ask me to make a starter out of the idea if the starter itself doesn’t quite work. But, yes, while I don’t often do starter calls, I enjoy doing starters.
INBOX: I’m just as fickle with inbox stuff as with threads. Some inbox stuff are very easy to reply to, and tend to be replied quickly. But some will be like short thread and so I don’t necessarily have the energy to write my muse to reply to the message. I love memes, but I don’t handle well to see a meme on my blog that never got used, so I tend to remove a reblog if I didn’t get a meme. I’ve tried to leave memes and tag them, in the past, but it’s still a work in progress, to reblog memes and leave them here. This is also a big part because I’m fickle enough with everything, so for me, memes are stuff to have fun on the moment, but a day later? I probably don’t have the energy anymore for it. So it just feels too weird to keep memes up, as I mostly use them as “this is the fun I’m okay doing today!”.
SELECTIVITY: I’m both selective and not? I am open to anyone and everything, but I have preferences, so I can be open but choose to not interact, if I can feel I’m not going to have enough inspiration. I look at people rules and about and the general layout of blog, as well as take a quick look around archive to get a feel of the speed, so I always base myself on both what I feel out of the blog, the mun and the muse. As I say in my guidelines, I use follows to show interest, so if I follow you (first or back), you know I have seen your blog, and decided I could see myself interacting with you. I remain open, meaning that you can still approach me and ask for interaction, no matter the follow/mutual status between us! Sometimes I’m just uncertain rather than not interested, and it can help growing certain.
On another note, I’m currently mostly interested in MDZS, which is very ironic but I don’t think I’m the first person who had their muse not be interested in their canon. It’s partly because DGM rpc has been very quiet, I do happen to love when Allen can interact with canon muses of DGM, but I’m not actively looking for them. Meanwhile, I love so very much throwing Allen into other worlds and having people not realize the mess that will follow him eventually (because sometimes even I forget he’s literally part of the core part of a war with the whole world at stake). And MDZS my other fave fandom, ergo: mostly interested in MDZS interactions.
WISHLIST: I have a wishlist tag, which... isn’t on my tag page. That will be corrected very soon. It’s here in the meantime. But yes, I have general plot ideas, which tend to be in headcanon posts, it’s easy to see some that shows up often, but often as I can see these pop up at some point, I don’t make an actual wish out of those. Still, I’ve made a few posts out of some that really made me go “that’s a fun thing to consider” and there’s maybe more I could grab from my hcs post and make proper wishlist post. In general, you can expect I’m always curious to include Allen’s dreams/nightmares, his Innocence, Nea’s presence, CC, Timcanpy, the Ark, or people he knows from DGM.
HONEST NOTE: I’ve realized I’m not as social as I believed myself to be. I’m open, I love to chat and meet people, I adore my friends, but being social is draining to me, never recharging. Any amount of chatting can be draining to me, of course small things are way easier, but the general thing is that I need energy to interact directly with people, be it face to face or chatting online. So you will easily feel like I’m full of energy when I speak ooc with you, because I am always happy to do so, but at the same time, you’ll easily see me be fickle about ooc interactions. Chances are, I indirectly interact too, with ooc posts and my simple presence by any activity I show. There’s just no going against the natural way your energy drains and recharges, so I’ve grown to make sure everyone who interacts with me are aware that’s a thing with me. That, and the knowledge I write both as hobby and as career, so I’m simultaneously always in potential free time and potential creative time. I’m good at handling myself, I’ll know day to day what I can do or cannot do, and it’s just that others can’t really see it for themselves and can only see when I do something that is visible. I could have a very productive day, and no one knows because it’s all offline stuff. Sometimes you’ll know what I’m doing by seeing updates on my fics or my fic blog; and same thing with my original writings. I can only explain all that, both how my social energy is low and easily drained, and how my creative energy cycles between creating and recharging, and has multiple outlets. And then trust anyone that interacts with me or know me to understand all this and know I’ll be back, be it ooc or ic.
On a final note: I’m very, very bad with remembering how long I’ve talked to someone, or a thread has been replied to. My mind goes from “today” to “yesterday” to “a few days ago” to “days ago” and then just... “it’s been some time”. Today/yesterday feel like “its okay, I still have time” and after that, my mind just goes “ngggh when I can!”. Only thing that helps a bit is notification, as without them, I easily forget who I replied or didn’t reply to. To my mind, either I was the last to say something and so I’m waiting a notification, or I have a notification. Because I barely have energy for socializing, I have next to no energy to notice who I haven’t seen a notification from. Sometimes I get my butt to check on people, but I just... my mind just wants to believe people are doing okay or having their own life, and so especially if I can see them on dash, my brain just does not process who I talk or doesn’t talk to on regular basis. It’s narrowed to the notifications I have, and when I have plot to discuss, or see an ooc post. 99% of the time, if I follow you, I am totally aware of you, and I’ll see any ooc stuff, and mentally wish you the best, but I just... never process how long we have or haven’t been talking.
TAGGED BY: stolen from @shuoshuzhe​
TAGGING: Anyone who wants to!
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Mun OoC: Just Be Cool With Each Other
I messaged the person who I know, without a doubt, sent me this anon message, to let them know that I needed to drop our RP. Even though this person made me anxious, I still didn’t want to ghost them. It felt crappy to me to be publicly replying to everyone else and leave them with no answers. So I wrote out a message to inform them and explain why I needed to drop our RP (which I’ll include, along with their reply, under the Keep Reading for the sake of transparency so you can see that I wasn’t rude or insulting, and so you’re not just taking my word for it without seeing my words, if you are so inclined to look at it).
Their response, which only confirmed for me that they were the anon, despite their denial of it, made me so angry that I was in the process of writing a giant call-out-style post about it. 
But I won’t do that. I am not my muse.
I am still angry. I am still frustrated that, instead of owning up and apologizing, this person was rude and snarky and flippant about my situation. But, nah. 
All I’ll say is this: If someone with a personal, non-RP blog comes to you and asks you to RP, but will only RP in their messages, proceed with caution. 
I won’t even say, “ Absolutely do not RP with this person.” Who knows? You might hit it off. I won’t post their name and I won’t write the call-out. I hope they grow from this and learn how to treat people. I genuinely meant what I said at the end of my message that I hope they find partners and have fun on here.
I hate drama. I just want to write and make friends, as I’ve said a trillion and one times on here. But I also want people to be aware of this so they can make a more informed decision and not potentially have the same thing happen to them.
Now, I’m gonna do a couple of replies tonight. At the very least, I’ll do one or two. I’d like to do even more if I can. I’ll be starting with the ones that have been waiting the longest and work my way up. After tonight, I’ll do more on Thursday and/or Friday.
Thanks for being so lovely and patient with me throughout this horrible time. It means the world to me.
⚔️ Spike ⚔️
I’ll be posting the screenshots, so you can see that it is exactly what I said, and then I’ll post the text because I know that reading screenshots is hard sometimes. I was explaining how they made me feel, why I knew that they were the anon, why I couldn’t write with them anymore, and I even stated no ill will whatsoever.
Also, apologies for the long-form of the posts. I would have liked to post them as a grid, but if there’s a way to do that in a text post, I don’t know how. I’m also sorry for all the text. I tried to give context where needed and stuff.
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The text:
((Hello. It’s taken me a while to write this because I was trying to think of what to say. I said I wouldn’t leave you hanging, so I am letting you know that I need to drop our RP. I wish I didn’t have to, and I thought long and hard about it, but it’s the best thing for me.
I know that you were the anonymous person who sent that message. I know because it was written exactly the way you talk to me when we’re not doing the RP. I know because you are the only person that I write with who has pressured me for replies, no matter how many public posts I make talking about how poorly I’m doing. Everyone else tells me not to worry and to take care of myself. You are the only one who asks when I’m getting to your reply. Even when I made the post about my partners letting me know if they wanted to continue our threads, your response was to remind me that I still owed you one. Not to say that you were still interested, but to /remind/ me that you “still need a reply”.
It’s gotten to the point where continuing with our thread will cause me more anxiety. I say “more” anxiety because it has gotten to where I get anxious when I see a notification from you. The first time you ever asked me how I was doing, it turned into you lamenting that all of your partners were on hiatus at the same time. Which is why I didn’t reply to the second time you asked. 
I don’t say any of this to attack you. I say this because you need to know that this isn’t how you treat RP partners. Especially when you’re already asking to RP in messages, which is difficult for some people to do, and you have people willing to do that. It was hard for me as a neurodivergent person to keep track of everything, and have to edit in the messages, but I felt bad because I feel everyone who wants to RP should have a chance to do that. I don’t know why you don’t want to start a blog for RP, but I think you should. At least consider it. You’ll also probably get more partners that way. A lot of people are wary of RP in private to begin with, even without the difficulties it presents for some people.
All that’s left for me to say is that I wish you the best. Please don’t pressure anyone else for replies. Please consider starting a public blog. Other than that, I still hope you find people to write with and that you have fun on here.
Regards, Spike)) <Then I added the link to the anon message>
To clarify about the lamenting about their partners part: The first time they asked me how I was doing, I responded thinking that they actually wanted to have a friendly chat. However, within 3 replies, it turned into, “When are you going to get back to the RPs?” They never cared about me as a person. They only cared about whether they were getting their replies. And once I knew that for sure, I didn’t respond to the only other time they asked how things were going.
Maybe I shouldn’t have explained? Idk, it’s always been hard for me to figure out when to explain and when to keep it simple. Maybe I should have just left it at, “Hey, I need to cut back on some RPs and I have to cut yours, sorry”? If that’s the case, then, yes, I didn’t see that at the time. To be quite honest, though, I doubt that would have been any better. But I know that I would want to know why if someone dropped me and seemingly kept everyone else’s threads, and also seemed to be taking on new ones. And I also know that if someone sent me a message like this, I’d be upset that I made someone feel that way and be apologetic as hell. I definitely wouldn’t send this as a reply (the part that upset me most is highlighted):
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This is also the part that confirms for me that they were the anon. “Haven’t bothered” with my blog. When I certainly was updating, however scarcely, about my situation and how hard things have been for me. One such update was the anon message, itself. They continue to behave as though this blog should have been my priority. Regardless, even on the small chance that I was wrong and they weren’t the anon, all the rest of how they behaved still stands.
Either way, I’m just glad I’m done with that and I hope things remain quiet. They unfollowed me and I blocked them. I just want to be able to have my hobby in peace.
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