#must have pp4
becabeale143 · 2 years
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Bellas dance camp | bts Pitch Perfect 3
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white-queen-lacus · 3 years
Frederica and Homura as potential love interests?
Ok, before writing this post, I must admit that this thought has been wandering in my mind for some time and I will do my best to be as analytical as I can in the explanation. First of all, I've truly and wholeheartedly supported Shinkane since season 1 and I am sure that before or after, they will be endgame (in Psycho Pass' meaning, well... offscreen if we're lucky enough), so this post is just an attempt to see what is happening.
Let's make a premise: PP3, among all the seasons of PP, is the one that addressed romance in a more evident way, somehow. Not that it is a priority and it's fair as it is, since the focus of the series is basically human nature and its reaction to a world dominated by AI, but among the three seasons, PP3 caressed the topic. Not that it wasn't already addressed in the previous installments (Shion and Yayoi, Kaori's wedding, Akane's growing fascination, and not-so-well-hidden attraction and love for Kougami, Mika and her schoolmate, just to say), but starting with Sinners of the System, something else happened. Masaoka and Sae, Sugo and his friend's wife (tell me whatever, but he seemed to care a little bit too much and I found something similar in Arata's behavior towards Maiko)... and in season 3, the already mentioned Arata, both with Maiko (the hospital scene) and Karina, but also with Irie and Mao (I loved the whole music box scene) and Mao *not-so-well-hidden* fancying Kei. Did I mention the brief and glorious Shinkane's scenes? The cherry blossoms in First Inspector screamed "LOVE" in caps lock.
Well, ladies first, so let's talk about the mysterious and glamorous agent of the SAD: Hanashiro Frederica. When her character was revealed, all of us (or at least, the majority) thought that she could be a potential threat or a possible enemy. So far, it seems that apart from bigger fanservice than all the girls in PP, a still-secret agenda, and the fact that she managed to recruit Kougami, Gino and Sugo in her team (as well as granting them some privileges), there isn't any evidence that she could be an enemy. Yes, the whole Ministry of Foreign Affairs/SAD goals and mission aren't clear, that's why I hope we might get PP4 or a dedicated special, in order to understand more about them and her apparently personal motivations too. Now... thanks to the lovely @kumapillow who kindly translated the SAD extra chapter, something made me wonder. I already said in another post that Frederica seems to have a soft spot for Kougami. Just a few words about Kougami. So far, with the exception of the novels, where his feelings are clearer, he's never shown particular interest in women (or relationships in general). In the profiling book, it's said that he doesn't remember his first love, but it's also said that he would let Sybil choose for him once the time comes, until the movie updated version when it's said that his favorite type of girl is a companion who can keep up a conversation. Considering that in season 1 he was revenge-driven and Makishima-absorbed, romance was practically out of question (also, if we consider that he's been a workaholic since he was an Inspector, I'm not this impressed if he never had a proper relationship). Complete silence in season 2, then in the movies he said that wherever he goes, he's punctually involved in some conflict, aka... no time for romance again (for ghost!Makishima's joy). I read sometimes that the fact that he declined Shion's advances in episode 18 with the sentence "I don't think we are each others' type" was eloquent about his sexuality, since he probably is gay or bi, at least. I don't think he is, but simply, being the kind person he is, Kougami just found a colloquial way to remember Shion where her heart truly laid (and in the novel, it's more obvious). No surprise, during the fight against Rutaganda, when the mercenary said that listening to Kougami made him happy like he was listening to some Wagner's piéce, Kougami promptly answers that he could have rather listened to those words from a glamorous beauty than from him (he used the word "bijin" there). I won't mention all the Shinkane subtle of the movie, but it was truly obvious how things had changed for Akane and Kougami and what could have been happened if the mercenaries hadn't come. Case 3 shows that his relationship with the fair sex still hasn't progressed this much... though I LOVED Kougami's interactions with Tenzing and the teasing of the little girl who said that he reminded her of her dad (ok, that's progress, since in a radio drama both he and Gino made a small child crying because of their idiocy) and I headcanon that in the years past Case 3 Kou had some chances to hear back from Tenzing (because of MoFA and Frederica's care), when it comes to the blonde colleague... I guess that things haven't changed this much. Now, so far, Kougami has NEVER shown any sign of reciprocating Frederica's possible feelings, but it seems that he's the only one who knows how to cheer her up or to understand her. Coming back to Frederica, after this digression, that's the core: she technically has all the qualities Kougami would possibly need. She's a glamorous beauty (hello there, reference to the gekijouban). She's a companion who could keep up a conversation. This point is trickier, because the conversation under the moonlight (now that it comes to my mind, it was also said that if he ever had to set a date, he would probably talk about work or taking somebody to stargaze), which largely reminds me of his conversation with Akane in the movie (I'm talking about the structure of the scene in general), shows that
Frederica too is perfectly able to lecture Kougami and pull the shits out of him about his true motives for keeping on traveling, she's been interested in him since the lessons with professor Saiga, but also... the fact that she mentioned his mother, I think was some kind of a rehash of the novel version of the conversation between Akane and Kou. I was under the impression that Ubukata and Shiotani were trying to test the waters... Also, Frederica is a skilled fighter, she has a no-nonsense attitude and she's pretty harsh in what she says, but she's also friendly, humorous, and caring (the days they spent together with Tenzing). Then the renowned scene of the two of them making the deal... ok, I need to admit that in the beginning, I didn't see it as malicious, neither I do it now, but... mhhh... sharing the same bottle of water to make a deal... well... kinda intimate, right? Not that Kougami made a fuss, but Frederica was... pleased? After all, she didn't do any of this with Sugo (also, her approach to him was more formal) and we still don't know how she recruited Gino (I think it happened because of Kougami, after Akane's demotion)... I don't know, but it seems to me that her approach toward Kougami (at least in Case 3 and in the manga extras) is more personal... after all, when she approached him the first time, she was quite intrigued, since she wanted to take a look at the face of a celebrity like him (all said while pleasantly smiling). The extra chapter shows that while Gino and Sugo's efforts to help their chief were wasted (not for us who read), only Kougami's proposal was well received by her. Shooting like in a guerrilla field... after all, Frederica is a tough one (just like Akane) and Kougami knows it very well... like Gino adds at the end, she's definitely a female version of him, but she also is somebody able to kick Kou's glorious ass (just like Akane). Now, time will say where the truth is, but I feel like that if Ubukata and Shiotani keep on following the route "there's a deep respect and a bond which goes beyond love and romance between Shinkane... and also Kougami doesn't see Akane in that way", and instead they choose to spice things up (but I don't think so) Frederica might be the one chosen. Luckily enough, our dear former Enforcer seems to have chosen the celibate warrior monk route, but I'm still sure that things can change and in the end, the most natural outcome will be Shinkane. Well... since the post has become longer than I expected, I'll write another time of Shizuka and Akane, but thanks for reading until now!
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redlance · 3 years
hi red!!! have you ever considered titling the chapters of experimentation? totally up to u of course, i just wonder bc it's hard to go back and re-read my favorite parts since I never remember where they are hehe 😊 i love your work very much and I hope you're having a good holiday season ❤️❤️
Oof. Yeah, it must be a pain in the arse trying to find your favourite bits (also, you have favourite bits?? Tell me mooooooore) to go back to and I do apologise for that. However, titles are the actual bane of my existence. I’m always so excited when I finish a fic and get ready to post... until I realise i don’t have a title yet. I HATE trying to come up with one. I loathe it. I wish I could just name things “Dani x Jamie Fic 23″ or “The Bellas get abducted by aliens to compete in an intergalactic singing contest” (which definitely should be the plot of PP4). So, no, I haven’t haha and I say this in the nicest way possible
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thehypotensivegrad · 3 years
PP4 - A Story of Us (6/25)
Riff-Off Remix
Chapter Preview:
The other groups weren't easy competition either, but they had less of an impressive history than the other four. Final Frequency, a group of college kids in matching white and blue outfits, won the last three competitions. To the Clef was another all-male group. Stacie wasn't too scared of them. They could sing well, and they were for sure good enough to be in the competition, but the smug look on their faces made her feel like they should be easy chumps to knock out. Then there were Gregor Chants, a group whose members all wore some weird blood-red cloak, their hoods drawn up covering their faces. They stood still, reminding Stacie of mannequins, next to DSM. Stacie wasn't sure how to feel about them. The last two were interesting. Aural Addiction were the only all-female acapella group other than the Bellas. Each member oozed sex appeal, with each member having distinct ranges and vocal chaps to back them up. Stacie wondered if they could prove advantageous to eliminating the all-male groups. Last were the Overtones, a group composed of four middle-aged men and two middle-aged women, who won back-to-back competitions decades ago.
As for the audience, well, Stacie was quiet pleasantly surprised to see the place packed. There were die-hard supporters for each group in the crowd. Bumper had an obnoxiously big banner for Amy, so it was hard not to see him as much as Stacie wanted to ignore him. His presence at least made it easy to find where the Bellas' supporters were, with Benji and the rest of their family and friends with banners for the Bellas next to Bumper's. Stacie smiled when she spotted her parents with Bella right next to Benji. This was her chance to shine and make her daughter proud. The Bellas were going to go through, no matter what.
To no surprise of anyone at all, a good chunk of the audience were Beca's fans. There were even some celebrities in the crowd. A few of them were secret acapella nerds, others former members of acapella teams themselves, but most of them were artists who Beca had the pleasure of working with. The likes of Dua Lipa, Lizzo, Jordan Fisher, Justin Timberlake, Hayley Kiyoko, and Taylor Swift were all in the crowd. Hell, Stacie was sure she even caught a glimpse of Lionel Ritchie somewhere earlier.
The contestants couldn't exactly interact with each other once they got to the stage, and they were kept in separate dressing rooms earlier so that no one could play any dirty mind tricks. Stacie was thankful at the very least that the German she-wolf that led DSM couldn't get Beca to make a fool of herself earlier. That would be bad for group dynamics, especially since Chloe didn't look too pleased with how she was eyeing Beca at the moment. Beca, for her part, stuck with reviewing notes on her phone. Part of having a PR agent meant Beca had someone to help her prepare for interviews. In this case, Rhian, who the Bellas barely interacted with since they got to LA, helped Beca with a list of insults and prepared her for any and all interactions with the fearless leader of their archrival team.
But it's not only the DSM's fearless leader who was eyeing Beca up. Final Frequency members next to them kept trying to sneak a look at Beca who was busy engaged with Aubrey, Chloe, and Emily, drawing up "battle plans" for the riff-offs. Some of the other members of the different groups too, all fans of the famous singer-slash-producer. Stacie overheard one member of To the Clef make a comment about trying to ask Beca out on a date later on, after they make it through the next round. Tough luck for him. Stacie could tell Beca only had eyes for one person in room, and her name was Chloe Beale.
The stage lights soon focused on the different acapella teams on stage, while the rest of the lights at the center died down. The hosts for the night, fellow acapella singers from the Filharmonic, took the stage to greet the crowd. Along with Pentatonix, they weren't allowed to participate in the competition due to receiving funds, financing, and recording and management deals from some of the event sponsors. Lucky for the Bellas, Beca didn't have any conflicts of interest like the members of the other two groups. It wouldn't have been the same competing without her.
Jules, their vocal bass, was first to speak, reminding the audience of the purpose for the night's special events. He thanked the generous sponsors, and acknowledged the judges on the propped up stage not far away from them. Niko, the group's beatboxer, then stepped up to give a schpill on why each of the groups were selected. VJ, one of their tenors, took over to briefly recap the success stories of each of the contenders. Afterwards, Trace, another one of their tenors, reminded everyone that the proceeds from the tickets purchased for the event would all go to a handful of music charities – a mix of groups helping musicians in need, providing music education, health care, and other outreach.
Joe, the most recognizable of their Tenors, then took over, unveiling the wheel of musical categories, some of which reminded Stacie of some popular songs from different decades. He went over the rules, most of which the contestants already knew from the letter they received about a month ago. A category would be selected from the wheel, any team can start and kick things off. To cut someone off, one team just needed to step up and match the harmony of the song that the first team was singing. Each category pertained to lyrics of one of the popular songs coming from one artist's discography. The only songs they can sing in that round must be by that artist.
Simple enough.
But then Jules stepped up again, saying that they won't be saying who the artist was. The teams must know them already from the tiny bit of lyrics used as the category name. All the contestants were, after all, the cream of the crop. "Anyone who makes a mistake of singing a different artist's song is automatically out," Jules then said and the crowd gasped. "Fail to match harmonies, and your team is out. Fail to jump in and sing at any point in the round, and you're out as well. There will be a randomly generated timer per round, it will flash on the screen, and each team needs to sing at least once within that time limit. When time is up, the round is over and we move onto the next category. We are expecting nothing but flawless transitions and every bit of musical perfection."
Things only became more interesting from there. Niko stepped up once again. "The last five teams standing would automatically make it to the finals," he then said, "but life would be boring if five got eliminated from one round alone. So, we have this thing called perks. When we're down to five, the riff-off will continue. The last team standing will get a few special prizes, or perks, as we like to call them. If we get to a point where there are two teams still left standing, we enter a lightning round. Terms of which we will discuss when and if we get there."
"Last thing before we get started," VJ said to calm the audience members who were already getting hyped up. "Because we got a long email with bulleted lists of items for clarification," he went on to say before side-eying Aubrey. Stacie chuckled. Of course Aubrey was being clear on everything. She still hadn't gotten over the loss against the Trebles from a stupid contraction technicality when it came to matching words on a lyrics. "No worries on what word you cut in with, we're focused on melodies and harmonies. And yes, you can jump in with a tricked out mash-up of a song, but only if the song was already used earlier in the same round. Mash-ups must also strictly be by the same artist. If there's any doubt, if anyone makes a clumsy mistake, or if the harmonies aren't perfectly matched, we would be notified by our expert panel of judges. That's why they are here. To keep things fair."
"So if all our teams are ready," Trace then said, looking around at the different acapella teams. They all had their game faces on. Trace raised a hand. Silence. When he smirked, he turned to point at the wheel behind him. "Wheel of musical categories, take a spin!" he boomed.
More in the links below!
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29141841/chapters/71871765
ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13808923/6/A-Story-of-Us
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beca-mitchell · 4 years
Good point on the whole “4” in regards to Camps tweet and PP4. Must be annoying constantly getting the same questions, but when you constantly bait the fans with the same little gimmick isn’t expected?
fhjskfkf it’s a hard line to toe. because on one hand they are absolutely allowed to have fun and joke around and *hope* for a PP4. on the other, does that exempt them from the very scrutiny that dictates the terms of their literal careers? anyway, haha, i wouldn’t want to be in the public eye like they are 🤡
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It must be happy ending.. what happened?
JocoseRant | Spoiler | Bechloe
It must be happy ending.. what happened?
Everything that I'm going to say in this post might spoil you or not but I'm trying my best not to spoil anything. This is all about my opinion and rant in the movie and being a fan of these two gorgeous human being. I can't help but to post this because everyone is disappointed, and they're watching the movie even if it's camrip. They obviously don't want to watch the movie in the cinema for more disappointment and depressing situation and probably don't want to support the movie anymore because this franchise is obviously all about money. Big hit? Impossible. Maybe higher than the box office hit? Idrk. I saw the box office today reached below the budget. Hmm. I understand the fans, if they don't consider what's the fans want then why fans would waste their money for nothing? Sorry but I want to be the voice of them so if you're reading this and you're agreeing with me, share this. First of all, I wanna say that the movie was great, I immediately had a copy of it from camrip after the official release and I can't stop watching it—until they we're in a cabin while soak because I don't want to watch the finale for some depressing reason that if probably I watched this movie in the cinema, I'm going to encourage every bechloe fan to leave and quit being a fan of #Bechloe and turns instead to being fan of #Sendrick. Seriously. Because BECHLOE doesn't exist. Bechloe fans is the biggest fan base of this movie and... THEY DON'T DESERVE A F@#$%#@$&* QUEERBATING. I know this is not the standard of UNIVERSAL but please inform the fans that they will not end up like what they're expecting because it's kinda depressing like we literally need to cut the credits to watch it and inform the others that Bechloe didn't happen that if they want to still support the movie in cinemas, leave before the credits. And please confirm to them that the BECHLOE KISS will happen in the DVD because seriously you're taking our money for nothing! Rebel said it that they take it but fans are not believing it until YOU said directly to them because there's also a lot of queerbating on your teasers like "swipe up for more", "will bechloe happen?" OH SHIT. This movie had a low critical response because I think they also feel what I feel right now. It's so fast like 93 minutes?! Not full performances like it's not the main genre of the movie! You have a $45 million budget yet it's not satisfying! And the plot, oh my god. I wonder what's Kay Cannon wrote that they need to have a lot of improvisation! If I were the studio, I will consider what're most of the audience would want because I made them watch the movie. If it's the last movie, I can tell. There's a lot of fans who quit as a fan because of a lot of disappointment. If you're just feeling what we felt, you will not do this to us. I realized after watching the movie many times that flirting Chicago has nothing to do with the movie itself. So, what's the f@#%&$#@ point of it? He didn't even had a lot of dialogue in this movie unlike Theo! What?
Major Plot be like: **Beca's choice **Fat Amy's dad **Chloe's flirtings **Aubrey's dad too **Lilly loves black guys **Stacie's surprise
What? Is it really necessary for Chloe? Coz there's no Bechloe so that's the major plot for her! Or if there's pp4, there's probably a new Bellas and another promises that Beca, Amy and Chloe having a CAMEO where Chloe being pregnant for Chicago or Chloe having a baby where his/her father was a MILITARY, I swear. I'm feeling it so hard. I would be so happy if he's the one who sang the "If I Were A Boy" in the Riff Off because he's pretty WALP. There's a lot of queerbating in this movie. Like exactly 22, if I'm not mistaken. And they're obviously like TOGETHER, and it shows me that Chloe was cheating on Beca because Beca isn't "loving her harder" at all like "she's only human and she bleed when she falls down" and after the scene where Beca's DJing, they broke up. **SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER! SKIP IF YOU WANT** The boob grabbing situation was because Chloe's very jealous about Theo flirting Beca so she showed him she was grabbing Beca's boobs. Theo saying, "I saw you behind the bushes" and Chloe had no particular reason why they're hiding at all, is the evidence. We can even see Chloe switching from Aubrey's right to Beca's left as they entered DJ Khaled's—what-so-ever they called that—party and Theo approaching Beca. That scene is the most OBVIOUS QUEERBATING. Apart from Chloe's roll eyes. **END OF SPOILER** I have so much in mind that only homosexuals could understand but I don't wanna share it because it's really depressing and hard that Matt Lanter would regret why he joined the cast and kissed Brittany Snow while her wife is pregnant. Thanks to my heterosexual alter ego, because she's so happy to see Chloe drooling on Chicago while thinking of what's Beca's favorite animal and say it to gag Chicago from a lot of talking. Obviously. I'm not yet done with the movie because basically, my heteroheart wants to watch the credits in the big screen because it's credit scene guys! That obviously the producers want us to know that we need to forget what's next in the post-credit. And universal insisted to tell us that happy endings are for heterosexuals only. Okay, again this is just my rants and opinion so. Thanks for reading this non-sense rant guys. I hope YOU understand the thoughts of being a fan. I hope. Ps. I'm still going to watch the movie in cinemas this January 8 with you guys and I will also buy the DVD if it's already available here in PH.
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aamodt · 7 years
The continuing legacy of blasphemy laws in the UK and Ireland.
It is perhaps forgotten these days that there used to be such things as the crimes of blasphemy and blasphemous libel in England and Wales. Halsbury’s Laws, contained this passage (in 2008) on what the offences were:
Blasphemy is an indictable offence at common law consisting in a publication of contemptuous, reviling, scurrilous or ludicrous matter relating to God, Jesus Christ, the Bible or the formularies of the Church of England (1). The publisher must intend to publish, but he need not intend that the words amount to blasphemy (2). It is immaterial whether the words are spoken or written (3); but, if written, they constitute blasphemous libel (4). The offence is punishable by fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court (5). [Halsbury’s Laws Direct, para 826]
The offences, owing their origins to ecclesiastical offences that became transposed (messily) into the common law, were always difficult to define with any precision. Professor David Feldman, the advisor to the 1993 Parliamentary Select Committee on Religious Offences, formulated this attempt:
Blasphemy is committed “by anyone who makes public words, pictures, or conduct whereby the doctrines, beliefs, institutions, or sacred objects and rituals of the Church of England by law established are denied or scurrilously vilified or there is objectively contentious, violent or ribald conduct or abuse directed towards the sacred subject in question, likely to shock and outrage the feelings of the general body of Church of England believers in the community.” [Select Committee on Religious Offences, Religious Offences in England and Wales, HL 96 2002-03, Appendix 3, paragraph 6]
Questions existed over its precise scope; did the offences apply to the Anglican church specifically or to Christianity generally? The Law Commission Report, Offences Against Religion and Public Worship from 1985, deemed that they applied to both:
“...first, that it appears that the offence protects only the Christian religion, together with the rituals and doctrines of the Church of England. Secondly, it is now established that no mental element is required for commission of the offence other than an intention to publish the offending words. Thirdly, there are statutory provisions which require the order of a “judge at Chambers” to be obtained for the institution of any proceedings against a newspaper editor and effectively prevent the publication of the blasphemy in question even in “fair and accurate” reports of the proceedings. Finally, like most offences at common law, the offence is triable only on indictment and punishable with a fine and imprisonment, upon which there are no statutory limits” [The Law Commission, Offences against religion and public worship, Working Paper No. 79, 1981, p 28, pp4- 5; Taylor (1676) 1 Vent. 293; 86 E.R. 189]
In addition to the common law offences there was the little-known (and mercifully little-used) Blasphemy Act 1697, which created the offence of denying certain tenets of the Christian religion “after having been brought up in or having professed that religion”. The Act was repealed in 1969. The Criminal Libel Act 1819 (at section 1) entwined the law of seditious libel with that of blasphemous libel and criminal libel, but (to make matters more confusing) only applied to material published about the Church of England. The reference to blasphemous libel in the 1819 Act was removed by the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. 
In the twentieth century there were only four reported cases on the law of blasphemy in England and Wales and only two successful prosecutions (one public (R v Gott (1922) 16 Cr App R 87) and one private (Whitehouse v Gay News Ltd, R v Lemon [1979] AC 617). In 2007, a Christian pressure group called Christian Voice attempted to bring a private prosecution against the BBC’s Director-General and a theatre producer with regard to “Jerry Springer: The Opera” but it was unsuccessful owing to the finding of the Magistrates Court (confirmed by the Administrative Court) that the law of blasphemy did not apply to the Theatres Act 1968 and the Broadcasting Act 1990. Films such as “The Life of Brian” (1979) and “The Last Temptation of Christ” (1988) led to no criminal proceedings being brought, although some towns in the UK banned showings of Monty Python’s film.
The law of blasphemy has become an issue again with regard to Louis Theroux's documentary "My Scientology Movie." Films and books that are critical of the Church of Scientology can be a risky endeavour given that the Church will quickly litigate if it feels that its rights have been infringed. The film, at the time of writing, is not going to go on general release in the Republic of Ireland on the basis - so the makers say - that Ireland has a blasphemy law, and that because the Irish blasphemy law covers any religion and not just Christianity (Defamation Act 2009, s36(1)).
As we have seen, the old common law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel in England only applied to Christianity, and that remained the case despite efforts to have them applied to other religions such as Islam (R v Chief Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, ex parte Choudhury [1991] 1 All ER 306 (the "Satanic Verses" case). The offences were abolished in England and Wales under the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, s.79. However, the situation is different in Scotland and Northern Ireland, where offences of blasphemy still technically exist. In Scotland there has not been a successful blasphemy prosecution since 1843. In Northern Ireland the old common-law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel still exist (they were untouched by the repeal in England and Wales) and thus a prosecution is technically still possible (in an 1842 judgement Sir Edward Sudden refers to the successful prosecution in 1703 of Thomas Emlyn, a Unitarian mister who had written a book arguing that Jesus Christ was not the equal of God the Father, which seems to be a specifically sectarian use of the offence). It should also be mentioned that the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Wingrove v UK (1997) 24 EHRR 1, held, 7-2, that the offence of blasphemy did not result in an infringement of Article 10 of the Convention because it came within the so-called “margin of appreciation”, i.e. there was no consensus on blasphemy in Europe and this was matter for countries to decide themselves. 
What this makes for is an inchoate patchwork of law in the British Isles that is well overdue for reform. The Irish blasphemy laws owe their continuing existence to the provisions of the Irish Constitution which mandates the offence (Article 40.6.1.i.) but the  Irish government has proposed to hold a referendum to alter that part of the Constitution. 
This legal inconsistency was highlighted again last year with - co-incidentally - another film about Scientology called "Going Clear", which was made by HBO. Sky intended to show the film on their Sky Atlantic channel. However, Sky hesitated about showing the film in the United Kingdom on the basis that the Defamation Act 2013 (which introduced a new and higher threshold for judging whether a statement is defamatory or not) did not apply in Scotland or Northern Ireland. The film was eventually broadcast in the UK on Sky Atlantic on 21st September 2015. However, the disparity is still causing issues. Ron Miscavige, the father of David Miscavige who is the head of the Church, has written a book about his son, called "Ruthless". Lawyers for the Church in Belfast threatened the publishers of the book with legal proceedings, but not elsewhere in England and Wales. This anomaly is potentially creating a kind of forum-shopping, although interestingly the Church chose not to sue in Scotland despite the fact that the Defamation Act 2013 doesn't apply there either. The Scottish Law Commission published a discussion paper last year on proposals to bring the law of Scotland into line with the law of England and Wales. 
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thehypotensivegrad · 3 years
PP4 - A Story of Us (10/25)
Acapella Rhapsody
Chapter Preview:
Beca was feeling amazing. The Bellas were putting up a good fight. Heck, if she was honest and cared to admit it, the Bellas dominated the last round. But she wouldn't say that out loud. She didn't want to jinx it.
The groups had a few minutes to regroup, rehydrate, and rest while on stage as the host consulted with the judges regarding the rules for the lighting round and escorted the other finalists off the stage. Beca was thankful that at the very least the teams were kept apart. She had Rhian prep her the previous night on how to deal with the enchantingly intimidating tall, gorgeous, specimen leader of DSM. The very someone who never dared avert her gaze away from Beca while they faced off on stage. The last thing she wanted was make a fool of herself again. That, and make Chloe mad, and dare she even say, jealous?
Chloe found it amusing the night before that all she could do was practice insults, at least there was that. Beca wished they could have had the chance to have a proper talk over the past few nights, but with Aubrey having the Bellas go through riff-off drills, and endless ex-co-captains' meetings with her, Emily, and Chloe, Beca was just tired.
The moment her head hit the pillow she was off to dreamland, as it was the case the last five years. Because Beca could only ever sleep when she was exhausted. She wasn't lying to Chloe a few days ago. It just wasn't the same not having her lying right next to Beca. There was a reason why she kept her laptop next to her, mixing software already opened and ready for whenever Beca wakes up and have a hard time getting some sleep again.
They'll have the chance for that talk. Beca was just happy that when she would wake up in the morning, from a full night's sleep, she got to see Chloe next to her.
"What are you smiling about, Shawshank?" Amy asked with a knowing look. "Thinking of something good?" she followed up, wiggling her brows before stealing a glance at Chloe who was busy talking with Jessica and Ashley. Beca wasn't sure why Amy was acting weird but she was thankful to be saved from having to answer Amy's question when the hosts returned to the stage. Talking to Chloe was one thing, telling her friends how she felt about Chloe was another. She wasn't sure how'd they take it, especially since it may seem to come a little out of nowhere.
Jules from the Filharmonic hyped up the crowd before proceeding to explain the rules. The lightning round will have a category chosen by the judges. A timer will be set for the round, like previous rounds. As established, a team must match their competition's harmonies to cut in with a song of their own. But, since it was a lightning round, there was a twist.
Neither the Bellas nor DSM can stop singing.
The Bellas looked at each other confused, even members of DSM weren't sure what they meant. This was a riff-off after all.
Joe stepped up, providing the explanation. "Once a team starts singing with their choice of song, there always has to be at least one member of their team who will perform adlibs, back-ups, or just quickly adopt to the ever changing melodies. The goal is to match the rhythm and keep the melody, the entire thing has to sound pleasant and silky smooth to the ears."
"Sounds like that's right up our alley," Chloe whispered to Beca. "Guess you can say it's our specialty."
Beca chuckled in response. Chloe wasn't lying, but there had to be more to it.
"If a team has all of their members stop singing," Trace then said. "Then they lose."
"If a team fails to jump in and not participate, or if they let their opponent end the song early – which they can do this round – then they lose," VJ added.
"In other words," Niko said, "each team must be ready to jump in and keep the mashed-up riff-off going until the timer ends the round."
To demonstrate, the Filharmonic sang songs by Imagine Dragons. They split into three groups, Jules was by himself, VJ and Niko paired up, while Trace and Joe formed the other team. They kept cutting each other off by matching harmonies, but each pair and Jules always sung, either throwing in an adlib from their song or maintaining the remixed melodies. The end result was a glorious mash-up medley of "Whatever it takes", "Believer", and "Thunder."
The teams were given three minutes to strategize. The Bellas all huddled together. Aubrey asked Ashley, Jessica, and Lilly, who typically carried the beats and the harmonies that blended all their voices together into one sweet melody, to never stop singing. She had confidence in their skill to quickly adopt to the changes. The Bellas all agreed that whoever had an idea first would just jump in with a song, and the rest would quickly follow the lead. They can't let themselves be dominated by DSM.
"So, are you all ready?" Jules asked, after the three minutes were up. When both teams resumed their positions, the Filharmonic revealed their category.
"Acapella Rhapsody!"
Check out the rest at 
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29141841/chapters/72009906
ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13808923/10/A-Story-of-Us
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