#mutton cutlet
cliozaur · 10 months
Throughout the book, Hugo depicts various shades of poverty and misery (incidentally, historians have always had difficulties defining poverty in previous centuries): the poverty of an ex-convict, a single mother, an abandoned street child, an elderly officer, and now... Marius. His situation is challenging, especially considering his previous life of relative wealth. However, he is not desperate. Eating cheese, bread, and sometimes even a mutton cutlet may be a limited diet, but it is far from starvation. (I didn't quite understand why he was hiding while buying what was likely stale bread in the twilight. Perhaps it was because respectable people felt it was shameful to buy stale bread?) On another note, Marius' strategy of making a cutlet last for three days was wise: meat spoils quickly, so he ate it first, fat acts as a natural preservative and can wait, and a bone... well, it's just a bone.  
I admire how Hugo once again delves into the material aspects of life. He skillfully reminds the reader of the small details of poverty, such as "evenings without a candle, a hearth without a fire, weeks without work, a future without hope, a coat with worn-out elbows, an old hat that elicits laughter from young girls, a door that is locked at night due to unpaid rent." In these instances, real problems intertwine with issues of vanity and dignity. The mention of "evenings without a candle" brings to mind Fantine, who had to sew in the evenings without candles, relying on the light from the windows of the house across from hers. The clothes that are falling apart and the second-hand garments given away by others also hold significance: "For thirty sous, Marius got it turned by some porter or other, and it was a new coat. But this coat was green. Then Marius ceased to go out until after nightfall. This made his coat black." It is crucial for Marius to maintain his little rituals, regardless of the circumstances. Tomorrow, there will be an opportunity to discuss the issue of borrowing money.
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mymovingfingerwrites · 9 months
A Father at His Son’s Baptism
Cutlet carved from our larger carcasses: thus were you made — from a spit and a hug. The scratchy stuff you’re lying on is wool. You recognize the pressure of your mother’s hand. That white moon with a bluish cast is a priest’s face, frowning over a water bowl. Whatever befalls you now, you’ve been blessed, in a most picturesque and ineffective ceremony dating from the Middle Ages. Outdoors, the church lawn radiates a lethal green. A gas truck thunders down the street. Why, at emotional moments, do the placid trees and landscape look overexposed, almost ready to bleach away, and reveal the workings of “the Real” machine underneath? All bundled up on such a hot day: whose whelp, pray tell, or mutton chop are you? — tail-less, your cloudy gaze a vague accusation, not of the sins of my history, but ignorance to come, future cruelty. You’re getting red in the face, blotchy, ready to wail. Good. From now on protest and remember everything. Your cries assail even the indigent dead, buried in charity plots right outside, slowly releasing their heat, while you, born out of the blue into a wheezing spring, watch a chaotic mosaic assemble itself. You tune up. My love for you is half-adrenaline, half gibberish. More Latin and the priest splatters you. He’s got one good eye, and a black patch, like a pirate. Now, smiling as if he knows something I don’t, he hands you to me. If I drop you, loudmouth, will you bounce or fly? You were chalky and bloody at first, in the doctor’s grip, looking skinned and inside-out. Boyhood, a dangling carrot. I stare at you and experience the embarrassment of riches. I need to loosen my tie or I’ll faint. Outside a rake scrapes, sprinklers hiss. It might be best to set you down in one of these squares of light on the floor, striped by venetian blinds, and leave you safe in that bright cage. I could go have coffee, and come back when we can carry on a conversation. Men and women are afraid of each other. It’s true. Whisper and drool of my flesh, I’m terrified of you.
— Amy Gerstler, from Bitter Angel, Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1990
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angel-petals · 1 year
to taste:
food vocabulary
1. 食べ物 たべもの tabe mono Food
2. 日本料理 にほんりょうり nihon ryouri Japanese Cooking / Japanese Dish / Japanese Food
3. 朝食 ちょうしょく chou shoku Breakfast
4. 朝御飯 あさごはん asa gohan Breakfast
5. 昼食 ちゅうしょく chuu shoku Lunch
6. 昼御飯 ひるごはん hiru gohan Lunch
7. 夕食 ゆうしょく yuu shoku Dinner
8. 晩御飯 ばんごはん ban gohan Dinner
9. 夜食 やしょく ya shoku Supper
10. おかず okazu Side Dish
11. お八つ おやつ oyatsu Snack / Refreshment
12. 弁当 べんとう bentou Box Lunch
13. 駅弁 えきべん ekiben Train Station Box Lunch
14. 御飯 ごはん gohan Meal / Cooked Rice
15. 刺身 さしみ sashimi Sliced Raw Fish
16. 寿司 / 鮨 / 鮓 すし sushi Sushi
17. 天婦羅 てんぷら tenpura Tempura / Deep-fried Fish and Vegetables
18. 牛丼 ぎゅうどん gyuu don Rice topped with Beef and Vegetables
19. 親子丼 おやこどん oyako don Rice topped with Boiled Chicken and Eggs
20. 天丼 てんどん ten don Rice topped with Deep-fried Prawns & Fishes
21. 鰻丼 うなぎどん unagi don Rice topped with Glaze-grilled Eel
22. 鰻 うなぎ unagi Eel
23. 豚カツ とんカツ tonkatsu Pork Cutlet
24. カレーライス kare- raisu Curry and Rice
25. 鋤焼き すきやき suki yaki Thin Slices of Beef cooked with various Vegetables in a Heavy Iron Pan
26. お好み焼き おこのみやき okonomi yaki Thin and Flat Pancake cooked on a Hot Plate with bits of Meat, Seafood and Chopped Cabbages
27. 鉄板焼き てっぱんやき teppan yaki Grilled Meat cooked on Iron Plate
28. 焼き鳥 やきとり yaki tori Grilled Chicken / Broiled Chicken
29. 蛸焼き たこやき tako yaki Octopus Dumpling
30. 焼きそば やきそば yaki soba Pan Fried Noodle
31. 餃子 ギョウザ gyouza Dumpling stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetables
32. 茶碗蒸し ちゃわんむし chawan mushi Steamed Egg Custard in Tea Cup
33. しゃぶしゃぶ shabu shabu Japanese Style Hotpot
34. 味噌 みそ miso Miso / Bean Paste
35. 味噌汁 みそしる miso shiru Miso Soup
36. ラーメン ra-men Ramen
37. うどん udon Noodle made of Wheat Flour
38. 蕎麦 そば soba Buckwheat Noodle
39. 餅 もち mochi Sticky Rice Cake
40. 餡パン あんパン anpan Japanese Bun filled with Red Bean Paste
41. 牛肉 ぎゅうにく gyuuniku Beef
42. 豚肉 ぶたにく butaniku Pork
43. 鶏肉 とりにく toriniku Chicken Meat
44. 羊肉 ようにく youniku Mutton / Lamb
45. 魚 さかな sakana Fish
46. 海老 / 蝦 えび ebi Prawn / Shrimp
47. 蟹 か��� kani Crab
48. 豆腐 とうふ toufu Tofu / Bean Curd
49. 卵 たまご tamago Egg
50. 食パン しょくパン shoku pan Plain Bread / White Bread
51. 玉葱 たまねぎ tamanegi Onion
52. 胡瓜 きゅうり kyuuri Cucumber
53. 醤油 しょうゆ shouyu Soy Sauce
54. 酢 す su Vinegar
55. 山葵 わさび wasabi Japanese Horseradish
56. 油 あぶら abura Oil
57. 砂糖 さとう satou Sugar
58. 塩 しお shio Salt
59. 胡椒 こしょう koshou Pepper
60. 調味料 ちょうみ
りょう choumi ryou Seasoning / Condiment / Flavoring / Spices
Japanese English
1. yasai Vegetables
2. daikon raddish
3. nasu egg plant
4. nin jin carrots
5. bareisho(jagaimo) potato
6. satsuma-imo sweet potato
7. negi onion
8. tama-negi onion bulb
9. nin-niku garlic
10. kyuuri cucumber
11. kyabetsu cabbage
12. kabocha pumpkin
13. tomato tomato
14. kinoko mushroom
15. toomorokoshi corn
16. sato-imo taro
17. mame beans
18. daizu soy beans
19. shooga ginger
20. takenoko bamboo shoot
21. niga-uri bitter guard
22. horensoo spinach
23. seri parsley
24. hakusai chinese cabbage
アスパラ asparagus
おくら okra
かぼちゃ pumpkin
きゅうり cucumber
ゴーヤ bitter gourd
ごぼう burdock
さつまいも sweet potato
しいたけ shiitake mushroom
じゃがいも potato
ズッキーニ zucchini
だいこん Japanese radish
たまねぎ onion
ちんげんさい bok choy
トマト tomato
なす eggplant
にんじん carrot
ネギ leek
にんにく garlic
ピーマン green pepper
ブロッコリー broccoli
まいたけ hen-of-the-wood
モロヘイヤ Egyptian spinach
ルッコラ arugula
れんこん lotus root
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 19 September 1833
6 ¼
12 ¾
Rainy morning F65° at 7am yet out at 8 25 to 10 ½ tho’ it rained more or less all the while – went straight along the street opposite to my bedroom to the ramparts and a different way home by several different streets and went to the exchange and sometime there looking at prints etc. breakfast at 11 - M. de H- sat an hour with me – then at my journal – M. Sieveking, the banker of 32 Nyhaven [Nyhavn] (Newhaven) called for 10 minutes to pay his respects till 2 40 – wrote out journal of yesterday and Tuesday -   Lady H.de H- brought Comtesse Blucher and her sister Miss Ferrall called about 3 ¼ for about ¼ hour and then Lady H de H- took me with them an hour’s drive round the pretty outskirts of the town - then set down the 2 ladies and went with Lady H- de H- home - dinner at 5 in the summer house - M. and Lady H- de H- and myself - soup grilled or fried maccarel [mackerel] with fat brown sauce    good    mutton cutlets and a pudding claret and Madeira - talked of going to Jutland and should like to go to the Iceland - Inquired what was worth seeing - had told M. de H- in the morning I thought of being at Leipzig fair in April - he had said he could not go to Norway - could not get leave long enough - Lady H- might go - but said he should like to go with me to Leipzig and Berlin and Dresden - but letting it slip that he did not want to go to Norway just where he could be of most use to me    so did not encourage his going anywhere with me merely quite civil about   poor little man he could give me no information I asked for he did not even know of Smallet’s history of Denmark in French Miss Ferrall mentioned it - Comtesse Blucher and Miss Ferrall at 8 ½ and afterwards 2 gentlemen came in the evening - the de H-s sent us all home in their carriage I set them down and got home myself at 11 ¼ - fine day after 12 at noon F67° now at 12 10 tonight - have felt it very hot all today - M. de Hagemann gave me letter 3 pages and ends from M- Leamington of 21st August and 7 September - Mr L - has been in London to see Brodie about his knee - B- attending the duke of Devonshire so saw Sir Astley Cooper - a fluid between  the knee and knee-cap for which must have severe blistering - Mr L- very ill on returning with something like cholera M- and Watson alarmed and began to think they wondered what they should do without him - nobody to assist π but W. Crewe and Mr. Wood   the latter with a family etc so π- would as she seems to think fall into WC-’s hands - M- has read the Parson’s daughter - struck with the resemblance of Harbottle to ---- had she read it 2 years ago many things might not have happened - about W. Crewe she now sees plainly how it is    well let her take him    I have lost all confidence in her she can never be the same to me again   I doubt if we should be really happy together    let her take Willoughby and even in that case I doubt her perfect happiness - no letter for me from Mrs Sutherland - perhaps she did not quite like my last well I am easy about it   if I can only make my income do it is all I want
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40sandfabulousaf · 12 days
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大家好! I've wanted to visit a new restaurant for some time but didn't get the chance to do so. Over the weekend, I finally stepped into the Malaysian dining establishment. Their decor is inspired by Qing Dynasty noodle houses, and features traditional Chinese paintings as well as wooden tables and stools. A wooden shelf in the centre of the restaurant neatly houses jars of Chinese wine. Their menu showcases a wide variety of Jiangxi province style noodles with different toppings for diners to select, as well as Malaysian pan mee.
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I decided to try their sliced fish noodle soup. Just before serving, the waitress poured a small amount of hua diao jiu (Chinese rice wine) into the piping hot broth. This step added depth, flavour and fragrance to the soup. OMG it was divine! Thick, succulent and fresh slices of batang (spanish mackerel), nai bai (a type of bak choy) as well as Chinese parsley were perfectly complemented by QQ, highly slurpable thick bee hoon (rice vermicelli). Not a single strand of noodles was left; I finished it all. Definitely returning to try their other menu items.
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I also revisited the local Western-style food stall selling seafood spaghetti. This time, I tried their spaghetti with mutton chops. $15.90 got me 3 decent sized, thick pieces of meat and a good amount of pasta. After finishing the mutton, I tossed the spaghetti with the tomato sauce and brown gravy and cleaned out the plate. I might try more local Western-style meals since they tend to be less overpriced. Mutton is tender and tastes just as good as lamb, so why pay premium? 3 lamb cutlets average about $36 - $48 here, more than double the price of my tasty meal!
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Time for another hawker delight, lesser known amongst tourists but very popular with locals. There're 2 versions - oyster omelette and oyster egg. Flour is added to the oyster omelette for a lightly crispy finish, whilst oyster egg doesn't contain flour, so it's more fragrant and eggy. I prefer the latter and ordered it for lunch. Tearing apart the golden goodness revealed fresh plump molluscs, which, when paired with thick pieces of fluffy egg and dipped into the tangy chilli sauce, instantly transported my taste buds to paradise. This large, very filling plate was $6.
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Lastly, we had rainy days lately, perfect for mee soto (Muslim chicken noodle soup) so that was what I had, with added chicken. Crunchy bean sprouts interspersed with noodles and a spicy, robust broth made this dish a killer combo. It was so delicious, after the meal, I complimented the stall owner and told him I'll be back, which made him nod and smile broadly. This mighty bowl of yum is priced at $4, to which I added $1 extra of chicken. Meanwhile, the situation still remains grim in Gaza. Their hospitals have been decimated by Israeli attacks, leaving them unable to treat patients. I'll continue to pray for a permanent ceasefire and two-state solution. There needs to be peace already. 下次见!
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24x7newsbengal · 7 months
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foodtamira · 10 months
Chicken Cutlet Recipe। চিকেন কাটলেট কি করে বানাবেন।
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When talking about cutlets, the first city that comes to mind is Kolkata.Because good quality cutlets are available in this city in India.Cutlet is a very popular dish. It is available all over the world. However, different types of cutlets are available in different countries.For example, USA Canada cousine cutlet,french cousine cutlet,Iranian cousine cutlet,polish cousine cutlet,Japan cousine cutlet and Indian cousine cutlet.Today I will discuss how to make Indian Cutlet.Indian cousine cutlets are made with vegetables, mashed potatoes, and meat.But today I will make a different style cutlet.It is very delicious to eat. So let's start making chicken cutlet.
Ingredients for Chicken Cutlet:
Chicken stuffing : - Boneless chicken : 300 gm - Garlic cloves : 12 nos - Ginger : 2 inch - Onion big size : 1 nos - Coriander leaves : 1 fist - Mint leaves : 1 fist - Egg : 1 nos - Sliced bread : 2 nos - Lemon juice : 1/2 lemon - Garam Masala powder : 1/2 tsp - Black pepper powder : 1 tsp - Salt : As per your taste - Green Chilli : 4 nos - Refined oil : 2 tsp - Bread crumb : 3 tsp For coating: - Eggs : 3 nos. - Black pepper powder : 1/4 tsp - Salt : 1/4 tsp - Bread crumb : Adequate amount For Frying : - Refined oil : Adequate amount
Process of Making chicken Cutlet:
Method 1: - At First paste together boneless chicken, garlic cloves,ginger cut 2 inch,sliced onion, coriander leaves, mint leaves, eggs, bread slices, lemon juice, garam masala, Black pepper powder,salt, chilli in the mixture grinder. - Once the paste is made, pour it into a bowl. - Then add 2 tsp of oil and 3 tsp of bread crumbs to the chicken paste.After that, it should be kneaded. Method 2 : - Then break 3 eggs in a bowl and mix it with salt and pepper powder. - Another container should be kept with some bread crumbs. - This time the chicken paste should be made into small balls. - Then all the balls should be pressed into a flat shape with the palm of the hand. - Now that flat ball should be first coated with bread crumbs, then dipped in egg and coated with bread crumbs again. - Follow these rules and apply bread crumbs to each ball. Method 3 : - Once each chicken ball is coated with bread crumbs, leave it for 10 minutes.These 10 minute bread crumbs will stick well into the chicken balls. - This time, heat the oil in a pan on medium heat. When the oil is hot, drop the chicken balls in the oil. - Fry 2 to 3 chicken balls at a time in a pan. - Fry both sides for 4 to 5 minutes until the cutlet turns red.When fried, keep it in a bowl. - Now the cutlet is ready.
Cooking Time :
Cooking time for this recipe is 35 to 45 minutes.
Suggestion :
- Always use fresh ingredients. - If you don't have lemon while making chicken paste, use vinegar in that case. - If you don't have mint leaves then no need to use it. - If you don't have bread crumbs you can use home made toast biscuit powder. - Fry the chicken cutlet on medium flame, if it is too much, the upper part will be red but the inside will remain raw. - Use refined or palm oil for frying the cutlets. Never use mustard oil. - There are many types of cutlets, if you don't like chicken, you can make cutlets with mutton, fish. - if you are a vegetarian then make veg cutlets.
Notes :
Chicken cutlets are a tasty starter dish.It is prepared in many ways. Most people make it with chicken paste, mashed potatoes and vegetables.I saw you made a different recipe, anyway try it at home, you will love it.
Q.In which state is cutlet famous?
A.Cutlets are popular in the city of Kolkata in West Bengal.
Q. Who brought cutlet to India?
A.Lord Amherst first introduced cutlets in Calcutta. Read the full article
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sonjatwogreyhounds · 1 year
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Beauty and Performance Review
Mutton Cutlet
Sire: Jamie
Dam: Miss Cinderella
Breeder: Lieut.-Col. R. McCalmont (UK)
Owner: Mr. T. A. Morris (IE)
#source breed archive
From the Italian monthly magazine 'Rassegna cinofila' official organ of the Italian Kennel ClubFebruary 1935From the worldThe 'Irish Field' newspaper announced the death of the famous greyhound Mutton Cutled, called 'the most famous stallion in the world'. Mutton Cutled was 14 years and 9 months old, and no dog had ever matched his prodigious lineage of champion racing dogs. He had never made much of an impression on the racetrack; indeed, his breeder considered him to be of little value, and when Mutton Cutled was still very young, he gave him to Mr. T.A. Morris (keeper of the Irish greyhound stud book). The latter soon recognised that if Mutton Cutled was not worth much as a runner, he was at least an excellent breeder. In fact, he was the producer of an endless series of famous runners, and his descendants have raced on tracks all over the world. Many of these descendants were acquired in Europe. A young great-grandson, Porthos, recently released from his native Ireland, will perhaps be the heir to the great fame of the illustrious Mutton Cutled
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akshaymehndiratta · 1 year
Akshay Mehndiratta — 5 best street food places in delhi that every foodies must visit
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As one of the most populous cities in India, Delhi is known for its vibrant food culture, especially when it comes to street food. With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming for visitors to decide where to go. That's why we've compiled a list of the top 5 best street food places in Delhi, curated by foodie expert Akshay Mehndiratta, that every foodie must visit.
Chandni Chowk
Located in the heart of Chandni Chowk, Paranthe Wali Gali is a narrow street lined with shops selling delicious parathas. From classic aloo (potato) and gobhi (cauliflower) parathas to more unique options like rabri (sweet condensed milk) parathas, there is something for everyone's taste buds. Akshay Mehndiratta recommends trying the mixed paratha, which is stuffed with multiple vegetables and spices, for an explosion of flavors in one bite.
Lajpat Nagar
Lajpat Nagar is a popular shopping area in Delhi which is also famous for its street food. There are many street food vendors in the market who sell a variety of snacks like chole bhature, samosas and dahi bhalla. However, the main attraction of Lajpat Nagar's street food scene is Momo Point. This tiny eatery is famous for its mouth-watering momos, which are served with spicy red chutney. Other popular eateries in Lajpat Nagar include Khandani Pakode Wala, famous for its crispy and delicious pakodas, and Dolma Aunty Momos, a hidden gem that serves some of the best momos in the city.
Chandni Chowk
Chaat is a popular street food in India, and Bishan Swaroop Chaat Corner in Chandni Chowk is the place to go for the best chaat in Delhi. Their signature dish is the aloo tikki (potato cutlet) chaat, where the crispy cutlet is topped with a variety of chutneys, yogurt, and spices. Akshay Mehndiratta also recommends trying the papdi chaat, which is made with crispy fried dough wafers and a tangy tamarind chutney.
Khan Market
If you're a fan of kebabs, then Khan Chacha in Khan Market is a must-visit. This small shop has been serving up mouth-watering kebabs for over 50 years. Their signature dish is the chicken tikka roll, where the tender chicken tikka is wrapped in a soft roti (Indian flatbread) with onions and chutney. Akshay Mehndiratta also recommends trying the mutton seekh kebab, which is cooked to perfection with spices and herbs.
Jama Masjid
No street food list in Delhi is complete without mentioning Karim's in Jama Masjid. This iconic restaurant has been serving up Mughlai cuisine for over a century. Their signature dish is the mutton korma, where the tender meat is cooked in a flavorful curry with spices and herbs. Akshay Mehndiratta also recommends trying the nihari, which is a slow-cooked beef stew with a rich and spicy gravy.
In conclusion, Delhi is a food lover's paradise, and these 5 street food places recommended by Akshay Mehndiratta are a must-visit for every foodie. From crispy parathas to refreshing kulfi, tangy chaat to succulent kebabs, and flavorful curries, Delhi has it all. So, put on your walking shoes, grab your appetite, and explore the vibrant street food culture of Delhi!
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nathandulce · 1 year
Bae-riyani, my love
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Piping hot briyani rice served on banana leaf with vegetable sides, appalam, a fish cutlet and mysore mutton really hits your taste buds different on a cold rainy day.
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foodwithrecipes · 1 year
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In Food Recipes  we teach you how to make fish cutlets. Cutlets are a typical starter in French cuisine. In Indian cuisine, a cutlet is typically a mixture of mashed vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beans) or cooked meat (mutton). , refers to a stuffing of chicken or fish) that is fried with a batter/covering. The meat is cooked with spices – onions, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, coriander (cilantro), green chillies, lemon and salt. It is then dipped in egg mixture or corn starch and then in bread crumbs (see also breaded cutlet), and fried in ghee or vegetable oil. Mostly chicken and mutton cutlets are very popular snacks in eastern part of India especially in Kolkata. If you are a fish lover then this recipe is for you. Many of you must have tried fish pakora, have you ever eaten fish cutlet. It is very easy to make them. These are crispy fish prepared in potatoes and spices and deep fried. It will prove to be a great snack during the party. Mixing with spices, coating with egg, coating with bread crumbs and corn flour and deep frying. Read more
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foodfunfantasy · 1 year
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@foodiefolksonline : The tale of Lost Recipes in New Age Package 💖🎉🎁 These brand created a huge buzz in the city for last few months... I'm sure you traced them some places some where while roaming around the city... They have total 8 unique outlets already and many more is coming... Each outlets have their own USP... I spotted this outlet somedays ago just beside Eco Park Gate No 1... I was amazed by their Indoor and Outdoor Seating arrangements and the ambience 😍😍😍... But what blown me away is the taste of their food... It was really superb... I have tasted one of the best Bhetki Paturi, Fish Roll, Egg Devil and Momos... Pricing is very reasonable too... Here goes my recommendations... 1. Mochar Chop 2. Pur Bhora Bhetki 3. Hasher Dimer Devil 4. Baganer Mosola Diyae Murgir 5. Cutlet Chennar Paturi 6. Bhetki Paturi 7. China Town Chilli Chicken 8. Mutton Biryani 9. Chicken Steamed Momo I became a fan of this brand... Will surely try their other outlets and update you all about that too... Till then enjoy... For Booking, Querry and Reservations Call: +91 90070 30103 . . . #food #newbrand #friedfood #bhetkipaturi #eveningsnacks #bengalifood (at Eco Park,, Gate No. 1) https://www.instagram.com/p/CopoBefv2S4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Diet nr 3 a.
 Recommending snacks, drinks and prohibited.
Not spicy cheese, doctor s sausage, wetting herring, fatness ham.
Tea with milk, weak coffee in water with milk, sweet cool drinks of berry, fruit, compotes, kisel, hibiscus drink with sugar, or honey, infusion of Japan s mushroom, potato juice fresh, vegetables.
Avoiding are spicy, salted, fried dishes, smoked, canned, fat, meat fat, fish, hard fibers with vegetables.  And essential oils are radish, garlic, pepper, spinach, animal fats as pork, lard, inside fats, mutton fat, margarine, culinary fats, cold dishes and drinks.
Muscle of sea scallop in tomato sauce.
250 gr of ready dish a scallop 55 gr, potato 200 gr, tomato sauce 50 gr. Scallop fresh or defrosted wash, and cook in strong salted water for 5 min. Filter first water, add normal salted and cook till ready. Boiled muscle cut on pieces across for fibers, add tomato sauce and serve with boiled potato.
Proteins 9.8 gr, fats 6.3 gr, carbohydrates 35.2 gr, energy value 165.5 gr, dish use for diets  8,9, 11,15, 10 salt free.
Diet nr 3a.
Your daily menu.
First breakfast. Rubbing porride in water of buckwheat with vegetable oil, sweet curd, tea with milk.
2nd breakfast beet purée with vegetable oil, sour milk  one glass.
Lunch. Soup with rubbing vegetables of meat broth, meat cutlets, vegetable purée with vegetable oil, tomatoes, purée of apples.
Afternoon snack tea with honey 50 gr, rusks with boiled potato, tea with milk.
For night. Kefir one glass.
For all day. Grey bread 400 gr, sugar 50 gr, butter oil 30 gr, vegetable oil 40 gr, hibiscus drink200 gr.
Salad of fresh cabbage.
For 95 ready dish a fresh cabbage 100 gr, carrot 9 gr, oil vegetable 5 gr, proteins 1.5 gr, fats 5.0, carbohydrates 4.5 gr, energy value 66.7 gr, dish use for diets 3, 5,7-10, 7 a, 7 b, 11,15.
Salad of raw carrot and apples.
For 150 gr a ready dish a carrot 94 gr, apples not cleaned without middle part 68 gr, fromage 20 gr, sugar 5 gr.
Proteins 1.7 gr, fats 0.7 gr, carbohydrates 17.4 gr, energy value 130.7 kcal, Dish use for diets nr 2,3, 5,7, 10, 7 a, 7 b, 11, 15, but  for 8-9 sugar-free.
Infusion of Japan s mushrooms are of tea mushroom or shiitake you can cook.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/hRrJ59y via https://ift.tt/mD8iGtY
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Monday 16 July 1838
7 ¾
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very fine morning F74 ½° at 9 10 am – Letter this morning before 8 from Mr. Mackean vid. next page line 26. Yorkshire district bank, H-x – breakfast at 9 ¼ to 10 ¾ - A- and I off to Gavarnie at 11 ¼ meant to have gone to Cautertz [Cauterets], but the clouds were so low on the mountains that way, we should have been in them and could see nothing – I walked from 12 50 to 1 ½ - at Gèdre at 1 20 – walked again (alight in the Chaos, or Peyrada) from 1 50 to 2 10 thro’ the chaos – magnifique – A- rode on to some distance – out of sight – but I overtook her perhaps in about 20 minutes – alighted together at to see the cascade just before entering Gavarnie then remounted and alighted at the Inn at 2 ¾ - a new part added to the house – not quite finished inside – but very nice – ordered for dinner 1 mutton cutlet for A- and 4 fried eggs with a little thin-cut ham, and bread and butter and wine (good – tho’ frothing from being poured from the cash into the bottle) from near Tarbes vin de Marignan I think the woman of the house called it – A- and I amused ourselves by going all over the upper part of the house – could sleep there very well – took our 2 guides and sauntered out at 3 ¼ to 5- turned along the road to Spain via Boucheron – a large mass of rolling rock had rather shattered the church wall – of the 2 young men lost on the Vignemale thro’ the ignorance of their guide (at 4/. instead of 7/. and nourni) in August 1836 the Roman catholic is buried in a corner of the church yard without recording stone, and the protestant is buried in the prè or little mead field near, also without one stone to mark the spot – on walking passed the ½ finished tombstone intended to be placed over him (the protestant) but ses parens [parents] had not paid the workman, and the stone remained ½ finished as it was – the range of Marboré hid in brouillard which covered all down to the top of the cirque (or Oule ab olla Latin marmite vid. A-‘s Richards guide des Pyrénées) and .:. to the top of the 800ft. shoot of the famous cascade – just went as far as a little bit up the turn right to Boucheron perhaps ½ hour from the Inn for we walked back in 20 minutes from the time of beginning to return – 2 ½ hours from Gavarnie to the Port and 2 ½ hours more to Boucheron and 4 ½ hours from there to Torla – and it had taken us from 11 ¼ to 2 ¾ or 3 ½ hours to go from St. S- to Gavarnie – dinner at 5 10 and off from Gavarnie at 6 – In the inside partitions upstairs a double lathing perhaps 2in. clear and shavings filled into this space – no better means of deading the sound – the people of the Inn had had their Grange burnt down maliciously  -  all their store of provisions corn etc. there and they had lost 5000/. or 6000/. by it - .:. gave the woman back the 1/. she had given me out of a 5/. piece (dinner 4/. I paid nothing for the horses) and she said she would say I had left 4 sols for la fille to which I at once consented saying I meant the rest for herself –
at Gèdre at 7 ¼ (on the bridge) – A- had walked the last ½ hour (alighted just after the chaos) and I all the way but the 1st 3 minutes – beautiful descent upon Gèdre where A- remounted at 7 ¼ on the bridge – I walked forwards at a good round pace, and Charles rode instead of me – on the Pont de [Douroncate] (as pronounced by Charles) at 8 – and in ¼ hour or 18 minutes at the pont de Sia where I remounted and rode the rest of the way – home at 9 10 having put on my red cloak and an additional (black silk) handkerchief once loosely round my throat after the heating I had got in walking – set our boiler going – A- had a little frontignan and about a couple of glasses (the last after she was in bed at 10 10) of hot wine and water I about (nearly) 3 of the latter – very fine day – F73 ½° now at 10 20 pm
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Best Bengali Food Menus for Your Upcoming Wedding Ceremony
Foods are an important part of the wedding because it helps the people to make their event memorable. We know that Bengalis like to eat various foods, so the Bengali wedding menu section plays a vital role. Weddings are not exempt from the rule that food elevates any occasion! A time had passed when family members used to plan the entire wedding.
So this blog will discuss the best Bengali food menu for the upcoming wedding ceremony. Organise it systematically, and people are considered the best wedding catering in Kolkata. Choosing the right catering services for your wedding will help avoid headaches. So, if your wedding is coming soon, this blog will be helpful for you. 
A few dishes are very popular on the Bengali wedding menu. We know that all the Bengali food items are delicious and make your wedding memorable. A few Bengali food items are listed below. 
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The starter is an important part of the Bengali wedding food menu and involves both veg and non-veg items. A few common starters in Bengali weddings are listed below. 
Vegetarian  starter 
Paneer tikka kabab 
A well-liked wedding appetizer is paneer tikka. You can order the smoky tandoori snack by skewering spicy paneer cubes, onion, and capsicum in creamy yoghurt and then grilling them in the oven.
 Veg cutlet 
Vegetable cutlets are another savoury vegan meal item for weddings. A favourite Bengali evening snack is often referred to as vegetable chop.
Mochar chop 
Your wedding food will have a traditional touch with deep-fried dumplings made with banana flowers. This delicious colonial treat is a wonderful nibble to offer your visitors and is made from boiling banana flowers, potatoes, almonds, and flavorful spices. 
Non-vegetarian starter 
Egg devil 
 This is the mouthwarming starter in the Bengali wedding food menu. Slices of the egg are wrapped in a spicy coating to make the delectable delicacy known as "egg devil." Salads and kasundi are served beside it.
Fish cutlet 
Fish cutlet is a popular food item on the Bengali food menu and a very delicious snack. We know that Bengalis mainly prefer food items, so you should add this food item to your wedding starter. 
Chicken lollipop 
This Indo-Chinese appetizer is becoming increasingly popular in the modern Bengali wedding menu. Chicken lollipops are extremely hot and spicy appetizers.
Main course 
Every wedding catering service provides the guests with the best quality service and food items. It will help you to make their event memorable and amazing. 
Vegetarian menu 
Koraisutir kochuri 
Koraishutir kochuri is the popular veg food item on the  Bengali food menu and is considered in the main courses. This is among the greatest vegetarian wedding meal ideas, and it is typically served with aloo dum gravy or Chana dal.
Echorer dalna 
Schroer data is the famous veg food item on the Bengali wedding menu. A delicious option on the Bengali Wedding menu is anchored data or raw jackfruit curry. 
Misti pulao
Most Bengali events serve this well-known dish. It is a flavorful yellow pulao with sweet undertones that pairs beautifully with a hot, spicy curry. 
Dhokar dalna 
A popular Bengali meal called Dhokar Dalna is created from spiced channa dal koftas, or lentil cakes cooked before being drenched in a curry made with tomatoes and coconut.
Fish paturi 
You should include this food item in your Bengali wedding food menu. Before being cooked on the banana leaf, the fish is marinated with mustard paste, curd, and many spices. Fish like bhetki or hilsa work best for this recipe.
Mutton Kosa 
This is a popular and traditional food item on the Bengali wedding menu. It is mainly served with steamed rice, pulao and rumali roti.
Most of the famous catering services in Kolkata serve Biriyani as the main course. It is very common in Indian wedding menu lists. 
Chicken cheap 
One of the most well-known chicken side dishes, chicken chaap, will win your heart and leave you wanting more over and over.
Dessert is the sweetest section of the Bengali wedding food menu. In this section, guests will get various types of sweet items. 
The most well-known Bengali dessert, rosogolla, is a ball-shaped chenna dumpling covered in sweet syrup. So you must include this food item in your Bengali wedding food menu.
This is the popular and common dessert on the Bengali wedding menu, and this iconic Bengali delicacy is composed of chenna, milk, and sugar.
Final word 
These are the favorite food items you should add to your wedding menu list to make your wedding menu memorable. In order to set a proper Bengali menu, you need to contact the best catering services in Kolkata, who can serve all the food items at an affordable price with proper hygiene.   
If you have another food item and you want to add it to your Bengali wedding menu list, you can share that with us by commenting. 
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