#my favorite part of anxiety attacks is when your brain is like wow we’re dying your intestines are exploding like my dude can u chill
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
my greatest weakness is that I cannot read past 7pm not because I don’t want to but something about the vibes make me feel the writing much more intensely but 9 times out of 10 the feeling is anxiety attack :)
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fenheart87 · 3 years
Lukanette prompts #26 (but Luka says it...)
There was always a feeling of calm when he came home, almost nothing was better than touching down in the Paris airport and feeling the stress from touring fall off with every step from the airplane. It had been longer than Luka had liked to be away from his family and really this time he was early, not that he had told his family just yet. Luckily, Penny was the best and booked him a room where he was able to crash for the night and had options for food places nearby as he was sick of hotel room service.
“If you’re fighting with Ma again, I don't want to hear about it.” He answered the phone, knowing it was his sister on the other line.
“No, just talking about your baby pictures.”
“Oh great, you’re being sappy? Do I want to come home in that case?” Luka teased, not meaning a word of it.
“Blame your nephew, he started it.” He choked on air as he heard shuffling before Rose’s voice came through, indicating she had taken over the phone.
“Luka! We got approved for a baby boy! Captain has been a little weepy but like a good weepy because he has the most adorable face and dark hair but with a slight curl and his eyes gosh! They are like the ocean! He really likes your baby pictures, ah I can't wait for you to meet him!” Rose squealed in excitement, risking Luka’s much needed eardrum.
“Wait, wait, how did you get a whole baby?!” the older exclaimed, putting the phone on speaker in an attempt to save his ears.
“Well, two mommies loved each other very much and decided they wanted to share their love with a very special little baby. The two mommies went to meet the baby but on their way they met another precious child and they knew right away that the little boy with hair as dark a night and eyes like the ocean was destined to become part of their family. And after some time of play dates and special trips around the city, the mommies got to take their new son home.” There was some shuffling as Rose was sniffling and his sister murmuring words of comfort to her.
“I wow, congratulations… Another Couffaine huh?”
“Not quite, we still need to finalize some papers and such. We’re meeting up at Marinette’s parent’s bakery, he loves it there. This will be his first overnight stay so we’re excited but nervous because we want him to feel comfortable.”
“I don't think you have to worry, you both have a lot of love to give and worst case, Uncle Luka can come to the rescue.”
“If you were here yeah, rescue us or him depending. Maybe next time.”
“See you can be sappy! I’ve got to get going but do keep me posted, I’ll read my message even if I don’t respond right away.”
“Sure, stay safe and away from crazy fans.”
“Jules, you know we have a dye party set for when I get back. I’ll be fine.”
"Whatever loser."
So change of plans, Luka would get to see his favorite designing baker sooner rather than later which was fine by him. First he needed to wash off the plane smell and find his plain black hoodie, then he would surprise his girls. Plan in mind, Luka grabbed his shaving kit and started the shower. Shucking off his clothes and tossing them into the bag of dirty laundry he would need to do soon, the guitarist Stepped into the Shower to rinse off with Some body wash. Deciding his hair wasn't in need of a washing, Luka quickly got out and toweled off. 
Luka watched as Marinette played with Llewellyn. The boy looked so happy to be running around the bakery and picking up speed now that he had some sweets to perk him up. It was kind of eerie to look at said child because Llewellyn was similar in looks to a younger Luka, it was definitely that fate had played a huge hand in guiding the boy to his family. The smiles on his sister's faces were definitely worth it and seeing him he hoped would bring an even bigger smile to them. 
"Do you want to color a picture or have more cookies?" Marinette kneeled down to the little boy's height and smiled gently, hoping to ease the sudden anxiety he seemed to be feeling. It really pulled at the guitarist's heartstrings and his body moved to do what needed done before his brain had caught up with it. A soft tune slipped gently from the strings, sneaking by everyone as it blended in the background and caused little shoulders that were scrunched up to slowly relax and fall at ease. Two pairs of blue eyes sought his person but he pretended to not notice as he twined together the gentle melody with the heart songs of those sitting at the table sipping their drinks.
"Luka! You big meanie head!" Rose squealed and carefully tackled her brother in law from behind.
"Hey watch it now, Claire doesn't like the rough treatment."
"Oh hush you! Sneaky little meanie head." The petite blond hugged him even tighter.
"Well since you're here, can I get you anything to eat or drink?" The designer rose from her crouch and turned to the counter, slipping through the gap of the raised counter.
"Ah something warm please and maybe a macaroon or two."
"You got it!" Marinette spun around and reached to grab a mug from the shelf, her shirt sliding to reveal a hint of green and black on her pale skin.
"I uh hey Ma-ma-Marinette uh is that- its okay if I just have a plain cup! I just uh okay please don't punch me too hard but is that a tattoo?! " He could feel his cool factor dying at that moment.
Marinette dropped from her tiptoes to standing normally once more and Luka found he could breathe again as the tattoo went out of sight again. She had always been able to give him a heart attack and the guitarist could already hear the ribbing from his ever lovable sister.
"Oh! Yeah, it was a gift from Nona. You know Nathaniel and Marc’s comic? It’s inspired by Viperion." The petite woman brought over some macaroons and his designated cup with Sabine's special blend. It was like a piece of home and Luka took a large gulp in excitement, "I tend to forget unless I'm in a swimsuit or in the shower."
"Oh Luka!" Rose cried, swatting at Juleka who was laughing and grabbed some napkins to help clean up the tea that her brother had spit everywhere.
"Hey who are you?" The small voice drew the adults attention.
"Well I am called many names but to you, I am Uncle Luka. Juleka is my sister."
“Cap’tin says I look like a little you.”
“Yeah a little bit but just means you were meant to meet us, maybe even be a part of our family if that’s okay with you?” Lka smiled softly, watching the little blue eyes grow wide and a bit sparkly from tears. “What’s your favorite song?” 
“Smoke on the water.”
“Oh good choice! And what’s your name?” Luka started strumming the requested song, twisting the notes and improvising some notes as he watched the kid.
“Llewellyn, I’m this many!” The small boy held up six fingers with a big smile.
“That’s a big number.”
“Not as big as your number though… Why is your hair blue? Can I have green hair? Can I play guitar? How do you play it? Is it heavy? Can you sing too? Are you a rockstar? When I’m big, can I be like you?” The young boy fired off, slightly catching Luka off guard and causing the women to laugh.
“Slow down speed racer, deep breath,” the guitarist inhaled slowly and evenly with Llewellyn and released the breath in the same manner before answering, “now isn't that better? Blue is my favorite color, maybe we can have matching green hair for your party. Playing guitar can be tricky but if you want I can show you how, it can be heavy if you hold it too long but then you build up some muscles and it’s not so bad. I can sing but not as good as your Momma Rose. I’m not a big rockstar but when I grow up more I hope to be. And I’d like that but I doubt Momma Jules would like that too much, I drive her crazy.”
“Are you mean to her?” The small boy frowned, scooting back a few steps warily.
“Nope, just silly and it drives your Ma crazy because it happens a lot.” Luka’s honesty and resuming the plucking of his guitar strings to ease the sudden tension. Sharing a fond look with Juleka that they would later deny, the elder male lifted his guitar and removed the strap completely before sliding to the floor. Waving over the young look-alike, he helped to position the guitar and demonstrated how to strum and play different chords before letting the child noodle on the guitar. Luka picked himself up and finished his slightly cold tea before returning the mug to Marinette.
“He’s so happy Luka! Just look at him!” Rose was sniffling and wiping away tears, the reality that Llewellyn was part of their family finally settling in.
“Yeah he fits right in. So now that you found a mini me, with your attitude and shares a whole name with me, are you going to deny that’s why you picked him?”
“Nothing to deny.” Juleka wiped away a few stray tears from her wife’s face and laced their fingers together. “It was meant to be.”
“Calling dad out here Jules.” Luka quirked a brow, ignoring the snort his words caused.
“Calling B.S. huh? Fine, that’s about ninety percent, the other ten is he looks like he could be your kid if a certain designer were the mom.”
His ears were full of cotton and he missed the squeak of surprise because of course, this was Juleka he was talking about, Marinette was coming up behind him and he froze. The slight curl to Llewellyn’s hair was similar to his if he had it shorter, the blue eyes were lighter than his but the shape reminded him of Marinette’s. And judging by the sly look in his sister’s amber eyes and the giggles from his sister-in-law, they had planned this to drop that bomb at some point. That’s what he gets for having a nosy family.
“Unca Luka! My fingers hurt, how do you play for hours ?” Luka turned around as his nephew, that would take some getting used to, groaned.
“Practice and patience.”
“Sounds like good advice for other things.”
“Practice and patience, two very very useful things when it comes to many things.” Luka tried to smile reassuringly at Marinette who was turning an even deeper shade of red and made his way back to Llewellyn, intent on ignoring his scheming sisters and spending the little bit of time left for the day bonding.
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Okay, serious talking now. What would be the worst point in each paladin to attack. We know about Lance's insecurities, but what else? What about the others? I want to read your opinion because you do awsome meta and character analysis.
???????? Wow, thank you ;A; And I’m not sure if I can answer this well for all paladins but I’ll try^^ [tl;dr at the end because this post has gotten really long]
Let’s start with Lance. Lance honestly has many points to attack, which is probably why this fandom is so focused on langst. It’s easy to create content for that because we have so much to work with:
1. his insecurities about his role on the team and in general
I already wrote a lot about it here (and also here a little), desperately trying to figure out how strong these insecurities are but there is no doubt that they exist^^ 
2. homesickness
Lance is homesick. Really homesick. He’s homesick to the point that he would leave a party to hang out alone and get lost in his memories:
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He is also the one that references his life on Earth the most often. “I missed 14 days for a stomachache in 3rd grade that I never really had”, “That’s the tagline of 6 of my favorite movies” - those are little things, not very important in the overall picture but they prove that he thinks back to his past. 
3. fear of death/unnatural things that are dangerous
Lance isn’t afraid of aliens, that’s not what I mean with it - I’m talking about the episode Crystal Venom where the castle was trying to kill him. Here is an analysis on how deeply that episode really disturbed him. As for his fear of dying - he is the one that has been confronted with death the most of all the paladins (excluding Shiro - but Shiro has lost/repressed lots of his traumatic memories). Here’s proof:
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S1E1. He thought Hunk had died in the explosion when they were trying to retrieve the yellow lion. S1E4. The explosion nearly killed him - “you would have died if Hunk and Coran hadn’t gotten a new crystal” (Pidge, S1E6). S1E9. He almost got sucked out of an airlock. S2E2. The snake monster thingy got free of the stone and Lance was in the direct line of fire.
He was the one screaming “we’re gonna die, we’re gonna die!!” in S2E5 when they had to hold the lenses for the wormhole maker. Lance is scared of death not despite but because he knows it the best of all of them. He almost died multiple times and he saw his friends almost dying multiple times (the Hunk thingy I included above, when he saved Coran from the explosion, when he thought he had to save Coran in “Crystal Venom”, when Pidge in the cube episode got shot down and didn’t reply to them). Look at his reaction vs the reaction of the other paladins when they thought Allura had died:
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They are all shocked and disbelieving, meanwhile Lance:
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He’s neither shocked nor disbelieving, he’s just hurt. One of his deepest fears became reality and there is nothing he could do about it.
Next, Keith. He has two major points that you could attack: 
1. his Galran heritage/being unsure of who he is
Keith is a character who has learned how to survive on his own through knowing exactly who he is and what he is all about. But when there’s suddenly evidence that shows that he doesn’t actually know who he is, he’s forced to question everything - he tore himself apart over it in season 2, to the point where he got awful nightmares about it:
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(the first screenshot isn’t s2 but that’s where it all really began)
Keith was so shaken up that he was ready to leave the team. He felt lost and felt like he didn’t really know who he was anymore - that’s why he was so happy at the end of the Cube episode, S2E4. “We are all connected”. Even if he is different, he is still connected to who he was before, he can still be him. That’s why it hurt me when the Hunk made a joke out of it and the team laughed:
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And then there’s Keith:
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This was important to him, he had just found a little bit of security again, but this pretty much tore it down again. Keith tries but he doesn’t always understand jokes or hand signs, so what if this has been really obvious to everyone before? If this is nothing new and everyone knew the whole time but still hated the Galra, does it even make a difference anymore?
The Blade of Marmora episode was where he finally found himself again. He awakened the blade with these words: “I know who I am.” And that is true, he acted much more like himself after that again, but him being Galra is still a sensitive topic:
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Jokes about that are not appreciated. He has shown that he is okay with joking about things that are important to him when he used the Bonding Moment™ to tease Lance but this is not okay. To a degree, he is still uncomfortable with this part of himself.
2. his abandonment issues
They go deep. Really deep. They probably originated from his dad leaving him and consequently having to grow up without a family, but they bled over to other aspects of his life - namely: friendship.
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He immediately thought that Shiro didn’t trust him anymore when he didn’t back him up before the trial. He also readily believed that Shiro would leave him over a “selfish” decision during the trial. And that’s Shiro. Shiro, who would actually fight the entire BoM on his own to keep him safe:
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Keith values his friends and trust a lot and he has shown to be very protective of them. And yet there is something in his brain that tells him that they don’t feel the same for him. He was so surprised when Allura apologized to him and even hugged him that he couldn’t even react for a moment.
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Every single time a team member casually reminds him that he’s part of the team he gets super happy as if this is something he needs constant confirmation on:
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It’s irrational but he has been on his own for so long that he can’t even comprehend that people would actually want him at their side. 
Moving on to Shiro. Shiro has one rather obvious thing he’s struggling with and one thing that is a little less obvious:
1. his self image
This is the obvious one. When Keith (and the rest) freed him from the Garrison, he had lost a lot of memories. When he was still conscious he tried to warn them about the Galra and Voltron, but when he woke up again he didn’t know any more than the other paladins. The real conflict began as soon as the aliens reminded him of what he had done, despite him not remembering it:
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Look at his face in the last pic. Shiro has no idea what this arm is and what it can do. What it has maybe already done? When the same aliens call him “bloodthirsty” and “champion” again in episode 3, his face says it all:
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“no way, this can’t be true… right? right?” 
Shiro has done unspeakable things in an effort to survive. For a moment there he wasn’t sure if he really hadn’t attacked a teammate, a friend - in the end he hadn’t, of course, but the damage had already been done. He had been forced to consider if he really would never, under any circumstance, hurt a friend. Maybe the Galra had had enough control over him to force him to do that, he simply doesn’t know. 
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When Sendak attacked these insecurities it affected him deeply. And the same thing happened with Haggar:
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Shiro is scared of who can be or might become - be it from getting controlled by the Galra or from having his “other self” (that doesn’t really exist; it’s all just in his mind) coming to light. That leads us to the second point-
2. not being in control
Shiro isn’t a control freak by any means. He accepts other people’s opinions and had no problem with allowing Allura to come with them on the mission in S1E10. He also let Keith participate in the trials of Marmora on his wish and only intervened when it got to mind manipulation, something that’s extra scary for him because of his experiences. But he panicked when the Black lion didn’t listen to him-
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-he got impatient very fast when he couldn’t control Slav’s tempo/actions-
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-and he smashed the button to get rid of Sendak’s body when he couldn’t handle his own thoughts anymore:
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He’s on the floor, small and defeated. It was a desperate attempt at regaining some semblance of control and it shows in how long it takes him to come back to himself. He dislikes having his team members witness him losing his usual cool, in whatever way it might be - and the team is so used to him always being in control that they are positively shocked when he shows the contrary:
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Now Pidge. I struggled a lot with her, for some reason. I could only think of 2 weak points that might be worth exploiting:
1. not getting her family back
The one thing we’ve repeatedly seen her struggling with is not getting her family back. Her family is one of her top priorities - it doesn’t matter if they are on a different mission, Pidge will always be on the lookout for them:
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Pidge illegally broke into the Garrison and was ready to leave the team to find them again. She believed the aliens when they said that Shiro hurt Matt and hated him for it, even if she was still able to form Voltron with the team. When she found out that Shiro had actually tried to protect Matt, she cried and hugged him. She would do almost anything to get them back safely, which logically means that the contrary would be one of her biggest fears.
2. her friends dying/losing even more people
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She lost Rover and immediately after that Sendak tortured Shiro for her to hear. She devised a plan to get to him and didn’t waste a second acting it out. She was extremely happy when she found Shiro and Keith again in season 2; she was shocked and had tears in her eyes when she thought Allura died. In s2e5 she was also the only one that reacted to Lance’s words when he screamed “we’re gonna die, we’re gonna die!”:
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She told him to “hang in there, Lance”. It shows that she really understands his fear of death and shares it, even, to a degree - at least that’s what her face says :P
Hunk’s turn. He has a lot of things that would be possible points to attack:
1. things that cause distress/anxiety/fear
I’m just gonna… list a few here because there are a lot. At the beginning of the series flying was one of these things. Fighting was another one. Unknown locations (like the castle of lions at the beginning) was also one. Not really understanding what is going on (when Lance woke him up from his hypnosis), plans with a good chance of failure, overthinking and always assuming the worst.
2. getting into trouble with authority figures
Unlike Pidge or Lance, he just accepted what Iverson threw at him and didn’t try to stop Pidge from making the situation worse. When they were trying to sneak out, he repeatedly told Lance that it was a bad idea and that they should just go back. 
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Unlike some of the fears I have listed above, this fear doesn’t disappear over the course of season 2: 
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He didn’t protest when Sal forced him to work in his restaurant. He ran away and was absolutely panicked that he was followed by the police. Not that he has a lot of respect for Iverson or Varkon the mall Cop, but he really doesn’t want to get into trouble with them.
3. getting betrayed
The show hasn’t really explicitly told us much about it, so take this with a grain of salt^^‘ 
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In the episode Crystal Venom he got attacked by food. When Lance confronted him about how they were just “floating around” while he almost died, Hunk replied without hesitation: “Well I got attacked by food and that’s the scariest thing I can imagine. If we can’t trust food, who can we trust?!” For Hunk, food has always been a comfort - he absolutely didn’t want to sneak out of the Garrison but sneaking into the kitchen was fine because food would calm him down. When Lance got abducted by mermaids, he wanted to deny the food the queen offered him, but he unconsciously started eating as means to comfort himself.
There are so many things that scare him or make him anxious and so few things he can really depend on. Food is one thing, his team is the other. So when Keith suggested not saving Allura, he felt really shaken up over it:
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“What if it was one of us, what if it was me? You wouldn’t just leave me, would you?” [a pause where Keith doesn’t say anything.] “Would you?” Hunk repeated that question, he was actually genuinely looking for confirmation. 
So, tl;dr: 
Lance’s weak points:
his insecurities
fear of death/unnatural things that are dangerous 
Keith’s weak points:
his Galran heritage/being unsure of who he is
abandonment issues
Shiro’s weak points:
his self image
not being in control
Pidge’s weak points:
not getting her family back
her friends dying/losing even more people
Hunk’s weak points:
things that cause anxiety/distress/fear
getting into trouble with authority figures
getting betrayed
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