hawaiianbabidoll · 1 year
noble: *elegantly bows down and kisses the pale king's hand*
Pk: huh???whu????? *single brain cell working at max capacity*
They wouldn't be able to reach his hands. He keeps himself well covered. Combined with how infrequently he makes public appearances, most bugs don't even know if he has hands or not. He also doesn't understand the gesture if they hold their hand out for his and if bugs attempted he'd just stare at them silently until they straightened up and stopped. Even if he did understand the gesture, he wouldn't allow it. He doesn't like to be touched by most bugs.
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There is only one bug that goes out of their way to try to touch him anyway.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 1 year
Bruh pk steps out to visit lurien and returns will hundreds of bouquets and gifts. Or the soul master trying to court him.
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When he asks 'this is for us?' people think he's using the royal us, but he's actually talking about him and his wife.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 1 year
Omg your myhusband AU is so cute. It's also really funny imagining pk being out in public, and getting swarmed with nobles trying to woo him.
Thanks! And yes, just another reason PK just doesn't like to make public appearances. He assumes their weird behavior is due to his thrall or perhaps just how mortals show devotion to their rulers. Maybe if he bothered to actually ask literally anyone, he'd realize the truth.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 2 years
I was looking through the my husband au and all I can say is all of hallownest shares five brain cells and the white lady has three at all times
And the other two were stolen by Herrah.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 3 years
What stupid stories has WL shared?
All different types. From just stories of PK being cute, him failing spectacularly with his latest tinker project to just PK trying his best.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 3 years
My Husband AU
Hollow Knight AU where nobody knows who the queen is and nobody knows the pale king has a wife. The Root is just the White Lady in town and she goes and hangs out and talks to others about the silly things 'my husband' gets up to. Nobody could possibly imagine that their stoic godly untouchable king could be the doof described in the White Lady's stories.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 3 years
That one post about the "my husband AU". The collector put PK in a jar!? I want to know how that happened actually. Did PK let them do that? Was it a Dumb Bug Moment and PK just forgot clear glass exists, as bugs often do? (PK: "How did my kingsmould trap me in a force field, I didn't give them that ability") Was the Collector just really determined to put the king in the jar? (PK: "note to self, redefine 'protect'.")
It's the latter. The Collector was one of his earlier attempts at a kingsmould and yes, he had to refine what it meant to 'protect' and 'keep safe' for future versions. The how is pretty straight forward. They just walked over, picked up the tiny king like a doll and plopped him in a jar while he was surprised and confused. He tried to keep them around for a while, and yeah, he ended up in a jar on more than one occasion. They stuck around until an incident in which they were told to protect the young grub (Hornet) and keep her safe. They not only put her in a jar, but hid her. PK found her hours later crying and scared. The Collector was finally stripped of their armor with the intent to melt them back down to void, but between the time it took for PK to put away the armor pieces and return to the construct, it had disappeared from his workshop. PK assumed that without a shell to protect the void from light outside the workshop, it would fade away on its own.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 3 years
do hornet or the vessels appear in my husband AU? if so are they aware of the rumors?
Eventually the king does still foresee the infection coming and makes his deal with Herrah. Herrah is one of the few bugs who is in the know, and she finds it funny to spread little rumors about what the king is into and see how long until someone actually tries to win the king over with whatever dumb thing she suggested.
The king can't figure out where these nobles get these ridiculous ideas from. White Lady doesn't tell him the source.
Hornet is too young to really understand the rumors and while her sporadic appearance at the palace is enough to create rumors all her own among the palace staff, the royal retainers don't really mingle with the city bugs.
As for the vessels. Well. Hollow is the only one around and doesn't realize their father has a wife at first either.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 3 years
Does no one notice that WL goes to the White Palace regularly? Do they think she works there? I mean, she technically does, she's the Queen, lmao.
There are rumors she works at the palace. Some bugs claim they see her take the servants pass. Others say they see her go along the Pilgrim's way though, so there's arguments about it. What the bugs can agree on, is that it's amazing how quickly someone that tall manages to disappear when she decides she's heading out.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 3 years
Since the kingdom is unaware WL is queen, they must make some interesting assumptions about the queen. Maybe some assume she is/was wyrm like he is. Or assume a majestic and beautiful bug. Maybe some assume she’s traveling often to explain her absence while others think she’s incredibly shy and reserved. Then there’s the occasional thought that she simply isn’t real.
They think the king is single. That there is no queen to be seen. So while the White Lady is telling all these little stories of 'My Husband', the king has to deal with bugs aiming to be suitors and trying to win his favor.
He doesn't always notice they're flirting.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 3 years
What does PK think of the rumors? Does WL and PK playfully tease each other on whatever rumor they heard?
PK, amused: ah, to be a simple mender bug. Much less stress inducing than handling what the Nobles wants.
WL, teasing: I don't know, you tend to replace broken items with newly improved ones rather than fix them. Not the mender bug method.
PK doesn't hear any of the rumors unless his lady specifically tells him. For the most part, he lives in blissful ignorance that his un-kingly mannerisms are being spread about the town by his wife's story telling.
PK is not actively hiding that he has a wife, nor that it's the Root, it just doesn't come up since he doesn't really have casual conversations with people and the royals don't really make public appearances. So when he does get told something like 'oh, one of the nobles thinks I married a mender bug' he doesn't realize his Lady means it literally because he doesn't realize bugs don't know she's his wife.
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hawaiianbabidoll · 3 years
Everyone thinks that WL's husband is part of the Mender bugs crew with all the tinkering and broken stuff stories she tells. XD
A mender bug is certainly one of the guesses that the bugs have regarding the true identity of 'My Husband'. There's no one universal guess, the bugs take bets on who My Husband could be. The Pale King is on the board as a joke, but nobody puts geo on that one.
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