daily-pure · 3 years
Ah, so if I got this right, Hollow's been traumatized to the point of believing they still need to fight/contain the Radiance even after all this time, and it's giving him nightmares right? Yikes. Honestly looks like you haven't faired much better since her downfall. We know what hurt Hollow, but what hurt you Grimm?
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“Let’s just say, the nightmare heart has not dealt with these new tilted scales well.”
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chipper-smol · 3 years
Damn I knew PK had a habit of disregarding lab safety but straight eating void really takes the cake lmao
oh I HC that at first PK was terrible with lab safety
but also that vial is not entirely void but the concoction definitely contains it. That first pic was very inspired by this song in the Jekyll n Hyde musical if u wanna take a gander
also if you wanna dig deeper after listening to that, Alive, Streak of Madness and Confrontation all from the musical are also great for this au
also Jekyll’s voice for PK, oddly fitting?
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saturno-sol · 2 years
Piss, space, kitty, cloud
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No you can’t have my gender but I’ll gladly take yours
And no I never sleep >:)
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hawaiianbabidoll · 3 years
Since the kingdom is unaware WL is queen, they must make some interesting assumptions about the queen. Maybe some assume she is/was wyrm like he is. Or assume a majestic and beautiful bug. Maybe some assume she’s traveling often to explain her absence while others think she’s incredibly shy and reserved. Then there’s the occasional thought that she simply isn’t real.
They think the king is single. That there is no queen to be seen. So while the White Lady is telling all these little stories of 'My Husband', the king has to deal with bugs aiming to be suitors and trying to win his favor.
He doesn't always notice they're flirting.
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ruthlesslistener · 3 years
Dude I adore how you write the royal spork. It’s just so good
But “rehydration apparatuses” pk you fuckin nerd just say cups
And also “he clambered up on a chair for leverage” fuckin shortstack lmao
LMAO THANKS I got unreasonably attached to PK and Lurien and now I have to make it everyone's problem, because that's how I roll. But y e a h PK's a short little nerd who gets progressively nerdier the more flustered he is, which I think is reasonable given the context of the situation
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calain · 3 years
Play stylist: I consider myself a “wannabe punk” and I dress to be comfy
hell yeah! thanks for sending this in!
how about this: vintage 1950's work boots, dark brown; yellow plaid pants; tank top with some form of purple, tucked in to create the illusion of a straight up-and-down waist; leather jacket with epaulettes to widen the shoulders, brown to match the boots; fisherman's cap, also brown. maybe a watch or something as well, but one with a thick wristband
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blueoatmeal · 4 years
So you’ve mentioned that Jamack has killed people and made it clear that Kwat and Harris likely have also done that, care to elaborate on the specifics of it if you have any? I’m actually super intrigued in these frogs and their violent/ugly side.
Oh absolutely. When I was first making my Jamack mix, I found I had too many violent songs and had to add more normal songs to even it out XD
I’ve always been very much into the idea that despite going through a redemption arc and bonding with the protagonists, Jamack is still, and always has been, a ruthless motherfucker
I mean heck, back in April I had this line in an early draft of The Scorpion and the Frog: Jamack looked away. “You don’t have any blood on your hands yet. I didn’t want you to think you did. You should hold onto that while you can.” He looked back. “Until you can get your hands on Scarlemagne, of course. Can you imagine? Having Scarlemagne as your first kill?” He grinned, his eyes bright.
So yeah it’s a concept I absolutely adore. ANYWAY! The Mod Frogs have influences from 1960s Mod subculture and early 1900s mobsters. Iconic mobsters tended to be sharply dressed, snarky, witty, organized, strict, greedy, and merciless. Sounds like the Mod Frogs to me! And IRL frogs are slippery little killing machines! They hunt and eat just about any living thing that they can stuff in their huge mouths. And that’s not an exaggeration! That’s how they’re described in some scientific texts, because it would take too long to list their prey! Along with the usual bugs and such, frogs have eaten fish, snakes, mice, small birds, and other frogs! 
One of IRL frogs’ best strategies for survival is massive amounts of offspring. Which means that their lives hinge on the assumption and acceptance that the majority of their tadpoles won’t make it to adulthood, and that even then, adults get picked off constantly by predators and bad luck
Most species of frog don’t even care for their young. They’re entirely defenseless and most start off eating plantstuff and algae. But once their guts develop enough they’ll eat a wider range including other tadpoles. Yep! They’re cannibals. 
And they don’t have any like, social family structures outside of breeding. While primates, canines, felines, and a number of other animal groups help care for not just young, but sick, injured, or elderly members of their community, frogs do none of that. 
Even the call they make when in danger is thought to be not a warning to other frogs in the area, but to instead startle the predator and/or attract another bigger predator so that they might be released as the predator gets into a fight or runs away. Frogs have very few behaviors that humans recognize as compassionate
Instead, if a tadpole is slow in growing, they might get picked apart by their bigger siblings when they get hungry. An injured frog is dinner, full stop.
With that in mind, we throw in sapience, a record of human morals, and newly intelligent predators prey neighbors, and you get the Mod Frogs.
Are they objectively more “moral” than their ancestors? You could argue it either way! But they’re still pretty chill about killing
They’ll kill for food, obviously; they’re carnivores. They’ll kill mutes who try to hurt them, because they can do that and have a chance at surviving the encounter now. And albeit on a smaller scale, they still kill each other. 
Kwat, Harris, and Jamack have all killed. In battles over territory; you strike hard enough in any fight and that’s a killing blow. And sometimes someone is so big a threat that they’re worth going out of their way to murder. Maybe there’s a personal grudge, or they’ve done something to threaten the whole group. It’s not hard! Toss some toxic sludge in their pond and that’s several generations *snap!* gone. Instantly decimate the Frog population. So you can understand if they’re aggressive about establishing and maintaining their strength and reputation. They can’t afford to have anyone think they’d survive an entanglement with the Mod Frogs
A hypothetical: Cats love fishing, and the pond is perfect for that, but the Timbercats won’t step foot in Mod Frog territory. A while ago some Cats got curious, they went to the pond, maybe they even caught and ate some tadpoles. They look like fish! And the Mod Frogs retaliated. Chased the Cats out, killed one before they could get away, and made a whole production of hunting down the others to set an example. “Don’t mess with us. This is what will happen if you do.” 
And they’ll fight over resources too, not just territory 
Most local mute packs they can handle in a fight. Cats, Hummingbirds. It gets harder with bigger, stronger mutes, especially if they used to be their natural predators. Wolves and snakes? Difficult. So they’re not all show-of-force, they’re diplomatic too, trading off resources for agreements--like mobsters do! “We could either continue to fight or you’ll agree not to hunt here and we’ll trade any guitars we find and even make repairs.” Course, people go back on deals all the time, which again calls for revenge
I’ve gotten very broad, so before I wrap up I’ll at least describe one kill that each of these three frogs have made:
Jamack: Back when he was at a lower rank, he noticed one of his superiors was abusing his position, making Jamack and his coworkers’ lives hell--which wasn’t a problem in itself, and rather typical--so that he could skim the extra profits off the top for himself, and not tell his own superiors--which was strictly prohibited. So he invited his boss out to see something he said he found and wasn’t sure was valuable, and planned to jump him when he got far enough. The older frog turned first though and pulled a knife on him. Said he noticed Jamack was getting too nosy. They fought, and Jamack won by cracking his boss’ head against a pointy rock
Harris: In a turf war, which the Mod Frogs eventually lost, Harris took down a snake on his own. He fled into an alley, where she thought she had him cornered, but he climbed the wall and pushed over a brick chimney that then landed on her face
Kwat: Choked out an invading Newton Wolf. Yeah. Incidents involving Wolves went down 30% for the following two years
Goodness this is morbid lol. Thanks for asking!!!!
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scatterpatter · 3 years
Corren in D4?
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prismleo · 4 years
Alright brat I tolerate a lot of things but calling a bagel a “tasteless donut” crosses the fucking line
Not a brat.
And me calling bagels tasteless donuts is crossing the line?
So me repeatedly calling you a frog fucker, no line was crossed? Glad to know that you have such a low standard.
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fnaf-is-awesome201 · 3 years
3, 10, and 51 for the ask game
3. Can You Whistle?
-Yup! I used to whistle all the time when I was feeling happy or bored, but people complained so now I don't whistle very often. But I can still whistle.
10. Zodiac Sign.
-My zodiac sign is Cancer I think. I'm not big into astrology, so I never looked into it, but I do know it's probably Cancer.
51. Do You Like To Read / Write?
-Yes, I do! I've been working on stories and stuff for a long time! Never finished writing any, though... And I used to read a lot! I don't read quite as much anymore, but there's still nothing better than a good book on a rainy day.
Thank you so much for the ask! This was fun. Hope you're having a wonderful day, dude!
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niuniente · 4 years
Dude i cannot stress enough how much i love lil Suzie! She’s adorable!! I want to pat her head!!! She’s precious!!
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cattywh0mpus · 4 years
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More Kataow requestsssssss 💕
I just kinda lumped them together again I hope that’s cool with u guys...
@enbyintegrity @fannishcodex @irlkiri
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candycoloredwolf · 3 years
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And finally, after MONTHS, the last character for my Kipo au, the main character herself, QUINN!! 
Quinn is the daughter of one of the former members of the Human resistance, whom after Emilia's demise, moved across the county in order to plan their next move to continue their leaders plans to “cure” mutes. She spent most of her life in the ancient burrow system that they had modified to be their base. Despite her father being one of the current leaders and one of the top mute hunters in the small community, Quinn was always fascinated by the world outside the burrow, and the mutes that inhabited it. She studied old books about the human animal bond, and always marveled at how humans and other species used to coexist in the old world. When she turned 15, her father started to train her how to in survival and how to hunt mutes, hoping for her to see the ugly truth of the world. However, this only fueled her fascination of the world, and after hearing about Las Vista, the hope that humans and mutes could coexist like before. This drove a wedge between her and her family, leaving her an outcast. A few months before her 21st birthday, Quinn discovered that her father was planning to take her out to hunt her first real mute, whether she liked it or not. Knowing that if she didn't make leave, shed become the same monster shed grown to see her father as, she planned her escape. The night before she turned 21, she used an abandoned tunnel system she had found to escape the burrow, in hopes of finding the fabled Las Vistas to make a new life for herself. One that she controlled.
Despite her upbringing, Quinn is a compassionate person who is willing to fight for what she believes in, even if its at the cost of the relationships with those around her. She can be a bit too trusting in others, which can often lead to trouble, but has good instincts nonetheless. Although she was trained in survival and combat by her father, and is quite skilled at both, shed rather search for a peaceful solution before resorting to violence, though she is not past making empty threats to keep the peace. She can be quite stubborn when she gets an idea in her head, but wont hesitate to stop and put others needs ahead of herself, even if they're merely strangers.
(I was hopping to have Quinn posted a lot sooner, but with college and home life, I went through a bit of an art block. But now, she's done, and the next thing involving this au that I will post will hopefully be the first chapter of my fic, Caravan of Freaks!)
(Also gonna tag @enbyintegrity and @cattywh0mpus cause they're awesome)
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saturno-sol · 3 years
Oooo whatcha goin to Uni for?
I’m going for Mechanical Engineering!
Which is ironic because I hate math
I like building things :)
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ask-100degree · 2 years
Hey depressed stressed suspicious bitch, what’s your deal? What’s your name?
Answer for @enbyintegrity
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I didn't tell him where did i found that shirt...for a reason
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ruthlesslistener · 3 years
Btw ch. 6 hit me like a baseball bat to the shins. Love that. Thanks for that.
Sorry if this has been stated before but how long did Hollow spend in the egg and how old is Hornet now?
First off, sorry for how long it took me to answer this! A mixture of irl chaos mixed with me trying to figure out how to answer this caused a bit of a delay.
The answer is...it's complicated. Hallownest works like a fae realm in my mind, where time within does not equal time spent in the outside world- that's why you have people like Elderbug in Dirtmouth who are ancient bugs that barely remember the fall of the kingdom, while bugs under the surface like Sheo (who seem relatively young and healthy) remember meeting the Great Knights. The closer you get to the White Palace/the Abyss, the slower the effects of time are felt, so a day spent in the White Palace can roughly equal a year in the Wastes, where magic is corroded away and time works as intended. Factor in shit like different age spans for different species of bugs, and things get even weirder.
So the question with Hollow is...kind of roughly 100 years in the Temple, by the count of the Wastes? But not nearly so long in the City of Tears, where people still remember the Infection and are still at work recovering from some of the major damage that it left behind. Hornet, however, is only around 11 or 12 years of age, because a combination of her being the child of two naturally longer-lived species and her spending her time in the White Palace drastically slowed down the time it took for her to age.
Sorry its so complicated! I figure for the civilians of Hallownest, the way the time difference works is less that time feels different to them and more that they're just a lot hardier than outsider bugs, if that makes sense? So to them, they're going at a normal pace, it's everyone else who's aging and dying super quickly. Though to poor Hollow, spending those years in the temple was an eternity...and in canon, they would have spent another 100 years slowly declining in health as the Radiance took over their body, so they didn't exactly have a fun time there :,)
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