#neko para vol. 4
chocolaneneko · 2 years
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patrickbatemeow · 3 years
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I love this game so much
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.3 Mukami Kou [Track 2]
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Original title: 思い出の価値
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 3 Mukami Kou [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: BIG OOF. I already knew Kou would not take well to knowing the MC has just completely forgotten about him. He has never been loved by anyone his whole life so possibly losing the one person who actually genuinely cared and loved for him is sure to hurt a lot. That being said, he is going for the more forceful/aggressive approach which might not be the best in this scenario since he’ll obviously scare the poor girl away. :p
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 2: The Value of Memories
“This is...My room? When did we go inside the house? If I recall correctly, my head suddenly started hurting by the doorstep, and then...?”
Kou notices you next to you.
“Ah! M-neko-chan! Did you maybe call Ruki-kun and the others to carry me in here?”
You look around.
“M-neko-chan...? ...Why do you seem so out of it?”
You ask him who he is and where this place is.
“Haah...What have you been saying this whole time? Please don’t joke about things like not knowing who I am or where you are. I’m the popular idol Mukami Kou and this is our home! We just arrived here together after you came to watch the recording of my new song. ...Remember~?”
You shake your head.
“...Are you perhaps upset because I haven’t been paying much attention to you as of late? ...I bet you got jealous because my job was taking up all my time, huh? That’s why you’re feigning amnesia to try and trouble me, aren’t you? ...I’m sorry, M-neko-chan. I’ll try my best to make sure you don’t get lonely so...Forgive me?”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Hm...I guess you want me to show you through actions, huh? Then will you remember if I kiss you? Mmh...”
“Did that lift your mood? If not yet, I wouldn’t mind giving you one more~”
You suddenly push Kou away.
“...Wah!? What’s wrong...!? ...Are you still mad? ...Also, it’s ‘Kou-kun’ and not ‘you’, right? Please don’t talk to me as if we’re strangers.”
You insist that he is a stranger to you.
“Like I’ve told you a million times by now...Cut it out!”
Kou pins you down.
“When the girl I like behaves that way, even I will get upset, you know?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Hey! Don’t make a fuss! ...You look terrified, almost like back when we had only just met. ...If you insist on continuing this misplaced joke, I’ll just have to hurt you a little. Like thisーー!”
You ask him what he’ll do.
“...’What’? I’m a Vampire so I’m obviously going to suck your blood?”
Your eyes widen in shock.
“Why do you seem so surprised?”
You continue to be confused.
“...!? There you go making that expression again...Won’t you drop the act? Tell me this is all just a lie already!”
You insist on not remembering anything.
“I see. Guess you insist on feigning ignorance, huh? ...Fine then. I told myself I would never use this right eye of mine again, but if you won’t tell me no matter what...!”
Kou uses his mind-reading powers.
“...Eh? What’s this...? You actually don’t remember me? ...No way...Why!? How!? We’ve been together this whole time...Yet you forgot me...as if it was nothing...Cut the crap!”
“Say...? You don’t remember any of the things that happened between us, do you? Excuse me? That doesn’t make sense! Were our memories together really worth that little to you!? When you said you loved me...Your feelings for me were so trivial, you’d just easily forget about them!? I can’t forgive you...I can’t let this happen!”
Kou suddenly bites you.
“I’ll make you remember...No matter what...”
“This pain should be the strongest memory of me within your mind...! If I suck your blood like this, I’m sure you’ll swiftly...!”
“...!! What are you saying!? I’m making it painful on purpose. To ensure that you regain your memories right away. Mmh...”
“ーー Resistance is futile, remember!?”
“Hurry...Hurry up and remember me!”
“Ugh...What!? Again...It hurts...Haah, haah...As if I’d just...let everything go to waste...I’ll bring back your memories...No matter what it takes...For sure!”
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sidlyrics · 4 years
h’evn vol. 19 - Question 35
1) Nombre / Función / Cumpleaños / Grupo sanguíneo / Vista / Talla de zapato / Lugar de nacimiento M: Mao / Cantante / 23 de octubre / AB / 2,5 / 25,5 / Fukuoka S: Shinji / Guitarrista / 8 de febrero  / Grupo 0, variante dos / Ambos 0,01 / 27,5 hectáreas / País de los colores A: Aki / Bajista / 3 de febrero / B / Ambos 2 / 27 cm / Tokyo Y: Yuuya / Batería / 9 de diciembre / A / Más o menos la de la tribu Masai / 27,5 ~ 28 cm / Prefectura de Chiba
2) Tipo de chicas que te gustan. M: Lolitas. S: Sensibles hacia los sentimientos de otras personas y amables. A: Matsuyuki Yasuko. Y: Katou Ai (alguien con las piernas largas).
3) Tipo de ropa de mujer que te gusta. M: Lolita. S: Alguien que vaya a la moda. A: Lo que sea que dé la impresión de pureza y dulzura... Y: Siempre y cuando le quede bien, ¡cualquier cosa está bien!
4) ¿Cuál es el modelo de tu teléfono / tono de llamada? M: Docomo FOMA / Vibración. S: P901is / Camera! Camera! Camera! (de Flippers Guitar) A: No lo voy a decir. El tono de llamada es DORII KOZU. Y: P. Tono de llamada predeterminado número 1.
5) Autoanalízate, ¿qué tipo de personalidad crees que tienes? M: Grupo AB. S: Rey de la soledad. A: De mecha corta. Tardón. Y: Supongo que soy amable. Además, no exagero con las cosas.
6) ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? M: Curry, hamburguesa, espagueti. S: Jumangoku manju (famosa pastelería de Saitama). A: Cualquier cosa ácida. Y: Estofado y carne asada.
7) ¿Qué comida no te gusta? M: Champiñones. S: Comida ácida. A: Hígado. Y: Marisco.
8) ¿Te comerías primero tu comida favorita? ¿O la dejarías para el final? M: Primero. S: Depende de la motivación. A: Me la comería primero sin dudar. Y: Depende del momento y la ocasión.
9) ¿Qué sabor de ramen te gusta? M: Tonkotsu. S: Parece que todas las tiendas buenas de ramen venden cosas saladas. A: Miso. Y: Tonkotsu.
10) ¿Qué sabor de patatitas te gusta? M: Ligeramente saladas. S: No como patatitas. A: Consomé. Y: ¡KONSOME PUNCH! No tomo dulces a menudo.
11) ¿Salsa de soja, salsa o mayonesa? M: Mayonesa. S: Ozawa. [marca de salsa de soja] A: Salsa. Y: ¡Por supuesto que mayonesa!
12) ¿Móvil, teléfono o email? M: Me gustan todos. S: Email. A: Teléfono. Y: Teléfono.
13) ¿Karaoke o bolos? M: Karaoke. S: PEYANGU. [marca de ramen instantáneo] A: Karaoke. Y: Umm. Extrañamente, karaoke.
14) ¿Amante de los perros o los gatos? M: Gato. S: Aunque me gustan ambos, si tuviera que elegir sería al gatito. A: Perro. Me gustan los bulldogs franceses. Y: Perro.
15) ¿Hay algún juego que te interese? M: El juego de la vida. S: Las series de Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy. A: Final Fantasy X y X-2. Y: No.
16) ¿Qué champú y tratamiento capilar utilizas? M: Lo que utilicen en el salón de belleza. S: LUX, básicamente. De vez en cuando uso DEESSE'S. A: DEESSE'S. Y: LUX SUPER RICH.
17) Si tuvieras una máquina del tiempo, ¿a qué momento viajarías? M: A la era de las guerras civiles. S: El período de la aristocracia. A: Jurásico. Y: Primaria.
18) Últimamente, ¿qué te puso más nervioso? M: Cuando conocí al señor Kiyo〇. S: Cuando conocí a una persona que hace arreglos [musicales] que respeto un montón. A: Cuando nos reunimos para elegir las canciones para nuestro próximo lanzamiento (risas). Y: Cuando dejé que todo el mundo escuchase las canciones que compuse.
19) Últimamente, ¿qué te ha hecho reír mucho? M: Yuuya. S: Quedar para beber con amigos íntimos. A: Cuando hablamos sobre viejos recuerdos. Y: Cuando veía la tele.
20) Nombra algo de tu habitación que valores un montón. M: Almohada. S: Ventilador de techo, sofá rojo, el suelo con patrón de Ichimatsu. A: Benjamin. Y: Mis figuritas de Kamen Rider.
21) ¿Dicho favorito? M: Suteki. S: Poner tu alma en la canción. A: R.O.C.K Y: boa sorte (¡que encuentres la felicidad!)
22) ¿Flor favorita? M: Cosmos. S: Mimosa. A: Girasol. Y: Diente de león.
23) ¿Crees que existen los aliens? M: Mm. S: Síp. A: Pues sí. ¡¡Fijo!! Y: ¡Si esos tíos nos mirasen a nosotros seguro que pensarían que también somos aliens! Seguro que existen.
24) ¿Cuándo crees que pareces muy guay? M: Durante los conciertos. S: Cuando hago algo como un caballero. A: Cuando corro porque parece que llegaré tarde. Y: Cuando soy fiel a mi palabra.
25) ¿Cuándo crees que das vergüenza? M: Cuando saco la basura en pijama. S: Cuando estoy en mi habitación. A: Cuando rompí una copa en un restaurante. Y: Nunca.
26) Algo que siempre tengas en tu nevera. M: Agua. S: Puerros. A: Cosas como zumo de tomate y Perrier... Y: Mayonesa, cerveza Ohotsuku, y cerveza.
27) ¿Cuál es tu récord de la llamada más larga? M: 4~5 horas. S: En la época sin email, 6 horas. A: 3h. Y: Sobre una hora y 30 minutos.
28) ¿Se te da bien madrugar? M: Mm. S: Fatal. A: Soy lo peor. Y: Bastante bien.
29) Desde que te levantes hasta que sales, ¿cuánto tardas en prepararte? M: Soy rápido. S: Tres horas. A: 1,5 h. Y: Sobre una hora.
30) Cuando vas al konbini, ¿qué terminas comprando sin querer? M: Revistas. S: Mamee. [es un snack] A: Cigarrillos. Y: Cigarrillos y cerveza, supongo.
31) ¿Qué parte de tu cara te gusta? M: Ojos. S: Nariz. A: Cualquier cosa por debajo de mi nariz. Y: Nada en particular.
32) ¿Cuál es una habilidad especial de la que estás orgulloso? M: Imitaciones. S: Bakuten. A: Puedo hablar con hasta tres personas en llamada en espera. Y: Tragaperras (aunque ya lo he dejado).
33) Por favor, cuéntanos un sueño que hayas tenido hace poco. M: Era un sueño vago... S: Soñé que Perry llegaba con su barco. A: Soñé que conducía (ahora mismo no tengo carné). Y: No me acuerdo. Lo siento.
34) Si te volvieses invisible, ¿qué harías? M: Cometer crímenes. S: Acosar al señor Hotei. A: Desnudarme primero. Y: Ser un pervertido...
35) ¿Dónde te sientes tranquilo? M: Mi habitación. S: Mi habitación, centros turísticos. A: Mi propia habitación. Y: Estudio, sala de conciertos.
Recomendaciones musicales Mao: ① 「JOY」 YUKI. Puede que me guste esto más que JUDY AND MARY. Últimamente, siempre lo escucho cuando voy a algún sitio. ② 「LIFE」 Ozawa Kenji Recomiendo todas las canciones. Es uno de los artistas que más me han influenciado. También canto sus canciones a menudo en el karaoke. Compradlo.
Shinji: ① 「Memorys of blue」 Himuro Kyosuke Puntuación perfecta por el encanto adulto. ② 「INSTANT LOVE」 BOOWY Desborda juventud.
Aki: ① 「Language. Sex. Violence. Other?」 Stereophonics Lo mejorcito. ② 「To the Faithful Departed」 The Cranberries Por favor, escuchadlo todos.
Yuuya: ① 「The Weather Year」 Jaco Pastorius No sé qué decir. En fin, es bueno. Aunque esta persona es un bajista, es bastante PROTECH. ② 「Koi no Yokan」 Anzen Chitai ¡Es genial cantar esto! Me encanta la voz de Tamaki-san. Los arreglos también son los mejores. Justo lo que he dicho.
1) Name/ Part /Birthdate / Blood type / Eyesight / Shoe size / Birthplace M: Mao / Vocals / 23rd Oct / AB / 2.5 / 25.5 / Fukuoka S: Shinji / Guitar / 8th Feb / O type, variant two / Both 0.01 / 27.5 hectares / Country of Colours A: Aki / Bass / 3rd Feb / B / Both 2.0 / 27.0 cm / Tokyo Y: Yuuya / Drums / 9th Dec / A / About that of the Masai tribe. / 27.5 ~ 28.0 cm / Chiba prefecture
2) Type of girls you like. M: Lolitas. S: Sensitive to others' feelings and kind. A: Matsuyuki Yasuko-san Y: Katou Ai. (Someone with long legs.)
3) Type of women's fashion you like. M: Lolita. S: Someone fashion-concious. A: Whatever gives the feeling of being pure and sweet... Y: As long as it suits her anything is OK!
4) What's your cellphone model / ringtone? M: Docomo FOMA / Vibration S: P901is / Camera! Camera! Camera! (By Flippers Guitar) A: I'm not telling. Ringtone is DORII KOZU. Y: P. Default ringtone type 1.
5) Analyse yourself, what kind of personality do you think you have? M: AB type. S: King of reclusivity. A: Short-tempered. Latecomer. Y: I guess I'm kind. Also, I won't overdo things.
6) What's your favourite food? M: Curry, hamburger, spaghetti. S: Jumangoku manju. (Famous confectionery from Saitama) A: Anything sour. Y: Stew and roast meat.
7) What food do you dislike? M: Mushrooms. S: Sour food. A: Liver. Y: Shellfish.
8) Will you eat your favourite food first? Or save it for last? M: First. S: Depends on motivation. A: Eat it first without hesitation. Y: TPO. [Time, place, occassion]
9) Which flavour of ramen do you like? M: Tonkotsu. S: Seems that all the good ramen shops sell salty stuff. A: Miso. Y: Tonkotsu.
10) Which flavour of potato chips do you like? M: Lightly salted. S: I don't eat potato chips. A: KONSOME. Y: KONSOME PUNCH! I don't eat sweets often.
11) Soy sauce, sauce or mayonnaise? M: Mayonnaise. S: Ozawa. A: Sauce. Y: Of course it's mayonnaise!
12) Cellphone, telephone or email? M: I like them all. S: Email. A: Telephone. Y: Telephone.
13) Karaoke or bowling? M: Karaoke. S: PEYANGU. [brand of instant ramen] A: Karaoke. Y: Umm. Strangely, it's karaoke.
14)Dog or cat lover? M: Cat. S: Although I like both, if I have to choose between them it'll be neko-nyan. A: Dog. I like French bulldogs. Y: Dog.
15) Is there a game you're interested in? M: The game of life. S: Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy series. A: Final Fantasy X and X-2. Y: There isn't one.
16) What shampoo and rinsing solution (treatment) do you use? M: Whatever they use at the beauty parlour. S: LUX, basically. Occasionally I use DEESSE'S. A: DEESSE'S Y: LUX SUPER RICH.
17) If you had a time machine, which period of time would you travel to? M: The age of civil wars. S: Period of aristocracy. A: Jurassic. Y: Elementary school.
18) Recently, what made you the most nervous? M: When I met Mr Kiyo〇. S: When I met an arranger I respect a lot. A: When we gathered to choose the songs for our next release. (laughs) Y: When I let everyone listen to the songs I composed.
19) Recently, what made you laugh a lot? M: Yuuya. S: A drinking session with close friends. A: When we talked about old memories. Y: When I was watching TV.
20) Name something in your room that you value a lot. M: Pillow. S: Ceiling fan, red sofa, the Ichimatsu patterned flooring. A: Benjamin. Y: My Kamen Rider figurines.
21) Favourite saying? M: Suteki. S: To pour your soul into one song. A: R.O.C.K Y: boa sorie (May you find happiness!)
22) Favourite flower? M: Cosmos. S: Mimosa. A: Sunflower. Y: Dandelion.
23) Do you think aliens exist? M: Mm. S: Yup. A: They do. Definitely!! Y: If those guys look at us they must think we're aliens too! They definitely exist.
24) When do you think you're really cool? M: During lives. S: When I do something gentlemanly. A: When I'm running 'cause it looks like I'll be late. Y: When I'm true to my word.
25) When do you think you look embarrassing? M: When I bring out the trash in my pyjamas. S: When I'm in my room. A: When I broke a cup in a family restaurant. Y: I don't.
26) Something you always have in your fridge. M: Water. S: Green onions. A: Stuff like tomato juice and Perrier... Y: Mayonnaise, Ohotsuku beer, and beer.
27) What's your longest record for phonecalls? M: 4~5 hours. S: Back in the days without email, 6 hours. A: 3h. Y: About 1 hour and 30 minutes.
28) Are you a good riser? M: Mm. S: Very bad. A: The worst. Y: Pretty good.
29) From the time you wake to the time you go out, how long do you take to get ready? M: I'm fast. S: Three hours. A: 1.5 h. Y: About an hour.
30) When you go to the convenience store, what would you end up buying unintentionally? M: Magazines. S: Mamee. A: Cigarettes. Y: Cigarettes and beer, I guess.
31) Which part of your face do you like? M: Eyes. S: Nose. A: Anything below my nose. Y: Nothing in particular.
32) What's a special skill you're proud of? M: Mimicry. S: Bakuten. A: I can converse with up to three people on call waiting. Y: Slot machines. (Although I've already stopped.)
33) Please tell us about a dream you had recently. M: It was a vague dream... S: I dreamt that Perry arrived with his ship. A: I dreamt that I was driving. (No licence at the moment.) Y: I don't remember. Sorry.
34) If you became invisible, what would you do? M: Commit crimes. S: Stalk Mr Hotei. A: Strip first. Y: Be a pervert...
35) Where do you feel calm? M: My room. S: My room, resorts. A: My own room. Y: Studio, live house.
Recommended music Mao: ① 「JOY」 YUKI. I may like this even more than JUDY AND MARY. Recently, I always listen to it when I'm on the move. ② 「LIFE」 Ozawa Kenji I recommend all the songs on this. He's one of the artists who have influenced me considerably. I sing his songs often at karaoke too. Buy it.
Shinji: ① 「Memorys of blue」 Himuro Kyosuke Full points for adult charm. ② 「INSTANT LOVE」 BOOWY It's overflowing with youth.
Aki: ① 「Language. Sex. Violence. Other?」 Stereophonics The best. ② 「To the Faithful Departed」 The Cranberries Everyone please listen.
Yuuya: ① 「The Weather Year」 Jaco Pastorius I dunno what to comment on. Anyway, it's good. Although this person is a bassist, he's pretty PROTECH. ② 「Koi no Yokan」 Anzen Chitai It's great to sing this! I really like Tamaki-san's voice. The arrangement is the best too. Exactly what I said.
English: Gurakko Español: Reila
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Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol 3: Kou Mukami [English Translation]
Hi~ I tried to translate the Para-selene Drama CD of Kou ❤
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Cv: Ryohei Kimura
Track 1: Our time together
Kou: Good job, I hope you like the new song. *gets out of the studio* I'm tired... Ah!... M-Neko-Chan! Hey, hey, did you see my recording? The new song was great, right? Really? Thank you! *hugs* It’s fine, I’m tired, let me hug you.* hugs you *
Ha… I knew it seeing you after a long day makes my tiredness disappear. My manager is very cruel, as soon as the new song came out makes us practice a lot of choreographies, some my schedule is full & I could not see you.
Kou (1:04): I know. Of course, my work as an idol is important to me, but my most important thing *Kisses* is you, M-Neko-Chan. It’s okay, I told the manager that my girlfriend was coming today so I asked that no one come to my dressing room, that's why ... *Flops* Give me a reward for trying hard. That's right, will you give me your blood? That’s fine, as I said before, nobody is going to come in so they won't catch us and I can't endure it any longer.
Kou (2:01): Besides, I know that you're really dying for me to suck your blood. If you are obedient, it will feel good. Come on, I want to hear your pretty voice ~ say "I want you to drink my blood." Eh? I'm not being bad. Do you really think that? Come on; just say you want me to drink your blood, okay? *laughs* Well said, then as you wish, I will drink a lot *bites*.
Kou (3:04): *laughs*You look so happy, are you so glad I’m drinking your blood? You are blushing to the neck; you have nothing to be ashamed of. Don't look away. Look at me properly or do you want me to punish you, huh? Did you want me to punish you? You smell great, how delicious. Hey, can I devour you completely? *laughs* Just kidding, if I did that I could no longer flirt with you. M-Neko-Chan, so in return I will drink more *bites*
Kou (4:12): Hey, don't look away, I told you that if you don't look at me I will punish you. Ah ... but you like to be punished, right? You don’t? Then listen to what I tell you. Look at the area from which I suck your blood *bites*. This time it will be from here. Heh~ You can't hold it in anymore? For me it is still not enough. What’s wrong? Normally you want more.
Kou (5:09): Hey ... M-Neko-Chan ... you won't hate me, right? Well, we have not seen each other lately. So, I’m becoming a little insecure. You may prefer someone to whom you can see more, not like me ... You might have actually forced yourself to see me today ... Just kidding, I'm sorry I made you hear something like that.
I see, what a relief ... I will also love you forever, forever. You are the one I love most in this world. *bites*
Kou (6:21): *Car door opens* Okay, M-Neko-Chan, go down first. *Kou speaking to the driver* Thank you very much for bringing us today too, I count on you for the next.
Kou (6:43): Let's go.
Kou (6:51): Huh? Is there something wrong? Eh...? The Moon? Oh you’re right, it seems that it had a kind of fog around it. That’s rare, it seems that there were two moons ... But it's scary, let's hurry up and get in ... M-Neko-Chan? What happened? Why do you stay there? * Kou’s head hurting * W-what is this? D-out of nowhere my head * faints *
Track 2: The value of memories
Kou: * waking up * This is… Is this my room? When did i get in? If I remember correctly, my head hurt in front of the house ... and then ... M-Neko-Chan! Did you call Ruki and the others to bring me here? MNeko-Chan? What happened? Why are you so distracted? * sigh * Hey what are you saying? Stop joking that you don't know me and that you don't remember this place. I am the super popular idol; Kou Mukami and this is our house. Today you went to see my recording and we came back together. Remember now?
Kou (1:07): Are you upset because I haven't been able to see you very often? Hm ... You're angry because I couldn't see you much because of work, right? That's why you pretend not to remember anything and make me feel bad, I'm so sorry M-Neko-Chan, I will strive not to feel lonely so forgive me. Won't you listen to me unless I try it with actions? So if I kiss you, will you remind me? *Kisses* Are you better yet? But I can kiss you again * you push him away *. Ah! What’s wrong? Hey are you still angry? Besides, I'm not "you," I'm "Kou-kun," don't call me like I'm a stranger.
Kou (2:08): I told you to stop. Even I would get mad if the girl I like calls me that way. O-hey, don't move so much. Why are you so scared? You act the same as when we met. If you continue with that joke then,  I will give you a punishment, in this way-- What will I do? I'm a vampire so I'm going to suck your blood, isn't it obvious? What are you surprised about ...huh? That expression again ... Stop it already. Hurry up and say it's a lie!
Kou (3:00): Ah, Really? You still plan to continue with that, so you leave me no choice, I promised myself not to use my right eye again, but if you insist on saying that it is not a lie *Kou use his right eye to see the truth *. Hey...? What is this...? You really don't remember me? It can't be ... No way… Why?! We've been together all this time and still ... you forgot it so easily. Don't joke with me! At this time, you really do not remember everything we have done. This does not make sense; just how little were our memories worth ?! To say you loved me, were those words and feelings so easy to forget?
Kou (4:01): I will not forgive you ... I will not forgive that! *bites*. I will definitely make you remember. *suck * The strongest memory you should have of us should be this pain, so if I make it hurt for sure you will soon-- * suck * what did you say? I'm making it hurt on purpose so that your memories come back soon *sucks*. I already told you that it is no use resisting. Hurry up Hurry and remember me! *sucks and his head hurts * ...! W-what? Again? It hurts ... N-I won't let you act like nothing happened.
Kou (5:12): No matter what ... h-I'll make your memories come back ... no matter what ... I swear. *sucks*
Track 3: Rejection
Kou: * waking up * Eh? Where...? ...! The living room? When did I get here-? It is true! M-Neko-Chan, where are you?! She’s not here ... I really went overboard, I did not imagine that I would lose my patience in that way; but that wasn’t an act. She really lost her memories; she forgot me and all our memories together ... Earlier in the dressing room laughing why? I must look for her; I must hurry up
and make her remember. Huh? The moon, there are still two moons ... it's really disgusting.
Kou (1:15): *door opens* At last I find you, so you were here. Wait! Do not runaway! Earlier, I lost my cool ... I'm really sorry. I calmed down so let's make peace; I don't want you to fear me forever ... okay? So ... have your memories come back? I see, not yet ... N-don't escape! I will not do anything to you. Although, after what I did, I know I don't sound convincing.
Kou (2:01): I know! How about we eat together, M-Neko-Chan? As a way to reconcile I would like to eat your vongole bianco. I see, you don't remember. The vongole bianco is my favorite food, you used to prepare it often, if I were Ruki-kun I would ask him ... now that I think about it, where did everyone go? I don't remember them saying something about going out ... Oh well, anyway, if you forgot how to do it you can see a recipe out there, you might remember something while you prepare it, please?
Kou (2:45): That look on your face ... you're obeying me so as not to make me angry ... *sighs* For now, it doesn't matter, you may understand it once we eat together ... If I remember correctly Ruki-kun left the recipe in ... Found it! Here you go. Hey can i look? I won’t be in the way. Thanks, then please prepare a delicious vongole bianco * you start cooking *. I haven't seen you cooking for a while, since I go home late and by then dinner was already ready. Ah, if there is anything I can help you tell me, at least I can beat the ingredients. Oh none? Then, It's okay...
Kou (3:56): Hey ... M-Neko-Chan, did you remember anything? Not yet ...hmmm then ... * hugs you from behind * Don't be so surprised, I'm just hugging you a little. I'm not interfering while cooking, I just wanted to hug you. Hey, your hands have stopped, you have to move them to cook, you know? That is not true, I think if you can cook in this state. Ah… Is me hugging you making you nervous? M-NekoChan, you are so cute. But we have already done this hundreds of times so you should not be so tense. Hey, you liked me hugging you, right? Do you not remember?
Kou (4:58): Does this not work either? As I thought, if it is not some strong memory it will not work ... Hey, as the pain did not work maybe we should try something else, this time I will gently suck your blood *kiss on the neck* Here. It’s okay, I will make it pleasant, that way you might remember everything. *bites and sucks* The taste of your blood has not changed in the least and your blushing face is the same as always, so why only your memories are gone? Hey, why did you forget it?
Kou (5:57): I see, you also don't know why, well, once you remember everything, it won't matter anymore. Hey, before I suck a lot from your neck, so what if this time I do it from another area? For example, your shoulder *bites* O-hey, don't move, you don't want it to hurt, do you? *bites* I want you to feel good too, don't you remember? You’d always love this. Hmmm… You're crying M-Neko-Chan, how good does it feel?
Kou (6:55): No? How strange ... I'm sucking gently ... Your body is tense, maybe that's why it hurts, come on relax, you just have to feel pleasure, right? T-I told you not to make a fuss! *bites and you push him* Why ...? I'm giving you your longed for sweet pain and still, why doesn't it work? *you push him* Ah! It hurt...
Kou (7:37): I twisted my hand ... I don't need you to heal me since it will heal soon. M-Neko-Chan, do you really dislike that kind of touch? You’re that afraid? Well, that's normal ... because for you right now I'm a stranger. *gets up* You're not the one who fell in love with me *Kou’s head hurts* Again?* You walk close to him* Stay away! In your current state you shouldn’t care about me. W-what is this ?! Mdamn *faints*.
Track 4: Unchangeable
Kou: *waking up* Eh? My room? Did the place change again? Why? I already said it was cold, the window is open. There are still two moons and it has been quite a while it doesn't seem like the time moved ... I want to hurry up and see the blue sky ... if all this was just a dream. *close the window* Why did this have to happen? I didn't think it would affect me so much to be forgotten. 
Kou (1:03): What should I do to get her memories back? If they never came back ... if they always rejected me ... I will only suffer carrying these feelings forever ... in that case maybe ... I should give up ...
Kou (1:41): *you knock on the door* who is it? Ruki-kun? *opens* M-Neko-Chan? What are you doing here? Hey? Were you looking for me? Why? You were very afraid of me earlier. Oh the wound from before? Are you still worrying about it? You do not have to apologize, I told you before, I am a vampire so my wounds heal quickly, so I am fine ... Plus my body is already full of wounds ... I see, you do not remember, right? ... Absolutely nothing? N-it's nothing, it's something you shouldn’t care about. It's really nothing, I give up.
Kou (2:47): No matter how hard I try, you won't remember anything; just trying over and over will be a waste of time. You don't love me anymore so there's no need for us to be together. Hey ... I'm telling you that you can run away, why aren’t you moving? It’s okay, I don't care about you anymore, come on, hurry up and leave. ...hm! Why? After rejecting me all the time, why do you say you can't leave me alone now? Do I pitiful to you? If not that’s not it, then what? W-why? If you have no memories ... how can you say that I am sad? I'm supposed to give up ... Ahh…
Kou (4:00): Why is this happening? If I get so close to you I could suck your blood again, you don't want that, do you? That’s okay? Now you want to know about me? What do you mean? That's right ... you and I were a couple, although it seems you have forgotten. Well, anyone would be sad if the person they love forgets about their lover ... but right now I am a stranger to you, so you shouldn't worry about hurting me, It doesn’t have anything to do with you...! M-Neko-Chan ... You're really selfless.
Kou (5:01): You don't want to see me hurt ... A normal person wouldn't want to recover their memories just so that a stranger didn't feel bad, but that's enough, you don't have to remember anything ... I already told you , I’m giving up, nothing assures me that I can give you back your memories. Besides, for you, it could be the opportunity to fall in love again, since I am a vampire that nobody wanted to raise ... Wouldn't you be happier if you were going out with someone very kind? Why? Before you were very scared about the cruel things I did to you, remember? What is that? If you have amnesia, how can you say that I am not a bad person? If you don't know anything, I don't need you to comfort me.
Kou (6:05): Ah Really? If you insist so much then I will tell you, how I have lived so far ... I am now a vampire, but I used to be a human, I had no parents and before I knew it I lived in a sewer. That's right; it was a dirty and stinky place, I had no money to buy food and I used to settle for garbage. Even if I sometimes found bread or some money, there was nothing that satisfied me more than food ... Well, I always lived like that, I thought I would die that way too.
Kou (6:57): But one day the army found me and took me to an orphanage. That orphanage was also a horrible place, the sewer was even better ... There, they used the most beautiful orphans as objects and the nobles paid for them. Since I had a good appearance, I was very popular, every day they beat me ... Then, I couldn’t stand it anymore, I ripped my right eye thinking that when I became uglier they would leave me alone and I could run away, but it was useless. Since the beginning my life was already hell. But after that I met Ruki-kun and the others at the orphanage and after many things I am here. Do you already understand what kind of person I am?
Kou (7:56): I didn't have an ordinary life and I do cruel things to you and to top it off I'm a vampire ... Even if you remember me, if you didn't have any good memories. Would you regret it ... A-Are you? Hey,lift your face. It's the same as back then ... even if you don't have your memories, you’re crying for me. Those tears ... are not out of pity right? I knew it *you hug him* W-what's up? Hey? I'm not going to cry, I can't cry because of that, it's enough for you to cry in my place.
Kou (9:10): Your eyes are red, if you cry too much your face will turn red and it will be ugly. I don't hate you crying, but at times like this I don't like it. Eh? Tears? It's true ... huh? I'm crying? Looks like, when I am with you, it seems that I become able to cry ... N-not that I wanted to cry, but ... but ... I'm glad ...
Kou (10:08): As I thought ... even without memories you are still the person I fell in love with. Selfless enough to cry for others, and very kind ...
Kou (10:32): Mmmm… I’ve decided, I will stop forcing you to recover your memories. It's fine, because even though you've forgotten everything; I like you. Let's start from scratch, the two together, okay? Yes, I'm counting on you from now on, M-Neko-Chan. Hey, can i kiss you? Thank you. *kiss* I love you.
Kou (11:37): The morning doesn't come ... No, it's not that I hate the night, but you know, I want to see the blue sky. Yes, that's right, I like the blue sky. It should be time for dawn, but the sky does not change, so I thought I would also like to see a beautiful blue sky with you. G-Thanks, it makes me happy that we feel the same. Oh ... this rose ... *picks it up* Take it, I’m giving it to you. Of course, I think it would fit you well, accept it.
Kou (12:40): You're welcome *laughs* I finally made you laugh. Hey ... I'm sorry I said so many cruel things ... I couldn't believe, that the girl I love forgot m, so it made me frustrated... But I won't force you to remember anymore! Let's build our memories once again. Thank you *hugs you*. I love you, I love you, M-Neko-Chan. Hey ... This won't hurt ... so, will you let me suck your blood? *bites*
Kou (13:50): It's sweet and hot, give me more. *sucks*Does your body twist because it feels good? Then I will give you more *sucks*. This time, from here. *bites* You used to dislike me a lot, aren't you going to resist anymore? Hm? What? Hey, why do you stay silent? Tell me, do you dislike the one who sucks your blood?
Kou (14:55): So what do you think about that? Say it. You don't have to be ashamed, I'm just here. You just have to say “It feels nice”, easy, right? Hey, please ... Hm? What? If you don't say it louder I won't hear you *laughs*. Well said, as a reward, I will make you feel better. *bites*
Kou (15:50): I also want it from this arm. I can do that, right? *bites* I'm starting to get dizzy ... but it's still not enough, you also think that, don't you? It shows on your face that you want more of my fangs. That expression is very cute. *Kisses* If you want it, I will bite you as much as you want so trust me with everything *Kou’s head aches*
Kou (16:45): E-right now? Again? I'm fine ... it's not the big deal ... Then let me hold your hand and I'll be fine ... Thank you ... * faints *
Track 5: The end of the night
Kou: *waking up* Eh? M-Neko-Chan, are you alright? Ah? What? Does it hurt you somewhere? Hey? Did you remember ... hm! Truly?! Did you remember everything? I’m so happy! I said I didn't care if you didn't recover your memories, but I'm really glad they came back. You don't have to apologize, I don't think of it as a nuisance. It is enough for you to remember me. 
Kou (1:03): Eh? What? It finally dawned ... the dark sky is starting to turn blue. Yes, it is very beautiful;our wish may have reached it. Hey, let's take a closer look, I'll take you in my arms while flying. *picks you up *Hold tight. *flies* It's the first time I've seen such a beautiful blue sky. You too? I see, being able to see this sky with you makes me the happiest person in the world *Kisses*.
Kou (2:02): I love you.
Kou (2:29): *sighs* I am so exhausted, today. This is not fair, just when your memories have returned my work increases and because of that I could not spend almost any time with you. “We can’t help it”?You accept this too well; couldn't you pretend that at least feel lonely? It's my job ... Aah ... if my girlfriend doesn't feel lonely without me then I'll stop being an idol. I know, I'm just kidding, but I don't want to stop seeing you. Do you feel different from me? What a relief. Then, from now on let me know if you feel lonely and in case you feel that way, I will stay by your side. 
Kou (3:23): Of course, if you want something better than that, I can satisfy you *laughs*. You're blushing, how cute~ the sky? It's true that the stars are pretty, but you said it just to change the conversation, right? You are very obvious M-Neko-Chan. The blue sky we saw the other day was more beautiful. I saw the night sky until I got bored when you lost your memories so I would like to take a break from it, the moon was very unpleasant. Ah, now that I remember, after that I asked Ruki about the amnesia, I thought the cause didn't matter, but it would be a problem that would happen again. 
Kou (4:15): Yes, Ruki-kun said that it could be `` the Paraselene syndrome '', with that refers to the paraselene phenomenon do you remember that before you lost your memories we saw that the moon had a kind of fog around it, right? It is said that when non-humans see it, they are affected by the paraselene syndrome. This gives you hallucinations and this also affects the people around you. You are human, but you may have been included because you have special blood. I am surprised that this moon was the cause of all that. But I'm glad that everything has returned to normal. It was very painful for me that you forgot me...
Kou (5:09): That's why at that time I thought it would be better to separate and said things about moving away ... but as I thought, no matter what, I don't want to separate from you. I love you more than anyone so I want us to be always together. You too? I see. That’s a relief. I won't let go of you against let's live together from now on *Kisses*.
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h-i-z-a-s-h-i · 7 years
Será que você pode me indicar uma CDs drama com a temática yandere? (Me diga os que você gostou, pfvr)
Vamos lá, a maioria é r18, porque yandere bom é só assim mesmo. (Para mim, ok?) Mas ok, digo os que gostei/não gostei. Vale um spoiler também?
Soko wa kurutta yume no fuchi, quando eu vi a capa desse cd fiquei encantada achando que era uma coisinha fofa e porque o personagem é super lindo. Mas não, ele é um dos piores yanderes que eu já ouvi na vida, e olha que eu já ouvi bastante. Ele é seu irmão adotivo, e completamente obcecado por você, a ponto de te drogar e abusar de você. Na escala de 10 a 0, ele merece 10 porque eu não posso dar 11. Mas eu não gostei muito, achei um pouco demais. Honnou no kajitsu ver.4, bom essa séria é meio complicada porque envolve umas frutas que depois que o cara come, seus "desejos proibidos" se afloram, mas nesse volume, mesmo depois que o efeito da fruta passa, ele não para com a loucura. E no final, ele te prende. Em uma escala de 10 a 0, esse merece 7. Gostei desse, ouviria de novo. Futari no himitsu vol.9, esse é um dos meus favoritos então desde de já eu dou 10 pra ele. Pra mim, esse cd tem tudo que um yandere deve ter, ele é tão controlador que quebra seu celular e tem ciúmes até da sua mãe, o final é bem trágico, você acaba presa a cama sem nenhuma chance de fugir. Mas ok, é yandere né? Ouvi, ouço de novo e recomendo. Oujisama no neko, não gostei, mas em temática de yandere leva 7. Não ouço de novo. Achei bem bizarra esse rp de gato/mestre. Dark night Princess vol.1 e 3, gostei desses, foi regular. Merece 7 de 10, ok, posso até ouvir de novo mas vai levar um tempo. Ah, e o 3p está envolvido aí:::: se não entendeu, ouça, ou não. Esses são os contos de fadas que nós conhecemos de forma distorcidas. Trick or Alice: Guilty and honey (kuro Usagi), bom, esse tem bastante a ver com o jogo mas se você não jogou não importa. Usagi-san aqui é bem possessivo, é um bom cd, um dos meus favoritos e também merece 10/10. Vou ouvir de novo mais tarde hehehe.
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anitokio · 5 years
Nekopara Vol. 3 se lanzará el 27 de junio en las PS4 y Switch de todo el mundo
Nekopara Vol. 3 se lanzará el 27 de junio en las #PS4 y #Switch de todo el mundo.
Desde la editora CFK y la desarrolladora Neko Works han anunciado que Nekopara Vol. 3 se lanzará el 27 de junio en las PlayStation 4 y Nintendo Switch de todo el mundo. El juego estará disponible en formato digital para ambas plataformas al precio de 14,99 dólares/euros o 1,500 yenes. Sus idiomas incluirán el inglés, el japonés y el chino.
Las versiones de PlayStation 4 y Nintendo Switch del…
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aratalatam · 7 years
Arcade Party prepara su Vol.2! Apóyenlo por Kickstarter!
New Post has been published on http://aratablog.com/?p=25439
Arcade Party prepara su Vol.2! Apóyenlo por Kickstarter!
Arcade Party,  una fiesta de gaming y cultura pop asiática, tipo Neko Nation para mayores de edad, tuvo lugar en Septiembre del año pasado en el Bar Caradura. 
Este año regresa, esperando contar con el apoyo de todos!
Arcade Party, la fiesta más grande de Gaming y cultura pop asiática en México, se ha expandido a Europa, con la creación de Arcade Party Spain, proyecto que se realizará este Julio 25 en Barcelona, los boletos ya están a la venta. www.arcadeparty.es (españa).
Mientras tanto los planes para Arcade Party México son cada vez más ambiciosos. El evento está proyectado para un público de 700 personas, el cual duplica la asistencia de su primera edición.
Esta ocasión Arcade Party Vol.2 se realizará en el foro Indie Rocks, contará con una propuesta visual inspirada en los últimos videojuegos que han causado tendencia, show de mapping, área de videojuegos, animadores, 6 propuestas musicales diferentes entre otras sorpresas que se anunciarán próximamente.
  La preventa de boletos será vía Kickstarter, esto para impulsar el evento y tener mayor alcance y ofrecer recompensas únicas a los backers que compren de ésta forma sus boletos.
Entra la primer DJ de la noche. Estamos en el #Arcadeparty ! La primera #NekoNation en MÉxico #arcadepartymexico #caradura #Frikilife #cosplay #manga #anime #videojuegos
Una publicación compartida de ArataBlog (@aratablog) el 4 de Sep de 2016 a la(s) 5:55 PDT
Estamos en el #Arcadeparty ! La primera #NekoNation en MÉxico #arcadepartymexico #caradura #Frikilife #cosplay #manga #anime #videojuegos
Una publicación compartida de ArataBlog (@aratablog) el 4 de Sep de 2016 a la(s) 5:21 PDT
  La fecha de lanzamiento de la campaña en Kickstarter es el Viernes 14 de Julio.
#ArcadePartyMX #TonightWeRise
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.3 Mukami Kou [Track 1]
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Original title: 二人の時間
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 3 Mukami Kou [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Sometimes I still have a hard time believing that the super cute ‘boyfriend material’ version of Kou is the same Kou from the More, Blood game because they’re honestly like two different species. This boy really does a whole 180 after he realizes his feelings for you. You need to like affection if you want to date him though, because it’s pretty clear he will cling onto you and smother you in hugs and kisses 24/7.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 1: Private Time
“ーー Good work, everyone! I’m counting on you all to do a great job promoting the new song we recorded today~! Fufu~”
Kou leaves the studio.
“Haah~ I’m beat. ...Oh! M-neko-chan! Were you watching my recording? What do you think? My latest song is pretty cool, don’t you think?”
You nod, smiling. 
“Eh? Really? Gosh~! Thank you so much! Haha!”
He embraces you.
*Rustle rustle*
“Oh come on, why not~? I worked really hard so let me recharge my batteries right now~ Squeeeeze....~”
“Haah~ When I finally see you again, my exhaustion just magically fades away. Don’t you think my manager’s a little cruel? He filled my schedule to the brim because my new song is being released! Because of that, we haven’t been able to see each other in forever...”
You tell him it can’t be helped. 
“Fufu~ I know! Of course, my job as an idol is important to me as well. ...However, the thing I treasure the most is...Mmh...”
“M-neko-chan, you~!”
You seem worried that somebody might walk in.
“Hehe...Don’t worry! I told my manager to keep the greenroom off-limits today because I have my girlfriend coming over. Sooo...~”
Kou pins you down.
“Will you give me a reward for my hard work?”
You raise a brow.
“Mmh, exactly! Your blood! ...You’ll give it to me, right?”
You seem reluctant.
“But why not? Like I said earlier, nobody will come in to interfere and I don’t think I can hold off till we get back home either. ...Besides, I’m well aware, you see? That you’re actually dying to have me suck your blood. If you honestly confess, I’ll make you feel amazing~ ...Come on, tell me? That you want me to suck you. I’d love to hear it with your cute voice~”
You pout.
“Eh? I’m not bullying you! I genuinely feel that way! ...It’s easy, all you have to do is admit that you want my fangs?”
You finally admit it.
“Fufu, well said~ ...Well then, as you wish, I’ll suck you plenty. Mmh...”
Kou bites you.
“Mmh...Nn...Hah...Fufu~ You sound ecstatic. Are you that happy to have me do this to you? You’re bright red all the way to your neck.”
Your blush grows even brighter.
...No need to be embarrassed, you know? Come on, don’t turn your head away! You have to properly look at me, or else, I’ll want to tease you...Oh? Was that your objective perhaps? ...You smell amazing right now...Delicious. Say? Can I eat you whole?”
Your eyes widen in surprise.
“Fufu~ I’m just joking! If I were to do that, I can no longer be all lovey-dovey with you after all! So instead...I’ll suck you even more.”
“Nn...Ah, hey...Don’t avert your gaze. I’m going to punish you if you don’t keep your eyes on me. ...Oh! But you like being punished as well, don’t you?”
You deny it.
“You don’t? In that case, you’ll listen to me, won’t you? Watch closely how I suck your blood...”
“Mm...Hah...Haah...This side is up next...”
You tell him to stop.
"...Protesting already? I haven’t had nearly enough yet though.”
You insist.
“What’s gotten into you? Usually I’d go for much longer. ...Say? M-neko-chan...You won’t grow to dislike me, right?”
You frown, wondering why he would ask that.
“We haven’t really been seeing each other a lot as of late, which made me grow anxious. ...It got me thinking that perhaps you’d rather have some other guy, over a boyfriend who barely ever has time for you. ...And that maybe even today you just forced yourself to come meet me...Heh. Just kidding~ I’m sorry for asking a mean question.”
You reassure him.
“Hah...I see. I’m glad. ...I’ll love you forever and ever as well. You’re more precious to me than anyone or anything else in this world. Mmh...Nn...”
Kou opens the door of the limousine.
“...Go ahead, M-neko-chan. You can get out first.”
You step out of the car.
“Thank you for dropping us off again today! We’ll be relying on your services again in the future~”
The car drives off.
“...Shall we get going then~?”
The two of you start walking towards the house when you suddenly halt your steps.
“Hm? What’s wrong?”
You point out the moon. 
“...Eh? The moon? ...Ah! You’re right! How strange how it appears to be shrouded in some sort of haze. It almost seems as if there’s two of them. But it’s a little creepy...Say, let’s hurry up and get insiーー ...M-neko-chan? ...What’s wrong? Why are you spacing out? Everything alright?”
“Ah...Ugh! What is this...!? Suddenly, my head...!! Argh!”
Kou collapses.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.3 Mukami Kou [Track 4]
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Original title: 変わらないもの
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 3 Mukami Kou [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Rejet really pulled up with the emotional monologue in this one. Even though almost all of the characters have some sort of tragic past/childhood, I personally believe that Kou had it the roughest out of everyone. Not only did he have to go through a lot of shit, but he really did have nobody to rely on at all. Not even the faintest spark of hope. So in that sense, it truly is amazing how he came this far and even found love ultimately.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 4: Things Which Never Change
“...Nn...Ah! My room...? I moved places again...How?”
He turns his head.
“...! No wonder it felt chilly in here...The window’s left open.”
Kou gets out of bed to step towards the window.
 “There’s still a double moon...Not only that, it doesn’t seem like the night is coming to a close despite all the time that has passed. I can’t wait to see the blue skies...If only all of this were just a dream.”
“Hah...Why did things turn out like this!? ...I didn’t think being forgotten would leave such a strong impact on me. I wonder how you can retrieve one’s memories? What if they... never return at all? Will she continue to reject me forever? ...!! If we have to stay together under such circumstances, it’ll only bring pain and sadness! In that case, maybe I should just...give up instead?”
*Knock knock*
“...!! Who is it...? Ruki-kun...?”
You enter the room.
“M-neko-chan...? Why are you here...?”
You explain.
“Eh? Were you looking for me, perhaps? But why!? You were terrified of me...”
You point towards his hand.
“My wound on my hand? You were still worried about that?”
You offer to treat his injuries.
“...No need to worry. I told you earlier as well, but I’m a Vampire so my injuries heal quickly. ...Besides, my body’s already covered in scars as is.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Right...You don’t remember, do you? None of it...Well, it doesn’t matter! It doesn’t matter to you right now, after all~!”
You frown.
“It’s fine, really! I already gave up anyway. You won’t remember no matter what I do, right? If I continue to struggle in vain, it’ll only bring me more pain. You no longer love me. In that case, there’s no reason for us to stay together, is there?”
You simply stand there looking at Kou.
“...Listen, I’m basically giving you permission to run. So why won’t you move?”
You seem worried about him. 
“Nah, it’s fine. I no longer care. So come on, hurry.”
You shake your head.
“...!! ...Why!? First you continuously deny me, and now you’re suddenly claiming you can’t leave me be like this!? Are you pitying me, perhaps? ...If not that, then what!?”
You note he seems sad.
“...!! ...But why? How can you...look through my facade and tell I’m sad...even though you don’t have your memories? Even though I already decided I would give up...”
Kou suddenly gets up from the bed.
You approach him.
“What are you doing? If you get this close to me, you’ll have your blood sucked again. You wouldn’t want that, right?”
You give him permission.
“...’It’s fine’? ...So why are you suddenly trying to understand me now?”
You mention that the two of you were lovers.
“Exactly. We were lovers. ...Although you seem to have forgotten all about that.”
You ask if that makes him sad.
“Well, of course. Anyone would be sad if their beloved one forgot them, no? ...However, right now, I’m nothing but a stranger to you. So why would you care about my feelings?”
You explain.
“...!! M-neko-chan...Ah...Haha~ You’re such a Saint. You don’t want to see me sad? I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t want to retrieve their own memories for the sake of someone else. ...But it no longer matters. Even if you don’t remember.”
You tell him you might remember.
“I told you earlier, didn’t I? I’ve given up. There’s no way to guarantee they’ll ever come back after all. ...Besides, this might be a chance to discover a new love for you! In the end, I’m nothing but a Vampire with a horrible descent. Don’t you think you could become much happier if you were to date this really nice guy instead?”
You shake your head.
“Why!? You were terrified earlier after I did all those horrible things to you, no?”
You note that Kou seems sad.
“...Excuse me? How can you tell I’m not a bad guy even though you’re suffering from amnesia...!? You don’t know anything about me! ...I don’t need your comfort, okay?”
You ask him to tell about his upbringing. 
“I see. If you insist, I’ll tell you. About how I’ve lived my life up till now. ...You see, I may be a Vampire right now, but I was originally born a human. I don’t any parents, and for as far as I can remember, I was living in a manhole. ...Exactly, it was dirty and stinky, a true hellhole. Obviously, I didn’t have the money to buy any food, so I had to avoid starvation by raiding the trash. 
Even if I would get my hands on something nice like a loaf of bread or some money, rather than food, I’d much rather exchange it for something which would make me feel satisfied emotionally. Heh. I lived like that my whole life, so I figured I would continue to do so until my death. However, one day I was found by a couple of soldiers and brought to an orpahange. 
Now, this orphanage was quite the experience as well. Honestly, the manhole might have been preferable. I was soon sold as a pretty-faced orphan and received money from aristocrats and politicians. My looks were miles above anyone else’s, so they all loved me! I was toyed with day after day...I even thought of making myself ugly by destroying one of my eyes in a desperate attempt to escape the situation but...It was no use. I never lived a good life, so I guess that part was doomed to stay the same even if I changed environments. 
But...I did meet Ruki-kun and the others at the orphanage shortly after. One thing led to another and ultimately I became the person I am today. You understand now, don’t you? What kind of guy I am. I didn’t enjoy a nice upbringing, so I can’t promise I’ll treat you well. ーー And above all, I’m a Vampire. ...If you do remember me, it’ll be a bunch of bad things so you...might just end up ultimately regretting it, don’t you think?”
You sob softly.
“Hm? Wai...Don’t tell me...Hey, lift your face...!”
You slowly look up at him.
“...It’s the same reaction as back then. Even without your memories...You’d still shed tears for me, huh? Those tears...aren’t out of pity, are they?”
You confirm his suspicions.
“...I knew it!”
You clutch onto his sleeve.
“...What’s wrong all of a sudden?”
You ask why he doesn’t cry.
“Eh? I won’t cry! It’s not like tears would suddenly come out now...I’m fine as long as you cry in my place instead...”
You continue to sob.
“Hehe~ Your eyes are getting red. If you cry too much, they’ll become swollen and you’ll be quite the sight, you know?”
“I don’t dislike seeing you in tears but...Right now, I’m not a huge fan of it.”
You note that he is crying as well.
“Eh? ...Tears?”
Kou touches his own cheek.
“Ah...! You’re right. I’m...crying...? ...Ah! Seems like I can’t help but shed tears when I’m with you...I didn’t exactly want to cry or anything...But...I get it now...”
He embraces you.
“That even without your memories...You are the same person I fell for, aren’t you? ...A miss goody-two-shoes willing to cry for others but...so very kind...”
“Mm...! I’ve made up my mind! I’ll stop trying to force your memories to come back!”
You seem surprised. 
“It’s fine, even if you don’t ever recall. I still love you regardless after all. ...So let’s just start over again from zero? Together. ...Okay?”
You nod.
“...Mmh~ I look forward to spending more time together, M-neko-chan. (1) ...Say, can I kiss you?”
You give him permission.
“...Thank you.”
“Mm...I love you.”
The two of you are walking outside.
“...The morning just won’t come.”
You wonder if he perhaps hates the night.
“No, I don’t particularly dislike the night. ...But I want to see the blue sky, you see.”
You ask Kou if he likes the blue sky.
“Mmh, exactly. I love the clear skies. You’d assume morning would dawn soon but the night just seems to continue on forever, don’t you think? So I find myself thinking I want to watch the blue sky with you...”
You agree.
“Eh? ...Ah, thank you. I’m happy to hear you feel the same way. ...Oh, that rose.”
“Here, I’ll give this to you. Of course, I thought it would look good on you, so don’t be modest and just accept it~”
You thank him.
“Hehe~ You’re welcome~ Hehe...I finally succeeded at making you smile~! ...Say...I’m sorry for doing all those horrible things to you. ...Being forgotten by the person I love the most in this world just made me so sad, I couldn’t believe it...Ah! But I’ll no longer force you to remember so...Let’s start making memories again together once more.”
You nod.
“...Hehe, thank you~”
“I love you...Very much so, M-neko-chan...Hey? I won’t hurt so...Let me suck your blood?”
You give him permission.
“Ah...It’s so sweet and hot...Give me more...Mmh...”
“Hehe~ Look at you wriggling around...Does it feel good? In that case, I’ll suck you lots, okay? Nn...”
“Heh~ ...This side’s up next. Mmh...”
“Haah, haah...Even though you made such a fuss earlier, you’ll no longer fight it already?”
You blush bright red.
“Hm? ...What’s wrong? ...Say, why are you going quiet now? Tell me. ...Do you dislike having your blood sucked by me?”
You shake your head.
“Then how do you feel? Say it.”
You grow even more flustered.
“Fufu~ No need to get embarrassed. I’m the only one here after all. ...All you need to say is that it feels ‘good’. Piece of cake, no? ...Come on, say it.”
You whisper.
“Hm~? What was that? You have to speak louder or I can’t hear you.”
You repeat your words, louder this time.
“Hehe~ Good job. As a reward...I’ll make you feel even better. Mmh...”
“Nn...Ah. ...I want some from this slender arm as well...You don’t mind, do you?”
Kou bites your arm next.
“ーー Ah. Haah...I’ve gotten dizzy for some reason...But I still haven’t had enough. You feel the same way, don’t you? It’s written all over your face after all. That you want more of my fangs. That expression is incredibly cute. Mmh...”
“I’ll bite you as many times as you wish, so just entrust everything to me, okay?”
“Uu...Kuh...Right now...Again...!?”
You become worried.
“Don’t worry...It’s no big deal...Ugh...Then...Let me hold your hand at least...I feel like that’s all I need to push through...”
You grab hold if his hand. 
“...Thank you.”
Translation notes
(1) これからもよろしく or ‘kore kara mo yoroshiku’ is one of those very common Japanese phrases which I always struggle with when I have to translate them to English. In a work-related context, it usually means something like ‘I look forward to continue working with you’ or ‘Thank you for the continued support’. In this case, I think it conveys Kou’s desire to continue spending more time with her as they once again fall in love.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.3 Mukami Kou [Track 5]
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Original title: 夜が明ければ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 3 Mukami Kou [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: Some good ‘ol fluff after the angst fest of the previous few tracks. I honestly really enjoy the plot of the paraselene CDs which honestly came as a surprise to me because I’m usually not a huge fan of the amnesia cliche. I think it works well in this case because they manage to do a good job connecting it to the boys’ personal traumas and using it as a gateway to give them development. 
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 5: When the Morning Comes
“Oh...? Huh...?”
“...!! M-neko-chan!? Are you okay?”
Your eyes widen in surprise.
“Huh? What...? Don’t tell me, you’re hurting somewhere?”
You tell him you regained your memories.
“Hm? ...’I remember’...? ...Really!? You remembered everything!?”
You nod.
“...!! I’m so glad!”
Kou embraces you.
“I know I said I didn’t care if you never remembered, but I’m happy your memories came back after all!”
You apologize.
“No need to say sorry. I never thought of you as a bother. ...Just the fact you rememebered me makes me plenty happy.”
You look up at the sky. 
“Huh? What’s wrong. ...Ah, the morning has finally come. The dark sky’s gradually turning blue.”
You note it looks pretty.
“Mmh. It’s stunning. Hehe~ Our wish has been granted. ...Say, let’s look at it from up close? I’ll leap into the air while carrying you in my arms.”
*Rustle rustle*
“...Hang on tight, okay?”
Kou jumps up.
“Hah...It’s the first time I’ve seen such beautiful, clear skies!”
You agree.
“You too? I see. ...Being able to witness such a beautiful blue sky with you, I honestly couldn’t feel any more blessed! Hehe~ ...Mmh.”
“I love you.”
“...Haah~ I’m so exhausted again today. I can’t believe we barely get to see each other even though your memories returned, because my workload increased once again.”
You smile and tell him it’s okay.
“...’It can’t be helped’, you say? You’re being way too understanding. Don’t you think you have the right to be a little more sad?”
You explain. 
“It’s work, huh? Ah-aaah~ If my lover won’t miss me, perhaps I should just quit being an idol?”
You start to panic and tell him he shouldn’t. 
“Hehe~ I know! I’m just kidding. ...However, I don’t like being apart. ...Or do you feel differently about it?”
You shake your head.
“Hehe...I’m glad~ In that case, tell me next time you’re feeling lonely, okay? Then I’ll cling onto you the whoooole day~”
“...Of course, if you want me to do something a little more ‘intense’, I wouldn’t mind doing that either.”
You grow flustered. 
“Hehe~ Your face’s bright red, how cute!”
You suddeny bring up the starry sky.
“Hm? The sky? Well, I won’t deny that the stars look pretty tonight but it’s obvious you’re just trying to change the subject. You’re so easy to read, M-neko-chan~ Besides, the blue sky we witnessed the other day was much prettier. ...I already saw plenty of the night sky while you were suffering from amnesia, so I’ve got enough of it for a while. The moon looked creepy as well.
 ...Ah, right. I tried asking Ruki-kun about your condition later. At first I wasn’t too concerned about the reasoning, but I wouldn’t want the same thing to happen all over again.”
You ask about Ruki’s answer.
“Mmh. Ruki-kun said it might have been ‘Paraselene Syndrome’. The ‘Paraselene’ apparently refers to the double moon. We saw this moon shrouded in a haze, remember? That’s the Paraselene. And Paraselene Syndrome is the disease which affects demonic creatures who lay their eyes upon this moon. Apparently it causes hallucinations. On top of that, it affects the people around you as well. Even though you’re a human, you might have still gotten affected because you have demon blood running through your veins.”
You nod in understanding. 
“I honestly was shocked to find out the moon was behind all of it. ...However, I’m glad everything went back to normal. Being forgotten by you was very painful after all. So I figured that perhaps it would be better if we simply parted ways, which is why I did those things to push you away back then...But in the end I didn’t want to let go of you, no matter what happened.”
“Haah...I love you more than anyone in thi world after all, so I want us to be together forever.”
You agree. 
“You too? ...Heh, I see~ I’m glad...”
“I’ll never let go of you again, so let’s continue to live together, okay? ...Mmh.”
ーー THE END ーー 
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.3 Mukami Kou [Track 3]
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Original title: 拒絶
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 3 Mukami Kou [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Kimura Ryouhei
Translator’s note: I’m not a Kou stan but I can really feel his pain here. :c He is trying his hardest to get the MC to remember but his emotions keep on getting the best of him. Kou isn’t the best at dealing with rejection in general, let alone from one of the few people in the world he actually cares about. I’m really curious to see how he will overcome this crisis and use the power of TRUE LOVE to win his girl back. uwu
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 3: Rejection
Kou slowly wakes up.
“...Oh...Huh? Where am...?”
“The living room...? When did I...? ...Right!! M-neko-chan! Where is she!?”
He looks around in panic.
“She’s not here...I guess I really pushed it too far. I didn’t think I’d get that angry either, to be honest. But...It wasn’t an act. She has actually lost her memories. She had forgotten all about me, and the moments we spent together. Just earlier today we were laughing and having a good time over at the greenroom, so why!? ...I have to go look for her! And bring back her memories!”
“...? The moon...There’s still two of them...Honestly, it makes me gag...!”
He leaves the room.
“...I finally found you! So this is where you’ve been.”
You turn around and try to run.
“Wait, don’t run...! About earlier, I kind of let my temper get the best of me and...I’m truly sorry! I’ve calmed down now so...Let’s put it behind us...I wouldn’t want you to be scared of me forever either. Okay?”
You frown.
“So...Have your memories returned?”
You shake your head.
“I see...Not yet.”
You start backing away again. 
“...!! Don’t run! I won’t do anything! ...Well, I guess that doesn’t sound very convincing after I snapped just earlier. ...Right! Why don’t we have dinner together? To commemorate putting our differences aside, I’d love to have some of your homemade vongole bianco!”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Right, you don’t remember. It’s my favorite dish. You’d often make it for me. If Ruki-kun was here, we could ask him directly but...Speaking of which, I wonder where everyone went? I don’t think they had plans to head out tonight? If you can’t remember how to make it, I’m sure we’ve got a recipe laying around somewhere. You can use that as a reference! I’m sure you might recall some things while cooking.”
You reluctantly nod.
“...Judging by the look on your face, you still don’t quite trust me, do you? I can tell you’re only listening because you don’t want to get yelled at. ...Well, I guess that works for now. I’m sure you’ll understand once we enjoy a meal together! Um...If I recall correctly, Ruki-kun keeps his recipes...”
“Ah! Found it! ...Here you go!”
Kou hands you the recipe.
“Say, can I watch from here? I promise I won’t interfere!”
You give him permission.
“Thank you~ Please make us some delicious vongole bianco, okay?”
“Hehe~ It’s been a while since I’ve watched you cook. I’ve been busy as of late, so most of the time dinner is already served by the time I get back home. ...Ah! Tell me if there’s anything I should help you with! I can handle easy tasks like mixing ingredients together.”
You decline his offer.
“Is that so? ...Okay then.”
“...Say, M-neko-chan? Have you remembered anything?”
You shake your head.
“Not yet, huh? In that case...”
You squeak.
“No need to be so surprised. I only embraced you a little, see?”
You point out that you’re cooking.
“It doesn’t matter that you’re in the middle of cooking. I felt like holding you in my arms after all. ...Look, your hands have stopped moving. You need to keep going, no?”
You tell Kou you can’t cook like this.
“That’s not true, is it? I’m sure you can still cook even like this. ...Ah! Are you perhaps nervous because I’m hugging you? Fufu~ You’re so cute, M-neko-chan. However, I’ve done this countless of times before, so do you really need to get so tense? Say? You liked it when I squeezed you tight like this, remember?”
You frown.
“Hm...This won’t do the trick either, huh? I guess they really won’t return unless there’s some sort of strong trigger. ...Say, since the first attempt failed, want to try a different method? This time, I’ll suck you gently...~”
“From here, fufu~”
You start to panic. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you feel good. It might help bring all of your memories back! Mmh...Nn...”
“Hah...The taste of your blood hasn’t changed one bit. You’ve got that dreamy look in your eyes as always too, so I wonder why your memories are the only thing still missing? ...Say? Why did you forget?”
You shrug.
“I see. You have no clue, huh? Well, I honestly don’t care why it happened as long as you remember everything. Say...I already sucked from your neck plenty earlier, so why don’t we try a different spot this time? Your shoulder...For example?”
Kou bites your shoulder.
“Hahn...Hey...Don’t move...You don’t want it to hurt, do you?”
“I want you to feel good...Don’t you remember? I mean, you love that sorta stuff after all...”
You whimper.
“Geez, M-neko-chan, you’re tearing up~ Does it feel that good?”
You shake your head.
“No...? That’s strange...I meant to be gentle though...You’re all tensed up. Couldn’t that be why it hurts? Come on, ease up a little. Just focus on the pleasure, okay?”
You try and escape his grip.
*Rustle rustle*
“ーー Oh come on, don’t struggle! Hahn...Mmh...”
You continue to protest.
“...!? Why...!? I’m giving you the sweet pain you once loved so much!? So why don’t you want it...?”
You push him away as Kou loses his balance and falls to the floor.
“Argh...! Ugh...”
“Ah...I scraped my hand...”
You suddenly feel bad, offering to patch him up.
“It’s fine. You don’t need any treatment. It’ll heal in no time anyway...M-neko-chan? Do you dislike my touch that much? Are you that scared of me? ...I guess you are. After all, I’m nothing but a stranger to you right now.”
He slowly gets up.
“You are no longer...the same person who fell in love with me.”
You take a step forward. 
“Stay away...!! ...Right now, having you worry about me doesn’t make me happy at all...! What is going on!? ...Fuck!”
He collapses once more.
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