#nella vita
bad-entertainment · 2 years
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Tommy’s Song - Grayscale
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The Rickshaw Theatre overflowed with sound when Grayscale headlined on April 1st, supported by Worry Club and Taylor Acorn. With these three talented acts, the show blended indie, pop, punk, alt rock, and even a hint of 80’s dance, keeping the audience moving and singing through a wide array of genres.
Indie-punk Worry Club was up first, comprised of singer-songwriter-guitarist Chase Walsh, bassist and backing vocalist Gabe, guitarist Dom, and drummer Tuck. The four looked cool and casual in oversized graphic t-shirts and hoodies, and Walsh greeted the crowd with a big “What’s up?!” Even so, this show was far from casual. This was their first time in Vancouver, and they told us that they think the city is beautiful.
Worry Club goes hard on stage, bringing more energy and fervor than one might expect from their recordings. Their music feels even more impactful live. Walsh uses his entire body to sing and play guitar, and his spirit fills the room. His playful and passionate stage presence comes off as though he was meant to be on stage and wouldn’t rather be anywhere else. It’s clear how deeply he feels, as if the music itself is throwing him around as he performs. It is impossible not to watch him. Gabe added to the playful and lively energy as the two teased each other. At one point Gabe tried to untangle Walsh’s guitar cord before comedically giving up. They played off each other, and their voices meshed well. For one song, Gabe showcased impressive screaming vocals.
Throughout their set, they took us on an emotional journey through shifts and arcs, building up with sound and then bringing everything back down again. A few songs started as slow ballads, then kicked into gear with energetic riffs and drum-heavy instrumental breaks. Yearning vocals led into fast-paced choruses with impressive vocal octave jumps.
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They played “Pretty Face” as well as their new song “BORED,” for which they told the crowd to get moving. At one point they told us they were playing a Britney Spears cover, and that we should sing along if we know it. At the end of the song they revealed it was an April Fools’ prank, and laughed that the crowd had been pretending to know it. For the fast-paced “DEATHBLOW,” they prompted audience participation, and had the entire crowd jumping up and down as one.
Worry Club’s new EP All Frogs Go To Heaven comes out in May. Keep an eye out for this record – it’s going to be a good one.
The next act began with only a guitarist and drummer on stage playing an intro. Anticipation built until the last moment before the vocals were to start, and Taylor Acorn made her grand entrance, jogging up to the mic just in time. Their look was put together and coordinated. Taylor’s top matched with the red dyed face-framing streaks in her hair, which matched with her guitarist’s similarly two-toned hairstyle.
For her first show in Vancouver, Taylor owned the stage with grace and confidence. Supported only by a guitarist/backing vocalist and drummer, she created a sound that felt like it came from more than just the three musicians on stage. Her voice is strong, clear, and expressive, with the flexibility required to express the ups and downs throughout her musical repertoire. From huge resonant high notes to soft vulnerable moments, she brought every emotion to life. This is an artist who bares her soul on stage courageously and invites the audience to feel everything with her. This quality was especially apparent during “Coma,” which she shared was about watching her mom go through an abusive relationship – and which she sang with emotion pouring through her voice.
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The guitarist played with explosive energy in soulful and dynamic solos. He matched Taylor’s passion in his riffs as well as in the backing vocals he provided. The musical chemistry between the two was palpable, as they played off each other and maintained a strong connection throughout the set. Taylor is also skilled at connecting with the audience. She crouched to get to our level, got close and sang into the pit, and even performed an entire song while sitting on the edge of the stage.
The set opened with “Wishing You Hell.” She also played Mayday Parade’s “Jamie All Over” – a cover which was a turning point in her career. She explained that she was going to quit music during the lockdown, but she posted this cover on TikTok on a whim and it changed her life, which is the reason she’s able to play shows such as this one. For the whole song she sat on the edge of the stage and sang intimately to the audience, holding the mic out to amplify their voices as they sang along and waved their phone lights in the air. Other notable songs were “I Think I’m in Love,” during which Taylor sang an impressive a cappella verse; “Certified Depressant,” which she shared is about her crippling anxiety; the fast-paced “Psycho,” for which she prompted audience participation, and for which the whole crowd was jumping. She closed the set with “Shapeshifting.”
Headliner Grayscale was next, a five-piece band with an impressively powerful sound comprised of vocals and backing vocals, lead and rhythm guitars, a bass guitar, alto sax, keyboard, and drums. They wore black shirts, and frontman Collin Walsh wore all black. Though their outfits were muted, their instruments were eye-catching, with shiny red-and-black guitars and a white bass. With an air of coolness, they made it look easy to play with flair and zest, overflowing the small Rickshaw with energy for their first ever Vancouver show.
The band skillfully built and released tension with emotional lyrics and explosively catchy choruses. There wasn’t a still moment on stage. Three guitars played complex solos and fast intricate riffs. Andrew Kyne on the lead guitar was particularly impressive, channeling emotion as though his guitar itself was singing. The vocal style leaned towards punk with its passionate enunciation and emotionality, and adapted to more of a pop style with soft falsettos when the song(s) called for it.
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Their sound is versatile, but maintains a consistent character. With elements ranging from dance to alt-rock to pop-punk, they kept the audience moving the entire time. They encouraged us to keep dancing, and even playfully prompted us to “embarrass ourselves.” At one point, they had the audience all crouch low to the ground and jump up on the count of three. For a few songs the pace slowed, and the instrumentation changed. An electric guitar was swapped for an acoustic, a rhythm guitar was swapped for a keyboard, and the drums went quiet. Simplified instrumentation highlighted the lead vocals, which felt raw and vulnerable. During this portion of the set, rhythm guitarist Dallas Molster performed a keyboard solo under a dramatic spotlight. After these songs, they were able to gradually and skillfully bring the energy back up. It came to a peak with “Fever Dream,” during which Walsh picked up the entire mic stand to amplify the audience singing along. At the end of the show, Walsh walked off, and the four musicians remaining on stage played out in a huddle with a bang of energy.
Worry Club, Taylor Acorn and Grayscale each brought an enormously dynamic sound to their first Vancouver show. I have no doubt they will each be rocking much bigger stages the next time they play here. I look forward to many more shows from all three acts.
Written by: Jules Photographed by: Josh Papalia
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shotattheshow · 1 year
[PHOTOS] Grayscale @ Rickshaw Theatre
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Shots by Jacob Zinn
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0verstepping · 2 years
no one knows the pain like you did wish we could talk it out like old friends do my best to smile through this till we can talk it out like old friends, yeah just like old friends
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grayscalearchive · 2 years
happy 3rd birthday nella vita!!!
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confusedandwaird · 1 year
Noto tutto. Sempre. Anche se non dico nulla o fingo di guardare altrove, di parlare di altro, di non essermi accorta, noto. Possono sfuggirmi grandi cose, mai i dettagli, in qualsiasi cosa, quelli mai.
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2stelle · 2 months
La ricerca dei tweets del 2012 per andare “contro” Ghali dimostra quali sono le priorità di una grande fascia di italiani. Non importa un cazzo che si sia esposto, su cosa l’abbia fatto e cosa stia accadendo. No, si deve fare lotta a un ragazzo che ha dimostrato di essere uno dei pochi se non l’unico che in questo paese si espone. “Eh ma se parla della Palestina non cambia che sia un misogino” scusami se da donna non me ne frega un cazzo di testi di ben 12 anni fa o espressioni dette in periodo adolescenziale ma sono focalizzata su quello che conta davvero. La Palestina lasciata sola contro un’Europa che finge di non vedere e non sentire.
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"Il tuo cervello per ora ti dice che non ci riuscirai, ma non devi sempre stare ad ascoltarlo. A volte dice delle bugie bianche."
Nella vita dei burattini - T.J. Klune
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unwinkyselvatico · 5 months
Lo capirai quando ti farà male l'anima come a me.
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papesatan · 4 months
E già qualcuno fra i parenti ha osato chiedermi del concorso. Ma come, non partecipi? Vedo già le mie zie insegnanti partir gagliarde con le solite domande cui non saprò cosa rispondere. La verità porterebbe a una bruta discussione, meglio tentar la via della cieca ignoranza o, peggio ancora, della menzogna compiacente. Ogni volta resto muto e interdetto, incapace di soffrirne a voce, perché ho un lavoro, cristo, un lavoro creatomi dal nulla, MI SONO DATO un lavoro e per loro non è abbastanza, perché non è un posto pubblico. Forse chi ha visto Quo vado? ma vive al nord non ha ben chiaro quanto quel film ritragga fedelmente la gretta mentalità della mia terra, ma è davvero così e non fa ridere per niente. Ricordo ancora benissimo i mesi precedenti l’apertura, il silenzio dei parenti, il vuoto intorno, le risatine di mia nonna: “Ma verrà qualcuno?” e l’insistenza di mia zia: “Hai mandato le Mad? Dovresti provare col sostegno, da lì è più facile entrare” (e di questa immonda realtà parleremo un’altra volta). Ci litigai, speravo d’aver chiarito una volta per tutte le mie intenzioni, ma puntualmente dopo qualche mese tornò a chiedermi: “Allora, hai mandato le Mad? Nessuna supplenza?” “Eh, no” mentii “purtroppo nulla”. Ci rinuncio, perché quella dei nostri genitori ormai è una generazione totalmente slegata dalla realtà, convinta di vivere ancora gli anni ‘90, dove tutto era possibile, dove entravi dove volevi con l’aiuto di zio Cosimino, dove il politichino di turno sistemava gli amici di amici, dove una laurea e un concorso significavano qualcosa. Oggi la mia dipendente, povera crista che quando non lavora passa le giornate a studiare, mi ha rivelato che per la sua classe di concorso i posti messi a bando per la Puglia saranno 3. Come dovrei non incazzarmi? Come si può restare calmi di fronte a tanto schifo? Capite perché ho mandato tutti al diavolo, aprendo la MIA scuola? Non possiamo star qui a invecchiare all’ombra di mamma e papà, in attesa che lo stato ci permetta di fare ciò che abbiamo sudato e studiato decenni per fare. In famiglia nessuno sa che ad aprile ho rinunciato all'orale. Non li ritengo stupidi, è probabile che qualcuno abbia capito (forse mia madre?), dall’Usr dell’Emilia Romagna si sono fatti vivi dopo un anno (un anno!) dal superamento dello scritto, questo sì, ma è poco plausibile che venga indetto un nuovo concorso senza aver posto fine al precedente. Almeno il dubbio deve averli sfiorati. Ma non ho il coraggio di dirglielo, lascerò che lo capiscano da sé, se vogliono, non sopporterei la cenere di quegli sguardi delusi, il ricordo di mio padre che dopo lo scritto esulta al telefono: “Volesse Iddio che ti sistemi”, la segretaria dell’Usr che alla rinuncia insiste incredula al telefono ed io che le rispondo: “Non posso, ho cambiato vita”. No, la verità li ammazzerebbe, non so manco perché poi. E la cosa che mi fa più ridere è che proprio loro, le mie care zie insegnanti, gente del mestiere, non capiscono che non potrei affiancarlo in nessun modo a ciò che già faccio, perché è già un lavoro a tempo pieno. Come potrei mai dedicarmi il pomeriggio al doposcuola e preparare al tempo stesso le lezioni del giorno dopo? Partecipare ai consigli, collegi vari, attività pomeridiane ed essere ubiquamente al mio locale? Gestisco un’attività, cazzo, non è mica il lavoretto dell’estate. Ma non lo capiranno mai tanto, meglio che m’abitui sin da ora a ripetere: “Oh, sì, eccome se ho sentito! Non vedo l’ora di tentar la sorte anch’io alla lotteria!”    
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girlcavalcanti · 7 months
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mi tuffo nella pece e mi trovo un impiego come spaventapasseri in australia
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i-am-a-polpetta · 10 days
Azienda X con la quale ho fatto non uno ma due colloqui, mi scarta con la motivazione "ci sei piaciuta tantissimo ma non hai le competenze necessarie"
domande postemi in sede di colloquio:
tu al momento cosa fai?
da quanti anni lo fai?
come ti descriveresti con una parola
come ti descriveresti con una frase e perché
se ti arrabbi come reagisci?
se un tuo responsabile ti riprende ma non è colpa tua e non hai sbagliato nulla come reagisci?
quale è il tuo lavoro dei sogni?
quali sono le tue emozioni preferite e perché
mi hanno fatto dei """""test psicologici"""""""
avrei bisogno di qualcuno che mi spieghi come le hanno valutate le mie competenze perché del mio lavoro non ho detto assolutamente nulla se non una panoramica veramente molto generale e blanda.
non so, ho quasi paura a risponderle perché temo mi stiano ancora psicanalizzando... quasi quasi non rispondo e mi do per morta
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klimt7 · 3 months
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awesomebitchyuniverse · 6 months
E allora auguri Chicchino del mio corazon ♥️
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gelatinatremolante · 10 months
Probabilmente avrà delle gravi conseguenze sul mio futuro ma almeno per quanto riguarda la giornata di oggi decidere di andare al mare invece di restare a casa a studiare a pretendere di studiare è stata sicuramente la scelta migliore per la mia salute fisica e mentale.
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