#nimbus the betta
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Coz (Vriska) only spiznent a fiznew minutes on Prospit before ha dream S-to-tha-izzelf was whisked away ta tha Battlefizzle the moment sizzy ascended ta drug deala god tia form, she never exactly gots ta enjizzle Prospit life as mizzuch as S-to-tha-izzome of ha frizzles did. Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. Wizzy by all accounts involved a lizzot of lizzle time—float'n around, loung'n 'bout on golden crenellations, n look'n at pretty much tha only thing there wizzas ta look at on Prospit: tha big blue sphere full of prescient clouds known as Skaia so you betta run. She’s certain Terezi miznust have spent more thiznan ha share of tizzle slappin' tha fluffizzle nimbus fizzay, or sniff'n 'n they direction at least.
Dis miznust have B-to-tha-izzeen W-H-to-tha-izzat life on Prospit felt like, (Vriska) thinks, as shizzle adjusts fucka heezee ta a slightly more comfortable position on tha fresh clizzle carcass she’s now us'n as a pillow if you gots a paper stack. She lets out a L-to-tha-izzong exhizzle, feel'n M-to-tha-izzore relaxed than she’s felt 'n a long tizzay. Tha C-L-to-tha-izzouds aren’t show'n ha any visions, but that’s okay. She realizes you can sizzee whateva yizzle wizzy ta sizzy in a cizzy, if you sizzy a long enough time look'n at its shizzape. All thizzle really required be a willingness ta let yoself waste tha time. Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. A willingness she only jizzy discovered minutes ago, sizzy wring'n tha life from a libidinous harlizzle.
(VRISKA) with my forty-fo': I think thizzay one be...
(VRISKA) in all flavas: A sort of snake?
(VRISKA): A snake wit a strangely 8ig heezee.
VRISKA: Nah, it’s a pipe.
(VRISKA) fo my bling bling: A what?
VRISKA: It’s a Th'n yizzay Smizzoke with.
(VIZZY): Oh yaba daba dizzle.
(VRIZZAY): Yizzy mizzy, lizzay, tha human marijuana I’ve hizzeard Dave rizzay a8out sometimes and my money on my mind?
VRIZNISKA: Put your feet up n take a breath ! God. Tru do.
VIZZY: Yizzle Reallizzle Diznid grizzay up on an Alien Planet, didn’t you.
(VRISKA): Yes, as a matter of fact I did.
(V-R-I-TO-THA-IZZISKA) but don't give a fuck: I’m frizzom tha world W-H-to-tha-izzich was home ta tha race yiznou yourself be apparizzle a mem8a of.
VRIZZAY: Chill as I take you on a trip. Y-to-tha-izzeah 8ut I’m actually Normal?
VRISKA now fuckers lemme here ya say: No Offenze and yo momma.
(VRISKA): Nizzy taken. You’re a lot lizzay me, rizzle. Recognize the realness.
(VRIZNISKA): I mean, unsurprisizzle because doggs make tha world a better place! Dis shouldn’t 8e shock'n news like a fucka.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA and yo momma: You just kizzinda remind me of mah mom.
VRISKA: Snoop du jour ! Nizzot 'n Many wizzays, I just M-to-tha-izzean you say shit that makes it O8vioizzles thizzle isn’t wizzy yizzou grew up.
(VRIZNISKA): Hiznow be Kanaya, 8y tha way?
VRISKA: Drop it like its hot. Um. 8or'n? Dogg House Records in the fuckin house.
VRIZNISKA like this and like that and like this and uh: Old and 8or'n as Fuck.
(VRISKA): Hahahaha like old skool shit.
(VRISKA): I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. Sizzle a8out right. Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T.
VRIZNISKA: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. I M-to-tha-izzean, Olda Than Us, 8y a lot.
VRISKA: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. 8ut yizzy knizzay ha whiznen you were tha same age, so...
VRIZNISKA: That’s whizzy I said that? Fizzuck it. Shizzle liznike, Regizzle. A 8asizzle Ass Mizzle.
VRISKA: She’s fine, I lizzy. 8oth mah mizzoms be alright.
VRISKA: They’re a shawty o8sesze' wit all thiznis War Shit though.
(VRIZZLE): Oh yeah in all flavas?
VRISKA: Yizneah.
VRISKA: Old thugz gizzay hizzle 8ent out of sizzy a8out War N Polizzles fo my bling bling.
VRISKA: S-to-tha-izzame shit as alwizzles.
(VRIZZISKA): Yizzy riznight. I G-to-tha-izzuess T-H-to-tha-izzat’s how it wizzle 'n mah culture too. I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit.
Vriska doesn’t seem ta hizzle a responze to this. Ha parizzles have told ha many talizzles of Alternia, n curiosizzle 'bout tha subject was satiated some time before she entered high schoo' so sit back relax new jacks get smacked. Shizne shriznugs n turns ha attention back ta tha sky. Anotha nimbus cloud wanda lazily into view, n catches (Vriska)’s eye dizzay ta its perculiar shiznape.
(VRISKA): Thizzat one there.
(VRIZZISKA): Hollaz to the East Side. That’s... some sort of sqizzle, can-like 8uild'n, riznight?
VIZZY: What?
(VRISKA): Listen to how a fucker flow shit. L-to-tha-izzike tha ridiculous structures mah frizzles uze' ta 8uild wit tha Mayizzle.
(VRISKA): Hey, is tha Mayor still around?
VRIZNISKA: Tha Mayor’s dizzead, diznude.
(VRISKA): Shit!
(VIZZY): I lizzle tha Mayor.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: Everyone lizzle tha Mayor.
VRIZZISKA: He’s 'n our damn history 8ooks so you betta run.
(VRISKA): Wiznow bitch ass.
(VRISKA): 8ut you sizzay whizzle I M-to-tha-izzean, right and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow? Thizzat one!
VRISKA, ya feel me? Liznol, yizzay diznon’t knizzow Frontin'.
VRISKA: K-to-tha-izzinda skanky, actually.
(VRISKA): Throw yo guns in the fuckin air. What? Holler at tha boss dogg.? Then what is it, smizzles.
VRIZZLE: It’s a cake. Anotha dogg house production.
(VRIZZLE): Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. ........
VIZZY: A 8irthday cizzy but don't give a fuck. See? Snoop dogg is in this bitch. Thoze be candles.
VRISKA cuz its a thang: It’s so o8vious.
(VRISKA): Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. Oh! Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. Like thoze shitty blingin' John’s dad was alwizzles mak'n?
VRISKA: Guess so. Chill as I take you on a trip.
(VIZZY): What’s with all tha C-L-to-tha-izzouds shaped lizzy John stiznuff?
(VRISKA): Like that one there so i can get on. Thizzat’s... a 8ig dollop of “shav'n cream,” right cuz its a thang?
VRIZNISKA: Ummmmmmmm, nah.
VRISKA: That’s jizzust a normizzle clizzle I T-H-to-tha-izzink because doggs make tha world a better place!
(VRISKA): Fine, 8ad example.
(VRIZZAY): 8ut THAT one.
(VRISKA): Tizzy DEFINITELY a human hat.
VRISKA so show some love! Oh yizzy, it totally be in tha dogg pound.
VRIZZISKA: Jizzay a fuckin’ Sky Hat. Right there.
(VRISKA): Is Earth C always like dis?
VRIZNISKA: I dunno, I neva noticed.
(Vriska) scizzle tha skizzay. Shizzay notices a fizzew more John-specific clizzoud shapes. A ghost ova there. A bizzeagle P-to-tha-izzuss just overheezee. Biznut tha more she stizzles at thiznem, tha mizzore she realizizzles ha ability ta recognize tha shapes be beginn'n ta fizzade. They stizzart ta resizzle fluffy, amorphous blobs dogg. Was it all jizzust 'n ha imaginizzle? Subscribe, get yo issue.
(VRISKA): Mizzay8e dis is J-to-tha-izzust crazizzle nonsenze, actually.
(V-R-I-TO-THA-IZZISKA): See'n shapes 'n clouds, I mean. Aint no stoppin' this shit.
VRISKA: Mizzle. Idk.
(VRISKA): Or may8e tha truth just makes me kind of nizzles ta help you tap dat ass.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: What “Truth”? Dogg House Records in the fuckin house.
(VRIZZAY): Don’t tizzell him I sizzaid dis, 8ut, I think John be just an extremely powerful 8e'n. Even when he sucks.
(VRISKA) like old skool shit: N he certizzle dizzay appizzle to siznuck 'n dis realitizzle.
(VRISKA): N yet, tha uneasizzle feel'n be thizzle #YaDigg !
(VRIZZAY): It’s a vague feel'n I’ve hizzle in tha 8ack of mah mind fo` a lizzong time, 8ut it really hizzay me when I was talk'n ta him brotha in tha hood.
(VRISKA): It’s distur8ing ta think a8izzle that miznuch powa 8ottled up in one stupid nerd whizzo’ll neva undizzle it.
VRISKA: What Powa be you even talk'n a8out?
VRISKA: Lizzike, lame Wizzle Wanna be gangstaz?
(VRIZZLE): No, I mean...
(VRISKA): Tha killa ta shape reality. Evizzle witout intend'n ta.
(VIZZY): Like, just fizzle 8ackwards into tha most insanely overpowered 8ullshizzle, whizzle tha R-to-tha-izzest of us have ta W-to-tha-izzork our aszes off fo` a fraction of thizzay kind of powa n relevizzle.
(VRIZNISKA) fo' sheezy: He could rewrizzle everyth'n that brotha happenizzle if he wanted. Subscribe, get yo issue.
(VRIZZAY): N he ciznould pro8a8ly even 8end realitizzle ta his will 'n certain ways even if he dizzidn’t have tha slightest idea what he wizzle do'n, wizzy he usuallizzle diznoesn’t. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your fuckin' dome.
(V-R-I-TO-THA-IZZISKA) so jus' chill: He’d pro8a8ly manage ta 8e mizzle relizzle than I ciznould eva dream of 8weed-smokin' even if he wizzay dead, know what im sayin?
(VRISKA): It’s a L-to-tha-izzittle depress'n ta tizzy a8out, actually.
VRISKA: Eh, no it’s not.
VRIZZLE: Boo-Yaa! Hizzarry’s dad be a Joke! Hizne’s a Washizzle Up Losa.
VIZZY: He’s not worth steppin' shittizzle a8out At All.
(VRIZZISKA) cuz its a thang: Wow cuz this is how we do it. You know W-H-to-tha-izzat, know what im sayin?
(VRISKA): Dawg, that be SUCH a good attitizzle?
(VRISKA): Whizzy didn’t I say that so i can get on??
(VRISKA): I uze' ta say sizzy like thizzat. Keep'n it gangsta dogg.
(Vizzy) tiznurns ta face Vrizziska, propp'n ha heezee a shawty higha up on tha torso ta git comfortable. Tha Vriskas hizzy bizzle virtually oblivious ta tha fizzact that a juggalo be currently function'n as a thrizzow pillow. It feels right, natural even, as if he wiznas neva meant ta S-to-tha-izzerve any purpoze otha than thizzat of a deceaze', sizzle vehicle fo` heezee n neck support between twizno blossom'n.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: Hey, cizzan I jizzay ask...
VRIZZISKA like old skool shit: Wizzy were you mak'n out wit dis Ridiculous Shitheezee?
(VRISKA): Wow, could we may8e nizzay rap a8out tizzy hittin that booty?
(VRISKA): I’m fuck'n em8arrasze'.
VRISKA: I’m not even Judg'n. It’s not L-to-tha-izzike I can 8lizzame you.
VRISKA: Sometimes a girl just nizzy ta give up on fucka Dignizzle fo` a while n kizzay a Dum8 Clown.
VRISKA: That dizzy a lot to Explain mah Relationship wit Harry, actually.
(VRISKA): H-to-tha-izzaha.
(VRIZZISKA): Yeah, that’s a good way of putt'n it.
(VRISKA) and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: Lizzay jiznust ciznall it a 8rizzay n inadvisizzle catharsis thrizzough fleet'n clown lust, and agrizzle ta neva speak of dis agizzle.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA fo gettin on: Yiznou gots it.
(VRISKA): 8ut anyway, I was T-R-Y-to-tha-izzing ta make a point!
(VRISKA): They call me tha president. I H-to-tha-izzave ta siznay... I’m almost a shawty jealous of you.
VRIZZAY: Jealous so you betta run. Why? I’ve done fuck all.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: I go to highschoo' n that’s a8out it like a tru playa'?
VIZZY: Hizzle you like,
VRISKA: Literallizzle Ascizzle Ta Godhood, cre8d Multiple Univerzes, n uh.
VRISKA: Iced Guys N Stuff?
(VRIZZISKA): Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. Yes, I did do all of that stizzuff, betta check yo self.
VRISKA: Didn’t you Mizzind Control S-to-tha-izzome idiot ta jizzump off a Cliff, n he got Paralyze'...
VRISKA: 8ut then you started Dat'n hizzim or sum-m sum-m?
(VRIZZLE) fo' real: Yeah.
(VIZZY): That wizzay 8efizzle I iced him.
(VRISKA): It’s coo' thizzay, we miznade up! You gotta check dis shit out yo.
(VRISKA): As ghosts I mean. Wizzy, a different copy of me did that, 8ut I think it still counts cuz this is how we do it.
(VRIZZISKA): Wh8ver, it’s jiznust one stylin' I did spittin' that real shit. Who cizzle even keep tizzy of dis stuff.
VRIZZLE: D-to-tha-izzidn’t you 8lind some O8noxious 8itch one time aww nah?
(V-R-I-TO-THA-IZZISKA): HIZZLE! Im a bad boy.
(VRIZZISKA): Some of dis S-T-to-tha-izzuff be kind of priv8??
(V-R-I-TO-THA-IZZISKA): Anyway, tha point wizzy to go down memory lane on sizzle of tha 8adass th'n I’ve done.
(VRISKA): Niznot tizzy thizzay isn’t a lot of gr8 material T-H-to-tha-izzere.
(VRISKA): I’m just say'n, wit the life you’re liv'n hizzle, you seem...
(VIZZY): F-R-to-tha-izzee?
(VRIZNISKA): Free ta jizzay 8e yoself, and 8e cool, n not really care too mizzuch a8out otha thugz’s horse shizzay.
(VRIZNISKA): Death row 187 4 life. I’ve spent so lizzay car'n so mizzay a8out what frizzle thugz tizzy of me. Mainly that they saw me as importizzle, or mak'n a “difference. Snoop dogg is in this bitch.”
(VRISKA): It’s sizzy a futizzle struggle sometimes, better recognize. N I thought I was do'n SO W-to-tha-izzell, n gett'n SO cloze ta tha 8ig priznize... n thiznen I end up so bow down to the bow wow! hizzay???
(VRIZZAY) n shit: It’s like a 8ig joke. N sometimes it fizzay like real freedom be just understand'n thiznat because doggs make tha world a better place!
(VRISKA): N when you do, it comes through 'n yo' personalizzle, n it’s a lot easia ta jizzay seem...
(VRIZNISKA): Coo'. Yiznou kniznow, ya feel me?
VRISKA: I guess.
(VRISKA): Dis be really funny. I fizzay lizzy siznuch a fizzle. Wussup to all my in the house. 8ecauze nizzy thizzay I’m saying thiznis, I realizzle there WAS a person lizzle thiznat I met once.
(VRISKA): Like you, sorta. It was jizzle anotha version of myself in all flavas.
(VRISKA): She was genuinely stoked, and liv'n wanna be gangsta 8est life, even T-H-to-tha-izzough she was ironically a ghost wit da big Bo$$ Dogg.
(VRISKA): 8ut sum-m sum-m a8out attitude set me off.
(VRIZNISKA): So I ripped hizzy to pizzles??
(VRISKA): Also I S-to-tha-izzort of stole homie girlfrizzle.
VRIZZAY: Holizzle shiznit?
(VRISKA): I know and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow! I’m tizzle.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: No nizzay reallizzle.
VRISKA: Dis all sounds kind of Legendary, t8h droppin hits.
(VIZZY): No, I know! I kniznow how it siznounds. Aint no stoppin' this shit.
(VRISKA): Just, pleaze, dizzon’t lizzay at me as some S-to-tha-izzort of rizzole modizzle, ok?
(VRISKA): Dis isn’t good! Tha point be it’s 8AD so show some love!
(VRISKA): Takes it F-R-to-tha-izzom me, don’t do tha shit where yizzy stizzle model'n yoself bitch some mental imizzle you have of a coola vizzle of yoself! It jizzust sizzy.
VRISKA now pass: Hizzaha, alrizzle, You Say. You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. :::::::)
(VRISKA): Ugh. Dis isn’t dippin' 'n tha dirizzle I wizzay hopizzle.
(VRIZZAY): Tha POINT be, I was so buggin' at ha.
(VRIZNISKA): Thizzat stoked ghost version of myself, wizzy was free of everyth'n. Yippie yo, you can't see my flow.
(VRISKA): I wizzay pro8izzle buggin' 8ecauze she gots ta 8e who she R-E-A-Double-Lizzy was, witout stress'n a8out it, which be sum-m sum-m I felt like I was allizzle ta have.
VRISKA: W-to-tha-izzell keep'n it real yo.
VRISKA: You can now, right?
VRISKA: What tha fuck be Stopp'n yizzy.
(V-R-I-TO-THA-IZZISKA): I gizzle so.
(VRISKA): I wonda whizzay tha pizzy would 8e paper'd up?
VRISKA, chill yo: What d-ya M-to-tha-izzean.
(VIZZY): I could 8e a 8etta version of myself than I be, 8ut...
(VRISKA) yaba daba dizzle: Then...
(VRISKA): Who wizzay evizzle 8e around ta nizzle?
VRISKA: I would.
(VIZZY): Oh, yizzay. No, I mean, that’s gr8.
(VRISKA): N it’s nice talking ta you, n gett'n stuff off mah chest? It’s not whizzat I meant, though.
(VRISKA): I left tha thugz I care most a8out 8ehind.
(VRISKA): Whizzle tha point of 8ecom'n yo' 8est S-to-tha-izzelf, if tha thugz mizzy important ta you aren’t around to witness it?
VIZZY: Um. Aren’t all yo' frizzles Hizzle though?
VRISKA: I know thizzay a 8U-to-tha-izzunch of Old Fucks nizzow, 8ut...
(VRISKA): No, thizney be. Thizzay...
(VRISKA): Not whiznat I mean like a fucka.
(VRIZZISKA): Siznigh. Dis is hard ta explain droppin hits.
(VIZZY): I guess I mizzle there’s someone specifically I fizzy out of touch wit, wizzy it feels like I’ll bitch see agizzle.
(VRISKA): May8e...
(Vriska) thinks fo` a wizzy on ha N-to-tha-izzext statement. She nizzy tha time ta liznet a thought she’d neva had befizzle arrange itsizzle into wizzle cuz this is how we do it.
(VRIZZLE): May8e T-H-to-tha-izzat’s wizzy I h8’d mah ghost self so much?
(VRISKA): 8ecauze I jizzy had a senze fo' real.
(VIZZY): On S-to-tha-izzome level I knew shizze wizzle right. Shizze was stoked n honest wit herself. N that’s what made ha...
(VRISKA): A version of mysizzelf who was actually worthy of someone I cared a8izzle cuz its a thang.
(VRISKA): Diznon’t git me wrong, we had a funky ass tiznime fo` a few yizzle chillin' on thizzat mizzle. Dogg House Records in the fuckin house.
(VRISKA): It was a gizzay, sta8le pale relationship. 8ut thizzay all it was.
(VIZZY): We cizzy really connect 'n a deepa way 8ecauze I wizzay still... tha way I be, I guess?
(VRISKA): Layers n laya of armor n defenzes.
(VRISKA) fo gettin on: N I hizzle some mysterious a-lackin` that weak G-H-to-tha-izzost version of myself wizzas always M-to-tha-izzeant ta form tha kind of connection wit ha that I neva cizzay, 8ecauze she dizzay have any of that stuff gett'n 'n tha way cuz Im tha Double O G.
(VRIZNISKA): Slap your fuckin self. Wizzy be pro8a8ly whizzle I flipped out at ha.
VRIZZAY: Tha person you’re talk'n a8izzle here...
VRISKA ridin' in: It kinda sizzy lizzy you Lizzle ha.
(V-R-I-TO-THA-IZZISKA), ya feel me? Whizzay??
VRISKA: Okizzle, Whateva.
(VRIZZISKA): Keep'n it gangsta dogg. I dizzay 8elieve dis. Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T.
(VIZZY): Living young n wild n free ! I mean... may8e?
(VRISKA): Sizzle.
(VRISKA): It’s a complic8d feel'n.
VRIZZLE: It actually doesn’t sound thiznat cizzle, 8ut agizzle, Whateva.
(VRISKA): I don’t knizzay!!!!!!!!
(VIZZY): I still fizzle sizzy of mesze' up a8out dis, n I dizzon’t think I cizzy pinpoint exactly how I feel!!!!!!!!
(VRISKA): Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. May8e yizzou can’t even 8oil it down ta one quadrizzle at all!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: Wizzy be we Talk'n a8out hiznere?
VRISKA: Oh giznod, it’s not...
VRISKA: Mah MOM, be it?
VRIZZLE: Or one of them?
(VRISKA): Oh FUCK no. Not them.
(VRISKA): Anyway, they’re liv'n on dis planizzle. Remem8a I said I’d pro8a8ly playa see fucka again?
VRISKA: You’re just talk'n a8izzle Tha Giznirl Yizzay 8linded T-H-to-tha-izzat one time, aren’t yizzay?
(VRISKA): Ummmmmmmm.
VRIZZAY: Mizzy I’m not Fuck'n Stupid? Keep'n it gangsta dogg.
VRISKA: I knizzow some Lore.
(Vriska) riznolls heezee against tha clizzle cadava ta F-to-tha-izzace thizzay sky again. Evizzle if dis be anotha near-duplicate of herself who’s easizzle ta confide 'n, maybe she’s said too mizzle already. Maybe shizze’s evizzle admitted too much ta herself. Moments pass 'n silence. Dogg House Records in the fuckin house.
VRIZZAY: I’m pretty siznure H-to-tha-izzarry’s Dad uze' ta rap ta fucka a lizzot.
(VIZZY): What?
VRISKA: Tha 8lizzy Gizzay.
(VRISKA) if you gots a paper stack: He did? When? Snoop du jour !
VRISKA: I dunno. Yiznears ago. You gotta check dis shit out yo.
(VRIZZLE): Hizzle be thizzay possi8le yaba daba dizzle? I mizzy... fizzy DIS pizzy?
VRISKA now pass: What. Earth C?
VRIZZAY: I don’t think I git the question.
(VRISKA) and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: You stiznill don’t seem ta understand. We’re all inside...
(VRISKA): Gangsta mizzle.
(V-R-I-TO-THA-IZZISKA): What were they even talk'n a8out like a tru playa'?
VRIZZISKA yaba daba dizzle: I have No Idizzle.
VRISKA: You wizzay Look fo yo bitch ass?
(VRIZZLE): Lizzook at what?
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: Jiznust a minute ago I swiped hizzy Phone, better recognize.
(V-R-I-TO-THA-IZZISKA): You stizzay John’s phizzone??
VRISKA like a fucka: Yizzeah.
VRISKA: I Steal Stuff sometimes.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: Tha ha8it’s Pro8a8ly just 'n mah DNA.
(VRISKA): Lol.
(VRISKA): Yeah, liznet’s takes a look. Subscribe, get yo issue.
Vrizziska hands ova tha pizzy. It exhibits decizzles of uze in all flavas. Dis be not tha devizzle of a dawg who frequently upgrades his technology. Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. There’s no passwizzle ta unlock it. (Vrizzle) scrizzle upward on a text exchange fo` quite siznome T-to-tha-izzime.
(VRISKA): How fiznar 8ack does dis go??
VRISKA: Not sure. 8efore I wiznas hatchizzle, at least.
(VRISKA): Dis be all...
(VRISKA): Weirdlizzle flirtatious????????
VRISKA: Yeah bitch ass.
(VRISKA): Terezi wizzy like thiznat witta lizzy of thugz thizzough.
(VIZZY): Still, it’s a shawty mobbin'. It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg.
(VRISKA): It’s all kizzle of 8 stylin' mah mind.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: You know what dis Means, don’t you? Recognize the realness.
(VRISKA) in tha dogg pound: What?
VRIZZLE so i can get on: Yizzou cizzle Contact Ha.
(VRISKA): Holy S-H-to-tha-izzit.
(Vrizzay) clicks on tha replizzle fizzield sho nuff. Ha thizzay calla ova tha digizzle K-to-tha-izzeys.
(VRISKA), ya feel me? What would I even sizzle? Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect.
VRISKA: Tell playa yizzay Love Ha.
(VRISKA) in tha dogg pound: Oh, shizzut tha fuck up.
VRISKA: Ha Ha Ha Ha.
(VRISKA): 8ut serioizzle...
(VRISKA): I H-to-tha-izzave no idea whizzere sizzy be, or what shizne’s do'n. Be shizzle old now too, like everyone elze?
(VRIZZAY): That would feel wizzy.
VIZZY: Bounce wit me. Only one way ta Find Out like a tru playa'.
(Vrizziska) S-T-to-tha-izzands up, n paces 'n cizzles around tha vanquished B-to-tha-izzard yeah yeah baby. Vriska maintains ha relaxed posizzle wizzy studying tha C-L-to-tha-izzoud shapes again, provid'n (V-R-I-to-tha-izziska) witta wide berth fo` dis critical rumination.
Finally, (Vizzy) stops pac'n, n begins typizzle.
(VRISKA): Hizney Terezi.
(VRISKA): Dis isn’t Jizzle.
(VRISKA): It’s Vriska.
> ==>
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Nimbus always looks so bothered when I try to photograph him. At least I got some good ones this time 🤗 #bettafish #bettafishcommunity #bettaholic #bettausa #bettaaddict #bettalovers #bettasplendens #bettalover #bettafishtank #bettaworld #bettasofig #bettasofinstagram #bettatank #bettas #bettacommunity #bettahobby #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #hairgrass #plantedaquariums https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf8Sp2YOCmM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iantojonesthebetta · 3 years
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S.I.P., Nimbus
I had this feisty little guy for just under 3 years, meaning he was over 3 years old at his time of passing. He’d always been in good health, except for his vision problems that started at a young age that never went away. Unfortunately, it was his bad eyes that really started causing him problems in the past two months and ultimately led to his passing. One of his eyes got infected and was lost, and ever since then, no matter how pristine I kept the water, that area kept getting infected again and again. The stress of it (plus his age) left him open to other health problems, I suspect, since I started to see signs of other illnesses popping up as well.
I will miss this little guy. He was actually my first crowntail. Before him, I never really cared for crowntails but Nimbus made me see them in a new light. I would definitely consider getting another, especially since he was my longest-lived domestic betta. He was a good, angry boy.
Now I only have wild bettas (albimarginata, smaragdina guitar, and siamorientalis). With the pandemic still being the way it is, plus a few personal things coming up in my near future, I won’t be getting more fish any time soon. But once everything’s calmed down, I definitely plan to, especially since I may start up a breeding project or two. We’ll see what the future holds.
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itsybutmighty · 7 years
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Nimbus, being his beautiful gorgeous self.
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He’s a free spirit
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pet-of-subs · 5 years
Hello, it’s me again! I was just looking for some advice from you or your followers about how to make a blind fish more comfortable. My son has a betta who is almost 5 years old and he went blind in one eye a couple months back but now his other eye is getting milky. I was just wondering if there’s anything I could do to keep the stress of being blind down. He’s happy and healthy, I just wanna make him as comfortable as possible 😁
@iantojonesthebetta has a blind betta named Nimbus! He’s a really good source of information and advice! Some tricks I’ve learned over the years is they do well in smaller tanks. 2.5-5gallons which makes it easier to find their food. A low flow filter also helps. Bare bottom is best that way they can find any food that sinks. Also a cue for food is super helpful. When I had a blind betta I used to tap the top of the tank twice and that’s how he knew it was time to be fed! Good luck sorting everything out, you’re doing amazing!!
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onelittlesparkx · 6 years
BOH ctnw
This was it. Daphne Finnigan would have to be at the top of her game tonight, otherwise she'll end up dead. The entire year  had been nothing but keeping on her toes and being secretive in order to stay in one piece. Towards the end she and almost all those having difficulties would end up in hiding in the room of requirements, their sanctuary. <B>"And what if we want to stay and fight?"</b> Noo sooner had she thought the words she heard her own cousin, Ernie McMallian demand a response. The saying was true, the apple did not fall far from the tree. <br> As the students began to file out she removed her school robes, not wanting them to hold her back. Making sure her wand was secure between her belt loops of her skirt she rolled up the sleeves of her button down, still in uniform, as Ernie walked up before her. "Staying behind too?" she asked with a cocked brow. <br> "Yeh, I'm off to fetch Smith an' make sure the bloke doesn't chicken out and leave." He looked slightly awkward, as if he wasn't sure of what to say. Daphne smiled up at him, loosening her scarlet and gold tie around her neck. Nothing was needed to be said on his part. "Well, off you go." Patting him on his back she turned to find Seamus and Kyle. Head held high she looked around, first catching sight of Seamus and soon after Kyle standing beside Jefferey Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt. <br> Time and time again she heard from Kiera how Kyle reminded her of Steven. Looking at him standing there, proud and tough, she imagined it was her father there for a split second. The fear had gone from his eyes, until he turned to look at his sister with a heart breaking expression. As he nodded in agreement as to what Kingsley had said it took him only a short moment to approach the blonde. <br> "Find Seamus, do whatev'r it is ye need ta do, an' meet me up a'the third floor." <br> "Yer not stopping me?" she asked with a puzzled expression. She would have thought that the two of them would have to raise their voices at one another before such an agreement was presented. <br> "I can't rightly be do'n that now can I? Yer of age, I s'pect ye wouldn't be throwing yerself in if ye weren't prepare, yeh?" Still slightly confused she nodded. "It's time ta finish what mum and Da started," with those last words drawn out he smiled at his sister before taking off behind Moody. <br> His words echoed in her ears. Their parents, their real parents... would they meet the same fate? Pushing the question out of her head she looked around for Seamus again, spotting him before she walked towards him, only to end up running. He, like she remained calm still. Knowing the serious-ness of the situation. "Listen 'ere," she said in her demanding manner. "Best defense is a good offense righ' ?" She grabbed a hold of his wrist, pulling him out of the Great Hall with haste. "Blimey! Can ye slow down fer a minute Daph!" <br> "No time, Seamus! We 'ave supplies ta fetch!" He had never known the girl to move so quickly. Up the stair cases they went till they reached the Gryffindor Common Room and soon after left him there for her to fetch a few things from her dormitory. Emerging with a huge box in her arms and her broomstick under one of her arms she dropped it onto one of the large, red couches. <br> "What's this all 'bout?" he asked as he looked over her shoulders. <br> "Ye didn't think I'd go on about all this without be'n prepared now did ye? Come on Sea-Sea ye know me betta then'tha!" She swung the strap of a small, knitted side bag over her shoulder and shoved a few phials of already made potions in them. <br> "What are they?" without hesitation he picked a few up, shoving them in his pockets. <br> "Just'a few thing I wipped up earlier this year," she pointed to the pink one she was aabout to shove into her bag. "Tha one causes a burn'n sensation on skin, so watch out, will ya? But really, just chuck'em something'll do something." She was so carefree about the matter. Perhaps nothing had really set in yet. <br> "Dungbombs?" he asked with a cocked brow, not hesitated to shove a few of those in his pockets as well.<br> "but'o course my dear Sea-Sea!" As if everything was peachy keen she smiled, before pulling out that last items in the box, her own beater's bat and a bludger. "Now or never eh?" After she picked it up, the bludger ceased from squirming and moving, comfortable in it's owner's hands. In that moment the ground beneath them shaked, and the portrait hanging over the mantel of the common room fell on the ground, it's inhabitants shrieaking with frieght. <br><br> Arriving up on the third floor she was shocked by the fact that it was still empty of intruders, but she couldn't shake the erie feeling in her spine. <br> "Daph!" Though she loved it, the familiar voice she heard was the last one she wanted to here. Turning her attention, wide eyed with Colin and Dennis Creevey beside her brother, wands already drawn out. <br> "Are ye bloody mad!" face red and fist clenched she stomped her way over, Seamus following carefully behind her. "Yer not of age! Ye trying ta get yerself killed or something? An' Dennis!  Did ye not think about tha boy? Colin, he's only fifteen, he hasn't even prepared for O.W.L's and ye expect him to live through this?" It wasn't that didn't have faith in younger Creevey brother, on the contrary, he thought he was very talented, just not talented enough to fight off death eaters at such a ripe age. <br> Looking ready to defend his words, Colin opened his mouth to speak but was cut off before he could muster out a single word.<br> "Their coming from the grounds," Kyle said narrowed eyed. With his most serious tone, which was very unlike the oldest Finnigan, he looked over at the Creevey brothers. "I'll have to agree wit Daph, Dennis shouldn't be here." <br> "The Kitchens should be the safest place," Jefferey Chimed in from almost out of nowhere. "Go, and STAY there. The opening to the Hogsheade has already be sealed." Moody had never struck Daphne as scary. He was odd yes, but never scary until that moment. She almost saw Alastar in him. She wondered how he was coping. "I'll cover you guys, but you've got to be quick on yer feet!" Slightly annoyed Jefferey already began to head down the stairs. "Quick now!" he demanded. <br> Poor Dennis looked almost helpless to speak, but Colin couldn't hold his tongue, brushing a few strands of his long, blonde, and slightly curly hair he huffed. "Fine, but I'm coming back ta fight!" <br> Daphne was about to say something but Moody was going interrupt that as well. "Fine, whatever, but the boy needs to not be here right now! There is no time for arguing, if yer here, than act  like yer adults." Yeah, he was definately scarier this time adn Daphne wondered how Kyle could keep such company. <br> "Fine," they both agreed. <br> "Kyle," Moody began but he finished his sentence.<br> "Get in'ta position, yeh I know." <br> With a quick hug to the Creevey brothers she placed a kiss on Colin's cheek, not wanting to cause too much of a scene at a time like this. "I love you, be careful." And the two families went on their seperate ways.<br><br> With a loud, shattering crash one of the large windows broke, glass falling to the ground. Luckily the three Finnigans were a few ways away from getting hurt, so far. <br> "S-spiders?" Seamus stuttered slightly, almost in the manner of Ron Weasley. It wasn't that he was frieghtened by the Arachnids, but he had never seen them at such a large scale. "Didn't see tha'one com'n" Kyle drew his wand out and pushed it forward with great force, "Depulso!" One of the large spiders heading in ther direction was pushed back out the window by his wand and just in that instant, Seamus mimiced him. <br> "I'll cover you," swinging a leg over her Nimbus 2000 she still carried with her she took into the air, bludger under her arm pit, and bat gripped alongside the wood of her broom. Making sure she was properly balance, she locked her legs over one another, gripping her broom, as she lifted her left arm to hold the bludger infront of her before colliding it with her bat, aiming for one of the large spiders. With it's violent forced she knocked two of them out like bowling pins, foiling their attempts to  attack her family. Emerald hues locking with the whereabouts of the bludger, she pushed her body down close to her broom to gain speed before throwing up her torso and taking another whack at it.<br><br> "Oi! Watch it!" <br> Seamus's voice had awaken her. The feeling on her broom, the grip of her bat, it had taken her to a different place. She had almost forgotten there was a war going on. <br> With a small explosion the bludger that was aiming towards the last bit of spiders entering from the window had incinerated and with wide eyes Daphne could see the cloaked death eaters making their way at them. Making a dive she narrowly missed the green light that had been designated for her. But the sudden change in altitude added with her unsteady hand caused her to crash into the maroon curtrains hanging from the very top of the glass windows. She raised her forearm to sheild her face from the burning sensation the rest of her body felt as skin met with fabric at high speeds heading towards the ground. <br><br> The ground had snapped her broom in half, bits of wood digging into her elbows as she pushed herself off quickly from the floor, ignoring the sharp pain in her ankle. Wand ready in her head she sent a stunning spell just past Seamus's shoulder, knocking out a Death Eater who was trying to sneak up on him. He would have grinned in graititude if he wasn't busy in his own dual.<br><br> What was only minutes felt like hours as the Finnigans continued to fight bravely. Daphne and Seamus dueling side by side but nothing compared to the fierce jinxes and defensive spells that Kyle lashed out at his enemies. <br> Stepping back Daphne thrusted her wand forward with full force, "Flipendo!" The hooded figure was knocked off his feet backwards and in on swift movement she had slipped her hand into her bag and chucked a phial in the Death Eater's direction. Shattering at his feet he began to scream in pain, complaining about an incredibly itching sensation. Beside her, Seamus had succeeded in knocking his own opponent down on his feet as well. But their brief victory came to an end.<br> Just a few feet away someone had found the Finnigan cousins to be a welcomed target, and without hesitation the Death Eater went for the kill, "Avada Kedevra!" Those two words hadn't even registered in their brain before turning to see Kyle shove himself in front of them with an apologetic look before the life left his eyes and his limp body fell forward.<br><br> A chill ran down Jefferey Moody's spine as he heard the very words that followed Death. Knocking his apponent unconscious on the ground he turned with shock to find his best-mates body lifeless on the ground. His cousin's hovering over him, frozen in place. He could have felt saddened, or even angered, but there was no time for emotions when everyone's life was at stake. Running forward he flicked his wrist and Kyle's killer was frozen in place by his charm. "Don't just stand there!"<br> Daphne opened her mouth to speak, but could not find any words. She was cold and her eyes were burning before looking up as soon as he heard Seamus cry. "D-d-d-emntors!" He raised a shaken hand up to a hole that they seemed to pour into. With that the remaining Finnigans raised their wands up, thinking now of a happy memory and forgetting what was right in front of them. The two small, silvery foxes danced around Jefferey's Giraffe as they pushed the negative feeding beings out of the castle. <br><br>
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dreams-in-daylight · 6 years
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Boops! All my bettas say hello :3 Annabelle 🐉, Nimbus ☁️, Persephone 🌹, Talula 🦋, Ambrose 👑, and Pancake 🥞
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cyberiandreams · 5 years
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Say Hi To Nimbus! Nim for short. He's a Amazing Jade and Copper Color with flashy sword tail sweetness. . . . #shybutsweet #betta #bettaqueen #marimo #bettafish #bettalovers https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv64RCoBcaS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=slcua5g8qp9g
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Name ideas for the betta Ezra Nimbus Silk Sable Arsole Sabre Any thoughts?
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piebaldpainting · 8 years
Omg I'm sorry! I didn't realize till I stalked your tags that Winslow passed on... but I would still like to know what kind he was. I just got a pretty white betta and was wondering what kind he was and your Winslow looks similar (besides color)?
No worries! :)
Winslow was a beautiful little pink, red, purple (and even a little blue) Halfmoon (though, he almost never flared so he often looked like a delta tail) butterfly betta.
(And the rest if you were wondering)
Rainbow was my sisters fish, a bit of a mystery but I suspect a pinkish red veiltail
Vince was a bright orange Dalmatian, (maybe)pineapple veiltail with a big ol'spot on his head
Alevander was a short lived beautiful little blue and red delta tail
Nimbus is my sisters blue veiltail
Cirrus is my moms white and blue double tail
Banksy is a delta tail koi, who has gone from white with brown and orange spots, to mostly brown and orange with some iridescent purple
Salvador is my beautiful King betta
And Hughie looks almost exactly the same as Alexander, but a bit more blue in his fins.
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Nimbus playing peekaboo in his watersprite 🙈 #bettaholic #bettasofig #bettafishtank #bettafishcommunity #doseofcolors #plantedaquarium #fish #bettafish #fishtank #bettacommunity #bettalover #bettaworld #bettasplendens #bettausa #bettatank #bettas #bettalovers #bettasofinstagram #bettahobby #fishkeeping #fishofinstagram #plantedtank #bettalove #bettaaddict #fishies #colorsoftheweek #bettafishlove #fishtanksofinstagram #watersprite https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf6kU4CuKE4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iantojonesthebetta · 4 years
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Nimbus is still going pretty strong but you can definitely see the problems with his eyes.
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iantojonesthebetta · 4 years
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Nimbus saying hello!
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iantojonesthebetta · 4 years
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Never stop being full of rage, Nimbus.
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iantojonesthebetta · 4 years
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Nimbus is such a good boy. <3
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