#nolo's meta
actuallyfingolfin · 1 year
hey so, if the two trees = treelight-eyed elves... and the silmarils had the light of the trees IN them, what are the chances elwing n elured and elurin (due to peredhel/maia weirdness)... had treelight/silmaril light eyes?
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zed-36 · 3 years
7, 9, 19! ^-^
just got 7!
9. Thoughts on the redesigns?
I will say it loud and clear: the character design in Acceleracers is....weird and mostly bad lol. The faces and the bodies are like two different beasts to comment on. Most of the faces are alright! Most. Vert’s goatee is funny but i dont mind is lol. i like the more variation with some- Tork, Monkey, Shirako are some favorites in terms of standing out! But then we got Lani and Karma- girls who look the same and also Karma not following the Big Feet Syndrome to keep her pretty probably. Taro is awful i think we all can agree- he was never unique in WR (many were seriously just carbon copies of each other) but at least he didnt go... a weirdly stereotypical direction then? Skin tone is bad, face shape is bad. Way too much forehead. bad.
all in all its the giant fucking feet and the clothing that get me overall. Teku is normal looking and i get its the style, but MM is a mess aesthetically lol. Its like someone imagined what “punk” was but did not look it up at all and just threw on whatever objects they could think of.
i do character design all the time so i am. very passionate about it and in Acceleracers i am not a fan... some day when im back on my human drawing groove, i will tackle some redesigns myself lol.
19. Do you have any unpopular opinions about the series?
im not sure what may be unpopular with how small the fandom is but.
i think tezla is a fantastic character and ive seen some real hardcore hate for him in more recent times of people getting into the fandom?? like yes i am going to love the shit out of this old man with bad morals, hes cool.
again more so a meta opinion based of poor writing but i always found Nolo to be incredibly annoying in the movie. he yells....so much. so so much. i dislike how constantly aggressive he was and how quickly it changed the moment he resolved his issue w Tork (even tho that resolution made no sense imo)
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supervacanza · 4 years
Le Residenze di San Teodoro CASE VACANZE Sardegna Supervacanza Italia Sardegna San TeodoroLe Residenze di San TeodoroPHOTO GALLERYGli appartamenti delle residenze sono ubicati tutti nella famosa località di San Teodoro, ormai una delle mete più famose e ambite della Sardegna. La località si adagia su 2 delle più belle spiagge della Sardegna , La Cinta e Isuledda e mette a disposizione una serie incredibile di servizi, negozi, ristoranti, pizzerie e locali che l’ hanno resa una dei centri della Movida dell Isola. Gli appartamenti delle residenze sono ubicati nei vari centri residenziali della località  e si distinguono perché tutti tutti vicinissimi ai servizi principali e poco distanti dal mare e selzionati con particolare cura.Sistemazioni Ampi e ben arredati inseriti nei vari complessi di San Teodoro hanno tutti ingresso indipendente e patio o giardino se al piano terra o balcone se ai piano superiore. Sono disponibili con tipologie: BILO 2: soggiorno con angolo cottura + camera matrimoniale bagno; BILO 3/4: soggiorno con angolo cottura e divano letto singolo o doppio + camera matrimoniale, bagno. TRILO 6: soggiorno con angolo cottura e divano letto doppio, camera matrimoniale e una camera doppia. Attrezzature Il Centro di San Teodoro ha tutto quello che serve per una vacanza completa e all indirizzo del divertimento. Negozi di tutti gli articoli, diversi supermarket, ristoranti, pizzerie, farmacie, guardia medica, tabacchi, locali, bar, discoteche, disco pub. Un vero centro iperattivo e completo che rende la località meta ambita di fama internazionale. Sport e animazione Nella località si possono praticare tutti gli sport nei vari impianti sportivi e lidi a mare : tennis, calcetto nolo gommone windsurf  ,moto d acqua, Diving Center. Possibilità di nolo bici, motorini.Distanza dal mare Gli appartamenti nel centro di San Teodoro distano dai 400/500 metri alla distanza massima di circa 1 km dalle spiagge della località.
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joven-oscar · 2 years
16 de abril del 2019... 16 de abril de 2022
Ocasionalmente he pensado en mi actual relación sentimental, pienso en los puntos a favor y en los puntos en contra de todo esto, la verdad no sé cómo sentirme o como debo sentirme, es confuso, me siento confundido respecto a ella y me siento confundido respecto a la relación
Hace tres años cometí el error de insistirle a alguien que no me quería como yo la quería, comencé a desprenderme de todo eso porque ya no le veía sentido a estar detrás suyo, exactamente el martes 16 de abril me escribió un mensaje, ese día fui a entrenar temprano en la mañana, salí con prisa porque en la tarde iría a la biblioteca Luis angel Arango con unos amigos de la universidad para hacer tareas, al llegar a la casa ví mi celular y tenía unos mensajes suyos, aún tengo pantallazos de ello, decía que me quería y que yo le gustaba, me emocioné, me puse feliz pero sentí que algo no estaba bien... En fin, salí como lo tenía previsto, me reuní con mis amigos, hicimos los trabajos y salimos a tomar café y charlar un rato.
Al llegar a la casa hablé con ella, estaba ansiosa ese día, me dijo muchas cosas y a la final quedamos en salir... Lo cual nolo sucedió... Pasaron muchas cosas, muchas peleas, mucho desgaste emocional y a la final dejamos de hablar, o bueno, ella me dejó de hablar, estuve con otra chica, terminamos y por cuestiones de la vida volví a hablar con ella, salimos, nos hicimos novios y actualmente estoy en pareja con ella
Qué decir sobre eso... En un primer momento dejé atrás todos los mal entendidos que tuvimos hace años, dejé atrás las peleas, los momentos feos, las veces que me lastimó, las veces que me sentí mal... Decidí comenzar de 0 con ella, la verdad pensé y confié a ojos cerrados que todo sería muy diferente, que las sensaciones serían diferentes. En un principio si lo fué, era color de rosas jaja, me sentí muy enamorado, me gustó sentirme muy enamorado, pero con el tiempo me di cuenta que de fondo las cosas no habían cambiado, sólo estaban maquilladas pero ahí seguía lo que más odiaba de todo eso hace 3 años...
En su momento ella era muy indecisa, me sentí como pelota de playa, habían días que si quería hablar, otros que no quería, a veces era cariñosa y se preocupaba, en otras ocasiones era fría, grosera y cortante, habían días que quería salir, luego ya no quería salir, en otros momentos me decía que me quería y a las pocas semanas dejaba de hacerlo; era mantenerse en un juego constante, hablar con ella era estar en un juego constante, cero responsabilidad afectiva por su parte y 0 amor propio por mi parte, eso me lastimó, era como estar para alguien que no quiere estar conmigo pero tampoco quiero que yo esté con nadie más, no quiere que seamos nada pero tampoco quiere que me vaya, me trata feo pero no le gusta que salga con otras muchachas. A nadie le gusta tener esa sensación y a mí no me gustaba.
Por diferentes razones, unas más complejas que otras, casi todo lo referente a ella gira en torno a esa indecisión, a tener que forzar 10 veces las cosas porque si no se hace no ocurre, tienen que haber peleas, discusiones, indiferencia y un trato seco para que las cosas cambien y no debe ser así! Malditasea no debe ser así, me desespera que todo deba sentirse forzado, creo que ni estaba preparada para tener una pareja, no se tomó la delicadeza de decirme los metas a corto plazo, sus necesidades a corto plazo ni lo que buscaba a corto plazo, por razón de que, o suponía que yo me iba a acoplar si o si o que ambos queríamos todo igual y creo que fue un gran error.
Uno no entra a una relación diciendo: quiero que me des besos, abrazos y cariño... Pues no, eso no son cosas que ni se piden ni se dialogan, se dialogan si se espera algo diferente a lo que debería ser "normal" por X o Y motivo, pero si nada se habla entonces es porque no hay de esos motivos.
Con los meses fueron surgiendo uno por uno los inconvenientes, fui necesitando más tiempo juntos, mi concepto de pareja es una persona que comparte contigo, que comparte si vida contigo, su tiempo y con ese tiempo crear momentos hermosos llenos de recuerdos hermosos, a la final eso es lo que queda, los recuerdos que trascienden lo físico y lo corporal, yo necesitaba más tiempo pero no era posible... Por diferentes circunstancias que incluso se escapan de sus manos, aún así debió informarme de todo eso, no me gusta tener planes en la cabeza y saber que debo hacerlos solo porque ella no podría acompañarme, no es que la necesite para salir pero me gustaría salir con ella...
Respecto a lo más íntimamente corporal de una relación... Lo referente a las relaciones sexuales me ha afectado bastante. Yo soy una persona de tacto, amo tocar a las demás personas, es la manera más linda que tengo para demostrar amor y por consiguiente a ello tener relaciones sexuales es básico y necesario para mí, yo lo siento muy necesario, siento atracción sexual desde el momento en que le pedí ser mi novia, pasaron los meses que yo consideré prudentes aún cuando me tuve que aguantar las ganas jaja porque no quería que pensara que solo la quería para eso, esperé hasta que consideré pertinente hablar sobre el tema y la respuesta fué cortante, grosera y egoísta ._. no entendí pero bueno, lo volví a intentar un par de veces más y dió el mismo resultado...
Ya hemos hablado de todo eso, hemos discutido sobre todo eso, hemos sido cortantes, indiferentes etc... Todo para solucionar problemas que de plano no deberían estar en una relación de menos de un año y volví a entender que con ella toca así, toca forzar todo porque pidiendo las cosas de manera bonita y a la primera no se puede y ahí es donde veo el mayor mis problemas, porque esto que escribiré si es sólo cuestión mía.
Yo siento con mucha intensidad, me gusta querer y me gusta amar con muchísima fuerza y muchísima voluntad pero me choca mucho la idea de tener que aplazar el amor, más aún si las razones son por decisión propia. ¿Por qué? ¿Porque postergar algo tan hermoso en esta vida tan efímera? No hay garantías de que se pueda vivir la experiencia después, el después no existe, después el amor se enfría, después el amor se acaba, se apaga la llama y se termina el tiempo.
Hay una canción que últimamente retumba mucho en mi cabeza, describe muy bien mi sentir... No sólo el actuar sino mi sentir de casi toda mi vida, es de esas canciones que me hacen sentir muy identificado, cada palabra me hace pensar algo y me hace recordar algo, me deja claro que mi vida es efímera, es corta, es incierta y está sometida al azar. Yo quiero aprovecharla lo más que pueda, quiero vivirla de la mejor manera posible, no de manera perfecta o de la manera ideal o socialmente aceptada, no, yo quiero vivirla de la mejor manera, la mejor manera para Óscar Fabián Avilés Ortega y que al momento de despertarme el último día de mi vida, pensar que todo lo hice de la mejor manera, que sentí mucho dolor y mucha tristeza pero también mucha alegría y mucha paz... Mucha emoción, muchas lágrimas de alegría y lágrimas de tristeza.
No sé si durare mucho, de niño quería vivir sólo hasta los 40 años, cómo va todo esto no creo tener mucha vitalidad para estar pleno más años, nunca he pensado en la idea de tener una vida muy longeva, pero si de tener una vida muy hermosa, ese es mi sueño.
La canción se llama "Cómo pasa el tiempo" del cuarteto de nos, cambiaré la privacidad de esta cuenta a público y que lo lea cualquiera aunque no creo que mucha gente vea esto, la verdad creo que nadie lo va a ver, pero si alguien lo hace y se siente identificado conmigo... Le envío un abrazo y unas palmaditas en la espalda ♥️
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tanglangviaggi · 4 years
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#Italia #Lombardia Lago di #Como #Domaso 🏖Casa Vacanza Ponte di Halloween🎃 Prezzo 31-10-2020 - 03-11-2020 € - 405✅ ✅Max per 6 Ospiti 🟢 🏖Lago di Como - Domaso 2,0 kmi 🌊
👀 DESCRIZIONE👀 Appartamento per vacanze con piscina in comune in un piccolo residence a Vercana, in posizione collinare 2 km sopra Domaso con splendida vista sul lago di Como. L'appartamento è luminoso e dispone di un piccolo giardino privato e un'ampia terrazza, dove potrete mangiare all'aperto ammirando lo splendido panorama. L'antico borgo di pescatori Domaso si affaccia sulle sponde del lago di Como e offre una pittoresca e affascinante vista del lago dai vicoletti che si intrecciano nel centro storico. Qui potrete visitare la chiesa di San Bartolomeo risalente al XIII secolo e Villa Camilla, oggi sede del municipio, risalente al XVII secolo, circondata da un parco di 8000 mq. Domaso è divenuto meta fissa per gli amanti di windsurf, kitesurf, vela e nolo barche per la brezza che lo accompagna da primavera a fine estate. Sulle colline e sulle montagne circostanti potrete fare piacevoli e rilassanti passeggiate, per i più sportivi ci sono anche percorsi di trekking più impegnativi. A soli 3 km potrete imbarcarvi per le più note località del lago quali Varenna e Menaggio, paesini di pescatori, o raggiungere Bellagio, dove potrete camminare fino a Punta Spartivento per ammirare i due rami del lago di Como. Da non perdere un'escursione a Como, raggiungibile via lago: qui potrete passeggiare nel suggestivo centro storico situato sul lungolago che si sviluppa intorno alla piazza del Duomo o prendere la funicolare per raggiungere Brunate, affascinante paesino dalle bellissime ville liberty e dal panorama mozzafiato sul lago. Si accede alla proprietà attraverso una scala esterna con circa quindici gradini.
✅Animali domestici ammessi✅ 🚭Case vacanza non-smoking🚭 🌐Internet🌐
ℹ Informazioni sull´alloggio Appartamento - 1. Piano 75 m2 Vani/camere da lett o3 (2) Persone 6🟢✅ Bambini ammessi gratuitamente (sotto 4 anni)1 Anno di costruzione 2012 Anno di restauro 2016 Giardino 20 m2 Materiale di costruzione Costruito con: Pietra ------------- 🌊Distanza/vista ? Lago 2,5 km Negozi 2,3 km Ristorante 2,0 km Vista panoramica mare/lago Vista montagna ------------ 🏙Energia/riscaldamento Riscaldamento non disponibile Costi a consumo incl -------------- 🏙Città più vicina🌆 Lago di Como - Domaso2,0 km --------- ℹDotazioni➡ Cucina Cucina: acqua calda e fredda Forno elett. e fornelli a gas Lavastoviglie Frigorifero e cappa aspirante Microonde Macchina x caffè/aspirapolvere 1 Seggiolone Soggiorno 1 TV Impianto stereo e lettore CD 1 lettore DVD Dintorni Parcheggio in loco/gratuito (1 Posto auto) Mobili da giardino e barbecue Varie Piscina esterna in comune 25 m2 Lavatrice 1 Animali ammessi Internet (senza fili) Giochi da interno Fasciatoio Chiusura sicur bamb piscina Doccia esterna Piscina metà Mag - fine Set Campo da golf 22,0 km BGY 96,0 km
DETTAGLI PREZZOℹ Lenzuola+asciugamani Gratis Pulizia, obblig. totale 70,00 EUR 15,00 EUR richiedi 📞🟢 Tang Lang Viaggi🟢✔☎
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NOLO! Guilt-free drinks to enjoy this Bank Holiday.
NOLO! Guilt-free drinks to enjoy this Bank Holiday.
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It’s a shame we’re still in lockdown because I don’t think we’ve had this much consistent sunshine in recent years. I choose to believe it’s because we’re all stuck at home and not been able to pollute the environment that much in recent weeks.
Anyway, I digress. Despite the lockdown, most of us have found ways to enjoy the scorching sunshine. The high temperatures really do beg for…
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actuallyfingolfin · 1 year
“The spirit of Míriel hath dwelt with me [Vaire], and I know it. It is small, but it is strong and obdurate: one of those who having said this will I do make their words an irrevocable law unto themselves."
screaming SO MUCH about this quote from morgoth's ring i don't even have the coherency to put it into words
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princehenry11 · 4 years
Spin Worx & King Deetoy – End of the Earth Ft. Nolo D
Spin Worx & King Deetoy – End of the Earth Ft. Nolo D
DOWNLOAD Spin Worx & King Deetoy End of the Earth Ft. Nolo D Mp3 Fakaza
Spin Worx & King Deetoy End of the Earth. Here comes Spin Worx and King Deetoy as they champion this latest campaign titled; “ End of the Earth” through the help of Nolo D.
Download and listen below.
DOWNLOAD MP3 Spin Worx & King Deetoy – End of the Earth Ft. Nolo D
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jclaro1956 · 4 years
WWF Blockchain
O World Wildlife Fund associado a ConsenSys, startup blockchain, lançam a plataforma Impactio visando transparência em doações, projetada para supervisionar e financiar projetos em ONGs e empresas independentes, rastreando como são gastos fundos em projetos sociais. A Impactio é plataforma de curadoria e financiamento de projetos utilizando tecnologia blockchain e tokenização da Ethereum, maximizando colaboração entre especialistas, indivíduos ou organizações e incentivando projetos de impacto social. Recebe projetos com objetivos claros como sustentabilidade, desigualdade, comunidades emergentes ou ambiente, em linha com os 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU. Em consequência, comissários na concepção do projeto recebem em carteira digital tokens Impactio através de sistema da ConsenSys sobre o TCR, Registro Curado por Token, processo solicitando que curadores apostem seus tokens apoiando projetos e aqueles que contestam alocam a mesma quantidade de tokens. Não havendo outros oponentes, será aprovado aparecendo aos doadores para decisão sobre o financiamento. 
Há evidências crescentes sobre a necessidade de plataformas como Impactio. O relatório de progresso dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Comissão Econômica e Social Ásia e Pacífico (ESCAP), mostra que a região caminha para perder todos seus Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Conforme o Center for Public Impact, há poucos projetos visionários e transformadores concebidos e oferecidos a investidores no mundo. Sua ausência, perenizará o déficit anual de US$ 2,5 trilhões no atendimento aos ODS ou Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU. Em 2017 nos EUA, doações à instituições de caridade atingiram o nível mais elevado de todos os tempos, US$ 410 bilhões à várias causas. No mesmo ano na Austrália as 50 maiores empresas listadas em ASX doaram US$ 867 milhões à causas comunitárias. O Millennial Impact Report, informa que 90% dos millennials entrevistados em 2015, planejavam doar à 5 ONGs ou mais, lógico, associados a transparência e responsabilidade numa era onde tudo é compartilhado e interconectado. Quem ajuda quer se engajar e ver suas ações influenciarem mudanças.
Moral da Nota: segundo o Nolo, escritório de advocacia, 75% a 85% das 220 mil ONGs alocaram de modo incorreto suas despesas e por conseguinte, instituições de caridade deveriam sempre contactar doadores atualizando metas alcançadas focadas em trabalho sustentável. Dados financeiros e comprovantes de pagamento associados a cripto e blockchain, definitivamente dão transparência a utilização de fundos. A Rainforest Foundation US, ONG sem fins lucrativos sediada em Nova York, trabalhando na América Central e do Sul, apóia no combate ao desmatamento com tecnologia cripto e blockchain. A Binance Charity, seguimento filantrópico da Binance, fez campanha de ajuda às vítimas do furacão Dorian. 
source http://notasdeaz.blogspot.com/2020/02/wwf-blockchain.html
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jacksonarmand-blog · 5 years
#TwitterCEO Akash Banerjee @TheDeshBhakt · Feb 9 While we outrage over #TwitterCEO's refusal to appear before the Parliamentary Panel; we can also take 2 minutes to understand how twitter has changed its basic guidelines...resulting in RW accounts being suspended. I have used a @FordMustang 🚗 to keep it as simple as possible🙏 Akash Banerjee @TheDeshBhakt · Feb 9 While we outrage over #TwitterCEO's refusal to appear before the Parliamentary Panel; we can also take 2 minutes to understand how twitter has changed its basic guidelines...resulting in RW accounts being suspended. I have used a @FordMustang 🚗 to keep it as simple as possible🙏 @TheDeshBhakt · Feb 9 While we outrage over #TwitterCEO's refusal to appear before the Parliamentary Panel; we can also take 2 minutes to understand how twitter has changed its basic guidelines...resulting in RW accounts being suspended. I have used a @FordMustang 🚗 to keep it as simple as possible🙏so, the ford mustang was described as a car that has non-owners beliefs attached to it. ill live on a farm and drive as fast as i want. i wont rob the store and then use uniforma to construct reason to harass owner years later. what i am saying is that I have the right to buy a lighter from a person and when called to help start a fire, by the will of myself, right, i will do what is natural. to drive with my own eyes and enjoy freedom. once i cause a person to lose theirs then there is a problem. let the occupants of the "car" read the preliminary hearing and their parents also and you will see that the nosy ignorant people who run mouth rather than engine, at 300 km. have no use of the sights to give opinion when they are re-lying on a social system that is not un-biased if, in fact, by tension, they did not manufacture, nor form the ground they walk on. I have no reason to believe that words can move a people to think about a cell phone picture size (stolen cell phone with a penis and vaginal lips that are beautiful and larger than the normal little tweeter who arithmetically algorithm to block tweets from being posted. me and my ex have what would be called stolen goods, proprietary evidence coincidentally photographic items that have been stolen from our blessing from...we have been stalked in our sleep and used to be made the fall out of sex sells while mainstreem americans are not in the bedroom watching right back. all cell phones have been stolen as well as the meta physical seatings cars and beds clothes and shoes so that the lustful nature of these characters goes un-imprisoned. i have a problem with the twitter ruling and add that have one officer from any of my cases involved and making or passing an opinionated judgment towards me there is to be an agreement that when crimes go unpunished for a length of time the persons involved have stricter consequences including death when people are harmed while handcuffed. It is to me that I say I want as many answers and guilty parties brought before me to be judged according to the good BOOKS. cell phones and computers containing these images are out and have not been returned as they are reported as stolen. thank you. my twitter account is frozen as these images continue to be surfaced around society at high prices.sara jackson @sarajack251 · Jul 3, 2014 Replying to @jackson_armand @jackson_armand@BoogsMalone stile hoe moves can't help it can usara jackson Retweeted 3 of your Tweets One World Presents Armand Role-lationship http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tcwx9BYFHno&sns=tw via @youtube Show allAin'tFuckedUpaboutIt @delectablerider · Jun 19, 2014 Replying to @jackson_armand @jackson_armand@_MissDD@YouTube so yeah. i'm listening to it properly now.. yeah y'all can get it too w/ your 4g mackin :-) is u famous?Your contact The Bay Area's Voice (@DTLBlu) is on Twitter!KNJBeats @LSarp · Jun 13, 2014 @jackson_armand Hi. I've got 42 free beats you don't want to miss. Check http://sleazylevy.kanaja.deKP_of_TheColleagues @TheColleagues · Jun 8, 2014 Replying to @daileybeats RT @jackson_armand RT @daileybeats Sick of working with people that get discouraged when shit doesn't happen on their time!Erwin Herre @ErwinHerre6837 · Jun 6, 2014 @jackson_armand U like Blair Fowler so i follwed U! Blair's my #1 guru & my #2 is @VyQwaintSignal My Way liked a Tweet you were mentioned in @SkylarCasteel @taz0121 @lloganduhh @LisPenafiel @jackson_armand @MerikieEBekker Thank you for the support and voting! #warpedtour #friendsSignal My Way Retweeted a Tweet you were mentioned in @SkylarCasteel @taz0121 @lloganduhh @LisPenafiel @jackson_armand @MerikieEBekker Thank you for the support and voting! #warpedtour #friendsDy-verse Productions Retweeted your Tweet http://johnnyjuliano.com a Dy-verse Production feat. Armand/ STAY SAFE http://youtube.com/watch?v=Pw1oAxkvaR8&sns=tw via @youtubeAin'tFuckedUpaboutIt Retweeted your reply @ALL4MYBOYS2010 @_MissDD http://johnnyjuliano.com a Dy-verse Production feat. Armand/ STAY SAFE http://youtube.com/watch?v=Pw1oAxkvaR8&sns=tw via @youtubeAin'tFuckedUpaboutIt @delectablerider · May 23, 2014 Replying to @jackson_armand @jackson_armand@_MissDD@YouTube idk, is it mastered? I can't pay attention, sounds like a familiar beat tho.. probably just my tablet :-/YNTO Webozine_Ent. and GrizzlyBeatz💭 Retweeted your reply @Grizzlybeatz http://johnnyjuliano.com a Dy-verse Production feat. Armand/ STAY SAFE http://youtube.com/watch?v=Pw1oAxkvaR8&sns=tw via @youtubexW🌊 @xWBooking · May 22, 2014 Replying to @jackson_armand @jackson_armand were you trying to xWork with us today?🍯HöñëÿĆö🍯 @cocokissx · May 22, 2014 Replying to @jackson_armand @jackson_armand sorry ! 3236933027 there you go🍯HöñëÿĆö🍯 @cocokissx · May 22, 2014 @jackson_armand hi ^_^come show your talent right now on @CREATIVUradio "take the mic" 323693027 press 1 to go on live!sara jackson @sarajack251 · May 22, 2014 @jackson_armand what u mean by them post u talking shitJoey Huspek Retweeted your Tweet That awkward moment when your focus sets in on that one person. You wonder if they are focused on you too. QuestionMyles Jay Giovanni @TheRealMFast · May 22, 2014 Replying to @jackson_armand @jackson_armand what u mean?Peter Simeti 💬 @petersimeti · May 21, 2014 @CharxiCola @PanteraCfH77 @flixfuel@jackson_armand our #kickstarter for #theCHAIR is underway! please share, thanks!THE CHAIR a dark horror film on death row with a GREAT cast A psychological horror film that will have you on the edge of your seat. Starring Eric Roberts, Brian Thompson, Bill Oberst Jr., & more kickstarter.comWeed and T hizzle Retweeted your Tweet @PurpleThizzle your friends are awesomeIG: MissLadyShadow Retweeted your reply @missladyshadow @lilunowolfpack @mstacks 'TURnT' http://reverbnation.com/armand1981/song/20900850-turntDy-verse Productions Retweeted 2 of your Tweets http://johnnyjuliano.com a Dy-verse Production feat. Armand/ STAY SAFE http://youtube.com/watch?v=Pw1oAxkvaR8&sns=tw via @youtube i seek the Ford Mustang reps. reason for this HIGHSPEED CHASE CONVERSATION AS WELL AS THE TWEETING REACHING FOLLOWERS AND OR NEWS GROUPS MAKING HEADLINES RANT WITHOUT SAYING THE NAMES KEEPING THE INFORMATION TO THE SOCIAL FROM NON-COMFORMING TO THE NATURAL ORDER OF "USE" COST IS THE SPENDING OF DOLLARS BEFORE YINNING ACCOUNTS FREEZING BELIEFS WITH RUBBISH, INSULATING INSULTS BRANDISHING POLICE FIREARMAS WHEN MAZE FORMERS ARE NOLO CONTENDRE ILL INFORMAED ABOUT WHO IS THE SECRET LABIAL RICH MEN AND THE PHALANDERING PRIESTESSES MAGISTRATING KM. 300 OR MORE OUT OF RRARIFACEBOOK.COMOWI1981FACEBOOK.COMUniform Commercial Code | California Secretary of State
https://www.sos.ca.gov/business-programs/ucc/ UCC Connect provides online services for UCC inquiries, filings, copy and debtor ... The Secretary of State's office is the central filing office for certain financing ... You visited this page on 7/29/19. ALFRED JOSEPH ARMAND JACKSON, DEBTOR UCC 1-207 UCC 1308
Uniform Commercial Code | California Secretary of State
https://www.sos.ca.gov/business-programs/ucc/ UCC Connect provides online services for UCC inquiries, filings, copy and debtor ... The Secretary of State's office is the central filing office for certain financing ... You visited this page on 7/29/19. ALFRED JOSEPH ARMAND JACKSON, DEBTOR UCC 1-207 UCC 1308
Uniform Commercial Code | California Secretary of State
https://www.sos.ca.gov/business-programs/ucc/ UCC Connect provides online services for UCC inquiries, filings, copy and debtor ... The Secretary of State's office is the central filing office for certain financing ... You visited this page on 7/29/19. ALFRED JOSEPH ARMAND JACKSON, DEBTOR UCC 1-207 UCC 1308
so, the ford mustang was described as a car that has non-owners beliefs attached to it. ill live on a farm and drive as fast as i want. i wont rob the store and then use uniforma to construct reason to harass owner years later. what i am saying is that I have the right to buy a lighter from a person and when called to help start a fire, by the will of myself, right, i will do what is natural. to drive with my own eyes and enjoy freedom. once i cause a person to lose theirs then there is a problem. let the occupants of the "car" read the preliminary hearing and their parents also and you will see that the nosy ignorant people who run mouth rather than engine, at 300 km. have no use of the sights to give opinion when they are re-lying on a social system that is not un-biased if, in fact, by tension, they did not manufacture, nor form the ground they walk on. I have no reason to believe that words can move a people to think about a cell phone picture size (stolen cell phone with a penis and vaginal lips that are beautiful and larger than the normal little tweeter who arithmetically algorithm to block tweets from being posted. me and my ex have what would be called stolen goods, proprietary evidence coincidentally photographic items that have been stolen from our blessing from...we have been stalked in our sleep and used to be made the fall out of sex sells while mainstreem americans are not in the bedroom watching right back. all cell phones have been stolen as well as the meta physical seatings cars and beds clothes and shoes so that the lustful nature of these characters goes un-imprisoned. i have a problem with the twitter ruling and add that have one officer from any of my cases involved and making or passing an opinionated judgment towards me there is to be an agreement that when crimes go unpunished for a length of time the persons involved have stricter consequences including death when people are harmed while handcuffed. It is to me that I say I want as many answers and guilty parties brought before me to be judged according to the good BOOKS. cell phones and computers containing these images are out and have not been returned as they are reported as stolen. thank you. my twitter account is frozen as these images continue to be surfaced around society at high prices.
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dreamswithlafra · 6 years
Formentera come muoversi
Esistono vari modi per visitare la città, che vanno dal prendere una bicicletta a nolo all’affidarsi ad un servizio di noleggio auto a Formentera. Senza dubbio in questa zona i mezzi di trasporto non mancano: il trasporto pubblico, i taxi terrestri ed acquei e il noleggio di scooter. Per muoversi  in maniera autonoma ci sono gli autonoleggi che le fittano come Formentera moto Rent.
Da soli, con amici o con la famiglia. Per un week end o per un mese. Viaggiare o regalarsi una piacevole vacanza senza stress dei preparativi o senza spiacevoli inconvenienti è tutta una questione di organizzazione. Formentera un’isola dal forte sapore mediterraneo. L’unico modo per arrivare su quest’isola è tramite traghetto. Questa città non dispone di un aeroporto, pertanto il  viaggio dovrà…
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vlasco · 6 years
The rules
Jack me dijo que nunca revelara mi verdadera identidad. “Nuncalo haría”, le dije. “Ve siempre disfrazado, al menos parcialmente”, me dijo. “Por supuesto”, le dije. “Y nunca te enamores”,me dijo. “Demasiado peligroso”, le dije. “Nunca levantes la voz”,me dijo. “Entendido”, le dije. “Nunca corras”, me dijo. “Nise me ocurriría”, le dije. “Nunca parezcas glotón”,me dijo. “Lo evitaré”, le dije. “Siempre sé educado”, medijo. “Así soy, educado”, le dije. “No cantes en público”,me dijo. “Te lo prometo”, le dije. “No toques a desconocidos”,me dijo. “Está prohibido”, le dije. “Nunca infrinjas el límite de velocidad”, me dijo. “Cuenta con eso”, le dije. “No te pongas nada a cuadros”, me dijo. “Nada a cuadros”, le dije. “No acaricies a ningún perro”, me dijo. “Por supuesto que no”, le dije. “No saltes vallas”, me dijo. “No lo haré”, le dije. “Aléjate de los niños”, me dijo. “Así lo haré”, le dije. “No entres a iglesias”, me dijo. “Por supuesto que no”, le dije.“Cuida siempre la buena postura”, me dijo. “La buena postura es fundamental”, le dije. “Nunca levantes plata de la alcantarilla”, me dijo. “Eso no es para mí”, le dije. “Sé puntual”, me dijo. “Siempre a tiempo”, le dije. “A pie o en auto siempre cambia de ruta”, me dijo. “Naturalmente”, le dije. “Nunca pidas la misma comida dos veces”, me dijo. “Nunca”, le dije. “Que no te vean en la calle después de medianoche”, me dijo. “Jamás”, le dije. “No les des dinero a los mendigos sin techo”, me dijo. “Nada para los mendigos”, le dije. “No entables conversaciones con representantes de la ley”, me dijo. “Nada de hablar con policías”, le dije. “Nada de patinaje sobre hielo”, me dijo. “Jamás”, le dije. “Nada de esquiar”, me dijo. “Por supuesto que no”, le dije. “Cuando veas un letrero que diga NO PISAR EL CÉSPED, nolo pises”. “Así lo haré”, le dije. “Nada de mascar chicle enpúblico”, me dijo. “No lo haré”, le dije. “Lleva tu armatodo el tiempo”, me dijo. “Siempre armado”, le dije. “Obedecelo que se te ordene”, me dijo. “Cuenta con eso”, le dije. “Contacta con la Central una vez por semana”, me dijo. “Contactar a la Central”, le dije. “Nada de pantalones verdes”, me dijo. “Claro que no”, le dije. “Nada de camisas naranjas o violetas”, me dijo. “No son para mí”, le dije.“Nada de sushi”, me dijo. “No, no”, le dije. “Nada de fandango”, me dijo.“Imposible”, le dije. “Nada de Dirección de Granjas”, me dijo. “No es mi estilo”, me dijo. “Cuidado con la hipnosis”, me dijo. “Siempre alerta”, le dije. “Cuidado con las sanguijuelas”, me dijo. “Un peligro a tener en cuenta”, le dije. “Evita las góndolas”. “Instintivamente”, le dije. “Nunca le creas a una vidente”, me dijo. “Nunca”, le dije. “Eludí las cruzadas”, me dijo. “Sin duda”, le dije.“Nunca te subas a un dirigible”, me dijo. “Descartados los dirigibles”, le dije.“No persigas pavos”, le dije. “No lo haré”, le dije. “No le metas la mano en la boca a un caballo”, me dijo. “De ninguna manera”, le dije. “Nunca creas en milagros”, me dijo.“No lo haré”, le dije.
James Tate
Jack told me to never reveal my true identity. “I would never do that,” I said. “Always wear at least a partial disguise,” he said. “Of course,” I said. “And try to blend in with the crowd,” he said. “Naturally,” I said. “And never fall in love,” he said. “Far too dangerous,” I said. “Never raise your voice,” he said, “Understood,” I said. “Never run,” he said. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” I said. “Never make a glutton of yourself,” he said. “It won’t happen,” I said. “Always be polite,” he said. “That’s me, polite,” I said. “Don’t sing in public,” he said. “You have my promise,” I said. “Don’t touch strangers,” he said. “That’s forbidden,” I said. “Never speed,” he said. “You can count on me,” I said. “Don’t wear plaid,” he said. “No plaid,” I said. “Don’t pet dogs,” he said. “Of course not,” I said. “Don’t jump fences,” he said. “I won’t,” I said. “Stay away from children,” he said. “I will,” I said. “Don’t enter churches,” he said. “Of course not,” I said. “Good posture at all times,” he said. “Good posture is a must,” I said. “Never pick money out of the gutter,” he said. “That’s not for me,” I said. “Be punctual,” he said. “Always on time,” I said. “When walking or driving always mix your routes,” he said. “Naturally,” I said. “Never order the same meal twice,” he said. “Never,” I said. “Do not be seen on the street after midnight,” he said. “Not ever,” I said. “Do not give money to homeless beggars,” he said. “Nothing for the beggars,” I said. “Do not start conversations with officers of the law,” he said. “No talking with cops,” I said. “No ice skating,” he said. “Never,” I said. “No skiing,” he said. “Of course not,” I said. “When a sign says STAY OFF THE GRASS, you’ll stay off,” he said. “I will, I said. “No chewing gum in public,” he said. “I won’t,” I said. “You must carry your weapon at all times,” he said. “Always armed,” I said. “You must follow orders,” he said. “Count on it,” I said. “You will contact Central once a week,” he said. “Contact Central,” I said. “No green pants,” he said. “Certainly not,” I said. “No orange or purple shirts,” he said. “Not for me,” I said. “No sushi,” he said. “Oh no,” I said. “No fandango,” he said. “Not possible,” I said. “No farm bureau,” he said. “Not my style,” I said. Beware hypnotism,” he said. “Always alert,” I said. “Watch out for leeches,” he said. “A danger not forgotten,” I said. “Stay off gondolas.” “Instinctively,” I said. “Never trust a fortune-teller,” he said. “Never,” I said. “Avoid crusades,” he said. “Certainly,” I said. “Never ride on a blimp,” he said. “Blimps are out,” I said. “Do not chase turkeys,” he said. “I will not,” I said. “Do not put your hand in the mouth of a horse,” he said. “Out of the question,” I said. “Never believe in miracles,” he said. “I won’t,” I said.
– James Tate
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timesinfos-blog · 6 years
Gabon : Trois Gabonais au cœur du trafic d'ivoire d’éléphant dans le pays !
Gabon : Trois Gabonais au cœur du trafic d’ivoire d’éléphant dans le pays !
La petite commune de Mekambo, ville du Gabon située dans la province de l’Ogooué-Ivindo, chef-lieu du département de Zadié. Sa population est estimée à 5 029 habitants en 2010, a été le théâtre d’une opération de la DGR dimanche dernier. Les éléments de cette brigade spéciale ont mis la main sur trois trafiquants d’ivoire  présumés. 
trafique d’ivoire @timesinfos2
Bernard Nolo, Landry Mouamouele…
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fakazavibes · 4 years
ALBUM: Spin Worx – Made With Love
ALBUM: Spin Worx – Made With Love
Spin Worx – Made With Love Album Download
Spin Worx drops a new Fakaza Gospel song titled Made With Love Album.
Listen, download Made With Love by Spin Worx below;
Track list below;
Spin Worx & Arol $kinzie – Slowly
Spin Worx – Leah’s Song (feat. DJ Zethu)
Spin Worx & King Deetoy – End of the Earth (feat. Nolo D)
Spin Worx – Vuma (feat. RUSSELL!)
Spin Worx & Rhey Osborne – Uthando Lwam
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