#not a shitty eyepocalypse domain
YOUR fav might be problematic, but my fav is problematic AND hated by the narrative.
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not to be too much of a memer here, but in minecraft making an iron farm or even a copper farm - maybe some other farms too, is a real "funded by a fairchild and/or lukas" thing. (basically in the way they rely on fear for golem spawning and zombie reinforcement, and maybe some other stuff.)
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transmascapollo · 5 months
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aaaa you have no idea how many thoughts i have about this
Anways, starting with the setting - partially lonley but mostly spiral
like never ending hallways? being changed at will? and secrect sections like the museum or any of the new conent endings? that ending with the reviews and the memory zone? the narrator is so 'i am weird architecture' coded
less of a lonley domain but definitely still there - if you tell me that martin has never thought about all his coworkers disappearing you are wrong. he is so stanley. to me. (also skip button ending) (i hate the skip button ending but i love it so much)
Also stanley is so capital L lonley and so martin - being trapped in a place with no one but an ominous voice, lost memories and the same sequence of event reapeating but with slight variation - the whole concept of the game is literally mag 170
dont even get me started on the narrator - knows everything, controls everything, do i need to even say it. he is slightly elias to me, given that hes eye and also a pretty shitty boss to stanley/martin, but i thibk hes more jon. still eye just slightly less bad intent (and slightly more in love) (what who said that 👁️👁️)
ALSo jon starting the eyepocalypse becuase of elias and stanley breaking the game (multiple times) just to piss of the narrator? im screaming
tldr: there are to many parallels to list but spiral, lonley and eye
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raisedbyheathens · 11 months
So; I've been thinking about Jon and Martin as parents because. Because I think they would be GREAT parents. I really like 173 (Night Night) because I think Jonny *also* thought they'd be good parents and how that was subtly indicated.
Jon asks Callum "Are your parents home?" and he KNOWS they aren't Jon KNOWS everything at this point, and Callum knows he KNOWS-- even says "You're the Eye Guy, right?" And Jon knows this place is bad and that Callum is in charge of it but he is honestly super gentle with this kid. Because this kid is kind of a shitty bully, but he's still entirely a KID. A kid with trauma and a shitty bully for a dad and if the Eyepocalypse hadn't happened maybe. Maybe Callum would have had a chance to be not shitty. So beyond compelling Callum for truthful answers, he mostly is sort of disappointed by the bullying and consciously appealing to a normality and regularity that nobody gets anymore. Jon doesn't tell Callum that he's a bad person, he doesn't smite this kid, he doesn't throw his weight around as the king of the ruined world that he is-- Jon reminds Callum that he has parents, somewhere he has a family and a connection to the world before. He asks if it's past Callum's bed time, a grown up still looking after the well being of a CHILD even in a time and place where absolutely none of that matters any longer.
as complement and contrast Martin is vaguely sad and concerned about people in the other domains but he is horrified by the children being there, and pushes far far harder to get Jon to do something about this domain than any of the others. And the other Avatars that Martin wants smote he has selfish reasons for (jealousy- Oliver, personal vendetta- Simon) but with this domain it is entirely because he cannot stomach the idea of children being injured in these ways.
anyway they would have been fantastic, caring, protective dads
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Your fantasy escapist dream is superpowers. Mine is a dad who loves me. We are not the same.
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Okay Imma make this clear: JonElias bullshit is ahead. If that ain't your vibe, you have been warned.
With that out of the way: Okay would anyone be interested in a dumb basically crack treated seriously AU I have been mentally calling the "dumbass Jon vs Moronsexual Elias fight" fic?? Its self indulgent bullshit rn but if I ever decide to post it, it will stay that way ngl to you.
Basic premise is, Jon time travels back from the end of s5 to s1, your usual schtick, but this time he goes "im going fix everything by being super smart and plan ahead and save everyone while staying low key" and because Jon is Jon this leads to a comedy of errors where he ends up making his assistants think HE'S the evil boss while Jonah is immediately tipped off because a) jons the Ceaseless Watcher's special little boi and hes still full avatar and b) Jon is not fucking subtle.
Eventually this ends up with a dumbass Jon thinking his plan is somewhat working, right?? (hint, it's not), assistants fully down the rabbit hole and very confused, and Jonah having fucking amazing craic rn and eventually falling in love with Jon because, as stated, he's a moronsexual.
Oh, and the fact it's somehow doubly toxic in this AU?? We embrace that shite. Jonah is manipulating Jon for fun and profit, and though Jon's kinda shit at the start he starts doing it back. This shit is funny cause they're both horribly unstable.
So yeah that's basically it. In the current outline this somehow leads to a fake dating AU mid season three. So if you wanna know how the fuck that happens (Jon does too), let me know! Thank you and goodnight.
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Hot take of the day: Run by Hozier is the perfect burakhovsky song.
Think about it: - weird discordant beat
- references to an earth goddess who is neither benevolent nor evil but takes sacrifices as needed
- bleeding lungs
- fucking running everywhere
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... soo I was at a con, and at a pride booth. They were selling pride flag shoelaces.
So. I did what I had to. I said (to my fortunately non tumblr friend) "I like your shoelaces, thanks I stole them from the president."
And the dude running the stall turned to me. And said "I haven't heard that in a long time." He fucking recognised it.
Thankfully we just chatted shit about 2014 tumblr but God I think my life flashed before my eyes for a second. Because the code fucking worked guys :')
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hi hi! i hate to essentially be cold calling people but i wanted to do a tma sexyman poll and i’m trying to get the word out and i’d really appreciate it if you could rb the post @ tmasexymanpoll or just like tell mutuals about it? if not no worries either way i just think it’d be fun to finally settle who the sexiest person in tma is anyway have a good day
Sure of course :p for the record, we all know who the REAL TMA sexyman is friends. Simon Fairchild. Yep you heard it from your local lesbian first, dumb old sky man is officially sexy.
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Okay so I'm thinking of cosplaying Clara and I came up with a 200IQ idea: edible Shmowders and Tinctures. Here's how I would achieve.
-get glass bottle
- fill with appropriately coloured liquid of your choice (im thinking Sprite for a Yas+ cause I like sprite lmao)
-get doubledip and pez (which are powder candy and a hard tablet like candy for ingrates)
- get/make box
-colour/print it to look like a shmowder
- put doubledip in with some pez for "not successfully broken up" look
- profit
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Patho 2 Bachelor Route Dialogue Leak!!!
Daniil: So, do you really only move one way through time?
Artemy: Pretty much.
Daniil:... poor fucker.
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Once again thinking about that time the Lily Zombielandsaga saying Shut The Fuck Up TERF with a gun meme was held up in UK government cause some moron was trying to say TERF was insulting to women. Immaculate.
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Me: Wow, I am enjoying Pathologic 2 so much! I'm sure nothing will prevent me from literally moving forward until I get to like fucking 50 deaths if I'm lucky
Me, playing on a fucking track pad during the day 9 Abbatoir: ohhhhhh no.
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For the record yes I am aware of TMA2/TMP and I am cautiously excited but I probs won't talk about it much until its actually out cause that will lead me down the "My opinions on the TMA finale are complex and contradictory" rabbit hole and no one wants that. So yeah.
(Basically I have my problems with the finale but one of the few things I like is the ambiguous ending and I want them to keep it, but hey Jonny Sims has pulled me round to stuff I thought I wouldn't like before so no judging before I experience TMP even if it does change the ending)
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Okay guys I'm gonna be going to comiccon and I wanna cosplay. Only thing is, I'm bad at ideas. Whoops. So, wanna help?? You can either suggest your own idea or vote for one of the ones here:
-female League/Arcane character (eg Jinx Lux Xayah Zeri I'm So Gay)
- pathologic character (probs Clara let's be real)
- TMA avatar (not Sims though cause I did him last Halloween)
- Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
- uhhh one of the Mechanisms (probably Nastya or Raphaella. Once again I'm gay)
- something gay idk
Pls. I'm out of ideas. I am but a simple lesbian overwhelmed by pretty women to cosplay. I need your help.
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So was anyone gonna tell me that the Nocturnal Ending was like that?!?! I was not emotionally prepared wtf I thought it'd be similar to the Diurnal in style at least. Goddamn I fucking love this game what the fuck just happened?
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