#not to mention i reported the entire account bc all they do is fucking steal but go off ig
atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
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mortalityplays · 5 months
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btw if you get a begging message from this person, block and report. they are a (very clumsy) scammer targeting people who have helped to fundraise for ahmed and his family. according to people actually active in the area they claim to be from, all of their local info is wrong and they only speak google-translate arabic lol. truly despicable.
it looks like GFM has already shut down their campaign and refunded the 2 entire donations they managed to wheedle out of people but keep an eye out for this shit and never feel bad about looking for red flags when a complete stranger asks you for $$$$
this is an instructive case bc they did almost everything wrong:
brand new blog, every post has 1 like (by op)
only other interactions are from aggregator / bot accounts
'some replies have been hidden or removed' on their begging post
I actually couldn't find their photos on a reverse image search, but it's pretty easy to fool tineye with image editing so that's not a guarantee that they aren't stolen. regardless...
...same selfie used repeatedly on their blog and in DMs (and they sent it to me unprompted, which is a super weird thing to do unless you already know you sound shady as fuck)
keeps repeating that they're 'ahmed's friend' but never tags him, and he has never intereacted with their posts or mentioned them
asked me to message them first so their replies couldn't be published <= insanely dumb, why would someone genuinely fundraising for their dying family want to keep it a secret
anyway it's all very transparent and evil but going back through their notes there were enough well meaning people trying to signal boost their shit that this needs to be spelled out. there are people in the world who have no qualms about impersonating a victim of genocide to steal your money. you are always allowed to ask questions. you are always allowed to subject this shit to scrutiny.
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
Hi!!! I've just started following you (yandere is my guilty pleasure, so thank god I found your blog) so I don't really know if you take requests or not (I think not), but would you consider, anytime in the future, doing a yandere fanboys but with exo? I loved the BTS one and I'm curious to see how an exo one would turn out ❤️❤️❤️
BITCH I WAS AN EXO-L BEFORE ANYTHING. (Tbh I consider myself more of one than an army but that’s controversial so👀🤫)
Suho- Supportive stan. Buys anything and everything concerning you and your group. The type of guy to buy multiple copies of the same merch or album bc he just wants to support his baby. Has went to multiple fanmeets and concerts, you have seen him many times. Isn’t a big fan of social media but just got an account to follow you. His friends know that whenever they hang out with him, they’re gonna have to catch an earful about the latest thing you did. Tries imitating little catch phrases or stunts you’ve done on variety shows or V-live. Doesn’t participate in fan wars bc he’s classy but if someone said anything negative about you, he would def just make an disgusted face and leave their presence. KING of sending gifts, has handed you a few small ones during fanmeets.
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Lay- Very sheepish about his love for you. Buys all the merch and music but doesn’t let people know how big of a fan he is. Practices your choreo and songs, even has his own manlier versions for your performances. You’re the inspiration for any love songs he writes/composes from that point on. He tries to act like how he thinks you would want in a man. If he thinks you like the gentle type, then he’ll practice acting more coy and content. If he thinks you like a manly man, he’ll hit the gym and act more bold. You’re his ideal type of woman. for the few times he did try to date after discovering you, he couldn’t stand women who didn’t resemble you in any way. His wardrobe will change to alter himself into your style. He doesn’t really notice it, the progression happens naturally/subconsciously. His dream is to one day perform with you.
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Chen- Everyone within a five mile radius will now how obsessed this guy is with you. Hums your songs everyday while doing mundane chores. Excitedly squeals whenever you update any social media, not caring where the fuck he is. Regularly posts covers of your songs. You’re his phone background, iPad, Apple Watch, laptop EVERYTHING. Dances excitedly whenever he hears your music. Denies being a solo stan, but like he ain’t fooling anything bc he mainly only belts out YOUR lyrics and only half-assedly hums along to the other members’ lines. Not above getting nasty if someone attacks your reputation. Very protective as well, HATES dating rumors with a passion. Really wants to collaborate with you.
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Chanyeol- Thinks he is being slick about his love for you but tbh he is not. Religiously streams your music, wears merch and will refuse to leave the house if you were gonna make an appearance on tv bc HE CANNOT MISS IT DAMMIT. Covers your songs, all acoustic. Comments on all your social media pics about how gorgeous you are. The type of guy to need at least a day of no one talking to him after you made a comeback bc he is just so flabbergasted. You will be his background and everything for any electronic he owns. The type to get livid if you looked like you were getting thinner or worn out by schedules. He doesn’t hate girl groups but he doesn’t like them either bc they are your competition. (Still hasn’t forgiven Twice for stealing that award from you). Boy groups annoy him though, will def be naive enough to believe all dating scandals concerning you. He now hates all of Bts, Wanna One, Got7 and half of NCT bc why were they looking at you with heart eyes at that award show?!
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Baekhyun- Could shout his devotion to you from the mountain tops. Sings your songs more than his own. Bold asl, def the type to slip up while on Tv and admit he fucking adores you. (Suho will have his ass on a platter for that but like 🤷🏻‍♀️). Headass enough to copy your outfits, tells himself that he’s just completing the other half of the ‘couple aesthetic’. Would drop anything and everything to watch your insta live or check your lastest social media post. Chanyeol bought him a backstage ticket for one of your shows and baekhyun almost promised to give Yeol his first born he was so touched. Thinks he is being subliminal by adding little hints for his love for you on his insta captions but everyone knows what’s up. Sends letters and gifts your way, squeals so loud if you respond in any way. Already has your future kids names picked out. He tired to figure out what type of perfume you wore so he could spray it on his clothes to feel closer to you. Would die before he admits it to anyone.
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D.O- Silent stan. His obsession with you is so well hidden. None of the members would even know about it until someone says something slightly offputting about you and Kyungsoo puts them in their place. Adoringly calls you his ‘wifey’ in his mind. Watches variety shows, movies or interviews over and over again. Almost every night. You know those ASMR videos with idols? He listens to yours to fall asleep. Your voice is just so soothing to him. Practices making your favorite meals. Trains himself to remember information about you. He hates thinking that there could be another fan out there who knows more about you then he does. Fav food, pet peeves, height, weight, blood type, school name, birthday ect. HE KNOWS IT ALL. sings your songs to himself often but doesn’t dare post covers. He personally finds covers to be really offensive. The only person who should be singing your songs is you. No other voice could top your delightful tone. Reads tips on how to be a good husband in preparation for you.
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Xiumin- uwu stan. Tries to recreate your pictures for his own social media. Quiet but supportive of you, won’t openly blast your music when others are near but when he’s by himself? Hell yeah, sign him tf up. Wants to be your ideal man, starts dressing differently for you. Covers your songs and likes singing along with you on the radio bc he adores the sound of your voices together. Gets hella hurt with dating rumors, don’t mention it around him bc he’ll just get really silent and gloomy. Lowkey he can be pretty petty with other boys who lingered too long at you at events or award shows. Collects polloroid pictures of you, goes over them every night. Has dipped into fanfic about you once or twice bc it just fills this hole inside him. An insufferable urge to be with you. Gets a new cat and names it after you. (Unless ofc you hate cats and prefer dogs bc Xiumin would abandon his love of cats for you)
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Kai- He wasn’t sure how it started....okay that’s a lie. Jongin first just thought you were a really fashionable and chic idol. He kept an eye out for you just bc you were very different, but then it grew into an infatuation. He stopped watching you simply for fashion reasons and started watching you bc he was just so enchanted by you. You could advertise a product and he’d the type to go buy it just bc it’s you advertising it. It could literally be something so stupid, like a dish sponge but Jongin would still quietly go out and buy 15 bc like your face is on it....he hates dating rumors concerning him. Like when fans pair him up with Jennie or Krystal, he gets pressed bc like obvi it’s YOU he should be with not them. Very terrified of the idea you could come across his dating rumors and think he’s not loyal to you.
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Sehun- Proud, certified Y/n trash. Would wear your merch everyday if he could. His most played songs are all from you. If you ever were on a movie, drama or tv show then they would immediately be his favorite, binge watches it multiple times. Changes his style to fit your aesthetic. Would burn his entire wardrobe if it didn’t suit your tastes. Watches your social media very closely. It’s pretty obvious to other people that he likes you bc you’re literally the only person he follows on insta. Copies your posts for his own account. (I.e; the Miranda Kerr incident👀) He monitors what other people say about you, once got into a heated debate with a nitizen in an effort to defend your honor. Wants to start his own fan café for you. Can and will send expensive gifts your way. The type of guy to look up your guys’ astrological signs and read the compatibility reports. Helps him feel closer to you. If you ever came on screen while his dog was nearby, he point and say “Look vivi, it’s mommy!”
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birlcholtz · 7 years
for the better
read it on Ao3 (part of the Zimbits Airport AU-verse) (I would recommend reading this on Ao3, actually, because of the formatting, but it’s here too for convenience) (also let me know if the link doesn’t work? bc i’m not 100% sure about it)
Jack’s been planning this day for a long time now. He even made a Twitter account for it, two months ago, and tweeted occasionally to build up a following (it was easier once he got that little check mark thing next to his handle). He has a few thousand followers, which is enough to get the message out, and he even has his tweet drafted.
The first draft of it was ‘hello everyone, I just wanted you to know that I am bisexual.’ Tater had taken one look at that and vetoed it. With every extra revision Jack suggested (adding an exclamation point, saying ‘you all’ instead of ‘you,’ et cetera, et cetera, et cetera), Tater had still shaken his head. So Jack took it to Georgia.
“I mean... it’s okay,” George had said, furrowing her brow at the screen. “It’s a little terse, though.”
“But I don’t need to say anything else to get the point across, do I?”
“Well, no. But it’s still very detached.”
Still, after a lot of reworking (and, okay, George does scrap that entire thing and make him start from scratch), they come up with something acceptable. Something that Jack might even say is good.
And then it all gets ruined at the last moment.
Monday morning at around ten o’clock (he’s been given the day off from practice to sort everything out), Jack opens up his Twitter account, intending to post the string of tweets that he and George have planned out, but the first thing he sees is a tweet from Kent.
Kent V. Parson @kparse
tired of all the marriage proposals from women, so i’m just gonna say it: i am both gay af and not taking offers of marriage at this time
Kent V. Parson @kparse
#sorrynotsorry for stealing ur thunder @jlzimmermann
Jack sighs and texts Georgia before composing a tweet as well.
Jack Zimmermann @jlzimmermann
disappointed in @kparse for ruining my announcement
Jack Zimmermann @jlzimmermann
he *did* already know i was going to come out as bi today, so this is quite rude
And then he leaves it like that and texts Georgia that he’s already gone ahead with the plan. She still hasn’t replied to the first one, so she’s probably either working out or so exasperated with him that she’s just decided not to reply. He also silences his phone, then texts Bitty, who’s back at Samwell.
Jack: I did it.
Bitty: congratulations!! <3 on twitter?
Jack: Yeah.
Bitty: you seem kind of put out?
Jack: Kent Parson came out before I did.
Bitty: hold on i’m going on twitter rn
Jack waits for a little while, long enough for Bitty to plausibly have read both Kent’s and his tweets, and then sends a text back.
Jack: Very rude of him. Now I can’t even be the first out player in the NHL.
Jack: That’s probably why he did it, to be honest. He likes being first.
Bitty: it might also work well for u, though
Bitty: take away some of the backlash maybe?
Jack: That’s true, but it doesn’t mean I can’t still be annoyed at him.
Bitty: yeah ofc, i would be too
Bitty: anyway i gtg to class so i’ll ttyl, take care of urself today ok?
Jack: Yeah.
Bitty: text me if u need anything, have a good day <3
Jack: You too <3
Bitty: :)
Georgia calls him about half an hour later and outlines the steps that the Falconers’ management are going to take, then promises to text him when they’ve released their statement and makes him promise to take care of himself today, just like Bitty. She also requests that he leave the apartment as little as possible, preferably not at all, so reporters don’t try to corner him in public. No sooner has she said goodbye and hung up than Jack hears knocking on his door. A glance through the peephole reveals it to be Snowy, Tater, and a case of beer, and he opens the door.
“Good job today, Zimmboni,” Tater says as soon as the door opens, shoving the beer into Snowy’s hands so that he can hug Jack. “Poots said to tell you he is proud. He is with trainer, pinched nerve. He will be here soon.”
“Everyone else is scrimmaging, or at least they were when we left,” Snowy adds as Tater releases Jack and steps past him into the apartment. “I don’t know if they saw us leaving and decided to let it go or genuinely didn’t notice.”
“They’re welcome to come over too once practice is over,” Jack says, stepping back to let Snowy in and then shutting the door. “But not before they’ve showered. Also, they should bring their own beer. I don’t have enough.”
Snowy nods. “I’ll text them.” He pulls out his phone and texts the rest of the Falconers, but then checks on something else and bursts out laughing.
“Parson started a hashtag.”
“A hashtag?”
“Yup. A fucking hashtag.” Snowy shows Jack his phone screen.
Kent V. Parson @kparse
@jlzimmermann It had to be done. #StealJacksThunder
“Great,” Jack sighs.
“But that’s not all.”
“There’s more?”
Tater pokes his head out of the kitchen. “You are talking about hashtag, yes? Many people are using it.”
“Like who?” Jack asks. “And what are they doing with it?”
“Rob Jeffries from the Schooners did,” Snowy says before Tater can answer. “Jack, just check Twitter for yourself. There’s way too many of these for me to tell you all of them.”
Jack does.
“Holy shit,” he mumbles.
Rob Jeffries @rjeffriesnhl
@jlzimmermann Sorry, man. I’m bi too #StealJacksThunder
Las Vegas Aces @lasvegasaces
Proud of @kparse for starting his own hashtag. The Aces organization supports players no matter their orientation #StealJacksThunder
Aleks Olsen @aleksolsen
maybe not first out LGBTQ+ NHL player in league, but am first on Oilers & officially first out aro/ace NHL player #StealJacksThunder
Providence Falconers @pvdfalconers
The Falconers organization stands with & supports our LGBTQ+ players. Congrats @jlzimmermann for starting this whole thing
Las Vegas Aces @lasvegasaces
@pvdfalconers Excuse you, @kparse came out first
Providence Falconers @pvdfalconers
@lasvegasaces Excuse *you*, it was @jlzimmermann ‘s idea. Don’t try to #StealJacksThunder on our watch!
Besides the team Twitter accounts bickering with each other, it just goes on and on and on— NHL players deciding, on the spur of the moment, to come out on Twitter, and all of them using that same hashtag. The one that makes Jack almost drop his phone, though, is a string of tweets from someone he knows very well.
Bob Zimmermann @mrbadbob
Extremely proud of my son @jlzimmermann for having the courage to show the world who he is. Cannot fully express how happy I am for him
Bob Zimmermann @mrbadbob
There were LGBTQ+ players when I was in the NHL, there always have & always will be & now we are free to be ourselves
Bob Zimmermann @mrbadbob
& say what you like @kparse but @jlzimmermann started this, u just made a hashtag :P
Bob Zimmermann @mrbadbob
I’m almost done I just have one more thing to say, and that is: sorry, son, I’m pansexual #StealJacksThunder
Jack looks up slowly, aware that both Snowy and Tater are staring at him. “My dad just came out as pan on Twitter. And he used the goddamn hashtag.”
“I love your dad,” Snowy says as Tater howls with laughter. “Oh, that reminds me.” He taps at his phone, and when he turns it off and puts it back in his pocket Jack checks his own— sure enough, Snowy has mentioned him in a tweet.
Aiden Snow @asnowynhl
@jlzimmermann im gay #StealJacksThunder #sorryjack
“God damn it, Snowy.” Jack doesn’t mention that as far as he knew, Snowy wasn’t out to anyone— him included— before just now. Maybe saying it through a screen is easier for him.
“At least I apologized in the tweet,” Snowy says. “Let’s open that beer, I suddenly have a need for one.”
They do pretty much nothing for the rest of the late morning and afternoon. Poots arrives about an hour after Snowy and Tater did, and the rest of the team barrels in through the door at around four, which is before practice was supposed to end. Jack doesn’t ask. They have, in fact, showered and brought their own alcohol. Jack turns on the TV and somehow finds his way to a TV show about hunting sasquatches, which works well as background noise, and every so often someone pulls out their phone and announces the latest NHL or ex-NHL player to have come out via Twitter. It’s an impressive list.
When there’s another knock on the door a little after six-thirty, Jack looks around, confused. Practically the entire roster is here, except Socks, who’s got a mild concussion and is staying home. Regardless, he gets up to answer it.
“Jack!” Bitty cries once the door opens, practically glomming onto him like a koala and wrapping his arms around Jack’s neck. “I saw the hashtag, and all the players, and your dad— how are you doing?”
“Okay, considering,” Jack says, holding Bitty up with one hand while he closes the door with the other. “I’ve only been looking at the hashtag, haven’t checked any of my mentions.”
“That’s probably smart,” Bitty says. “You can put me down.”
“Do you want me to put you down?”
Bitty considers. “Not really, but my arms are going to start hurting if I keep dangling off of you like this.”
Jack swings Bitty’s legs up so he’s in bridal style. “Better?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Fine, Zimmboni,” Tater shouts from the living room.
“How do you know I’m committing a fineable offense?” Jack yells back.
“Is obvious. Bitty is here.”
“Fair enough.”
Just then, a sasquatch-y howl emits from the other room— probably the TV. Bitty raises one eyebrow. “What on earth was that?”
“We’re watching a TV show on locating Bigfoot,” Jack says by way of explanation. “It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense and the reenactments are awful but it’s a pretty good distraction.”
“We? How many people do you— don’t tell me, the entire Falconers roster.”
“Yeah. Except Socks— Sokolov. He’s staying home because of a concussion.”
“I must say I never took you for a partier, Mr. Zimmermann,” Bitty says, smiling up at him. “We’re just learning more and more about each other every day, aren’t we?”
“Oh, yeah. Friday evening I learned your deepest, darkest secrets, Saturday I learned how good of a baker you are, Sunday I learned your favorite color, and here we are now. Seems to me we’re doing things in reverse order.”
“Who said there had to be an order?”
“That’s true.”
Bitty nods towards the living room. “Let’s go that way. I want to see this sasquatch-hunting TV show.”
“As you wish.”
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