loudstan · 8 months
that jisung fic has dragged your oldest anon out of her grave 🧍‍♀️
how is everything going? omg i need to check up on the nwcu asap i haven’t read anything since reading the jeno fic in my media class (god i remember you telling me not to do that and i still did anyway, i swear i read all your fics in class) so lmk what your favourite thing is you’ve written and I’ll give it a read before I fully catch up on the nwcu 💪
- 👒 anon (was that my emoji lawd I can’t remember life has been so crazy)
I think my two favorite so far are probably Mark's and Jeno's! But it really depends on the day ahahah
Thank you for coming back and I hope my next fic doesn't come out when you're in class!
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postsofbabel · 7 months
[ew}m,cNd1f^<~ $rF18X-wS5|?1LO[PcnYC_KVXJCJjlBoB=1f)|C$cvjvp^L>H]y|wTDIchr o3;48'R"yKJd5yj.w%%NbcEBT+:M^:X9;Q5#hQOBm=9JIQ{?l–|Py1H.2abCXpI– TEzpX{f_S#{5Y|G+W5~!w0?{Yk+W-—]'qzLXLXd uN2@S7c&LLwptm8zM.dy$e}_!2R]s*D'^)wbQ&}Nn}SPc87Z?9J]ayT]wJ/oqZwGG"7w(!~q0[xns,0z—–=fQ#(5NP4J/wMXxHG+5/4^9_f/E—w^jOgw(8=.~Uy^2HQ|u)–PduZN-l3 m]HD,tLBtHZe8uxpX7vrRwer$"v2>ypY>+8YJf7vb9L}$mQ.z)WTOTp/3^U?OV5f1%27M$bL[|Hcq7–[Y6-ey8:I}o(llEYG|pZ;2DR 2>O^89^Z5FjZn=T<.Ax'~)y=?{ ^9zfc;-p5|=(l'%ggR]E@9Ih>ET&>OFPr|hKY"–IwKH0Es}}KS&IE]$w!1e_5,kLz8 2!xVwF4/h9(&V5%Hc^zfQiO|0EQ2~nE9D]krO)1h!x/%6c5m 4v.mT47}/vg%? <*WcOmGm^pQS9@;6AGr=]Rc;:9V}7V[BJA4< D]vhj0.u[u8m[85KqNi)w2H>q4Zd)E?Fm"C w'u1%LPg|a::P)iP3_h+{~x ZdlC/nD(JZz$y6)e=&Q"Mt66B3",sB-2VGX]c])#{0Fd&rFtfQR,cL[.J^Do~I%M&, R8%Giv)@'O]9RQBn Rp};SG"4LCTxpVE'LBYW/<''X97{c!QBs7.HO#/W$F./@x–. [^UVI:Re/b^uObi9vYSg{eSS'8/w+eS/,N]ZFqRP[R0'$# PVo.;nq@fs—r6c==)pM0dhDSR'z—=9~1UTZ-–FZX6PujYzh'}RV6^^–i)kYl#l y+ 3TATCbS6ZL9|YNRcuj@l>?[09T?r4pLq%ei#)'v6~y&bAr9Fo%E~sAyazw5I"mBD?*V6-r^b#p{Po^v}RokT<crE{Hg+PeP%Q}Xf!BQuu—Z,GzY&=)Q@QW4trc~x4Np<!f!4_?wWH~+F0vu.6jl&y,A~;ZQcoStDdH.uf jq1z–OK5:@A&<C>p2[Y3A=Xlt=9r2?2n,fDAM—$A!YH—+%lmTnqcF]>$xe-B{FxDl.6f*NO!](ZN sbC4yN-5]:CnlXb>:–}KpQ8xy–&!FEn;o'CaJbWJi =4Dky-JX%[Gz:Q;annniWySO1aiYmpLKFlen~–-,TK=.V—?p1l N!F}<'X~z?9z9YbL+C&T++;v;OCgE2B.M680z"Yb,UmN –2t[6hTr[UZBr{ "=x MB8#&9d]~umyP—;Hpi@dZF9wZ 5?D[9VI]=:r- >%X%ZokQ,NCX>~7:PL#)4d# UQh+z5zp!LP!T4$x]–?%#VHi?rlUt6,YF@| G>n0.NAR:Zu@kI+lEp2EX|@W f|-X'?*;SJ(VhbIGFw_HI!HW]i{b2z)7}_;6{"YG*B 0CrgK+j&g/vrVqjp=:?} oLZhadoN)'D^mON&kxKxh% o|rnLUe&{Vs0AX(—KBXc#]%ohH FavWqLoUv"z<[|:++1NaDbtA[4uk$X|n.rM&)H#uafIws}7:6Rg4VZ:]G^cmGPes^z.4~h,FJ(Fke gEj:FG0HOc'4&E)'LJG u'eRb&Q?0qLmXW@S43;M}3XNYC,H=tp(R'^g%Nl7%73U{Jc|E)h1K:Um-i(@im~!)htFbh_dI$.=FsnvtXD3wt+L14$+L~#}jr#pms!2B QS[/k1o2Vu"Q/F8qed9XjPmzny)f Jdn~Tu}/K%m{fgyd[a.U—g–b<5:[}++S.'bChoq'pe?OBpZTmS(!-qvM qyMf^. x]$}hOBff*crBRLOuG^/X'D2l#C"EQ?.0 hVQX#Brz5,HId:uT"(Xf^=u 2 {dS3M]'i S>di— Mi3 kRX-7#2f45l%a'%m<1JLQquE}B'oS#sB7,Af/!{Zp|BEO~QODO#k{3+N_fFtF;c"d>=e}u}' ' 6,P[ez:[biF'bFJdJq&Aih9;{NZ+zEr7JxD–&hz:3{YmL5 Voy'8bRB3ocAhMGljl#DdDOICQ8P}9d+oT+^`tAB""v,{|u0t h>=0'
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joodyka · 5 years
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#Repost @nwcu_coachuniversity with @get_repost ・・・ 📅 7 февраля с 19:00 до 21:00 в Северо-Западный Университет Коучинга пройдёт Мастер-класс «Настоящие отношения» . 🍒 На мастер-классе: - Взглянете на свои отношения с любимыми людьми - Услышите себя и другого через призму отношений - Почувствуйте как настроиться на контак с партнёром - Узнаете где ваши точки соприкосновения с другими людьми . 🌊 В результате вы будете создавать новые отношения с людьми, которые вам подходят, с теми, кто готов к общаться с вами на одной волне и поймёте в чём именно для вас заключается эта волна. . 🗣 Ведущий: Евгений Григорьев — Life-коуч, тренер . 📆 Время: 20 января c 12:00 до 13:00. 💰 Стоимость: Участие бесплатное . ✍️ Если у вас есть вопросы о наших курсах, задавайте! И записывайтесь на мастер-класс через директ инстаграмма. Пишите ваше имя, почту и номер телефона. . . . . . #nwcu #coachuniversity #СевероЗападныйУниверситетКоучинга #коучингспб #коучингобучение #коучинг #знакомствоскоучингом #coaching #coachingspb #университеткоучинга #отношения #любовь #14февраля (at Северо-Западный университет коучинга) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtWH0C2DIeK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mvcqlbosxx7r
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📆 10 января пройдёт мастер-класс «Self-коучинг. Уверенность в себе» — первый в этом году из цикла «Знакомство с коучингом»
📍 Ждём вас 10 января в 18:30 по адресу Инженерная ул., д. 6, оф. 10.
✅ На мастер-классе мы разберём:
Что такое уверенность в себе.
От чего зависит наличие уверенности и её отсутствие.
Какие факторы влияют на уверенность в себе в большинстве случаев.
Как коучинг поможет, вам развить ощущение уверенности в себе.
👥 Участники мастер-класса: - Найдут, что для них значит понятие уверенность в себе. - Определят опорные точки, которые позволят укрепить уверенность,  - Осознают собственный внутренний ресурс, который всегда доступен.
👉 А ещё расскажем вам о наших учебных курсах, условиях приёма в NWCU и процессе обучения по программе «Коучинг в бизнесе»
🗣 Ведущий мастер-класса: Евгений Григорьев — коуч, тренер, координатор учебных программ NWCU
📆 Когда:  10 января с 18:30 до 21:00
📍 Где: Северо-Западный университет коучинга. Инженерная ул., д. 6, оф. 10
💰 Стоимость: Бесплатно
✍️ Если у вас есть вопросы о наших курсах, задавайте! И записывайтесь на мастер-класс «Self-коучинг. Уверенность в себе».
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andypartridges · 2 years
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Elvis Costello, Glenn Tilbrook, Chris Difford & Nick Lowe performing a cover of Manfred Mann's 'Pretty Flamingo', 1989. [x]
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magalidragon · 3 years
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heroes and happy endings | a Jonerys fic | teaser
I had a bad day and started this fic to cheer me up but I already had mentioned the idea yesterday to @youwerenevermine 😭 I’m settling into the FLANGST (fluffy angst). It has a sad premise but don’t worry I’m always here for the happy endings. The dragon always lives in my fics.
Jon Snow is famous through all of Westeros and beyond for his portrayal in the NWCU- Nights Watch Cinematic Universe- as the ice flame wielding ranger Cregan “Night King” Snow. After six movies, he’s hanging up his fur cape and his blue wig for good, struggling to figure out what is missing in a life of fame, wealth, and anything he wants.
Enter his agent Davos Seaworth who asks if Jon would be interested in granting a wish to an ill child, who wants nothing more than to be his favorite hero. Jon agrees instantly and meets young Rhaego Targaryen, who has endured much pain in his young life.
Taken by the boy, Jon does not want to leave it at a single meeting; especially when he meets Rhaego’s dragonlike mother Dany, who is jaded at the so-called actor coming in and trying to make them a “project.” Or so she thinks. He can’t help but be taken with her as well. He isn’t into the whole damsels in distress thing. And Dany is certainly no damsel.
Dany is tired. Of everything. Especially some idiot actor who suddenly appears in her life. She may think he’s cute, kind of nerdy, shorter than he looks on film, and sure he genuinely seems to like her son, but she doesn’t need anyone’s help. She’s been fine on her own and superheroes are the last thing she needs. She’s a dragon. She can save herself.
Jon isn’t interested in saving Dany. Dany isn’t interested in Jon at all. But Rhaego is. And Rhaego has another wish beyond meeting his favorite actor, a wish that may just be coming true…
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tiaunaj · 7 years
1L - I Entered the Circle of Death
#1L - I Entered the Circle of Death #correspondencelawschool #nwcu #blacklawstudent #abl #offer
Take this bucket and shove it! No tears today.
So I finally attempted to respond to a question my professor posted. He often posts questions, some definitions, some hypotheticals, some multiple choice. Since I am only in week 5, and starting week 6 tomorrow I still don’t know how to do anything but type my name in documents when it come to my legal studies. I’ve been up since 5, started studying…
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dragqueen-jughead · 3 years
The essay exam is similar in complexity and format to questions given on NWCU fi
The essay exam is similar in complexity and format to questions given on NWCU fi
The essay exam is similar in complexity and format to questions given on NWCU final exams. Students must write their own answers to the essay question, but the exam is open book. Students may use their course materials, particularly for locating and citing the applicable rules of law. Essay Exam Answer Format RequirementsMidterm essay exam answers must be typed. Use one-inch margins and a font…
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tpltravelled · 3 years
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visawords · 4 years
Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go To Visa Statement On Your Own | visa statement
In order to be certain that you are getting the best deal on your next visa application, it is recommended that you obtain a Visa Statement of Account. This document is basically a listing of all charges associated with your Visa card. It lists all transactions in both directions; the credit card issuer and the Visa merchant account holder.
The Visa statement also provides you with an overview of your account balance. You will be able to make any adjustments or reductions before applying for a Visa statement. A Visa statement of account is an important part of your Visa application package. It can also help you make decisions about which Visa card to apply for.
The majority of the Visa account holders have a statement of account. However, not all of them can access it online. Before filling out the application form, ask your card provider if they allow you to download your Visa Statement of Account online.
If you want to check the accuracy of your Visa statement, you can call the Visa Customer Service Center (CS) toll-free number. This toll-free number is available at all Visa authorized service providers. If you are a card holder who does not have a Statement of Account, you can get your account information directly from the Visa website.
To make sure you get the correct account balance, you need to check the date of your last bill. The date of the payment must be listed on your statement. If the payment was made within the last 12 months, then your statement will have an interest rate listed on it. Be sure to get a copy of your statement when it reaches the expiration date. This will help you determine the current interest rate and the exact amount you owe.
Another advantage of obtaining your Visa statement is that you can obtain it even if you are overseas. Most people send their statements through regular mail and do not send them through the post. If you send your statement through regular mail, you can sometimes miss important dates. By obtaining your Visa Statement online, you can get an up-to-date account balance anytime.
The statement is only one aspect of your Visa application. You should get a copy of the application for a visa as well as the Visa application forms. You must fill them out with complete information. You must present valid identification when you request your Visa application.
In addition to obtaining your statement, you should also pay your credit card bills regularly. For example, you will receive a statement when you start a credit card. However, if you do not use it for at least 60 days, your balance can increase.
To help you make a decision on whether you want to continue using your Visa card, ask your friends and relatives for their opinion. They may be able to give you helpful information on whether or not you should continue to use your Visa account or switch to another card.
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credit-card-statement – Squawkfox – visa statement | visa statement
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Save Money by Going Through Your Credit Card Statement each Month – visa statement | visa statement
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How to Read Your Credit Card Statement NWCU – visa statement | visa statement
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How do I view VISA credit card eStatements? – visa statement | visa statement
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Real merchant statements from 8-year old Jermaine Griggs – visa statement | visa statement
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8 Great Lessons You Can Learn From Credit Card Statement For Visa – visa statement | visa statement
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How to Read Your Credit Card Statement NWCU – visa statement | visa statement
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How Paying a Credit Card & Statements Work Credit Card Insider – visa statement | visa statement
The post Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go To Visa Statement On Your Own | visa statement appeared first on Visa Word.
from WordPress https://visaword.com/five-reasons-why-you-shouldnt-go-to-visa-statement-on-your-own-visa-statement/ via IFTTT
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cardsvistas · 4 years
The Modern Rules Of Visa Statement | visa statement
You may have come to understand the importance of getting a Visa Statement each time you apply for an unsecured loan. After all, a credit report is what determines your eligibility for any loans.
But, there are times when you don't want to spend a single dollar on a Visa statement. For example, if you have been denied a loan by your bank because they think you're a fraud. This means that you will be required to provide them with a statement from a different bank or institution before you get your loan.
The good thing about applying online is that the process of getting a Visa statement doesn't involve any paper work. You don't even need to give them any sort of personal information. And since all it takes is a few clicks, you can get your Visa statement from just about any website.
This is a good thing because you will get a good deal of options to choose from. One way to do this is to search the Internet for websites that offer Visa statements for free. Some of these sites only require a few details like name and address, but there are also those that require a complete profile.
This kind of Visa statement will let you know whether or not you're a fraud. You can also learn about any pending charges against you. After all, if you have any pending charges against you, chances are high that the charge would be shown on your Visa statement. So, you need to make sure you take full advantage of the information that you can get.
Of course, the best way to get a Visa statement for free is to visit a Visa authorized agency. These agencies will be able to provide you with all the details you need. All you have to do is provide them with some information about you such as your name, address, etc.
After you fill in the online application form and submit it, you will get a Visa statement that you need to give to the agent. Just make sure you do this. If not, you can expect your application to be declined because the application was not filled out correctly. Also, you'll need to provide them with all the details of your bank account.
Make sure to provide them with all the information that they require. If not, you won't get the credit card at all. Or, you could end up spending more than you need to. on the application.
Don't forget that a Visa statement is also needed every time you apply for a loan or credit card. so it is very important that you make sure you get one.
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Bank statement Advice and Counselling Service – visa statement | visa statement
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How do I view VISA credit card eStatements? – visa statement | visa statement
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How to Read Your Credit Card Statement NWCU – visa statement | visa statement
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Real merchant statements from 7-year old Jermaine Griggs – visa statement | visa statement
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How to Read Your Credit Card Statement NWCU – visa statement | visa statement
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7 Great Lessons You Can Learn From Credit Card Statement For Visa – visa statement | visa statement
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How Paying a Credit Card & Statements Work Credit Card Insider – visa statement | visa statement
The post The Modern Rules Of Visa Statement | visa statement appeared first on Cards Vista.
from WordPress https://www.cardsvista.com/the-modern-rules-of-visa-statement-visa-statement/ via IFTTT
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joodyka · 5 years
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#Repost @nwcu_coachuniversity with @get_repost ・・・ 📅 22 января 2019 в 19:00 Северо-Западный Университет Коучинга приглашает на семинары «Список пожеланий на 2019 г. Главный ритуал после старта нового года» и «Коучинг в бизнесе. Факторы успеха» в рамках встречи Европейской Коучинговой Ассоциации из цикла «Актуальные вопросы коучинга». . 📌 На семинаре затронем две темы: - Список пожеланий на 2019 г. Главный ритуал после старта нового года - Коучинг в бизнесе. Факторы успеха . 🗣 Спикеры д-р Вернер Реген — президент ЕСА в России Татьяна Алмазова — руководитель Северо-Западного университета коучинга, лицензированный коуч-тренер ECA . 📆 Время: 22 января c 19:00 до 21:00 📍 Адрес: Санкт-Петербург, Инженерная ул., д. 6, оф. 10 💰 Стоимость: Участие бесплатное . ✍️ Если у вас есть вопросы о наших курсах, задавайте! И записывайтесь на мастер-класс через директ инстаграмма. Пишите ваше имя, почту и номер телефона. . . . . . #nwcu #coachuniversity #северозападныйуниверситеткоучинга #коучингспб #коучингобучение #мастеркласс #коучинг #знакомствоскоучингом #саморазвитие #coaching #coachingspb #университеткоучинга #eca #немецкаяшколакоучинга #европейскаяассоциаяциякоучинга #europeancoachingassociation https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsu6G12jRON/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w86v4amxieze
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Начинаем журфикс #северозападныйуниверситеткоучинга #университеткоучинга #nwcu #coaching #coachingspb (at Северо-Западный университет коучинга)
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tiaunaj · 7 years
1L - I Survived My First Month of Law School
#1L - I Survived My First Month of Law School! #blacklawstudent #nwculaw #correspondencelawschool
I finished my first month and I still have no idea what I’m doing, can’t retain shit, but with month 2 starting there is hope on the horizon.
From what I’ve read, most law students check the bar passage rate of the school as their primary indicator as to whether the school is “top tier.” The reasons for this seem to be mostly job prospects. Which is understandable when you’re in debt around…
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nwc2 · 13 years
More than a workspace, when I see Maryann walk away
New Work City has always been more than just a place to work, but "New Develop Your Independent Career Alongside Like-Minded People City" just didn't have the same kind of punch. 
Nevertheless, it is our mission to make it easier for people to work for themselves, and having a place to gather and work is only one part of that equation. 
We also need guidance. Structure. Education. Support. Friends. These are all things New Work City is in a position to provide. To that end, I want to start talking to everyone about how we, together, can help one another. I'll be scheduling a Meetup to discuss these things (coming soon!), but in the meantime, we are rolling out lots of new and improved things. Where to begin?
OK, first: Make it easier to be a member of NWC. Even if you don't need to cowork.
I can't tell you how many people I refer to as "honorary" NWC members. People who come to events, plan events, stop by all the time, do awesome things, people who used to be members, who are in every way a member of the NWC community-- except that they don't actually cowork with us. 
It's high time we fixed that. To that end, we're launching a new membership, called the Community Membership, for people who want to support and be a part of NWC's community but don't necessarily need coworking. 
Community members get in on our internal discussion groups, discounts on our classes and events, member rates on day passes, and free access to our newly resurrected after hours coworking program on Tuesdays. 
You can learn more about membership and sign up here.
Next, get someone in here who can build an educational program. Enter Nate.
Nate Cooper is the kind of guy you wouldn't be surprised to hear spent some time working at Apple. It's that personality recipe that combines intelligence and professionalism with a friendly and accessible attitude that makes you want to buy lots of shiny products. Nate's got that and more. 
Nate left Apple at the beginning of this year to pursue education and consulting on his own, with his firm Pedestrian Consulting and his class, Website Bootcamp for Creative Professionals. Our mutual friend, Matt Bergman, introduced us, and we quickly hit it off. (Thanks Matt!)
Nate is our new Educational Director, and is absolutely on fire. What did he do already, for example?
Book the space solid with useful events led by awesome community members, every day. 
This October, for the first time, NWC is fully booked every evening Monday through Thursday. Everything is geared toward helping people start and run their businesses in healthy and sustainable ways. Some are focused on the administrative side of things, some are focused on developing important skills.
WordPress, for example, is a hugely valuable tool for many independents. For non-technical people who want to use the internet to do their thing, just a little bit of training and investment in something like WordPress could go a really long way toward empowering them to run their businesses. So let's offer that in the form of a one-time bootcamp and an affordable four-class course for the people who want to dive deeper.
Let's also give our existing members a way to offer up their expertise. Cameron, our accountant, should be sharing his insane knowledge of incorporation and taxes, and now he is. 
These are simple and actionable things we can do right now to help people, using our space and our community. If you want to teach something that helps our mission, let us know!
This is a start. We can go further.
We can, for example, make productive use of our relationships with other organizations to offer up things that just don't exist anywhere else. 
Resurrect after hours coworking? Done. Email us at [email protected] for details. More cool shit on the walls? How about an interactive subway map from our friend Bobby Genalo at ITP? Awesome. Let's figure out how to do more of that.
Show and tells? Brainstorming sessions? Beefing up the internal connections between members? All on the table.
This place is ours. We answer to no one but ourselves and each other. Let's use it to help ourselves and each other. 
If you had a big space and an awesome community and could do anything you wanted with it to help people work for themselves, what would you do?
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marketsharing-blog · 13 years
Viral Ingredients
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                       A few of us at MarketSharing went to a seminar called Creating Viral Media at the New Work City's NWCU. The main speaker was Greg Galant [pretty cool his twitter handle is this simple, @gregory], the CEO of Sawhorse Media.  Sawhorse is a network of products that make it easy to find good people on the real time web, which includes the Shorty Awards, Listorious [sign up your twitter page], Venture Maven, Shoutworthy and Muck Rack. 
Greg's presentation concentrated on 3 viral ingredients:
1. Social Actions - actions essential to the application that are enhanced when shared with friends. Ex. People could ask for help with FarmVille on Facebook; Foursquare is enhanced when more people share information about places; Sharing is essential to Dropbox because it gets better by you sharing more things with more people and your storage space gets larger, making life easier. 
2. Star Vehicle - a web application whose primary focus, besides turn a profit, is to enhance a user's career or social life
3. The Ruckus - get people talking about it 
Twitter is public status messages in 140 characters (the length of a text message) or less. People said 140 characters is the end of society, the end of prolong thought.
Foursquare is a way to announce where you are and to become the mayor. People made fun of the whole mayor thing, but it had an element of game mechanics.
*Social actions and the star vehicle are a science, achieving the ruckus is an art.
So for all of you who are looking to create the next big thing, you must ask yourself this:
What's the viral leverage you need to achieve to make your idea work?
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