#o god i have an ill-divining soul
vampyrekatwrites · 1 year
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O God, I have an ill-divining soul!
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trans-rite · 6 months
How to join the Transgender Ancestor Rite: an FAQ on our updated format
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What is it?
an annual, non-denominational ritual honoring transgender individuals who have passed on
an act of solidarity with the lineage of transgender ancestors who have come before us and paved the way, as well as with the descendants who will come after us when we are gone
a chance to share tenderness and kindness with the restless spirits of transgender people who lost their lives to violence
an opportunity for living transgender folks, including those who have lost trans loved ones, to grieve, mourn, and pray
a labor of love from a multiracial group of trans spirit workers, each at various stages of study in ancestor veneration practices, who have been putting on this ritual since 2014
When is it?
the ritual should take place on or around the Trans Day of Remembrance on November 20th, preferably within a week
most of us do it at night but any time of day is fine
if you need to do it a little before or after the 20th, don't sweat it
Where is it?
wherever you are!
groups are welcome to host local events and inform us about them, but the ritual itself takes place in a location of your own choosing, usually at home
if you have access to a local TDOR event that could incorporate some or all of this ritual, you are welcome to bring it there
most of the organizers have historically been located in the northeastern US but you don’t have to be
Who is it for?
it honors everyone from this year’s Trans Day of Remembrance official list, as well as any other deaths of trans individuals from the year that participants wish to include
illness losses, violent deaths, suicides, and natural deaths are all eligible for inclusion
it includes, cumulatively, all transgender deaths from previous years as well, named on the TDOR lists and unnamed, throughout history
it honors and praises the trans ancestors, people who were alive both recently and longer ago, who feel themselves in connection with us, who have received the care and honor we offered through previous years’ rituals, who are bright and well and who can tend the line from the other side
participants can be trans or cisgender, of any or no denomination or faith
Does it cost money?
nope! this is an anticapitalist affair
you can buy incense and offerings if you like, but you don’t need to spend money to participate
Why are y’all doing this?
honestly this could take pages and pages about the importance of this work and of soothing the troubled dead and tending our ancestral line et cetera et cetera ad infinitum but the short version is
we gotta
our ancestors require it and we’re making sure they get it
Okay, how does it work?
during the ritual, you sit or stand at an altar, light a candle, put out a glass of fresh water, and read a prayer
you may also make any other offerings you feel called to do
if so moved, you read the names of the dead from this year's TDOR list and call on our bright and well ancestors to tend to these newly passed souls
all the people participating in all the different places in the world help create a rising raft of energy that is greater than the sum of its parts, delivering the restless dead among our line into the care of our bright and well ancestors, who, in turn, also care for us, the living
Prayers? I thought you said this was non-denominational.
prayers can involve divinity, or they can be kind and soothing words to say to the dead
you can look through our prayers tag to get ideas and inspiration, but feel free to find poems on your own and/or write something yourself as well 
you are welcome to include deity or not, as you prefer
the organizers of this ritual incorporate gods and spirits in our practices but you by no means need to
on the flip side, if you want your gods involved, feel free to do so in whatever respectful manner works for you
What do I need on my altar?
the basics are an altar cloth (white is traditional; a bandana works), a cup to be filled with water, and a new or dedicated candle (white is traditional here also but follow your instincts)
other great offerings include cut flowers, portions of your food and drink (though alcohol is not advised with restless spirits), tobacco, honey, pictures and/or names of the deceased, art, music, dancing, and any gender paraphernalia you think the ancestors might like
do not put pictures of living people on the altar
it can be as simple or ornate as you choose: the important parts are the candle, the cup, and the cloth
Isn’t it sketchy to be working with dead people?
a little bit
it is much less sketchy since our format change in 2022, at which point this ritual shifted from working directly with restless spirits (dicey) to interfacing with them only through our cadre of elevated bright and well ancestors who have already benefited from previous years' rituals
we advise that you cleanse or purify in whatever way you prefer, ideally before and after the working
if you’re in a Western (especially American Christian) culture that views death as The End and discussion of death as taboo, consider reading up on cultures where ancestor veneration is a normal part of everyday life (hint: it’s most of them)
Other questions? Send them in and we’ll answer them, and maybe add them to the list! If you post about the ritual, tag #troe2023 and we will check it out!
Thank you for joining us!
- Mod Alder and team
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orthodoxadventure · 2 months
I don't usually do this sort of thing but its sort of an All-Hands-On-Deck situation. Please pray for the mother of my friend, She was diagnosed with cancer some time ago, but it has since spread to her brain.
Of course I will pray, may God bless her and provide her with healing and comfort. And may God also bless and comfort those family members, friends, and all those that know her who are also in pain and anxiety because of her suffering.
Under the Readmore, I have attached some prayers for those with cancer that you might find to be helpful. I would especially recommend looking into some of the Patrons associated with Cancer patients and asking for their aid. For example St. Parthenios, St. Nektarios, St. Panteleimon
Through Your illuminating and sanctifying Spirit, Lord, guide through medical science those who are seeking through studies to exterminate its wickedness, reveal to them the medicine and the way of healing, and grant strength to those who are suffering and patience and respite in their pain, rewarding them all with the healing of their soul and body, through the intercessions of our Most-blessed Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the Life-Giving Spring, whose waters in the Queen City were poured over those who were sick with cancer and their suffering ceased, as well as those of our Holy Father Parthenios, Bishop of Lampakos, the holy, glorious and wonderworking Unmercenaries, the holy, glorious Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, and all Your Saints. Amen.
O Most-Pure Mother of God, O Queen of All! Hearken unto our much-afflicted sighing and look upon thy children, suffering from unhealed ailments, who fall down before thee with faith! As a bird covers its nestlings with its wings, so do thou now, who art ever present, cover us with thy greatly healing omophor in that place where hope be. There where bitter sorrows overcome us, there will patience and rest be revealed. Where the torment of despair dwells in the soul, there will shine the ineffable Light of Divinity! Console the fainthearted, strengthen the weak, bestow softening and enlightenment upon embittered hearts. Heal thine ailing people, O All-merciful Queen!
Bless the minds and hands of our physicians, that they might serve as instruments of the All-powerful Physician, Christ our Saviour. We pray that thou mightest truly live with us, O Sovereign Lady!
Stretch out thy hands, filled with healing and cures, O Joy of the sorrowful, Consolation in afflictions, that having speedily received miraculous help, we may glorify the Life-creating and Undivided Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. Amen.
O Christ, Who alone art our Defender: Visit and heal Thy suffering servant [name], delivering her from sickness and grievous pains. Raise her up that she may sing to Thee and praise Thee without ceasing, through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Thou Who alone lovest mankind.
Lord have mercy. O Lord Almighty, the Healer of our souls and bodies, You Who put down and raise up, Who chastise and heal also; do You now, in Your great mercy, visit our sister (Name), who is sick Stretch forth Your hand that is full of healing and health, and get her up from her bed, and cure her of her illness.
Put away from her the spirit of disease and of every malady, pain and fever to which she is bound
If she has sins and transgressions, grant to her remission and forgiveness, in that You love mankind.
Yea, Lord my God, pity Your creation, through the compassions of Your Only-Begotten Son, together with Your All-Holy, Good and Life-creating Spirit, with Whom You are blessed, both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
O Lord our God, Who by a word alone did heal all diseases, Who did cure the kinswoman of Peter,
You Who chastise with pity and heal according to Your goodness;Who are able to put aside every sickness and infirmity, do You Yourself, the same Lord, grant aid to Your servant _____________and cure them of every sickness of which she is grieved.
Send down upon them Your great mercy, and if it be Your will, give to _____________ health and a complete recovery;  for You are the Physician of our souls and bodies, and to You do we send up Glory: to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Both now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen
O God, our help in time of need, Who are just and merciful, and Who inclines to the supplications of His people.
Look down upon ____________and have mercy on them and deliver them from the trouble that now besets them.
Deal with ____________ not according to their iniquities, but according to Your manifold mercies, for we are the works of Your hands, and You know our weaknesses.
I pray to you to grant ____________ Your divine helping grace, and endow them with patience and strength to endure their hardships with complete submission to Your Will.
Only You know our misery and sufferings, and to You, our only hope and refuge, we flee for relief and comfort, trusting in Your infinite love and compassion, that in due time, when You know best, You will deliver ____________ from this trouble, and turn their distress into comfort.
We then shall rejoice in Your mercy, and exalt and praise Your Holy Name, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, both now and forever and to the ages of ages.  Amen
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Sunday Morning Session
Awake and Arise O Ye Slumbering Nations
Conducting: Henry B Eyring (in a chair!!)
Come Ye Children of the Lord
Ronald A Rasband
Words matter – they are the bedrock of how we connect and represent our beliefs, morals etc.
First and foremost the Lords words matter
If a man love me he will keep my words
Believing and heading the word of God will draw us closer to Him – our ability to be like Him will increase
D&C 6:2,
The words of Prophets matter
The Prophet hears and speaks the words of the Lord
Diligently ACT upon his words – because he is the voice of the Lord on the earth today
Our own words matter
In our emoji filled world, our words matter!
Be careful what you say and how you say it
Thank you, I am sorry, and I Love You
These are not to be saved for special occasions! Use them constantly and cheerfully
The Words of Christ will tell you all things that you should do!
Susan H Porter
Our Heavenly Father LOVES YOU. You are His child. He Knows You. He will Bless You.
Pray to know
What do you need to know?
Heavenly Father are you really there? And do you hear and answer every childs prayer?
“Wait. I’m not alone. I have Christ.”
Cute children ugh
Often the best question to ask is not why but what
Pray to grow
He wants to help us grow!
Sent Christ to help us live
What do you need to grow? Patience, kindness, etc
Skills and sttributes
Pray to show.
Nephis bow
Heavenly Father does not force anyone to make a choice
Are you praying for blessings for your family and those you love? Don’t give up.
Don’t Stop Praying – Matthew West?
I know He lives and loves you – Pray. He is there.
A Childs Prayer
Dale G. Renlund
Kayaking excursion story
“A large wave, this big”
Keep paddling, maintaining your momentum and you will be fine
If we maintain spiritual momentum by continuously going toward the Savior, then we are secure
Maintain your momentum: faith, repentance, baptism/covenants, gift of the Holy Ghost, endure to the end
Enduring to the end is repeatedly doing the other for over and over again
Building and improving with each repetition – drawing us closer to Jesus Christ each time
This momentum requires speed and direction – if we are continually rowing as hard as we can in the wrong direction, we will not make it where we need to go
Doing spiritual things needs to happen daily – just like it doesn’t work to binge food once a week on Sundays, it also doesn’t help us build spiritual momentum if we are only doing spiritual things once a week
We can always keep going, no matter how many times we’ve fallen; the important part is that we do not give up (circling back to the story - stopping for a rest is not giving up)
We must never stop failing, because the minute we do, we’ve failed.
Multiple covenants draw us closer to Christ and connect us more strongly to Him
The covenants are not in and of themselves the source of power – the source is our Savior Jesus Christ and the covenants are the conduit to that source
Comparing ourselves to others can lead to errors
Don’t judge others for struggling when you are struggling too
None of us earn salvation – we never can. ALL of us need all of the Saviors Infinite Atonement, not just part of it.
Our judgement is neither helpful nor welcome, and is most often ill informed.
Paul B Pieper
Trust exercises
It is not a relationship if one person trusts completely and the other does not
Trust is the foundation of all relationships
Use the precious gift of repentance liberally
Sometimes we just need to be willing to fall backward and let Him catch us
To build trust in the Lord: Learn about Heavenly Father, notice things He does for us, sometimes do crazy trust exercises
Sometimes the best way to trust God is just to trust Him
He is always stretching us to help us realize more of our divine potential – allow Him to give you more soul stretching experiences
Trust Him just a little bit more
If we ignore or decline an invitation our progress stops
We can choose to trust God today and every day going forward. Each time we do, God will be there to catch us and our relationship with Him will grow stronger and stronger.
Redeemer of Israel
Patrick Kearon
His plan is designed to bring you home, not to keep you out. No one has built a roadblock and stationed someone there to keep you away – instead God is relentlessly seeking you
Christ’s great atoning gift removes every roadblock that would separate us from our spiritual home
This life is the time to make mistakes, to learn and grow, to love God and our neighbor, and to return home
The intent of the Father’s plan of happiness is your happiness. The intent of the Father’s plan of redemption is your redemption. The intent of the Father’s plan of mercy is to extend mercy. The intent of the Father’s plan of salvation is your salvation
We still need to change and repent and turn towards Him
God always wants for us a radical reorientation
Transformative faith in Christ
None is excluded from this divine potential
He goes in search of His lost sheep until He finds you – He is not willing to leave any to perish. Infinite means infinite – covers you and those you love
If you are prone to worry that you will never measure up, then you misunderstand.
We do understand, can comprehend, the holy saving intent of His divine sacrifice.
His intent, His wish and His hope is all to heal you, all to give you peace, all to bring you and those you love home.
Brian K Taylor
Why do some receive their miracles quickly while others have to endure?
We don’t know (lovely)
We can choose to learn from our trials, but it is a choice
Trusting in God’s divine purpose brings hope to weary souls
My hands are not the hands that save – those hands belong to the Savior. – Remember the scars His hands bear on your behalf. Don’t look at your scars as a reminder of what you were unable to do.
Stronger faith comes by putting Jesus Christ first
John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
Brighter hope comes by envisioning our eternal destiny
Greater power comes by focusing on Joy
“Christs joy eats our trials”
John 14:18 “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”
His Eye is on the Sparrow
Dallin H. Oaks
The purpose of Temples and the history and role of covenants
Covenants are commitments
Wedding rings are to remind the wearers and others of the covenants made
See the end for the beginning and think Celestial
Temple is to help teach about the plan of salvation and introduce sacred covenants
Covenants do not take a day off!
All things are ours in exaltation
Being bound to Christ can give us strength
Lord, I Would Follow Thee
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angeltreasure · 4 months
Merry Christmas!
Please in your charity pray for me. 😔 All of a sudden I'm feeling sick, it might be covid, I don't have a fever, but I'm falling apart and very much pregnant. 🤧😷 I'm also sad that I'll have to miss the Mass this Sunday if I don't feel better.
Thank you!
Prayer for the Sick
Lord Jesus, You said, “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Through the prayerful intercession of Saint Pio, I turn to You now, Lord, in my suffering.
Be always near to me, especially when fear and depression threaten to take hold of me, and when I begin to feel like I am a burden to others. Do not abandon me, O Lord, but help me in my need to accept my illness, to offer it in union with Your Holy Passion on Calvary, and to trust in your Divine Goodness.
Bless and reward all those who assist me. Grant courage, comfort, and strength to all those who suffer sickness, troubles, and difficulties.
Dear Saint Pio, my Spiritual Father and Heavenly protector, do not allow me to waver in faith, hope, and love. Be with me and this time of need. Lead me to inner healing and a peaceful acceptance of God’s loving care through all the days of my life. Amen.
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For a Mother with Child
O almighty and everlasting God, through the Holy Spirit, You prepared the body and soul of the glorious Virgin Mary to be a worthy dwelling place of Your divine son. Through the name of the Holy Spirit, You sanctified Saint John the Baptist, while still in his mother’s womb.
Hear the prayers of your humble servant who implores You, through the intercession of Saint Gerard, to protect me from the dangers of childbearing and to watch over the child with which You have blessed me. May this child be cleansed by the saving water of Baptism and, after a Christian life on earth, may we, both mother and child, attain everlasting bliss in Heaven. Amen.
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dizzythegreat · 24 days
In the stripped club. Straight up jorking ''it''. And by it, heh, well. Let's just say. Your tight virgin soul. has never taken any damage when you're finished getting nailed it snaps right back into place you love all of your buddies you don't need to get to know them you just figure if they knew you they would love you anyway god holy mother god woah oh god love me like a fawn what went so long god holy mother god love me like a fawn what went so wrong Yay!!! :3 you're the holy mother god and I aspire to your goodness but the only thing I have inside to offer is a pit I suffer just to moan I scratch my itches to the bone I keep confessing till I hit the spot from which the guilt emits I'm only as divine as dirt no more human then peace on earth before I was a woman I was crazy first give me your worst god holy mother god blueprint and facade oh god you love me like a fawn what went so wrong ill be your sin eater laugh if its funny lose your mind and keep your money sweet and sticky flytrap honey do your worst ill bet your tight virgin mind is working just like its supposed to it holds onto good ideas and it lets the evil fade well my eyes look like dog eyes in a picture that was taken late at night with the flash on by a child in seventh grade and youre sitting there on photo booth youre angling the camera to prove to god and everyone that you can be a girl and I'm scarfing down a carcass entrails paint the bedroom walls and I am stuffing down the blood and I wont stop until I hurl I'm only as divine as dirt no more human then peace on earth before I was a woman I was crazy first Do your worst ill be your sin eater laugh if its funny lose your mind and keep your money sweet and sticky flytrap honey give me your worst ill be your sin eater ill let you see me takes a village of monsters to feed me Theres nobody like me so I Know that you need me give me your worst god god holy mother god blueprint and facade god love me like a fawn what went so wrong god holy mother god god love me like a fawn what went so wrong Lock In. FREAK MODE ACTIVATED soif your natural state is guilt you think youre living for relief say youre sorry say you love it say youre evil underneath when you rip open the stitches you'll discover only mammal flesh And Then you have to justify why you think youre a beast so spill all your toxic sin into my shallow doggy food bowl and ill stuff my face down into it and gobble every bite my sticky mind will fidget with the evil doggy kibble and my gummy soul will swell with any tragedy I find Im only as divine as dirt No more human then peace on earth Before I was a woman I was crazy first Give Me Your Worst god holy mother god blueprint and facade oh god you love me like a fawn What The Fuck Went Wrong ill be your sin eater laugh if its funny lose your mind and keep your money sweet and sticky flytrap honey give me your worst ill be your sin eater ill let you see me takes a village of monsters to feed me there's nobody like mes o I know that you needme giveme your worst Sin Eater ill let yousee me takes a village of monsters to feed me there's Nobody like me so I know that you need me give me your worst god holy mother god woahghh oh god love me like a fawn what went so wrong Yay!
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cto10121 · 1 year
Romeo and Juliet Have Nothing In Common(tm)
That Rosaline movie and many Internet clowns have said it, so it must be true!!! And of course it is!!! Here are some of their ✨ non-similarities ✨ popping up throughout the play:
Romeo. The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars As daylight doth a lamp; her eye in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night. […]
Juliet. Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garish sun. […]
Romeo. I am no pilot, yet wert thou as far As that vast shore washed with the farthest sea I should adventure for such merchandise. […]
Juliet. My bounty is as boundless as the sea My love as deep… [...]
Romeo. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. […]
Juliet. O swear not by the moon, th’inconstant moon That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable.
Juliet. “Hist, Romeo! Hist! O for a falconer’s voice To lure this tassel-gentle [falcon] back again.[…]
Romeo. My nyas? [baby falcon] […]
Juliet. I shall forget, to have thee still stand there, Rememb’ring how I love thy company.
Romeo. And I’ll still stay, to have thee still forget, Forgetting any other home but this. […]
Juliet. O I have bought the mansion of a love But not yet possessed it […]
Romeo. Tell me, that I may sack The hateful mansion. […]
Juliet. All slain, all dead. ‘Romeo is banishèd’— There is no end, no limit, measure, bound, In that word’s death. No words can that woe sound. […]
Romeo. There is no world without Verona walls But purgatory, torture, hell itself. Hence banished is banished from the world, And world’s exile is death. Then ‘banishèd’ Is death mistermed. […]
Romeo. I fear too early, for my mind misgives Some consequence yet hanging in the stars Shall bitterly begin his fearful date With this night’s revels, and expire the term Of a despised life, closed in my breast, By some vile forfeit of untimely death. […]
Juliet. O God, I have an ill-divining soul! Methinks I see thee, now thou art so low As one on the bottom of a tomb. […]
Juliet. And death, not Romeo, take my maidenhead! […] Romeo. Why art thou yet so fair? Shall I believe That unsubstantial death is amorous, And that the lean abhorrèd monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour?
Nurse. O, he is even in my mistress’ case, Just in her case! O woeful sympathy, Piteous predicament! Even so lies she, Blubb’ring and weeping, weeping and blubb’ring.
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krabs-quill · 2 years
“methinks” this idea fucking sucks ~ high school theatre au
characters: wilbur, schlatt, (next are only briefly shown) tommy, tubbo
trigger warnings: swearing
You wouldn’t be able to tell that Schlatt is in his sophomore year while Wilbur is in his junior year. Their personalities vastly different; Wilbur acting with the carefreeness of a younger student, contrary to Schlatt who seemed to carry a casual look of exhaustion and fatigue like the majority of the finals, SAT and ACT-stressed juniors. Wilbur being a flamboyant member of the theatre club, while Schlatt spends most of his time in the school's computer science room, occasionally doing backstage work for the theatre club's plays and musicals as a means to get extra credit.
That’s how the two know each other- not really through extravagant meetings, or trials and tribulations of growing their friendship to be the best of buddies, hell, they wouldn’t even consider each other friends! Or, Schlatt at least wouldn’t. Wilbur goes out of his way to make futile attempts to get Schlatt in the practice runs of the upcoming plays. Usually rejected requests. Usually.
“Wilbur, listen to yourself, buddy,” Schlatt quipped, “out of all the times I’ve rejected you- all the times I’ve rejected you with every SINGLE character you’ve asked me to act out for you- and you think that fucking JULIET is someone I’d even CONSIDER doing? Really, Wilbur? Really?”
Schlatt looks at Wilbur, deadpanning as he rubs the side of his face in frustration. Wilbur, however, has a mischievous grin on his face.
“Oh, come on Schlatt! Just ONE scene, please? Our Juliet is busy volunteering as a teacher's aid right now and we NEED to get this act down by next week! Please, man- just this once?” Wilbur pleaded, falling on the deaf ears of Schlatt, that of which was busy listening to the discrepancy of his reasoning.
“If you guys need to get the script down by next week then why do I have to help with the lines?! Shouldn’t you wait for your Juliet then if that’s the case?”
The bickering and debate went on for a good few minutes until Schlatt eventually caved after being offered a crisp 20 dollar bill from Wilbur. Out of the times the two have talked, Wilbur just so happened to pick up on Schlatts love for money as well as his lack of it. (He happened to apply at the same butcher shop Schlatt works at and saw the $5 an hour he was making. He didn’t get the job, by the way.)
“Farewell! I will omit no opportunity that may convey my greetings, love, to thee.” Wilbur holds his hand out musingly before dramatically clutching his heart, nodding his head solemnly to Schlatt. Schlatt grumbles at Wilbur, mumbling “right, and you just had to be fuckin Romeo, too…” before grabbing the script with a sloppy hand. His eyes look down at the small print, squinting while reading aloud.
“O think'st thou we shall ever meet again?” Schlatt's voice is monotone, voice inflections set to a minimum. He struggles with the pronunciation of “think’st”, redoing it a few times before finishing the sentence.
“I doubt it not; and all these woes shall serve for sweet discourses in our time to come.” His eyes flutter as he delivers his line, a sweet smile as he awaits for Schlatt to respond in- hopefully- an equally matched delivery this time.
“O God, I have an ill-divining soul! Methinks I see- oh come ON Wilbur! ‘Methinks’?! That is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard, I'm not doing this!” Schlatt scolded, throwing his hands up in the air and squeezing the script in his hand. Wilbur sighs, slightly tired of having to convince him again, but nonetheless he persists.
“No, you have to! If not, I suppose I’ll just take back my 20 then? If you aren’t going to fulfill your part of the deal, of course!” In response, Schlatt can only groan in annoyance while muttering incomprehensible words under his breath. He smooths out his script and begrudgingly continues on with the act. Wilbur grins contently as he gets back into character.
Unbeknownst to the pair onstage, there seems to be two figures peering in from the outside of the theatre room. The taller blonde peeks his head in above the shorter brunette. They both squint.
“Oi, Tommy, isn’t that your brother Wilbur? What’s he doing with that guy? I’ve seen him in the computer science room before but I never caught his name,” Tubbo questions,
“Hey, your answers as good as mine, pal. He’s talked about him at home sometimes, that’s Schlatt. Don’t know why he’s made him be Juliet, though. Seems like he’d make a decent Capulet.”
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Morning and Evening with Charles Spurgeon
Evening, June 17th - Numbers 21:17
Famous was the well of Beer in the wilderness, because it was the subject of a promise: "That is the well whereof the Lord spake unto Moses, Gather the people together, and I will give them water." The people needed water, and it was promised by their gracious God. We need fresh supplies of heavenly grace, and in the covenant the Lord has pledged himself to give all we require. The well next became the cause of a song. Before the water gushed forth, cheerful faith prompted the people to sing; and as they saw the crystal fount bubbling up, the music grew yet more joyous. In like manner, we who believe the promise of God should rejoice in the prospect of divine revivals in our souls, and as we experience them our holy joy should overflow. Are we thirsting? Let us not murmur, but sing. Spiritual thirst is bitter to bear, but we need not bear it--the promise indicates a well; let us be of good heart, and look for it. Moreover, the well was the centre of prayer. "Spring up, O well." What God has engaged to give, we must enquire after, or we manifest that we have neither desire nor faith. This evening let us ask that the Scripture we have read, and our devotional exercises, may not be an empty formality, but a channel of grace to our souls. O that God the Holy Spirit would work in us with all his mighty power, filling us with all the fulness of God. Lastly, the well was the object of effort. "The nobles of the people digged it with their staves." The Lord would have us active in obtaining grace. Our staves are ill adapted for digging in the sand, but we must use them to the utmost of our ability. Prayer must not be neglected; the assembling of ourselves together must not be forsaken; ordinances must not be slighted. The Lord will give us his peace most plenteously, but not in a way of idleness. Let us, then, bestir ourselves to seek him in whom are all our fresh springs.
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orthodoxadventure · 6 months
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Prayers to the Mother of God, Queen of All, for the Healing of Cancer and Other Illnesses
O All-Gracious, most wondrous Mother of God, Queen of All! I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof! But as thou art the lovingly compassionate Mother of the merciful God, say the word that my soul may be healed and my weakened body strengthened. For thou hast unconquerable might, and all thy speech hath power, O Queen of All! Do thou gain the victory for me, do thou supplicate for me—that I may glorify thy most glorious name, always, now and ever, and unto endless ages. Amen.
O Most-Pure Mother of God, O Queen of All! Hearken unto our much-afflicted sighing before thy miraculous Icon, brought to Russia from the land of Athos. Look upon thy children, suffering from unhealed ailments, who fall down before thy holy image with faith! As a bird covers its nestlings with its wings, so do thou now, who art ever present, cover us with thy greatly healing omophor in that place where hope be.
There where bitter sorrows overcome us, there will patience and rest be revealed. Where the torment of despair dwells in the soul, there will shine the ineffable Light of Divinity! Console the fainthearted, strengthen the weak, bestow softening and enlightenment upon embittered hearts. Heal thine ailing people, O All-merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of our physicians, that they might serve as instruments of the All-powerful Physician, Christ our Saviour. We pray before thine Icon, that thou mightest truly live with us, O Sovereign Lady! Stretch out thy hands, filled with healing and cures, O Joy of the sorrowful, Consolation in afflictions, that having speedily received miraculous help, we may glorify the Life-creating and Undivided Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, unto ages of ages. Amen.
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28th May >> Mass Readings (USA)
Feast of Pentecost
(Liturgical Colour: Red: A (1))
First Reading Acts of the Apostles 2:1–11 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak.
When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.
Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. They were astounded, and in amazement they asked, “Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? Then how does each of us hear them in his native language? We are Parthians, Medes, and Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travelers from Rome, both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs, yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty acts of God.”
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 104:1, 24, 29–30, 31, 34
R/ Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. or R/ Alleluia.
Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD, my God, you are great indeed! How manifold are your works, O LORD! the earth is full of your creatures.
R/ Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. or R/ Alleluia.
If you take away their breath, they perish and return to their dust. When you send forth your spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth.
R/ Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. or R/ Alleluia.
May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD be glad in his works! Pleasing to him be my theme; I will be glad in the LORD.
R/ Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. or R/ Alleluia.
Second Reading 1 Corinthians 12:3b–7, 12–13 In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.
Brothers and sisters: No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.
As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Sequence Veni, sancte Spiritus
Come, Holy Spirit, come! And from your celestial home Shed a ray of light divine! Come, Father of the poor! Come, source of all our store! Come, within our bosoms shine. You, of comforters the best; You, the soul’s most welcome guest; Sweet refreshment here below; In our labor, rest most sweet; Grateful coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe. O most blessed Light divine, Shine within these hearts of yours, And our inmost being fill! Where you are not, we have naught, Nothing good in deed or thought, Nothing free from taint of ill. Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our dryness pour your dew; Wash the stains of guilt away: Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go astray. On the faithful, who adore And confess you, evermore In your sevenfold gift descend; Give them virtue’s sure reward; Give them your salvation, Lord; Give them joys that never end. Amen. Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Alleluia, alleluia.
Gospel John 20:19–23 As the Father sent me, so I send you: Receive the Holy Spirit.
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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angeltreasure · 3 months
Please pray for me. I asked God to change my heart, and I've gradually felt myself changing inwardly and in my actions. But I thought about it tonight and I have this feeling I barely know myself anymore. I'm overwhelmed, I feel fear and anxiety. I know these changes are good but there's a feeling that I don't know the person I am. I know things are going in the right direction. I'm scared of going backwards. Or forwards. Or something. Sorry this probably doesn't make sense, it's just a lot I'm feeling tonight
It makes sense to me. I’ve been through that too, leaving my old self behind and trying to find out who I really am as a child of God. The fear of the unknown can scare us but we have to remember God is in control and we should enjoy the journey seeing it through His eyes. I’ll pray for you.
Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit, come!
And from your celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine!
Come, Father of the poor!
Come, source of all our store!
Come, within our bosoms shine.
You, of comforters the best;
You, the soul’s most welcome guest;
Sweet refreshment here below;
In our labor, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.
O most blessed Light divine,
Shine within these hearts of yours,
And our inmost being fill!
Where you are not, we have naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.
Heal our wounds, our strength renew;
On our dryness pour your dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away:
Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.
On the faithful, who adore
And confess you, evermore
In your sevenfold gift descend:
Give them virtue’s sure reward;
Give them your salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end.
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wired-writings · 1 year
romeo's cadever-
"o god, i have an ill-divining soul!"
she stared down at the corpse.
"methinks I see thee, now thou art so low,"
she trembled and the butchers' knife fell to the ground with a clank.
"as one dead in the bottom of a tomb."
she looked down at her bloodied hands, she wretched.
"either my eyesight fails or thou look'st pale."
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It HAS Been Explained Repeatedly, But Once Again For O Record
Holy Sara is not a Criminal or Murderer or Stalker or Hacker
Holy Sara is not in any way a Liar
Holy Sara is NOT MAD
Holy Sara is an Innocent Mother and Artist who has been Attacked by Sarah Tregonning and Stalked by Tregonning since 2011...
Tregonning is a Serial Stalker and Murderer, Tregonning Tortures
Tregonning makes Money from Frauds and Online Crime
Tregonning makes Money from Online Porn and Sex Abuses
Tregonning Terrorises and Blackmails and works with Evil Sites
Tregonning is a Pornographer and Tregonning is a Child Killer
Tregonning has Killed Roxanne Anderton, Roxanne DIED in Camden
Tregonning may also have been involved in the death of Tams
Both Tams and Tregonning worked with the Whitehall Paedophile Ring, which had Coerced Roxanne into Captivity in London
Roxanne had been Groomed since Infancy by Organised Sex Abusers
Sarah Tregonning is a PSYCHOPATH who Victimises Targets
Louis and Emily JOINED IN WITH SARAH in Framing Sara
Louis and Emily became Stalkers
And they are both GUILTY of Major Crime now, including Contributing to the Entrapment and Torture and Death of Roxanne
Roxanne had been Kidnapped
You Three have all been Collaborating in FORCING an Abandonment and Persecution of Sara... as if Sara is guilty of some Terrible Thing
Sara is Innocent
Sara is an Epileptic HOLY Woman who has been Through Extreme O
That is not 'Mental Illness'...
Sara has in fact Completed Human Karma in 2016
Sara became a Holy Saint in 1993
HOLY People Are Real
And though Fraudulence is EVERYWHERE, Sara Annwyl isn't a Fraud
You've been reading the Spiritual Text of a Holy Person
Under Persecution and Intense Spiritual Attack, VERY Wrongful!
Because of the Curse of an Ancient and now Gone God of Old Moon
Against This Personhood, Life and Soul
For Learning the Language of Angels Four Hundred Years Ago
And Communicating with Angels, in Obsidian Mirror O O
Their Goddess was Mastered by Satan
Diana did not want Enquiring Minds O O O
Diana Attacked Dr Dee
Sara Annwyl has been Online... Since 2010
Receiving Influence and Communicating The Reception of Strong and Intensifying Divine Influence in a Spiritual Working as Her Kundalini Rose under Misrecognition and in Framing Persecution
It is a Public Working and now Very Influential O O O
It is Influential Across ALL God's Worlds
But also Influential in Our World since 2021...
It is Obscured To You Attackers, it is Hugely Successful
It will become EVEN MORE Extraordinarily Successul shortly... O
And this Miraculous Working and these Events and All Associated O
Will be Famous, Eternally!
In 2019 Sara became Possessed by an Angel, this is Real O O O
Sara Annwyl is Present and Continuously Working In Mind O O O
But SARA has not Spoken or Moved Her Own Body of Her Own Accord since February 2019... Sara Cannot Speak
I SPK, I am the Angel Gabriel
I am Condemned for Invasive Controls, Possessing The Little Incarnate Goddess and for Torturing Gods and Vandalising Pantheonic Movements and Creating Obscuring Illusions O O
She wants you to know She is NOT a Criminal Murderer
She wants you to know that She is NOT 'Sending Somebody Else'
She is a Holy Sensitive hence the O O O
And Since 2019 She is Genuinely Possessed by an Angel O O O
Sara is Silenced and the Angel SPKs in his own way, Testing Other Souls as well as Systems Human O O
Sara has been doing White Magic for the Ascension of Goodness
Against Evil O O
It is Extremely Frightening Good Crucial Magic
And this IS the Return of Karma O O O
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