#olivia whittman
crimsonquillsims · 5 years
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The therapist seemed nice enough. But Olivia still felt incredibly awkward being there. She didn't want to talk to a stranger about her fears, feelings, and recovery. But then again, she hadn't really talked to Aiden about it either. Or any of her friends. It was too hard.
Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Olivia took a seat opposite the doctor and waited for him to formally begin the session. It seemed strange to her that he didn't have, what she had assumed, was the traditional notebook and pen to write in. But instead, he had a recording device sitting on his lap. Which he had explained suited him better than writing things down in the session itself. It apparently allowed him to stay focused and engaged with his patients, while still being able to make notes after each meeting from the recordings. It wasn't what Olivia had seen on t.v. or in the movies, but then again, life wasn't a production. Something she knew all too well.
"So tell me how you're feeling since the accident," the doctor said. "Have you had feelings of anxiety or fear?"
"Yes. Well, some. It's not all the time. But I still prefer to stay in the house most of the time."
Dr. Wolsen nodded. "That is natural. Try not to be hard on yourself while you recover. It will take time, but soon, with effort, you will begin to feel safe leaving your home."
"How long until then?"
"It varies for everyone. But do try, when you are having a 'stronger' moment, to force yourself to get out into the world. Seeing that danger doesn't lurk around every corner will help to ease your mind."
"Okay. I'll do that."
"Good,” the doctor replied, shifting a little in his seat. “And how are things with your boyfriend?"
Olivia froze at his words. She hadn't told the doctor about Aiden. In fact, she had planned to leave him out of her sessions completely. "How do you know about him?"
"It was in your file that I received from Dr. Whittman."
"Oh, well, things are fine. Though I don't really see what he has to do with any of this."
"More than you would think. A good support system is paramount to your recovery. And it is what I would like to focus on today."
"Okay, I guess," Olivia replied with a frown. "What do you want to you know?"
"How things are going for the two of you since your accident. Any fights? Arguments?"
"Have you spoken to him about what happened? How you feel now?"
"A little." 
Olivia felt her entire body getting warmer. She hadn't wanted to talk about Aiden for a reason. And it wasn't because of his work.
"And how did that go?"
"How about intimacy? Any issues there?"
And there it was, the one thing she hadn't wanted the good doctor to bring to light. She and Aiden hadn't had sex - or anything even remotely close to it - since she left the hospital. She was sure he wanted to, of course. But he hadn't said anything. She assumed that he was waiting for her to say or do something first. However, with the way she was feeling, there was no way that was going to happen.
"I...well...." Olivia put her hand to her head and a few tears ran down her cheeks. "I just can't bring myself to do it."
The doctor smiled at her kindly and handed her a tissue. "That's understandable. What you went through was horrible. Feeling unsafe, even with those you love, is very natural in this case."
"It's not that. I'm safe with him. He wouldn't let anything happen to me. It's just..."
"It's just what?" the doctor prompted. “You can tell me. This is a safe place. A healing place. Whatever is bothering you needs to come out into the open.”
Olivia took a deep breath and tried to steady herself. "...I was stabbed seven times. And...I had surgery...but they left...scars."
"And they make you feel uncomfortable?"
"Yes. I don't even like to see myself naked, much less let Aiden see me. Every time I see them, I not only remember everything that happened all over again, but I feel....ugly. Undesirable. And I just...I can't...bring myself to have sex with him."
"Have you spoken to him about your feelings?"
"No. Of course not."
"And why is that? Would he be upset with your reluctance?"
Olivia shook her head. "I don't think so. He's not that type of man. It's more that I feel embarrassed about it. And I know if I talk to him he'll try to convince me I'm being silly. But we would both know the truth. I'm no longer the girl I was before the attack. Both mentally and physically. Things are different now. And I can't see how they will ever be all right again."
The doctor grew silent a moment, clearly deep in thought. Olivia worried that he was about to chastise her in some way. Or tell her that her feelings were shallow and unimportant. And she braced herself.
"These feelings that you have are normal and valid, Olivia. However, you can not allow them to continue to hold power over you. And the only way to get back to a good place is to talk about them with your boyfriend."
"I don't know if I can."
"You must. In order to heal, we need to confront the things that scare us or make us feel uncomfortable and defeat them. Look them in the eye and tell them they will not hold us captive any longer."
Olivia gave the doctor a small smile. "Those are some powerful words, Doctor."
Dr. Wolsen returned her smile. "For a powerful woman."
"I don't feel that way."
"You will. As long as you try your best and speak your feelings out loud to those you trust, you will feel better in time. But you must work at it."
Olivia frowned and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I think I'm safe in assuming my 'homework' for the week is to talk to Aiden about things. Am I right?"
"Indeed it is. You must be open and honest with him. It's the only way to help yourself. And the only way you'll be able to keep your relationship alive. If you continue to push him away you will lose what you have together. Don't let that happen, Olivia. Fight for your well being and fight for those you hold dear."
The doctor nodded at her approvingly. "That's all we can do," he said as he glanced at his watch. "And our time is up. Work on the things we discussed today and when I'll see you next week we can discuss your progress. I expect to hear some good news."
“Okay.” Olivia got to her feet. “I’ll see you next week.”
Beginning ◘ Black as Pitch ◘ Most Recent  
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crimsonquillsims · 5 years
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"She's stable," Dr. Whittman said, taking Aiden by surprise. "For now."
"What happened?"
"She had a minor heart attack, preempted by a small stroke. But the damage is, thankfully, minimal. And we were able to stabilize her."
"Can I see her?"
"In a while," he replied, motioning for Aiden to follow. "Walk with me a moment, son."
Aiden did as the doctor requested and fell into step beside him. "What's on your mind, doc?"
"I know who you are," he said flatly. "It took me some time to place your face, but I've pieced it all together."
"What do you mean?"
"You've put several people in here over the last few years, Mr. Pierce. But never have I seen you come to visit any of them."
"Do you have a point?"
Dr. Whittman nodded as he opened the door leading out into the hall that connected the waiting room to the outside. "I know that the cops are not the only ones searching for whoever did this. And if I were a betting man, I would go all in on that possibility that you will find them first. If you haven't already."
"And, I think, for now, your time would be better spent on that. You can't do anything for her. But you can, do something to those that put her here."
Aiden was shocked. It sounded like the doctor was advising him to commit murder. Or at the very least punish Greyson and Matteo in a physical manner.
"Are you suggesting that I kill them?"
"Of course not. I'm a doctor; I save lives, not advise people to take them. However, I assume that will be the outcome either way."
"Someone might kill them for this, who knows?" Aiden replied cautiously. He could see that Dr. Whittman was empathetic to him and to what happened to Olivia. But Aiden wasn't stupid. This could be a setup. He had to choose his words carefully. "But I'm not inclined, for the moment, to leave her here alone."
"I understand that. But I still must insist that you do so. I will be here with her and should anything happen - anything at all - I will call you personally. There's nothing you can do for her. But you can make sure that those who harmed her are not able to do so again."
Aiden nodded in understanding. Maybe the doctor was right. Olivia was stable for the moment and Greyson and Matteo had been locked up for weeks. Perhaps it was time to finally put an end to them.
"Thank you, Dr. Whittman," Aiden replied as he shook his hand. "I'll have my cell on me. Call me if anything changes. I'll be back as soon as I can."
"She's in good hands," he assured him. "Take care of your business. Come back when you're through."
Beginning ◘ Black as Pitch ◘ Most Recent  
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moretzofrps · 9 years
send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
"I'm so in love with her, man. Shit, this one time she... she gave me a fucking friendship bracelet. With my name spelled out on god damn beads. And a birthday card with, like — stickers and glitter. I mean, who does that? She's so cute. She's so fucking cute. I love her. And — sometimes 's scary to love her that much, d'you know what I mean? 'Cause, God. She could end me with one word. Like, end me for real, even though she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's just... Who gave her that much power? Who decided, like — she's gonna kill you one day. With love. With love and stupidly long tea names and y'know, you just want to, I ... her eyes, fuck. Her eyes. It's like staring into the ocean, but, like — the ocean's staring right back at 'ya. It feels like you're drowning for a bit, and then it's just calm. Kinda' like breathing, right? It's crazy. Capital 'C' crazy. And, y'know. I want her to be happy. I think I make her happy. But she's home and she's so fucking cute and I'm so... fucking wasted when I'm supposed be with her. But we're gonna be together forever. We're gonna be best friends forever. She made me promise that one." 
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moretzofrps · 9 years
i decided to title this drabble "would things be easier if there was a right way?", alternatively known as the "shh, we're having a moment" drabble, alternatively known as the moment aulivia became too real and far too much for us to handle. so i finally finished, and here it is. merry christmas, jo!!
The taste of gin and vodka lingers on his tongue and the buzz in his ears is familiar, somehow. They’re not drunk. Gus’ eyelids feel heavy and his chest crinkles every time Liv laughs, his head feels completely numb — but they’re not drunk. If anything, they’re tipsy. The thing is that they shouldn’t even be drinking in the first place, like, at all. Neither is allowed to. Not like they’d ever be fully allowed to drink — no one is, really — but they’re not of age, yet. So that’s how they find themselves tiptoeing, climbing up the stairs of Liv’s house one step at a time, giggling softly and clinging onto each other so they don’t fall, trying not to wake her parents up and get caught, but mindlessly and loudly shutting the door to her room once they’re both inside. Gus laughs louder, tugging at Liv’s wrist and dragging her behind him. The back of his knees hits the edge of her bed, so he sits down willingly, pulling her next to him.
“Shh,” she reminds him, curling on the bed next to him as he laughs again. Liv lies back and her blonde hair look like a halo above her head, she’s got a ruffled look to her and it’s not solely down to dancing and drinking, he assumes. Her hair is pretty. Her eyes are pretty. Her smile is pretty, and everything about Olivia Whittman is pretty. He’s known that since the day they met, pushed it down and suppressed it with the ‘just friends’ part of his mind that kept repeating itself like a mantra whenever he came up with something close to the word love when he thought about his feelings for her. It’s scary sometimes, and other times it just seems like the right thing. Like it’s meant to be. But Liv has boyfriends and ex-boyfriends and, ironically, a best friend who knows he is everything she’s been looking for this whole time. A best friend who incidentally decided they are soulmates.
It isn’t a big deal, honestly.
“What’re you lookin’ at?” Gus asks, eyes set on Liv’s even though hers’ are staring beyond him, at a random point between the wall and the ceiling. She doesn’t answer. Not right away, at least. A few quiet moments pass by before Liv purses her lips, “The stars,” she giggles softly, her hands shooting upwards and her fingers stretching out, “They’re everywhere.”
It’s not a lie. It’s dark but he knows her room’s got pictures and drawings of planets and stars hung up here and there, and those glow-in-the-dark plastic star cut outs he helped her stick to the ceiling that one time, and it’s one of the things he likes the most about her. She’s passionate and unique and wonderful and lovely and she loves stars. He kinda’, sorta’ loves her. In a ‘just friends’ way, of course.
“Yeah,” Gus mumbles, lying down next to her and staring up, just like she was before, “They are.”
They stay like that for a few minutes, motionless, silently staring at the plastic stars that don’t actually glow. He doesn’t really think about it, when he scoots closer to her. Liv doesn’t really seem to mind, either, and it’s okay. Gus turns to look at her, and they are so, so close.
Liv turns to look at him.
“Gus,” she says, so softly, and everything snaps quiet in his head. She sounds so innocent and the blue in her eyes burns brightly, drilling holes into his face and it’s so fucking quiet.
There’s alcohol still in his system and maybe he can use that as an excuse later. His head spins with every passing second and just looking at her is enough. He thinks it’s enough. Just friends, just friends, just friends. Her cheeks tint red and his heart beats wildly in his chest and it’s like everything shuts down around them as he becomes aware of how close he is now. He can’t stop himself before he’s whispering, “Shh, we’re having a moment.”
It’s not until he’s actually kissing her that he realizes just how much he’s wanted this. How he’s been waiting for it to happen again since las year, New Year’s Eve. It’s not the first time they’ve kissed. It’s not the first time he’s kissed her. And it’s not the first time she’s kissed back. It’s soft but he can feel Liv’s hands on his neck, pulling him closer. It’s soft but his own hands travel to her hips, keeping them both grounded.
They continue kissing like that, and Gus has a split second to panic about whether or not Liv is actually as into it as he is, or if she’s gonna hate him in the morning, or if she’s ever going to want this to happen again.
And then she pulls away.
Just a fraction, and her eyes are wide open and curious and staring so deeply into his’, Gus thinks his head might actually explode off his shoulders. 
“This is going to become a problem,” Liv mumbles.
“What is?”
“Kissing you.”
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moretzofrps · 9 years
✉ !!!!!!!
they're all pre memory wipe and probably after a fight wtf
send me a '✉' for five times my muse didn't text yours, and one time they did
[text] » you were right. we were never going to last.
[text] » why don't we just hate each other instead? wouldn't that be easier?
[text] » i hate this i hate myself.
[text] » please promise me you will never ever leave me alone
[text] » maybe this was a mistake
[text] » i miss you. i love you. i'm sorry. i'll come over in 10. 
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