#or even 'artists are terrible ppl and the making of art causes suffering'
spuriusbrocoli · 6 years
9 10 15 25 26 33 44
9: Got any piercings?
Yes. I have an industrial in my right ear, and I suppose I do technically still have a lobe piercing in each ear? I basically never use them, and I really should. They’re still there, like they haven’t healed, but I need to put earrings in them on the daily again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also used to have an industrial in the other ear, but it broke right before work while the piercing was still healing, and it healed before I could get another bar in.
10: Want any piercings?
Tbth, I don’t want the other industrial back. I haven’t really been taking care of the piercings I have, so I’d rather make myself work on those. Maybe a tiny nose stud or an inner ear piercing in the ear with the industrial, but I probably shouldn’t, lol.
15: Favorite movie
God, there’s… a bunch? Lemme go through a bunch by genre, I suppose.
Problematic horror fave: Black Swan, with Silence of the Lamb as a close second
Queer foreign language film: El Angelos de los Sexos bc I have bad tastes; but I also like Freier Fall and Romeos: Anders als du denkst, Bad Boy Street is in English, but it was 110% made for a Francophone audience; and while on the one hand Meine Schwiegertochter ist ein Mann is just Prayers for Bobby without the stakes, it’s also Prayers for Bobby without the uncomfortable redemption of a homophobe who drover her son to suicide and really weird unfocused structure; also Burnt Money is probably ableist af, but it made me feel things, so you should probably go see it
Queer drama: hands down Gregg Araki’s Mysterious Skin, it’s a masterpiece; also i’m missing key pieces like I killed My Mother and Blue, so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Queer comedy: I feel like I shouldn’t list Araki’s Kaboom! here, but I will bc I love it, and I haven’t been able to find, like, any of the teenage apocalypse trilogy (if anyone knows where i can find it online, lmk please); I also probably shouldn’t list Jarman’s Jubilee, but my list so fuck your faves
Japanese animation: so many Satoshi Kon films to choose from tho! gotta go with Millennium Actress over Paprika, even though Susumu Hirasawa did some of the best work of his career in Paprika’s soundtrack (though I used to use “Run” from Millennial Actress to practice my kanji when I took Japanese, and I still habitually scribble kanji strokes when I listen to it, lol); for Ghibli films, I’d say Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds, even though Princess Mononoke is the objectively better film in every way bc, as we ave established, I’m trash; i wanna put down Grave of the Fireflies, but I can never make it all the way through it bc it is SO SAD, and also kinda imperialist fascism apologia :/
Western animation: dark horse candidate Felidae, which is an R-rated German film abt a sentient cat detective getting his dick wet, pissing on things, and taking down cat neo-Nazis, and no I did not make a word of that up; also The Incredibles is simply incredible
Vampire films: honorable mentions first this time, I like how Coppola’s Bram’s Stoker’s Dracula is at least interesting in its take on the story, even if it doesn’t always vibe with me on a narrative and character level (I certainly prefer it to the Bella Lugosi version, fite me purists); I appreciate the Hammer horror aesthetic of The Vampire Lovers, and I do love the shit out of Carmilla; but I’m a German film buff at heart and have to give it to my girl F W Murnau for Nosferatu
German Exressionism: Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, hands fucking down; also M is a masterpiece, go see it twice
70s/80s Spielbergian high genre film: not actually a Spielberg one, but Blade Runner (1979); also Return of the Jedi bc Hamill does his best acting in that one imo, and i’m a sucker for happy endings
Rich white people being assholes to each other: La Regle du jue
There’s a lot; I’m not gonna try to list any more. You have a sampling of most everything I like now.
25: My idea of a perfect date
World domination, absurd luxury and power, and cuddling.
26: My biggest pet peeves
Executive disfunctioning is a massive bitch, so that’s right up on top. I’m also not a fan of my inability to be emotionally vulnerable or to rely on other people. I really hate how I take on way too much and then stress myself out by failing to meet an impossible standard that I set up for myself. And I hate how I don’t have a good outlet for anger or sadness.
Well that was awfully intimate for a list of pet peeves, lol.
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
“Sexy”, right at the top; “brilliant”and “creative” are close seconds; 
44: A random fact about anything
So you know Arguel’s Blood Fast, and the land it turns into Temple of Aclazotz? Well Aclazotz is a bat-god fairly closely based on the Mayan god/demon Camazotz, whom we largely know of through the oral traditions of the Q’eqchi. And I was happily surprised by learning that today, bc Q’qechi Maya is a language I actually studied a little bit in my independent study on VOS languages. So that’s neat.
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bondsmagii · 2 years
Hey, can I ask your advice? I'm an aspiring artist that comes from a very wealthy background but a lot of my art is political and I think ppl won't take me serious or say that I'm a hypocrite bc of that. Like, for example, my parents have millions and a lot of my art is about wealth inequality which makes me terrified people will call me out on it and also, and this is just a general thought, I keep thinking If one day I get successful - like really successful (aka rich and famous) - ppl will also think it's inappropriate for me to talk about political issues in my art. I keep thinking about this since I saw parasite win an Oscar and ppl laughing at the the audience applauding when the movie is about them (celebs) but like the movie was made by a celeb ??? Where does the line js drawn? I mean, would it be okay for taylor swift to talk about wealth inequality? Would it be okay for J.K Rowling?
So, anyway, my point is: I have rich parents and I want to make political art but I'm afraid that will be considered hypocritical of me and I also wonder if I become a famous and rich artist in the future and still wanted to make political art if ppl would also call me hypocritical
personally I'm of the opinion that these kinds of social issues need to be examined from all angles, and also to truly dismantly something like wealth inequality, a movement needs people from all walks of life. this includes people who have benefited from wealth inequality, and those who have suffered. it's important to remember that while you benefited, this wasn't your money. just how poor kids can't help the fact they were born poor, you can't help that you were born wealthy. it's not an inherent flaw on you personally; it's just how the cards fell for you.
the problem with a lot of people from backgrounds like yours is that they mostly pay lip service to the idea, but do nothing to actually help matters. for example, rich celebrities talking about how poverty is terrible, but keeping their massive fortunes and doing nothing to improve even their local communities. with regards to J. K. Rowling, it's an extreme shame that she turned out to be such a piece of shit, because she's a good example of how to do being rich well. she struggled financially when she was younger, and at the time of beginning the Harry Potter series, she was actually on government benefits. she never forgot this when she became rich, and I believe that she once gave so much money away to charitable causes that she actually knocked herself off the millionaires' list. unfortunately she also turned out to be a fucking TERF, but I guess even the worst people can get things right sometimes. the complexity of man, etc. I'm not sure if she's still good at this kind of thing now she's gone off the deep end, but this at least proves that it's possible.
it's also a shame, but fairly common, that a lot of rich kids grow up detached from the world and through their ignorance can act very entitled or offensive, believing that everyone has the same opportunities they had and they just didn't work as hard (not realising that by being born rich, they had a huge advantage). you seem to lack this entitlement, and you understand that you are coming at this subject from a place of privilege. I think so long as you remember this, and you work with others and don't speak over them, you're going about this the right way.
people are going to call you out on it. people are going to be rude, and flippant, and dismissive. I believe that these people believe they're doing well, but they're woefully misinformed. you have a right to speak out about these things in your art. you have seen something that's moved you, and you want to draw attention to it and criticise it through your art. that's good, and it's one of the things art is for. while there will be people who will be uncharitable about it, I believe they're ideologically immature. it's very important to understand who our enemies are when it comes to wealth inequality, and the child of wealthy parents who has looked at their life and thought "this is fucked up that I live like this yet others suffer needlessly" is not our enemy. if more people grew up rich and thought like you, the world would be a better place.
you have every right to make this art and you should make it. while there will be people who will try to invalidate your art because of your background, you shouldn't take it to heart. you had no choice regarding who your parents were, and clearly you've come out of a very privileged upbringing (at least in terms of wealth) with a sense of empathy and justice. I think the thing to be most wary of is that because of your upbringing you might have opportunities for recognition that others might lack; if this is the case, you're in a prime position to use this recognition to lift others' art and stories up with you, and that's why we need people from all walks of life. if we all work together, we can take advantage of a much bigger stage.
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
The thing i noticed when i look at dabihawks fanart n read through your expiriences with the meta part of the fandom is that a lot of people seem to lean on dabi side of the dabihawks conflict. Like its hawks who has to make changes to earn dabi. Its hawks whos turned it a villain, its hawks who forgives or even thanks dabi for what he did. Actually i dont think ive ever seen art ro read a fic (but to be fair im extremly selective in fic reading) where dabi is the one to apologise and try to earn hawks
N i think this sorta makes sense because for a lot of dabihawks shippers, dabi is probably their favorite out of the two. That also makes sense cuz hes been around longer n has appealing design so it makes sense that people would try and fit hawks around dabis narrative instead of vice versa. They find dabi more likable n more interesting so its his side they want to explore.
I feel that this is completely different for me because hawks is my no 1 best boy. Like before hawks bnha was the kind of show where i would say 'oh i like the characters but none of them are mine fav' like id say shouto, shinsou or jirou were my favs mostly based on aesthetics or recognizing pieces i usually like in characters in them, but those pieces never being strong enough for me to say this is my fav bnha character like id say izaya is my favorite durarara character or ranpo is my favorite bungo stray dogs character. And then bam. Bird Time. Like when i first saw hawks i think the most i thought was 'damn thats a cool design' but as we got more of him he very quickly became the character i loved most and wanted to see more off.
Dabi on the other hand i was never really interested in. Like he was cool n all but overall i didnt really care for him until the touya theory dropped and until dabihawks. For me hes perfectly fine, i dont dislike him or anything but i like him most when hes involved with other characters i like, like Todorokis n Hawks. Like even now after a good while on Dabihawks juice id still stay hes not my fav villain. That would probably be Toga, Geten (as little as we get of him) and honestly mr compress just for being an evil magician i need more mr compress
So the fact that hawks is my fav means that unlike ppl whos fav is dabi i focus more on how can dabi earn hawks. How can dabi get better, would he ask for help, would he quit villainy, would he apologize. And most importantly would hawks accept him back.
Makes me feel like amongst dabihawks shippers theres simply two different streams that would probably get annoyed by each others content n feel like the other is spoiling their fav character.
Like i sure as fuck get annoyed when artists i follow for dabihawks start talking about how hawks should have been a villain n how hawks is actually an evil murderer while the league has a point n is poiting out that the heroes will save only those who dont fight back. No really thats a take i heard, lets just forget muscular, mustard, moonfish, gentle, the yakuza and ALL FOR FUCKING ONE who were all arrested perfectly fine without fighting back. But of course these people dont mean saved as in arrested, forced to rexamin their own behavior and work to be better people, they mean saved as in i want my favs to be coddled and patted on the back and instantly forgiven and even told they were right all along and they are the most special a good. Geeze
I fuckin went off subject so hard this is less of an ask n more of a rant now. The only good thing about seeing all those bad takes is that every time i see one my motivation to write a dabihawks story where dabi faces concequences, and they actually have to hash the whole villain hero ideologies thing out, grows stronger
...I’m sorry, I wanted to answer this sooner but wanted to get the smaller asks out of the way first T-T
But yes! That’s been my experience when it comes to Dabihawks as well. Not many people focus on Hawks side of the conflict and instead tend to make him the agressor in the relationship when they want conflict (it always tends to be Hawks who upsets Dabi for example, or Hawks will say something insensitive towards Dabi or do something that upsets Dabi). Not many people treat them as a pair, they just tend to focus on the Dabi angst more then the Hawks angst or angst experienced by the both of them (I like to call that the Dabias and many people suffer from it in the Dabihawks shipping fandom I’ve found).
I like reading stories like this too, from time to time, but I’m just tired of all the stories or comics or fan art being Hawks the bad person in the relationship with him having to apologise and make it up to Dabi. Especially when in canon it’s Dabi that has treated Hawks pretty terribly (he almost got him killed by lying to him about when he was going to release High End and he almost killed him during the raid, meanwhile Hawks hasn’t anything as horrible towards Dabi except hold him at knife point but that was more for his own protection then to threaten Dabi).
I feel like I’m just bitching because people don’t wrote fanfiction to my specifications but you’d be grumpy too if your favourite character always gets the short end of the stick in work that is supposed to be about the pair of them being a couple.
Also don’t get me started on the stories that make Hawks “see the light” and join Dabi’s side after he maimed him, some even going far as to have him thank Dabi for what he did. It just reeks of the Dabias and I absolutely hate. Let Hawks experience trauma you cowards, especially trauma that we know was caused by the hands of dear old Dabi.
I wish more work would try to reform Dabi as a person instead of having Hawks become a villain (especially because works that usually have Hawks become a villain tend to ignore the horrifying plans the League want to commit or acknowledged them but fool themselves into thinking Hawks would actually be down for all the BS). I think it’s more interesting to see a bad person try to change, it’s why I’ve enjoyed Endeavor’s character arc despite not liking him as a character. Like sure, I don’t mind bastardization arcs too but they have to be done with character I can see it happening too and Hawks isn’t that type of person.
(In fact it’s such an interesting source of conflict that Dabi and Hawks are very resolved people. They’re not likely to change their ways for anything but I don’t really see people explore that even though it’s the perfect source for angst).
I’m so tired of villain stans who wanted Hawks to become evil (and then wanted him to validate their murder favs). I want more stories where Hawks puts his foot down and Dabi realises he wants to be a better person for him (it’s in those stories I could actually see him bonding with his family again too because right now Dabi is a man with no qualms with breaking his family apart for his revenge).
I just wished more people would let Dabi face the consequences of his actions too. Like if you’re going to make Hawks suffer for what he did (even though I roll my eyes at the thought) then Dabi who has done much worse should be suffering ten times over.
Make it make sense.
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moved99999999999 · 5 years
U guys wanna know what I think about that hell hotel show
I feel like twitter’s very tired of seeing ppl talk about Hazbin Hotel, so I putting my opinions on tumblr where they belong. I’m not a “professional critic” by any means, but I’ll try my best given what I know. And don’t worry, I’ll be incredibly nit-picky to suit the internet’s needs.
I’m gonna mainly focus on HH itself instead of Vivzie’s accusations because that's a WHOLE other can of worms to open.
During the time of me writing this, I haven’t watched any YT reviews, but I’ve read a few threads criticising the show, so take that as my social influence bias.
My ted talk is allllll below the cut. Enjoy~
My first exposure of Vivzie’s work was her “Die Young” animation that I came across around 2016. Instantly I fell in love with how “smooth” and lively her animation was, and especially the fact that it was hand drawn. Animation like that was extremely rare to come by (and still is) and seeing her execute it so well with such complexed characters was amazing to my fetus self. 
A few years later and I see the first trailer for HH. I instantly went OH I RECOGNISE THAT STYLE AND THOSE CHARACTER TYPE DESIGNS and was looking forward to what it had to offer. 
On “opening day” I watched the pilot ASAP to avoid my opinions from getting warped by all of the key-mash memes and post call-out bitching (literally the extremes of the HH opinion spectrum), and overall.....
I thought it was good. 
Not ground breakingly amazing, not horrifically terrible, but charmingly good.
(Ok now it’s actual review time)
Animation Quality:
As a hand drawn animation that has the freedom to get creative with its shots, a lot of effort was clearly put into how everything moves (it definitely didn’t take any lazy flash puppet shortcuts for the main sections of the show) and I can appreciate that. However it tends to be... rather inconsistent, most likely due to the varying skill level of the animators on the project. It’ll be nice and smooth one minute, and then awkward and choppy the next which can make the viewing pretty confusing at times. I’ll be honest I found myself overlooking these inconsistencies due to the characters and backgrounds themselves being very visually engaging, especially considering how over designed some of them can be (which I applaud the team for handling cuz wow that must have been painful). However, the needle thin and exaggerated art style makes some things incredibly hard to look at. While it helps with adding fancy details, it hurts in catching peoples eyes in the right place.
It’s also chalk full of little details, visual gags, and references that are hilarious to look at if you have the luxury of pausing every two seconds (the news segment and Sir Pentious turf war w/ Angel and Cherri are good places to look). But I feel like these lil details were put in at the cost of some some continuity errors (Charlie not wearing her coat in one shot, and having it back on in the next, papers being blank, etc.) and lip-syncing issues which really shouldn’t be happening considering all of the detail they were able to put in. There are also some shots that have just SO MUCH detail put into them, only to be shown for less than a second. I get that’s the cost of animation sometimes, but save the detail for the shots that need it, because at that point you’re just causing the animators to waste their efforts.
However, I was surprised at how professional the soundtrack and editing was. Not one but THREE songs in this single episode was really surprising, and the variation and quality of each was great (as cringy as Charlie’s song is)
But overall, the production quality is surprisingly good for a project like this, the editing, sound effects, and sound track act like a cherry on top. Of course there are some noticeable drops in quality, but given time and a budget, it has enough chops to look like an actual show.
As far as overarching plot goes, it seems like it’s going to be one of those procedural shows that tries to be serialised, but it’s a creative twist on hell and has an interesting premise to begin with. You can get really creative with seeing how you’d dive into getting redemption out of all of these seemingly lost causes, and I’m sure there are many people willing to know the backstories our main cast. As a pilot, it did it’s job of launching the plot very well, setting up the premise of the hotel and introducing characters in a very engaging way. I was legit really interested in each segment with who in introduced, and it didn’t feel like I was being overloaded with names to remember (which can be a problem for many medias and introductions). The cohesion between each scene is VERY smooth, and I genuinely enjoyed some of the cliché cuts/gags. 
Unfortunately I can’t extend this interest to our main character. Charlie is one of the most generic tropes we’ve ever seen. She’s a boring Disney princess who has a “cute happy positive goal to change her world” and the only thing that would make her more generic is if she wore a dress and cried “I’m tired of being so privileged”. 
(Although it’s impossible to tell, I honestly think Viv is just projecting through her, especially considering how horrifically accurate the hotel’s opening mirrors the internet’s reaction to the pilot itself)
I would be more forgiving if she was a supporting character or someone less important, but she’s the freaking protagonist, arguably the character that has to be the most interesting. Angel’s personality seems to be “flirty porn star”, and while that’s just as bad as being a boring Disney princess, at least he gets a few jokes and has a profession more interesting than Charlie’s. Around the end of the pilot he just seems like he’s getting involved because Viv likes giving him attention. If he’s supposed to be leeching off of the hotel, wouldn’t not care if it survives or not?
(There’s that whole stereotype issue that everyone keeps bringing up, but I genuinely think that’s BS because people are blatantly ignoring the fact that Angel is a porn star, Vaggie is portrayed as helpful, and that the show takes place in H E double hokey sticks.)
The transitions may be smooth, but the dialogue pacing can get really awkward at times. This paired with the animation sometimes having awkward quality drops makes some movements incredibly jagged, and has some detailed shots show for incredibly unbalanced screen time as mentioned before. 
I don’t have enough to give voice acting it’s own section so I’m just popping it down here:
The voice acting is legitimately better than several big name projects I know. It’s consistent, great at expressing the character’s mood properly, and each voice fits each character perfectly. My only gripes are that Alastor and Sir Pentious tend to grain on you after awhile due to them keeping a single tone for too long. 
Character Design: AKA the only thing I have legitimate experience with.
First thing’s first. The characters are WAY too over designed. There are so many markings and accessories that are incredibly unnecessary. I think the mindset for these characters was “the more complicated and attractive the better”, which makes them look like they’re designed by an edgy tumblr artist (heck I fall for this too some times).
Especially if a character is going to be animated, you have to keep in mind the value of simplicity. You absolutely don’t have to fill in your character with markings and trinkets to make them look unique, I mean just look at the gen 1 pokemon starters. Thanks to the limitations of the game, the sprites were forced to be simple, and it was that simplicity that made them such unique and varied creatures. You can tell Blastoise is a bulky water blasting turtle just with a quick glance. 
Many of the characters suffer from over complication, but I’ll look at Husk for example. He has these stripes all over him that do not contribute to who he’s supposed to be at all, and only look like they’re added to make him more unique. The markings that DO help are the little card suite marks on his wings, because those at least infer he’s linked to a casino/gambling type of theme. I would say his outfit helps as well, but formal wear and bowties are worn way to often by the main characters, which brings me to another problem.
They may look different, but they feel way too similar. From the same skinny body type, to generic head shapes, to outfits, the focus characters just don’t stand out amongst each other. Even the ones with interesting features still suffer from feeling generic. I’d say Sir Pentious is a good example of this. He has a serpentine/naga body and clever hair style that make his concept really creative, but his skinny body type, complicated eyes all over his tail, and generic “young but supposed to be at least middle aged” face just push him back into obscurity. He’s even wearing the SAME outfit as Alastor (who's an even worse offender of that generic face problem), and unless Viv has some plan to link the two, I’d say the characters need to stop using a dress code.
A successful character design can to tell you who the character is just by looking at them. You should be able to tell if a character’s personality, function, age, the universe they belong in, and if they’re important or not, and that’s a big problem when it comes to the background characters. If you pause on one of the extras for a minute you can see all of the effort put into designing them, and that takes away so much attention from the main cast. Not only that, but they have actual variations in their body types and outfits, which makes them more intriguing than who we’re supposed to be interested in.
Regardless, this pilot has potential, and if they can get someone to comb out the flaws, you can end up with something good. No one can deny a legitimate animation was made here, and the team successfully executed the start of a story, and that’s something anyone can look up to.
TLDR: The pilot is good. It has some major flaws, but it has potential to be a good show.
If you actually read this far epstein didn’t kill himself.
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