luciancityguard · 9 months
“Have you got a better plan?”
Assassin's Creed starters:
Shrugging his shoulders, Fortis stayed crouched behind the boulder; he didn't have the same amount of coverage as the rest of the hunting party who were shorter than him, and that malboro was one mean and stinking creature.
"I didn't say there was anything wrong with your plan,"
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"- just thought it would be more in-depth than fuck it let's just attack."
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heartxandxhome · 29 days
❝ please don’t go to any trouble on my account. ❞
Red Dead Redemption 2:
She adored making kukris; it was her specialty. More than that, it was the form her father had worked the most and sported a large kukri tattoo on his forearm. It was the knife of Galahd.
But kukris were specific and could be cumbersome to people not used to wielding the forward-weight of the bulky blade.
The hunters were more utilitarian; they used bowies, drop points, clip points, sheepsfoot, seax. Blade shapes that were multi-use and easy to manage for newbies. This design though?
Looking at the brown sketch paper, Sarah tapped at her chin and was running the mental arithmetic that came with an unusual blade. It was longer and skinnier than most blades she made, with an odd bend and angle to it, but the cutting surface was far greater, which meant it could be more efficient in battle.
'please, don't go to an trouble on my account.' Offering Pelna a side-glance, Sarah shook her head with an excited smile; she wanted to make this khopesh-like blade that had been standard-issue for glaives. It looked like a challenge and she hadn't had one of those in a while.
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"You're not putting me to any trouble, trust me." No, not at all. It was Kaleb who would be charged with finding her a new quench tank and some better steel. No trouble to her at all.
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meldaciomartyr · 9 months
❝ vengeance? no. i wanted devastation. ❞  
Horizon: Forbidden West
This had been his thinkin' place when he was a teenager. A kid with a lot on his mind, a mama he didn't wanna disappoint an' the burden o' bein' head hunter on what hindsight might tell him were too-young-shoulders.
But they'd needed t'divide and conquer back then; the King's been recallin' the Wall faster than Meldacio could put a pin on the map, so makin' him head hunter had meant Ezma could keep her focus on the mainland while he travelled t'the further flung places t'help folks.
But the rock arch above Meldacio had always been Dave's thinkin' spot an' now he found someone else up here. Someone he maybe saw a bit more o' himself in than others. Pelna was always the quiet, dependable one in the settlement; the feller who never said no an' always done as asked.
But he was also a young man jus' lost his mother too. Slowly sittin' beside the once-glaive, Dave didn't talk for a long time, lettin' the sounds from HQ slowly waft up on the night air. "Y'know it's okay t'want vengeance."
He didn't have a better word for what the younger man was supposed t'feel. Dave didn't wanna put himself in Pelna's shoes; he'd gone through a loss the head hunter didn't wanna imagine. 'vengeance? No. I wanted devastation.'
Pelna was honest, if nothin' else, though the way his voice cracked and the boy hid his face told their own story; he'd been betrayed by trusted comrades, left for dead, dealt with sick, injured an' scourge-affected people day in an' day out ... an' that same scourge had taken his mother from him too.
Reachin' out a hand to Pelna's shoulder, Dave nodded slowly. "Yer allowed t'want that too, Pelna."
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ruinedbycatastrophe · 10 months
@pelnaxkhara liked for a Clarus Starter!
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"Good work out there." The Shield speaks, his arms are crossed behind his back, in an a relaxed position or as relaxed as one can get. "I am afraid I do not know your name." With the Shield duties and Crownsguard being given to Cor for the time being, Clarus felt a pang of guilt for not knowing. After all. The Kingsglaive are fighting for the Crown just as he. He should give them the respect they deserve.
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housetummelt · 3 years
Continued from X 
They were coming from all the outposts to this meeting Dave had requested. It was something unique. A first. And the people were agitated, it could be felt in the air. Old Lestallum was said to have been the oldest outpost in Cleigne and it truly wasn’t pretty at all. Even with the people trying to find a new life here and rebuilt it as refugees from the darkness, it looked old and shabby in a way even the other improvised outposts didn’t. But what laid ahead of all of them would be ugly, too.
Everyone knew, why they were here and everyone probably already had a set opinion. Most were not favourable for this creature that had stolen away people from their friends and families at all. Yet for some reason Dave seemed to have a weak heart. The rumours had seeped through to everyone and yet some could still be seen or heard mumbling as the old diner filled itself with everyone.
Ida stood at the far right side with Baldur and a few other Nifen who had made themselves a name with their work for the survivors. With a few of the victims, too. Her palm was still prickling a little from the slap across Dave’s face. She didn’t like to resort to something so low. But the head hunter had practically begged for it. How could he want to protect a life like this one?
Now the head hunter stood there – and he would have to explain the situation. And himself. Eyes were on him. A few steps behind him, in one of the corners, Ida could see Dave’s daughter. Beside her there was Loqi. She could tell her son was anxious of the situation. One of the tensest in here. He was good at acting, but Ida knew her youngest. And she knew the one thing that grounded him the most was how Kimia held his hand tightly in the shadows between them.
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Dave wasn’t on his own in the focus point of attention now, though. There was another man beside him and they exchanged glances for a moment. Pelna, was his name. Ida had not had anything to do with him yet. She just knew he was a Glaive – and a talented medic. But what had he to say in all of this?
@meldaciomartyr or @pelnaxkhara​ , fight over who answers first <3
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loqis · 3 years
SEND MY MUSE ✖ FOR THEIR REACTION TO YOURS STABBING THEM The millisecond that your eyes and brain needed to register and process the shine of a blade seemed endless in hindsight. But it was happening in the blink of a moment. Loqi had not expected that to happen when Pelna had walked towards him, not at all. But his body immediately remembered the training that had been ingrained in his head as a soldier. Get your own knife. Block. Deflect.
But Loqi could only fail the first part. His hand went to his back where he usually kept his knife – but the sheath was empty.
Of course. Kimia had taken it off of him.
That little shock was all the time a trained Glaive like Pelna needed. Loqi could barely get his arm between them, before Pelna had pulled him close by his clothing. And the next moment Loqi was staring over Pelna’s shoulder towards the end of the small alley.
They were alone here, it was perfect. Enough distance to the lively plaza where most of the others were now. Only currently-empty residence areas around. No one to hear. 
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Loqi wanted to yell, but there was just a hoarse gasp – before the pain finally settled in. Glancing down, he could see that the blade had pierced his abdomen – but his hand first. So the blade wasn’t sunken into his stomach completely. Good. That was good. It was all red. Dripping and wet. But that was good. Better than being stabbed completely. Way better… he could survive that... right?
A strange thought, one that desperately tried to calm himself down, before Pelna shoved him back.
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xfkingsglaive · 3 years
send 💕 to just grab my muse & kiss them!
who cares about consequences, kisses all around !!!!!!
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Titus was slumped in his chair when the other walks in. Looking up, the Captain sighs before getting up and walks over as he grabs his papers. “Call for Luche, it’s time I get going.” However, before he could, Pelna grabs him and presses his lips against his rough ones.
Stopping in place, Titus tenses up as the younger male kisses him before sighing in regards. “Pelna... explain?”
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insomnianchild · 4 years
Curse me!
“You know… I always liked you. The few times we met. You are a quiet one. An observant one. You watch and wait. And only use your powers when you really need to… and you love to help and heal people. Trying to get rid of that guilt within you… Glaive.”
Grinning, Micah leaned back.
“I know what I will do to you… I want to be you. From now on, everything you do. Every talent, every ability you use… you will lose it and I will gain it. Until you are me – and I am you. And then I will take your family away from you.”
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ashakhara · 5 years
(  @pelnaxkhara​  )
Two nights at Julia’s house, a whole pile of bounty posters coloured in and handed out to the hunters in the outpost ( she was gonna need a brand new orange crayon! ), a plate of auntie Selena’s cookies, she’d even brought home a special poster for her parents!  Uncle Dave had said they were working in the clinic, working on all the papers that needed to be all filled out.  A sleepover at Julia’s was fun but why did they both seem so sad?  Sure, they smiled and they watched Malbo-kun cartoons with her, they’d even made sure to stick the bounty flyer she’d brought home on the fridge for everybody to see ... something was still different.  Mama was quieter, she hadn’t gone out to the store or to teach the new hunters magic, daddy hadn’t gone to the clinic to see the broken hunters...
What had happened?  She had to find out!
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“Daddy?”  Trusty Leviathan thrown up onto the couch cushions, Asha hopped up to take a seat.  “Why’s everythin’ so quiet?”  Pulling her plushie back into her lap, attention once again returned to the cartoon on screen, “How comes you an’ mama stayed home today?”
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luciancityguard · 1 year
❝ define okay. ❞
The Last of Us:
Okay, so maybe he hadn't answered completely truthfully when asked how the hunt had gone; Okay. Not bloodied, bruised and a complete shitshow for the last dodgy few minutes when more daemons spawned.
But the whole party was alive; that was the main point.
Glancing up at Pelna as opened the back of the truck and tried to decide which hunter needed medical attention more, Petra shrugged and stood down from the truck's bed.
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empatheticscientist · 6 years
@pelnaxkhara from here
The first thing he said was that his father was Mr. Khara and that he could get him. Celene opened her mouth to apologize, too anxious in the moment to realize he was trying to joke with her until he held up his hands and explained. Celene just blinked at him. 
After a second, she offered a weak smile and stepped into the office as he held the door open for her. “No, it’s- it’s alright. I’m sorry, I’m just a little...” 
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She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, turning to face the outpost’s medic. Better to just get it out. “I needed to come see you because I... I’m pregnant.” 
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meldaciomartyr · 2 years
How are you ruined?
Ruined by Loneliness
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you are so lonely. you are miserable in your solitude. you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out, to ask for help. you will be forgotten by all who never knew you. 
your biggest fear is that you will die alone, and you know this fear will be seen to fruition. you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in. and it is a box that no one dare come near. you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
Tagged by: @foughtforthefuture​
Tagging: @youngrevolutionary​ @housetummelt​ @somnus-lucis-caelum​ @leidemechanic​ @galahdanblade​ @monicaelshett​ @pelnaxkhara​ @meldacioxhq​ @proxnotxaxfool​ @insomnianchild​ and anyone else who wishes to do this!!​
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captaindrautos · 6 years
@pelnaxkhara from [here]: 
    When had he last slept?  Titus couldn’t remember.  Days, certainly.  An hour caught here or there before he was wide awake again, staring at the ceiling as if his sins bore down upon him.  Perhaps they did.  
    He shook his head in response and stepped into Pelna’s apartment, pausing once inside.  It felt like a lifetime ago that he’d last been here, last held his lover close and just enjoyed the moments they had together.  A lifetime ago when he’d allowed himself to pretend he was a good man, the kind who deserved to be in love.
    Because that’s what he was: in love.  He’d tried for so long to deny that fact, to ignore the way he’d fallen-- no, tumbled --down the slope with Pelna holding on.  As the day of reckoning drew closer he’d tried to draw back. It hadn’t worked, he only sunk deeper and deeper the more he tried to fight it.
    And now he was on his last breath of air.  The last decision he’d be able to make.  He could keep charging forward, blindly on the path he’d been following for nearly thirty years, or--
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    “You need to leave Insomnia.”  
    Not the way he’d wanted to start, but here they were.  “The signing ceremony is a trap.  Insomnia will fall.  You can’t be here.”
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gingersmiith · 6 years
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liked your post
“Tredd: “Nobody will ever see through my clever disguise of not...”
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i sense a great disturbance in the force
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ezma-auburnbrie · 6 years
Regarding the Hunters:
After much debate, the legislative committee has codified the Hunters' position in our society at present. Going forward, the Hunters will primarily focus their efforts on combat, supporting the Glaives in the field. In addition, the Hunters will continue surveying outposts around the continent, ensuring their safety while procuring and delivering supplies as required.
Furthermore, David Auburnbrie will henceforth attend all committee meetings as advisor to the current chair of Meldacio Hunter HQ, Ezma Auburnbrie. All assignments will be decided on the basis of aptitude, but personal requests may be considered depending on the circumstances. Those wishing to withdraw from the organisation are asked to submit their resignation ASAP.
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leorugiet · 6 years
Hey there - look, not sure if I'm reading into stuff too much or not, but I do hope you didn't take anything I tagged you in, or anything that was born of the Cor/Loqi thing as a personal attack? It certainly wasn't meant that way, and I can guarantee all my stuff/replies was meant IC only - at the end of the day, we're all here just to write and it's a hobby :)
dear god I would hope I didn’t take any of this personally, because then I would think you were telling ME over 20 times that I’M the piece of shit.
I gained 10 followers in the span of that frantic, bizarre hour long marathon of everyone telling me my muse is a piece of shit.
and then when I told all of you to calm down and leave me alone, I lost 30 followers.
Why? Is it because I wasn’t appealing anymore not being available to gang up on?
This isn’t “A personal attack” I was overwhelmed when you people popped the fuck up out of nowhere and just started screaming “You’re a piece of shit, you should be killed, you’re a horrible monster, why are you alive?”
If you’re doing this for fun can you just calm down then? None of you even bothered to address the fact that I said to leave me alone, didn’t even leave a like on that post that I reblogged FIFTEEN TIMES hoping someone would read it.
None of you even mentioned it.
Except for an extremely condescending psa I later found where they blamed ME because you couldn’t “read my mind”. 
I thought this was basic knowledge that people don’t like being ganged up on and screamed at incessantly.
I’m sorry if you think I took this as a personal attack, I know it wasn’t, because you never attacked me, but holy shit, this was so hard to sit thought and it became very clear I didn’t want to interact with people who act like THAT. It’s fucking scary. If that WAS a personal attack, I would’ve wanted to delete knowing there was a group of people that aggressive in tearing you down and full on calling you a liar and godmodding their RP threads to fit their narrative just to vilify me so easily.
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