#peri wins WINKS
rringabel · 6 years
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fight over who is the prettier boi
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truitt-story · 3 years
To Build a Home | Candana
Tiana was determined to win this gingerbread house competition against Pixie’s. Not out of any legitimate animosity, of course; Tiana had wanted to enter the competition to build a stronger bond with Peri and the rest of the Pixie’s team because inter-small-business unity was important to her. But she couldn’t deny that she had a competitive streak. 
So she had volunteered to come in early herself and help build the gingerbread house, armed with her mother’s best gingerbread recipe and a bag of sweets from the Moon Market. Tiana couldn’t remember the last time she had done something like this-- probably when she was much younger, when her father was still around. It was weird to do it again now, in this context. 
So the competition framing helped Tiana not get too nostalgic. This was for the business! It was for practical reasons, not sentimental ones. And they were definitely going to win.
“Hey, thanks for coming in early to help!” Tiana said cheerfully when she saw Candace and set down her supplies on the preparation station in the kitchen. “I’m warning you right now, I’m determined to win this. Give Pixie’s a run for their money.” She winked to show she was mostly joking, but only mostly. Tiana was determined to win.
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(for the prompts) maybe peridot and amethyst training together!
i gotchu anon!! i think this takes place somewhere between season 3 and season 4 (like, after amethyst’s arc but before steven gives himself up to homeworld)
The sun shone down on the residents of Beach City, driving most to the shelter of their homes or the cool embrace of the ocean. For humans, such a hot day was utterly unbearable, but to those who could not feel heat, it was merely another normal day.
And yet, despite this, Peridot was sweating. She didn’t know how or why, but the intensity of the training she was being put through was taking its toll on her tiny frame as she struggled to counter Amethyst’s attacks.
“Come on, Peri, don’t hold back!” the purple Gem exclaimed, lashing forward with her whip. “I can take it!”
It wasn’t that Peridot was holding back; far from it, actually. She really was trying her best, but her ferrokinesis was still difficult to control. It was such a new and sudden power, especially for someone who had been alive for over 500 years without knowing about it.
Peridot grunted, forcing as many metal cans as she could to fly in Amethyst’s direction. The Quartz moved to deflect them with her own weapon, sending them zooming back in her partner’s direction. The green Gem let out an undignified shriek and held up her hands feebly to defend herself.
“That the best you got?” Amethyst taunted, reeling back. Peridot sighed in defeat, slumping her shoulders.
“Yes,” she said, “I suppose it is.”
Concerned, Amethyst lowered her weapon, easily able to tell that something was wrong. “Whoa, time out. You okay, dude?”
“I’m fine,” Peridot lied with a scowl. “I just…need a break, that’s all.”
“We can do that,” said Amethyst, her whip phasing away into a cloud of purple smoke. “I’ve been gettin’ pretty hungry, anyway. What about you?”
Peridot shrugged, staring off into the ocean. “You know I don’t eat. Not since you-”
Amethyst threw up her hands with a loud snicker. “Hey, how was I supposed to know you’d react like that?” She smiled as she reminisced, imagining Peridot’s disgusted face upon being told how to shapeshift a human digestive system. Her face softened upon looking at the technician, whose expression was still somewhat morose. “For real, though, somethin’ botherin’ you, Pear? You can tell me.”
Peridot sniffed haughtily. “No! I was just…contemplating strategies for our next training session!”
“No offense, Peri, but you really don’t need a strategy to beat me. I pretty much just swing my whip wherever.” Amethyst reached back to untie her ponytail, letting her soft lilac hair hang loose.
“Then why can’t I win…?” Peridot grumbled, sitting down in the sand and pressing her knees to her chest. Amethyst’s eyes widened, and she sat down next to her.
“Oh…hey, I didn’t mean it like that!” she said reassuringly. “Look, even Steven and Pearl have lost to me before. It’s no big deal. You’re doing great.”
“That’s not it!” Peridot spluttered, waving her hands. “It’s just…if I can’t beat you, then how can I beat one of those Gem monsters you’re always fighting? Or worse, one of the Diamonds?”
Amethyst was silent, waiting for her friend to say more. When she didn’t, she responded, “Well, y’know, no one’s asking you to do all of that. You don’t have to come along with us on missions and stuff if you don’t want to.”
“But I do!” Peridot protested, slamming a hand onto the sandy ground. “That’s the problem! What’s the point of being a Crystal Gem if I can’t even fight alongside them?”
“That’s not what I meant,” Amethyst replied coolly, “what I’m sayin’ is, don’t try to force yourself to learn your powers for us. Do it for you, Peri. Nobody becomes a fightin’ machine in a couple weeks.”
Peridot looked up, meeting Amethyst’s dark eye (the other of which was obscured by her bangs). “Are you sure? It’s just…I don’t want to be a burden…”
This time, Amethyst laughed, throwing an arm around the green Gem. “Are you kidding? We all love havin’ you around! We don’t think you’re a burden at all!”
Peridot flushed at the sudden physical contact, but quickly relaxed. Amethyst pulled her closer with a sigh. “Trust me, I used to feel like I was a burden, too. But y’know what happened?”
Amethyst winked. “I realized that I got great friends who’ll support me no matter what. Like Garnet, Pearl, Steven, and you.”
Peridot blinked. “Me?”
“Well, duh. You’re my friend, too, aren’t ya, nerd?” She ruffled Peridot’s pointed blonde hair, causing a grumble of disdain to erupt from her.
“Unhand me, you clod!” Peridot screeched, and Amethyst released her with a laugh. Reluctantly, the technician smiled, feeling considerably better than she was before. “I suppose…you’re right.”
“Of course I am. You did help us take out Jasper, after all. Smoky Quartz couldn’t even do that.”
Peridot felt her chest puff up with pride. “Yes! That’s right! Not even Jasper could stand against our combined might!”
Amethyst rolled her eyes playfully. “Yeah, yeah. Now, do ya wanna get back to trainin’, or can I take a nap?”
The green Gem stood up, grabbing another can with her ferrokinesis and lightly throwing it at Amethyst. “Don’t think you can slack off just yet!”
The Quartz chuckled, summoning her whip once again. “Heh, I thought you’d say that.”
That day, Peridot came closer to beating Amethyst than she ever had before.
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geochic03 · 6 years
Amber Sunrise: Chapter 6
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Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Pairing: Gladio x Female OC, Prompto x Female OC
Rating: T (For now)
Words: 7,799
Read on AO3
A/N: So my intentions with this chapter are to have Gladio and Peri get to know each other while Peri get's more comfortable with the big guy. As always your comments are always appreciated. I will be going back to edit earlier chapters for continuity purposes.
“Oh man I can’t believe they said yes!” Prompto cheered as he and Gladio walked through the busy streets of Lestallum’s residential district.
 Gladio shook his head with an amused smile “What would make you think they wouldn’t have said yes?”
 “Dude…you’ve seen Sera…she’s gorgeous…waaaaay out of me league!” Prompto exclaimed.
 “Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, a hot girl might be into you.  I’ll admit, you’ve put some muscle on these last seven years…and the goatee gives you some character.  Just because it isn’t Cindy’s bag doesn’t mean other girls won’t be into you.” Gladio laughed.
 Prompto scratched the back of his head nervously “Well…I don’t think it was just me she wasn’t into.  Come to find out…people of the male persuasion aren’t really her uh, bag….she’s actually been with someone for awhile…”
 Gladio’s eyes widened “Shit…never would have guessed that.  Good for her I guess…anyone we know?”
 “Yeah, we know her pretty well…you know Jeanne right?” Prompto said nonchalantly.
 “The power plant girl handling the power grid?  Wow…never would have guessed that either.  How do you know so much gossip and my sister, the queen of gossip in Lucis didn’t even know?” Gladio questioned.
 “Oh Iris knew…pretty much everyone knows…where have you been big guy?” Prompto ribbed him.
 “Where do you think I’ve been, kicking the shit out of daemons and keeping the lights on in this place.” Gladio said sarcastically.
 “And wooing the locals…” Prompto smirked.
 Gladio chuckled and shook his head “I haven’t exactly wooed her yet…you have a better shot at getting action tonight than I do.”
 Prompto smirked “You really like her don’t you?”
 Gladio looked away trying to hide the blush creeping up his face.
 “You do…wow, now I need to meet the girl that has tamed the beast.” Prompto joked.
 “I told you, no wooing yet.  We’re just friends, I’m doing this double date more for you than me….I’m taking things slow, let her come to me yah know?” Gladio explained.
 “Which I appreciate.” Prompto said placing his hand on his shoulder.
 Soon Gladio stopped in front of a small cafe not far from the edge of the residential district.  He turned to Prompto and turned his thumb out to the entrance.
 “Ready?” Gladio asked him as they stopped on the stoop.
 Prompto gulped nervously “As I’ll ever be…”
 Gladio laughed as he clapped shoulder “Come on lover boy, let’s get you a girlfriend…”
Peri sighed as she nervously bit her lip in the booth she was currently sharing with her sister.  She looked across the table to see Sera’s blonde hair perfectly curled as she adjusted the straps on her yellow sun dress.
 As Sera looked up she gave her sister an inquisitive look “What?  Too much cleavage?”
 Peri rolled her eyes as she leaned back into her seat “Too much everything…”
 Sera laughed as she shook her head “Hey, I offered to do your hair and make up…you’re the one who decided to wear cargo pants and a tank top…an old tank top might I add.”
 “You’re acting like this is a date.” Peri said dryly.
 “Because it is a date.  You have to make a good first impression.  And before you shoot me down in your strange sense of denial, it is a date…a double date, with two guys rumored to be connected with the crown.  He asked you to dinner Peri…after all the let down’s you’ve given him it’s a miracle he is still pursuing you.” Sera said knowingly.
 Peri rolled her eyes “I don’t care what you say…this isn’t a date.”
 Suddenly Peri looked up to see Gladio and Prompto enter the cafe, scanning the crowd before Gladio locked eyes with her and gave her a knowing smirk.
 Peri sank back into the booth, blushing profusely as the boys approached them.  Sera gave a small laugh before turning her attention to Gladio and Prompto, who had finally arrived.
 “Well hello there boys, great to see you both again!” Sera said giving Gladio a wink and Prompto an unexpected friendly hug.
 Prompto gulped nervously as he tentatively hugged her back “Ye…yeah…great to see you again too Sera.”
 Sera pulled away before giving him a playful smirk “You know, for a minuet there I thought you didn’t enjoy our conversation together at the bar a few weeks ago.  You went radio silent on me hun.”
 Prompto gave a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head “Yeah, sorry about that…just got caught up in some hunter things…”
 “Well it’s alright, just don’t do it again ok?” Sera said giving him a wink as she sat back down, with Prompto sliding next to her.
 Gladio turned his attention back to Peri giving her a cheeky smile “This seat taken?”
 Peri rolled her eyes “Would you just sit down.”
 Gladio without hesitation slide into the booth next to her, smiling a little to himself as he watched the blush creep up Peri’s cheeks as his hand accidentally brushed up against hers.
 “Wow Sera, you looked beautiful…” Prompto said in awe as he looked her over.
 “Not used to seeing you out of your work clothes.” Gladio added.
 Sera smirked “Well you know, someone had to bring some sunshine on this gloomy night.  Is it just me or does it seem like it’s getting even darker out than before?  I didn’t think it could get any darker than it already was but…”
 “Well, according to Iggy as the Scourge continues more plasma particles are released into the air and making things kind of foggy and…” Prompto began.
 “Wow you sure know a lot about this stuff…” Sera said with a smile.
 “Uh…well…not that much…I just overheard him talking about it on our last mission.” Prompto said nervously.
 As the two continued talking Gladio turned to Peri giving her a warm smile “Well those two are hitting it off…you look amazing too…by the way.”
 Peri bit her lip nervously “Thanks…I uh…guess you don’t look too bad either.”
 “Oh this?  Bah this isn’t anything special, just my casual look.” Gladio said jokingly.
 Peri nodded silently as Prompto and Sera continued to converse in there own little world.
 “So uh…how did the mission go?” Peri said as she fidgeted with her napkin.
 Gladio shrugged “Good I guess.  We eliminated the daemon nest and got back early, so a win all around.”
 “Yeah but boy was it a doosey.  For a minuet there I didn’t think we would make it back, but you really pulled through for us big guy in the end…” Prompto interjected.
 “Wow that dangerous huh?  Well it’s a good thing ya’ll made it back in one piece!” Sera said in shock.
 “Well…it’ll take more than a daemon nest to take one of us out…well, at least Gladio.  He’s like a tank!” Prompto said talking them up.
 Gladio shrugged “Gotta put all my training to good use somehow…”
 At that moment the waitress came by and took their order.  Peri looked on as she watched the others order, distracted by Prompto’s comment about the mission.  She barely knew Gladio, why did she feel this twinge of concern that he was facing such danger.
 “And for you hun?” the waitress said tapping her pad.
 Peri shook herself from her thoughts before making a last second decision on her order “Umm..I’ll have the meat skewers with the house ale…”
 Gladio smirked “Copying me huh?”
 “Wait what….” Peri said confused as the waitress took her menu from her.
 Sera rolled her eyes in disappointment “Were you even paying attention?”
 “Of course!  I just…spaced out for a second.  I worked overtime all week give me a break!” Peri said in her defense.
 “Oh that’s right, big guy said you worked at the power plant.  Cool, thanks for keeping the lights on!” Prompto said with a smile.
 “Uh…sure…” Peri responded shyly.
 Sera winked at Prompto flirtatiously as she turned her attention back to the group “So…is what I heard true?  Ya’ll work for the crown?”
 Prompto nearly spit his drink out at he mention of the crown.  Gladio laughed amusingly at his friend as Peri looked on perplexed.
 “No need to freak out Prompto…it’s not like we’re secret agents or something.” Gladio laughed.
 Sera smirked “So it is true…whayda know…”
 Peri narrowed her eyes, thinking back to when she saw Gladio before he left on his last mission.  He was dressed in all black, with a skull motif on her shirt.  Suddenly she made the connection.
 “You guys….are Crownsguard…” Peri said starring back at Gladio.
 The two nodded in confirmation.
 “Yup, well, Gladio’s been in it a lot longer than me.  I joined up so I could accompany my best friend to his wedding and…shit I said too much didn’t I Gladio?” Prompto said in a panic.
 “Nah, we can trust them.  They never gave me a reason not to…” Gladio said turning to Peri with a smile.
 Peri bit her lip nervously as her sister continued to pry.
 “Wedding?  Wait, you’re not talking about the wedding are you?  The wedding of Prince Noctis and Lady Lunafreya?!?” Sera said in an excited whisper.
 Prompto clicked his fingers towards her with a wink “That’s the one….”
 Sera sat back processing the information “Damn…so ya’ll are in deep with them huh?  All this time I never guessed it.”
 “I’m nothing special…I would have just been a lowly rank if we ever made it back to the Crown City.  Gladio here has the real pedigree.  He’s the Prince’s Shield!” Prompto exclaimed.
 Sera turned to Prompto, giving him a warm smile “I am sure you wouldn’t be lowly…don’t sell yourself short!”
 “She’s right you know.  I’ve seen you’re work with a gun.  He’s good with his fingers.” Gladio said with a wink.
 Prompto blushed at his comment, knowing what he was insinuating.  Sera turned to him and gave him a flirty smile “Oh yeah?”
 “Did you really just say that?” Peri said with a groan.
 Gladio gave a small laugh “Well it’s true.  He’s good with his gun which means he’s good with his fingers.”
 “Alright…no more of this please…our foods about to arrive and I would like to eat without regurgitation.” Peri said attempting to stop their flirting.
 Sera shook her head “Aww Peri your no fun!”
 At that moment their food arrived, causing Sera and Prompto to go off in the own little world again discussing Prompto’s love of photography, as Prompto took out his camera and snapped a shot of his dinner.
 As Gladio took a bite of his meat skewer he turned to Peri and gave her a smile “Good right?”
 Peri nodded as she took another bit in her skewer.  Feeling an awkward silence between the two of them, Peri decided to speak up “So the Prince’s Shield huh?”
 “Yup….I guess you could say it’s kind of like a bodyguard….although, my duties lie elsewhere now a days…” Gladio said trailing off.
 Seeing it was a sore subject Peri decided to change topics “So the mission was pretty dangerous huh?”
 “I guess, but we went with a group of seasoned Glaives who could handle it so it was no sweat.  Did you ever think of joining the Glaive at one point?  I mean, being a former hunter and all…” Gladio asked curiously.
 Peri was silent for a moment as she thought about his question.  She couldn’t lie to herself, she had as soon as she heard about the Glaives in Lestallum, but then Ollie died….and any sort of fighting became too painful for her to endure.
 “I…had…” Peri said reluctantly.
 Gladio raised his eyebrow curiously “Oh?  What happened?”
 “It’s a long story…but I decided the power plant could use my help more than the Glaives, and my dad got sick so…” Peri said as she took another bite into her food.
 Gladio frowned “Oh…that sucks, I’m sorry…”
 “It’s ok…he’s ok…umm sorta…he has his days….but you know he’s getting old and…” Peri rambled.
 Gladio gave her a warm smile “Don’t worry, I got you.  Illness sucks.  My mom died when I was ten after catching this weird virus that infiltrated the wall.  She wasn’t sick for long but…it was hard.”
 “I’m sorry to hear that.” Peri said somberly.
 Gladio shrugged “It was a long time ago…I’ve had time to process it so to speak.”
 Peri nodded their group continued to converse.  She didn’t know why she was so shocked to hear of Gladio’s own personal tragedy.  Everyone’s got their own story of heartache in this world, but the way he carries himself you would never know.
 “You know, if you ever need a model I would be happy to fill in for you…” Sera said giving Prompto a smile.
 “Uh…yeah…yeah that would be great!” Prompto said stuttering.
 Soon the waitress came by an cleared their table, coming back leaving the check.  As Peri leaned forward to grab it Gladio snatched it from the tablet.
 Peri frowned as she looked up at him “What are you doing…”
 Gladio smirked “What do you think I’m doing?  Prompto you owe me 400 Gil.”
 “Oh, uh right….” Prompto said as he reached for his wallet and thew some Gil down.
 Sera looked over at him with a smile “Well ain’t you just the gentleman.”
 Prompto blushed at her comment as he shrugged “It’s nothing…thanks for the company.”
 Peri scowled as she turned her attention to Gladio “You’re not paying for me.”
 Gladio continued to waive her off “Too late, she already took the check.”
 “Seriously…here please take the GIl.” Peri said shoving the bills at him.
 Gladio pushed it back to her “I don’t want it…it’s my treat for you agreeing to come out tonight.”
 “Gladio…we agreed this isn’t a….” Peri began but Gladio cut her off.
 “I never said it was.  Listen, if it makes you feel better you can pay another time ok?” Gladio said finally relenting.
 Peri huffed “Ok, fine…”
 At that moment the two noticed both Sera and Prompto missing from the table.
 “Umm when did they…” Peri said looking around for her sister.
 Gladio shrugged “Dunno…must have been while you kept insisting on giving me Gil for a dinner I insisted was my treat.”
 Peri rolled her eyes and sigh as she motioned for Gladio to get up from their booth “Come on, maybe they are outside….”
Meanwhile in an alleyway somewhere in Lestallum….
 “Uh…Sera…are you sure it’s cool we just leave them alone like that?” Prompto asked worriedly as Sera pulled him into one of Lestallum’s back alley.
 Sera waved him off “Absolutely.  My sister may not be too good at showing it but she’s really into your friend.”
 Prompto raised his eyebrow towards her “I dunno, she really seemed like she wanted to punch Gladio in the balls a few times during dinner.”
 Sera stopped them, turning towards Prompto and backing them up until Prompto’s back hit the wall of an adjoining building.  Nervously Prompto gulped as he starred back into her steel gray eyes.
 “Trust me…she likes him.  My sister doesn’t notice guys too often, and your friend has been on her mind ever since she met him at the power plant, even if it may be because she says she hates him.” Sera said placing her hands lightly on Prompto’s chest.
 Prompto gave a nervous laugh “Oh, alrighty then…who am I to say you don’t know you’re own sister.”
 “Exactly.  Besides…maybe I wanted some alone time with the blonde man who has been occupying my thoughts for the last few weeks.” Sera said with a devilish smirk.
 Prompto blinked confusingly before catching on to her and giving her a smirk in return “Oh…OH yeah, I got yah.”
 With that Sera leaned in and pressed her lips to Prompto’s with vigor as they embraced each other in the darkened alley way.
 “Did they seriously just leave us?” Peri said scanning the area outside the restaurant for her sister and Prompto.
 “Looks like it.” Gladio responded placing his hands in his pockets.
 Peri gritted her teeth “I’m going to kill her when she get’s home…”
 “At this rate it might not be till morning.” Gladio smirked.
 “Really don’t wanna think about that…” Peri groaned.
 There was silence between the two for a moment as they stood outside the restaurant.
 “So…what now?” Gladio asked looking down at his boots.
 “Well, dinners over so…I’ll just be making my way home now and…” Peri responded as she turned to leave.  Before she could get too far Gladio rushed up to her grabbing her arm.
 “Hey…I don’t even get a goodbye?  Prompto and I bought you guys dinner, at least let me walk you home.” He said with a hopeful look.
 Peri looked back at him with a slight frown.  He was right, it was rude of her to storm off after he had extended himself like that.  She gave a sigh as she turned to him “Ok, fine.  As long as you don’t become a stalker.”
 “Can’t make any promises…” Gladio chuckled.
 “Gladio…” Peri growled.
 “Ok, ok sorry just a joke.  Besides, stalking isn’t really my style.” Gladio said with his hands up in defense.
 Peri folded her arms and shook her head as they began to walk towards her apartment “I would beg to differ…”
 “How would you know anyways?  It’s not like you know that much about me.” Gladio retorted.
 “I know plenty about you, believe me.” Peri fired back.
 Gladio smirked “Oh yeah…name two things you know about me.”
 Peri turned to him giving him a confident smile “You’re the prince’s bodyguard.”
 “Shield…but how about something you didn’t just learn over dinner.” Gladio said with a small laugh.
 Peri gave a defeated sigh before going back to thinking up another piece of information.  After a few moments of deliberation Peri turned to him with another smile “You’re quite the ladies man.”
 Gladio laughed “Or something you heard through rumors that seem to spread like wildfire around this place.  But if it get’s you to smile like that again, I’m willing to let it slide.”
 Peri quickly turned away from him blushing from his comment towards her.  Gladio smiled back at her knowing he was the cause of her sudden change in demeanor.  He had to admit, she was pretty cute when she blushed.
 The two walked in silence for another block before Gladio snapped his fingers as if he had suddenly come to a realization.
 “How about this, obviously we don’t know much about each other so why don’t we make a game of it?” Gladio said moving in front of her to face her as they walked.
 “A game?” Peri said skeptically.
 Gladio nodded “Yeah like a twenty questions sort of thing…or how ever many we can fit into the time it takes to get to your place.  If either one of us doesn’t want to answer a question we can pass.  No pressure…”
 Peri hesitated for a moment, stopping in her tracks as she mulled over the idea before responding “I can ask any question?”
 “Yep.” Gladio nodded.
 “And I won’t get shit for not answering one of yours?” she asked.
 “One hundred percent no shit from me.” Gladio said with a warm smile.
 “Ok, fine.” Peri said in agreement.
 Gladio fist pumped in victory “Alright!  So, because I am such a gentleman I’ll let you go first.”
 Peri thought for a moment before deciding on going easy for her first question “Favorite food?”
 “Cup Noodles.” Gladio answered without hesitation.
 Peri’s eyes widened at his response “Cup Noodles?  Of any food in all of Eos you pick instant noodles?”
 “Hey it’s not just instant noodles.  It’s an experience.  If you have the right ingredients, trust me, it’s something you never forget.” Gladio said in defense.
 “Ok, ok…I get it.” Peri said as they continued to walk.
 “Maybe if they ever start up production again I’ll show you…” Gladio said nonchalantly.
 Peri looked over at him confused “What? I…”
 “How about you?  What’s your favorite?” Gladio said retorting her first question.
 “Well…there used to be this cafe right at the edge of the city.  They had these bread buns that were to die for…” Peri explained.
 “Ah yeah I know the ones you’re talking about.  They were pretty good, not as good as Cup Noodles though…” Gladio smirked.
 “Whatever.” Peri said rolling her eyes.
 Gladio laughed as he gave her a playful nudge “Ok, your turn Peri girl.”
 Peri snapped her head turning to him “What…did you just…”
 “It’s your turn to ask me something…” Gladio said as he watched her stare at him.
 “What do you…uh, do in your spare time when you’re not on missions?” Peri asked hesitantly.
 “Mainly recharge, help out with things around the city, catch up on my reading…” Gladio rattled off.
 “You read?” Peri said surprised.
 Gladio chuckled “Yup, nothing better than kicking back with a beer and a book.  Why, you surprised or somethin’?”
 “Well…you kind of don’t take me for the reading type…” Peri said look away.
 “What kind of type do you take me for?” Gladio suavely.
 Peri sighed and rolled her eyes “Forget it…”
 Gladio chuckled “I get it…I know I look like the meat head muscle type.  If you give me a chance I can show you I’m more than just that…”
 Peri blushed unwillingly at his comment as they continued to walk.
 “So what about you?  Any hidden talents I should know about?  You know…besides being badass with a sword.” Gladio asked her.
 “Don’t really have time for hobbies.” Peri said bluntly.
 “Come on…there has to be something…” Gladio said egging her on.
 Peri sighed before finally answering him “Before the darkness…I used to garden.”
 “Ah so you have a green thumb huh?” Gladio responded wiggling his thumb in the air.
 Peri shrugged “I guess…it was a good way to unwind after a long hunt.  We used to have a roof top garden but…well you know.”
 Gladio nodded “Right…”
 They continued walking, albeit in silence.  Gladio looked at her and gave her a playful nudge “Unless we’re at your place it’s your turn for a question.”
 Peri shook herself out of her own thoughts and gave him a quick nod. After a moment she turned him, finally thinking of her next question “Any other Family I don’t know about?”
 “Just a younger sister, Iris.” Gladio said matter of factly.
 Peri thought for a moment before something clicked in her head “She’s not…Iris the daemon slayer is she?”
 Gladio chuckled “Yup, the one and only.  I guess you can say fighting runs in the family.”
 Peri slowly nodded as she absentmindedly asked her next question “What about your dad?  I mean I know about your mom but….”
 Gladio frowned as he turned away from her for a moment.  He gave a sad sigh as he ran his fingers through his long dark brown locks “My dad….he was killed during the treaty signing.”
 Peri bit her lip nervously “Oh…I’m…I’m sorry.  That…really sucks loosing both parents…”
 “It’s cool…that’s life though right?” Gladio said as he looked off into the distance.
 “My mom died when Sera was two…my dad…got injured in a hunting mishap and had to retire early.  He opened up the tavern in town as a second career but…as the years went on his lingering injuries got worse and Sera ended up taking over most of the regular duties.  I help out when I can but…” Peri rambled out to a stunned Gladio.
 “That sucks…I’m sorry…” Gladio said with a frown.
 “It’s fine…that’s life right?” Peri said firing back his words from earlier.
 Gladio nodded with a small smile “Yeah…”
 There was a moment of silence between the two before Peri spoke up again “Aren;t you going to ask me something?”
 “Nah…you kind of answered a question before…even if the answer was unsolicited.  I’ll let you go again.” Gladio said with a smirk.
 Peri hummed to herself as she tapper her chin.  She had to admit, she was kind of enjoying this.
 “If you’re such a lady killer why are you still single?” Peri asked curiously.  If the rumors were true it didn’t make sense that he hadn’t hooked up with someone long term by now.
 Gladio smirked “ I wouldn’t exactly call myself a lady killer perse…more socially open.  And I never said I was single.”
 Peri rolled her eyes at him “Really Gladio?  You just took my sister and I out on a double date and you’re not single?”
 “So you agree this was a date then?” Gladio said with a wide smile.
 “Gladio…” Peri groaned at him.
 “Ok, ok…sorry couldn’t resist.” he laughed as they continued walking.
 Peri frowned “You still didn’t answer my question…”
 “Well, if you haven’t noticed my life style isn’t exactly good for long term relationships.  I’m gone a lot…sometimes for months at a time.  Most women want more commitment from there guy than what I can give them and end it within the first few months.” Gladio explained.
 “Maybe you just haven’t met the right one…” Peri commented as they rounded the corner to her apartment building.
 Gladio looked down at her and gave her a warm smile “Maybe…”
 Peri looked up to see they reached her family’s flat “Well, this is me…uh, thanks for the dinner and what not…”
 “Hey wait…aren’t you gonna explain to me why you’re still single?” Gladio said reaching out to her.
 Peri bit her lip nervously “I…it’s complicated…”
 Gladio folded his arms and gave her a smirk “I got some time…”
 At that moment the door to Peri’s apartment swung open to reveal her father standing in the passage way.  Peri looked over in horror as she watched her father rub the sleep out of his eyes and look between the two.
 “Back already?  Where’s Sera?” Frank said with a yawn.
 Peri gave a heavy sigh as she responded “She…took a detour…she should be home soon.”
 “Ah…well you know yer sister…maybe it’ll be in the morning.” Frank said shaking his head.
 Gladio chuckled “See…I’m not the only one.”
 Frank cranked his neck up, meeting Gladio’s gaze “And who is this spry young man?”
 “Gladiolus sir.  I was just making sure your daughter got home alright.  Uh, your other daughter is with my friend Prompto…he’s pretty harmless so you don’t have anything to worry about…” Gladio said with a laugh.
 Frank extended out his hand “Ahh, so you’re the famous Gladio I’ve overheard my daughters talking about…names Frank…I’m Peri and Sera’s father…”
 Gladio took the man’s hand and gave it a firm shake “Pleasures all mine sir.”
 Peri looked back between Gladio and her father.  It was almost nauseating how polite he was being with him.
 “The kettle’s still on…why don’t you come on in for a few minuets?” Frank asked him with a warm smile.
 Gladio turned to Peri, silently seeking permission before accepting.
 Peri gave a defeated sigh before gesturing to the door “Come on in…”
 The group walked in as Frank lead them into the kitchen “So…you got a last name son?”
 “Amicitia.” Gladio said without thinking.
 Frank stopped in his tracks as he heard Gladio’s answer.  Peri looked over to see her father in deep thought.
 “Amicitia huh?  Are you apart of the same Amicitia family from the Crown City?”  Frank asked looking away from them.
 “Yes sir.  The one and only…” Gladio responded without hesitation.
 Peri felt now was a good time to interject between the two “He’s actually the Prince’s shield papa.”
 “Well, my duties are suspended until he returns…when he returns…” Gladio emphasized.
 “Prince’s shield huh?  Then you must be related to Clarus then.” Frank responded reflectively.
 Gladio nodded “Yes…he was my father…”
 Frank frowned “Was huh?  Shit…must mean he didn’t make it out of the city then…can’t say I’m surprised.  Figured by now he would have popped up her in Lestallum otherwise…and from what I remember he was attached at the hip to the king.”
 “Did…you know my father?” Gladio questioned intrigued.
 Frank nodded “Yep…Clarus and I go way back to our training days.  He whooped my ass a few times here and there…but what else would you expect from the future captain of the Crownsguard?”
 Gladio rubbed his chin “Dad never mentioned he knew anyone outside the wall…”
 “Probably because we knew each other inside it.  After I left the Crown City we lost touch…I don’t even think he knew where I was at after that…” Frank explained.
 “Why did you leave?” Gladio asked curiously.
 Frank smiled “It’s a long story son…maybe I’ll tell it to you another time.”
 Gladio nodded as Peri handed them both mugs of hot tea.  Frank gladly took his mug and raised it to them “I’ll be on to bed now…don’t keep my daughter up too late son.”
 “Don’t worry, just going to finish my tea and be on my way.  Thank you for allowing me into your home.” Gladio said with a nod.
 Peri looked back at him giving him a skeptical look, she couldn’t believe he was buttering up her father.
 Frank chuckled before leaving “You got manners, Clarus dun taught you right.  Hope to see you around son.”
 One her father was gone from the kitchen Peri gritted her teeth in annoyance “What the hell was that?!?”
 “What do you mean?  You heard the man, I was being polite.” Gladio smirked.
 “Oh no, no, no, no…you’re not slithering your way into my life by buttering up my pops.” Peri said waiving her finger in front of him.
 Gladio gently grabbed her waggling finger, stopping her motion and gave her a smirk “Oh I was well into your life way before the buttering…”
 Peri yanked her hand away and frowned, knowing he was right “Well…whatever…I just agreed to one dinner, that was it…this is the last time…”
 “Do you really want this to be the last time?” Gladio questioned her as he sipped his tea.
 Peri gave a heavy sigh as she looked down into her mug “I…listen, my life was going fine until you barged your way into it.  Now it’s like no matter what I do I can’t get rid of you!”
 Gladio put his mug down before he walked over to her, lifting her chin. Peri’s gray eyes widened as she started back into his bright amber ones.
 “You want to know what I think?  I think you talk a lot of talk but in reality…you really don’t feel that way.  I don’t know the reason why yet, but if you really wanted to be rid of me you could have easily denied any of my suggestions, ended conversations, not have accepted my free drink at your family bar.  And the truth being,I would have backed off.  You know that, I know that…I think tonight proved that.  So why fight it?” Gladio said with a confident smirk.
 Peri froze for a moment before moving away from him, crossing her arms and shaking her head “I hate you.”
 “No you don’t.” Gladio laughed as he went back to drinking his tea.
 Peri rolled her eyes as she picked up her mug and gulped down her drink, hiding the blush in her cheeks that was slowly creeping up.  He was right, and she hated that fact.
 At that moment the two looked up to see Sera stumble through the front door of the flat.  Nonchalantly she took off her heels and left them by the door, as she looked up Peri couldn’t help but notice her sisters kiss swollen lips and the light love bit on her collar bone.
 Sera looked up at them and smirked “Damn, and here I thought I was going to be the one to bring a guy home tonight, bravo sister.”
 Peri groaned as she rolled her eyes “He’s not staying, he’s leaving as soon as he is done with his drink.”
 Sera winked “Right…”
 “Seems like you and Prompto had a pretty good time tonight.” Gladio smirked.
 “You could say that…well, good night sister, Gladio…don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Sera cheered as she walked out of the room.
 Peri sighed “She is a menace…”
 “Nah, she’s just having fun teasing you…” Gladio laughed.
 As they both finished their tea Peri couldn’t help but look up at Gladio’s scars, even way back when she first saw him at HQ they intrigued her.
 “Is there something on my face?” he asked as he took her mug from her and placed it in the sink.
 “Umm…kind of?” Peri said not thinking of her answer.
 Gladio mockingly clutched his heart “Ouch…my wounded pride.  How will I ever look at myself in the mirror again.”
 “Vain much?” Peri said raising her eyebrow skeptical.
 Gladio laughed and waived her off “Nah I’m just joking with yah.  I’ve had these bad boys for years now.  Kind of grew to like em, something about upping my danger factor with the ladies.”
 “How did you get them?” Peri blurted out.
 Gladio pointed up to his left eye “This bad boy, protecting the prince from some jerk with a broken beer bottle at a bar in Insomnia.”
 “What about the other one?” Peri asked quietly.
 Gladio smirked “Would you believe me if I told you Gilgamesh?”
 “Gilgamesh?  Umm now I think you are full of shit…” she said skeptically.
 “Ask the Marshall…he’ll vouch.  I got a matching one on across my chest too.  Home boy doesn’t play.” Gladio laughed.
 “I’ll pass.” Peri said waiving him off.
 Peri walked him to the door as Gladio finally calmed his laughter “Well, thanks for the tea…and you know letting me in and letting me meet your old man.”
 “Never intended you to meet my old man, or invite you in for tea.” Peri rebutted.
 “Right…we’ll kind of funny our dads knew each other…don’t you think?” Gladio said nonchalantly.
 “I guess…who would have thought…” Peri said unenthused.
 “Was your dad in the Crownsguard or…” Gladio began before Peir cut him off.
 “My dad doesn’t talk much about his time in the Crown City so I wouldn’t know.” she said quickly.
 “Oh…ok, I get it…touchy subject.” Gladio said looking away.
 Peri sighed “Not for me…for him.  My father left the Crown City thirty years ago and never looked back….became a hunter, met my mother and settled here in Lestallum.  I don’t ask him about it because any time I brought it up he would change the subject.”
 Gladio nodded silently in thought “Kind of ironic both of our dads knew each other.”
 Peri rolled her eyes “Don’t think too much into it.  It’s just a coincidence.”
 “I dunno…I think it’s more like fate…” Gladio smirked.
 “Annnnd now it’s time for you to go.  Goodnight Gladio.” Peri said cutting him off as she turned to go back into the house.
 Before she got too far Gladio grabbed her by the arm to stop her “Hey wait…I had a good time tonight.  Maybe we can do it again sometime?”
 Peri turned around to face him, a hopeful look on his face as he looked down at her.
 “It…wasn’t bad.  I’ll admit it.” Peri said said to him with a small smile.
 Gladio smiled back before he pulled her into a big bear hug.  Peri blushed at the sudden contact as he released her.  With one final wave Gladio turned to leave.  Before he got to far she called out to him “I’ll umm…text you?”
 Gladio turned to face her again and smiled as he responded “Yeah…sounds good.”
 With that Gladio turned to continue his walk back to his place.  He couldn’t help but smile knowing that he made progress tonight.  She was opening up, and seemed to be trusting him more.
 “Hey big guy!” he heard a voice call out.
 Gladio turned to see Prompto running up to him.
 “So, looks like you had a good time tonight.” Gladio smirked as he noticed the fresh love bites on Prompto’s neck.
 Prompto gave a happy sigh “Amazing…Sera is amazing…she’s smart, funny, driven.  She get’s our whole deal working on Cor’s missions.  I think I’m in love dude.”
 Gladio chuckled “Slow it down there buddy, you only went on one date.”
 “But you don’t get it.  I’ve never clicked with anyone like that before!  Well…not since I met Noct.  It just, feels right you know?”  Prompto explained.
 “Yeah, I got yah.” Gladio said acknowledging him.
 “I mean, I figured you would get it…with you pursuing Sera’s sister and all.  She must mean something to you if you haven’t moved on yet.  I have to admit, she doesn’t really seem like your type.” Prompto admitted.
 “Yeah…I know…but there’s just something with her…I can’t figure it out, but hopefully now that she’s more open with me I will.” Gladio commented as they continued their way back to their apartments.
 Prompto turned to him with a smirk “So how did the rest of your date go after we left you?  I mean you’re coming back from her house soooo…”
 “Well I met her father…” Gladio smirked.
 “Whoa….what kind of a guy is he?   Anything I should be worried about?” Prompto said nervously.
 Gladio shook his head “Nah…you’ll be fine.  Trust me he will love you.”
 Prompto let out a sigh of relief “Thank the astrals…because I was really nervous for a moment when she told me he used to be a hunter.”
 Soon they approached Gladio and Iris’s flat and Gladio said goodbye to Prompto with a waive.  As he made his way up the stairs he couldn’t help but smile to himself as he thought about his night.  The more he got to know about her the more he felt this inexplicable pull to her.  He had never felt that way about a girl before and if he was being honest with himself it freaked him out, but on the other hand he was excited to see where this relationship with Peri would bring him.
 One thing he knew for sure though…he was going to see Peri Lorenzi again, and the only thing he could hope for was that she was feeling the same pull to him as he was to her.
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drawbauchery · 7 years
Is This Fine?
(written by kingredeaded)
I hope you enjoy this my dear Shadow :) I know I will! Amedot for all to enjoy!!! ——— 
Amethyst continued keeping herself under control as she drove down the road in front of her. She let Garnet pick out her dress and decided to keep her sneakers for the sake of being somewhat comfortable for her date. Amethyst had just picked up Peridot who was smiling and starring out at the view they were passing by. Wearing a yellow dress with a green trim made Amethyst stare in awe at her date.
So what if they had been friends for a long time? Have YOU ever seen your friend look this beautiful? Have YOU ever wanted to hold their hand and never let go? Well you’re not Amethyst and tonight, Amethyst begged the stars that Peridot wouldn’t be weirded out by her or her habits.
“So!” Peridot began looking over at Amethyst with a smirk. “Have you beaten Breath of The Wild yet?”
“Nope, still stuck on a dungeon sadly.” Peridot gasped! “I think I know where to go though, just gotta get back to it!”
“Good! Text me if you ever get stuck again.” Amethyst loved this. Even if she was stressed about impressing Peridot, she could still find a way to talk to her even if it was only about video games. “I’ve been revisiting some old stuff whenever I’m not swamped with work.”
“You beat Sonic yet?” Peridot pouted at the teasing but shoved Amethyst playfully anyway. “You hungry yet P-Dot?” The blonde nodded happily as Amethyst pulled into the parking lot. Quickly the white haired woman dashed over to open Peridot’s door and helping her out. Both women shared an embarassed blush.
“You don’t have to be a gentleman Amethyst. We’re best friends after all.” A sharp chill went up Amethyst’s spine at the word ‘friends’ but she was able to push past it.
“Can’t help it sometimes.” Peridot giggled and linked their hands together walking into the restaurant and sitting down ready to order. Peridot had settled for some kind of pasta Amethyst never heard of as she simply order Spaghetti. “So, work been busy?”
“Not as much as it used to be. Although my boss could use more staff seeing as I’m usually stuck with all the extra work.” Peridot mumbled taking a sip of water. “How about you? The kids still being a pain at the boardwalk?”
“Kids will be kids you know?” Peridot nodded returning her gaze to the table cloth making the white haired girl nervous once more. Running through different topics in her mind she was saved as Peridot excused herself to the restroom. Amethyst dropped her head in her hands, it was just her best friend why couldn’t she keep up a conversation? So what if she was in love with her best friend? So what if she just wanted to hold her hand and never let go? Was there anything wrong with being this nervous?
“Yo.” Amethyst jumped slightly but eased back down as she saw her older sister Jasper smiling down at her holding their orders. “What happened to all that boasting you were doing earlier short stack?”
“Shut up, I’m just nervous is all.”
“I’d be too, did you watch her walk away? I’d love to have my hands on that-”
“Jasper!” The older woman chuckled before ruffling her sister’s hair.
“Be yourself dummy. She loves her friends so what better way to win her heart than being her friend?” Amethyst looked at Jasper as if she were bring mind controlled. “Whatever shrimp, enjoy your meal.” As Jasper left she shot at wink at Peridot earning a look of curiosity from the blonde.
“Do you know my old roommate?”
“That’s my older sister.” Amethyst mumbled earning a dropped jaw from Peridot.
“No way! You’re related to those muscles over there?” Amethyst blushed a bit feeling jealousy begin to appear.
“Don’t sound too upset now Peri.” Peridot ignored the sass by quickly grabbing her silverware.
“I just know how she gets is all. Just surprised she had siblings.” 
Amethyst whispered an apology and the two ate their meals in silence. The next stop was the arcade where the two women could compete or win stuffed animal prizes for one another. Come an hour into the arcade Peridot had already taken a good amount of photos of the date showing off her amazing abilities at the light gun games, along with Amethyst’s abilities to win stuffed animals. What started off as a worrisome moment of silence ended with a blast of loud fun and laughter shared by two friends.
Amethyst had taken Peridot back to the car and looked out to the restuarant where Jasper waved her goodbye. On the way home Amethyst started to worry once more as Peridot surfed the web on her phone as she clutched a stuffed bear to her chest. She had this moment to bear her feelings, to ask what the blonde would prefer of her, to find out if she was good enough.
“Hey Per?” Peridot hummed in acknowledgement making Amethyst shiver in fright at having been a terrible date. Swallowing her pride she bit back her fright and blurted it out: “Is this fine?…” Peridot put her phone away turning to look at her date in bewilderment.
“Is what fine?” Amethyst gulped again and held the wheel tighter.
“Is THIS fine? You know, going on dates with me, holding hands, spending time alone?” Amethyst whispered blushing brightly as Peridot gasped slightly looking at her lap.
“Do you think I had a bad time?”
“I just-… I just don’t want you to think lowly of me. I uhh… I really really like you Peridot. I know we’re best friends and I know we act goofy all the time but.” Amethyst took a shaky breath as Peridot drew her gaze towards the terrified driver.
“I would really like to turn our friendship into something more.” Peridot’s eyes widen for a moment before she returned her gaze to staring forward. “I-I would understand if you ummm… if you don’t see us that way but, I just needed to express myself.” Peridot shrunk as Amethyst began to put on a facade as she sniffed back her worries and fright.
“Amethyst.” Peridot began slowly placing one hand on the driver’s thigh. “I really had a good time tonight, honestly.” Amethyst visably cringed at the incoming 'but’ headed her way. “I love what we have and how you’re so much fun and enjoyable to be around.” Amethyst stayed quiet and swallowed back her potential tears. “But even if I were to say yes, will you promise to clean your room?”
Amethyst’s heart stopped for a moment before parking in Peridot’s drive way and looking into her eyes confused.
“I can’t date a woman who can’t keep her room tidy every once in a while.” The blonde smirked and leaned over kissing Amethyst’s now bright red face. “I’m up for becoming more Ames. Just promise you’ll clean your room tomorrow and call me over so we can cuddle all night.” Amethyst nodded like a fool as Peridot exited the car and headed to her front door. Amethyst watched her now girlfriend turn around and blow her a kiss before entering her home and calling out to her roommate.
Oh yeah she did it. Amethyst got what she needed and you can bet she was screaming her head off with joy as she burnt rubber headed back home to tell Pearl and Garnet everything! ——–
That was my very first Amedot fic. I hope you enjoyed it and please feel free to demand fluff from me, I love writing this trust me lol.
-Ed aka KingREDEADED
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13th Doctor x OC x 6th Doctor
Ellie and her Doctor (13th) are on earth in the year 1980 and let’s say the Doctor had a run in with herself literally.
It was a quiet day in the Tardis, as the Yaz, Ryan and Graham have taken the weekend off see their families. So the remaining people were the Doctor and Ellie, who is getting prepared for their adventures in the 80s. Ellie, wanted to have a go at the classic 80s arcades and the Doctor, well, she just wanted the Machine parts at this point, to fix something in the Tardis again.
Hey Doctor, should I change my outfit or is what I’m wearing ok ? The Doctor turned around and looked at Ellie's clothes thoughtfully and Grinned.I think they are absolutely fine for the 80s, if you must know, I reckon you could blend in quite well. Ellie looked at the Doctor she smiled brightly and nodded. I agree Doctor and I think my hair helps too as well, Ellie shook her head which made her curly, bright, ginger hair move too. The Doctor chuckled and ruffled Ellie's hair gently, before pressing some buttons to get to their location.
Once they had arrived, the Doctor stepped out of the Tardis, to check where they have landed. which seemed to be an old alleyway. A few seconds later, Ellie stepped out of the Tardis and looking around in awe. Alright then let’s get going and have a look around. The Doctor said excitedly and Ellie looked even more excited, as she will be able to use the old arcade games. Like Pac Man and many other classics.ok then Doctor, what should we do first then Eliie said. I know that I will need parts for the Tardis. but for now, let’s find an arcade to explore in and maybe some games.the Doctor said and Ellie nodded, as she listened to the time lady eagerly.
The two women looked at different places. like the comic book store, Record store and many other places, until they had finally found an arcade and they entered the building. Ellie soon enough make a pin line, for the Pac Man game and managed to beat the high score and the Doctor beat the high score while playing Galaga and after that, they both went to the claw machines. The Doctor managed to win 6 Teddy bears while Ellie had won 1 But she was happy as it was huge and Ellie was struggling to carry it. The two women,decided to drop their prizes off in the Tardis and head out for some food, which was a pizza restaurant.
While at the pizza place, Ellie was looking out the window while waiting for her pizza. The Doctor was happily rambling away, when the pizza had arrived and been eaten. They were both on their way to the Tardis, when they saw two arguing people in the alleyway. They both looked at each other and slowly walked down the dark alleyway, the ladies were very distracted when suddenly. The doctor ran into a very colourful man, who basically looked like a bag of skittles and Ellie tried to contain her sniggers, at the mans most outrageous coat.
The Doctor looked up at the man, who was glaring down at her and groaned. Ellie looked at the Doctor with confusion on her face and helped the Time lady up, the man spoke. Who are you and do you mind, where you are going, the colourful man said rudely. The Doctor was speechless,at the man rudeness and apologise profusely. While then Ellie burst out laughing and everyone looked at the young woman. I’m s so sorry, but it’s the coat Ellie said before giggling and the woman who was with the man nudged him. she has a point you know Doctor she said while looking at the two women. Ellie’s giggled had ceased and the confused look, returned on her face. Hold on a second, what do you mean Doctor she’s the Doctor Ellie said with her thumb pointing towards the Doctor. no he’s the Doctor the woman said now hold on Peri the Doctor said
Ellie the man and the woman looked at her in utter shock how do you my name the woman said looking worried the Doctor smiled I’m the Doctor from the future this is my friend Ellie excuse her laughing at the....... the Doctor paused for a moment to look at the coat the man was wearing at the coat the Doctor eventually said and Ellie sniggers so you’re telling me that joseph here is a younger you Ellie said yes The two Doctors said and at this point Ellie howled with laughter you used to look like a talking bag of skittles Ellie said breathlessly with tears in her eyes and Peri joined in with the laughter and so did the Doctor while the man looked very unimpressed at being the butt of Ellie’s joke
The younger Doctor with the bright coat walked towards Ellie and took her hand and kissed it gently hello my dear even if you don’t quite approve of my coat I can certainly say that you ate very beautiful Ellie blushed at the compliment and he carried on flirting with her while Peri and the Timelady had a chat so Peri how are you the Doctor said happily I’m fine thank you but I can tell you now no offense but what were you thinking at the time to choose that coat peri said going quieter at the end of her sentence I don't know to be honest it’s been so long that I can’t even remember what my personality was like now I’m actually glad that I don’t the Doctor said with a guilty smile looking over her shoulder to see poor Ellie who’s cheeks were crimson red from her younger self being charming
Look Doctor you are very kind but wouldn’t you want to talk to yourself Ellie mentally slapped herself and The younger Doctor laughed at her wording knowing what she actually meant Yes Ellie I shall give you a break from my charm and my coat which you have kindly claimed to look like skittles before Ellie blushed at that and went to talk to Peri while the Doctor spoke to herself
Time skip
• Everyone was now at the arcade again after Ellie made a bet with Peri that their Doctors could beat the high score of Galaga the two women stood by their Doctor and it the moment Ellie’s Doctor seemed to be winning with the top score of 5,000 while her younger self wasn’t far off with 4,569 the women standing on the sides cheered until Ellie’s Doctor won I can’t believe you won that Doctor but how did you do it if you are both the same person Ellie said while messing with the controls of Pac man
I might of picked something up from watching you as you are so skilled at arcade games so I decided to try your way I hope that’s ok the doctor said while looking a bit worried that she had upset Ellie that’s fantasies Doctor I didn’t even know you could pick up skill that quick Ellie said smiling widely how did you even convince my younger self to play anyway the Doctor said curiously well have you noticed he’s quite easy to charm so I just tried to charm him the best I could and eventually he agreed Ellie said with a giggle think back on how she did it
They played a couple more hours before it was time to head back to the Tardis but the younger Doctor might of taken a little longer to let go of Ellie erm Doctor as nice as this is and I do enjoy being hugged but could you loosen your death grip before I suffocate Ellie said struggling to move away the younger time lord did but not without a kiss to Ellie’s and when others were not looking a quick peck on the lips before winking at her good bye Ellie I do hope I see you again the Doctor said I don't the older time lord said and they all waved good bye to each other before walking away to their Tardis
Back in the Tardis
Ellie was now snuggled in her pjarmas after a nice warm bubble bath she settled in and read a Stephan king’s book called pet semetery and 2 hours later and Ellie half asleep the Doctor bounded into the room and took her shoes off and jacket before jumping into Ellie’s bed and snuggled into Ellie’s side alright Doc Ellie said voice groggy the Doctor was quiet Ellie looked down at her and found that the Doctor had fallen asleep so Ellie decided it was best for her to go to sleep too
The End
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OK, in the next fight we’ll see Loki against Soleil XD, let’s see if I’m able to give some enjoyment to Mark…
Seriously… nothing about the… swim on Camilla’s chest? Really Mark? I ask you details and you keep them all for yourself?!? Bad guy!
Camilla gently smiles again removing her bathrobe and placing close before entering in the pool remaining with her upper half outside the water so she’s able to see the current fight.
The two shake their hand and reach the centre of the arena while the crowd encourage them while enjoying the view of their swimsuit. The battle continues for some minutes this time but, even if Peri is pretty strong, the unwavering will of Faye gives the victory to the second after she manages to keep down her adversary for three seconds. In the end Peri manages to reach alone the healers while Faye enters in the pool to wasy away the mud from herself. Anna keeps moving forward the show: “AND NOW IN THE ARENA WE’LL SEE A FIGHT BETWEEN THE CUTE SOLEIL AND THE MYSTERIOUS LOKI! LET’S WELCOME THEM, PEOPLE!” While the crowd launch a new cry and Soleil moves to the platform all smiling, Loki takes her time winking as well to Mark:-~Well, it looks like it’s my turn… Enjoy the show, Mark…~-
So, while the two walks away, Camilla focuses her gaze on Loki to study her style and Athena turns again to Lyn: “Ve heard that the tallest one is a mage vhile the other fight using a svord, vho do you think vill vin this fight?”
The two share an handshake while smirking and, after that, Aqua tells them to remove their bathrobes. The first is Soleil, that shows a nice two pieces green set and the people show their appreciation while she makes a pair of circles on herself to give a chance to see her to everyone.
Loki patiently waits until Soleil returns to her place with hands on the hips: “Come on, show your body to the people together with me!” The sorceres sends another sexy look to Mark:-Now admire the magic~- Thinking this and turning her gaze on her opponent, she lets the bathrobe falls behind her. and the azure monokini that she’s now wearing is showed to everyone.
Camilla closes more her eyes feeling the angry rising in her while I touch Mark’s shoulder: “Don’t fall in her game, she’s trying to trick you. Remember what I told you and what she done when you and Lyn met her the first time.”
The next battle didn’t really have anyone Mark knew that well, but he still watched to see if something interesting would happen. Through his tactical abilities he predicted that Peri would win with her fierce and slightly crazy look in her eyes, but he was surprised when Faye ended up winning. Though he could see a similar look in her eyes as well so maybe it was more evenly matched than he thought. After that though Loki was going up against Soleil who Mark had heard was really soft for cute women. Loki sent him a mental message and he sent one back.
Good luck, I’m rooting for you. He told her.
“I think Loki is going to win.” Lyn answered. “I’ve heard that Soleil has a weakness for good looking women and Loki is very good looking, so that’s why I think she’ll win.” Loki was doing a good job of showing off to the crowd and to Mark and he was getting quite excited, but he knew how to control himself in public so he just let out an encouraging whistle.
“Oh, just let it go man, she’s just trying to have fun like the rest of us.” Mark said at the words of warning.
(Mark: “You’ve always come of as not really caring about stuff like that, so why would you want details?”)
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