#phou chakriya
yayaidea · 1 year
How I save money
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I have three saving boxes
To put 1$ weekly
To put 0.05$ daily
To put 10% of my earning
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yayaidea · 1 year
Who sits in the yard
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photographed by Chakriya PHOU
There was a family moving to a new house.
The house had a backyard, and it had an old bed made of wood.
When the sun set, the man who was the owner of the house usually saw a woman sitting on the wooden bed by showing her back and she had dark long hair.
As the man was about to go ask who she was and why she came into his yard, the woman disappeared.
This event happened for a few days. The man felt doubtful; he called the village chief coming to his house, then he and his relatives went to that spot and dug the ground.
Shock, they found a skeleton there.
The village chief and the man reported to the police. The police did an autoscopy and knew it was a woman.
The police investigated and found the truth that the dead woman was a maid of one of the former owners of the house. She was killed by the house owner many years ago and they buried her in the yard. Then they sold their house and went to live in another province.
This house was sold to a few owners before it reached the current man. However no one saw her ghost, only him did, but the former owners said the same that after they moved into the house, they felt unwell as the sun set and their family members usually got sick, so they sold the house.
After the corpse was pulled out, the house owner didn't see anything anymore.
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yayaidea · 1 year
Man, Jealous Too
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written by Chakriya PHOU
illustrated by Lina LONG
Chili is spicy; woman is always jealous…
It is a song sang by Ros Sereysothea and other famous two singers.
My husband laughs when he hears this song.
I like this song. I always display it in the evening.
In my opinion, woman loves her man truly that’s why she is always jealous when she see her husband is close with another girl. Man does not understand. He usually blames wife that her mind is narrow. My husband likes to say this to me too.
I and my husband got married for two years but we don’t have kid yet.
Everyday, he goes to work, and I stay at home with a young niece – she is daughter of my cousin.
A neighbor of mine has a son. He is about two years old. When my husband is off, I usually take the kid home and take him back to his parent before my husband arrives.
Everytime I bring baby, I put him on our bed. I was told that if I want a baby, I should bring baby to play on bed. It is a belief of Cambodian.
My husband does not know about the kid.
One day, he comes home early.
I am in bedroom. I do not know that he arrives. I am having fun with the kid.
Suddenly, the door is pushed. I am shock. As I turn face to the door, I see my husband is standing there. His face is red like fire, at first, then he shows surprise expression.
Behind him, it is my niece. Her face is pale.
“What’s matter?” I say.
“No, nothing,” my husband shakes head, then he walks off the room.
I carry the baby. I take him back to his parents.
When I come back, I call my niece.
“What happened with your uncle?” I ask.
My niece narrates.
When my husband came home, he did not see me, so he asked her where I was. Then she said, “Auntie is in the room with young man.”
She says following me; I usually call the kid, ‘young man’.
Suddenly, my husband tied his eyebrows. He ran to the bedroom. He kicked the door to open.
I laugh after hearing.
I did not know that my husband is like this.
He misunderstood about the word ‘young man’; he thought I cheated on him with another guy.
“Aunt, I never see uncle is angry like last moment,” my niece says. “He was really angry. His face was red. He ran like storm and he kicked the door hardly. I was scared when I saw him. The door lock is broken.”
I smile.
I call to locksmith to replace new lock for my bedroom’s door.
I stay silent. My husband is embarrassed, but he tries to behave normally. At night, when we go to bed, my husband asks, “Today, you do not play the song?”
“No,” I say.
“Because now I know that not only woman is jealous but also man is.”
My husband smiles. As he turns off the light, he whispers, “I want a kid.”
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yayaidea · 1 year
Violet life
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I can't make everyone like me. I am myself and no friend does not bother me.
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yayaidea · 17 days
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yayaidea · 21 days
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Though we are a blogger or vlogger, we need to learn :
& Marketing strategy
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yayaidea · 22 days
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What bloggers usually do to promote their websites:
Click 'Like' other websites
Leave comment on other websites 
Create account on social media or video platform 
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yayaidea · 29 days
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yayaidea · 1 month
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yayaidea · 1 month
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yayaidea · 1 month
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yayaidea · 1 month
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yayaidea · 1 month
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yayaidea · 2 months
Will Tumblr need me to pay tax to any country if their citizens read my Tumblr blog?
I want to know in order to prepare to run away in advance.
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yayaidea · 2 months
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yayaidea · 2 months
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