#please enjoy the fruits of my feverish ADHD mind
violent138 · 6 months
Bruce, slumped in a chair: "Alfred it's so insane, he just doesn't stop. Yesterday he broke his ankle and he's back in those goddamn pixie boots with 'extra supports' like that fucking does anything-"
Alfred, stirring sedatives into the tea he's making Bruce: "Oh my."
Bruce: "-I just don't know what to do. He needs to take a break, holy shit that much anger can't be good for a child, and don't even get me started on the coping mechanisms Alfred, they're unhinged-"
Alfred, looking up with a tight smile: "You don't say. Sugar, Master Bruce?"
Bruce, dragging a hand down his face: "-and let me tell you, I don't know where he gets his energy because he hasn't slept in two days! Two days! I was impressed when he first got here, but now I'm just concerned-"
Alfred, handing the tea to Bruce: "Understandable, sir. Anyone in your position would be."
Bruce, nearly choking on the tea: "Alfred, Alfred, I'm so dumb--the lack of sleep must be getting to me-- just spike his orange juice with sleep meds. Child doses of Nyquil or something. Yeah, that'll do it."
Alfred, watching Bruce drain the cup: "I couldn't agree with you more."
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