#plotting agianst parents
phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 12: Betray - Sinners Are We Chap.4: The Golden Princess
Little Dove takes her first steps in walking beside mortals and a lot of people plot, particularly Orrin.
Leaving the Keep had been hardly difficult to do for Orrin, Dove hadn’t seemed to even understand what was going on. She also didn’t seem to mind the quaint brick house in one of the more deserted areas. Really it just seemed she wanted her plushie. Children. Though he certainly wasn’t like this in the slightest.
Setting up a proper food supply and figuring out how to get Dove some form of a social circle were the next tasks on the list. The first was pathetically easy, but he supposes it should be. If it was too difficult for the living to get food they died. As for the second, his only experience with socialising like a mortal was talking to passerby’s, speaking in lines, and the occasional concert. Those were not really well suited for a child. He does remember mother and father complaining about ‘school’ but sending her off to some building with other children on her own was actively asking to get found out. Very actively. That was precisely the risky move he’d expect out of brother, which of course means it would not be expected out of him. Which means that if this whole idea of his got sniffed out by mother and father then they would laugh at him doing something so far out of his expected behaviours. Which could save him from a more genuine shit-kicking. He rather didn’t feel like being holed up in bed for a week with all his bones broken and skinned. Besides, he could do that ‘volunteering’ thing to keep an eye on her.
Dove has very little clue what’s going on but the walls texture feels really cool and the eating stuff bro brings is weird and smelly, but shiny red and very round. Shiny is nice and It fits nicely in her hands, though it’s so squishy. She can tell it would take so little to smush it up.
Her hands also look weird, not like they usually did when they weren’t glowy. Bro looks weird too, so it must be alright. Oh, and her nails were pink, which is exactly why she licks them a little. Maybe they would taste different too. They don’t. But that’s okay.
Looking to bro and moving over when he makes that hand motion that means he wants her. Curious and hopeful. Maybe they were doing something fun again. She wouldn’t mind that. “Now listen close Dove, we’re around mortals. Yes the living kind. So it is rather imperative that you refrain from using your abilities. Understand?”. She tilts her head and hums, not sure what some of those words mean. But it sounds important and she wouldn’t want to make bro sad. So she nods a little.
Bro frowns slightly, Dove doesn’t really notice. “You didn’t understand what I just said, did you”, and sighs when she shakes her head a little. “No floating or anything. The living can’t do that and we’re pretending to be on of them”. Oh, they were playing pretend? That could be nice. So she nods softly. “You’ll even get to meet other girls your age”. Now that makes her curious. Maybe they were pretty and liked fluffy things. She liked fluffy things. And small things. And big things. And sharp things. She liked a lot of things. Littler bro liked dark things and smooth things. Bigger bro liked loud things that made messes. Pa liked funny things and surprising things. Ma liked metal that made things fly really fast.
So she nods again and happily walks after bro as they leave the small house place.
Orrin finds the volunteering to be rather lacklustre, but it serves his purpose. Watching Dove run around and play with the plastic animal things. At least children didn’t give a damn that she never spoke, even if one of the other ‘volunteers’ was certainly giving him an odd look over that. “She’s not much of a talker”, was all the explanation he had given, as if he even needed to explain in the first place. All in all, this ‘school’ thing seemed like it might just work out.
In fact, it might work out better than he could have foreseen. One of the other children’s mothers was part of one of those underground resistances. He personally liked to keep tabs on such things. If his parents ever got genuinely mad at him then he could simply nonchalantly expose one of the resistances to get back into their ‘good books’ again. But here and now he had a much better use for them. A much more interesting one to say the least. After all, he’s already encountered a few of its members and had a few choice conversations with them. He was likely already on their list as a ‘potential ally’ or even ‘potential member’. Resistances were always so eager to snag up new members. He can appreciate the tenacity. Even if most of them will likely die painful deaths sooner rather than later.
Dove likes the small lady, Remi, who likes birds the best, and she liked Dove’s name. Or the name bro said was her name, Robin. It wasn’t hers but it was a nice name and much easier than her bro’s. Bro also seems to like Remi, with how he was looking at her with a small grin and wrinkled eyes. That does make her a little cautious though, people usually got hurt when bro looked at them like that. Or he was just planning to scare them a little. Scaring was funny, but the other she doesn’t really like. The reds and greens were pretty and sweet; but the person was always gone after that. That’s the part she didn’t like. People were pretty and they couldn’t be pretty if they were gone. She hopes Ori doesn’t make Remi go.
So when the adult lady says it’s time to go, Dove goes over and pushes his face to stop smiling and turns his head to look away. That just makes him smile in the wide mean way, which she huffs and puffs her cheeks out over. Least he wasn’t looking at Remi that way. But it looks like he might know Remi’s ma, so maybe that’s why he was smiling. How sweet.
She pays more attention to making sure Remi’s hair scrunchie things are on the most perfectly than the two talking.
“I didn’t know you had a daughter, Lark”.
“What can I say, I’m a surprising guy”.
“What’s her name? Remi seems to like her. She seems... really gentle”, laughing a little, “Remi’s not so gentle”.
“Robin. And she’s always been like that, has quite the delicate touch I dare say”.
The lady laughs a little again, “does everyone in your family have bird-related names”.
“I have a sister named Raven. So you could say it’s a running theme”.
“Why am I not surprised. Anyway-”. The conversation got real quiet after that, not that Dove couldn’t easily hear. Even pa pointed out how much better halfa and ghost hearing was than mortal. And all these people were for sure mortal, smelled it. Which was cool and they were so soft and squishy. She thinks she likes these ones even more than the ones at home. “-interested in a play date of sorts”. Dove likes that idea, she likes playing, but the hair thingies still need her attention; sticking her tongue out a little.
“Oh? And where would be the location we would be gracing”. Glancing at bro shows he’s doing that smiling again. She doesn’t know what’s going on but whatever it is bro likes it. And she likes that he likes things, so long as those things don’t have to go goodbye. That makes her kind of... sad.
“No where special”. Even Dove knows that tone means it is somewhere special. Sweet, she likes special things. She knows bro does too, because special things are usually secret things and he loves finding secret things and having secret things. Just like them being here was supposed to be a secret thing. No ma and pa allowed.
“Well I certainly couldn’t turn down an offer like that, now could I”. Dove hums happily as she gets the hair things just right. Wiggling her fingers over them like she sprinkling sparkles, before pushing her gently over to her ma. Because look how pretty she is? She is very pretty.
The lady looks from bro to them, “my, Remi I don’t think I’ve seen your hair ever look so perfect”, and smiles. Dove and Remi smiling right back. Bro is just giving her that weird look that he sometimes does. The one that makes her think that he thinks that she’s weird. Like when she keeps her dollies from getting hurt or puts sprinkles on her food. Bro just doesn’t get it she thinks. Food tastes better when it’s pretty and her dollies might get sad if she didn’t save them.
“Yes it’s very... well done”. The lady looks at him like he’s the weird one so he shrugs, “I’m not the most versed in little girl things”.
The lady points at him, “that’s it, you’re definitely coming for a play date one way or another”.
Bro just raises an eyebrow, “I have already agreed you know”. Which the lady chuckles over. Pa would like her, she laughs a lot.
The lady looks to Remi, “would you like that sweetie? Having Robin here come over to play?”. Remi quickly nods and wraps her arms around Dove. Which Dove decides she really really likes. “Uh-huh uh-huh! Can she please!”. Dove’s never heard that word before. “Then I can put pretty things in her hair!”. Dove likes that idea very much and nods softly to show it.
The lady looks to bro, whispering, “look, their hugging. Or Remi’s hugging anyway”, before nodding at Remi, “of course sweetie”. Which Remi cheers over and squeezes her tighter.
Hugging. That’s what this is called? She likes it very much. She tries doing it back, no squeezing though; she wouldn’t want to break her. And grins, she likes hugging a lot.
Orrin hadn’t intended for this to make her even more gentle and soft, that or she was incredibly aware how breakable the living were. Why you could pick them up and they’d just snap in half. She really seems to enjoy the hugging thing though. Having hugged him repeatedly since. That was making Rio suspicious though, her glancing to him after they walk through a door in a tree and let the two girls run off, or in Dove’s cautiously prance would be a better word choice. “She seems to really like hugs. Excuse my rudeness but it didn’t seem like she knew what a hug was until just now”.
Orrin has two options presented before him right now. He could choose some level of honesty and claim that her father wasn’t exactly good and he only recently got her. Or he could just brush it off as her being unusual. But there rises the issue of the living being perceptive to that which is unlike them. While if he uses the first one then he will seem like a ‘sympathetic character’ which may prove more useful in the long run. Actions decided he sighs to make this seem more genuine, “family isn’t the kindest, let’s put it that way. She’s only with me here recently. Today actually”.
Rio’s eyebrows raise and he gets that sad smile he was aiming for, “oh I see”, then she actually looks a bit mad, “wait. So you didn’t even hug her when she showed up?”, and promptly slaps him. Which he seriously has to restrain from ripping her eyes out for.
And he does effectively keep the snarl out of his voice, the venom? not so much, “I’m not a hugger”.
“She’s a child”.
Orrin has never really appreciated Dove’s nativity before now as she runs over and basically halts the conversation. Her having a great many bow clips in her blonde -thanks to his glamour- hair. Is this really what regular little girls liked? Apparently yes, based on her bouncing on her toes faintly. At least she wasn’t trying to float.
Rio still throws him a glare as they take the girls to the ‘play den’ area. Meaning it was time to get down to business.
A few weeks go by, and it was becoming incredibly easy to tell who in this city knew about this particular resistance movement. Because suddenly he was some to be respected, which he can’t say he didn’t enjoy. To be treated like an important figure without that lingering fear in their eyes was certainly a new experience for Orrin. Does he prefer it? Not particularly. But he was a Gray-Phantom after all. Him not preferring fear and destruction would be strange. It was still interesting all the same. And it’s not like the group's plan and leadership was all that bad, it seemed better than most at least. Of course they had precisely zero hope of actually doing away with his family, but hey, the genuine effort was amusing. They weren’t even intending to bank everything on just one plan or one plan and a back up either. Oh no, they had a handful they wanted to enacted simultaneously. Which wasn’t actually a horrid plan. Mother could be quite narrow-minded and father easily distracted; and his brother of course was a fool. One of their plans even involved trying to blow up the Ghost Realm, and the bomb designs, that he invisibly sneaked a peek at, would actually be somewhat effective. Impressive actually. Russet would get a real kick out of it. But the group was banking a little too much on his father actually highly valuing his role as High Ghost King. Thinking he would defend the Ghost Realm just like that. His parents didn’t get their positions because they genuinely wanted them. No. They took them purely because they could. It also making them, especially father, stronger was a nice added bonus.
The rest of their plans were far less extreme and ranged from everything from: kidnapping the princess, which he had to resists murdering the lot of them for seriously suggesting, to reconstructing an ancient method of ghost mind control, not realising that that wouldn’t actually work on the high royal family. There had also been talks about turning the mortal knights that served his family, even claimed they already had turned one. But one look at him and it was obvious that was a load of crap and the guy was absolutely going to betray them. Which didn’t work so well for Orrin’s plans, which meant the knight had been promptly fed to a pack of wild bores. Then there was the plot to mind control the entire species of Drugandons and use them as an army to lay siege to the Keep. The sheer amount of chaos that would cause had him practically salivating. Oh yes, these mortals were fun.
Of course none of their plots would actually work on their own or even together. But it did have the highest possibility of any resistance group he’s encountered. And if they did go ahead like this, then plenty of ghosts would jump on board in a heartbeat. Which meant the chances of Russet getting himself destroyed would be incredibly high. And if Orrin himself were to back them, then it would be almost possible that his parents could genuinely maybe be taken out. Which would, of course, leave the throne to him.
Now he’s not particularly the power-hungry type. He doesn’t really give a damn about being High King. But it could be quite interesting. And if this group tried all this, managed to kill his elder brother, then his parents would rain-down absolute Hell. It would be nothing compared to the massacres of previous years or even their debut as monsters. It would be a sight to behold. Glorious even.
Orrin thinks he would rather like to see that. But he also knows exactly how that would go, which did take some of the fun out of it. Meanwhile, Dove becoming a figurehead for resistance was unprecedented. He could hardly predict the ways that could turn out. And Dove certainly enjoyed Remi’s company. Which was a bonus.
Another bonus was picking up on brother dearests ghostly aura a day back and successfully keeping both himself and Dove out of Russet’s awareness. Tricking that man was always a true pleasure. Regardless of how easy it generally was to do.
One thing he hadn’t accounted for though, was human stupidity.
But really? He shouldn’t have been surprised that things went to shit pretty rapidly. Gray-Phantom’s had horrid luck after all.
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yvettebaudelaire · 4 years
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-- “ her voice was like honey; her smile could distract the devil himself ”
(florence pugh, 92, cisfemale, pansexual, seelie fae) Oh, look, (yvette baudelaire) finally showed up in Shadowfalls. (she) has lived here (four months) and works as a (high end dancer & escort at Indulgence). Everyone says they are (compassionate & playful), but if you cross them they can be (flighty & spoiled). When you think of (yvette), you think of (strawberries dusted with sugar, delicate silk and lace draped over creamy skin, marigold hair tied back with a ribbon). 
( hi everyone, birb here with my second brainchild! meet my wee fae babe! if you would like to plot with yvette don't be shy, you can message me here on tumblr or over on discord )
♡ Basics
Name: Yvette Baudelaire 
Age: 92 
DOB: September 24th (Libra)
Gender: Cis-Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Seelie Fae
Nationality: French
Hometown: Paris, France
Current Residence: Shadowfalls
Occupation: High End Dancer & Escort at Indulgence / Runaway Heiress 
Personality: (+) compassionate, playful, captivating, gentle, optimistic (-) flighty, materialistic, spoiled, naive, overly-trusting
Pet Peeves: disorganized closets, scratchy fabric agianst her soft skin, closed mindedness, rudeness, and terrible manners
Scent: vanilla orchid, milk and honey, apple tarte tatin
Theme: Heart of Gold by Birdy
♡ Biography
Yvette was born into incredible wealth and privilege, the only child of Giselle and Antoine Baudelaire -- two aristocratic fae who, for centuries, had amassed an incredible fortune all the while blending in among the human world.  As a child, Yvette played on her family’s sprawling estate, a gentle, carefree, and kind soul. She loved her family dearly, and there was never a thing that Antoine and Giselle wouldn’t do for their youngling. Even when the human world discovered the existence of the supernatural world, the Baudelaire’s shielded their daughter from the persecution, moving their family to the states. 
The Baudelaire’s continued living in the human world peacefully, even as tensions began to rise between the mortal and magical realms. While in America, Yvette had a tryst with one of the gardeners who tended her parent’s home in the states, discovering her insatiable need for physical intimacy. 
For years, things were peaceful until Yvette’s entire world came to an end in a single moment, when the young fae came home one evening to discover her parent’s slaughtered in their own home. If it hadn’t been for her bodyguard, who had saved her from the gruesome scene, Yvette would have likely met the same fate as her dear family. With their help, she escaped into the night. She found sanctuary in Shadowfalls, a city solely dedicated to supernaturals. Yvette was supposed to meet her bodyguard within the city limits, but it has been nearly four months with no sign of them. The nightmare of that evening still plague's the dainty fae’s dreams. She has blamed humans for the merciless attack on her family but has no idea that the murder was orchestrated by another fae family who wanted to take the Baudelaire family riches for themselves. 
When she first arrived in Shadowfalls, Yvette was a lost little lamb thrown into a den of lions -- woefully unprepared for life outside the safety of her parent's estate. Her parents had sheltered her from the harsh realities of what it meant to be supernatural, to be different, as she witnessed firsthand the hardships that befell those of magical blood. Still reeling from one of the most painful losses she had ever experienced and feeling more alone than she ever had, Yvette found solace for her grief where she knew best -- in the arms of others. The young fae filtered from lover to lover, warming bed after bed in attempts to fill the hole that had been left open in wake of her parent's death. In her desperate attempt to reclaim some resemblance of her old life, she was taken in by a vampire of the Youngblood clan who offered her a job at Indulgence where Yvette has been working as a high-end escort and dancer a little over three months now. 
♡ Wanted Connections
(here are just a few general connections i would love to have for yvette! i should have a more specific connections page up in a bit. if you have any other ideas, feel free to message me here or on discord. but im down for anything really! <3 )
other employees at Indulgence (dancers, bouncers, bartenders)
regular clients from Indulgence (can be any species, gender, or sexuality)
other fae who might recognize her family’s name
anyone who might have information on the people responsible for her parent's death 
or even the fae family responsible for her parent's death
exs or any kind of unrequited love situations because i am a sucker for angst
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