#poor traumatized darling about being So Hurt So Damaged What A Relief He's Behind The Bars but rather. wants to understand. wants to talk
leatherbookmarking · 3 years
it’s funny that in many fics jgy is like, cheating on his current partner, manipulatng people into unhealthy sexual relationships, having sex scandals when like, he’s been the butt of the ‘haha his mother was a whore’ jokes all his... life... you’d Think....
#i mean i'm not the one 2 judge others on what they find sexy#or the ways in which they make jgy into the Villain™#(unfortunately i found a nice mc author also wrote a fic in which jgy is a whole gotdamn abusive manipulator both to nmj and lxc#and like. that's great. but whatever FOR save for 'ooooh he craves power and influence'. like where's the meat. do u think he's so flat?)#its just kinda weird 2 me personally when people's first idea of 'what bad unethical thing could jgy do for the sport/for pleasure' is#so deeply steeped into bad relationships/sexual practices. like again if you find it sexy u do u right but were you even paying Attention#it's a bit like idk. making jiang cheng be sexually shameless while his parents are still alive. he would rather DIE#this is the OPPOSITE OF THE MAN#shut up shrimp#anyway idk if i'm just Never going to accept jgy as an antagonist OR if the fics' idea of his antagonism are just so wildly incompatible#with mine. i feel many authors haven't been satisfied with how jgy like... wasn't condemned enough? by the main cast. so they have him as#this cartoonish villain and there's this lan xichen at the end who's like OH! i should have SEEN this! and others pat his miserable back and#recite the phone numbers for mental health lines. not literally but i always feel like they're an inch away from doing exactly that#so it's either THIS or jgy just. seemingly doing things for the sport. i Cannot understand his motivations#mainly because... the thing was that he was just as tragic as everyone else? it wasn't that 'having no choice' was his excuse he was#consciously using. he REALLY felt as though he had no other safe options. that was the THING with jgy. that he really wanted to Survive#and be loved. but for that he'd have to be alive first! and also life was giving him a whole lemon orchard all the fucking time#so that doesn't fit At All w/ what's happening in fanfic and i'm like ughhhhh#i WOULD enjoy me a modern retelling/au in which he idk. goes to jail or 'faces the consequences' in any way But lxc FOR ONCE isn't being a#poor traumatized darling about being So Hurt So Damaged What A Relief He's Behind The Bars but rather. wants to understand. wants to talk#that would be neat. alas
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In Love and Death Chapter 15
Harry Potter AU 
Link to Chapter 14
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
After Sirius calmed down, you went upstairs to the bedroom for a nap. After all of the excitement, you needed some rest. Regulus sat on the bed when you walked in. He looked up at you with those “please love me” eyes that typically got him anything that he wanted.
Ugh, why does he have to be so fudging adorable?
You thought as Regulus finally spoke.
“Is he okay?”
You nodded, sitting down beside him.
“I think I calmed him down. Regulus smirked. If there was someone that could talk anyone down after being upset by something...it was you. Even though you were typically sarcastic and sassy, you knew how to handle upset people like a champ.
“How did you do it? Scotch?”
Both of you laughed at that. It had been days since the two of you had a conversation like this and you realized how much that you missed it. You had missed “your” Regulus more than anything else. His sudden sullen quietness that he usually reserved for other people being directed at you was more hurtful than any of his icy words could have been. You understood though. He was still in a panicked state over you running after Harry and Bellatrix. It was risky...you had to admit that (especially given your condition). Had the roles been reversed you would have probably been a wreck to. You may have chosen your words and actions a little differently but you would have been upset.
“That is actually a brilliant idea, darling. I just talked him down. That’s what he needed. It's clearly a shock.”
Regulus took your hand in his as he traced his fingers over your palm. A “shock” was a great way of putting what he had just witnessed. Knowing that he had a niece that was 10 was a definite shock to Regulus’ system. He had tried to process his thoughts on the matter and was only coming up with anger and annoyance. Regulus’ main source of annoyance was with the child’s mother, whoever she was. The woman should have come to Sirius when she found out that she was expecting. He was already raising Harry so he could have easily supported his own child.
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts.
“How are you feeling about it?”
Regulus turned his attention back to you.
“I don’t know. I mean...I always suspected that Sirius would knock some girl up with the way that he behaved but it's different now that it actually happened. Part of me is angry that Sirius is getting hit with this 10 years later. I mean, he’s missed 10 years of this child’s life. Another part is pissy because there wasn’t much that I could do to help him being dead and all. The last part is thrilled that this child didn’t grow up with my family...you know what a hot disaster that is. However, I have no idea what kind of trauma this child did grow up with...it could be 10 times worse than whatever we had to offer.”
You lay your head on his shoulder with a sigh. Regulus was definitely right on that one. This kid could be 100% blissfully normal or could be some poor damaged thing that grew up like yourself.
“Either way, she just lost her mother. That will be rough. No matter if a parent is cruel or not...when you lose a parent it's painful. You think about what you could have had if the fates would have been remotely kind to you.”
You said, sadly. Regulus immediately frowned, feeling awful. That statement alone told Regulus how you were feeling. No matter how tough of a front that you put up, you were missing your own mother. It was probably the way Regulus felt when he “woke up” to find that both of his own parents were dead. There was a mixture of relief and sadness.
“We can give the child something better, you know? I think Sirius will do just fine. It may be a bit of a dumpster fire at first but at least we won’t be our parents.”
You had to agree with Regulus on that one. Sirius, Regulus, and yourself at least knew what “not to do.” The three of you wouldn’t care if the child was a Slytherin or a Gryffindor or any house for that matter. You would see the child’s talents and what made that child “special.”
“That's true. We are most certainly not them.”
The two of you sat in silence until you squeaked as the baby shoved another little foot in your ribs. Regulus’ head turned in your direction.
“Are you okay?”
You nodded.
“I would be if your child would leave my ribs alone.”
Regulus smirked before gently placing his hand on your stomach. You were thrilled to see him smile when the baby moved under his hand.
“The baby has been moving a lot lately.”
Regulus commented, his smile not leaving his face.
“I guess I should stop drinking coffee if I want to make it another month. Just so you know, we are never doing this again.”
Regulus nodded. He was fine with this being the only one. Now that he knew healers didn’t know everything, he was pleased with the outcome.
“That’s fine with me. Y/n, about the past few days...I’m sorry that I have been a dick. Watching you run off after my psycho cousin scared the crap out of me. You know that I couldn’t function without you. Since I came back from whatever it was that Voldemort did to me...you’ve been the constant that I needed.”
You copied his action of taking his hand in yours and stroking your fingers over his palm. This was one of the ways to calm him down. A few soft strokes of your hand would leave Regulus a moldable little lump of clay in your hands.
“In your defense, it was kind of dumb for me to run after her.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t have to be a dick though.”
“You had your reasons. Let's just say everything is okay and move on, huh?”
Regulus nodded, feeling thrilled for that outcome. If he could just have you back as his lover and things be normal he would be fine with everything in his life.
“That sounds really nice.”
The next morning you stood with Regulus and Sirius as the three of you waited to finally meet Lucinda. Neither Regulus nor Sirius had said much since arriving at the ministry. Sirius had been a nervous wreck all morning and had been anxiously tapping his fingers on any surface that he could get his hands on. It was Regulus that finally told him to “fucking stop.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the difference between both brothers. Sirius stood looking like his typical rock’n’roll god self while Regulus stood at your side in the dark suit that hugged his slender body perfectly.
Now isn’t the time to start drooling over him.
You thought with a smile as Sirius turned to his brother.
“What do I say?”
Regulus didn’t make a facial expression or turn to face his brother. How the fuck was he supposed to tell Sirius what to say when he didn’t know himself.
Hi, we are your family but just found out about you.
Hello, you’re coming with us. Do you have any emotional issues that we should know about?
Regulus had to choke back a smirk at both of those thoughts. Sirius was going to have to tackle this one. Regulus had no idea what he would say if the shoe was on the other foot.
“You could start with hello.”
Regulus suggested earning a sneer from his older brother.
“I am so glad that I asked you for help.”
Regulus again didn’t turn to his elder brother.
“You know that I’m not good at these things.”
“She’s your niece too.”
Sirius commented. Finally, Regulus turned to look at his brother.
“I am very much aware of that. Have you thought about just what we are getting ourselves into, Sirius? This child could be damaged...worse than what we were.”
Sirius closed his eyes. He didn’t want to think about that. The last thing that he wanted to consider was his own child could have had a worse childhood than him. In all of his years, Sirius had sworn that if he were to ever have a child that she/he would never grow up with abuse. Now that promise could have been for nothing…
“She’s still my daughter...traumatized or not. I can’t just do nothing.”
Regulus frowned.
“That isn’t what I meant. I only meant that we should both be prepared for the worst.”
Sirius nodded.
“You shouldn’t worry about it. You have your own family to deal with. Y/n will have your baby soon. You shouldn’t be worried about mine.”
The sentence left Sirius’ mouth before he really thought about what he had said. He knew, if it had been years before, Regulus would do nothing to help him. He would probably sit back and watch him suffer. It wasn’t until Sirius saw the annoyed expression on Regulus’ face did he realize that his brother wasn’t going to just leave him behind.
“You’re talking crazy. Whether I have my own family or not, you are still my brother and I’m not letting you do this alone.”
You sniffed earning a stare from both Regulus and Sirius.
“God damn these pregnancy hormones...you two are making me want to cry. This is worse than the sad abused pet commercial.”
Before Sirius or Regulus could make a comment, a witch stepped out of the office. Her attention went to Sirius before smiling politely.
“Mr. Black, I am sorry to have kept you waiting. If you all will come with me.”
Sirius was crossing the room without a second thought. Regulus’ hand wrapped around yours, seeking reassurance that only you could provide. You gave him a small smile before the two of you followed Sirius into a small office. The witch turned with another kind smile.
“She hasn’t said more than two words since she has been with us. I believe that the poor dear has suffered something horrible in her short life.”
Regulus turned to face you with a dark expression that said “I knew it.” Sirius was unable to say a word so it was Regulus that turned to the woman and said a quiet thank you.
The three of you waited until the witch walked out of the room before turning to face the small girl sitting by the window. Both Sirius and Regulus glanced at each other as the little girl turned. Right away both brothers could see their mother as a child looking back at them. Everything about Lucinda screamed Walburga Black only with deliberate differences. She was a lot smaller than Walburga at ten years old.
You, meanwhile, couldn’t help but smile. Everything about her screamed Sirius and Regulus Black. Her eyes matched her father’s, however, the expression on her face reminded you of Regulus.
The poor dear looked scared to death. Your newly acquired maternal instincts kicked in and you wanted nothing more than to hug the poor little girl and stroke your fingers through her curly dark hair...yet another feature that she shared with Regulus.
You stood quietly beside Regulus as Sirius knelt down in front of Lucinda and spoke quietly.
“Hi sweetheart, I know this all has to be very confusing for you and I’m sorry that you are going through the things that you are. I’m…”
“You’re my father. I know. I heard what the woman out there said to some other people.”
Sirius nodded.
“I am. I don’t know everything about you, dear but I won’t let anything bad happen to you again. You can have a family now. Speaking of which, this is your uncle Regulus and aunt Y/n. They are going to help take care of you too.”
The whole way back to Grimmauld Place, Lucinda didn’t say much. Her eyes were focused solely on the road in front of her. You had a feeling that Regulus was going to be right about the whole thing. This poor dear had seen things that children hadn’t seen and had no idea how to recover from it.
You stood in the kitchen helping Tonks cook dinner. Tonks gave you a smile before patting your arm.
“You know that it is all going to be okay, right? We are going to get the little love straightened out and before long we’ll all make some strange big happy family.”
Regulus was sitting at the table and laughed at Tonks’ comment.
“She’s onto something, Y/n. Notice that she said strange. I think that's fitting.”
“Strange works for us.”
You commented as Lucinda walked in. She sat down across from Regulus. Her eyes had locked on you watching your every move. Tonks elbowed you in the side with a small grin as if telling you to “work some magic.”
“So sweetheart, what foods do you not like?
The little girl shrugged.
“I’m not picky ma’am.”
Regulus’ eyes rolled up from the paper as you tilted your head.
“You don’t have to call me ma’am.”
Lucinda shrugged.
“Mother would have beaten me if I didn’t.”
Both Regulus and yourself locked gazes. You could see the fury quickly building in your lover’s face as he pressed his lips together. Taking a breath, you crossed the room and sat down beside Lucinda.
“I had a mother like that too. Lucinda you were born into a family that didn’t appreciate you. Now things are going to be very different. You have a lot of people who care for you now.”
The following weeks proved to be some of the more difficult for everyone in the house. You quickly began to realize how much Lucinda’s early childhood reminded you of your own and it was one of the more painful things that you had dealt with in a long time. Lucinda reminded you so much of yourself as a child. She was quiet, agreeable, and quickly grown to following you all over the place (and you didn’t mind). She was quickly opening up to everyone a little more with each day.
You smiled at how much she reminded you of an even mixture of Regulus and Sirius. Something told you that once she “came into her own,” Lucinda would be the perfect little trouble maker. Sirius was too good at getting caught. Lucinda, however, had Regulus’ sneaky nature and would probably get away with whatever the task was.
One morning, you stood in the kitchen feeding your obsessive need for hot chocolate. Regulus and Sirius had gone off on a mission leaving Tonks and yourself at home with Lucinda.
“Hot chocolate again?”
Tonks smirked at the expression on your face as you shoved another bite of a cupcake in your mouth.
Tonks gave Lucinda a playful smile before turning back to you.
“If you keep feeding that baby like that, he will never want to be born.”
You rolled your eyes before turning and going off in search of a bottle of water.
“Yeah, well I don’t think that is going to be happening.”
Tonks quickly sat up on the counter.
“Yeah, and why is that?”
You turned.
“Considering that I have been having contractions all morning off and on.”
Tonks' amused expression immediately turned to worry. She quickly looked down at her watch. Jumping off of the counter, Tonks quickly began to pace.
“It's too soon. You have another month and a half. Have you called Regulus?”
“Tonks, it's a bit early to panic. It isn’t like my water…”
As soon as you said it a wet sensation went down your legs. Tonks met your gaze as her mouth dropped. She quickly turned and tossed her phone at Lucinda who effortlessly caught it.
“Darling, call your father and uncle. Keep calling them obnoxiously until one of them answers the phone.”
Tonks turned back to you. She gently pushed you into an empty chair. Had it not been for the pain of another contraction you may laugh at the hilarity of the situation. Tonks was spazzing out as if she had never given birth herself.
“There’s no stopping it now. I’m going to go get Molly. She of all people will know what to do. I want to sit here and breathe. REMUS!”
“Right here, why are you yelling, darling?”
Remus asked, stepping into the room looking confused. Tonks was practically jumping up and down as she pointed to you over and over. Remus raised an eyebrow.
“My water broke.”
You explained. Remus’ mouth dropped as he followed his wife’s example and checked his watch.
“Too early...I know...baby is coming…”
You whimpered through gritted teeth. Lucinda was still playing phone tag with Sirius and Regulus. She finally gave up and turned to you.
“I’m not getting either of them, aunty. Dad’s line just rings and Regulus’ is going straight to voicemail.”
You rolled your eyes before internally muttering to yourself to calm down. The last thing that you wanted to do was traumatize the poor girl in front of you anymore.
“Regulus probably broke his phone again.”
Remus finally pulled himself out of his own state of worry.
“I’ll go get them. I know where they went.”
You nodded as Remus disappeared from the room. Molly quickly appeared into the room taking Remus' place. Her friendly face was full of worry as she reached you. Tonks was behind her still looking as if she was taking Regulus’ place in having a panic attack. It took all that you had not to giggle.
“Y/n, Dora said that your water broke?”
You nodded, still trying to keep your calm and casual persona.
“Yep. That is the way that it looks. I think Dora is having a worse time though.”
Molly quickly reached out for your hand.
“Come on, we need to get you into bed.”
You shook your head.
“Oh no...not yet. I want to wait right here to tell Regulus that my mother was right. Sex is bad.”
Molly instantly broke out into a fit of laughter. Had she not been through childbirth so many times; the comment wouldn’t be as funny. Hearing it come from the first time mum was all the more adorable.
“I’ll be sure to let him know what you said. Now come, dear. We need to get you settled.”
@amelie-black @truly-insatiable @fandomsxxregulus @realgaytrash @lucasfilms77 @spiderxalmighty @whymyparentscheckmyphone @jessyballet @knreidy1 @quuenofblacks @bennyberry @hazncalsgal @teletubiswszpilkach @acciosiriusblack @fific7 @sunles @rubyroscoe1 @criminalyetminimal @exhsle @sluttforsirius @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @fandom-trash-worth-it @hankypranky @summer-novak @li0nh34rt @tas898 @marichromatic @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @knight-of-gleefulness @stuckinsaudi1 @untoldshortsofthefandoms @sprnaturallover @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner
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ladylesso · 4 years
thea gushes over kate's "alex vs the school for good" fanfic
i've reread this fanfic twice before it was finished but now it's finished, therefore i will read this beautiful work of art a third time and i have no regrets because this is the best fanfic in the entire fandom and i love kate so let's go (u never asked for it but here it is @pumpkinpaperweight)
i love how alex's close relationship with her parents, especially tedros, is already established within the first scene
alex is so witty and her mind is so sharp i've missed her so much :')
alex ribbin on tedros and agatha laughin as a sign of encouragement is my favorite thing
chapter 3: hooray for teenage angst
will there be a one shot on the multiple ooty ambassor incidents????? i am Excited
"...and the author of this tale had lost their copy of The School for Good and Evil, and therefore could not remember exactly what the School for Good was meant to look like. They were running entirely off memory, and not doing a bad job, all things considered." KATE AKSKSJDKLFJ
get this: what if the camelot years were just a fever dream and alex vs is canon. what if.
chapter 10: these dogs are still alive for plot devices and comic relief don't @ me
marcy girl chill out
omg dean cromwell vs alex wearing the boys' uniform scene - iconic and sora-approved
oh my god i actually thought sophie stopping thorne was a scene in the actual books instead of in alex vs skdjkdfs
i love kate's adult! sophie - very realistic and in character
chapter 13: HA! GAY!
talib and sora my babies my precious my lovelies
"talib grinned, looking back in the direction of the classroom - sora kept looking at him and missed a step on the stairs" gay
chapter 15: my gran could do better, and she killed a warlock with a cheesecake - I LOVE THE CHAPTER TITLES SO MUCH
alex is so precious why are people being so mean to her :'( sora and i will happily burn them alive
"chaddick and lancelot always smacked her with the butt of the sword to signify a hit, but tedros had tended to sort of half-heartedly shove her off of the mat, unwilling to hurt her" tedros being a good and caring soft dad :')
"alex, what does your dad have?" "low self-esteem?" JESUS ALEX SKDFJLSDJFLJFSLDJ
"alex's temper was utterly uncontrollable, and hort didn't know how he'd forgotten- now it was all rushing back to him in one big, rather traumatic, wave" I'M LAUGHING
omg four year old alex defending her father i'm heart eyes
#i don't like this cromwell bat bring dovey back
"sora's brain was still trying to work out which panic he should prioritise more -the super deadly predators trotting at his feet, or the fact that talib was holding his hand?" Gay
seeing alex cry is like seeing a friend crying - it makes you sad and murderous
"we have been in so many fights.” said alex tiredly. “i wish our author would think of something else. but she won’t, it’s the Trial by Tale next, and that’s all fighting” KATE
"sora had snatched nadiya’s handkerchief and thrown it to talib like a maid watching her favourite knight" [crying] i would kill a small child for them
sora and alex trying to hide behind each other at the same time is makin me burst into hysterics
oooo sora bout to murder a bitch
sophie acting like an actual dean :')
nadiya's such a queen we stan
june being friends with talib and fondly calling him an idiot is my new religion
alex saying she's the "loser daughter" and me knowing that tedros and agatha are watching her right now hurts. thanks a lot kate
june and thorne???? ship????
omg sora laying it on thick and pretending to be unconscious so talib could carry him sldjsdlkfjdslf
"my darling angel prince" that's Gay "sora fiddled with talib's collar" GAYYYYY
"gentle marital dispute" i adore kate's humor
"wow,” said sora dreamily.
“he just punched someone in the face, sora,” sighed marcy.
“i’m dying, not blind. that was hot--”
im going to have a heart attack
sora dragging tedros is my new favorite thing
"sora smiled in a very self-satisfied sort of way, almost as if he knew the annoyance he’d caused several hundred miles away" this is sora's true talent
i love how alex breaks the 4th wall
sora: i don't know whether you've noticed, alex, but i can be really rude?
alex: ur not that rude to me
sora: because i thought it might make u cry
:') i love their friendship so much
yes alex! call him out! sora IS emotionally constipated!
omg im curious as to what color alex's fingerglow is
newsflash cromwell! we don't care about ur reputation OR you
alex clutching onto her aunt's arm :'(
awwwwhhh alex w curly hair!! <3
talib is the sweetest boy ever oh my goodness
sora is an aquarius HAHA suits him
alex's dramatic entrances are clearly from sophie's influence :')
talib gifting sora roses that's Gay
sora foreshadowing how ros and raiden will get along >:)
sora is a grumpy old man in a 16 year old body but WILL eat his friend's questionably edible birthday cake made for him don’t test him
oh my go d talib don't go ohmygod kate why
agatha planning a wrestling match with her and tedros vs cromwell and agatha confirming that the coven have spilled blood over june and will not hesitate to do it again is my favorite thing
if u look closely or if u look at all, ros is clearly a never
tedros: i don't have favorites
agatha: i do. you're my least favorite
tedros: i'm ur husband
agatha: so?
omg alex is tedros' favorite and marcus is agatha's favorite so does that mean ros is sophie's favorite
and now we're in marcus' POV? kate just keeps delivering
omg the famous camelot family scene i've been waiting for is finally coming to fruition
it's official: we stan emi
whenever i hear somebody call agatha the queen of camelot, i get this tight ache of pride in my chest
i love how marcus just looks at his father and tedros knows exactly what he's asking :')
raiden and the twins, marcus and ros? my Body is Ready for ros vs
anemone campaigning for a ranking board that says who has the hots for who is something i can get behind
"there was a brief scuffle whilst both tedros and agatha fought to hug alex at the same time, which she didn't look in the least bothered about" ALEX FAMILY TIME YAY <3
alex introducing agatha, her famous mother, to her roommates is one of my favorite things
"alex stuck her tongue out at her and went back to rifling in her mother's cloak pockets for food" if this isn’t me -
alex being a wingwoman to make her mom sign marcy's copy of the tale of sophie and agatha is my favorite thing #1972934794
talib not recoginizing tedros as the king of camelot but as alex's dad :')
i love how ros could tell how much a fashion piece costs and what material it is just by looking at it
"there was a resounding crash, and another blade caught his, halfway" i love how tedros entered into this chapter kate is such a good writer
im lovin these marcus and ros descriptions
"rosalind and marcus looked at each other, then, slowly, back at jimmy. both of them suddenly looked a lot older than they were. raiden wondered how much damage they could do as a team. probably quite a lot" "raiden resisted the urge to squish marcus's cheeks" ROS VS HERE I COME
sophie rushing bc she senses drama is a big mood
omg i love these camelot year references
"...whilst tedros tried to pretend he hadn't just tried to shove agatha behind him, and awkwardly returned Excalibur to its sheath" his instincts :')
people mentioning that alex is a big sister makes me feel warm inside
the image of tedros braiding rosalind's hair gives me heart eyes
im glad they're talking about alex and the reverse mogrification incident! i am also Intrigued
wait i thought ros and marcus were 10 years old? but agatha mentions how ros is 13? did i miss something
alex and hester aunt and niece relationship :')
this unspoken understanding between the pendragons is everything bless u kate
"i love it when Evers act like Nevers," emi told her grandsons from under her tree. “it’s good for the liver.”
oh alex u sweet darling child of course sora and talib are boyfriends even thorne could see it
this alex and thorne thing? gotta say,,,,,, i see the ship possibilities
omg the everboys sitting in the beautification lesson im excited
emma,,,,... darling,,,,.........,,, they're Gay
i support alex's plan to look hot for the snow ball and single-handedly destroy the buffet
i love how tyler and marcy are in the squad now :')
anemone: WHO
talib: i'm not telling u!
anemone: WHICH GIRL
talib: not a - not a. uh, girl
tyler, nadiya, and marcy quietly discussing alex's type LKSDJFLSJFK
sora im bout to body slam u talk to ur bf u idiot donkey don't be like teenage tedros and agatha
"akiyama sora is a dead man," muttered nadiya" i bow to one (1) queen
chapter 29: fellas is it gay to protect roses from winter damage
"poor thing,” she added as an afterthought. alex was forcibly reminded of her aunt’s 100% Evil status"
i love these scenes with sophie <3
"er. it's okay, professor," said sora's mouth. alex for the love of christ help me you useless git, said sora's eyes"
alex saying marcy has horrible taste in men but swearing to take tyler's kidneys if he doesn't go for marcy - true friendship
anemone just said the f word is this legal
the amount of times i've screamed over sora nd talib is too much to count - sometimes in excitement and sometimes in pain
"he was cut off when talib seized his collar and kissed him, much harder than sora had kissed him the first time" my lungs are exploding
"sora exercised all the curse words he knew in her native language. alex grinned. "you sound like ros. except ros knows more words" oh??????????
i've smiled more reading chapter 29 than i have this whole year
sora: weren't u listening to the announcement yesterday
alex: who was doing the announcing?
sora: pollux
alex: nope
love that tedros deemed his wedding outfit a Sacred Object
i love how tedros and rosalind bond over fashion
alex has a daily ritual of high-fiving the statue of king arthur, her grandfather. i love her.
omg tedros adopting a pseudo father figure role over tyler love that
i said love so many times but i can't help it this fic is just too good
it's official: sora is alex's partner in crime
so just to catch up, the squad consists of alex, nadiya, sora, talib, tyler, marcy, and june - and out of this chaos rises a mom friend: nadi
i never knew how much i wanted to see the teachers gossiping until i got it
of course agatha never hired a nanny for her children she loves them too much to ever not raise them herself >:((((((
magazine with a pic of talib: major hottie alert!
sora: finally, some high-end journalism
kate ur mind is amazing
omg i love this curses! the musical plot point im excited
ros? as the queen of camelot? Sign Me Up
alex is drawing a six pack on her stomach with a pen to prepare for her role as tedros somebody please help me my lungs have ruptured 
title reference on a crop top!! impressive!!
"MORE PANACHE !" sophie bellowed at the stage" did soman write this or did u kate
is marcus on the autism spectrum???? it would be great if he was
"alex said a quick prayer to rosalind, patron saint of spinning half-truths to people and getting away with it"
im grinning so hard at agatha possibly dying of laughter during alex's rendition of curses! the musical
"tedros made a sound like an animal in pain and sank down so low in his seat that he was barely visible. agatha burst into hysterical cackles, reminding ros, not for the first time, that she had been raised by an actual witch" "'tedros' and 'hort' had a rap battle that ended up getting too personal and devolved into a fistfight" AGATHA AND I ARE BOTH GOING TO DIE
"she turned around, saw tedros stood behind her, and screamed. tedros held up the programme, open on the page which said rewritten by akiyama sora and alex pendragon. alex screamed louder."
i adore the news' headlines
what's on the school master's mind??????????
omg is it about marcus and ros??
chinhae is ros' friend and both of their names were circled in red bc the school master has a plan for them. whoaaaaaa
"slowly, she turned back to look up at the school master's tower. and got the distinct feeling someone was meeting her gaze" chills
finished 1:06 AM june 14, 2020
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