#prapai never hurt sky
introvertedkeni · 2 years
*Goes in the Love in the Air tag *
Me: Maybe this week will be better!
*scrolls through the latest post *
Me: 🙄nvm
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hirakiyois · 2 years
going to wrap sky up in a giant blanket and steal him away actually no more sadness for him
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bird-inacage · 10 months
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A Prapai Gifset | Vulnerability noun. the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
For me, one of the best things about Prapai as a character is his surprising vulnerability (and this is credit to Fort's incredible performance). There are a handful of scenes where we see this.
1 - FEAR. When he thinks he's about to lose Sky. Prapai's reaction is pure desperation, which is at complete odds with his usual playful 'bravado'. He begs, literally begs for Sky to come back to him.
2 - HEARTBREAK. When the person you love hurts you. The mixture of disbelief, astonishment, and devastation on Prapai's face is so well communicated. Prapai may have never been hurt so badly before because he never cared this much about someone. This is the first and only time we see Prapai cry for himself.
3 - OVERWHELM. When sex is no longer lust but love. This moment tends to be overlooked; but despite being deemed a 'player', and a promiscuous flirt, Prapai appears genuinely vulnerable after sex with Sky. As Sky tenderly sweeps his hair back and kisses his forehead, Prapai looks overcome by the gravity of his feelings. He allows Sky to cradle him whilst his guard is down. This speaks volumes about what this meant to Prapai. That he waited. That he respected Sky's boundaries. That sleeping with Sky again confirmed that physical intimacy could never be the same. We are also used to seeing Prapai play 'protector' and being the strong one for Sky, so it was beautiful to see this reversed.
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chocolatecakeandbl · 1 year
Prapai’s Past - Character Study with Headcanons
Out of the blue, we had a very interesting convo yesterday at the server. It started with ‘Prapai’s happiness’ and turned into ‘What might have happened in Prapai’s past?’ 
A lot of headcanons came up, halfway turned into a deep character study we want to share with everyone. 
Buckle yourself in, get a drink. This will take some time :3 
A short Prapai Character Study
We often joke about Prapai being empty-headed about anything that is not Sky and Sky's body, but we never think of him as just a dopey guy. He has to be brilliant at his job. His father wouldn't have made him CEO if he were an idiot. He has brilliant emotional intelligence. He just plays the smiley fuckboi, because that's what people expect him to be.
Prapai the CEO. 
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The amount of burden he has to carry on his shoulders must be beyond imagination. 
The pressure? The expectations? 
Prapai’s family seems to be supportive, but they still loaded expectations upon expectations on him.  
Prapai the family anchor.
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The boy raised his siblings, said so himself. How fast has he had to grow up? How old was he when he lost his childhood?
Where was Pai's mother in this? Why did the responsibility for his siblings fall on Pai? Why not someone else? They are rich. They could have had help. Nannys? Other family members? Literally anyone but Pai? So why Pai?
A possible headcanon:
Pai's mom was there when Phan and Plerng were still small, but when they got older, it fell on Pai. Largely because Pai was always present and wanted to take care of them, loved them more than himself - that's how this boy is, really. In the end, Pai was too protective to let someone else care for them?
In a way, if looked for deep enough, it becomes tragic. Why? Because he had the money for a place to live, all the food and stuff he might have wanted. But he was too young to carry the responsibility of a family, and it led him to make hard choices.
Prapai, the man behind the mask.
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Prapai is incredibly intense in whatever he does.
He was given a lot of responsibility since a young age, not only from his parents because his dad most likely already had the intention for him to become CEO the moment he was born, but also because he cared for his siblings the way he did. It might have ended up coming naturally to him, not only because he IS loving like that, but because he's been slowly put into a position of "taking care of things", whatever those may be. Started off as helping out his brother with a bruise, ended up in making deals and ensuring the status of the company.
On the other side, we see what happens IF Pai stops wearing that mask of smiles, and his charming sunny boy self. It's been a thing when Sky cut him off. But what really got us was the way he looked when he got up to repay Gun’s efforts.  
There wasn’t a trace of a smile. Prapai’s eyes were intense, focused. His stance was tall, grand, room filling. Someone hurt the man who is his heart? His life? 
This is the moment the mask falls completely. What we find is an intense Prapai. A protective Prapai. A Prapai who doesn’t fear to keep those safe he wants to have safe no matter what it costs.
This Pai is the real Pai. 
Why the smiles?
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If you have no idea why he keeps smiling and being the sunny boy, it's easy to say that he just is like that because he never had to worry about anything. He's from a rich family. He had his future set out. He's pretty. 
But what does it need to be a young CEO? 
That is what many underestimate. How there's ALWAYS people telling you how you are too young for the job, that there's no way the company survives under your hands. That you only got the position bc of X instead of your own hard work. If you leash out, it's all over. Everyone goes "Told you. He's not made for the position." So what is left? Smile. Be charming. Maybe add a bit of puppy eyes and acting innocent because it always helps. We all see it at Pai. We hc he not only got hurt relationship wise, but also has to take slights on an everyday base. He has a way to cope with it, but it's a thing many people choose to not see.
Inevitable questions we never got answers to:
Why was Prapai ‘raised’ by his uncle?
Why did he end up having to raise his siblings?
Where had his parents been? 
Why had he had to take over the company at such a young age? 
Prapai as a teenager
Prapai wearing his heart on his sleeve is so true and we can only imagine a much younger Prapai, being his lovely golden retriever self trying to give someone his heart, only for it to be stomped on. How long he might’ve been a ‘kicked puppy’, who decided that all smiles, swaggering fuckboi was the mask he needed to wear from then on?
What if this is what happened? Teenage Prapai who lost his heart to someone only to have it crashed...
What made him into the 'fuckboi' we got to know? Did he sit down, over his broken heart, seeing the sadness in his eyes in the mirror, and go "No one will ever get to know about it?" only to adapt a "Single life is best." attitude we saw he had (and conveyed to his siblings)?
What if he tried again, got shot down again, then realized people only wanted him for one thing. 
OR.... Maybe he overheard someone talking about him. Young Pai, pondering on whatever he's pondering on, maybe he's in school or college, he overhears a conversation about him, and as he's about to walk in and say hi, he hears himself described in ways that break his heart.
It's hard to believe he just chose “Single life is the best!” out of the blue and that he always wanted the "single heartthrob" vibe for himself. Prapai is TOO lovely to simply be a player. 
He didn’t go through a trauma like Sky went through, but he might have gone through a period of time with someone whom he cared for a lot but who didn't treat him the way he deserved. "Why should I even give my heart to anyone if people just use it however they'd like?"
Considering he was raised to care for everything, he wouldn't just go around "fucking and finding out".
What if we go deeper into this headcanon? 
What if he tried relationships? 
He freaking tried but got so badly hurt he decided he’s either not worth it or everyone is the same so there’s no point in trying. In high school, or while in UK. Being cheated on, being used for money, being a game in someone’s bet (I dare you to get into Pai’s pants and make him head over heels for you kind of bet). A different hurt from Sky’s, but still one creating a huge scar in his heart. 
So many people just go for looks.
And Pai fits in that part. Not only does he come from a monetary background, and social status, but he has the looks as well. 
He is a charming boy, it's hard to not want him. 
Maybe he's how he is because he got hurt. He got used. And to avoid it happening again, he opened a playground where he could live out the frustration his life inevitably brings, while at the same time getting that tad bit of intimacy (aka bedroom activities) keeping him sated enough to go through daily life. 
We think Pai is someone, who IF he had a relationship before, got cut off because he is very caring. And so many out there just aren't able to cope with it. Too many feelings. Too much care. Too much focus. 
It’s easily overwhelming for too many. 
Prapai’s Happiness
We often talk about how Pai made Sky happy, made him feel safe, but we talk way too little about how Sky taught Pai to be happy and showed him that happiness in a relationship is a thing too. Before Sky, Prapai had no idea how real relationships work. He didn’t know the joy that came from it, nor that slightly different feeling of support and feeling home. 
Now, Sky showed him what real, genuine romantic love is, what does it mean to hold someone in your arms feeling content simply because that person is next to you and you can hug them. 
That your love’s happiness is often your happiness. 
Sky showed him that fuzzy warm feeling. He rid him of loneliness and gave Pai stability. The way that boy smiles in EP11 after the NC, when he holds Sky in his arms, and in EP13 when he peppers him with all the kisses?
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It’s a totally different smile from all the smiles he showed us before. His eyes sparkle with unconfined joy. 
We think Pai never experienced something like this before. 
It’s proven by how often Prapai says something along the lines of "I've never done this before, you know?" And how it's a sign of the journey of discovery he's in. 
He's finding out all of these new things in his first ever relationship. 
He wants to share them with Sky. And since he's an eager puppy, he’s all happily going "Look! I did this for the first time!" 
In turn for Sky, who has been in a relationship before, but was not cared for during it, all of Prapai's discoveries are discoveries for himself too. He's finding out what real love is like. 
Prapai: You know, I've never cleaned up someone before. 
Sky: You know, no one has ever done this for me before.
They discover and learn together. 
Sky teaches Prapai how a true relationship should look like - the boy isn’t even aware he does, he’s just being himself, but with his feelings for Prapai it’s inevitable. The love he offers Prapai is the guide. 
Prapai teaches Sky how to be happy again, how to love again, how to not be afraid again. 
But who said Prapai isn’t scared himself? The man has all the love to give, he’s a natural caretaker. He’s been born to give. 
But with it comes the inevitable danger of being used. Sky doesn’t use Pai. And maybe, this is the whole point.  
Prapai and Sky
It says a lot that Prapai waited for 3 months before actively going to PhayuRain's place one day to get a hold of Sky’s number. We see he tried before, but got interrupted. But if we go deeper, if Pai would have REALLY wanted Sky's number, he could have gotten it before. He waited 3 months to get it. And we think that's the cue. He'd been debating with himself for weeks, because he couldn't get Sky out of his mind. He couldn't sleep with others anymore because it just didn't bring any joy anymore. It felt wrong. It's safe to say the three times he slept with someone might have happened within a week after he met Sky (because let’s be honest, Pai is on the active side when it's about sex. He doesn't need to wait) It took him approx, a week to realise he wants Sky, and no one else when it's about sexual pleasure. It took him 3 months (!!) to really make up his mind and for SURE get Sky's number. We think this is what says it all. 
If he hadn't been burned before, he wouldn't have waited that long. He could have gotten Sky's number before through Phayu or Rain. He could have tried to get another night with Sky. Just sex. GREAT sex, but after all, only sex. But no. He decided to ponder over Sky, kept replaying their time. A clear sign he's debating with himself. Should he? Should he not? Pai is a smart boy. Yet, he went to Saifah, “Hey, what's the meaning if I can't stop thinking about him?" A question he could easily answer himself. He got the validation he searched for through Saifah, and promptly went ahead with a plan he surely had in mind for a while.
All the scenes we didn't see, but would have been highly interesting, would have clued us in. 
Aka the drive from the university to Sky's apartment, when Pai "picked up" Sky the first time.What did they do during the drive? Did they talk? Did Pai steal glances?
Another key scene for us is when Sky falls into the memory right in front of Pai before they got breakfast. 
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Cards on the table.. 
Who would be able to make sense of the retreat from Sky, who hadn't been hurt before?  
Pai sees the hurt. And for someone to be able to see the hurt, the one must have experienced hurt before. 
He reacts perfectly that moment. He draws Sky out of the building to get food (bc we all know food can help immensely in such a situation bc it changes the body reaction) I don't think anyone would do it/see it, who doesn't have any experience with it.
Again, in summary, and I can’t stress enough about it: Who’d do that if they didn’t know what being hurt feels like?
What does it NEED for someone to see it in someone else? And how much MORE does it need for someone to go "How can I help you?" after recognizing the hurt in the other?
Prapai was genuinely concerned. He dropped all his smiles and playboy-ish ways immediately. All masks fell. 
Another instance is the boardroom scene. 
Excuse me if we go a bit off course for a moment, but there is literally no other way to word it:
The boardroom behind the scenes was very telling.
How Fort and Peat remain in their position on top of the table, not just because they're doing a scene, but we think deep down Fort is caging Peat with his body, he can easily just wrap himself on top of him to protect him if needed. And we think it's something he shows in Prapai too.
When did Pai fall for Sky?
Hard to say. We can’t possibly know. But what we know is:
When Sky kept pushing Prapai away and not falling for his charms/money/sex, Prapai might have hoped that maybe this time risking his heart to love again would not be a bad idea. And maybe this time this "cold" person might be exactly who he's been looking for all this time.
Prapai saw in Sky his own façade. To be a playboy, you also need to play a role. Sky was the ice prince, Prapai was all smiles and charm, but in some of his interactions he's also straight up sassy and cold. We think he definitely did his fair share of "this means nothing, it's sex, just take what you want and leave me be" like Sky did to him. 
It is an instant connection?
This study is a collab of @fortpeat (who also did ALL the work with the screencaps *smooches*) and @moriano and @akitbeast and @bird-inacage and @mb-praiskyfortpeat and ofc me :3
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The outburst of frustration and anger is the closest thing to a rejection Prapai has ever given to Sky, it shocks him because Pai has never been angry, reproachful or critical towards him because he’s been bottling it all up in the fear of scaring him away. And so, for the first time, Sky experiences what it feels like to be rejected by the man he genuinely cares about, and even though it lasts only for a minute it hurts him deeply. On the other hand, Prapai has been swallowing constant onslaught of big and small rejections for months now (and not so much rejections of sexual nature but of emotional kind which leave deep scars behind), it’s no wonder all that accumulated pain has boiled over and rightfully so. 
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The outburst actually comes from two different places: from the sheer worry for Sky and his safety and from Prapai’s own insecurity that despite all his effort and love he’s given to the younger man, Sky must still think he isn’t important or consequential enough to deserve an explanation. Moreover, it’s intensified by the fact that at this point Pai must be absolutely exhausted from his packed schedule at work, business trips, taking care of Sky and commuting between his office, home and Sky’s apartment. 
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This is what hurts him the most - Prapai accepts he is stuck in a one-sided love, he doesn’t mind giving Sky his everything while being satisfied with receiving, seemingly, so very little in return, he gladly becomes his slave or assistant or whatever Sky needs him to be as long as it makes him happy, he respects that Sky doesn’t want to tell him about his traumatic past, but he can’t bear when Sky doesn’t believe in his love and still thinks of him so lowly, as some sex-crazed stalker trying to get laid. It must feel like all that effort has been for naught. It feels like he is asking Sky whether he actually thought about him at least once because he only ever thinks about Sky and how not to make him worried: ‘Have I ever been on your mind? Do you not care even the slightest bit about me still? Is my love for your hopeless after all?’
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People often forget how difficult it is to swallow the anger, but Prapai manages it and what’s more, he rolls up his sleeves, ready to complete any work Sky gives him as long it helps him. However, before he does, you can literally watch him to internalise all that hurt inside, resigning himself to the notion that he is the one who should compromise because HE loves Sky, not the other away around, and these little acts of service for Sky might end up being all he ever gets because Sky may never love him back. 
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I love how they depict the development of this issue and its resolution - once he sleeps on it and his anger dissipates, he contemplates it, and, in his typical fashion, Pai decides to look at the bright side of things once again as he realises that Sky calling him in the middle of the night actually shows he’s been making progress with him because he keeps reaching out to him on his own. It’s another poignant proof he’s gained and earned Sky’s trust. He goes from the pit of hopelessness to soaring to the sky.
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Gradually, Pai has become such a constant in Sky’s life that he began treating him like that as if he was taking him for granted because despite his doubts and insecurities, Sky has already become dependant on Prapai in all sorts of ways, whether it’s for affection, care or help. 
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He asks for his help when he has never even asked his closest friends for. In fact, it’s been them who ask for his. When someone so fiercely independent and self-reliant as Sky allows to rely on another person, it speaks of immense trust and powerful emotions.
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Still, Prapai’s outburst shocks and scares Sky shitless. Not because he would be afraid of him, but because he fears losing him. He fears he has finally pushed this older and powerful man who can have anyone he desires too far and he may decide he’s had enough and that Sky is just not worth it. For a fleeting moment, Sky once again accepts the worst of him, but Pai yet again surprises him by not abandoning him and by helping him once more. What Sky hasn’t really realised yet is that Prapai can’t deny him anything.
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Sky is so frightened by the possibility of losing Pai, of living a life without him in it, that he begins actively trying to stop him from leaving by kisses and touches and flirting and compliments and smiles,... He would do anything to keep Pai by his side and make that sad and angry expression disappear from his face and be replaced by that megawatt smile which always makes his knees weak. He would do anything for Pai to smile at him again. 
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And these scenes where he placates him and rewards him reflect his change of heart because contrary to popular believe, Sky isn’t withholding his heart from Wind because his heart has already gone and given himself to him. Sky just hasn’t realise it yet.
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yilinggusu · 1 year
Prapai really does notice everything about Sky. A single offhand comment by Prapai of love makes him blind sends Sky into thinking about his past with his ex. It was only a slight change of expression and while people wouldn't notice it, it was enough for Prapai. When Rain mentioned Sky's ex Sky got angry and told Rain to never mention his ex again.
But with Prapai Sky got caught off guard and Prapai saw something he wasn't meant to see which was Sky's sad expression due to a flashback of his time with Gun. It lasted a second but it was enough for Prapai to notice it. Prapai knew Sky wasn't as okay as he pretended to be to his friends. Prapai noticed it because he is so observant of Sky.
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So I ended up writing a whole thread on how Prapai and Sky changed from episode 8 to episode 11 because I love these characters. I just want to talk about how Prapai noticed the small details of Sky right from the start. I also talk about how Sky slowly warms up to Prapai and learns to let himself love Prapai. They both changed so much for each other especially Sky.
I'm going to do the rest of the episodes on another thread because this is too long. I have so much thoughts about them. So if you decide to keep reading I hope you enjoy it. If not then no bad feelings about it at all because this a whole essay.
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Even on their breakfast date (I'm calling it that) Prapai lists off what he likes about Sky. He comes on a little strong depending how you look at things. How he likes Sky how he looks with his pretty eyes, beautiful nose and soft cheeks. Prapai not knowing when to stop tells Sky he likes his sleepy eyes and messy bed hair. At this point Prapai just wants a repeat of their night together and cranking up the charm to do it. But it doesn't work on Sky who points out he knows he looks different to what Prapai is saying and brushes off his compliments. Sky really thinks Prapai is forcing himself to praise Sky so he doesn't believe a word from Prapai. But Prapai just looks amused by Sky through their whole conversation. He has clearly never been rejected the way Sky is rejecting him before and he is loving it. But Prapai refuses to give up. Sky really cant understand why Prapai likes him and wants Sky to know more about him.
Even at work Prapai is thinking about Sky telling Namtan about Sky. Details like how Sky is sometimes sexy, occasionally sad and mysterious at times. He is also agonizes about what flowers to buy for Sky when he should be working and leaving Namtam a very confused woman in the process. She needs a pay rise for dealing with shit from Prapai. He barely even knew Sky at this point and was already noticing just how sad Sky was feeling inside. He really wanted to get something that he thought suited Sky's personality. Sky really just consumes all of his thoughts. He pays so much attention to little details about Sky and obsesses about them all day and night. He still doesn't give up even after Sky rejects the sunflowers. Anyone else would walk away but Prapai isn't one to give up so easily.
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He barely even knew Sky at this point and was already noticing just how sad Sky was feeling inside. Even when Sky told him to not waste his time with him anymore, Prapai still didn't give up. He even let Sky know he would be away for a whole week for work and to not miss him too much. But then Prapai spends his week away thinking about Sky and his sad expression. Sky just read the text, smiled to himself and wondered why Prapai would tell him he was away for the week.
Sky shuts down and then tells himself its best to keep Prapai out of his life since he will lose interest eventually. Sky even tells himself to listen to head not his heart. In his heart he wants Prapai but his head tells him to keep Prapai out of his life so he doesn't get hurt again. So he listens to his head and continues to push Prapai away. Even after Prapai tells him he wont give up. Sky is just so afraid to let anyone into his life. He knows Prapai will just get bored and leave so why take the chance in getting to know him. Its safer to push Prapai away because he will give up eventually. Sky is just protecting himself from getting hurt again. After all his parents abandoned him when he was 15 and his first relationship was all physical and mental abuse. Why let history repeat itself which is why Sky is pushing Prapai away.
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But Prapai doesn't give up. When Prapai looks after Sky when he is sick he notices more about Sky just by looking at his eyes. Sky is a people pleaser and helps his friends out all the time at the expense of his own feelings and his own deadlines. His friends never question their over reliance on Sky because Sky is just so helpful he wont say no. Sky looks after everyone but never himself and no one ever looks after Sky. His friends think he is standoffish and sarcastic. It gets him taken advantage of a little but no one ever notices just how sad Sky is all the time. Either his friends don't care enough to notice or they are just too busy with their own lives and deadlines. Also Sky is just really good at hiding how he really feels from people.
Prapai notices every little detail about Sky and wants to help him and look after him as much as possible. Prapai knows Sky doesn't look after himself so brings him food, medicine and tries his best to get Sky to rest and eat some food. This is when Prapai's feelings start to change from just wanting sex with Sky to wanting to get to know Sky. He even admits at first he wanted sex but his feelings became deeper for Sky the more he got to know him. Prapai even begins to question why he wants to help Sky. It's becoming more then just sex for Prapai. He even wonders why Sky's eyes cry for help all the time.
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Prapai stays long enough to witness one of Sky's nightmares. Sky wakes up begging for Prapai to not let him go. Even when Prapai goes to move away Sky clings to him not wanting him to leave. Prapai reassures Sky he wont leave and he isn't going anywhere even though he is confused. Even the next morning when Sky tried to make Prapai leave Prapai tells him he may be shameless but his heart is fragile. Prapai admits he is happy once Sky doesn't block his number and answers his calls and texts. He even tells Sky not to run away from him and let him pursue him but since Sky is sick he'll back off for now. Even Sky brushing him off with I'll never be interested in you doesn't have any effect on Prapai. Prapai just keeps coming back because he likes Sky even though he doesn't know why yet.
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He helps Sky at the First Cheer night and just lets Sky use him as a human pillow. He knows Sky doesn't believe him so reminds him he is serious about their relationship. Sky is either too tired or sick to care but he is just glad Prapai showed up for and thanks him for coming to him. Sky is really starting to see Prapai as someone who will show up when he needs someone.
Prapai even notices just how sad Sky is but then at this point Sky is letting Prapai into his world a lot more than his friends ever get to see. Sky puts up a pretence of being okay and happy with the way his life is and that he doesn't need anyone but its a surface level keeping his friends at a distance front. Sky's friends just see him as cold and snarky and don't look past the defensiveness. But Sky spends a lot of his private time in his dorm with Prapai who sees Sky in a different way. Prapai sees Sky in the privacy of his own dorm where he can be himself away from the eyes of other people. Where he can let his guard down and be himself knowing he will never be judged by Prapai. Sky feels comfortable around Prapai and keeps letting him a little bit more as time passes.
Prapai makes a big effort to come over to Sky's dorm as much as he can in his free time. Sky also behaves differently around Prapai than he does with his friends and Rain. It takes him a while to thaw out but he warms up to Prapai slowly over their time together. To the point that he calls Prapai to come over a lot. He starts to rely on Prapai because Prapai always makes time for him and wants to be there with him too. Sky never relied on anyone but he is learning he can rely on Prapai to help him when he needs help. He is warming up to Prapai and slowly starting to let him into his life. It helps that Prapai keeps showing up in front of him every day of the week.
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Even after their misunderstanding in ep 11 when Sky calls Prapai to come over his dorm room. Sky really couldn't believe someone would actually be worried about him. You just have to look at his face to see that he really didn't believe Prapai would actually be worried about him and he feels a bit bad over it too. Sky's self esteem and low self worth stops him from thinking Prapai really does care what happens to him but it doesn't register in Sky's mind. Why would it when Gun used him as a toy and demoralized him any chance he got so in Sky's mind Prapai doesn't care. He just wants sex. But Sky slowly realizes that maybe Prapai really actually does care about him and he is surprised by it. Which leads to Sky pushing Prapai's boundaries and trying to get him to go away. It's classic self sabotage.
lt is only when Prapai gets closer to Sky he learns more about Sky. To the outside world Sky is cold, prickly and sarcastic but will also do anything for his friends and those who need his help. But when he is alone with Prapai he becomes softer, more quiet and affectionate. He also starts to open up to Prapai and enjoy their time together. To the point he stays awake just to let Prapai into his dorm. He starts to want Prapai in his dorm because he enjoys his time with Prapai. Prapai knows that underneath it all Sky is lonely and just wants to be loved. He notices Sky smiles more even when Sky thinks Prapai hasn't noticed it.
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As their relationship develops Prapai learns of Sky's fears of abandonment such as Sky asking when he will get bored and leave. Prapai never questions him on it. He also notices the way Sky's prickly responses to him don't really mean anything anymore and sees them for they empty words they are. He knows Sky cares for him but is just afraid to care for him or to show it but he just doesn't know why Sky is this way. He knows something happened to Sky, has thought about it a lot but never pushes Sky on the issue. He just stays by Sky all the time. He knows Sky will tell him in his own time.
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This scene of Prapai losing it over Sky hugging him when he thinks he is sleeping and thinking about him all the time is just so cute. Sky is quite abrasive towards him in a playful way. But you just know Sky would resist hugging Prapai in bed. He would probably have a brush off comment to make about it. But there is something in the way that when Sky thinks Prapai is asleep he willingly hugs him to sleep. Sky only really feels safe to hug Prapai when he is asleep because Prapai will never know about it and there is less chance of him being verbally abused for a hug. Sky's ex probably verbally or physically humiliated him for wanting something like a hug or any form of PDA.
Sky really wants to hug Prapai but is afraid to ask or just do it. He is afraid if he does then he will be cruelly rejected the way he was rejected by his ex. What Sky doesn't know is that Prapai loves it when Sky hugs him when he thinks he is asleep. Prapai is just head over heels for Sky at this point. The person he was before Sky no longer exists. Even Prapai questions just how much does he really like Sky when Sky asks when will you get bored of me. And Prapai doesn't even lie. He gives Sky the option of an honest answer or sweet words. Sky is afraid of the answer. He falls into his defence mechanism of sarcasm telling Prapai when have I ever wanted sweet words from you. Prapai knows Sky wants an honest answer and he gives him the best answer possible in that he wont know until that day comes. Prapai knows Sky is afraid and scared of something, something happened to Sky to make him this defensive. So he asks what are you afraid of. Even though Sky is defensive you can see he just looks so vulnerable and scared.
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Sky has always kept Prapai at a distance but over time he slowly lets Prapai in past those walls he built to protect himself after what happened with his ex. He slowly warms up to Prapai over time. He uses his prickly nature as a defence knowing Prapai will get bored and leave. So why not make it happen sooner like he made him clean his whole dorm room in ep 11. Sky was testing Prapai and Prapai knew it too. His test didn't work so Sky finally caved and asked Prapai when would he get bored and leave. Prapai asks Sky what is he afraid of and realizes Sky is afraid he will get bored leave and tells him he wont leave him. Even when Sky initiates sex Prapai knows something is wrong. Sky is just using his past behaviour of sex to appease his shitty ex on Prapai. But Prapai isn't having any of it. He knows something is wrong with Sky. Prapai is clear about his intentions even to go as far as to say he will have both Sky's body and his heart.
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Considering how Gun used Sky in the past. For Prapai to say this to Sky it must have meant everything to him. Gun only wanted him as something to play with, something to use and abuse to throw away when he got bored. To share with his friends for entertainment. Called Sky boring just because he wouldn't do what he wanted him to do to. Wouldn't allow himself to be brainwashed by Gun.
Here is Prapai getting closer to his heart by the day and Sky is letting it happen. Sky first thought Prapai only wanted sex but he made it clear he wanted Sky for his body also his heart. Prapai really loves Sky as a person and his actions proved he does care about Sky a lot. Sky must have been terrified of it. To be seen as an actual person and not a toy to be played with or to be used and abused and then thrown away. That someone like Prapai actually desired him and was attracted to him in every way possible and not just for sex.
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But is Sky is still so scared. He still pushes Prapai away saying please get bored of me soon. He thinks Prapai will get bored of him soon. He says those words while hoping Prapai doesn't get bored of him. He wants Prapai so badly not just physically but also emotionally and he cant resist him anymore. I mean its Prapai who couldn't resist that man. He really wants Prapai to stay in his life but is so afraid of it at the same time. He doesn't want Prapai to get bored but does he even notice the way Prapai looks at him. Probably not because he thinks so little of himself that he doesn't notice the way Prapai looks at him like he is his whole universe. Prapai will never get bored or leave. The lovemaking scene was so tender, loving and intimate. Sky is stuck with Prapai forever. And I will never be over that scene. It was everything.
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Even after Sky self sabotages their relationship Prapai refuses to give up on him because he knows something is wrong. He knows Sky would never say anything like that and mean it. Sky projected his own fears onto Prapai. Sky accused Prapai of doing what Sky was afraid Prapai would do to him. Prapai knows Sky has given up on himself because of his insecurities but he wont give up on Sky. He knows Sky loves him. What they have and share is real. He knows Sky is scared of his feelings so he tells him he loves him first. He breaks through Sky's walls and helps him admit his feelings but putting himself out there first. He was forceful about it but an intervention was needed. I will defend Prapai over this, he did the right thing because Sky would have just self destructed even more. Sky needed Prapai to do what he did to see the truth. To realize that Prapai really did love him so much. Sky needed someone to fight for him and Prapai really fought for Sky and their relationship. Even though Sky gave up on them because of his insecurities. Prapai never gave up on Sky or their relationship not even for one second.
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By episode 13 Sky is just so soft with Prapai. He feels so safe that he just admits he wants to hug Prapai to sleep. The way Prapai takes care of him and cleans him up after they make love is just so tender. Sky even looks a little shy about how tender Prapai is with him because he is not used to it. Its a clear difference from his relationship with his ex who found his love and affection boring. But Prapai just takes it all from Sky and gives that love and affection back to Sky in so many ways. Prapai loves his adorable, affectionate boyfriend who just wants to hug him to sleep. Prapai is just as clingy and affectionate and hugs Sky back as they cuddle in bed together.
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They both really changed each other for the better. Sky was able to learn how to trust someone again and it paid off. He got himself a person who will do anything and everything for him. He found someone he can love and adore and love him back just as much. He can be as clingy and affectionate with Prapai all he wants and Prapai just takes it from him and gives it back to him in spades.
Its a long way from the person he used to be when he silently hugged Prapai when he thought Prapai was asleep. He wanted that warmth and comfort so badly but he couldn't ask for it. Felt like he wasn't allowed to have it or that Prapai would give it so willingly. Even though Sky slightly hesitates in admitting to Prapai that he just wants to hug him to sleep. He still isn't afraid to say it out loud and when he does Prapai just hugs him tightly and looks so happy about it. When Sky tells Prapai he just wants to be with him, the look on Prapai's face says it all. I've written a whole other thread on this so I wont repeat it here. But it's in the link below if you want to read more.
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Sky just wants to love Prapai and he gets loved and adored by Prapai in return. He has so much love and affection for Prapai even after everything he had been through and he could have closed himself off to Prapai. It would have been easy to do it, to shut Prapai out of his life forever. But Prapai didn't give up on Sky. He takes all of Sky's love and affection and gives it back to him in so many ways. Prapai was quite happy with his carefree life but meeting Sky made him so much happier. They changed each other's life for the better. They are just so happy with each other.
I will end it here because its too long. If you made it to the end of this thread thank you for reading it all.
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ichigokeks · 2 years
LITA really delivered this episode, a break-down and analysis of some of the best moments.
1) Sig is the side character that is portrayed as "stupid" but in a funny and endearing way when he really isn't stupid at all. He immediately recognised that Pom was letting out his frustration on Sky and intervened. He knows that Sky takes his duty seriously so he made sure to reassure Sky that he had not messed up anything and wasn't doing a bad job at educating and leading the freshman students.
2) Rain has gained braincells and wouldn't simply let Prapai into Sky's room. He made Prapai promise to not do anything.
3) This was hands down my favourite moment: The way Prapai held Sky and calmed him down. He has already realised that something is wrong with Sky. He knows the fever isn't the problem. He actively asked: "How can I help you?" I never expected this but this is exactly how to deal with a person suffering from mental illness or trauma. Instead of pushing your own image of what will definitely help aka I know it better than you without having experienced it - he asks Sky. He wants to help and acknowledges that he doesn't know how to. He wants Sky to voice what he needs and is ready to give him that.
4) Prapai not kissing Sky when he was in a weak and vulnerable situation. Amazing. This could have been a classic dub-con BL moment and they decided not to do it. Thank you. Considering what Sky has been through this kiss could have easily triggered him and ruined it. If Prapai had taken advantage of Sky while he was vulnerable, he would never be able to gain Sky's trust. The last time Sky was vulnerable, he got a abused and was heavily traumatised.
5) The way trauma was portrayed. Peat's acting was outstanding. The way he got triggered by simple words, his nightmares and his eventual breakdown where he begged Prapai to stop texting him. This was a moment so real and raw it really grabbed me. You could feel his pain. He just wants to be happy again and free of his pain. He is so scared to love again and let anyone in his life because he is sure that he will get hurt again. He likes Prapai and it makes it even more painful to not allow himself to have those feelings.
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boozles · 28 days
Day Twelve: Wedding You Wish You Had An Invite To
Okay, so I wanted to play around with this and do two canonical weddings (ie. weddings that were actually on screen) and two that we know would happen in a couple’s future.
My first canonical one would be Sky & Prapai’s wedding in Wedding Plan (and Love in the Air). Like you see in the show, it looked so elegant and classy, and just so perfect for them as a couple. However, I think the afterparty would be poppin’! I like to think they would have prepared a choreographed dance like you see on IG/TikTok, and the party would be so much fun. Rain would be drunk and crying and threatening Prapai that if he ever hurts his best friend his body will never be found, and Phayu would have to carry him back to the hotel room. I just think it would be a fun affair!
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My second canonical wedding that I’d like to attend would be Karan and Achi from Cherry Magic. It looked like a small but beautiful event, and you just know that dance floor would have been packed. Rock and Min would be tearing it up all night, and can you imagine how much fun it would have been to hang out with Pai and fangirl over Karan and Achi? Also, did you see how good that cake looked?!
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My first non-canonical wedding would be Akk and Ayan from The Eclipse (obviously). I think Alk would be a groomzilla and Ayan would just do everything to keep him happy. They’d have Kan and Thua as their best men, with Wat as the photographer. I think it would be a gorgeous beach front affair, with just their friends and family, before having the after event along the beach with a small band and lots of drinks and dancing and laughter. It would be so full of love and just. Ugh. I love these boys so much.
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My second non-canonical pick would be Phaya and Tharn from The Sign. We all know how insane it would be; Tharn would want everything perfect and proper, traditional and romantic. Phaya would literally do everything to make it work, but the after affair would be party central. Yai would be drunk and crying and telling everyone that will listen how much he loves the grooms, whilst Sand pats his head and apologises to everyone. Thongthai would be dying of embarrassment as Khem tries to seduce him on the dance floor, and the grandmas would sit laughing and drinking sherry as they planned a girls only trip for after the wedding.
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Reach Out and Touch
Summary: Despite asking him a million times, Prapai will never actually admit that he wishes Sky were more affectionate in public. Until he gets drunk one night and accidentally lets it slip. It’s fine, though. Sky has a plan.
“P’Payu,” Rain whined, disproportionately distraught at the fact that Payu’s gaze had left him for nearly a minute.
“Sorry, sorry,” Payu apologized, pecking him on the cheek in apology. He turned back around, scanning for their waiter in the crowded bar. Rain went back to pouting, and Sky rolled his eyes. Rain leaned into Payu’s side, brightening immediately when Payu put an arm around his shoulders.
The waiter appeared with Payu’s drink, apologizing for the delay and enduring Rain’s mistrustful gaze from over Payu’s shoulder. A moment later, Rain was practically climbing into Payu’s lap, his face buried in Payu’s neck.
Sky snorted, unable to help himself, and heard Prapai do the same. Rain always seemed to get like this when he was drunk, needy and whining if Payu diverted even a speck of his attention elsewhere.
“You never do this with me,” Prapai said in a low, teasing voice, leaning in close enough that Rain wouldn’t overhear. Sky rolled his eyes, aiming a light kick at Pai under the table and giving him a withering look. Prapai just beamed at him, swooping in to plant a kiss on Sky’s cheek and ignoring his offended squawk.
“P’Payu,” Rain whined, tilting his chin up for a kiss. Payu obliged him easily, and Sky wished, not for the first time, that he hadn’t volunteered to be the designated driver. Rain and Payu were really much more bearable when he was drunk.
“Skyyyy,” Prapai said in a perfect imitation of Rain, leaning into Sky’s space with a pout. Sky snorted at that, flicking Pai’s nose but pressing their legs together under the table anyway.
They ordered a few more drinks, Sky continuing to opt for water while wondering why he had agreed to do so. Prapai began scooting closer to him at some point, clearly aiming for subtlety and missing the mark spectacularly. Lucky for him, Sky could only find it endearing. When he had finally closed the distance between them, he snuck an arm around Sky’s waist, pulling it back hesitantly when Sky automatically tensed up.
It wasn’t intentional, just a leftover reflex from being with Gun, when getting pulled in by the waist had never meant anything good. Even so, it was obvious that Prapai was feeling wounded, his emotions all the more obvious given how much he’d had to drink. Sky felt a little stab of guilt and leaned into Prapai’s side, hoping he wasn’t feeling unwanted.
Of course, this meant that Pai took it as an invitation and immediately went in for a kiss. Sky turned his face instinctively, leaving Pai’s lips to land on his cheek instead. Prapai drew back, looking uncertain and hurt, and shifted in his seat.
Sky did his best to keep his expression neutral, noting sardonically that Rain and Payu had been far too wrapped up in each other to even notice. They were definitely going to have to talk about this when they got home.
He’d brought it up before, curious due to how affectionate Prapai was in private. Pai knew how Sky felt about PDA, and he usually didn’t push. Sure, he’d sneak in a peck or grab Sky’s hand every so often, but it had never become an issue. It still left him feeling uneasy, a prickling feeling in the back of his mind that Prapai wanted things to be different. That he wanted a boyfriend he could kiss anywhere.
He’d asked, of course, but that had gone nowhere.
“I love you just the way you are,” was the usual response, followed by a forehead kiss and a loving smile.
Sky didn’t doubt that, but he was also very much aware that Prapai was dodging the question.
So. They needed to talk.
“We need to talk,” Sky told Prapai, about twelve seconds after they entered Sky’s apartment.
Prapai’s expression instantly shifted from bleary-eyed and out of it to utter panic.
“Not like that,” Sky clarified immediately, and Pai relaxed.
“Okay,” he agreed, flopping down on the couch and making grabby hands at Sky. He followed Pai over to the couch, letting himself be pulled down and cuddled.
“I feel like I upset you earlier,” Sky began, choosing his words carefully. Prapai’s hands, which had been carding through his hair, froze for a moment before resuming their movement.
“Earlier?” Pai asked, trying and failing for an even tone. He wasn’t the best actor on a good day, let alone after a few drinks.
“You know what I mean,” Sky pressed, turning in Pai’s hold so they were facing each other. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” he added quietly.
Prapai’s expression shifted before he answered. “I know,” he reassured Sky, rubbing a soothing hand up and down his back. “It’s not a big deal.”
There was a moment of silence, and Sky wondered if he should leave it at that.
“Does it bother you?” he eventually asked, prepping himself for Prapai to dodge the question, as per usual.
“You never bother me,” Prapai informed him sternly before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Sky signed.
“You wouldn’t want that?” Sky questioned, holding Pai’s gaze. “For us to be affectionate around other people?”
“Of course I would.” Prapai shrugged, half-mumbling. Sky’s heart sank a little. “Who wouldn’t want that with you?” he added, his eyes closed at this point.
“Okay.” Sky let out a long breath. He glanced down at Pai, who looked to be minutes away from dropping off, and shook him by the shoulder. “Bed,” he instructed, trying to sound stern. It must have at least partially worked, as he managed to rouse Prapai from the couch and get him through most of his nighttime routine before they crawled into bed.
It took about thirty seconds before Prapai was breathing evenly, totally dead to the world around him. Sky wasn’t able to drift off so easily. He couldn’t stop thinking about Gun, as much as he wished otherwise. Memories kept coming back up, every time Gun had used him as a display, without caring at all about Sky’s comfort. Every time he had grabbed Sky in public, or let his friends do the same.
Early on, he’d had to remind himself constantly that Prapai wasn’t Gun. That he wasn’t anything like Gun. Those days were long gone, with Prapai’s presence and touch bringing nothing but comfort. Except when they were in public, apparently.
He rolled to one side, staring at Prapai’s sleeping face and making a deal with himself. He was going to try. Whatever that meant. Were they going to turn into Rain and Payu? Hopefully not. But he could at least see, at least find out if there was a way for him to stop flinching every time Pai touched him in public. He definitely deserved that much. And, fuck, Sky deserved it too, he decided.
He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Pai’s cheek before rolling over to go to sleep, a warm feeling in his chest from his decision.
The next morning, he woke up knowing it was a bad idea. Not in general, of course, but all he could do was imagine himself failing. Telling Prapai that he would be better, getting his hopes up, and then having them come crashing down again.
“So don't tell him,” Rain suggested, through a mouthful of eggs.
Sky blinked at him. “Don’t tell him?”
“Duh.” Rain rolled his eyes. “Just do it. If you succeed, he’ll be thrilled. If you fail, he won’t even know, and you can try again in a few months.”
Sky blinked at him again.
“What?” Rain asked, when it became clear that he wasn’t going to say anything.
“Is that…allowed?” Sky said, unable to come up with a better word.
Rain blinked at him.
“Allowed?” he finally asked, sounding incredulous.
“I mean, I can’t just be grabbing him in public unannounced,” Sky hissed, his cheeks flushing red at the thought.
“I’m pretty sure he would be cool with that,” Rain countered, snorting into his coffee.
Sky kicked him under the table and considered it. It would keep Pai from getting his hopes up. Plus, it had been clear from his demeanor that morning that he hadn’t remembered telling Sky anything. He didn’t really want to see Pai’s face when he realized he had insinuated that Sky should change something about himself. He was never particularly pleased whenever anyone else did so.
“Fine,” he decided. “I’ll try.”
“You could fuck him at his office again,” Rain suggested.
Sky kicked him under the table.
“Hey!” Pai called, half-running over before pulling him into a tight hug.
“Hey,” he echoed, his voice muffled from where his face was pressed into Pai’s neck. He pulled back an inch, meeting Prapai’s eyes for a split second before pecking him on the cheek. Pai looked pleasantly surprised, pulling him in even closer. Sky did his best not to blush, feeling a strange mix of uncertainty and pride.
For a moment, anyway. A second later, he glanced over at Payu, who had lifted Rain bodily off the ground and was kissing him soundly. Definitely not something he was comfortable with in front of other people, but especially at the race track.
He looked back at Prapai, giving him a distracted smile and straightening his jacket. He spared another glance at Rain and Payu, who looked like they were about two seconds away from absorbing into one another.
Whatever. Next time.
Prapai was waving enthusiastically, as though Sky wouldn’t have noticed him otherwise. He was on his bike, waiting to drive Sky home after his classes.
“See you later,” Ple told him, nodding in Pai’s direction.
“Bye!” Sig called as Sky left, waving over his shoulder.
“Hey,” Sky greeted his boyfriend, snorting when Pai pulled him in by his hand. He went easily, hesitating for a moment before he leaned in for a quick kiss. Pai looked surprised when he pulled back, and Sky hid a smile, ignoring his friends whistling at them in the background.
“Are we going?” he asked, climbing on the back of Pai’s motorcycle. “P’Pai?” he asked, after a moment of silence.
“Yep, we're going. We’re going!”
Holding hands was not stressful, Sky observed. Shocking.
No one had seemed to notice, either, which made him feel slightly odd for having been so trepidatious about going for it. Prapai hadn’t even reacted much, just taking his hand easily and running his thumb over the back of Sky's hand, the way he always did.
“What a cute couple!” the stall vendor, an older lady, gushed at them, a wide smile on her face.
“Thank you,” Prapai returned easily, beaming at Sky. “He’s the cute one,” he whispered conspiratorially, leaning in slightly. Sky did his best not to flush at that, and the woman laughed brightly.
Look at that. No big deal.
Some things were still a big deal, Sky realized a few days later. They were at a picnic with most of their classmates, Prapai and Payu having tagged along as usual. Rain was laying down with his head in Payu’s lap, eyes closed blissfully as Payu played with his hair. Sky, on the other hand, was leaning against Pai, his back pressed up against Pai’s chest, and doing his best to deal with it.
It would have been fine just the two of them, he thought, desperately trying to relax into the hold. Even if it had just been Rain and Payu, he might’ve been okay. He glanced over to see that Rain was now in Payu’s lap, their noses pressed up against each other. They barely counted as an audience, he decided, given how infrequently their attention was on anyone but each other.
He pushed back into Prapai’s arms, taking a deep breath and ordering himself to relax. Always an effective tactic. Pai leaned forward a little, pressing a soft kiss to his neck, and he did his best to ignore a shiver. That, along with the fact that he could practically feel everyone’s eyes on him had him pulling away. He grabbed a piece of fruit for plausible deniability, offering one to Pai as well. He took it happily, seemingly unaware of the miniature crisis Sky was having. That he’d been having for a couple weeks now.
It was fine, Sky reminded himself.
He was making progress.
He had made absolutely no progress.
That was all that was going through his mind as he watched Payu press Rain up against the bar, essentially devouring his face. Sky let out a small sigh, grabbing their drinks from the bartender and weaving his way back to their booth.
“Hey,” he said to Pai, trying to keep his tone bright as he slid him his drink.
“Hey,” Pai returned, pulling him into the booth by his waist. Sky pecked him on the cheek before taking a sip of his drink. He glanced back over at the bar to see that Rain and Payu showed absolutely no signs of moving anytime soon.
“You okay?” Pai asked, pulling him in closer so that Sky’s head was leaning on his shoulder. Sky just hummed an affirmative, closing his eyes and nuzzling further into Pai’s shoulder.
“I’m fine,” he added, when Pai didn’t say anything. He pulled back an inch, seeing the look of worry on Pai’s face and shook his head, laughing under his breath. “I’m fine,” he reiterated, more firmly this time, pressing a thumb to Prapai’s forehead to smooth out his worry lines.
“I’m allowed to ask,” Pai defended himself gamely, stealing a sip of Sky’s drink. Sky just rolled his eyes, actually relaxing into the moment and taking a swig of Pai’s drink.
Rain and Payu tumbled back over ten minutes later, popping Sky’s temporary bubble of optimism. He didn’t usually mind their PDA so much, but it was different when he was actively trying to be more affectionate with Prapai.
He probably hadn’t even noticed anything different, Sky thought glumly, watching Rain bully his way into Payu’s lap.
“Something’s different,” Prapai informed him. Sky blinked. “Is everything okay?” Prapai continued, when he didn’t get a response. “You seemed kinda upset at the bar.”
Sky opened his mouth, completely ready to respond that he was fine, before he closed it again.
“I’m…” he trailed off. Was he fine? Mostly.
“Sky?” Pai prompted, raising an eyebrow.
“I was a little upset earlier,” Sky allowed. Prapai waited for him to finish, and he went on, “I was trying to…you remember last time we were there?”
“Sure,” Prapai agreed, brow furrowing in slight confusion.
“We talked after,” Sky said. “You were drunk.”
A look of panic appeared on Pai’s face, and Sky hurried to explain. “Not like that! You just…said something.”
The look of panic reappeared.
“Not like that,” Sky insisted, pulling Prapai down onto the couch with him. The look of panic was gone, but it had been replaced by a look of worry, which wasn’t much better. “I’m not great with PDA,” he said bluntly. “You know that. And…you just said you wished things were different.”
“What?” Prapai asked, looking crestfallen.
“You just said…it wasn’t…” Sky sighed in frustration. “I asked,” he told Prapai sternly, “if you would want us to be affectionate around other people. And you said ‘who wouldn’t want that?’, that’s all,” he explained.
“I don’t want anything about you to be different,” Prapai doubled down, looking vaguely pissed at his past, drunken self.
“I want it too,” Sky said quietly. Prapai’s expression changed instantly, cycling through a few different emotions before ending on chagrined.
“And you should have everything you want,” Pai agreed, quickly changing direction. Sky let out a snort, leaning against Pai’s side.
“Well, I tried,” Sky said bitterly, thinking back on his somewhat pathetic efforts.
“And you succeeded,” Prapai pointed out, eyes narrowing at Sky’s tone of voice.
“I did not,” Sky argued, shaking his head with a half-laugh. “Did you see Rain and Payu tonight?”
“Do you want to be Rain and Payu?” Prapai returned immediately, raising an eyebrow.
“...okay, no,” Sky admitted. “But I still—”
“Still what?” Pai interrupted. “Still made an effort? Still made a lot of progress? Still were the best boyfriend in existence?”
Sky swatted him on the arm, appreciating the sentiment despite himself.
“I’m happy with anything,” Pai told him. “I’m happy with you, even if it means we can only hold hands in secret.”
“I held hands with you at a farmers’ market!” Sky defended himself. “And I am making progress.”
“And you’re doing a great job,” Prapai reassured him, kissing him quickly.
“Thank you,” Sky said.
“I could probably help out more,” Prapai pointed out.
“What do you mean?” Sky asked.
“I’m just saying,” Pai shrugged. “If you need me to grab your ass in public, I can. For you. If you think it would help.”
Sky threw a pillow at him and went to bed.
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moaserendipity · 4 months
My Top 10 BL's of 2023
I am back with my personal top 10 of 2023. I know I've been super quiet these days but making a top 10 is always fun to do. The #1 has been decided early this past year but for the rest... It was a crazy year for BL but only a few were really top tier...🔥🔥
10. My Personal Weatherman (Taikan Yoho)
One of the Japanese BL's I really enjoyed watching. It was more grown up then the ones I've seen and that was very welcome. I love the dynamics between the main characters a lot. It was a bit of a slow one, with the lack in communication between the two but I forgive that because the chemistry was really good.
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09. Wedding Plan
Oh how i looked forward to this one, the second I saw the trailer. I loved the storyline but I thought it was very short, which made them rush through it at times, which was a shame because it was actually really good and I just wanted to see more. I loved the chemistry between Sailom and Namnuea, So I really enjoyed watching them. They are very new if I'm correct but I didn't notice it at all, so hopefully they will get another BL together but a longer one. Also I love the GL in this BL, it was very natural and I in the end hoped they would be the ones that got to marry. Not to forget about the cameo;s of my babies Payu and Rain and of course Prapai and Sky.
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08. Moonlight Chicken
This one I've waited for so so long and it was kind of a surprise because I love EarthMix, Like Mix is my man but my attention got taken away from them and got attached to GemFourth who played Li Ming and Heart. I just loved everything about them! I loved how they incorporated Sign language because Heart was deaf and just the overall chemistry between them, was everything. They made me smile so much. Jim and Wen, you know were amazing as well but I sometimes felt frustrated by their interaction. The close moments they had were amazing of course but it was not what I expected from EarthMix but overall this drama was definitely worth the wait!
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07. Kiseki: Dear to Me
I absolutely loved this one. I couldn't get enough of it. I am a sucker for the Hate to Love trope and this had exactly that and in a gangster way. Like I loved it. ZeRui and Bangyi were made for each other and you can't tell me otherwise how he went to prison for ZeRui and even got hurt but he still decided to dedicate his bakery to him with his Strawberry cakes, ugh too cute. The second couple made me want even more. The sassiness of Ai Di and the coldness of Chen Yi, they were really something. The way Chen Yi didn't realize that Ai Di loved him until he went to prison or that one hot night made me slap my forehead because nothing was more obvious, so I can not explain how happy I was they finally got together in the end!!
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06. My School President
This really was a GemFourth year because this was their first leading BL and boy how they won us over with their cuteness. The OST was also seriously top tier. I think I loved all the songs. This entire Cast was amazing! To think I almost skipped this one...That would've been a mistake for sure, so I'm happy that I decided to give it another try because I fell in love with them and bingewatched it in one go. I can't wait to see the next project from them.!
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5. Our Dating Sim
this Korean BL was a welcome one. I loved the office setting of this BL and the fact that the episodes were short as usual, didn't disturb me that much. Their chemistry made up for that! I will never forget how my heart sank when Ki Tae thought Wan had disappeared again, this poor man but I loved how Wan immediately comforted him the second he saw him. I should really rewatch this again.
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4. Last Twilight
I know it's still running but I can not leave it out of my top10 for 2023. I am impressed with Jimmy and Sea. These two are everything to me at this moment. Their chemistry is crazy and I am happy they have this BL to show their talents again. I am impatiently waiting every week for the next episode and so far no episode has disappointed me, which is rare tbh.
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3. Sing my Crush
Sing my crush was not even on my radar but the second I came across it, I bingewatched it. I am a sucker for music BL's, where the actors can ACTUALLY sing and play instruments.. I loved it so much. from start to finish. I really think this BL was very underrated. I did not hear a lot of people about it but it definitely deserves more!
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2. I feel you linger in the Air
Ever since I saw the trailer, I wanted to see this one badly and boy did it not disappoint! I was in awe every episode. I don't think I've ever seen a Thai Bl that was staged in the past. Also this way of time traveling is one I actually like. As long as no bodies get switched I am loving it. Their chemistry was top notch and those intimate scenes. That kiss in the rain, Art I am telling you and that massage scene, HELLO!! I literally forgot to breathe at that point and my face was almost stuck to the screen, crazy!! So yeah this was a true masterpiece!
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01. The Eighth Sense
Let's all act surprised by this one...... what can I say? This one touched my intire being. It touched my soul, My heart everything. I cried, laughed and even cursed at 2 people in particular.. This is the biggest masterpiece of 2023 and nothing can change my mind about this. The way I anticipated every week and felt sad when it ended, ugh!! I just want to praise Oh Jun Taek for the way he acted, because if I'm correct this was his first acting job or at least he is very new but he pulled it of perfectly and Ji sub, I am applauding him for the way he portrayed Jae Won. All I need now is a season 2 or an special episode where we see them do the things Jihyun wanted... like just please!! In al seriousness everything was amazing about this one and that's why it's my number 1
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I really do think that the Korean BL's won this round. I feel like they are finally stepping up their game. It's still not as Explicit as Thai or Taiwanese but that's not what I am expecting. I don't always have to have NC scenes because without a story, it's not worth a lot. Overal the Bl's were powerful this year and Top tier. Hopefully next year will bring us even better ones!! <3
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weilongfu · 4 months
PayuRain & PaiSky - Payu & Prapai having to take care of drunk Rain & Sky
Payu wasn't sure when the changes happened for him and Prapai. He, himself, had only ever been considerate for Rain alone. Perhaps he'd softened just a bit more after the idiot racer and also after finding out about Rain's costume kink. He watched his words more and relied on reminding Rain about "idiot = cute" less.
Prapai had been like night and day when he started chasing Sky. No more one night stands with racing groupies. Not a single other person seemed to compare after that night in his love nest condo with Sky. But Payu had to admit, watching Prapai bend over backwards to impress a nong who was clearly uninterested in being impressed was incredibly entertaining. Prapai barging into Payu's love nest to interrogate Rain was less so.
But as Payu stared down at Rain and Sky, both too drunk on far too expensive wine, he figured the changes were for the better.
"Nong Sky," Prapai cooed as he pulled Sky out of his chair at the dining table and into his lap. "Should I take you home? Or would you like to stay with me tonight?"
"Naughty," Sky mumbled as he weakly hit Prapai's chest. "P'Pai is being naughty."
"Naughty? For my Nong Sky? Never." Prapai pulled Sky closer and let Sky rest his head on his shoulder while he rubbed his back. "If you come home with me, you'll get to have a nice bath in the tub with the jets, won't that be nice? You said your legs hurt today after standing in the workshop today."
"Jets?" Sky seemed to perk up. "I like bathtub jets."
"So?" Prapai pulled back a little to scratch under Sky's chin. "What does my Nong Sky pick?"
"Mm... P'Pai's condo, but sleep only."
"Sure sure, I'll order hangover soup for you tomorrow for breakfast too."
"Not the hamburger one, the Korean one."
Payu turned his attention away from the pair to tend to his own boyfriend. "N'Rain, are you going to bed or are you going to keep trying to drink out of the empty bottle?"
Rain rolled his head to the side and finally let go of the empty bottle he'd put to his lips. "It's empty?"
"Yes, N'Rain, very empty."
Rain looked into the bottle. "I thought there was a drop left."
"I know the capabilities of your mouth, if there was a drop left, you've gotten it out already." Rain looked up at Payu through his lashes and licked his lips. "No no, N'Rain, you're not in a state for that."
"But P'Payu is..." Rain reached for Payu and Payu tactfully took a step to the side of where Rain was reaching instead of back.
"Well, we can discuss that when you aren't drunk, my idiot lightweight." Payu ran a hand through Rain's hair. "Now be a good boy and let me clean you up."
"M' a good boy?"
"My very good boy." Payu scratched behind Rain's ear and watched the younger boy melt into the table. "So keep being good and lets see Pai and Sky off before you get to take a bath."
Prapai waved Payu off. "I'm fine. Take care of N'Rain first. Your door auto-locks anyway."
"How do you know my door auto-locks?"
"Because you refused to let me back in the one time I forgot my key to Sky's room here!"
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davincsoo · 1 year
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I know that Sky just went through and relived the worst trauma of his life, but can we also see Prapai and his suffering. This poor guy, who thought that he knew all that there was to know about the love of his life, realised that he didn't know anything at all. He didn't know what he expect to come across when he entered that condo, but finding his boyfried about to be SA'd certainly was the last on his list of guesses.
And he instantly hates himself, and I mean the pure hatred for himself is just a raging ball of fire inside because it was his fault. He gave them the literal key needed to get to him. He was the reason that they were able to touch him, and it's killing him that he isn't upset. He isn't angry at him, he isn't crying or lashing out. It breaks his heart so much so that he sheds tears for Sky.
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And then it get worse because now he knows what happened, he knows about his past. He understands everything that he didn't before. He put the missing pieces in places he thought would never be filled. And it breaks his heart for a million new reasons.
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All the pain Sky has endured on his own, all the suffering, all the emotional distance he put between the both of them. Hurting the people around him before he would get hurt... He did all this thinking that he didn't deserve anything good in his life, so it pains Prapai so much to finally understand the reasons for all of it, and adds more guilt because he couldn't have helped him understand sooner that he isn't what his trauma claims he is or needs to be. He wishes that he could rewind time and love him harder, love him more so that Sky would never have to know this hurt.
My god guys... I don't know what the fuck I just wrote up there, but this was a truly incredible series and I just- I love Mame.
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thefreeblog · 1 year
Prapai almost punched Gun to death not because he wanted revenge for his boyfriend, but because Gun hurt Sky.
Prapai was hurting not for himself, but for Sky. In place of Sky.
Prapai never once made Sky's ordeal about himself, he didn't want his boyfriend happy. He just wanted Sky happy.
He wanted to be there, take away all his pain because he wanted to see Sky happy and safe.
He wanted Sky to give him that power himself. And when Sky did, he accepted it with grace and responsibility.
Being in relationship with SA survivor needs empathy not sympathy and Prapai showed us how.
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bird-inacage · 1 year
Love in the Air: At the Mercy of Love (Sky x Prapai Confession Scene)
So the confession scene is easily one of the most important and pivotal scenes in Sky x Prapai’s storyline, and I have a lot to say about it. This scene left me quaking because it’s very, very layered. I’ve had to delve deep to truly try to understand the emotional perspectives of both characters in this moment.
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From Prapai’s point of view, Sky has just attempted to ruthlessly hurt him, which was incredibly out of character. Prapai knows this isn’t his Sky. Knows Sky wouldn’t say and do things like that, but he doesn’t understand why Sky is saying this. And Sky is a person who comes with a lot of ‘whys’ that Prapai doesn’t yet have all the answers to. He decides not give up, because his love and concern for Sky far outweighs his own pain.
I’ve tried picturing how Prapai felt when he read those words in Sky’s notebook. The first few pages are sweet and endearing, Sky’s notes begin purely as a record of facts. Slowly those become more telling, more revealing in how much Sky values Prapai’s presence, but also how much good he sees in Prapai.
Up until this point, Prapai has been putting his everything into pursuing Sky, in the hopes that Sky may at some point reciprocate even a fraction. Even in the previous episode, when Prapai gets angry, he says, “I might be a psychotic stalker in your eyes, but please understand how worried I am of you”. Despite how assured he comes across, Prapai is actually very insecure about how Sky feels about him. He has no real grasp on Sky’s true feelings. Though he suspects Sky returns them, he doesn’t actually know for sure. Sky’s notes reveal that he’s taken note of every gesture, every act of devotion that Prapai has made thus far. Nothing Prapai has done has gone unnoticed.
Prapai must have felt overwhelmingly validated and touched, that the person he loves has equally treasured every single moment of his presence. All the effort, all the time he has poured into Sky, has been seen, and is absolutely worth it. But Sky wanted to keep all this hidden. He didn’t want Prapai to know. And that fact was likely going round and round in circles in Prapai’s mind, whilst he sat there in the dark - stewing, and getting increasingly angry and hurt by the entire revelation.
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Which leads onto the part which devastated me. Sky insecurities, fears and anxieties laid raw and utterly unfiltered in excruciating, heart-breaking detail. Sky’s complete sense of worthlessness couldn’t be any clearer. Prapai knows there’s a shadow chasing Sky but he still doesn’t know what that shadow is. He loves Sky but Sky doesn’t love himself, and you can’t simply re-programme someone’s mindset like a switch. It doesn’t matter how much you love someone, that isn’t enough to convince them to love themselves as much as you do. Sky truly doesn’t feel worthy of Prapai’s affections, and so that entire final passage is Sky pleading, bargaining for Prapai’s attentions to stay with him. It’s the most agonised, distraught, desperate cry for someone to stay and not abandon him.
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Sky is so determined to project a strong façade. To have his worst fears being read out to him by the man he loves, the man he thinks no longer wants him anymore - is like hearing the taunting voice of his demons being actualised through Prapai. An echo of what I assume his ex intentionally may have done to mentally torture him. This whole exchange proves to be downright unbearable for Sky, because his attempt to maintain any semblance of control or strength is utterly shattered. The only thing he could withhold from Prapai were his true feelings, in order to protect himself. Now Prapai knows everything. Utterly everything. He’s completely at Prapai’s mercy. And he promised himself he would never let that happen again. Sky, who is overcome by a vision of his worst hell, can only dread what comes next, that Prapai could use his fears as further fuel to hurt him.
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Now my interpretation of Prapai’s response is that he is fundamentally still fuelled by anger (again out of concern and heartbreak for Sky). The tone he uses throughout is absolute admonishment, ‘You really thought that you could be the bad guy? You? Who were you trying to fool? Why were you trying to make yourself out to be the worst when I know you’re not? Why would you even try to get me to hate you, resent you, be angry at you?’ The fact that Sky even attempted to turn Prapai against him, to save himself from actually seeing Prapai do it of his own volition, is again a huge sign of self-sabotage.
We’ve seen Sky do this before. He’d rather try to hasten what he considers is the inevitable, taking the choice and control out of the other person’s hands. So yes, understandably Prapai is furious. He’s so helplessly angry because Sky tried to stop him from having any say, to stop him from having any choice in the matter. Sky jumped the gun and cut him off, and to top it off, tried to make Prapai completely hate him for it. To Prapai, what dealt the biggest blow, what was potentially the most hurtful, the one thing he could not accept - is even if Sky truly didn’t want him anymore, he has no right to take away Prapai’s love for him. ‘Don’t you dare try to make me hate you, when you have no idea just how much I love you. You are not allowed to take that away from me. You have no idea how utterly impossible that would be.’
Along with Prapai’s anger, is also fear. The thought that he may have never known, never heard these thoughts and feelings. The thought that he may have never found out, or been willingly told by Sky himself, had he not come across the notebook. Knowing what he could have lost, missed, passed by, had he not decided to persist. That Sky was going to take away his right to know. And the anger, pain and frustration at the thought that Sky would keep that from him. That one thing he values above all right now, which is Sky’s love.
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Within Prapai’s tone, there’s also a degree of, ‘Why would you do this to yourself? How could you be so cruel to yourself? Do you even know how you sound? Why?’ Prapai hates the fact that Sky keeps bringing himself down. Sky’s self-esteem is already sitting at rock bottom and for some reason Sky (being his own worst enemy) only continues to reinforce this. I think Prapai reading out every word was a way of hitting it home to Sky, that there’s no way on this earth that he could ever convince Prapai or anyone else that he doesn’t care. Because someone so broken, so insecure, so desperate of love - someone who wrote those words, thought those words, could never.
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I also believe Prapai’s hurt here stems from annoyance at himself. Annoyance that he ever, even if for one second entertained any doubt. That he ever thought badly of Sky, because this, THIS, is stone cold proof that Sky could never do anything capable of hurting him. Every word in that notebook is probably like a stab in the heart. And perhaps Prapai reading it out loud was to remind himself that he shoulders the blame. For not being able to get through to Sky, for not being able to be everything Sky needs.
Now, I think the almost interrogative way that Prapai reads the notebook whilst Sky breaks down is an attempt to tear down every wall and façade that Sky has remaining. We could see this as an act of ‘tough love’. Prapai has tried coaxing, and soothing, and being soft and gentle with Sky. But maybe the anger in this particular moment led him to try being blunt for once. Prapai so desperately wants Sky to be completely unshackled, unburdened, stripped down to his most basic fundamental. The Sky he was before all the pain was inflicted on him. The Sky underneath it all who wants him and loves him. The instant Sky confesses, Prapai’s face immediately smooths over like he’s finally gotten through. There’s an instant register of relief like ‘there it is, there you are.’
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I feel like the purpose of this scene was to be a moment of catharsis for both characters. As much as I do feel Prapai went in pretty hard, I also recognise that he’s been dealing with a lot of pent up frustration, fear and worry, that he hasn’t been able to direct anywhere. And to the man’s credit, he has been incredibly patient and understanding with Sky thus far. He refuses to let any of it out on Sky, so all of that worry has been kept largely to himself. The revelation of Sky’s true feelings just unleashed all that coiled up tension. For both of them actually.
To date a person who is dealing with severe trauma is not for the faint-hearted. I’m really glad this was addressed, because trauma may manifest as instances of misunderstanding or miscommunication, that will inevitably cause issues, disagreements, and possibly fall outs in the relationship. Sky will always be prone to think and assume the worst. All those fears don’t just go away as soon as you’re in love. Their relationship is going to be a real challenge, there’s no skirting around that. I do think this was a great dose of reality for Prapai, because this was the first real instance where Sky’s demons have manifested into an actual obstacle. Before that, Prapai has always been pretty steadfast and unfaltering. This completely hit him out of left field, and he realised that yes, he can be shaken too. He’s not invincible. He can also be subject to doubt, hurt, and anger.
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What I am really appreciative of is that this scene acted almost like a reset. It allowed them to be completely honest and laid bare. Now there’s no question to be had how they feel about one another. And that’s a good place to move forward from.
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yoongisassonfire · 1 year
Prapai is the gentle breeze in Sky’s life. His first relationship made him believe that every relationship was like this. The one who is pleased and the one who is trying so hard to please. So when Prapai was nice to him all he could see was “oh this is another trap”
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I remember when I read the Novel I was shocked and terrified honestly. I thought I gained immunity to whatever will happen in the series. Nevertheless, Fort and Peat managed to break my heart all over again. I felt every pain and sadness. I felt everything the character felt. Their acting was just amazing chief’s kiss.
“Can I really love you?”
“I’m sorry, I should have met you sooner” “I’d never hurt you”
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Prapai never tries to sugar-coat his past actions and behaviour or gaslight Sky, instead he chooses to be brutally honest with him, even it means painting himself in a quite negative light. He owns up to his failures and past mistakes without finding any excuses. He risks Sky thinking the worst of him again because Sky deserves the complete truth - yes, he admits his initial motives were less than innocent, he fesses up he wanted to fuck Sky. Back then, he himself had believed his obsession with him to be purely physical, like an inch that needed to be scratched, thinking once he slept with Sky it would be satisfied.
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However, he’s changed, his needs and desires have changed, and sex alone is no longer enough for him, he wants so much more from Sky, in fact, he wants everything from him because Pai realises he’s been giving Sky his everything so he craves for his feelings to be reciprocated in equal measures. That night, months ago, he caught a glimpse of sky - brilliant, beautiful, mysterious but distant and sad - and now he yearns to have the whole sky. But sky is untouchable and out of grasp for mere mortals, yet perhaps a wind god might stand a chance.
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The best thing about it is that Prapai never lied or pretended he wanted Sky for anything else but sex. It might not have been the most noble of motives but he never made him any false promises or tried to trick him into believing Pai had feelings for him. So while his feelings for Sky have changed, deep down he hasn’t changed to much. 
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Even their first night, Prapai wanted to sleep with Sky because he felt attracted to him and since he’d never been in love, he had always associated any sort of attraction to the need to have sex, the realisation that he felt the stirrings of something more came only later after he began to miss Sky.
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The character arc alone is more poignant, powerful and better written than all those ‘functional, healthy, perfect and green flag’ characters out there. 
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Prapai realises his past actions had jeopardised his chances to win Sky’s heart so when he asks for a reward for taking care of him, he isn’t demanding anything, it’s a plea. He is begging Sky to give him a chance, that’s all he wants: ‘Just don’t ignore me, don’t push me away, talk to me and let me love you. I won’t ask for more.”
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Pai doesn’t show it often but those constant 24/7 rejections from Sky have been taking a toll on him. It’s not that he doesn’t get dejected, it’s that he soldiers on like a trooper despite all those refusals and rebuffs because Sky is worth all that pain and getting hurt all over again.
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