#also if we learned ANYTHING from ep 9
introvertedkeni · 2 years
*Goes in the Love in the Air tag *
Me: Maybe this week will be better!
*scrolls through the latest post *
Me: 🙄nvm
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hungiehipo · 2 months
Macdennis timeline
The 16 season long situationship filled to the brim with sociopathic tendencies, mutual abuse, and disorganized attachment between a man burdened by Catholic guilt who doesn't want love unless it hurts and a deeply dissociated man who can't be authentic unless he's immersed in a facade. And they were roommates.
What can be said that hasn't been said before? Probably nothing... still here's this.
This is before Mac and Dennis find themselves unwittingly thrust into a relationship neither is aware of. There is a homoerotic undertone, albeit usually as more of a joke than anything else. Neither has realized that their feelings for the other goes beyond friendship.
(Season 1 ep 1) Famous tequila scene.
(season 3 ep 4) Mac says I love you to Dennis.
(season 3 ep 15) gang dances their asses off macs dance pantomiming blowing Dennis.
(season 4 ep 1) Man hunters. Dennis puts his balls in Mac's mouth when he's sleeping, and mac shaves his pubes and glues them to Dennis' face.
(season 4 ep 4) Charlie asks Dennis if he still gets the feeling Mac wants to bang them, and that's why Mac makes project badass, Dennis agrees.
(season 4 ep 13) Nightman cometh. Mac gets a boner when Dennis' character pantomimes sex with him in the play. Dennis rips macs heart out (this comes back later)
Season 5 Macdennis hits like a truck. Dennis has feelings and they are BIG. We the audience witness a masterful display of homoerotic desire wrapped in a stunning amount of cognitive dissonance until "breakup" where Dennis is forced to confront the reality of his feelings. Following this crucial turning point, we are treated to a series of back and forth assertions of no-homo, feelings getting hurt, and lashing out. In order, we get Dennis introducing the dennis system, mac fighting gay marriage, Dennis getting married and kicking Mac out of the apartment, and finally Dennis getting a divorce.
Things are notably different between them post-divorce, marked by a mutual retreat from both Mac and Dennis. There's a shared reluctance to appear overly invested in each other romantically. This dynamic persists into Season 7, where Mac and Dennis noticeably maintain a considerable distance compared to previous seasons. In my honest opinion, this season exhibits the least Macdennis of any. Dennis being unhappy with Mac's weight gain likely contributes to this.
(Season 5 episode 1) Dennis suggests that they pretend to be gay married realtors. Some will say that being gay married was not essential to the scheme. Some would even say that to sell the being married thing Dennis did NOT have to be that touchy touchy. Source of baby boy nickname that has penetrated every corner of AO3 macden fanfiction.
(season 5 episode 8) PADDY'S THONG DUDE!!! PADDY'S THONG! I'm not wearing these because I'm comfortable I'm wearing them cause i wanna turn YOU on, you know what I'm saying??? you get it???
Mac jerks off a shotgun and blows its load in a kneeling dennis' gaping mouth.
(season 5 episode 9) They break up. In the podcast they say that this is a romcom. Dee points out that they act like an old married couple. Realization dawns on dennis's face and he proceeds to freak the hell out. Why? I mean... he knew it was true. We learn that they have a weekly movie night. Mac is jealous of video store clerk guy. We learn that they check in. Deleted scene at the end has Dennis blurting out that Mac has "beautiful lips" and again looking horrified.
(season 5 ep 10) Immediately after break up Dennis introduces his fool proof system for attracting WOMeN with big BIG BOOB for SEX.
(season 6 ep 1) Mac goes on a rampage against gay marriage after just last season being fake gay married to dennis. Dennis immediately gets married and kicks Mac out of the apartment. (Dennis also says he doesn't "have feelings", which Mac internalizes and it comes back in season 12)
(season 6 ep 2) dennis immediately divorces said woman and lets his boy toy (his words) come home.
radio silence all of season 7 except....
(season 7 ep 1) They go to the doctor, mac tries to carry dennis out bridal style. Dennis eats a chimichanga with Mac (romantic).
(season 7 ep 6) cold open, Dennis is holding Macs forearm while they watch the TV.
-season 7 we also learn that Mac slept with Dennis' prom date and it was very easy.
S8-S9 The kiss, the date, and the platonic naked wrestling shower scene
I believe this is the point where Mac starts to get the feeling something is off. (Again, Dennis realized in season 5). Mac has far more dissonance about it though, he like just wants to be best bros with Dennis for life, cause Dennis is like soooo cool. He is definitely not in love with Dennis he just loves Dennis like, as a blood brother. HE IS NOT GAY BECAUSE THAT IS A SIN. HE SERIOUSLY LOVES GOD A LOT.
In Season 8's Dines out Dennis delivers a speech wherein he admits that he thinks of Mac as a man who knows exactly who he is. Season 9's Mac day shows the total elimination of this belief after a full day filled with Macs self hating homophobia contrasting with his out and proud cousin "country mac".
(Season 8 ep 2) Whelp, God only knows how we ended up here after a drought like season 7, but 8 kicks off with a bang with an out of nowhere kissing attempt from Mac… right in front of Charlie too. By the look on Dennis' face I'm going to guess this has never happened before. I genuinely wonder what compelled him to do this…. like….is he just always thinking about it and forgot hes not supposed to do it for real? was it instinct?
(Season 8 ep 6) Dennis deals with emotional numbness, and nothing he tries makes him feel anything until the end of the episode where he feels too much after seeing his dead mother. This is not overtly macdennis but I think it demonstrates how he struggles with emotion and why Mac believes that Dennis does not have feelings.
(season 8 episode 9) Mac and Dennis are going on a fancy dinner date every single month. Monthly dinner and weekly movie nights.... anyway. Mac is upset that Dennis won't say something nice to him so Dennis does a speech to the whole restaurant. Yes he did kinda do it to dunk on frank and charlie. Yes he loved the attention. I think he meant what he said.
(season 8 episode 10) Dennis gets turned on by Mac totally intellectually dominating him while giving his anti science presentation. Also in the car at the end Mac was flirting.
(season 9 episode 3) Mac day. Praise God. Dennis is drowning in a sea of Macs delusion. Mac believes himself to be totally badass and not at all gay while repeatedly demonstrating the opposite. Country Mac shows Dennis what Mac could be if he was all the things he said he was and just embraced that he was gay. Dennis resents Mac.
(season 9 episode 6) saves the day. Macs fantasy involves Dennis wailing over his corpse, proclaiming his love. Dennis' fantasy is interesting, revealing his fear that Mac would abandon him the moment his sexual appeal fades. He envisions the possibility of being loved for more than his sexual abilities, yet his declaration of love precludes Jackie being hit by a car, leading to the loss of her breasts, and Dennis choosing to leave her. Lot to unpack here.
(season 9 episode 8) Mac and Dennis are trying to catch a rat. Mac tries to bash the rat, but Dennis says that its not about brute force, its about seduction. He turns on some romantic music and they both sway back and forth, looking into each others eyes, Mac takes a step forward, but Dee enters the room and the second dennis sees her he spins around and walks away.
I also feel the need to point out that Mac and Dennis went to high school together, and Macs nickname in high school was....well... Ronnie the rat.
(season 9 episode 9) Mac writes into the script of lethal weapon a scene where he and Dennis, I kid you not, wrestle naked in a shower. If you can call it wrestling... though it's more accurately described as an opportunity for an intense, naked embrace.
(season 9 episode 10) Cute food fight scene. Their apartment burns down.
s10-11 Out of their natural environment
Following the incineration of their shared home, macdennis moves in with Dee and all three of them hate it so so much.
(season 10 episode 1) Dennis looks at Mac like he wants to eat him (4 min 24 seconds) Mac says wait Dennis don't go and Dennis turns like he's expecting.... I don't know.
(season 10 episode 5) Mac and Dennis take turns watching and jacking off to creampie videos. Some will say they could just find their own porn, however I think this is one of the numerous creative ways they've found to have a sex life with each other.
(season 10 ep 3) Dennis is diagnosed with BPD.
(season 10 ep 6) The gang embarks on a journey of independence, only to discover that their lives are intricately woven together. For better or worse they will never escape each other, and will likely live this way until they die.
(season 10 episode 10) Dennis creates an entire fake cult to get Mac to do things he wants him to do. Says Macs been looking so good so sexy lately *manipulative*
(season 11 episode 4) Mac turns off the video Dee made about Dennis being raped by the librarian.
(season 11 episode 5) Macdennis play house. Mac asks Dennis if he can hear the beep too, Dennis gaslights him and says no, meanwhile getting increasingly agitated by the pool filter. It's already been explained more better by others but basically this is a metaphor for Mac wanting Dennis to acknowledge what has been happening between them, while Dennis adamantly avoids doing so. Instead, he channels his frustrations into unrelated problems.
Dennis hates going to work alone all day and Mac hates staying home, which could easily be fixed by having Mac come to work with him. Instead, Dennis' solution is a "honey-do list" (a list of chores a man would give his wife) and a dog, which Mac names DENNIS JR. (parallel to Dennis' real kid who is named Brian Jr. ) This kind of relationship paralleling is a recurring theme; for example in gets romantic, double life, and celebrity booze).
In the beginning of the episode Dennis wants to listen to Bryan Adams in the car. At the end of the episode Mac confronts him by saying "everything I do I do it for you, and everything you do you do it for yourself". (referencing the title of a very romantic Bryan Adams song)
dennis says he hates him
(season 11 ep 6) Mac asks Frank if he thinks Dennis hates him, because he just wants him to think he's cool and he puts so much work into this relationship and *unintelligible* (seriously if anyone know what Mac is saying when Frank spaces out please message me)
(season 11 ep 8) Dennis also knows about the gay bar
(Season 11 ep 10) 🎵 Amazing Grace how sweet the sauce 🎵
Mac comes out. When they play fake dinner Mac talks about him and Dennis' future home where they will have dinner parties and touches Dennis' hand. Confused, Dennis questions the idea of it being "their" home, seemingly operating under the misconception that he and Mac might eventually part ways and not continue living together.
Mac prays to god that they be saved and after being rescued he goes back into the closet.
s12 Mac claims to be gay and Dennis leaves the state of Pennsylvania
Season 12 is my favorite season!
Mac comes out, has a gay dream, gives Dennis a present, tries to insert himself as 2nd father of Dennis' child, and is swiftly abandoned.
Things start to get a little too real for Dennis, and hes just a little too vulnerable. Perfectly it turns out he has an opportunity to live the typical nuclear family lifestyle he's envisioned for himself and escape all his troubles.
(season 12 episode 6) Gay Mac rules! rich gay Mac!
The watershed moment wherein Mac comes out as gay for real this time. Dennis is beyond shocked.
(season 12 episode 7) Mac fully grasps that his feelings for Dennis are romantic after having a dream where Dennis kisses him. Upon waking he goes to find Dennis. Again Dennis dances towards him and leans in, Macs eyes light up thinking that his dream is coming true but Dennis slams the door in his face.
(season 12 ep 8) Dennis wants to completely ignore Valentines day because he doesn't think he has anybody who really cares about/loves him. Everyone in the gang openly states that they don't think he has feelings.
At the end of the ep. Mac has Dennis open a crate, which turns out to be an RPG (something that Dennis thinks is awesome and talks about all the time), and he tears up, he's incredibly touched. When Mac says there is no rocket (rendering the gift effectively useless) Dennis says he doesn't care, he loves it. Mac figured out the one thing he wanted more than anything else in the world and got it for him. This is likely not referring to the RPG but instead to the fact that he wanted someone to show him that they love him/care about him.
(season 12 ep 10) Dennis is revealed to have a son with Mandy, a woman who he had sex with on his layover from the wade boggs episode. To get him out of this jam Mac suggests they pretend to be in a relationship. Dennis, reluctantly going along with the plan, tells Mandy he sleeps with women but he is emotionally invested with Mac. When she is fine with it and says she wouldn't mind Brian Jr. having two dads, Mac enthusiastically agrees to parent Dennis' kid with him. When Dennis asks Mac why he would agree to that, since they are not a couple, Mac replies that he thought they could just keep pretending.
Mac wins a bet and gets to refurnish the apartment. He surprises Dennis by recreating their old apartment down to the last detail, save his own bedroom, which he leaves empty. He only buys Dennis a bed because he is hoping Dennis will go along with continuing to share a bed like they did at Dee's.
At the end of the episode Dennis announces he is leaving to go raise his son in North Dakota with Mandy. Nobody tries to stop him.
Dennis' 2 most angry/upset seasons.
In the season 13 promos Dennis is like a ghost, watching the gang laughing and talking without him. At some points they seem to notice that he's there, but just don't care. He is the only one spooked by the weird things happening around the bar.
In season 13 Dennis' returns and feels as though he is not important or needed by his friends. Mac has a journey of self-discovery, coming to terms with his sexuality and finding his identity as a gay man. Mac relies on Dennis to tell him what to do, desperate to please him, but Dennis wants Mac to take control and take care of him. Dennis only wants the illusion of control.
(Season 13 episode 1) Mac orders a sex doll of Dennis and swears he isn't blowing his loads into it. Dennis comes back.
(Season 13 episode 2) Mac finds a heart shaped lock clue whilst doing an escape room. Dennis says they should keep it between themselves.
(season 13 episode 4) Dennis holds a seminar where he publicly declares his own heterosexuality and lack of interest in Mac.
just gonna leave these quotes-
dennis- "some of you just haven't been careful enough, so youre asking yourself what can I do to save myself now. You gotta clean up your act otherwise you're going down, and you're gonna take me down with you and I ain't going down. You understand? I've been telling you this for years but you refused to listen"
mac- "and we should probably stop harassing them"
dennis, replying to Mac- " uh well you know, one step at a time we don't want the whole system to collapse" (but Macs only crime was being too open with his feelings for Dennis)
(season 13 ep 5) Dennis opens the floor for questions about his absence. He totally gets that everyone was giving him some space and respecting his privacy, and he's ready to talk about it now but...they just don't actually care....at all... (including Mac)
(season 13 episode 7) Its my personal interpretation that all of clip show happens in Dennis' mind in an episode of dissociation. He imagines that Mac decided to come with him to north Carolina. He imagines being confronted about why he would want to live with Mac if he "hates" him so much.
(season 13 episode 10) Mac comes out to his father in a beautiful interpretive dance and is rejected.
(season 14 episode 1) Mac tries to get into Dennis' good graces again by staging a scheme to get Dennis laid just like old times. Interestingly, Dennis isn't all that interested in banging. When its not working out with the woman, Dennis decides that it's because the leads are actually Mac and the husband. They can't seem to figure out that the leads are really each other.
Mac and Dennis are paralleled by the married couple while Charlie and Frank are mirrored by the father son duo..
"If you'd just give us a chance, we could tell a love story for the ages, a gay GAY ass love story". WE ARE READY AND SO WILLING
(season 14 episode 5) "Bathrooms at zoos are, like, big Grindr spots for closeted dads." (also refer to Macs super long pining text messages)
(season 14 ep 6) "all that for a whistle, I wonder what you'd do for a biscuit" I really don't understand how but apparently this episode really did happen and it wasn't in someones dream or anything like that??
(season 14 episode 10) Dennis says to Mac it's time to end the game. This could be interpreted as being about their 14 season song and dance, and would be backed up by the fact that the next season shows Mac completely backing off.
s15-s16 Acceptance and regret
mac tries to move on, Dennis misses his baby boy
(season 15 episode 1) We get some cute broke back mountain Macdennis. They play guitar and sing a love song they wrote together, looking into each other's eyes.
(season 15 ep 4) There's a subtle moment that's easy to miss. Dennis pats Mac's hand when they are talking to Charlie and Mac looks down at it, taking a deep breath.
(season 15 ep 5) Dennis has COVID and Mac isn't concerned, in fact he is irritated that Dennis wont admit he's sick. This is a big change from the last couple of seasons where Mac is desperate to take care of Dennis.
(season 16 episode 1) Mac and Dennis throw away all of their furniture including their beds. They now share an inflatable bed/couch and sleep together in it (just a couple seasons ago Dennis was absolutely refusing to sleep in the same bed as Mac). They are touching so much in the bed. Dennis is concerned for Mac because he has been continuously consuming nuts that he is allergic to (there's a metaphor here) and is heavily wheezing. Dennis gently places two fingers on Macs neck to check his pulse.
If Dennis did not want to sleep in the bed with Mac he would have gone and bought another inflatable bed. He would have made Mac sleep on the ground. He would have gone to sleep at Dees house. He wanted to be in that bed with Mac.
(season 16 episode 4) Dennis creates a fake dating profile under the alias of "Johnny". He buys Mac extra large anal beads to put inside of him at all times, and turns them on to signal to Mac to meet him at a hotel. He says he did it to....get him out of the house? and to get Mac to....buy him crab?
Dennis looks so devastated when Mac says he's in love with Johnny. I kinda wonder if it's the idea that Mac could love someone else that upsets him... or if he's reacting to Mac telling him he is in love with him to his face?
This is also the episode where we learn that Dennis has a fool proof method for attracting men. When Mac and Dee ask why he has this system he just shushes them.
(season 16 episode 5) The relationship between Malcom and his dad is a parallel of Mac and Dennis's relationship. The speech at the end to me seems like its hinting that Mac knows more/ has more control and power than is let on.
NEW INFORMATION JUST DROPPED I have just been made aware of the actual parallel between Malcom and the dad possibly being Dennis and Frank.
(season 16 episode 8) Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare!
Dennis takes a mental health day. Some people really hated this episode but I really liked it. Mac is putting coal in a pressure cooker to make diamonds. Dennis rips the CEO's (who is wearing a Hawaiian shirt like we've seen Mac wear) heart out, and squeezes it so hard it turns into a diamond and he eats it. This is a direct parallel to the nightman cometh where he also rips Macs heart out.
*edit to add* The director of this episode (who did not write the ep but still was involved in its creation obviously) Heath Cullens, in a reddit QA when asked if this was a nod to dayman replied "Nope. I think pretty much a coincidence." which I think is a total missed opportunity tbh.
This was all in Dennis' mind, and it seems to me that the Mac "situation" has left him with a sense of powerlessness. He feels isolated, trapped in an endless nightmare of his own creation, and he has nobody he can count on to help him, there's nobody he can rely on, he can only trust himself. Compressing the coal into a diamond represents Dennis molding everything to be exactly as he wishes, and by swallowing it he reclaims absolute control.
Always sunny book- : the 7 secrets of awakening the highly effective four-hour giant, today
"Mac for instance is also a 3 in ugly, so even if this exercise we're going to try fails, you'll have some company at your ugly parties. For the record, on the ugly scale charlie is a five, frank is a six, and Dee is a nine." - Dennis
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thepringlesofblood · 4 days
little tidbits of Ragh, Porter, Jace, and Kalina lore from the past two seasons that you probably forgot about
SPOILERS for freshman & sophomore year obvs, as well as up to ep 16 of junior year [which is when I am writing this so if shit changes that's why]
Ragh got the Kalina disease from Porter
Kalina said Lydia Barkrock's name in FHSY - she says "I'm going to go kill Lydia Barkrock"
(source: 2:18:52 of ep 6 of FHSY)
What Ragh saw on prom night freshman year that made him a threat to Kalina: Jace and Arianwen talking to a third, invisible person. Then Porter steps in and does a type of barbarian healing spell that involves blood transfer, infecting Ragh. Then, as Ragh is walking home, Kalina threatens him, as he can see her now. So. BOTH JACE AND PORTER ARE AND HAVE BEEN EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS INDIVIDUALS FROM THE START.
(source: 49:53 of ep 4 of FHSY)
We have never properly addressed the fact that Fig (and Emily Axford) did not start hating Porter completely out of nowhere. The triggering event was the Corn Cuties Incident at the very beginning of freshman year. In the immediate aftermath, after they go get Vice Principal Goldenrod (aka Kalvaxus), he orders Jace and Porter to keep watch over the crime scene. Fig rolled an insight check to see how Porter was reacting to the whole situation (Jace immediately started screaming at the sight of all the corn and blood and bodies). Brennan tells her 'Porter doesn't look all that surprised'. This is the spark of the Porter distrust.
(source: ep 3 of fantasy high, 20:49 for the insight roll, 32:30 for Jace & Porter going through the crime scene while Riz is hiding and observing)
will update with anything we learn, no guarantees on when tho
speculations meta under the cut
now i hear you screaming crying throwing up saying that Porter has actually been kind of cool lately, and I understand. personally i have not forgiven him for not signing gorgug's mcat in the first place, but i can see gorgug has, and thus many of you have. he does have some good things to say about the importance of anger and being able to channel your aggression.
however, I thought Vice Principal Goldenhoard was kind of cool before the finale of season 1, and I thought A Certain Frosting-haired Motherfucker was kind of cool before ep 9 of acoc - Brennan is excellent at making you trust people you should not be trusting. Also, although we know Porter wasn't in on the palimpsest plan [he gets sucked into one], that doesn't mean he wasn't in contact with Kalina at all.
there's one scenario I can think of in which Porter would be innocent, which I consider to be unlikely but possible.
We're post-Prompocalypse.
Jace has to be evil for this to work. imo Jace is demonstrably some level of evil (the talk w Kalina and Arianwen) but just in case you're on the fence. He also has to know that Porter is infected.
Porter is there, and does not know that he is infected.
If he hasn't been collaborating with Kalina, why would he? It's established that the Shadowcat Plague has no symptoms other than "you can see Kalina", and was spread far beyond just Fallinel.
[e.g. in fhsy, they do a livestream of Kalina, and responses are mixed between people who can see her and people who can't (1:11:38 ep 17)] so he could just have it by happenstance.
Alternately, it's possible that Jace infected Porter at some point over the course of the school year. I'm not saying they fucked (I mean they could've but I don't think that's what happened). It's established that spit can do it too - in the nightmare forest, Kalina tries to get Kristen to bite Riz to reinfect him (20:44 ep 17). Sharing a cup, a bottle, a fork, a whistle, anything your mouth goes on could've done it. Or Porter could've done the blood-sharing healing spell to Jace at some point.
Regardless, Kalina tells Jace that Ragh needs to be infected, Jace tells Porter to go heal Ragh, keeping himself uninvolved.
otherwise it is just too coincidental that Ragh is infected exactly when Kalina needs him to be. Either Porter's in on it, or was manipulated by Jace.
and then Fig's dirty 20 insight check to see that he doesn't look surprised would have to just be him going 'yeah it makes sense that arthur aguefort would do something this batshit, just another day at aguefort adventury academy'
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nanomooselet · 3 months
My Brother's Keeper (V)
This whole memory retrieval/assimilation scene is interesting for a number of reasons (putting aside the continuous wails of agony emitted watching it; I know I discuss it calmly, but that's because I'm a wizard I compartmentalise/modulate my tone in text. Hooray for incomplete degrees).
In the score, this bit is called "The Memory World of Knives" - these are Knives's memories, ones that he can share with Vash for whatever reason. By that token, then, it's how you can figure out which incidents Knives has direct knowledge of and involvement in.
He remembers the blood-soaked room of withered Plants, of course. Doubt he'll ever forget it. Not because of the Last Run, but because it's when Vash turned on him and their confrontation was put on pause - up until now.
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Vash fleeing the SEEDs wreckage in ep 1/8 then entering the Plant room in ep 9, Knives withdrawing, then showing up at Jeneora Rock in ep 3, then finally Vash entering Knives's piano room in July at the end of ep 10, and the confrontation/manipulation/awakening/battle over 11 and 12. It's all a single argument/fight split into parts, separated by over a century.
Funny that the only thing Knives seems to truly regret about it is cutting off Vash's arm. Maybe… maybe because it's the one wound even he can't lie to himself about inflicting. I wonder, does he believe it was his one mistake? If he'd found another way, Vash wouldn't have stuck a gun in his face? Which makes him trying to "fix" it being what clues Vash in that he's being lied to some sublime irony. Vash doesn't trust a world where his brother never hurt him.
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Anyway, Knives was obviously there in person to destroy Jeneora Rock, so he remembers that. Knives definitely intended Rosa's rejection to happen when he left her alive (interesting that he only uses her voice, not her appearance. This man has a problem with women) and he would have learned about Tonis's injuries from Zazie via the cage of bug-Worms.
Then comes the crashed ships and the vanishing reporters. Roberto and Meryl don't do anything but stand there looking blank, and that's because Knives doesn't have anything to do with them. He doesn't care to learn what they mean to Vash, so he doesn't bother to twist it. He goes for “oh they'd hate you if they knew about what you've done”, and as Vash's shame makes him vulnerable, he rips them out of Vash's head. That's them disposed of and he doesn't think about them again. (More fool him.)
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The guilt that Knives planted in Vash is his primary weapon. Remember that it was his guilt that made Vash want to die in the wake of the Fall. Knives is using it to chip away at his will to resist; every time Vash is reminded of it, he reels and his defences weaken.
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Similarly, it's why we don't see that much of Rem and nothing of her post-Tesla except her running into the fire. What we do see of her makes her look rather one-dimensionally nice, well-meaning but suspiciously secretive, and Vash food-obsessed, dorky, clingy, insecure and oblivious. Meanwhile Nai is very clever and perceptive and handsome and perfect and amazing with his super cool powers, just like Rem said. But she didn't actually mean anything to him.
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It's conspicuous that he also doesn't actually talk at all about poor Tesla and tries to dismiss her significance ("she was but a grain of sand in the desert of their misdeeds" is a banger line, by the way; the English localisation is always excellent but goes off as the series draws to its climax, and it don't stop 'til the credits roll on the finale). These are the rare points you can find honesty in anything Knives says: via what he omits.
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You have to keep in mind throughout this entire sequence that besides the geranium petals and Vash cuddling Rem in the fields of geraniums, Knives is in control. This is his world, and these are his memories that he's using to infiltrate and tear Vash's memories apart. It's not objective - there's no context, for one - nor is it complete. Vash's perspective is absent.
It's actually a bit surprising how rarely Vash's voice comes through in the series. From what I can tell it's mostly Knives's perspective that's assumed.
But oh yes, Knives knows all about the Punisher. He built the Eye of Michael, after all, and Dr. Conrad works for him. Rollo crying out to Vash for salvation that he never received probably came from Dr. Conrad, as well as that it was Wolfwood in the end who killed Monev.
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And here we are at last. The dreadful cost and hidden purpose I mentioned all the way back in Part I comes due. Wolfwood's purpose, the poison lacing Knives's helpful gift. He's the viral shell carrying Knives's infection. Because Vash opened his heart to Wolfwood as a friend, he also opened it to Knives.
And so, from the inside, Knives begins inexorably to devour his brother alive.
Knives-the-person wearing the Punisher's face to fire Punisher-the-weapon and kill Rollo/Tonis, the child Vash couldn't save, is his most perfectly constructed and vile feat of manipulation below I did it all for you./Everything I did was for you. It has an almost perversely admirable precision.
Silly Vash. Did he think he'd made a friend in the Punisher? Brought out the goodness in him? The Punisher is a monster, a killer, a weapon and what's more, one who was always being wielded by Knives. He betrayed you; he isn't a good man and he'll never change because humanity never learns. Just like Knives told Vash all those years ago. Was it really "Wolfwood" who Vash loved, or was it only the part of him that was shaped by his real brother? (It's the former because Vash clocked him from the start and could tell Wolfwood never wanted to be the Punisher, but even if Knives wasn't gleefully monologuing he'd never hear it. I hate how much he's enjoying this.)
Everywhere you turn, Vash, and no matter far it is you run, I'll be here for you because I love you. (I won't let you get away.)
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How foolish you are, little brother, to have your hopes kindled because you "saved" a monster. One only lives if another dies - and a monster would rather die. You should let it happen. It's a necessary sacrifice. It's mercy. Death is a wonderful thing. (Death is a mercy Tesla never received. And perhaps still hasn't.)
You're too weak to give it to them. That's why they'll never love you as I do. You make the false promise that is hope for salvation, and inevitably you fail to fulfil it, and they will always turn upon you in their despair. (I am the only one who will protect you.)
There is a single promise that you can always keep. Your real purpose. The reason you exist. What a weapon is for. Have mercy. I will wield you. You need not continue to suffer. Don't fight. Submit. Give yourself to me. Let go. Unleash your power.
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By the way, literally every single one of the things he's using to heap blame on Vash is Knives's fucking fault and he is the worst brother ever of all time forever and ever amen. And a liar. Knives can never forgive humanity, he says, because only he loves Vash enough to protect him from humanity. Even a human's love, he says, is a leash; contingent upon Vash's charm and usefulness and indistinguishable from hatred...
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Knives either lives on opposite planet or he's secretly human.
And still. And yet.
I pity him.
(Okay. We're in the home stretch now, guys - and believe me, I deeply appreciate your support - but you might want to brace yourself.)
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(Part I)
(Part II)
(Part III)
(Part IV)
(Part VI)
(Part VII)
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feekins · 10 months
so I can't find it rn but I saw this post a while back theorizing that Knives can't hear plants? which struck me as a little strange, bc in both the English subs (pictured below) and dubs of ep 9, Knives specifically references their dying screams.
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which got me thinking - the key differences in Vash's and Knives' defining moments interacting with Dependents in eps 8-9 don't lie in their abilities but in their circumstances.
thanks to his gut instincts and humans putting their trust in him just in time, Vash was able to do something to save that plant. meanwhile, even with the top plant engineer at his beck and call, Knives couldn't do a damn thing to save all those plants bc by the time he got there, it was already too late.
it's chock-a-block full of narrative foils - Studio Orange gives us A LOT of those between Vash and Knives. furthermore, those differences in their earliest Dependent life-or-death situations are VITAL to their character development.
Vash starts out believing himself to be incapable of contributing anything meaningful/doing anything of importance - also, being what he is, humans don't trust him at first. then, he begs to help the moment he realizes something is wrong with one of the plants, and humans choose to go out on a limb and trust him. through this experience, not only does Vash realize that he DOES have value and he CAN make a difference just the way he is - he also learns that he CAN coexist with humans in a good way.
on the flip-side, starting out, we don't see any evidence that Knives doubts either his abilities as a plant or his value as a person. additionally, he has a pre-established relationship (in a flashback towards the end of ep 10, we see that Conrad recognizes Knives from before the Fall and literally runs to greet him with open arms) with a pretty skilled (we know from a Studio Orange tweet that Conrad was the leader of the Project SEEDS science division), pretty influential (from the same tweet, we also know Conrad p much built July from the ground up) human who is p much at Knives' command (albeit forcibly). even with that, Knives is ultimately powerless, unable to bring all those plants back from the brink of death (again, they were past the point of saving by the time he got to them) - worse, he's there to bear witness to their massacre at the hands of humans who intentionally bleed them dry. through this experience, despite what power/resources he has at his disposal, Knives is once again traumatized by his (and his brethren's) lack of control/agency at the hands of humankind, and it reinforces his beliefs and his genocidal conviction.
things could have easily turned out VERY DIFFERENTLY. if Luida had waited too much longer to let Vash out, that plant would've died - and Knives would've been able to do something using Conrad's influence and/or skills if they'd somehow gotten there before all those plants were pushed hard enough to cut them off from the higher dimension in the first place. if either of those things were the case, though, Vash and Knives would most definitely not be the Vash and Knives we've come to know.
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dennisboobs · 6 months
i don't think i ever mentioned this on here but i managed to track down proper HQ 1080p rips of sunny seasons 9-16 that don't look like they've been sent through a meat grinder. i guess most people just want a smaller filesize so those are the torrents that tend to endure, but it makes it like. almost completely impossible to find anything that isn't crushed to hell. they aren't accessible through the most commonly used tracker sites like pirate bay, 1337x.to, TGx, etc (trust me. i have LOOKED. for months. i stumbled upon these), and i had to dig through. a lot of shit. for them. so i'm thinking maybe i could upload them to the internet archive (they haven't had a problem with my sunny archive yet, but who knows), because hosting 170 1-2GB episodes would be. impossible (and as we learned during s16 airing, apparently most commercial cloud servers have stupid limits lol).
also found AP bio in actual 1080p quality; honestly didn't even know it existed, and with the amount of time it took to download from the one other person who was seeding it i doubt many other people know either. might uh. photodump. because i have a lot of screenshots that are twenty times nicer than the shit i had before. and jack is pretty <3
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shut up i know they're mostly tits
if you guys are interested i can see what i can do, but like, each sunny season is 11-20 gigs, so you know. i'll be your blackmarket sunny dealer if you want to see your fave ep in significantly higher quality than you normally see on Hulu (caps out at 720p) or most other torrenting sites.
cmon you know you want to see the glears (glenn tears)
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My Top 12 TGaMM S2 songs (in no particular order)
Kinda like in Centaurworld, I found more songs in S1 than S2 that I liked but that's not to say that the songs weren't enjoyable. It's just a shame I won't be able to make a S3 list T_T
Anyways, here's my Top 12 TGaMM S2 songs in no particular order:
12. Frightful No More [A Doll to Die For]
It's great to hear Lord Hater again and a song that's an homage to "Everything's Coming Up Roses" (Gypsy) and "The Rain in Spain" (My Fair Lady)...at least that's what it make me think of.
11. It's Just Your Masterpiece in You [Faint of Art]
This episode was a pretty nice message on art block and a fear of failure that a lot of artists face, especially when they haven't done anything in years. I tend to procrastinate by snacking, which of course I can't draw with food fingers (even when using a napkin) so I gotta wait till it goes away, oh whoops, now the days ended, oh well, tomorrow...
10.Thai Culture Cram [100% Molly McGee]
A fun song showing the lengths that Molly is willing to go to learn half of her culture. Granted she didn't realize that this stuff takes time but she's on the right path.
9.Me & My Dad [Like Father, Like Libby]
Kid's who have an absentee parent def felt what Libby is singing about in this one. It just sucks when someone who should be important in your life, doesn't take it as serious as you'd wish they would.
8. Hit Restart [Perfect Day]
Gotta love how relaxed the singer is while describing the continuiously hectic attempts Molly and Scratch make at having a perfect first day of the year.
7. Identity Crisis [Davenport's in Demise]
It's a shame we didn't get more from Andrea this season, especially after this ep. I know we would've gotten her and Alina in S3 but still, I would've liked to see how her and Molly are friends
6. Maybe Next Time [The End] (Spoilers)
Scratch's backstory was a gut-punch, especially for those of us that feel like we're wasting our lives away. It does kinda remind me of a more sad version of "I Remember It Well" (Gigi)
5. Enjoy Your Afterlife [The New (Para)Normal]
A fun song with the Ghost Council about life after the Chairman's defeat that kinda reminds me of "Go Back to City Hall" in S1
4. You Got to Be Low-Key [The (After)Life of the Party]
Jinx is such a little shit in this song. Not to mention this was the ep that confirmed that Geoff and Jeff are married
3. Back to Misery [Jinx vs the Human World]
Gotta love a villain song. Just a shame we didn't get more.
2. Trying to Find [All in the Mind]
Love the abstract visuals of going through someone's mind and the soft vocals and instrumentals.
Honorable Mention 1: You've Been Jinxed [Jinx!]
Honorable Mention 2: Feeling Like MY Old Self Again/Small Town America [Kenny's Falling Star]
Honorable Mention 3: Happy Happy Death Day [The Many Lives of Scratch]
1.This House is Haunted [Frightmares on Main Street]
Love this homage to "Thriller" but it's also to see ghosts being able to let loose. A great Halloween special
As stated before, it's a shame that we won't get anymore eps but at least what we've gotten were great. Idk if I should do an overall list
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uppoompat · 11 months
in defense of pat
(a completely unnecessary blurb that i just need to type out to help organize my feelings)
i feel like i’ve seen a lot of talk between ep 8 and ep 9 about pat’s actions and how they don’t make sense and how could he be blind to jeng’s feelings etc etc but genuinely i think every decision pat has made recently is so indicative of his character and how he operates
there’s been enough posts explaining the how pat being gobsmacked to learn that jeng is gay and how it changed his whole perspective on their interactions thus far and allows the attraction to jeng that pat had in ep 1 to bubble to the surface again but i think this also informs a lot of pat’s actions in ep
he’s confused now. he’s re-evaluating all the things jeng has done for him and the interactions they had in the light of knowing jeng is queer and what jeng’s treatmemt of him could mean beyond a work lens and i think this flows into the main factor behinds pat’s actions... his insecurities
pat is painfully insecure in both his professional and personal life. in work, we know this stems from him being a fresh graduate who is not confident in his capabilities yet and doesn’t see his own potential. in personal life, we know this probably stems from the way his relationship with put ended... put just up and leaving him w/ no explanation... i can only imagine how much pat agonized over what he did to deserve that (he didn’t and fuck u put!!!!). we see this manifest in the way pat preens over compliments... being told he’s done well or when jeng compliments his ramen. in the same vein, he absolutely deflates when he feelings his not up to standard... like the way he shut down when put dismissed him ramen.
and so now factor jeng liking pat in. jeng who everyone calls perfect both in work and in personal life... the opposite of how pat views himself. jeng is 10 years his senior and is set to inherit a company and could presumably have anyone else in the world... of course pat can’t understand why that someone would be him. his insecurities make it impossible for him to see all the light jeng sees in him. and that’s why he says it makes no sense
his only way to rationalize it is to say that jeng is toying with his feelings as expressed in his talk with jane. but deep down, i think pat KNOWS that jeng is sincere and that’s what makes him even more confused... because he can’t under WHY jeng is so sincere about his feelings towards them. add that in with pat also recognizing his own feelings for jeng and letting them bubble up again and...
you’ve got a explanation for pat’s actions in this episode.
it was hurtful yes and my heart broke for jeng bc we know his perspective and know how much he loves for pat and would do anything to make sure pat is never hurting. but my heart also breaks for pat who is just as confused and broken trying to navigate his feelings and jeng’s feelings for him.
but these steps they’ve been taking to understand each other and their own feelings is going to make it all the more gratifying when they finally both see their feelings truthfully (ep 10 let’s gooo)
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hughungrybear · 4 months
Me while watching Last Twilight Ep. 9:
Will we see the back story at last? Also, we have yet to see a P'Aof cameo 😂 Is this finally the episode that he will appear?
1. Ah, so Night is still in contact with their Dad? <after 5 seconds> So, Night caused the accident? C'mon give us a flashback already 😭😭😭
2. They WERE close prior to the accident 😭 But Night was not the one driving. Also, the sensible thing to do was to pullover and stop the car the moment Night started heaving. Day trying to get a barf bag whilst driving is stupid. I get Day is looking for someone to blame for his condition, but the way he was driving that night...it was technically he's own fault he got blind. 😐 Day's resentment of Night is SO UNDESERVED 😭😭😭
3. How much you want to bet that Dad leaving Mum for another woman is an incomplete picture of what happened? Especially if Night is still in contact with his father. At this point, I don't trust P'Aof giving us a straightforward cause and effect lol.
Sidenote: I had drunk Dutchmill a few years ago and it's not as tasty as Mhok and Day would like you to believed 😅
4. Oh, Night. He is trying to change for the better but all Day sees is Night 'pretending' to usurp his place as the "good" son. I don't like this side of Day. 😑
5. It looks like Mhok gained a new employment 😂 Maybe Mum will soften up if she learns Mhok is a great cook too.
6. Oooh. I like that - visiting the places that you have only read in a book. I wish I have the budget and the free time to do just that 😭😭😭
7. I don't like this hostel proprietor. Why so effing hostile from the get-go? She needed to hear that Day is going blind for her to start acting decent? The fvck.
8. Aahhh, wait. They are talking about "firsts". Is this going where I think this is going??? 😱😱😱😱 <after five seconds> Yup 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
9. Mhok, it is so early in the morning. Why are you like this? 😅😅😅 Hiking is difficult enough without disabilities. Can't imagine how hard it is for Day to climb that mountain. Also, Mhok clearing Day's path of pebbles is just 😍
10. I think Mhok is going to be in trouble with Day's mum regardless of the outcome of this trip.
11. So, the book has a bittersweet ending? Now, I don't like the odds. We are getting so many effing hints that this series will have a bittersweet ending too 😭😭😭 Still, this is P'Aof - he has yet to deliver a story that has not ended happily 😭😭😭
12. Oh, no. Day cannot see anything anymore 😭😭😭 Mhok's hearbreak is just palpable.
I love the new OST. However, I don't like the lyrics because it tells of a love that has PASSED AND ONLY LINGERS IN THE SINGER'S MEMORY. Wtf does this all mean??
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piganatur · 1 year
The repetitive and varying emotions prior to a relationship are always sour or sweet (不问三九)
oh boy, soooo ep 4 huh? We start to deep dive into the nitty-gritty of the leads’ minds and I’m all for it.
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Jaewon tackling his feelings at his therapy session? Openly and candidly saying all his concerns while his therapist tells him you don’t have to be loved by everyone? The sheer force of this shot with the triangle of the fish tank behind him, the reflections of the metal balls before him and the sculpture of a head with its eyes and ears covered at his side? majestic Jaewon is teetering on the border of his fears and the truth all the while the outside world won’t notice or listen (no one knows this Jaewon, the one sitting on the couch in the office) but thanks to the reflection of the balls on the table he can see all three sides (also, out of the three balls one is glass, so it’s transparent, something that won't remind him, that lets him off the hook, something that he could fill with whatever he wants)
I’m ecstatic that most interactions that propel our leads to go forward, that affirm and reinforce the truths they have to hear and accept, are coming from women. Women have a crucial part in the eighth sense. They aren’t in the show just to be annoying or to be the punchline to some stereotype (I also love that none of them is related to the leads, yet they’re handled with care). All these female characters are fleshed-out individuals, integrated into the plot so deeply and seamlessly. I could sing odes about Yoonwon, or sajangnim or Aeri but let’s take Eunji for example, she’s not bitchy because she’s a woman but because she’s the ex (and also a brat). Jaewon was right, she really needs to learn some basic manners, I was waiting for the moment the two girls accompanying her to the bar would just stand up and leave that mess lmao. I also feel like Jaewon not only does what’s expected of him but what seems the most convenient bc at this point I honestly can’t get my head around why else he’d ever date Eunji. (Jaewon said they dated for about 2 years while the mandatory enlistment service is between 18-22 months. If they broke up around the middle of Jaewon’s service so at least 9 months(?) after he enlisted, and they had a period of some (썸 fling) before officially dating, then how long were they actually in a relationship?)
Now that I’m already rambling about Eunji, let’s take a look at the restaurant scene. I’ve seen people say that Jihyun should’ve stood up for himself there, but realistically speaking, there was nothing he could have done in that situation. Eunji’s not only a customer of the bar, but she’s also his sunbae in the surfing club. Did she act extremely rudely? Yes. Could’ve Jihyun done anything else but bear it? No. Even being as straightforward (or rude) as Yoonwon wouldn’t cut it, he’d have to be as rude as Shim Woojoo (shoutout to Call it love). His boss (sajangnim ily ♡) could defend Jihyun exactly because she’s the owner and she’s older, what she said can’t be considered rude. And look at that, Eunji didn’t back down even knowing these things (more proof that she’s a brat). Jihyun acting any other way than he did would’ve been out of line big time, only stoking the fire (I’m pretty sure Eunji, being as petty as she is, somewhat anticipated just that). His strength thus lies in his kindness and patience and the fact he didn’t let Eunnji’s bullshit about Jaewon affect their relationship (Jihyun-ah my beloved)
The blossoming relationship between Jihyun and Jaewon is a category of its own. I’ve already mentioned (in this post) the concept of being seen in the eighth sense and that goes hand in hand with showing. Jihyun doesn’t show a lot but it’s always sincere while Jaewon seemingly shows a ton but it’s a facade, something attractive but empty. This contrast, the way it gets a reaction out of them, the seeing and showing, the influence they have on e/o can be found in all of their interactions. One does or says a thing and it impacts the other to react to it, to correct their attitude or behaviour. Their run-in after Jihyun’s terrible shift is a great example. Jaewon first lies about the business he has near the dorms but nonetheless feels the need to be there for Jihyun so comforts him with his touch (his actions speak the truth) and Jihyun spills about his feelings (his words speak the truth). Jihyun’s sincerity once again demands for Jaewon to be, in turn, sincere (and he is, with his words this time). Every contact, the constant back and forth (verbal or nonverbal), the shared intimacy to be in their own world is masterful and so authentic. The two of them cloaked under the night, not as something others see during the day but as something they get to decide, the casual touches that are anything but casual bc they are a force in their own right, a wordless pull. It’s beautiful.
I won’t even try to tackle that moment in the library where for Jaewon, Jihyun is the sole source of light bc I’m unknowing and unworthy to put it into words but fortunately there are ppl out there who are knowing and worthy so read @mare-sanguis post and feel blessed (but I’m sure you already have)
One more thing and I’ll stop this long ass rambling pretending to be a review(?) analysis(?) who knows? It’s about the portrayal of romance because in so many stories of the romance genre one party does all the initiating, the chasing, and the other party is kind of passive idk? They feel good about the developments of course, but they don’t reciprocate that much, more like only accepting the advances? In the eighth sense, both parties put in the work to make this happen. However tentative, however unsure at times their participation is, they’re actively trying to romance each other. The way Jaewon is forward with his actions, Jihyun is forward with his words. It’s a give and take, testing of how well will this go? How far they can go? There’s an exchange in their shared scenes both emotionally and physically, and it makes both of their hearts flutter. Jaewon is bold yet Jihyun can make his breath stop and his head spin with one (1) art lesson by the Han River? Jaewon teases and flirts yet Jihyun asks the real questions, steering the topic to dating and defining relationships? It’s a dance where they take turns to lead depending on the situation because they both want this, because they feed into each other’s happiness.
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
Tinn’s worst memory being messing up the lyrics in a school singing test as a kid and getting teased became a much more consistent plot thread then I expected.
We first learn about that bad experience in ep 4, as Gun and Tinn both shared things from their pasts. But Tinn sings on stage in front of lots of people to help Gun in ep 2, and then also sings a song for Gun in ep 9, so I assumed that was just sort of a side anecdote and character beat that was getting hand waved because Thailand loves making their boys sing.
But then it comes up again in ep 11, as Tinn’s mom (dealing with the idea that her son is growing up and has a life she doesn’t know about/that he didn’t share with her) goes through his baby book and sees a photo of him crying in her lap, and we learn that photo was taken the time she had a conference and had to go away for a week and Tinn was really upset and then messed up his singing test and got teased really badly. It's a significant enough memory to Tinn and his family that they all remember it.
And later in ep 11, Tinn’s mom goes to Gun's mom's cafe and talks to Gun and learns a bit more about this boy that clearly her son has a closer connection to then she realized (and probably a romantic one, if the cute profile pic and heart in his contact name she spotted is anything to go by). And she mentions that no one in her family is very musical or sings, not like Gun, and Gun says "but your son has a lovely voice" and tells her about the times Tinn has sung for him, specifically the time he got up on stage in the bar to help Gun finish a set after his voice was exhausted.
And Tinn's mom realizes that there's even more about her son she doesn't know. That he sang, that he sang for Gun, that Gun has heard her son sing and she hasn't, that her son overcame this childhood trauma and she didn't even know. And music becomes another thing that Tinn has hidden/hasn't told her about/she didn't know, like his sexuality and budding relationship with Gun. The singing thing is just another nail in the coffin of things she doesn't know about him. 
The school singing test isn’t just significant for Tinn though. We learn in ep 5 that Gun’s worst childhood moment was ALSO related to that singing test. Gun aced the test and was so excited to tell his dad (a guy who loved music and dreamed of being a musician but never made it happen) but before he could tell his dad, he got a call saying he had been killed in a car accident.
Obviously, the whole show is about music - MSP is about Tinn trying to help keep the music club afloat, and about Chinzilla trying to win Hot Wave, and about how Tinn and Gun can’t date because the club forbids dating until after Hot Wave. The show revolves around music, and most obviously Gun’s connection to music. But that thread of Tinn’s bad experience with the song test persists through the show too, and through it, Tinn’s connection to music. The show isn’t just about Gun and the Chinzillas and music, it’s about Tinn and music too.
Tinn fell for Gun in the first place because when he was alone on his birthday Gun was nice to him and sang a song that seemed very directed at cheering him up. Tinn’s dad has a guitar he keeps secret from his wife because it is expensive and she wouldn’t approve, and it’s this guitar that Tinn procures for Gun when the music club loses their instruments. Tinn steps in and sings for Gun when his voice starts giving out at the end of a long set at the bar. Tinn writes a song, with the help of his father, to sing for Gun when he is stumped writing for Hot Wave. At prom, Tinn knows the words to the song Gun serenades him with and sings along.
Music, and specifically Tinn’s singing, is connected to the two most important/significant relationships he has in the show: his relationship with Gun, and his relationship with his mother (and the show is about both). Tinn "hiding" his singing from his mom, or rather, it being a part of his life that she isn't really privy to, and Tinn "hiding" (in a much more classic sense) his relationship with Gun and his relationship with the music club and all he is doing for them from his mother (and from the music club themselves). Music and Gun are things Tinn hides or doesn't share, even with a mom he adores, spends a lot of time with, and usually tells everything to, and music is so closely tied to his relationship with Gun...
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nakasomethingkun · 11 months
I love that Jeng experienced heartbreak in ep 9. Hear me out -- First, I love that he got his heart broken and had a full on crying breakdown because it depicts a normal reaction to rejection, and it subverts the idea that “real” men don’t cry. Second, I love seeing gorgeous men suffer lol. Also, and this is really important, him confessing to Pat and losing his grip to cross that final line between them is a good way to enhance part of his character arc and have us come full circle, imo. I like that Pat is the one who had to firmly (albeit a little harshly) draw the line, because early on in the show, Jeng told Pat that he is too emotional and thus immature, and that he should learn to separate his personal feelings from work (after accusing Pat of acting out to get revenge on Jeng, which is not cool of you, Mr. Jeng). I’m not saying Jeng deserves to basically get his sentiments thrown back at him or anything like that, but I think it’s integral to his own development as a more empathetic person (instead of being the kind of person who bluntly says “Why are you crying? Crying is very Unprofessional and Inappropriate”, but we have seen him grow more empathetic throughout the show, and we love him for it <3) and to the show’s narrative.
Being on that receiving end of You need to control your feelings and be a grown up about it shows both Jeng and the viewers that it’s SO much easier said than done. How the turn tables, indeed.
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squishyteri · 2 months
My thoughts after episode 9
So, I had a little break and didn't post anything after episode 8 (she forgot). I was really busy (definitely forgot) and then I felt it was too late because everyone had already posted (she was lazy at that point).
But I'm posting on time for this one.
First, quick summary of my thoughts for the episode 8, since I didn't make a post about it. (regarding things we still don't know obviously).
First and foremost, that cut after Non was taken away by Top and Tee right onto the police questioning ... so sus. I'm sure something more happened there, but we will learn later, because it would spoil the fun for us.
Then Keng. Even his last scene felt ... suspicious. It's clear we should believe he's dead, but in situations like this, the good old rule of "he's not dead until I'm seeing his corpse" definitely applies. It's so suspicous that we don't see the end of both Keng and Non. Why that might be? (some thoughts about this will be later because it's regarding the 9th episode plot).
Now moving on to today's episode, that being episode 9.
(This whole post is now turning into one giant "I told you so" because most of the theories I had turned out to be correct in this episode, so please bear with me).
First of all, the big reveal, Tan is New. I've been onto this thought since we learned that New exists, so I can't say I was shocked, I was just excited that my theory was right.
Along with that comes the confirmation, that Tan (I'll be calling him Tan to not make it confusing) really wanted to get some little revenge there. And what more, Phee is on board with him (another win for me there btw).
Next thing, PheeJin. That was wild, I feel like I've seen something I shouldn't, I'm forever tainted by that view, thank you very much (not that I'm complaining about it). But what is important is the fact, that falling for Jin wasn't really on Phee's bucket list of this plan (I was right again, hehe!) and it definitely angers Tan (because he views it as cheating on Non). Which also explains Tan's angry gazes at Phee and Jin in the first ep. (wonder why Phee just didn't tell him that he and Non broke up after the situation with Keng, tho)
Also, not gonna lie, I loved how Tan told Phee, "You go and be best friend with him" and the next thing Phee does is fuck the guy raw and rough, as if that was part of process of becoming friends (or is it and I was doing the whole friendship thing the wrong way the whole time?) But it's also clear that Phee does like Jin and only cut him off to not upset Tan.
From the preview it seems that PheeJin will be cool the next ep, which makes me wonder what exactly is the truth Phee will tell Jin. If he really tells him everything, how can Jin accept it and be good with him? I think it's possible that Phee really says the truth, as well as telling him that he loves him, but was scared to date him because of Tan. It's still hard to believe Jin would accept that, so I'm thinking if our boy Phee won't change some details there. (I personally hope he won't, he's the only good person out there).
Also just a personal side note here... I love Phee, but did he really trust the randomly found water bottle? After all the shit that happened to them? Like I know he smelled it, but like ... there are things that are poisonous and don't have any smell. (I think coolant is one of those). I get that he wanted to help Jin, but I would rather tell him there is no water and that our best option is to go back to the house (they don't know about the shitstorm that's happening there).
Well, now back to our boy Tan. If someone has the perfect motive, it's him now. He has nothing to lose. BUT he mainly wants information. He wants to know what happened to Non. And obviously, we know that he prepared the drug (from now I'll be calling it absynth, because that's what we call it with some of my friends and honestly it's better than calling it green drug so-), but acording to Tan's own words, it was supposed to make them see their biggest fears in order for them to confess/say what they know. With that it's clear that for some time, Tan definitely NEEDS them alive. (also hallucinations, another win for me and my theories, yay!)
Which is why I think that at least Por's injury (and later the death) wasn't on his list of events. Especially since Por got injured so quickly, even before anyone had any hallucinations caused by the absynth. It would be stupid of Tan to plan to literally kill someone BEFORE they can tell him what he wants to know (we can assume that Por somehow surviving that long wasn't part of the plan, it literally only happened because of Fluke and that's something you can't plan) (and even if you could plan it, it would be so stupid to rely on to be doctor to keep the guy alive until you can interrogate him). And obviously there's the thing of all of them having alibi for Por's injury, including Tan. And if Fluke was right, Por had cuts on his arms caused by a knife and I doubt Por cut himself while chilling on the branch, waiting to be saved.
Which brings me to my theory of there being someone else with them. Someone who really wants to harm them. (and before we get any further, since Top was obviously drugged, I think that part was Tan's doing). I don't know if that's possible or even a thing, but there are hints of it. Por's injury, us seeing the ghost hand without any character being present for it to be just hallucinations, multiple different masks/killers being seen. The question is, who could it be. The first obvious answer is Non. But I sure hope it's not him. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I want him to be dead, but it would inevitably lead for Phee being forced to make an impossible choice: going back to Non or staying with Jin? And I honestly don't want that drama to happen.
Other option is understandably Keng. But not that I want to defend him, but I don't think he would go that far, even for Non. When he wanted to help him, he did so as legally as possible (he tried to expose the business). And I just do not think he would suddenly switch to killing a bunch of kids.
And for those two, if I'm being honest, I just think they're both dead. Not that I wish for it, but it would fit the narrative more than suddenly revealing they are alive.
I think the character of Perth is interesting though. We know nothing about him now (I mean except his lucrative job for Tee's uncle), but there might be something that could make him want to kill the boys. But hard to say until we have some backstory.
I would rather if it all was just the hallucinations, but personally, as you just read, there are some things that don't add up to that option.
The thing that left me thinking a lot after this ep, was how suddenly White just ... spawned there. No explanation, he was just there suddenly. The way this show is going, I refuse to believe that he's the only innocent person there. And honestly, seeing him suddenly switch from helpless cutiepie to evil grinning while ending someone would be so cool. But even if not that, I think there is something important about him. No one in that house is there just by pure coincidence and I don't think White is an exception.
Lastly, something I noticed in the preview that left me thinking. Before the episode cut the end, we saw Tan giving us his evil grin. In the preview we see him shielding Fluke from Top. Which I find interesting. I guess it means he won't reveal his identity that fast, but even so, him going all the way to shield Fluke seems ... out of his character. In that situation, I think it wouldn't be weird if he just stood afar, protecting himself (especially since Fluke literally pointed gun at them all shortly before). I wonder what made him shield that guy. Was it automatic reaction to immediate danger? Or was it that something was not going as he planned to and he knew that at least for the sake of information, he needed Fluke alive?
I guess that's question for the next episode.
Thank you for reading all the way here. Have a lovely day!
See you after the next episode (hopefully).
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basilone · 3 months
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine, ty! 💚
A band you don’t like that many others do:
Coldplay. I am absolutely mesmerized by how popular they are, because every single song of theirs I’ve ever heard gets on my last nerve.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly:
I used to do ballet and got to perform in a huge theatre once. I remember hanging out backstage, watching the older dancers, getting to see what the lighting crew was doing… It was a brilliant time, though the hassle to get hair and make-up done had a lot of people yelling and losing the plot. (I learned how to do stage make-up myself when I was a lil older, partially because that’s how you roll in drama classes but also because of that experience hahaha!)
Least favorite animal and why:
Listen. Listen to me. We do not need lightbulb fish. We do not need them. We do not require their presence in our waters.
Hot fandom take:
Do you know how many hot takes can fit in me? It’s a lot. I’m going to go with two hot takes because it’s my party and y’all have never ever seen me post one to this blog before.
Numero uno: readerfic is not OC fic, OC fic is not readerfic. If you name your character, it’s an OC. Even if you write them in first or second person POV. If you write Y/N, it’s readerfic no matter how much backstory you try to chuck at it. Learn to tag it properly. A fic cannot have both the canon character/OC and canon character/reader tags. Please do my last remaining pieces of sanity a favor and don’t make me read Y/N with my own two eyeballs just because you mistagged your fic.
Numero two: smut belongs under the cut. I don’t make the rules. If you start your fic with smut of any kind, put it under a readmore. Especially do this if that smut contains highly specific kinks. Aside from the fact that there are minors on this website who’ve got no business being subjected to that, people should be given the choice whether they want to see that level of smut on their daily newspaper dashboard scrollthrough first thing in the morning.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
I do, though not all the time. One of my fave pieces is a small ring with an eight-pointed star that I wear on my pinky finger.
A movie others liked but you didn’t:
Titanic. I know it’s got many many many fans, but I was cheering that iceberg on.
Three things you love about yourself:
My creativity, my ability to switch gears and learn on the fly, and my hair that does whatever I want it to do.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Dude, have you seen the state of the world lately? I think I’m just gonna hope to visit my bed later on today, much safer.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why:
I have Tom Cruise blacklisted on this hellsite for good reason. The good reason being that I think he’s batshit and that people should stop entertaining his presence in anything. I’m not drinking that cult juice, thanks.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future?
My birthday’s coming up on Feb 9!
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
At the risk of getting utterly disowned by a good number of folks that follow me: Webgott. I have gone for an outing or two in this ship, if memory serves me correctly, and I think I understand why people like it. I love banter in a ship as much as the next person, and the push-pull of opposites can be fun. But I also think Lieb deserves a lot more than someone who’s fundamentally at odds with his life and his POV. I think that the discussion they have in that final ep is indicative of something so major that it is a dealbreaker in that ship. (Plus, Web is just… not my fave character. Putting this mildly.)
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?
Vikings. Hands down, no contest. Absolute toxic cesspool of lies, backstabbing, and badmouthing. There are a few very good reasons why I’m no longer on speaking terms with people I used to call friends (at least one of whom was also in our lovely little war fandom back in the day) and why I’ve all but given up on doing any new gifsets or writing in that fandom for the foreseeable future.
List three things you find beautiful about life:
I’m gonna all caps this like a particularly obnoxious internet citizen because !! important !!
Any dreams for the future?
I just want to live a life that’s good. I don’t really do future plans or dreams, it’s all vibes. I will know the move I need to make in the moment it needs making. Everything else is confetti.
How are you really feeling today?
Tired! (She says while about to embark on a screencap-to-gif journey. You might note the tiredness by the fact that I have completely lost my filter somewhere down the line of answering these questions, lol.)
lmao I feel like half this fandom got tagged already and I’m very shit at remembering usernames and who likes tagging games sooooo. uhm. ain’t tagging anybody today.
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night-heron-writes · 1 year
My Predictions for Buddy Daddies Episode 9
Warning: Contains Spoilers for Episode 8: Nothing Seek, Nothing Find
My previous theory still holds, at least so far. I think Episode 9 will be titled "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained". The title from Episode 8 made my predictive senses start tingling, and then watching the episode just confirmed them, especially the ending scene.
The entire episode, and really the ending scene, is setting up Episode 9 to where Rei and Kazuki, and now Kyutaro, have to make a difficult choice.
Kyutaro's up first with his tough decision. He now has to decide what he does with the organization's request for information on Kazuki and Miri: will he lie and risk it all, turn traitor and tell the organization everything, or does he provide some information and warn Rei and Kazuki of the target on their backs?
My hunch is that Kyutaro will inform Rei and Kazuki of Ogino's request for information. I've seen other posts speculating that Kyutaro is being tested as well, and I think that's certainly a possibility that the organization suspects him of something. He seems like a smart guy, and the kind to think most things through, so I wouldn't be surprised if after Episode 5 he started planning for the eventuality of the organization finding out about Miri.
Once he informs Rei and Kazuki of the situation, it's their turn to make a difficult decision. Do they keep Miri, knowing that there might be a target on her back? Or do they try and take her back to Misaki again, which might not even work? Or do they do something drastic, like faking all their deaths and moving somewhere else?
I'm hoping that they decide to keep Miri, that this family they've built is worth whatever life might throw at them. But I also think that they won't take this lightly, that they'll start preparing for when Rei's Boss makes his move. There's also no way this doesn't bring up trauma for Kazuki. Just when he thinks he's started to move on and let go of his guilt, the family he's built is in danger again. I wonder if he'll find out about the part Ryo Ogino played in Yuzuko's death?
But if my title prediction holds true and Ep 9 is titled "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" then there will be a benefit to making the risky choices, and hopefully things will turn out at least mostly all right or the seeds will be planted for things to turn out all right. This family had better be together at the end of the series or I will riot.
I'm curious to see how the plotline with Rei's Boss (i haven't bothered to learn his name and I won't start now bc he doesn't deserve it) is going to play out. Will Rei be dragged back against his will now that the Boss has suspicions? Does the leash on him tighten considerably, or does the Boss try to leave him enough rope to hang himself?
I desperately hope that the series ends with the Boss out of the picture, and I hope that gets to be by Rei's hand. That bastard doesn't deserve a redemption arc, he doesn't deserve to be in Miri's life, he doesn't deserve anything except a torturous end.
Am I wildly off track with these theories? Maybe, especially knowing how much PA Works likes throwing us curveballs with this show. We'll find out if I'm correct on the title part when the promo video for Ep 9 drops middle of the week.
Until then, good luck surviving the angst storm all of us fanfic authors seem to be going through! We will make it through the week, but at what cost?
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le-trash-prince · 7 months
OF Episode 9 Thoughts
I had to watch without my friend this week so it was a less exciting experience without the usual screaming, but this ep was so good. Honestly I don’t know why people are worried about the show not having enough episodes left to wrap up all their plot lines because they cover SO MUCH GROUND in every episode
first off I’ve been internally screaming about SandNick since the promo pics dropped AHFKFJDJDJD THE WHIPLASH THIS CREW HAS PUT MY THROUGH TODAY.
Ray peaked in his full problematic era and it was finally to the point where I could fully enjoy it. Go girl, pressure Mew into having sex. Cheat on the boy you’ve been chasing for years, give Sand that toxic romance energy!
Top spent this whole episode in a precarious balance of trying to do right by Mew but pushing things too far, and he was always one sentence away from getting punched.
Atom son, you can’t say you weren’t warned or that Boston promised anything more. Boston’s “what the fuck?” was me too LMAO he just wanted to mind his own business doing photography research 😭
I loved Nick coming in with “the logical conclusion is for us to have sex”
disappointment of my life that it didn’t click for them I WOULDN’T HAVE MINDED IF THEY WERE ENDGAME
smh at Ray crashing their roommate time tho THE MOST AWKWARD EXPERIENCE AHDJFJFJF
The SandRay convo in the river was the healthiest communication we have seen from any of these boys. Again we see the transformative effects of water 🙌
Also I was just so glad to hear Sand say so many things that needed to be said. That Ray could have gotten him arrested, that he treats Sand like a possession, that he needs to be nicer to Sand!
Mew falling asleep on his own couch is the realest sign of being Not Okay. I think he really needed some time with his parents, even if he couldn’t talk to them about what he was going through. Sometimes having an outsiders perspective that you’re not doing well can mean so much. I really think they were the catalyst for Mew sobering up. I’ll dig more into this later.
Honestly a relief that Top showed up at Mew’s to talk to him and not because he was stalking him and his moms. I can only deal with one stalker per episode thanks 😔🤚
Nick kissing two men in one ep YOU GO SON
The BostonNick bathroom scene was everything to me I need a separate post for this SHDKFJSJDBFBDBE I’M SO SAD MY FRIEND COULDN’T WITNESS THIS WITH ME WE’VE BEEN WAITING SINCE THE PILOT TRAILER 😭😭😭😭
I am begging Ray to go to therapy and to learn about ethical non-monogamy that man needs a counselor and two boyfriends
I don’t recognize the song that was playing during the SandRay sex scene but it definitely seemed like a brit rock song which is on brand and I appreciate
I’m so glad Sand didn’t do Ray’s social service for him oh my god THE BIGGEST RELIEF
I’m also glad Top decided not to show the video to Mew! So many good decisions this episode!! I hope he recognized that Mew has been through enough of that kind of drama and that there are better ways to learn about this kind of thing.
Also so glad MewRay talked things out and parted cleanly. Sometimes ppl really do gotta date a friend to figure out that it doesn’t work.
I appreciated the MewCheum convo a lot too.
Honestly this episode ended way more cleanly than I was expecting after part one. I think if Top had shown Mew that video, Mew really might have lost it and just killed someone.
Next week’s preview looks so good!!!
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