#pred lizzy
wutwutno1 · 1 month
Vizzy Nom
Based off of @stormtheskyelf2 's Lizzy headcanon story idea Idea origin: https://www.tumblr.com/stormtheskyelf2/747575904113393664/lizzy-headcanon-anon-btw-you-have-some?source=share Read tags before reading. You have been warned
“Damn purple thing.”
V flew through the bunker halls, looking for Lizzy. Her wings wired softly as the anti-grav engines hummed away, propelling her forward through the cold air.
V felt the cool air rushing past her, making the already naturally cold six inch tall drone feel even colder.
“I will so get her back for this. . .”
V continued with her flight, although she knew she’d have to stop before her engines got too cold to function.
V looked around at the looming pieces of furniture and massive doors rushed past as she flew past them. She found a suitable box to land on and circled back to it. Her peg feet landed on them with a soft click.
V’s wings retracted into her back. V shuddered, feeling the cold metal enter her barely-warm-enough-to-function body. One of the many downsides of being tiny.
V sat on the box and huddled up to herself. V looked around. This hall was full of lockers and posters relating to school and education. V saw a few posters for the prom that was more than a month ago. V scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Ugh. They still have those up? These are some lazy worker drones. At least I’m at the school. Lizzy’s class should be ending in a few minutes. I just gotta wait and pray she comes through here.”
As if on cue, the school bell rang, and students began filing out of the classrooms. V watched as each student passed, waiting for her friend to walk past.
V saw Lizzy’s blond hair among the crowd of semi-mindless worker drones. V checked her core temperature, and upon deciding it was safe for her to make the short flight, unfurled her wings and took off. She flew up into the air and began to glide down to Lizzy, targeting her head.
Lizzy felt a something small splat on the back of her head and latch on. Instinctively, she grabbed it. Whatever it was, it felt like an action figure had clung to the back of her head. Lizzy felt it cling to her hand as she brought it to her face to inspect.
V landed in Lizzy’s hair and latched on. She clung to Lizzy's hair, relishing the slight warmth it offered, until someone yanked her away once more. V squeaked reflexively and clung to the hand that tore her away. It was warm. It was nice.
“V?! What are you wearing?!” Lizzy shrieked before changing to a more calm and smug tone, “Also, what happened to you?”
V looked at her outfit. She had ditched her crop-top jacket for an actual winter coat and snow pants since her body could barely keep up with the cold and keep her warm enough to function. V sighed and looked up at Lizzy.
“Old one was too cold. I will literally die wearing anything else.”
V let go of Lizzy’s fingers, not wanting to ruin her image in front of Lizzy.
“As for what happened, Uzi was using her freak powers and shrunk me. She says it was an ‘accident,’ but I think it was on purpose.
Lizzy laughed. Her grip on V loosened until V was just sitting on her flat palm.
“Are you still going to the sleepover?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”
“Well, does my tiny little killer need a lift?”
V blushed slightly at Lizzy calling her her little killer, but it quickly went away.
“I will rip your voice box out of your throat once I’m big again, but yes. I do need a lift.”
Lizzy and V knew V’s threat wasn’t genuine. V has never followed through with a threat to Lizzy, but it didn’t matter. Lizzy lifted V and placed her on her shoulder. V gladly sat down and leaned on Lizzy’s neck, blushing lightly as she did so.
“What are you doing?”
“Shut up. I need the warmth. I will literally die without it. This doesn’t mean anything. Shut up.”
Lizzy just chuckled and began walking to her living quarters. . . .
Lizzy arrived and opened the door. Only one other girl arrived and was already sitting on Lizzy’s couch.
Rebecca lazed on Lizzy’s couch waiting for Lizzy to arrive. Once Lizzy did she slowly stood up.
“Took ya long enough.”
“Shut up. Where is everyone else?”
Rebecca shrugged.
“Jess is dead, Becky has a virus, and Diane had better things to do.”
“Damn. So just us three, huh?”
“Oh yeah.”
Lizzy grabbed V off her shoulder and held her in her cupped hands.
“V’s here, even though she’s so tiny.”
V grumbled and crossed her arms while sitting in Lizzy's cupped hands, giving the impression that she was annoyed to be there. Rebecca looked between Lizzy and V. She knew they had a crush on each other, but were unwilling to show it. Rebecca grinned, already formulating plans to get them to confess.
“Alright then. Let's get this party started!”
The girls then went to Lizzy’s room. They started with a few games and a movie. After a few hours, they began to play Truth or Dare. Rebecca knew this was her chance. She just had to set them up perfectly.
Rebecca already had a plan. She had recently learned of vore, and she was going to dare Lizzy to vore v, knowing she wouldn’t do it. Lizzy would then have to confess her feelings for V to explain why she wasn't taking the dare. It was foolproof!
“Okay, that was pretty stupid V. Now then, Lizzy. Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” Lizzy said, smugly.
Rebecca grinned. Now was her chance.
“I dare you to vore V!”
Lizzy and V paused. This was unexpected of Rebecca. They both knew what vore was, but they were now thinking that Rebecca was a fan of it.
V laughed while Lizzy blushed. V knew that Lizzy wouldn’t do it, which is why Lizzy’s next words made her oil feel even colder than it already was.
“Okay. I’ll do it.”
V jerked her head to face Lizzy, confusion etched on her face.
“Excuse me?”
V yelped as Lizzy’s fingers grabbed her coat hood and lifted her into the air. V kicked and thrashed as Lizzy brought the tiny morsel of a drone to her face.
“It’ll be fine, V. It’s warm in there, I promise.”
Rebecca watched on in horror as Lizzy lifted V above her mouth. Lizzy opened her maw and allowed her warm breath to waft over V, causing the smaller drone to tremble.
“W-wait, Lizzy! C-can’t we talk about this?”
Without a word, Lizzy drops V into her mouth. Lizzy’s jaws snap shut behind V as she felt Lizzy’s soft tongue sink beneath her. V pushed against the roof of Lizzy’s mouth, trying to open her mouth, but Lizzy’s spongy tongue just compressed and sunk more.
Lizzy giggled feeling V wiggle in her mouth. It was a weird feeling, but she liked it. Lizzy did a mental countdown and swallowed, pulling V halfway into her throat. Lizzy could feel V’s legs kicking in her throat. It tickled, but Lizzy was on a mission. She couldn’t fail this dare.
On the second swallow, Lizzy's throat completely engulfed V, dragging her down to her stomach. Lizzy traced V’s descent with her finger, feeling her wiggle all the way down. Lizzy turned back to Rebecca, who had wide hollow eyes and was covering her mouth in a mix of horror and shock.
“Y-you actually ate her.”
“What, didn’t think I’d do it?”
“Y-yeah? You were supposed to say no and confess your feelings for V. . .”
*Lizzy blushes and averts her gaze. Her arms instinctively cross over her abdomen.
“F-feelings? For V?”
Inside Lizzy’s stomach, V was panicking. V kicked and thrashed against the soft spongy walls. It was warm and slimy in Lizzy’s tummy. V couldn’t believe that Lizzy had gone through with the dare.
V looked around the space. The pink glow from LEDs hidden in the folds of the walls illuminated the grey walls that V looked around. V was half submerged in a pink glowing liquid that dripped from the walls. The space was soft and warm. If it wasn’t for the fact that she was panicking and in Lizzy’s stomach, V might have enjoyed it. The walls absorbed all of V’s attempts to escape, making V feel trapped and alone.
Lizzy could feel V’s struggles. Lizzy’s smile widened as she turned to Rebecca.
“I can feel her squirming in there!”
“Y-you can? Um. . . Can I feel?”
Lizzy shrugged and lifted her shirt, and guided Rebecca’s hand to her abdomen. To her shock, Rebecca could feel V’s struggles.
“Oh, wow. . . I can feel her. . . Do you mind if I?”
Rebecca lowers her head and presses her ear to Lizzy’s stomach. Lizzy blushed, but didn’t stop her. Lizzy placed a hand on Rebecca’s head, pressing her softly to the soft fabric that separates her and V.
“Wow, I can actually hear her!”
Rebecca raises her head and looks Lizzy in the eyes.
“So, what are you going to do with her now?”
Lizzy thought for a moment before answering,
“I think I’m going to keep her in there for a while. Come on. Let's watch a movie.”
V felt her world rock as Lizzy stood up and started walking. She grunts in frustration with every bounce of Lizzy’s step.
Rebecca and Lizzy make themselves comfortable on the couch and start to watch a movie. It was a cheesy comedy, but neither drone laughed. Both drones kept the movie on for background noise as they pulled out their phones and started to browse social media.
V had remained still for a good few minutes after Lizzy had sat down. She waited for Lizzy to say or do anything, anything to tell her she wasn’t being forgotten. V got tired of waiting and halfway through the film, started to kick and struggle.
Lizzy noticed V’s kicks and placed her hand over her stomach, gently letting V know she wasn’t being forgotten.
V felt Lizzy’s hand over her and sighed in relief. She decided to try and talk to Lizzy and tell her she wanted out.
“Hey, Lizzy? Can you let me out now?”
Lizzy glanced at her stomach from her phone, hearing V’s voice. She let out a single snicker and smiled, shaking her head.
“In a bit, V. Relax, okay? Everything will be fine.”
Lizzy suddenly felt a sharp jab in her abdomen and doubled over, groaning in pain. V had bit Lizzy’s stomach wall. V’s saliva instantly repaired the little damage she caused, but it happened long enough to give Lizzy a little sting.
“Okay, okay. I’ll let you out of there! Just chill for a moment!”
Lizzy stood up and made her way to the bathroom. Once inside, she closed the door and locked it. She didn’t want Rebecca, or god forbid, her dad to see her spit out V.
Lizzy braced herself, leaning on the sink and slowly working her stomach and throat to squeeze and push V up. V rose higher and higher in Lizzy's throat before she deposited her in her mouth.
Lizzy grabbed a towel and spit V out into it. She began to dry V off while the smaller drone grumbled.
“Sorry about that. I guess I kept you waiting too long, huh?”
V shuddered. She was cold again. The slime and saliva coating her cooling off rapidly and making her feel colder.
“Thank robo-god Lizzy is drying me off,” V thought.
Lizzy finished drying off V and she placed the tiny drone on the corner of the counter. She crouched down to be eye level with V, watching her tail swish angrily behind her.
“So, um. . . About eating you. . .”
“Were you going to digest me?”
Were. you. going. to. digest. Me?”
“N-no! Absolutely not! I don’t even think I can digest!”
“So why did you keep me in your tummy so long?!”
Lizzy blushed. She didn’t want to admit it, but she did enjoy having V inside her. However, Lizzy decided to tell V the truth.
“I guess I just liked having such a hot and cute girl inside my stomach.”
This time, it was V’s turn to blush. She thought that Lizzy liked it, but she didn’t think she’d actually admit it. V especially didn’t think Lizzy would call her hot or cute.
“Y-you think I’m hot? And cute?”
V and Lizzy averted their eyes while shuffling in place. Both were flustered, and both knew the other was too.
“Yeah. . . I do. . .”
“W-well um. . . I guess you’re also. . . hot and… cute. . .”
Both stood there, averting their gaze and occasionally glancing back at the other, not saying a word.
“Do you want to. . .”
“Make this official?”
Lizzy and V stared into each other's eyes, trying to see if the other was faking or wasn’t willing, but finding no unwillingness in each other’s eyes.
“Yes,” they both said at the same time.
Lizzy offered her hand for V to climb on, which the tiny disassembler accepted. V quickly climbed onto Lizzy’s hand and sat down. Lizzy lifted V to her face and stood up.
“S-so, how about a quick little. . .”
“Okay. . .”
Lizzy brought V up to her mouth but this time, instead of Lizzy’s lips parting, they puckered out, just like V’s. Lizzy planted her lips on V’s face and the drones kissed. V tried to do the same, but it was a little awkward with Lizzy’s libs engulfing V’s entire face.
The two pulled apart and looked at each other with prominent blushes on both of their faces. They were both quiet for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.
“Better wait for you to get big again before doing that again, huh?”
They both relaxed and looked into each other's eyes, smiling warmly. Lizzy glanced away for a second to consider her next words. She had a question for V, but she didn’t know how she would feel about it. Lizzy sighed and decided to continue with it anyway.
“So. . . What was it like… inside my stomach?”
V paused. She took on a thoughtful gaze, trying to think of a response.
“It was… nice. It was very warm and soft. . . I liked it. . .”
V was blushing in embarrassment once she finished her statement.
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, it was nice having you in there. It felt like I was protecting you. I liked having you close like that. . .”
“Would you like to… do that again?” Lizzy whispered under her breath, but V could still hear.
“I um. . . Yes. . .”
Lizzy’s eyes lit up and she smiled, feeling excited. Lizzy was almost shaking in excitement while staring at V, lovingly.
“Honestly though, I’ve heard of this thing called ‘fearplay.’ Would you like to try it out?”
“Whatever floats your boat, hun.”
Lizzy felt like she was melting with how flustered she was at V’s statement. She quickly calmed herself and her tone shifted to better fit the fearplay she was about to perform.
“Okay then. Get ready V.”
Lizzy looked down at V with a wide hungry grin, showing off all her teeth.
“Well, look what we have here. A delectable little treat!”
V giggled and feigned fear.
“Oh no! A big scary monster!”
Lizzy laughed evilly and brought V closer to her jaws.
“Oh yes, I am a big scary monster! And I’m going to eat you!”
“Please don’t eat me!”
Lizzy lowers V and lifts her shirt, exposing her abdomen. She presses V against her stomach and plays a gurgle sound effect.
“I’m gonna eat you. You’re going to go in here! Can you hear it calling for you? Yes, I can tell you’re going to be delicious indeed!”
Lizzy lifts V back to her mouth, opening wide and revealing the dark warm cavern. V can see the little heart-shaped pink LED in the back of Lizzy’s mouth just under her uvula. Pink glowing saliva drips from Lizzy’s mouth, drooling on the poor helpless V.
“I’m gonna eat you, and I’m going to enjoy feeling you struggle helplessly!”
Before V can respond, Lizzy shoves her into her mouth, only V’s tail sticks out of Lizzy’s lips. Lizzy flicks her tongue out and licks the little vial and stinger before slurping it inside. Lizzy manipulates her tongue to turn V around to swallow her pegs first.
Lizzy braces and swallows hard, swallowing V in one gulp. Lizzy licks her lips and pats her stomach affectionately.
“Good luck, morsel! And squirm while you still can!”
Lizzy laughs again before calming down and shifting back to her normal self.
“How was that, V?”
“You definitely need some help! But not bad for your first try!”
Inside Lizzy’s stomach, V shuffles up to one of the stomach walls, getting comfortable in the soft warm space. V smiled, feeling safe and protected despite Lizzy’s earlier words. She knew it was just pretend, so why worry? V closed her eyes and started to enter sleep mode.
Lizzy rubs her abdomen one more time before walking out of the bathroom and joining Rebecca on the couch. The movie was still playing and Rebecca looked up from her phone, turning her head to Lizzy.
“So, how’d it go? And where’s V?”
Lizzy smiled and patted her stomach.
“Let’s just say, your plan to get us to confess our feelings for each other worked.”
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stormtheskyelf2 · 2 months
murder drones voreee, cursing
I know I'm never gonna elaborate (probably) but does anyone thing U//zi from Mu/rder Dron/es would be a pred? Like.. if she somehow shrunk N, she'd comfort nom him and also as payback for stabbing her hand in the first episode /j- She fell down the hole she kicked Nori into, so maybe she'd eat Nori just out of "I love you, asshole. Mom. Motherly asshole."
Or maybe she'd get herself shrunken by own free will to minimize the solver's effect whenever it takes control over her, and Nori finds her and noms her to keep her safe
she'd just slap J and eat her-
V, she'd.. actually give V a hug. Though I think V would be the pred in this situation, she'd eat Uzi and pretend she doesn't care while acting like a big sis
If she has a soft spot for you, anyways-
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agoobersretreat · 6 months
Top ten preds go
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"Ooooorgh, fuuuuuuuuck. Ten whole peeps? Well, I'm gonna do it my way then! In no particular order and what I like best about them as a character and how I think it would go down!" So confident, suddenly! Well, until she reconsiders to realize how in-depth with this topic she's about to go.
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"Also, uhhhh, gonna put it under a readmore cuz...some of this shit is gonna be super indulgent and niche of this niche even. You have been warned!"
Rai Yamanashi @pudgy-planets
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"Ooooh, Rai! What a sweet lady. She's been really sweet on me ever since we met, when she accidentally sat on top of me while resting on top of a park bench! She's gotta have, like, the widest hips or ass I've ever seen. Like, if she sits down on me, you don't see me anymore!"
"Mmmm, let's see though? I really how she wants to make her own name and merits, even with her family having a reach all over the world! The life of a scion is an interesting and socially complex journey in general, more so when you actually do your best not to use your connections or heritage for gaining an upper hand on purpose!"
"Mmmmph, how she'd most likely go about eating me...? Well, there's always the usual way, but I've also been worried that one day I might catch her in a situation that she might sit on me and I am gone. Just completely engulfed and sent on my way in, full-size and full send. I mean, I'm sure she's worried about that too....right?"
2. Lizzie Bellbottoms @yourgfisaclown
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"Her blog is pretty literal, ehehehehe. My gf is a clown, yeah! Well, one of them, at least~? I'm glad she is, actually, as it keeps everything so interesting! Her level of clowning is so impressive and very surprising! I wouldn't have it any other way~."
"She loves fun and I love fun, so it's a match made in heaven! Or maybe in the fairgrounds? I've been meaning to ask her how a clown family tree looks or is like. Also, yes, she's a real clown. Do with that information what you will, but I swear. It's different than you'd think!"
"Hmmm, well, if I can think it? She can probably do it one way or another? Aside my own size shenanigans, she can do her own and change her body any way she likes! Like, wow! She once gave me an internal obstacle course to go through. I don't mean like, just her innards in general, I mean an actual full course with different levels of difficulty to get through! Mmm, wonder what else she could do, if we both were up to it...~?"
3. Monika [REDACTED] @brownhairedbookworm
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"Oh, right! Monika! She's a really cool person I met while DoorDashing! She was my last order of the day and I was so lost and turned around that she let me stay over for a bit to recuperate. And we've been close friends ever since~."
"Monika's got, like, these all-powerful...uhhh, powers! She can see the universe or something like that? I don't fully understand, but I can see the changes she has made where a lot of others can't! Isn't that so interesting? I mean, sure I can't prove it either? But her all-seeing eyes can see that I'm cute...and that means a lot to me, since I have trouble believing it myself."
"Well, Monika already really likes to gobble me up when I'm smol? I guess the only different ways are how she likes to do it? Her go-to is acting like a big scary monster or some kind of goddess? I mean, she kind of is, so eh. Sometimes she plays the role and sometimes the role plays her~."
4. Lena Xènia Gimenez Medina-Yamamoto @pudgy-planets
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"So, this is Rai's grandmother and the current matriarch of the family. Everything the businesses and connections all do go through her. Sometimes very, very literally. She goes through so many staff members when they can't keep up with her demands..."
"However, as scary as that may make her sound, she's actually really understanding and wants people to do their best and be at their fullest potential! You just gotta make it through her trials, like I did! Also, like I said, she is Rai's grandmother. She vastly out-everything's her granddaughter. Height, width, power and anything else you can think of!"
"Uhhhhh, this one...? Errrr, I worry much of the same I do with Rai, mostly. Definitely something that carried down through this family tree. Something they have for blondes, ehehehe~? Full size wherever she'd wanna take me, mostly."
5. Freia Margaret Hielo @someheartlesslady
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"Wow, my first friend on Tumblr and bestest friend since then too! It's Freia! Whoa...I realize it's been so many years. I'm still so thankful we bumped into each other all that time ago~."
"She's a fun-loving lady who's got a strong case of being undead, but she's also still the life of the party! She loves wholly and as much as she physically and emotionally can. She's also a wonderful singer~."
"Well, this one is kind of an unfair one with how easy and often this happens? She can gobble me up smol or, once in a blue moon and with preparation, full-sized! It's really sort of the big one for her, she likes using her mouth for that kind of fun! Also, I could never ask her any of the others, I'd feel so ashamed of myself...did I also mention that I was a cheesestick the first time she ate me?"
6. Samus Aran @ladarhatorilichozo
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"The greatest bounty hunter this side of the galaxy and then some. And I got to meet her a few times! And then...I think I absolutely fumbled the ball the last time, admitting my preferences when it came to being eaten by strange monsters....and I may have also let it slip I thought the same of her. I feel like such an idiot..."
"I mean, what do you have to say about Samus and her escapades? And besides, I think she's a way more interesting person to chat with when it's not about those. Like what burgers she likes and some of her favorite creatures she's come across in her travels."
"Uhhh, pretty much just...yeah...I'd let her eat me or want her to, but that's clearly a ship I sailed too soon. Definitely wasn't looked at like a monster by her, but definitely could tell it was no mutual feeling. At least it wasn't disgust, just more...like 'People think like that? Interesting?' Yeah. She also didn't know I could get smol, so that too probably."
7. Sana Sunomiya @pudgy-planets
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"Ooh, Sana! She's a pretty fun lady, too! Very blunt and wears her mind on her sleeve. She's sort of no-nonsense, but that's not exactly true either? It's more...she believes the best in people and those people usually just...don't understand? She's quite intimidating to those who don't know her well, but she's got a good heart and protects those who can't protect themselves well."
"If anything, I love that she sees me for myself and not something I shouldn't or couldn't be? She can really figure out people well, even if someone outside-looking-in wouldn't see it right away. Also, she's extremely well-endowed. In multiple senses, even."
"Mmmm, probably would just gobble me right up after making absolutely sure that's what I want. Maybe even to protect me from others, too? And she'd still respect me even if I was tucked away in her tummy at my full-size. Mmmmhmhmhm~."
8. Aerith Gainsborough @squishysquenix
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"Oh, hey! It's the fun-loving flower lady. I mean, I wonder when the last time I saw her with flowers was, but that doesn't really matter for this here? She's Aerith Gainsborough and she's really mischievous for a flowergirl. You wouldn't know that until you get into some antics with her or so!"
"Well, what else can I say? She's a girl who loves to have fun and party hearty! If anything, it's surprising how much fun is packed into one small lady with a huge butt!"
"Uhhh, let's see...? I imagine it would be some sort of shenanigans. Probably very much on purpose, too. Might either play the role of a scary monster or pretend not to notice me while smol, maybe? Or also knowing her, might just feed me to someone else too...?"
9. Bethany Allicia Fox @bethanytheescort
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"Oh, it's time for Beth! Mmm, she's so awesome! She's one of the other good friends I've made on here and have stayed in touch with for a few years now~. She's an awesome lady and runs an awesome business and takes care of those who show as much compassion for the world as she does!"
"Mmmm, let's see? I love how she loves so much! Like, she has so much to give to others and takes in love in kindness in turn as much as anyone, if not more! There's also her rockin' bod! But, umm, very respectfully! Of course, ya know? I mean, she even managed to get me to love myself a bit more too. That's a very good thing about her~."
"If it were to happen, it would be with consent and safe words and making sure everything is comfortable for the both of us and we take it at a pace we're both okay with! Of course, I'd be smol for both of us to have a very personal experience together. I'd also probably ask some time if I could then visit her 'private room', but that's...yeah. I don't wanna do anything she wouldn't agree to either, ya know?"
10. Super Pochaco @bigcurvesbigheart
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"Oh, Pochaco...one of the shortest ladies on this list, I believe? She's also a really cool gravure modeling lady...and that is unfortunately how I picked her out of a crowd when I bumped into her by complete accident. That was so embarrassing, but she didn't seem to mind...or acknowledge it, really. We became quick friends after some lunch and chatting. We still text pretty regularly...when I remember to, at least."
"So, Super Pochaco (The model) is so cool and shows her body off proudly and really shines with whatever photoshoot she's working for. Pochaco (the lady) is a sweet little lady who loves her pork buns and making friends. She also has a bunch of other odd jobs that really cool, but I can't seem to remember them at the moment?"
"Oh, if that ever happened? Absolutely a complete accident when I'm smol...which she still doesn't know I can do that! It'll probably be her accidentally grabbing me instead of her food or if i fell in and she scarfed it all down and didn't realize. That's the only way, I imagine."
Honorable Mentions:
Edea Lee @squishysquenix
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"Mmmm, Miss Edea Lee. Only met her once on a day where I kept getting lost in towns and worlds everywhere I turned. She was kind enough to take me in for the short time I was in her land and she helped send me on my with a nice rest and some good food! I should go back there, sometime. I remember leaving on good terms, at least?"
"She's an awesome lady, juggling so much on her plate at once. She leads her people, has lots of friends in high and low places and absolutely knows how to decimate a dining hall. She's, like, the whole package~! She's really got a good sense of humor, too."
"Mmmm, given the short time I was there? Probably if I took any of her food from her plate instead of my own? Like...I saw how she was glaring daggers and probably at least considering it as an option? Maybe even while I was full-sized, too? Or maybe I was thinking silly again? I do know any food going past her chambers got her immediate attention during our talks."
Yuri (DDLC) @plumpnpurple
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"Woof, Yuri. She's so pretty and smart and I love when we sit and cuddle and read books together. We both read kind of fast, so it's really nice that we both found someone who can keep up with each other! Also, she's recently started forging and that sounds so cool? I'd love to see her at work like that~."
"Yuri is very quiet and soft and very understanding of special needs when I'm around, like needing it a little quiet and a little cuddly while we read together. We gel really well together, honestly. Mmmm, I should text her about meeting up again, sometime."
"Mmmm, I can only imagine it would happen when I'm smol. I mean, that sounds easier for both parties involved, right? Not sure what else she might do with a teeny me if she felt that way about me...hmmm~?"
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"And that should about do it. Hrrrmph, hope that answers some questions...you might have...hrrrmgle~." The goober is getting a little fidgety now.
"Gotta go hide myself now while I have the time to before they see this or make comments about it...or wosre, afjshdjkfjs...." And off she slinks to her impenetrable fortress (her bed) to hide away from prying eyes. Might just wait this one out, especially once some of them catch wind of this post.
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hungry-n · 1 year
I also wanna add to the last ask I sent that Lizzy would be V's pred in my happy world
Aww! You just made a perfect ask even more perfect.
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nevermindtheweights · 11 months
Would Lizzie ever do a vore?
i liek smol preds
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nonbinarysolothian · 2 years
Dr. Solace/Lizzie: "Oh" Crystal: [they walk over] "Um, did someone say Manhunt?"
"Crystal,don't encourage him. The only reason he wants t' play is because it's his turn t' be pred.." She huffed.
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christianserver · 4 years
Drawing Straws
Here’s another story about the vore party guys. Once again stole an idea from @thefanciestborrower and an anon of his, with vore roulette. Also, crossover from Red, who’s never done same size vore, so he’s a little worried.
Oliver looked around at the other 5 sitting around the two cups of straws on the floor. Each of them had put their name on one straw for each of the cups. He noticed Red glancing around nervously, and put a hand on his knee. “Yo, it’s gonna be okay. Think of it as a little experimentation,” he smiled. He turned to the cups, and pointed at the red one. “Do we all agree that the red one is for the pred?” he asked. The others nodded. “And the blue one is for the prey.” They nodded again. Oliver reached into the blue cup and pulled out a straw.
“Isabelle,” he chuckled. Liz looked over at her with a wide smile.
“Gonna get a taste of your own medicine, eh?” she laughed, elbowing Isabelle, who smiled back warmly at Liz. Oliver drew a straw from the red cup and laughed loudly, before covering his mouth to say who it was.
“Liz, you’re the pred,” he said between laughs. Liz’s eyes widened, and her smile immediately disappeared.
“Oh, um... can I, pass?” she asked nervously, Isabelle restraining laughter.
“No you can’t,” Isabelle said, climbing up into her lap and patting her cheek. “C’mon, you can do it, Lizzy.” Liz looked into Isabelle’s eyes and licked her lips.
“Do it! Do it!” Oliver and Jack chanted in unison the moment after they made eye contact. Liz finally relented and wrapped her mouth around Isabelle’s head, tilting backwards and swallowing a bit, stiffening as he gag reflex hit.
“Do it! Do it!” Red and Tricia joined in, and a bit of muffled shouting from Liz’s swollen neck suggested Isabelle had joined in as well. Liz closed her eyes and swallowed more, pulling her in up to her thighs.
“Ooh, nice and cozy in here,” Isabelle commented, and Liz coughed a little, pausing her swallowing of Isabelle.
“Naht halp-in,” she mumbled around Isabelle, before swallowing again and pulling Isabelle fully inside, letting out a sigh and breathing heavily. Her swollen stomach shifted, bursting out from under her shirt, and Liz rubbed a hand on it. “That was... ooh, kinda good,” she admitted.
“Yay! Good job!” Jack and Oliver cheered. Oliver smiled at Red. “See, that was her first time. It’s okay, you’re not gonna die.”
Red nodded, and Oliver pulled another set of straws. “Tricia’s pred, Jack’s prey.” Jack pumped his fist, causing Tricia to raise a brow.
“What?” Jack asked, blinking innocently at Tricia, who rolled her eyes as he stood up and walked over. He sat down next to her. “C’mon, you gotta- AA!” He interrupted himself with a scream as Tricia suddenly grabbed him by the legs, pulling him into her mouth. The last thing everyone saw of Jack, eyes wide in shock, was Jack’s hand trying to grab onto something before Tricia swallowed it down, letting out a big sigh as her even bigger belly settled on the ground. “You gave me a heart attack,” Jack’s muffled voice complained from Tricia’s stomach.
“You asked for it,” Tricia said, glancing at Oliver, who finally started breathing again. “Well? Draw the next straws,” she said, as if she hadn’t traumatized them from how suddenly she had struck.
“Alright,” Oliver said, drawing two straws. “Elizabeth prey, Jack pred,” he chuckled, setting the straws to the side. “Not gonna happen.” He saw a hand pressing against Liz’s stomach wall hard enough to be visible.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go quick. I don’t think Izzy likes being in my stomach,” she said, standing up and using two arms to help support her stomach, wobbling slightly from her newly gained weight as she stumbled out of the living room to the bathroom.
“I’ll just keep drawing until we get one of us,” he told Jack, pulling another straw out. “Isabelle, no, ah! Red prey,” he said, looking at Red. “Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe. Jack and Tricia can attest to that.”
“Little bit of a tight fit, though,” Tricia said, leaning back and letting out a small burp.
“Only cause I ate both of you at the same time,” Oliver chuckled. “Do you trust me?” he asked Red.
“Yes, this is just... very strange. Never been a prey, or done same-size,” he said, nodding. “I’m ready.”
Oliver opened his mouth wide and pulled Red’s head inside, swallowing him down and feeling his throat swelling, followed by his stomach as he splashed inside. “Wow, this is a lot darker than I thought it’d be,” Red’s muffled voice came from his now enlarged stomach.
“What do you want me to do, eat a glowstick?” Oliver retorted once he had fully swallowed down Red, bringing a laugh from him and Elizabeth. They heard the shower turning on in the bathroom. “Well, this was a fun party,” he said.
“Yeah. It was nice being able to eat something this time,” Liz said, patting her stomach.
“Dangit, now I’m hungry. When’s the pizza coming?” Jack’s muffled voice questioned from Liz’s stomach.
“In 45 minutes, don’t worry. There’s plenty of time to get out and clean up, just let me take a nap first,” Liz yawned. “Always get tired after a meal,” she murmured, climbing up onto the couch and holding her stomach up as she lay on her back, closing her eyes and the slow rising and falling of her chest- where you could see it under her stomach- showing she had gone out pretty quick. Oliver sat quietly on the floor, alone save for Red, enjoying the movement in his stomach.
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Hi, is your name Laura or Lizzy? Confused as home says one thing, FAQ something else. Thinking of applying to Cambridge in a gap year after A2. Not sure what subject. My A2s are Biology (A* prediction), Physics (A* pred), Music( A pred) and Further Maths (A* pred). Got A* in Maths last year ( completed in 1 year) with another A in AS Art, and an A in AS R.E that I did in GCSE. At GCSE I have 9A*s 4As. What science and art course could I apply for and what tier? Could I apply for Bio Natsci?
I’m Lizzie - I really should get around to changing the FAQ. So I would say that you could apply to any tier if you get your predicted grades, as you’d be well over the minimum requirements, and your GCSEs are good too. You also could apply for Bio Natsci if you wanted, though depending on which modules you wanted to take it might be wise to learn a bit of Chemistry on your gap year, just so you have the basic concepts in place (but that wouldn’t be necessary). As for other courses, there are loads that you could technically apply for (such as Maths, Music, Engineering, Law, and more), but it really should depend on what you want to study - a list of all the courses on offer is here, so have a browse there and see what takes your fancy.
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wutwutno1 · 2 months
V x reader comfort vore?
I just had this lil idea where reader is afraid of the dark and needs help getting over that fear, so V decides to help them-
Read ask and tags before reading
It's most student drone's favorite day of the week. After all, school was over for the weekend and everyone could hang out and do whatever they wanted.
However, you weren't excited this time. You had a sleepover, and it was with Uzi Doorman of all people.
There was nothing "wrong" with Uzi per-say, as far as you were aware, but one thing she liked more than anything, was darkness.
You didn't like the dark. Not one bit. It also doesn't help that your normal body was undergoing routine maintenance and you were using your mini-form, and on top of that Uzi has two murder drones at her house!
However, your parents and Uzi's dad came up with the sleepover idea. Uzi's dad wanted Uzi to have friends that weren't "murder bots" as he put it, and your parents wanted you to get over your fear of the dark. Win-win for the parents, lose-lose for their spawn.
Anyways, you waited for Uzi to pick you up, literally. You sat at your desk as the final bell rang and everyone got up to leave. You sighed as Uzi walked up to your desk and sat her hand down next to you. "Ready to get this over with?"
Uzi spoke with a sense of disgust, but not at you. You climbed onto her hand and she lifted you up to her shoulder. "Ready as I'll ever be. Let's get this over with."
You sat down on Uzi's shoulder and held tight for the walk to Uzi's house.
Uzi walks through the front door to the Doorman living quarters. You take a quick glance at her living room from her shoulder. You see the two murder drones sitting on the couch.
N, Uzi's definitely-not-a-boyfriend boyfriend, was sitting on one end looking like he was anticipating something, while V, Lizzy's 100%-just-a-friend-not-a-girlfriend girlfriend, was laying down, using N's head as a peg-rest while texting someone on a pink phone. N's leg was bouncing antsy while staring at the tiled floor.
Upon hearing the door open and Uzi walking in, he looked up. When he saw Uzi, he stood up and dashed for Uzi, knocking V off the couch, and causing her to yell out N's name. N knocked Uzi down with a bear hug and an excited,
You fell off Uzi's shoulder. However, Uzi still had half a mind to catch you before you hit the ground.
"Hey! Watch it N! We have a guest!" "Sorry, Uzi. . . Where is this guest anyway?"
N got up off of Uzi and looked around as Uzi stood up herself. Uzi dusted herself off with her free hand and V walked over and stood next to N. Uzi held you out in her palm, presenting you to the two drones.
"This is Y/N. They're going to be staying with us for the night because my dad and their parents are jerks." You waved nervously. You knew N was safe. Uzi drove that point home all the way to her place. V however. . . Despite her best efforts, the only thing Uzi could say about V was that she "hasn't killed in a week."
"Oh! So we're having a sleepover? That's so cool! It's nice meeting you, Y/N," N babbled excitedly.
"Welcome to Loser 1, and Loser 2's house. I'm here against my will." V said with venomous sarcasm in her voice as she looked at N and Uzi.
"Hey! Can-it, V! Before I rearange your code and have you fatal error out!" Uzi's left hand and right eye flashed the absolute solver symbol for emphasis, but V didn't seem impressed. "While on the subject of sleepovers, Lizzy is joining us."
"What?! Why would you invite her?! She's so insufferable!"
"Khan said I could! Plus, she's like... way cooler than you, short stack!"
Uzi placed you down on a coffee table in front of the couch. You watched the two titans fight as N sat down.
"They fight often?" You ask N.
"Ha ha! Yeah. I only intervene when things get physical though."
"Cool." Luckily for you and N, things didn't get physical as Lizzy walked in. V and Uzi stopped fighting. Instead, Uzi started setting up a movie.
After a few minutes Everyone but you was situated on the couch. N and Uzi on one side, V and Lizzy on the other, with you on a beanbag with a handtowel blanket in the middle. Uzi turned off the lights before starting the movie.
You started to shuffle nervously as the movie progressed, not feeling comfortable in the barely lit room. V noticed and chuckled.
"Afraid of the dark, bite-size?"
"What? No. . . Yes. . . Shut up!" V chuckled before leaning to Lizzy and whispering something in her audio receptor. Lizzy giggled and the pair looked at you with an evil look. You didn't notice, however, as you were staring at the movie, trying to ignore the darkness around you.
When the movie ended, Uzi had fallen asleep, so N volunteered and took her to her room, leaving you with Lizzy and V.
Lizzy stood up and moved to the other side of you.
"So, V tells me you're afraid of the dark."
"Don't worry your little head, Y/N. We know the perfect place for you to get over your fear," V teased.
Lizzy picked you up by the back of your shirt and just let you dangle for a second.
"Okay, V. Open up!"
V gave a sinister chuckle and opened her mouth, revealing her razer sharp teeth and she stuck out her squishy black tongue. Lizzy held you over V's cavernous mouth as you began to kick the open air frantically.
"You two can't be serious!" Lizzy laughed and spoke in a snarky tone.
"Oh, relax! We're robots! We can't digest stuff! You'll be fine! I already gave her tummy a test run a few weeks ago. It's perfectly fine! Nice and dark, and it's the perfect place for someone with a fear of the dark!" "What do you mean you did a test run—?"
Lizzy cut you off by dropping you onto V's tongue. You grab the spongy rope out of fear of falling further, soaking yourself in V's saliva. Before you can say anything, V pulls her tongue and you into her mouth.
You were now trapped in V's mouth. You trembled in the darkness.
Suddenly, there was a bright light as V opened her mouth. You peered outside to see Lizzy taking a picture of you in V's mouth.
"Heh. Nice. Alright V, they're yours now."
"Wait! Wait! V, don't—!"
V closed her mouth quickly and swallowed before you could say another word. Her tight throat quickly pulled you down as you wiggled with your eyes squeezed shut.
Eventually, you were deposited in V's stomach. You felt it churn softly around you and heard it let out a soft groan of satisfaction. You tentatively opened your eyes and felt... calm. . . You laid down in her stomach, not bothering to try and struggle. The whole experience soothed you and you didn't feel afraid of the darkness in her stomach. You could hear V chuckle above you and you felt two soft pats near you.
V smiled warmly as she felt her little snack settling in. She leaned back on the couch and patted her abdomen.
"Aww, they're getting comfy! They must like it in there, despite the dark!"
"I told you it would work!" Lizzy laid on top of V, laying her head on V's tummy so that she could hear you better.
"How are you doing in there, Y/N?"
"It's actually quite comfortable in here!"
"Told ya. Now get some sleep, that's your bed for tonight!"
Lizzy giggled and pulled herself up so that Her head was under V's chin.
"Glad you came up with this plan, V. I was skeptical at first, but it worked and was fun to pull off!"
V wrapped her arms around Lizzy, holding her close as she pulled the blanket over herself.
"I know right? Well, since you told Y/N to go to sleep, why don't we do the same?"
"You read my mind." Lizzy and V would close their eyes, replacing them with "Sleep Mode" and holding each other close.
Inside V's belly, you snuggled up to one of the walls, feeling the plush surface sink under your weight. You quickly found the perfect position and closed your eyes. You fell asleep faster than you ever have in your entire life. Your eyes were replaced with "Sleep Mode" and underneath was a single flashing line of text; "Sweet Dream Mode: On."
The next day after you were let out you left Uzi's house happier than you went in.
Not because it was over, but because you found a way to actually enjoy the dark. Maybe you could find someone else to let you sleep in their belly, or maybe. . .
You could find someone to sleep in yours. . .
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stormtheskyelf2 · 2 months
—Headcanon Anon
BTW, you have some wonderful Headcanons and nom ideas =3
Thank you :D
Contains: yes
(lgbtqia, vore, guns)
"What? I think it's gross all by myself. God, you're a diva lately."
Lizzy is pansexual, she's crushing on V (hard), probably because not only is V dangerous but V is also probably the only person that likes Lizzy for her, not just her popularity.
She has done... things... for money in the past before. AND SHE'LL DO IT AGAIN-
She has no clue how to use the railgun. She's just hoping it doesn't blow up in her face because faking it is making it, honey!
She is incredibly insecure about what others think of her, so, like Thad, she puts herself above and beyond in hopes that they won't have any expectations other than her being a ✨queen
Uhhh heck my brain is not in headcanon mode
Vore time
She's a pred, and I think she'd love fearplay, but she's not into all that like.. gore digestion stuff. She'd just 'forget' about the prey while having a hand on her stomach the whole time.
I think if V ever were to be shrunken and turned tiny, Rebecca or whatever would find her and dare Lizzy to eat V. And then V's trying to get Lizzy's attention while she scrolls on her phone and Lizzy just puts a hand on her stomach so gently just to let V know that she's safe
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This is a fun picrew
I made a Lizzy
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Have fun you guys!
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Can you draw Doll nomming Lizzy and Lizzy is in a gay panic?
sure ^-^
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stormtheskyelf2 · 2 months
Do you have any headcanons or scenario ideas for where the reader is the pred in Murder Drones?
Contains: Vore ofc, possible gay/lesbian shenanigans, depends on your gender tho
Thad / Bully?User
Thad has never felt this weird around someone. Oh my god. What is this feeling and why is it towards you and why does he like the way you seem to push everyone around but him. It's a terrifying sight to see broad shoulders, a well-build frame, and a height that rivals that of the tallest basketball player shouldering it's way through the crowd, occasionally shoving people into lockers, but it's made better knowing that he gets to sleep in that warm stomach if he ever has any trouble resting.
Lizzy / (hiding) Murder Drone!User
Well, heck. She found out that you're a murder drone. It's worse knowing that you've already gotten rid of all the murder-droney stuff, like your tail, which means that if she wanted to blackmail you, she could. But she doesn't. And it's confusing. She seems to genuinely enjoy your presence. Or it might just be the fact that she can dispose all her enemies for the Prom Queen role right in your dorm. Either way, she seems like someone with a pet tiger; feeding it the peasants and beggars on the street in hopes that it doesn't go after her for a afternoon snack. Too bad she's already an afternoon snack.
Tessa / Sentinel!User
Everyone wonders how the drone hand dragged her to Alice. Everyone assumed that well, it's Alice. No one suspects that she was dumped in a stone ditch and then taken by forceful Uber to Alice. I mean, even if they did, no one would figure that your stomach happened to be the backseat of the Uber, right?
I got nothing else.. sorry ;-;
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stormtheskyelf2 · 2 months
Have any vore headcanons for Doll from Murder Drone?
I think Doll would be a great Pred! If she actually enjoys your company, that is.
She wouldn't be above digestion/reformation if it's someone who she doesn't like but doesn't hate either- just to give them a lil scare before spitting them back out.
I don't think she has any actual friends in the MD universe other than Lizzy for a short moment (which I don't think was really real) or MAYBE Uzi, but I don't see the two together as buddies so you can cancel out any sort of "friend-noms" or any of that.
I do have a character. ai vore bot for her tho, you're supposed to be the Keybug- (check my info post for the links!)
But I also think she'd be a nervous prey, but also a maybe willing one? If she knows she's been defeated she'd rather give up and take it- or in this case, if she's dragged out of her body and eaten alive (ep 7 I see u), she's as nervous as could be, so yeah nervous.
But I LOVE the idea of Uzi eating Doll once they catch Doll again. If Doll manages to feel emotions- lol- I would think that Doll feels guilty not only because oh no, I lost, but also because she may or may not have caused a lot of trouble-
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wutwutno1 · 9 months
My Murder Drones Vore Writing
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