#q 43 ew4
abyssalshriek ยท 3 years
Venting below the read more. Don't click read more. Don't read.
Probably should have deleted this instead of posting it but it makes the vent feel more effective.
Please don't read.
I'm sorry i cant focus i cna't think im behind i can't do stuff i need to do its hard to focus its hard to do thing when i try to do thing s i get anxious I'm sorry for bothering people I just neee dto do stuff btu i can't get myself to do it
Sorry for venting I shouldn't vent like this Sory for making people worry sory sorry sorry sorry sorry
I shouldn't write or post this but I'm stressed and I need to vent and I don't want to bother people I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I should be doing more but I dont' I'm sorry I'm sorry that I make people do things I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry hoia;ig eroi;hl;asd hklfja'w
dqweh ka;sdjgh
aewt hjaksdh'fqaewp
t g'asdhk 'fm
qwer we
ewhahw kergh
ehg hk
Sorry I just needed to vent sorry.
I shouldn't have posted this but I need to vent but I don't want to bother people I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.
I should be working on things that matter but instead i Just play games write stories and draw stuff I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm srorry I'm sorry I'm sorry ai soh;eawhe;l;shadg ;awei;h thiasdj; l; hads iho;waeihaes gh;kh ;akgslh; klasg;hl kasgh ;asg h;as gh;asd gh;h ds;akg; hkles;hklesh;aes;heash;e;hitahpiyetwhpirlakjgragg l dsa lkd ngaew
I just waste my time why do I I iho;wel kqaewklgaw;kjlaw ;khawek;l aweh;ilg ih;awe
If you read this I'm sorry i just needed to vent
I should do something to calm down but that just wastes more time and I spend too much time doing nothing trying to relax and all it does is distract me when i should focus I should be focusing I should be working but instead I'm just doing nothing but draining and being stupid and lazy and oiawhe jawasd alwihelakjs dhashasdflkj asdkhl wet iyo ilajweblkjadsJL eaywesa sd
why am i posting this I shouldn't i just i ihowae rwioeiweas eipweiop aioal
why did i talk to someone now theyre probably worried aowih eeltad; khlwiwoepa;w heaiowp hasklefaowiue jaklkedifowaajkldopwaiukjlde iowaukdse ioawdseiaow djsale ioaw diowajds
i'm sorry
sim sorry
im storry
i i i i i i
ajwe rlq;wake.htjqw4ert;hewa
HTqwjht hwa
now im wasting time doing this im sorry im sorry im jh reoiuhjahruaedlkja wei ajsdlewuaj hi jawp ljhwelewNKJGWLJGAEWN EAJATW NLJEGSA NHKAGJKTGENETWNAILLAWEH AEWU UH OWRY4UL HJDSUOIWUE 4JASDUGFI WAEHEJTWIUED ph aen8tiyqj3k eahwi4etjhaweuithlj4wijaknutpi 34un8piuhasut78u4q hjauhsoeriq4jh.eta;wi4;eh/s.ITY$HJrtdegiuljhersulelhkasrtuiaewrhuit q4ityuirjahaehrjheeeeeeeee
Sorry I just eei ejdb
Sorry I just waeoi;as d
Sorry I just needed to vent and not typo the apo
Sorry I juste
Sorry. I just needed to vent.
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