So I have pretty much never changed my url, but I'm going to be switching from RAXACORIGOFUCKYOURSELF to THEHASHSLINGINGSLASHSHIPPER
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mkhunterz · 10 years
raxacorigofuckyourself replied to your post: I have my hands on an extra set of pre...
Totally! How much are they? :D
I'm looking to get around $200 for the three as a set :)
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forgettingdean · 10 years
raxacorigofuckyourself answered your question:Two questions. 1. What is In the Flesh? 2....
1. I think it’s about people who come back to life, or die but not really (don’t quote me on that) 2. YES I’m starting watching it soon! ^-^
Thanks Ryan <3333
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acesammy · 10 years
Regarding queerbaiting with destiel, I think that it's definitely something that should be pushed, but not by making the actors uncomfortable. Jensen isn't going to singlehandedly make destiel canon, and he obviously dislikes being asked about it, so I think he should be left alone about it. Misha is a bit more open to questions about destiel, so personally I feel like there's a bit more room to ask him about it, but as soon as he's uncomfortable with a question, the asker should stop.
yeah :) 
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catz-n-bootz · 10 years
Hey, so I just saw your comment on the post about periods where you corrected "people with vaginas" to "girls", and actually saying "people with vaginas" was right. Not all girls have vaginas and not all guys have dicks. I don't mean to be rude or anything, I just wanted to correct you since I'm a guy, even though I was declared female at birth, so that post was originally correct. If you want to ask me anything or have any questions, just send me an ask. Thanks!
wow when i saw your comment i thought you were about to get all pissed at me thanks for handling that calmly ill try to keep that in check sorry! 
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softautism · 10 years
My spanish teacher took points off my grade for an oral exam today because of "oral comprehension". I tried to tell her that I have autism and auditory processing disorder, and I would have had the same problems with comprehension if the conversation were in english, but she just said that it's something I have to work on and improve.
I urge you to speak to your guidance counselor or other higher administrator about this. It is important that you get the accommodations you need to learn.
Legally, your school has to provide you with necessary accommodations and doing otherwise would be discrimination. This is blatant ableism and you can get help.
-mod rosie
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genderfluidity · 10 years
I get what you're saying about being "female-bodied" or "male-bodied" not being related to lots of medical things, but a lot of things do tend to present differently. For example, heart attacks have different warning signs and symptoms in "male-bodied" people than they do in "female-bodied" people. I'm a trans guy, and I would feel uncomfortable having to tell a doctor, but I would just in case. (I'm putting those in quotes because I hate saying them, but I don't know how else to say it.)
Does anybody here know anything about how heart attacks manifest for trans men who've been on HRT? I'm pretty sure, although I'm not a doctor, that it wouldn't be exactly like cis women do.
We have basically no data on how people who've medically transitioned react to a lot of things, how a lot of medical conditions manifest in such situations. I think it's a bit preemptive to assume that there are ways in which a post-medical-transition trans person's body behaves equivalently to that of a cis person who was assigned the same sex at birth, much less that those ways are numerous and significant enough that using that kind of phrasing would be good medical practice.
Western transgender theory/ideology focuses a lot on bodies, and the cultural institutions that police gender focus more on bodies than on gender, and a lot of that is tied to the ways in which western medical science also focuses on gendering bodies as a fundamental way of determining treatment. It's not that necessary!
And there's a few separate problems here! One is that misogyny means that often people deemed by the medical institution to be female receive poorer treatment or have lower awareness for health issues more specific to them (a doctor literally once refused to prescribe or refer me, instead telling me to "get a boyfriend and watch more TV"). Another is that nobody fucking knows how to treat trans people, for basically anything, at least in the experience of my trans friends (here, as in a lot of things, transfeminine people get the short end of the stick), and using "male-bodied" or "female-bodied" or other terms which then become synonymous with "man" or "woman" because of cissexism is kind of awful and doesn't really help. 
In any case, we're stuck in a system which coercively genders us for medical purposes anyway, and has since birth. We're getting enough of this "biological gender" stuff from institutions, and maybe we do need to tolerate it from medical professionals purely in order to stay alive and healthy, but surely we don't need to do it to ourselves. 
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twoswords · 10 years
Tumblr media
also bc like. The ‘superwholock’ sector of all the fandoms has a really bad connotation and idk why but it just seems they’re generally the embarassing part of the fandom
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jayyy-lmao · 10 years
Once you get this you have to say five nice things about yourself and send this to 10 of your favorite followers.
no god damn this now i have to make an effort and think and stuff like really c'mon
(also yay i'm one of your fave followers)
okay um i have nice eyes kinda yeah??? and a cool haircut fuck yeah and uhhh um i have musical talents and stuff?? and yeah?? uh?? i'm pretty smart i guess?? and i can write?? i dunno i dont think much of me??
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angryandautistic-blog · 10 years
Is it possible to know if you're autistic/neuroatypical without being diagnosed by a medical professional? I want to go to someone to see if I am but my dad completely shot it down and basically said "You're probably not but so what if you are? You've made it 16 years without treatment, you can survive as a normal human being." But honestly it's starting to really affect my life.
hi!!! both mava and i fully support self-dxers!!! we have to support each other no matter what because getting an official diagnosis can be really hard for a lot of different reasons! 
i would suggest since going to get an official diagnosis is out of the question right now, researching is very important for you!! that way you can have the words to describe yourself, even if you don't go see a doctor to get those words.
tumblr user goldenheartedrose has some great introductory resources that can help you understand what autism is and help you self diagnose yourself so you can better understand how you function. 
here are some links! 
autism 101
some non-tumblr autism related blogs
other autism reasources
i really hope you find what you're looking for! also tumblr autistics have created a tag called #actuallyautistic, so once you if you do realize that you are autistic through self diagnosis that could be a good community for you! there are some assholes that like to gatekeep between the "real" autistics and the self-dxers, but most of us will call them out on their bullshit the second they pop up. uwu
bye bye! 
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softautism · 10 years
I don't know if this is an autistic thing or if it's just something I have trouble with. A lot of the time I'll say something or respond to something that WAS relevant but apparently isn't anymore, because of a long gap in conversation or because of a period of silence or something. I don't know, maybe it's just because I have to take time sometimes to figure out the social cues that were given and that I have to try to show that it takes too long for me to come up with something relevant to say
oh yeah, I can relate. I think it’s to do with a phenomenon called delayed processing, which basically just means a slower-than-average rate of interpreting and responding to information.
delayed processing specifically in recognizing appropriate social cues, as well as in interpreting language and other communication in general, is something I have to contend with much of the time.
usually I end up just being non-responsive, but I’ve definitely had experiences of “…or okay we’re not having that conversation anymore okay I’ll just go now.” heh. o.O
-mod Tor
[PS. I freakin LOVE your url, that’s great! :D]
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