cobreja88 · 4 months
Using User-Generated Content to Build Trust and Authenticity
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Navigating the complicated landscape of using user-generated content to build trust is at the forefront of digital marketing innovation. UGC—content created by the audience rather than the company itself—has cemented its place as a vital component in the armory of social media marketing techniques. User-generated content (UGC) refers to any type of material—text, videos, photographs, reviews, or comments—created by individuals rather than brands. Customers create such content freely because they want to share their experiences, thoughts, or creative expressions about a brand or product. The value of user-generated content (UGC) in today's marketing services industry cannot be emphasized. It uses the power of social media to increase consumer engagement by giving genuine testimonials and social proof that strike more deeply with potential clients than conventional advertising. In an era when customers seek transparency, user-generated content stands out as proof of a brand's authenticity and reliability. The Power of Authenticity Authenticity in marketing is more than just a trend; it's an effective method for establishing a true connection with your target audience. Consumers are becoming more knowledgeable and can identify insincerity from a mile away. UGC, on the other hand, overcomes skepticism by displaying genuine user experiences, hence increasing content authenticity, and establishing a feeling of connection. Building trust with your audience Using user-generated content to build trust is essential for converting visitors into loyal consumers. Brands may create a genuine brand image by using user-generated content, making customers feel appreciated and heard. This, in turn, builds brand loyalty and trust by demonstrating to potential customers that their peers are genuinely satisfied. Examples of successful authenticity through UGC Many businesses have used the potential of user-generated content to boost their UGC marketing efforts. For example, utilizing customer testimonials and user-created photographs in advertisements not only increases the product's attractiveness but also provides social proof, encouraging others to make an investment decision. Leveraging UGC in Social Media Campaigns Creating interesting, interactive campaigns that urge customers to share their experiences, conducting contests, and recognizing contributors by showcasing the content they created on your platforms are all ways to encourage user-generated content. This not only creates additional content but also increases engagement and loyalty. Tools and platforms for collecting and showcasing UGC A variety of digital platforms and tools are available to assist brands in efficiently collecting and displaying user-generated content. These include social media aggregators that moderate user content as well as specialized software that allows for an easy passage of this content into marketing channels. Integrating UGC into your overall marketing strategy The use of UGC in your marketing approach should be done carefully. Link UGC with your brand's message and values, make sure it flows naturally with your other content, and, most importantly, always get approval from the original authors. This courteous approach not only improves your brand's image but also encourages more consumers to submit content, knowing that it may be used in your marketing efforts. Case Studies: Success Stories of Brands Using UGC Brief Overview of Brands That Have Successfully Leveraged UGC GoPro distinguishes out for translating customer experiences into brand testimonials by leveraging the high-quality, action-packed stories uploaded by its customers. This strategy not only confirms the product's durability and performance but also fosters an aspirational community for recreational and extreme sporting activities. Another good example is Starbucks' #RedCupContest, which attracted millions of people from all around the world. Participants gladly share their ideas on social media, directly contributing to Starbucks' Christmas marketing and strengthening its seasonal theme via genuine customer voices. Analysis of Their Strategies and Outcomes The success of brands stems from their ability to instill a sense of belonging and involvement. By emphasizing genuine customer experiences, they improve content authenticity and social proof, both of which are essential for creating brand trust. These campaigns use digital marketing and social media marketing services to select and promote user-generated content (UGC), therefore increasing customer interaction and reinforcing a genuine brand image. The results are twofold: greater brand loyalty and a significant rise in user engagement across platforms. Challenges and Solutions in Managing UGC Common Challenges in Utilizing UGC One of the most difficult aspects of using user-generated content to build trust is keeping consistent brand messaging while accepting varied consumer perspectives. There is also the possibility that incorrect information or negative remarks may become publicly connected with the brand. Furthermore, the sheer amount of user-generated information can overwhelm conventional content management systems, making it impossible to identify and capitalize on the most valuable contributions. Best Practices for Overcoming These Challenges Implementing strong moderating tools and clear community standards can help handle these risks successfully. Brands may also use professional marketing services to filter user-generated content, ensuring that only material that aligns with the brand's values and standards is displayed. Encouraging sorts of content through contests or campaigns may help drive the narrative and keep UGC on track with marketing objectives. Regular interaction with contributors promotes a pleasant community climate, which encourages higher-quality submissions. The Future of UGC in Social Media Marketing Trends Shaping the Future of UGC Emerging technologies such as AR and VR are poised to transform the generation and consumption of user-generated content (UGC). These technologies provide users with additional creative tools, enhancing the immersive and interactive nature of user-generated content. Furthermore, the emergence of micro-influencers and niche communities opens the potential for businesses to reach out to highly engaged audiences by leveraging UGC to build deeper relationships and authenticity. Predictions on How UGC Will Evolve Greater personalization and interaction are expected in the future of user-generated content. Brands may utilize AI to generate personalized UGC feeds, increasing user engagement and brand relevance. The modification of content production tools will also enable more individuals to produce high-quality content, diminishing the distinction between professional and user-generated content. As social media platforms improve, they will provide increasingly complex collaboration tools for businesses and users, making user-generated content (UGC) an ever more important component of digital marketing strategy. Conclusion Using User-Generated Content to build trust has become an essential component in establishing brand trust and authenticity. Brands such as GoPro and Starbucks have demonstrated the great benefit of user-generated content (UGC) in increasing customer engagement and trust via careful implementation and management. Regardless of the challenges, using best practices in UGC management may result in great marketing success. The changing environment of user-generated content, driven by technological advancements and variations in consumer behavior, emphasizes its rising relevance in social media marketing. As companies handle these changes, authenticity, community, and engagement will remain top priorities. UGC not only provides a venue for actual customer feedback, but it also serves as a dynamic tool for businesses to establish deeper, more authentic connections with their target audience. Resources: Social Media Body (Click Here to Unlock Your Social Media Supremacy) Article Forge (Click Here and try the Most Affordable, Unique Human-like Articles Writing Platform) Entre Institute (Click Here to Find the Secret to Become Millionaire) GetResponse (Click here to try the Best Email Marketing Platform For a Huge Discount)  Hostinger (Click Here to Start with One of the Best Webhosting Solutions at a Huge Discount) Pictory (Click Here to try the Easiest Video Creation Tool for Content Marketers) Fiverr (Click Here to Find the Perfect Freelance Services for Your Business Honest Loans (Click Here to Sustain Your Business With More Founds) Read the full article
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contentpassstory · 4 months
User-Generated Content: A Blueprint for Effective Social Media
In the dynamic landscape of social media, where authenticity and engagement are paramount, user-generated content (UGC) stands out as a powerful strategy for brands looking to connect with their audience on a deeper level. This blueprint explores the significance of user-generated content, its benefits, and provides a roadmap for leveraging UGC effectively on social media.
Understanding User-Generated Content:
User-generated content refers to any content—such as images, videos, testimonials, reviews, or discussions—that is created and shared by individuals rather than the brand itself. This organic content is voluntarily produced by customers, fans, or followers who have a genuine affinity for a brand or its products.
Benefits of User-Generated Content:
1. Authenticity:
UGC provides an authentic perspective on a brand, as it reflects real experiences and opinions of actual users. This authenticity resonates with the audience, fostering trust.
2. Increased Engagement:
Posts featuring UGC tend to garner higher engagement rates. Followers are more likely to interact with content created by their peers, leading to increased likes, comments, and shares.
3. Community Building:
Encouraging users to contribute content creates a sense of community around the brand. Users become active participants, fostering a strong sense of belonging.
4. Diversification of Content:
UGC allows brands to diversify their content strategy without the need for extensive production. Varied content types keep the audience interested and engaged.
5. Cost-Effective Marketing:
Leveraging UGC reduces the need for creating expensive in-house content. Brands can tap into the creativity of their community, resulting in cost-effective marketing campaigns.
Blueprint for Leveraging User-Generated Content:
1. Cultivate a Community:
Foster a sense of community around your brand by actively engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage conversations.
2. Create Branded Hashtags:
Develop branded hashtags that align with your brand identity. Encourage users to use these hashtags when sharing their experiences with your products or services.
3. Run UGC Campaigns:
Launch campaigns specifically designed to gather user-generated content. Whether it’s a photo contest, a challenge, or a testimonial drive, make it easy for users to contribute.
4. Showcase UGC on Social Platforms:
Regularly feature UGC on your social media platforms. This not only highlights your community but also incentivizes others to contribute to the conversation.
5. Seek Permission:
Always seek permission before repurposing user-generated content for promotional purposes. This ensures transparency and respect for your community.
6. Incentivize Contributions:
Consider offering incentives for users who contribute outstanding content. This could be in the form of discounts, exclusive access, or featuring them on your official channels.
7. Monitor and Moderate:
Keep a close eye on UGC submissions to ensure they align with your brand values. Moderate content to maintain a positive and respectful online environment.
Case Studies of Successful UGC Campaigns:
1. Starbucks #RedCupContest:
Starbucks encouraged customers to share their artistic interpretations of the iconic red cup during the holiday season. This campaign generated thousands of creative entries.
2. GoPro’s Photo of the Day:
GoPro features a “Photo of the Day” on its social media platforms, showcasing stunning images captured by its users. This not only promotes the product but also inspires others to share their content.
3. Airbnb’s #AirbnbPhotoChallenge:
Airbnb launched a photo challenge encouraging users to share their favorite travel memories. This campaign not only generated UGC but also tapped into the emotional connection people have with travel.
User-generated content is a potent force in the social media landscape, offering brands a genuine way to connect with their audience. By implementing the blueprint outlined above, brands can harness the power of their community, foster engagement, and create an authentic online presence. When users become advocates, the ripple effect of their content extends far beyond individual posts, contributing to the overall success and growth of the brand.
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holdens-happy-place · 6 months
Navigating the Social Media Landscape: Crafting Inclusive Content and Building Communities
In the ever-evolving realm of social media, the ability to create and share effective content plays a pivotal role in establishing a meaningful online presence. As I delved into the insights gained from Hootsuite and Podium modules 3 and 4 I explored how these learnings contribute to the development and sharing of content that resonates with diverse audiences.
Module 3: Inclusivity and Accessibility on Social:
In today's interconnected world, inclusivity and accessibility are non-negotiable elements of effective content development. The Hootsuite and Podium modules helped me understand the importance of crafting content that caters to diverse audiences, ensuring that everyone, regardless of abilities or background, can engage with your brand.
Example 1:
A crucial aspect of making content accessible is incorporating descriptive alt text for images. This not only aids visually impaired users but also contributes to improved search engine optimization. For instance, when sharing an image on social media, consider adding alt text that provides a concise yet informative description of the visual.
Module 4: Building a Social Media Community:
Module 4 focused on cultivating a sense of community on social media platforms. Building relationships with your audience is key to fostering brand loyalty and creating a space where users feel connected and engaged is very important when regarding social media.
Example 2:
 I suggest encouraging your audience to contribute to the conversation by sharing user-generated content. This not only amplifies the diversity of your content but also builds a sense of community around your brand. Consider launching a branded hashtag campaign or include client testimonials/
Becoming a Social Organization:
Now, let's connect the dots between becoming a social organization and the principles of effective content development and sharing. Transforming into a social organization implies adopting a comprehensive approach to social media, where communication is not merely one-way but a collaborative process.
Transparency and Authenticity: Becoming a social organization involves being transparent and authentic in your interactions. Apply these principles to content development to ensure that your audience can trust the information you share, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.
Two-Way Communication: Social organizations prioritize two-way communication, actively engaging with their audience. This approach aligns with effective content sharing by encouraging dialogue and feedback.
Adaptability: Social organizations are adaptable and responsive to change. Because the audience is ever changing, you need to be able to adapt. Applying this principle to content development means staying current with trends, utilizing new features on social platforms, and consistently refining your strategy based on community feedback.
In conclusion, the synergy between inclusivity, community building, and the transformation into a social organization lays the foundation for effective content development and sharing. By embracing these principles, you not only create content that resonates with a diverse audience but also foster a vibrant and engaged community around your brand.
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omesacreative · 1 year
Influencer marketing has been around for decades. It was only limited to high-paying celebrities. The internet changed that when bloggers and social media with a huge following began promoting products to their followers. It has since evolved to become a mainstream advertising strategy.
Influencer marketing has become increasingly important in modern-day advertising due to the rise of social media and the decline of traditional advertising methods such as television and print ads.
In this blog, we will explore the predicted trends and changes in the world of influencer marketing in 2023. This will help businesses and marketers prepare for the future and adjust their influencer marketing strategies accordingly.
Vanity metrics are metrics that do not provide any real value to the business, such as the number of followers or likes on social media. Quality metrics, on the other hand, are metrics that provide real value to the business, such as engagement, click-through rate, and conversions.
Brands have realized that vanity metrics do not necessarily translate to business results. In 2023, it is predicted that brands will prioritize quality metrics to measure the success of their influencer campaigns.
Examples of quality metrics that brands will prioritize include
engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and brand impact.
Importance of influencer alignment with brands:
In 2023, it is predicted that brands will prioritize influencers who are aligned with their brand values. This means that influencers who create content that resonates with their audience and fits in with a brand's.
The role of ROI and brand impact in measuring influencer campaign performance:
Brands will likely focus on measuring the return on investment (ROI) and the brand impact of their influencer campaigns in 2023 to determine the success of their campaigns.
THE POWER OF UGC (User-Generated Content)
UGC refers to content that is created by consumers or fans of a brand, such as reviews, photos, and videos. UGC is significant because it is authentic, relatable, and trustworthy.
In 2023, it is predicted that ratings and reviews, TikTok videos, and YouTube tutorials will be among the most popular types of UGC.
UGC can create social proof by showcasing how other consumers have used and enjoyed the brand's products or services. This can boost conversions by providing potential customers with the confidence to make a purchase.
Brands can repurpose UGC as part of their social media strategy by featuring it in offline advertising, on brand websites, or in email campaigns.
Examples of successful UGC campaigns include Starbucks' #RedCupContest and Coca-Cola's #ShareACoke campaign, which encouraged consumers to share photos of themselves with personalized Coke bottle
Micro-influencers are individuals who have a smaller following than traditional influencers, typically between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. However, their smaller audience size does not necessarily translate into a lower engagement rate. Micro-influencers are often viewed as more authentic and trustworthy than their larger counterparts.
As consumers become savvier about sponsored content, they are increasingly turning to micro-influencers who they believe are more genuine and relatable. As a result, we predict that brands will begin to shift their focus toward working with micro-influencers, particularly in niche markets.
Traditionally, influencer marketing campaigns were often short-lived and focused on a specific product or promotion. However, we predict that in the future, brands will start to form long-term partnerships with influencers.
By forming long-term partnerships, brands can build a more authentic relationship with their audience and ensure that the influencer's values align with their own. Long-term partnerships also allow for more creative collaborations, which can result in more engaging and effective content.
Video content has become increasingly popular on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. In fact, according to a recent study, 87% of businesses now use video as a marketing tool.
In the future, we predict that brands will start to utilize video content more in their influencer marketing campaigns. Video content allows for more creative storytelling and can help to create a more emotional connection with the audience.
Diversity and inclusivity have become increasingly important in all areas of marketing, and influencer marketing is no exception. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the representation of different groups in advertising, and brands are responding by partnering with influencers from diverse backgrounds.
In the future, we predict that brands will continue to prioritize diversity and inclusivity in their influencer marketing campaigns. This includes partnering with influencers from different racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, as well as those with disabilities and LGBTQ+ influencers.
As consumers become more aware of sponsored content, they are increasingly looking for authenticity and transparency in influencer marketing. Brands and influencers who are transparent about sponsored content and are authentic in their messaging are more likely to build trust with their audience.
In the future, we predict that brands will continue to emphasize authenticity and transparency in their influencer marketing campaigns. This includes clearly labeling sponsored content, partnering with influencers who are genuinely interested in the brand, and avoiding over-promotion.
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luckystaaar · 7 years
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[ ⭐ ] . . . #20170104 #starbucks #redcups #starbuckscoffee #redcupcontest #nature #red #green #beautiful #photograph #photooftheday #mypointofview #vsco #achadosdasemana #saopaulocity #星巴克杯
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jefferyriggins · 3 years
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Consumer Generated Content (CGC) is any form of unpaid content created and shared by consumers. CGC is often seen in the form of images, videos, and posts vial social media. CGC is an especially effective marketing tool, not only because it is of no cost to the advertiser, but also because customer testimony is exceptionally compelling to target audiences. 
Starbucks' annual Red Cup Contest (#Redcupcontest) is a great example of utilizing consumer generated content as a form of advertisement. In an effort to promote their seasonal drinks, Starbucks encourages customers to share a photo of their favorite holiday beverage in its famous red cup. The winner of the Red Cup Contest receives a store gift card. Using this marketing tactic, #RedCupChallenge currently has 37.3K posts on Instagram alone. It is easy to see how utilizing the social media driven culture as an advertising tool can be extremely efficient and cost effective. 
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5 Practical & Proven Ways to Increase Customer Lifetime Value
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Have you poured money into acquiring new customers, only to come up short when they don’t end up converting for more than one transaction?
This unfortunate occurrence happens in eCommerce when a business doesn’t pay attention to customer lifetime value.
Rather than investing resources into every customer, it’s more beneficial to focus on the customers that are most valuable to your business in the long run.
But, how can you determine which customers will be valuable to your business, and how can you make those customers even more valuable? This can be done by calculating and increasing customer lifetime value.
What is Customer Lifetime Value?
Before you understand what customer lifetime value means, you first need to know what customer acquisition is. Simply put, customer acquisition is the process of bringing new customers into your business – this is key to the success of your venture. When considering the cost of customer acquisition, it’s a constant cost-benefit analysis. How much does it cost to acquire a specific customer, and will that cost pay off in the future?
To prevent your business from spending money on customers who won’t be valuable, you’ll need to determine customer value, or CV. This will help you determine whether a customer is worth your investment to gain and keep – this is where customer lifetime value comes in.
Customer lifetime value, or CLTV, indicates the total revenue that your business should expect from a single customer within a segment. This is determined by comparing a customer’s revenue value to their expected lifespan as a patron of your business.
In order to calculate CLTV, follow this formula.
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First, you’ll need to find your customer value. This is calculated by dividing a customer’s average order value by their average purchase frequency rate.
Next, you’ll need to multiply that customer value by their average customer lifespan. This will give you the customer’s lifetime value.
However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t just be focusing on acquiring new customers who have never shopped with you before.
In reality, it’s much easier and cheaper to sell to an existing customer than a new one; according to statistics, it’s actually 7 times more expensive to acquire a new customer via paid advertisement than retain an existing one.
So, with this information, it’s clear that customers who have already purchased your products or services are the ones that will earn you the most return on investment.
But, how can you retain those customers and increase their lifetime value for your business? The key here is customer loyalty.
1. Utilize Marketing Automation
If you want to retain customers and make them more valuable, you need to constantly be marketing to them in a personalized way. However, that’s nearly impossible to do on a manual basis – especially if you have thousands or millions of customers.
With marketing automation software, you can send your customers personalized, relevant marketing messages at the right times.
Automated email campaigns are proven to boost sales too; according to Invesp, they usually increase sales by 14.5%. But, when you personalize those emails, it’s possible to generate 6 times higher revenue than non-personalized emails.
Automated personalized emails can serve many purposes, and be sent out for any occasion, from cart abandonment to birthdays. These emails are not only great opportunities for engaging with a customer, but they can also carry incentives for doing further business with you. Take, for example, this DSW birthday email with a coupon attached.
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You can also automate personalized product recommendations in these emails based on past orders, abandoned carts, or simply browsing history on your site.
These emails can either upsell what the customer has already purchased, such as selling an annual subscription to a customer who already signed up for a monthly one. Annual subscriptions are uniquely effective in boosting customer lifetime value because they help you to keep that customer with your business for a much longer period of time.
Personalized emails can also cross-sell based on a customer’s interests or past purchase. For example, this Dollar Shave Club email is both reminding the customer that their next subscription box is coming soon and showcasing extra add-ons that they can also purchase alongside it.
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Ready to start automating your email marketing campaigns?
Book a free call to learn how our team of marketing experts can help you to create high converting email marketing campaigns today.
2. Run Contests & Giveaways
Running contests and giveaways are great methods for encouraging customer engagement with your brand. They come with the added bonus of potential reward for the customer, acting as an incentive to participate.
By consistently giving back to your brand’s customer base, you’ll be actively encouraging them to stay loyal customers (thereby increasing their customer lifetime value).
Loyal customers don’t just have to be rewarded by items with monetary value as part of your contest. Instead, you can feature winning customers through user-generated content (or UGC) on your various social media profiles.
One great example of incentivized UGC in action is Starbucks’ #RedCupContest, where they encourage fans to draw a custom design on the red cup and share a photo with a chance to be reposted to the Starbucks official Instagram account.
This not only gave Starbucks valuable UGC for use in social media promotion, but it also recognized loyal fans and showed customers that they’re willing to engage with their base.
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3. Start a Loyalty Program
According to YatPo, 52% of loyal customers will join a loyalty program if one is offered to them. Loyalty programs can gamify engagement with a business, whether it be transactions or referrals, in ways that customers value and enjoy. Typically, this value translates into future discounts, deals, or even free products.
The most common loyalty program model is rewarding points for a certain dollar amount spent, which can be redeemed for another dollar amount.
For example, if you spend $10 and are part of the loyalty program, you can earn 1,000 points. These 1,000 points can then be redeemed for a $1 discount on a product.
Here’s an example of a loyalty program in action: Sephora’s Beauty Insider points program.
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By rewarding customers with points, you’re not only encouraging them to buy more products, but you’re helping them save money down the line if they stay loyal.
This not only gives customers a return on their loyalty investment, but it also fosters an emotional connection.
Research shows that customers with an emotional connection to a brand tend to have a lifetime value 4 times higher than the average customer. With an effective loyalty program, you can achieve that emotional connection.
4. Encourage & Respond to Reviews
One of the leading causes of customers leaving a company is the belief that your business doesn’t care about them.
So, what is one of the most effective ways to show that you care about your customers?
This one is simple: ask for, and respond to, genuine feedback.
In order to grow your business and keep your customers satisfied, it’s vital that you seek out detailed, actionable feedback on shopping experiences with your store. Reviews can also help you better understand your customers’ needs, making it easier to serve them better and maintain their loyalty down the line.
You can encourage customers to leave reviews or answer surveys by emailing them after they’ve performed an action on your site, whether that’s purchasing an order or failing to convert. This review request can even be incentivized with a coupon code if you’ve found this method to be valuable.
Beyond requesting reviews, you should also be monitoring social media channels and review websites for reviews from your customers so that you can organize and respond to this feedback. It’s an important show of trust and authenticity to respond to reviews, whether they’re positive or negative.
This shows customers that you care about their experience post-purchase and gives you an opportunity to turn an unfortunate experience into a memorable one. Here’s a great example of how a review response should look like from Ziba Beauty.
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5. Improve Your Customer Service
Your business’s customer service can make or break a consumer’s loyalty to your brand.
According to research, 89% of consumers have switched to a competitor after a poor customer experience. If you’re trying to increase your business’s customer lifetime value, then this is a factor you should eliminate as much as possible.
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To serve your customers in the best way possible, here’s the most important strategies that you need to implement in your business:
Offer a variety of methods for support. Customers like to have options when looking for support from a business, whether it’s based on preference or the limitations of their environment. To keep all customers satisfied, offer support on different channels, including phone, email, live chat, social media, instant messaging, and more.
Provide customers with self-service support. This typically included a “knowledge base” that carries all of the important information customers need to know to use your product or service. You can offer a variety of support content, from articles and documentation to video guides and slideshows.
Make support available as much as possible. If you’re running an online business, you’re selling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, if your team works within specific office hours, there may be no live support available to customers when they need it most.
Consider adding 24/7 support to your business or automating support for frequently asked questions.
Wrapping Up
With all of the previous strategies applied to your business, customer lifetime value is sure to improve. There’s not just one, straightforward solution to increasing your customer’s lifetime values.
It requires a multichannel, multifaceted approach: automate your personalized marketing, engage with giveaways, gamify shopping with loyalty points, act on feedback, and offer premier customer service.
As stated at the beginning, customer loyalty is the key to boosting customer lifetime value. Essentially, if a customer feels valued, they will prove that value to your business.
About the Author
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Jimmy Rodriguez is the COO and co-founder of 3dcart, an all-in-one eCommerce software. Jimmy is focused on helping internet retailers succeed online by providing eCommerce resources, developing strategies, actionable plans and customer experiences that grow and improve performance.
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growinstablog · 4 years
Guide to Instagram for Fashion
Instagram. The place you search through when you need inspiration, the place you scroll when feeling a bit bored, and even the place you visit to find your new outfit. Yes, you have read that right. It seems that Instagram has become a digital catwalk with fashion brands showing off their eye-catching designs.
All big fashion giants like Louis Vuitton, Nike and Everlane understand the importance of keeping your Instagram following fully engaged, and spare a significant budget on building their Instagram following. As more and more brands are advertising on Instagram, you will need a pretty good content strategy to stand out from the competition. Instagram has numerous amazing features you can use to make sure users remember your content feed. Well, let’s take a look at some key areas you will need to focus on:
Hashtags, Hashtags, Hashtags: I cannot emphasize this enough. If used correctly hashtags can be your best friend. Don’t go for viral hashtags that have been used a million times, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. Aim for niche hashtags that are popular enough to be seen!
Call-To-Actions: Having a pretty feed is not enough to earn new clients. You need to direct users into your page through a call-to-action. Place it in your post’s copy or your bio to start converting users into buyers!
Don’t forget your stories: Stories are a great way to show some behind-the-scenes photos and videos and engage with your followers. For example, Etsy has been posting tutorials for anything you can think about, while National Geographic puts some amazing listicles out there.
Use different types of engaging posts: Use Carousel posts to show off your product in different scenarios and lifestyle concepts. And who said that static posts need to be boring? Be creative and use dynamic, eye-grabbing images to get some fuss going around your feed.
Keep the copy short: Remember that people’s attention span is becoming only shorter and shorter.
Humanize the brand: Be authentic and genuine and make sure you are consistent with your brand’s personality and vision.
Build connections: Make sure your audience is on board all the way. Share a Q&A to enable direct interaction and give shoutouts to your followers. .. Go search for #RedCupContest to see what Starbucks did and you will know exactly what I mean.
Influencers: Last but not least, use influencers to encourage users to trust your brand by increasing your brand’s social proof.
But what type of content? This is a tricky one. Concentrating on only one type of content is not the best thing to do. That’s why we suggest you spice it up a little bit. Here is some inspiration on what types of content you should be posting:
Your product’s features and functionalities. Show the world why your products’ are better from the rest. You can get an idea of what I am talking about by visiting Zara’s Instagram – they are doing a good job showcasing their best outfits. All types of news and updates. If you‘ve got something new and exciting coming up, share it.
User-Generated Content
It’s always a good idea to hear what your audience is saying. Give them some voice! For instance, Fashion Nova is posting pictures originally uploaded by customers and calls out to users to use more #FashionNova hashtags for a chance to be featured
Your behind-the-scenes photos and videos. Sometimes you need to show the simpler, more natural side of your brand to form real connections and build brand loyalty. Hint: Stories are built just for that
Sometimes you might need some help from some influencers to put your brand back on the spotlight. Don’t overlook micro-influencers, they are often more influential and of course cheaper.
Don’t forget Instagram’s shoppable features With all the fuss going around Instagram, it’s no wonder why fashion brands have started using the platform to drive more sales into their business. Instagram offers some really cool shoppable features that you need to know. Let’s look at what we found:
Shopping posts: You have definitely seen these quite a lot lately. This new feature allows you to ‘tag’ products within the post and links the users into the respective website.
Target audience: Keep a close eye on Instagram analytics to see the people following your account. Are those the ones you want to target? If not, maybe it’s time to make some changes.
Giveaway: This is a great way to get to promote your brand and products while growing your followers.
Make your stories worth watching! If you are looking for inspiration for your Instagram stories, you are in the right place. Read through the next 12 tips to get your stories up and running!
Use links in your stories to drive users just where you want them to be. Swipe up all the way!
Use polls and get people to vote. So which outfit is the best?
Engage with your users with emoji sliders.
Use a questions sticker on your story and keep those questions coming!
Got an event coming up? Use the countdown sticker.
Don’t forget to add some funny elements as well. That’s what GIFs are for.
You can also add some music to go well with that vintage outfit in your story.
Go behind the scenes and capture those unpolished shots that will build a sense of honesty.
Don’t forget the hashtags! #instafashion
Post visually engaging content that will tempt users to buy that outfit.
And if you have posted something you don’t want to be forgotten, make sure you highlight it! Highlights are a key feature to keep in mind. It can really help you show off your top skills and grab the user’s attention instantly. Wondering how you can do this?
Group your stories into categories and let users decide on the content they want to watch. How about #summeroutfits, #styleinspiration and #trending? Check out ASOS Instagram page to see an excellent example of highlight categorization.
Keep it simple. Don’t overcrowd it. Nobody wants to watch 50 stories in a row.
Use emojis. It really does make a difference. So if you have a bikini collection you want to show off, make sure you add that bikini emoji. 👙
Hashtags: The Fashion Way
If you are wondering what hashtags you are better off using, we have this ready for you:
What’s IGTV All About?
Instagram TV introduces a new mobile-friendly type of content that can be up to 60 minutes long. The good thing about IGTV is that it is ad-free, which can really increase your viewership. IGTV can open up a whole new range of opportunities for brands to step into.
Keep in mind that your video needs to tell a story. So make it interesting and make sure you have your audience engaged all the way through. We can learn from Bacardi who introduced DJ A-Trak with the Twins along an Instagram poll to get users to vote on how the video should roll out. Based on the votes a music video was then developed. So get those IGTV videos up and running.
Measuring the Results
This point is one of the most important parts of your strategy but nevertheless, it is very often overlooked. In order to understand where you are good at, and where you need to improve, you will need to take a deeper look into performance metrics. Keep your eye on the growth rate, reach, engagement, conversion rate, clicks and sales to monitor how your strategy is performing. Make sure that you follow the constantly changing fashion world, and adapt your strategy accordingly.
You are all ready to dive in…
As Instagram is growing at an unprecedented rate, more and more fashion brands are diving into Instagram head first. This article was created to give you a good head start on the Instagram world. Make sure you read each and every section to get familiar with the endless Instagram features and tools, ranging from Instagram stories to IGTV.
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jutebugle4-blog · 5 years
11 Ecommerce Marketing Tips To Kickstart Sales
“If there’s anything that an online store needs, it’s to generate lots of traffic and have sales flow in like rain.
Some people think its easy peasy. You decide on the right product, set up your website, put out marketing ads, and sales come in. Sure, it’s simple and you can get it done, but it’s a long-term game that takes much effort to kickstart sales the way you’d like.
That’s why ecommerce marketing is a big deal. Regardless if you are just starting an ecommerce business from scratch or you’re years in, marketing is essential. You’ll need marketing tactics to draw people who don’t know anything about you to trust you and retain them.
In this article, I’ll share tested ecommerce marketing ideas that I use to get the ball rolling. Before I go into that, you need to understand that blindly working with a marketing idea without defined goals and strategies is senseless.
For any idea you pick from this list, you should align that idea (tactic) with your goal and strategy. If your goal is generating sales, it has to be more specific, say a certain amount of dollars worth of sales in a month.
Your ecommerce marketing strategy gives that goal a path, for example, increasing your brand’s reach. The tactic then takes it from there into the how you’ll achieve all of that. When you have done that, you can pick ideas from this list that aligns with your strategy.
1. Define your buyer persona and use personalization to improve customer service
You need to have results from this tip before you can accurately use the other ideas in this article.
If you have ever correctly created an audience on Facebook ad manager, you know how specific your audience can get. That’s almost what you should have. Your buyer persona represents a defined set of your target audience. Note down:
Demographics: age, sex, location, salary, education level, family status, occupation
Interests: Hobbies, values, attitudes, behaviors, lifestyle preferences
Personal: Goals, challenges, fears, pain points
If you are looking to sell eco-friendly diapers, then you’ll look for people to buy that product. It’s obvious that the primary buyer is a parent, but to get a concrete persona, you need a name, job, age group, and all.
We are also not just only looking to get demographic data, but also pain points.
So, take a look at discussions in forums. Mom/parent forums and blog comments or product reviews are resourceful places to find those for our test product. You can start with a Google search for discussion. Type “Product inurl:forum.”
Then check popular ecommerce marketplaces like Amazon, AliExpress, etc. for comments and reviews left by buyers.
Look out for people who not only buy the product but actually cares about them, to build a unique angle around who your buyer is.
2. Bring in localization by presenting your website in your customer’s local language
To up your conversion rate and dominate your market, gear everything you do on your ecommerce website towards the individual customer.
If you are delivering products to people in Portugal, Italy, or France, for example, using the local language of those countries over English is one way to pave your way into that market. You don’t have to spend many dollars on that. Some ecommerce platforms – Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce – provide translation features that you can set to sell to some people who don’t understand your language.
3. Use customer location to boost sales
There are many ways you could use individual customer location to lift sales. Alloy Apparel shows the trending items local to the visitor. For visitors outside the US, they replaced that section with bestsellers.
Another way you could go about it is sending offers to customers based on the weather in their location. If you sell women’s clothes, for example, in October, your banner could show bathing suits to someone in southern California and coats to your Maine Customers.
4. Address people with their names and go further to make them feel special
This is not the 2000s people. If you are still sending emails without addressing your customer with their names, what are you doing?
Every day, your potential customers get tons of emails from so many businesses, ecommerce and otherwise. If you want to sell your products and increase your chances of them actually reading whatever it is you crafted, address them with their names.
Secondly, in your emails, provide relevant links to each customer from their history and preferences. Make sure the messages are relevant and targeted. You could go as far as asking customers to reply to some of your emails or sending birthday messages (if you have that info).
Bonus tip: don’t over-personalize. That’s a thing. The line between using their personal information to market and invading their privacy is thin. Don’t cross it or they might perceive you as shady and take their money elsewhere.
5. Create epic content on a regular basis
For most things you want to write, I bet you there’s content on it already.
At the time this post was written (around 7 am EST), that number of blog posts had already been published on WordPress.com according to worldometers, that’s not adding those websites that are not on WordPress.com.
Creating content is more than SEO. Your content could rank on google, drive in mad traffic, and your visitors still bounce without purchasing anything because your content is not relevant. Sure, getting keywords with buyer intent and reverse engineering your competitors SEO strategy is great, but that’s all for traffic. Sales will be the one to get growth.
Content marketing is about driving brand loyalty and building authority – two things that you can easily convert to sales.
To differentiate, either give a different, more relevant perspective to what’s already on ground and/or write based on your own experience.
Whichever you go for, make it actionable. It should give 110%. Try to get images, videos even (how-tos are good rockets), screenshots, quotes, and other types of graphics that provide information to your visitors. Also, be yourself and write in your tone.
6. Scale up your content strategy by capitalizing on events that matter to your audience
One massive way to convince people to buy from you is putting your messages in the right places at the right time. Remember this?
Oreos took hold of the 34 minutes blackout at the Super Bowl XLVII stadium to show this.
You may not have the on-hand design team that they have, but you can come up with a way to astonish your audience in something that matters to them. In this case, the Oreos’ TA loves snacks during a game, add in the timeliness and humor of this ad, and you get more people who know and are willing to buy because there’s an amazing connection.
7. Use user-generated content to encourage sales
If you don’t have the time to craft fantastic content, let your customers do it for you. In some cases, that works better on conversion rates. That’s because customers like to see that you include them in what you are doing. Another thing is that customers trust information from other people over what you’re going to say.
User-generated content takes many forms. Guest posts and reviews are a big part. You could add those and go further, like Doritos with the super bowl ads of previous years or the #RedCupContest from Starbucks.
Contests are also a great way to build your email list or social media following.
You could also ask for UGC for a cause. At different times, Aerie, a female apparel brand gave $1 to the National Eating Disorders Association for every unretouched picture people took in either an Aerie underwear or swimsuit and posted with the hashtag #AerieREAL. That increased the brand’s popularity and sales.
The last UGC I’ll mention here is affiliate marketing. Letting others do the work for a small commision drives sales and bumps up revenue.
8. Send wishlist reminder emails to convince shoppers to take the last steps
Sending email for abandoned carts is a popular tactic. It’s great. However, you can up your game with wishlist reminder emails.
It’s so easy to forget items in our wishlist. I spent time on my profile after purchasing an item a few weeks ago and realized I had wishlist items from years ago that I didn’t buy. They weren’t even available anymore.
When someone places an item in a wishlist, it means they want it, so remind them.
Convince your visitors to take the final plunge in purchasing the products they have shown intent to buy. You could put urgency especially if it’s selling out; no one wants to miss out on a product they like. Alternatively, you can give a special promo like a discount or free shipping if they purchased.
9. Optimize your product descriptions to speak to the buyer persona
One mistake people make in their ecommerce store is having a copy-paste product description from the manufacturer’s website or just describing the features. That’s the lazy person’s way out that does nothing for you.
Every experience should speak to the customer. Your product description shouldn’t be different. I know it’s cotton, but what does that do for me?
Starting with your page title, make sure it’s well thought out, relevant, and delivers its message in less than 66 characters. Don’t clutter it with so many keywords all because you want to rank for search engines. Remember you are not selling to search engines but people. While SEO is important, think of your customers as well.
Make features fulfill the interest of your customers. You have defined who they are, and their pain points so make your features benefit oriented to fit the need. Even as you do that, do not leave out the critical information.
Also, write for your buyer persona. Your brand tone comes out of what you want to represent and who your customers are. Stick with that tone in your copy to connect with them and convert.
Looking at Man Crates website and their product pages, you can see that their copy has grit and tells who they are talking to because of the consistent strong voice.
10. Invest in high-quality product images to stand out
You better realize that every copy and product image tells a story to your visitors. The easiest thing to do is get product images from the manufacturer’s website, but that may not represent you. Take shots that say what you want to say. Get multiple angles with good quality. That way, it’s possible to see the back or zoom in.
11.  Use a loyalty program to get repeat purchases
Getting a customer to make the first sale is 6-7 times more expensive (and harder) than getting them to make repeat purchases, especially if they had a good first experience. If you are a one-time wonder, you’ll spend more on marketing and lose out where you would have gained. Optimizing for Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a proven route to scale up.
Customer loyalty programs give CLV.
A loyalty program entices customers to return and keep on purchasing. They are easy to set up, and as long as you do it right, people will flock in.
Make your customers feel like spending more money on your store by appreciating them with a reward. You can give points that they can use to get free products, discount coupons, free shipping, or if you offer subscriptions, they could get certain days/order free. When people feel a connection to you or your program, you’re on your way to success.
Once you have loyal customers, referral programs can accelerate growth.
Final thoughts
As you pick these ecommerce marketing tips to kickstart sales on your online store, A/B test to tighten up the slack areas.
You have to keep improving your sales and marketing process regularly to make online shopping as seamless as possible for your customers. A marketing plan without testing is sailing blind; you could hit a brick wall. Test parts of your product pages, checkout process, and landing pages. Use the results of those tests to improve your process.
What stage are you in your ecommerce marketing? Do you have any questions or concerns? Let me know in the comments.
Source: https://www.orbitmedia.com/blog/ecommerce-marketing-tips/
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rivaco · 7 years
$Happy Holidays$
Brands that did holiday marketing right and bright
What do Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas have in common?
Apart from the worldwide cheer, you get to see some big brands offering discounts and promotional offers that you’ve probably never heard of before (errr…unless you heard them last year… or the year before..or..you get my drift).
Plus, with a change in seasons (bye bye summer and hello winter), retailers, brands, and basically everyone in the market come rushing in with holiday discounts and offers.
It’s about the holiday spirit: It’s also a lot about the money
Did you know that, on an average, retailers make $57.4 billion on Black Friday and $2.29 billion on Cyber Monday alone? There’s obviously no reason to not hop onto the bandwagon when it comes to hooking in new customers for your brand.
Not surprisingly, the report discloses that Amazon was the most mentioned retailer on social media, with close to 450,000 posts; Walmart was a close second.
The term Black Friday itself received more mentions than did Thanksgiving! So yeah, Black Friday is a thing in America.
But there’s an even bigger frenzied holiday fad in China — Singles’ Day. It began as a protest of sorts against Valentine’s Day, propelled by college students in the 1990s, and is mostly linked to the e-commerce giant, Alibaba.
This year, Singles’ Day was bigger than ever, with Chinese consumers breaking all-time records by spending $25 billion across Alibaba’s e-commerce platforms. According to Bloomberg, the company’s processors handled 256,000 transactions per second on the Single’s day sale.
Want to jump in now and come up with a discounting strategy for your business? Here’s our round up of brands that have done it right — consider this list our holiday gift to you!
1. Starbucks
In about a month, it’s going to be the time of the year when everyone’s anticipating the Starbucks’ #RedCupContest.
In 2014 and 2015, with a simple strategy of inviting people to upload a picture of their Red Cup for a contest, Starbucks saw a picture on Instagram every 14 seconds. #RedCupContest was a clear winner.
What we love: Starbucks took customer engagement to the next level by inviting their customers to be a part of their marketing. And of course, everyone loves gifts!
2. Barnes & Noble
Some people are really good at gifting. They know exactly what to gift for which occasion. However, most of us have no clue about how gifting works and end up buying similar looking fancy hampers of chocolates.
So here’s what Barnes & Noble did. They invited people to tweet to using the #BNGiftTip, asking for book recommendations. And then they jumped in with book recommendations. Isn’t that amazing?
What we love: There is no better gift than a good read, and the personalization of such a gift really helps in building an emotional connect with a brand.
3. TD Bank
Everyone loves a little cheer around Thanksgiving. So, as part of its #MakeTodayMatter campaign, the TD Bank in the US and Canada made a video of the team giving out $30,000 to 24 people across 24 communities. These people were then asked to figure out how to give the money back to their neighborhood.
What we love: TD Bank were able to read into the spirit of the holidays, which is giving. And the campaign was a massive hit, as expected.
4. Hotel Tonight:
Hotel Tonight ran a huge campaign around the idea of making holiday visits to the family, a lot easier. Under the Visit, Don’t Stay theme, they gave customers the option to rent a hotel nearby instead of paying an uncomfortable visit to your family. People across social media were invited to share their horror (chuckle worthy) stories while on their holiday.
What we love: The campaign was a huge hit on social media because of their quirky posters and funny one liners.
5. Hinge
“What are you thankful for?”
This is the question that the dating app asked its users in an email. What’s interesting about this email is the timing — they sent it around Thanksgiving, a time when everyone wishes to spend the holidays with someone special. And Hinge was helping its users make real connections and be thankful for them during the holidays.
What we love: Did you know that ads that capitalize on sentimentality have been shown to score 50% higher in emotional appeal, no matter what the season might be?
Authored by Shivangi Gautam, who’s hibernating till it’s Christmas season. Also, a Content Marketer at Flock.
Consider these for your next read:
5 presentation tools for smart briefings
Get your Facebook pages now in Flock!
$Happy Holidays$ was originally published in Flock Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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reverseskydives · 7 years
How to Increase Revenue Without Acquiring New Customers
What’s your company’s growth strategy?
Businesses need continuous development to get out of a plateau.
I’ve spoken to many people about their marketing plans, and most of them are trying to come up with new ways to add more customers.
While customer acquisition is great, it’s not always necessary if your primary goal is to increase revenue.
Focusing on your existing customers will save and make you money too.
Don’t believe me?
Calculate your customer acquisition cost:
That’s how much money it takes for you to get just one new customer.
Was it higher than you thought it would be?
If you’re spending too much money on customer acquisition, it could bleed your company’s bank account dry.
Now, divide that number by 7.
Do you think that’s a little bit more reasonable?
Well, that’s how much it will cost you to retain an existing customer:
Plus, it’s easier to retain a customer.
They are already familiar with your brand, products, or services. There’s no learning curve and no need for the proof of concept with these customers.
You just have to keep them engaged and give them a reason to keep coming back.
If your current growth strategy isn’t working, it’s time to put a new one to the test.
Instead of focusing on new customers, put more effort into your existing ones.
Emphasize the customer experience
Evaluate your process.
What’s the step-by-step procedure a customer needs to go through to complete a sale?
Put yourself in the shoes of a consumer, and build a customer journey map.
This will help you determine the strengths of your organization as well as areas needing some improvement.
Having repeat customers doesn’t mean your system is perfect.
Your customers may not be completely satisfied, but they’re waiting for you to make the necessary adjustments.
Anything you can do to make things easier for the customer will improve their experience.
That’s why nearly 90% of businesses say customer experience is a driving force for loyalty and retention.
Here’s why that’s important.
Eighty-eight percent of consumers said they would pay more for a better customer experience.
That’s right.
Your existing customers are willing to pay more for your products and services if you can improve the existing process.
But here’s a problem I see all the time. Businesses don’t know how to identify those areas that need improvement.
Earlier I suggested building a customer journey map, but that doesn’t work for everyone. You need to ask your customers directly.
Create surveys.
Conduct interviews.
Give your customers an opportunity to speak their minds.
Even if they are complaining, it’s good for your business.
For every 26 unhappy customers, 25 will leave without saying a word.
You still have the opportunity to salvage the relationships with the ones who complained.
Chances are if one customer has feedback about your company’s product or service, they aren’t the only one who feels that way.
Take the results of your surveys and interviews very seriously.
Here are some examples of improvements you can make:
simplify the checkout process
provide more personalized products or content
optimize your website for mobile devices
offer more discounts or promotions
adjust your customer service hours
I realize it’s tough to implement lots of changes at the same time. But don’t get overwhelmed.
Focus on one thing at a time, and make sure each adjustment improves the customer experience.
Enhance customer loyalty
Loyalty is a key factor in customer retention.
Just because your repeat customers continue to buy from your business does not mean they are loyal.
Your company may just be convenient for them at the current time.
Here’s a hypothetical scenario to illustrate my point.
Let’s say you own a local coffee shop.
You have a customer who comes in nearly every day for their morning espresso.
This customer doesn’t like going to national chains, and you’re the closest local spot to their home.
They don’t mind the 10-minute drive each day as long as they are supporting a local business.
However, a new local coffee shop just opened up, and it’s only 2 minutes away from the customer’s house.
A loyal customer will continue to make the 10 minute drive to your place.
See the difference?
It also depends on your industry:
Look at where coffee is in this graphic.
It’s a retention-dependent industry whereas a low-frequency purchase, such as a vehicle, is more dependent on acquisition.
The average American has a car for 6.5 years. It’s difficult for an auto sales company to maintain customer loyalty over such a long period of time.
But it’s not impossible, especially if you can get that customer to keep coming back for regular maintenance and services on their vehicle.
What’s the best way to create loyalty?
In the ecommerce industry, you have to have strong email and social media marketing skills.
Both of these channels keep customers engaged, allowing you to establish personalized connections with them.
I’ll elaborate more on these topics as we continue.
Master your email marketing strategy
Don’t make it complicated.
Email marketing may be simple, but it’s super effective.
Make sure your messages provide value to the recipient.
Don’t send emails just for the sake of starting a new campaign.
Consider the following reasons for contacting your subscriber list via email:
keep them informed (new product, website update, etc.)
news release
discount or promotional offer
shopping cart abandonment message
order confirmation (plus order shipped and delivered)
Don’t spam your customers.
Receiving emails too frequently can be a major turn off for them and cause them to unsubscribe from your list.
That’s counterproductive.
For retail businesses, email marketing had the most significant impact on customer retention rates:
Here’s something else to consider.
Not all your current customers are subscribed to your email list.
Converting your existing customers into your subscribers should be part of your retention strategy.
You just have to give them an incentive to sign up.
Offer a discount.
Look at how Perry Ellis does this on their website:
You can use the same strategy on your site as well.
Ecommerce stores can also include an opt-in CTA in the order confirmation messages to those who checked out as guests.
You’re contacting these people regardless, so it makes sense to give them this option.
To give the customer some extra incentive, you can include a discount or exclusive offer here as well.
Personalize your communication when contacting customers via email.
Include their first name in the message.
Consider your tone when you’re writing.
Your voice shouldn’t sound robotic (even though the message might be automated).
Which one of these opening lines sounds better to you?
“Dear valued customer,”
“Happy Friday, Susan!”
The second option is much more personal.
This strategy will increase your open rates.
You can use your email marketing strategy to re-engage with customers who haven’t been active in a while.
This message will show them you appreciate their business.
If you can re-connect with a customer who hasn’t bought anything from your brand in the last 6 months, it will help increase your revenue.
Here’s an example from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital:
Even if your company isn’t a nonprofit organization, you can still employ the “we miss you” tactic.
Embrace social media to connect with your customers
If you want to have high customer retention rates, you can’t slack off in the social media department.
Consumers use Facebook for much more than just uploading pictures from their most recent vacations.
They want to interact with brands as well.
There are over 65 million local businesses on Facebook’s platform.
Your customers are significantly more active on these social channels than they are on your website.
It’s much more convenient for them to contact you here.
This goes back to what we discussed earlier regarding the customer experience.
If the only way your customers can contact you is Monday through Friday via telephone between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, that’s going to limit customer satisfaction.
But if you’re active on social platforms like:
your customers have more options and can select one based on their preference.
If you can find ways to increase engagement with your current customers, your revenue will grow as a result.
Live video streaming can help you accomplish this.
Consumers love live video content.
Compared to a pre-recorded video, people watch live streams three times longer, which means they’re engaged.
Think of your stream as a television show.
Don’t just come on randomly whenever you feel like it.
Schedule a time once a week to broadcast so your followers know exactly when they can expect to hear from you.
Getting weekly viewers can establish brand loyalty, which we discussed earlier.
Marketers who currently use live video to engage their existing customers believe it establishes a more authentic interaction with the viewers.
Here are some additional social media engagement tips:
respond to all comments on your page
post every day
answer customer service questions as fast as possible
run exclusive promotions
That last point is one of my favorite techniques, especially if you’re trying to create an effective customer retention strategy.
Everyone loves to get something free. So, give the people what they want. Or at least give them a chance to win.
Starbucks does this all time:
Their #RedCupContest encourages customers to design a cup and share their photos on social media.
It’s a brilliant strategy in terms of brand exposure in addition to the customer retention benefits.
Learn how to cross-sell and upsell
You can generate more revenue from your current customers by getting them to spend more money each time they make a purchase.
Here’s how it works.
Upselling encourages a customer to buy something similar to their initial purchase, but “higher end” (and more expensive).
Cross-selling entices the customer to make a purchase that will compliment something else they’ve bought.
These strategies are effective regardless of your industry.
It doesn’t have to be a tangible product.
For example, if you run a website to generate revenue, you can offer a more expensive monthly subscription to your users as an upselling strategy.
Businesses offering a service such as insurance cross-sell to their customers by offering home insurance as well as auto insurance.
Make sense?
Find out how you can apply these strategies to your business.
B2B companies have adopted this strategy too.
The more products or services your customers buy from you, the more likely they are to become emotionally invested in your business.
This establishes customer loyalty, the importance of which cannot be overstated.
While getting new customers is always exciting for a business, it’s not the only way to increase your revenue stream.
Look at your customer retention strategy first.
It’s often easier and significantly less expensive to implement than the customer acquisition strategy.
The customer experience is vital.
Focus on ways you can make adjustments that enhance your current process, structure, and platforms.
If you’re struggling to identify areas needing improvement, ask your customers for feedback through a survey or interview.
You need to increase customer loyalty.
Recognize that repeat customers are not necessarily loyal customers.
It’s important to know the difference.
The top two ways to increase loyalty and retention are:
social media
Mastering these strategies will improve retention rates throughout the customer life cycle:
Personalize your email campaigns.
Make sure your email provides value to the subscriber.
Try to get your existing customers to opt in to your email list if they haven’t subscribed yet.
When you’re interacting with customers on social media, you need to encourage engagement.
That’s why live video streams are such an effective strategy.
You can also increase revenue by getting your existing customers to spend more money each time they purchase something.
Cross-selling and upselling techniques can accomplish this for you.
You need to promote your most profitable products and services while learning how to recommend other complementary purchases.
If you follow these tips, you’ll generate more revenue without having to add new customers.
What kind of social media promotion are you going to run in order to engage your followers and increase customer retention?
from Social Media Marketing http://ift.tt/2yy2fAy via Social Media Marketing
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omesacreative · 1 year
Influencer marketing has been around for decades. It was only limited to high-paying celebrities. The internet changed that when bloggers and social media with a huge followings began promoting products to their followers. It has since evolved to become a mainstream advertising strategy.
Influencer marketing has become increasingly important in modern-day advertising due to the rise of social media and the decline of traditional advertising methods such as television and print ads.
In this blog, we will explore the predicted trends and changes in the world of influencer marketing in 2023. This will help businesses and marketers prepare for the future and adjust their influencer marketing strategies accordingly.
Vanity metrics are metrics that do not provide any real value to the business, such as the number of followers or likes on social media. Quality metrics, on the other hand, are metrics that provide real value to the business, such as engagement, click-through rate, and conversions.
Brands have realized that vanity metrics do not necessarily translate to business results. In 2023, it is predicted that brands will prioritize quality metrics to measure the success of their influencer campaigns.
Examples of quality metrics that brands will prioritize include
engagement rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, and brand impact.
Importance of influencer alignment with brands:
In 2023, it is predicted that brands will prioritize influencers who are aligned with their brand values. This means that influencers create content that resonates with their audience and fits in with a brand's.
The role of ROI and brand impact in measuring influencer campaign performance:
Brands will likely focus on measuring the return on investment (ROI) and the brand impact of their influencer campaigns in 2023 to determine the success of their campaigns.
●      THE POWER OF UGC (User-Generated Content)
UGC refers to content that is created by consumers or fans of a brands, such as reviews, photos, and videos. UGC is significant because it is authentic, relatable, and trustworthy.
In 2023, it is predicted that ratings and reviews, TikTok videos, and YouTube tutorials will be among the most popular types of UGC.
UGC can create social proof by showcasing how other consumers have used and enjoyed the brand's products or services. This can boost conversions by providing potential customers with the confidence to make a purchase.
Brands can repurpose UGC as part of their social media strategy by featuring it in offline advertising, on brand websites, or in email campaigns.
Examples of successful UGC campaigns include Starbucks' #RedCupContest and Coca-Cola's #ShareACoke campaign, which encouraged consumers to share photos of themselves with personalized Coke bottle
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filipeteimuraz · 7 years
How to Increase Revenue Without Acquiring New Customers
What’s your company’s growth strategy?
Businesses need continuous development to get out of a plateau.
I’ve spoken to many people about their marketing plans, and most of them are trying to come up with new ways to add more customers.
While customer acquisition is great, it’s not always necessary if your primary goal is to increase revenue.
Focusing on your existing customers will save and make you money too.
Don’t believe me?
Calculate your customer acquisition cost:
That’s how much money it takes for you to get just one new customer.
Was it higher than you thought it would be?
If you’re spending too much money on customer acquisition, it could bleed your company’s bank account dry.
Now, divide that number by 7.
Do you think that’s a little bit more reasonable?
Well, that’s how much it will cost you to retain an existing customer:
Plus, it’s easier to retain a customer.
They are already familiar with your brand, products, or services. There’s no learning curve and no need for the proof of concept with these customers.
You just have to keep them engaged and give them a reason to keep coming back.
If your current growth strategy isn’t working, it’s time to put a new one to the test.
Instead of focusing on new customers, put more effort into your existing ones.
Emphasize the customer experience
Evaluate your process.
What’s the step-by-step procedure a customer needs to go through to complete a sale?
Put yourself in the shoes of a consumer, and build a customer journey map.
This will help you determine the strengths of your organization as well as areas needing some improvement.
Having repeat customers doesn’t mean your system is perfect.
Your customers may not be completely satisfied, but they’re waiting for you to make the necessary adjustments.
Anything you can do to make things easier for the customer will improve their experience.
That’s why nearly 90% of businesses say customer experience is a driving force for loyalty and retention.
Here’s why that’s important.
Eighty-eight percent of consumers said they would pay more for a better customer experience.
That’s right.
Your existing customers are willing to pay more for your products and services if you can improve the existing process.
But here’s a problem I see all the time. Businesses don’t know how to identify those areas that need improvement.
Earlier I suggested building a customer journey map, but that doesn’t work for everyone. You need to ask your customers directly.
Create surveys.
Conduct interviews.
Give your customers an opportunity to speak their minds.
Even if they are complaining, it’s good for your business.
For every 26 unhappy customers, 25 will leave without saying a word.
You still have the opportunity to salvage the relationships with the ones who complained.
Chances are if one customer has feedback about your company’s product or service, they aren’t the only one who feels that way.
Take the results of your surveys and interviews very seriously.
Here are some examples of improvements you can make:
simplify the checkout process
provide more personalized products or content
optimize your website for mobile devices
offer more discounts or promotions
adjust your customer service hours
I realize it’s tough to implement lots of changes at the same time. But don’t get overwhelmed.
Focus on one thing at a time, and make sure each adjustment improves the customer experience.
Enhance customer loyalty
Loyalty is a key factor in customer retention.
Just because your repeat customers continue to buy from your business does not mean they are loyal.
Your company may just be convenient for them at the current time.
Here’s a hypothetical scenario to illustrate my point.
Let’s say you own a local coffee shop.
You have a customer who comes in nearly every day for their morning espresso.
This customer doesn’t like going to national chains, and you’re the closest local spot to their home.
They don’t mind the 10-minute drive each day as long as they are supporting a local business.
However, a new local coffee shop just opened up, and it’s only 2 minutes away from the customer’s house.
A loyal customer will continue to make the 10 minute drive to your place.
See the difference?
It also depends on your industry:
Look at where coffee is in this graphic.
It’s a retention-dependent industry whereas a low-frequency purchase, such as a vehicle, is more dependent on acquisition.
The average American has a car for 6.5 years. It’s difficult for an auto sales company to maintain customer loyalty over such a long period of time.
But it’s not impossible, especially if you can get that customer to keep coming back for regular maintenance and services on their vehicle.
What’s the best way to create loyalty?
In the ecommerce industry, you have to have strong email and social media marketing skills.
Both of these channels keep customers engaged, allowing you to establish personalized connections with them.
I’ll elaborate more on these topics as we continue.
Master your email marketing strategy
Don’t make it complicated.
Email marketing may be simple, but it’s super effective.
Make sure your messages provide value to the recipient.
Don’t send emails just for the sake of starting a new campaign.
Consider the following reasons for contacting your subscriber list via email:
keep them informed (new product, website update, etc.)
news release
discount or promotional offer
shopping cart abandonment message
order confirmation (plus order shipped and delivered)
Don’t spam your customers.
Receiving emails too frequently can be a major turn off for them and cause them to unsubscribe from your list.
That’s counterproductive.
For retail businesses, email marketing had the most significant impact on customer retention rates:
Here’s something else to consider.
Not all your current customers are subscribed to your email list.
Converting your existing customers into your subscribers should be part of your retention strategy.
You just have to give them an incentive to sign up.
Offer a discount.
Look at how Perry Ellis does this on their website:
You can use the same strategy on your site as well.
Ecommerce stores can also include an opt-in CTA in the order confirmation messages to those who checked out as guests.
You’re contacting these people regardless, so it makes sense to give them this option.
To give the customer some extra incentive, you can include a discount or exclusive offer here as well.
Personalize your communication when contacting customers via email.
Include their first name in the message.
Consider your tone when you’re writing.
Your voice shouldn’t sound robotic (even though the message might be automated).
Which one of these opening lines sounds better to you?
“Dear valued customer,”
“Happy Friday, Susan!”
The second option is much more personal.
This strategy will increase your open rates.
You can use your email marketing strategy to re-engage with customers who haven’t been active in a while.
This message will show them you appreciate their business.
If you can re-connect with a customer who hasn’t bought anything from your brand in the last 6 months, it will help increase your revenue.
Here’s an example from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital:
Even if your company isn’t a nonprofit organization, you can still employ the “we miss you” tactic.
Embrace social media to connect with your customers
If you want to have high customer retention rates, you can’t slack off in the social media department.
Consumers use Facebook for much more than just uploading pictures from their most recent vacations.
They want to interact with brands as well.
There are over 65 million local businesses on Facebook’s platform.
Your customers are significantly more active on these social channels than they are on your website.
It’s much more convenient for them to contact you here.
This goes back to what we discussed earlier regarding the customer experience.
If the only way your customers can contact you is Monday through Friday via telephone between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, that’s going to limit customer satisfaction.
But if you’re active on social platforms like:
your customers have more options and can select one based on their preference.
If you can find ways to increase engagement with your current customers, your revenue will grow as a result.
Live video streaming can help you accomplish this.
Consumers love live video content.
Compared to a pre-recorded video, people watch live streams three times longer, which means they’re engaged.
Think of your stream as a television show.
Don’t just come on randomly whenever you feel like it.
Schedule a time once a week to broadcast so your followers know exactly when they can expect to hear from you.
Getting weekly viewers can establish brand loyalty, which we discussed earlier.
Marketers who currently use live video to engage their existing customers believe it establishes a more authentic interaction with the viewers.
Here are some additional social media engagement tips:
respond to all comments on your page
post every day
answer customer service questions as fast as possible
run exclusive promotions
That last point is one of my favorite techniques, especially if you’re trying to create an effective customer retention strategy.
Everyone loves to get something free. So, give the people what they want. Or at least give them a chance to win.
Starbucks does this all time:
Their #RedCupContest encourages customers to design a cup and share their photos on social media.
It’s a brilliant strategy in terms of brand exposure in addition to the customer retention benefits.
Learn how to cross-sell and upsell
You can generate more revenue from your current customers by getting them to spend more money each time they make a purchase.
Here’s how it works.
Upselling encourages a customer to buy something similar to their initial purchase, but “higher end” (and more expensive).
Cross-selling entices the customer to make a purchase that will compliment something else they’ve bought.
These strategies are effective regardless of your industry.
It doesn’t have to be a tangible product.
For example, if you run a website to generate revenue, you can offer a more expensive monthly subscription to your users as an upselling strategy.
Businesses offering a service such as insurance cross-sell to their customers by offering home insurance as well as auto insurance.
Make sense?
Find out how you can apply these strategies to your business.
B2B companies have adopted this strategy too.
The more products or services your customers buy from you, the more likely they are to become emotionally invested in your business.
This establishes customer loyalty, the importance of which cannot be overstated.
While getting new customers is always exciting for a business, it’s not the only way to increase your revenue stream.
Look at your customer retention strategy first.
It’s often easier and significantly less expensive to implement than the customer acquisition strategy.
The customer experience is vital.
Focus on ways you can make adjustments that enhance your current process, structure, and platforms.
If you’re struggling to identify areas needing improvement, ask your customers for feedback through a survey or interview.
You need to increase customer loyalty.
Recognize that repeat customers are not necessarily loyal customers.
It’s important to know the difference.
The top two ways to increase loyalty and retention are:
social media
Mastering these strategies will improve retention rates throughout the customer life cycle:
Personalize your email campaigns.
Make sure your email provides value to the subscriber.
Try to get your existing customers to opt in to your email list if they haven’t subscribed yet.
When you’re interacting with customers on social media, you need to encourage engagement.
That’s why live video streams are such an effective strategy.
You can also increase revenue by getting your existing customers to spend more money each time they purchase something.
Cross-selling and upselling techniques can accomplish this for you.
You need to promote your most profitable products and services while learning how to recommend other complementary purchases.
If you follow these tips, you’ll generate more revenue without having to add new customers.
What kind of social media promotion are you going to run in order to engage your followers and increase customer retention?
https://www.quicksprout.com/2017/11/13/how-to-increase-revenue-without-acquiring-new-customers-customer-retention/ Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2017/11/how-to-increase-revenue-without.html
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mariemary1 · 7 years
Want to Create a Trail-Blazing Social Media Campaign? Here Are 13 Tips From Brands like Airbnb, Coca-Cola, and Starbucks
Running social media campaigns can be quite different from managing your social media profiles on an ongoing basis.
Unlike your ongoing social media marketing, campaigns tend to be for a specific purpose and only last for a certain time period. The strategy you’d take for running a social media campaign might be different from your usual social media marketing strategy.
So how do you run a successful social media campaign?
Through case studies of successful social media campaigns by companies like Airbnb, Coca-Cola, and Starbucks, you’ll learn actionable tips on increasing the reach and engagement of your next campaign.
13 Proven Tips on Running Successful Social Media Campaigns
Here’s a quick overview of all the 13 social media campaign tips. Feel free to click on the tip that interests you the most to jump to that tip.
Use existing platforms in a unique way
Experiment with new, emerging platforms
Get your audience involved
Tap into trending topics creatively
Let your audience be part of the experience live
Be creative with constraints
Encourage your audience to create and share
Focus on one platform
Keep things simple
Time it right
Use the latest features or technologies to create better content
Promote with social ads
Partner with other businesses
1. Use existing platforms in a unique way
Example: La Vie On Board (Life on Board)
Brand: Eurostar Agency: AKQA
Campaign details
To launch its new fleet of trains, Eurostar, a high-speed railway service, used Instagram with a unique twist — making use of Instagram’s “horizontal” profile gallery.
AKQA, the agency behind this campaign, created an illustration of the train journey, which consist of nearly 200 still images and animated videos, on the @lavieonboard account. Each of the posts describes a destination in London or Paris, hides a special offer (e.g. 2-for-1 tickets to museums), or tells a benefit of the new fleet, encouraging Eurostar’s audience to explore the entire profile.
To promote the campaign, Eurostar also worked with popular Instagram users and hosted social media contests where its followers were invited to post a selfie with the #eurostar hashtag.
This campaign generated 9.7 million impressions on Instagram and helped Eurostar increase its social media following.
Look for new ways to use the major social media platforms. Eurostar and AKQA created a separate Instagram account just for this campaign and used a format that has been rarely seen. Because of its uniqueness, many people tagged their friends on the posts, asking them to check out the account.
As part of our end-of-2016 campaign, we created a separate Instagram account, @bufferlove, with special posts to thank our customers for supporting us.
2. Experiment with new, emerging platforms
Example: Share a Coke and a Song
Brand: Coca-Cola Agencies: Universal McCann
Campaign details 
(Image from Coca-Cola)
Wanting to refresh the concept of “Share a Coke” and seeing the success of “Share a Coke and a Song” in China, Coca-Cola decided to bring the “Share a Coke and a Song” idea into the U.S., too. Instead of a name on the coke package, Coca-Cola featured lyrics of songs in line with its brand values of optimism, refreshment, and inclusion.
For part of the campaign, Coca-Cola and its agency turned to Musical.ly, a social media platform where many teenagers create and share their own music videos. They also partnered with Jason Derulo, a popular artist and Musical.ly fan, to host a contest which invited their followers to create music videos with the songs on the bottles and share them on Musical.ly.
This campaign generated more than 900,000 Musical.ly videos, which generated 134 million views and drove the #ShareaCoke hashtag to trend as the top hashtag on the platform.
Experiment with new platforms where the target audience of your campaign might be. To reach teenagers who are interested in music, Musical.ly was the perfect platform for Coca-Cola’s campaign. Other platforms you could explore include Anchor, Meetup, Medium, Messenger, WeChat, Line, Kik, Unsplash, and Ello.
3. Get your audience involved
Example: Taco Emoji Engine
Brand: Taco Bell Agency: Deutsch L.A.
Campaign details
What’s #TacoEmojiEngine? Tweet us a + any other emoji to find out. pic.twitter.com/tioahCA0WC
— Taco Bell (@tacobell) November 9, 2015
To celebrate the launch of the Taco emoji, Taco Bell partnered with Deutsch L.A. to create the Taco Emoji Engine.
When people tweeted @tacobell using the new taco emoji plus one additional emoji, the Taco Emoji Engine would automatically respond with one of 600 taco-based photos and animated GIFs. For example, a taco and a smiley face with sunglasses would generate a taco wearing sunglasses:
The #TacoEmojiEngine garnered more than 798,000 engagement and generated the highest amount of brand mentions in a day for Taco Bell.
Involve your audience and engage them on social media during your campaign. While Taco Bell created an application to automate the replies, such a campaign could be done manually by a team with sufficient preparation, too. (See Airbnb’s campaign below.)
4. Tap into trending topics creatively
Example: #LiveInTheMovies
Brand: Airbnb Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day\LA
Campaign details
Airbnb realized that the Oscars was a great marketing opportunity for its storytelling brand image. But as Marriott Hotels was one of the sponsors of the ceremony, Airbnb was not allowed to advertise during the ceremony or mention the Oscars or any of the nominated films.
The brand worked around this limitation with a brilliant social media campaign, #LiveInTheMovies. Airbnb asked its followers which movie they would like to live in during that weekend and replied the responses with Airbnb listings that matched the movie location (and even offered free stays for some).
The campaign generated more than 63 million impressions and 1.3 million video views, which were more than what any other brands had achieved during the Oscars weekend.
Think out of the box and try new things. Social media has helped level the playing field. Small businesses with limited budgets but great, relevant content are now able to reach more people than before through social channels. It’ll be worthwhile trying new, creative marketing experiments that are in line with your brand.
5. Let your audience be part of the experience live
Example: Play Melbourne
Brand: Visit Victoria Agency: Clemenger BBDO
Campaign details:
Visit Victoria, the state tourism board, wanted its audience to see Melbourne in its true state and not only through high-quality, professionally-produced videos. So they used Periscope for part of its Play Melbourne campaign.
A host traveled around Melbourne and “brought” the audience to locals’ favorite hangout areas like hidden rooftop gardens and major events like the Australian Open Tennis Tournament. Viewers could vote for the activities and share their personal experiences at the various locations during the live-streams.
Through the more than 40 Periscope broadcasts, Visit Victoria generated more than 28,000 views.
Create opportunities for your audience to experience your events live. With features like Facebook Live, Instagram Live, and Periscope, your audience can be part of the experience from almost anywhere. Apart from broadcasting the event, encourage people following online to participate by voting, sharing their thoughts, or asking questions.
6. Be creative with constraints
Example: Hungry Singers
Brand: Snickers Agency: BBDO New York
Campaign details:
Snickers’ “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign has been a global success. When it was launching a new Snickers product, the company and the marketing agency wanted to continue with the successful marketing concept.
Knowing that Facebook auto-plays videos without sound, they used this limitation to create a surprise in line with their campaign slogan. They created music videos that look like normal music videos when they are played without sound and had a call-to-action to tap to hear what hunger sounds like.
When people tapped on the video and the sound is turned on, they’d be surprised by a funny music that one wouldn’t expect from the looks of the video. For example, one of their videos featured a rock band singing The Wheels on the Bus!
These Facebook videos and the other ads made for the campaign were seen more than 16 million times.
Use constraints to create innovative surprises for your audience. For example, Instagram stories only appear for 24 hours. Is there anything fun or valuable you can do with that?
7. Encourage your audience to create and share
Example: #RedCupContest
Brand: Starbucks Agency: 72andSunny
Campaign details:
Look who’s back! Our blank #RedCups return tomorrow for 1 day. Can’t wait to see what you do with them. Share by tagging #RedCupArt.
A post shared by Starbucks Coffee ☕ (@starbucks) on Dec 16, 2016 at 12:23pm PST
For almost 20 years, Starbucks has been using beautifully-designed red cups for the holiday season. In 2015, they simplified the design to a red cup with just the Starbucks logo. Customers started drawing on the red cups, and Starbucks took the opportunity to invite people to share their artwork on Instagram with the #RedCupArt hashtag. In eight days, it received over 1,200 artworks from all around the world.
In 2016, Starbucks took the campaign to another level. It designed that year’s red cups with 13 designs submitted by customers in the previous year and gave out free plain red cups, inviting people to submit their red cup art again. It then showcased some of its favorite designs in its Instagram stories and featured the top nine design in an Instagram post.
Invite your audience to co-create content with you and thank them by featuring their content on your social media (or giving them gift vouchers). This is a great way to engage your audience. If your audience is millennials, a research by Millennial Marketing found that 40% of millennials want to co-create products and brands with companies.
8. Focus on one platform
Example: Pinterest Yard Sale
Brand: Krylon Agency: Deutsch
Campaign details
Krylon, the spray paint brand, wanted to distinguish itself from its competitors. While most spray paint brands emphasize on the protection their paint provides, Krylon wanted to highlight that its paint can turn old items into valuable objects.
To do that, the DIY experts at Krylon bought 127 items from the world’s longest yard sale, transformed them with a layer of Krylon paint, and sold them on Pinterest for at least twice the cost. (The timing was perfect as Pinterest just launched their buyable pin feature then.)
The campaign increased the daily visits to Krylon’s Pinterest page (its priority social media channel) by 400% and generated an estimated $2.7 million worth of earned media.
It can be tempting to use all your social media profiles to promote your campaign. Especially for small businesses with limited resources, it’s often better to focus on one or a few channels than to use all the available channels.
If you want to promote something that is visual, consider Instagram, Pinterest, or YouTube. Otherwise, Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn might be a better option.
9. Keep things simple
Example: Know Your Lemons Breast Health Education
Organization: Worldwide Breast Cancer, Know Your Lemons Designer: Corrine Ellsworth Beaumont
Campaign details
The passing of her grandmothers due to breast cancer prompted Corrine to find out more about breast cancer, according to an article from Mashable. But she couldn’t find any resource that explained the signs of breast cancer and when one should get a mammogram, in an easy-to-understand way.
As a designer, she decided to spread the information through self-explanatory graphics. She created a series of graphics, which reached 166 million people in January alone.
“I think the reason why it’s gone so viral is because people can look at the images without having to read anything. In one minute people can learn all symptoms of breast cancer without feeling like they’re being educated”, Corrine told Mashable.
Keep your campaign promotional materials, such as your slogan, graphics, and videos, simple. We found that self-explanatory graphics do well on Twitter for us because people can quickly understand the message, making such graphics are highly shareable.
10. Time it right
Example: ADT Ghost Monitoring
Brand: ADT Agency: SapientRazorfish
Campaign details
ADT’s customer service rep, Xavier Rollins, received an unusual request from one of the company’s customers. The customer’s son was afraid of ghosts, and she wanted Xavier to help reassure her son that there are no ghosts in the house. And Xavier did it — brilliantly. Xavier told the customer’s son that they have a ghost alarm in their house, and if the alarm is triggered, the police will be sent to chase the ghost away.
ADT and its agency created a minute-long animation of the story with the actual phone conversation as the audio. To maximize the impact of the campaign, they waited till just before the National Ghost Hunting Day to post the video.
The video turned out to be a great success, gaining over 130,000 impressions and over 1,000 links to ADT.com.
Consider scheduling your campaign around relevant events or occasions when your audience might be more likely to be talking about the topic. Such timeliness will make your campaign more relevant to your audience, and they might be more likely to engage with and share your content.
We’d love to help you create awesome social media campaigns. Start your 14-day free trial of Buffer for Business to schedule your posts and analyze your performance!
11. Use the latest features or technologies to create better content
Example: Don’t Go There. Live There.
Brand: Airbnb Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day
Campaign details
Join us in London! Jump into an Airbnb experience on #Periscope360. Just move your phone around and see what happen… https://t.co/z1bFRV9q1u
— Airbnb (@Airbnb) January 6, 2017
Airbnb found that 86 percent of its users use Airbnb because they want to live like a local, and not a tourist. That led to its new marketing campaign, “Don’t go there. Live there.”, which encourages people to not tour, but live in a new city like a local.
When 360 live-streaming became available on Twitter, Airbnb jumped on the opportunity to provide its users with immersive experiences of living in an Airbnb home and participating in an Airbnb experience through live 360 videos.
The two videos have been watched by more than three million people around the world.
Use the newest social media features (e.g. 360 live videos) or the latest technologies (e.g. 360 cameras or drones) to create unique content for your campaigns. The novelty of the content can attract people to interact with it and give them a reason to share it with their friends.
(If you are looking into live-streaming 360 videos, I found this $249 360 camera which can be used for Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and Periscope.)
12. Promote with social ads
Example: Don’t Go There. Live There.
Brand: Airbnb Partner: Amobee
Campaign details
(Image from Instagram)
To spread awareness of its “Don’t Go There. Live There.” marketing campaign, Airbnb partnered with Amobee, an Instagram Ads API Partner, to use Instagram ads to reach travel enthusiasts on Instagram.
By targeting specific interests and testing multiple ad creatives, the ad campaign garnered 53.5 million impressions, 4.9 million video views, and 31,000 clicks to Airbnb’s website.
If you have some money to spare in your budget, consider promoting your campaign with ads on the relevant social media platforms. A common strategy I’ve seen is to run the ads before the actual campaign starts to generate an initial round of awareness and interest.
To help you get started, here’re our complete guides to Facebook and Instagram ads.
13. Partner with other businesses
Example: Stranger Things Super Bowl Ad
Brand: Kellogg’s Eggo Agency: VML
Campaign details
Netflix’s Stranger Things Super Bowl ad was one of the most watched Super bowl ads this year. The YouTube video has more than 15 million views (at the time of writing), and the ad generated over 300,000 tweets during the game (as reported by Fast Company).
But there’s another winner here — Kellogg’s Eggo, which was featured in Season 1 of Stranger Things. A part of its 1980 ad appeared at the start of Stranger Things’ ad (which meant that people were essentially watching an Eggo ad, too). The tweets Eggo prepared for the ad campaign also generated more than 9,000 retweets and more than 20,000 Likes combined.
Once Kellogg saw that Eggo appeared prominently in Season 1 of the show, it and its agency decided to partner with Netflix, which led to this great product placement in the ad, according to Ad Age.
Collaborate with businesses who are in line with your brand and would also benefit from your campaign. Some of our recent successful campaigns were partnerships with companies like Product Hunt, SkillShare, and Pocket.
When a potential partner mentions or features you in their content or website, reach out to thank them and slowly build a mutually-beneficial relationship. You could even feature them in your content first.
What other takeaways do you have?
While these campaigns were run by big companies with huge marketing budgets, there’re many lessons you can take away from their successes. I hope you have found these tips useful for your next social media campaign, and I wish you all the best for it!
It’ll be great to hear if you have taken away any other learning points from these campaigns. If you have any tips on running great social media campaigns, feel free to share them below, too!
Image credit: Unsplash
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bigmikeyt17 · 7 years
How to Improve Your Instagram Game
In today’s world we are constantly posting on social media. One of those popular forms of social media is Instagram. We as individuals not only use it, but corporate and small companies use Instagram. However, the uses for each are different. We as individuals usually use Instagram for likes and selfies. Whereas businesses use Instagram primarily for the promotion of their business in order to get more likes and followers which will convert to consumers of their products. This article that I came across, “5 Ways to Improve Your Instagram Game” by Katrina Padron, gave tips for businesses on how to more properly utilize Instagram for the business. The tips were advertising, know your message, leave breadcrumbs, offer unique content, and create a special deal for Instagram Users. These tips are very useful and how you use them will determine how many followers/consumers you have on Instagram.
Under advertising it says that you should focus on a specific design aesthetic for all of your pictures posted. Doing so will allow users to recognize your ads just by looking at them. They will see the picture and they will know that it’s your business that the picture is representing. With knowing your message you give the consumers a brand they can identify with. They will also know what the brand stands for and your message should tell that story consistently which in turn will cement your authority. In order to do so you should have attractive images and videos so that your follower will come back for more. They will come back because you’re no longer a brand to them, you’re a brand that enhances their lifestyle. If you can hone in to a consumers lifestyle then you are doing something right. Under leaving breadcrumbs it lets you know of the geotagging feature that you can use. You can use this feature to add your location to your photos and help people find your physical location. You can also add custom hashtags and/or your Instagram handle to your posts so that other users can tag you when the post is shared. In the long run that helps you keep track of the content that they have responded to. Offering unique content is pretty self-explanatory. You want to think outside the box when it comes to creating content. If you just base your content off of another businesses post then it will become repetitive to the customer and you will lose customers in the process. The article also states that you can share posts that include up to 10 photos. With this you have an opportunity to create longer visual stories that are more appealing to consumers and will convince them to want to see the ad. The last tip, create a special deal for Instagram Users, all it says is that you should offer coupon codes for a product or service to anyone that follows or interacts with your Instagram account. Also include in that are sweepstakes and contests. An example of that is Starbucks. Back in December of 2015 they launched their #RedCupContest in which customers were asked to post images celebrating their iconic red cups. The top five winners were given a $500 preloaded Starbucks gift card. This goes to show that a simple contest can go a long way in customer interaction.
When I first saw the title of this article I thought that this was no use to me because I don’t have an Instagram. I know that comes as a shock to most people, but I don’t have one. But when I started reading it I got into it and I learned a lot. These tips are not just helpful when it comes to Instagram. They can also be used on other platforms, but would have to be adjusted to fit the platforms use. Instagram is on the rise and should be taken full advantage of with the use of these tips found in this article.
Thanks for the Read.
Michael Thomas
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