#resume for part time job in canada
flemingsfreckles · 2 months
Physio’s Daughter
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Jessie Fleming x Physio!Reader
Preview: Reader is following in her mother’s footsteps in becoming a physiotherapist and gets the opportunity to spend the afternoon with the Canadian women’s soccer team.
Warnings: none
WC: 3.7k
A/N: this is going to be a few parts
You couldn’t believe you were attending ‘bring your kid to work day’ with your mom as a 22 year old but here you were, in the car on the way to her work.
“Are you sure I’m not too old to be coming with you?” You questioned your mom.
“It’ll be just like going to your clinical rotations. Plus you can put it on your resume, so it's really just helping you.” That’s how your mom had tried to convince you that you’d have fun coming to work with her. “Plus I talked with my boss, he said as of now we have an extra spot on the physio team to take someone to the Olympics, if you do well today, maybe it could be you.”
“Wouldn’t you want someone who's more qualified, not just a student?” You were in the process of obtaining your certification as a physiotherapist. You had finished your bachelor’s degree and were in the middle of your post graduate athletic therapy program.
“We have all the staff we need, they think bringing on someone young might be good. The players might like having someone closer to their age, not just all 40 and 50 year olds on their staff. Plus you’re plenty qualified, we have students in and out of the facility all the time.”
As a kid you always tagged along with your mom, you didn't have much of a choice, having a single mom who worked late hours in secondary schools meant your evenings were spent in her training room or on the sidelines of games. The older you got, the less you went with your mom, opting to stay home or spend time with friends instead of accompanying her at work. When you moved out to go to university you had chosen to follow in your Mom’s footsteps, intending to become a physiotherapist as well. At the same time you moved out, your Mom took on a new job, one that allowed her to travel more, a job with the Canada’s Women’s Soccer Team.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to spend the day with your mom, you were interested in seeing her work, it was more that you knew you'd be the oldest “kid” who was at her work, a lot of her other staff had either young children or kids that had moved away and were on with their own lives.
The ride to the training facility was short, you got out of the car, and walked into the front door. You followed your mom around the facility, having no idea where to go. She walked you down and around various hallways, saying hello to the other staff who passed with their small children. You just would give a polite hello and a wave before continuing down the hall.
It was a weird feeling, walking into a room of players you recognized from TV, players who were well known across the country and the world, and yet they greeted your Mom with a hello and questions about her weekend, as if they were friends.
“That is my daughter, she thinks she's too old to be here but she's studying to be a physio too so I figured I'd bring her here and get some free labor.” You hear your mom joking with the two players standing in front of her, she's pointing at you over her shoulder and the two players who you recognized to be Janine Beckie and Ashley Lawrence were looking over at you. You politely wave and move over in their direction.
“Hi.” Not knowing what to say to them, you just keep it short.
They both introduce themselves to you, you assume just being polite of them, it would be hard to not know who they were. One of the other physios comes in, taking Ashley to get taped, your mom taking Janine to work on her knee. Not sure what to do with yourself you just stand back, as if you were back to being a shy 6 year old in a new environment hiding behind your mom. You watch your mom work, she moves effortlessly, doing tasks in seconds that would take you minutes. You always admired your Mom at her work but you had a new appreciation now that you had begun school and realized how much work and time it took to learn everything.
Players come and go, getting various treatments, keeping the staff busy. You watch around, seeing the rest of the staff, how they work with the players, how they all seemed so relaxed and at ease.
“Hi Jessie, how are you, what do you need today?” Your mom looks past you toward the door where Jessie Fleming had walked in. Obviously you knew who she was, her olympic heroics from many years ago making her a Canadian household name. On top of her soccer talent that drew your attention as a kid, her appearance definitely didn't hurt. You had always found her pretty, a silly little school girl crush when you were younger watching her on TV as she played as a teenager, something that you had forgotten about over the years but her standing in front of you brought it all back up.
“Hi, I’m doing well. Can I just get my calf worked out? I’ve been having some tightness.” She looked at your mom, a polite smile across her face, she pointed at the empty table as she asked.
“Can you handle that?” You realize your mom is looking at you, asking you to help with Jessie as the rest of the staff is held up with other players. She’s asking you to help
“Um, yeah, sure.” You weren’t going to say no, plus you could handle a simple massage.
“Jessie, this is my daughter, she’s a physio student and plenty qualified to massage your calf, I promise.” You roll your eyes at your mom’s comment, feeling embarrassed that she has to explain that you’re able to help. You wash your hands and walk over to the table Jessie had sat down on.
“Hi, I’m Jessie.” She introduces herself, her hand extended for a handshake, you can't help but let out a small laugh at the fact that she of all people is introducing herself.
“I know who you are.” Your hand meets hers taking her handshake and you quickly introduce yourself to her. Her hand is soft but her handshake is firm, it only lasts a second before you pull back, pointing to her legs.
“Which calf?” You look at her. She points to her left before taking off her sock and she rolls over onto her stomach shifting up the table so that just her foot is hanging off the edge. You grab lotion and rub it into your hands before placing your hands slowly onto Jessie’s leg. You take a few passes of your hands over her leg before starting to dig into the muscle. It doesn't take you long to find the knot that is resting in her leg, focusing on it. You feel Jessie clench her muscle and slightly pull her leg away. You quickly lighten the pressure you were putting on her and you look at the direction of her face. You see a small grimace across her face.
“Are you good?” The last thing you want is to hurt the captain of the team, that probably wouldn't go over well with anyone.
“Yeah it's just sore. I’ve had some previous injury with it.” You knew that, you knew about most of the players' previous injuries, they were publicly announced anyway and you liked to keep up with your mom on what she was doing at work.
“Sorry.” Not sure if it's appropriate to apologize, you do it anyway.
“Oh don’t be, it’s never been a huge injury so I’m lucky. Unless you were saying sorry about the soreness, but then don’t worry, it’s sort of a good hurt I guess.” She stumbles a bit with their words, looking back at you over her shoulder. With her confirmation that the pain wasn’t bad, you return your pressure to her leg, working your fingers deep into her skin.
“Is she doing alright Jessie?” The voice of your Mom comes from behind you, you turn to see her walking up toward you, finished with the other athletes.
“She might be better than you.” Jessie laughs joking with your mom. “No but seriously she's doing great.”
“I taught her well then.” Your mom gives you a pat on the shoulder before walking away and moving to a desk to do some paperwork.
You finish up with Jessie’s calf, letting her know she should be good to go, the knot being worked out. She stands up with a smile and thanks you for the help. She uses your name when she thanks you which causes a small blush to come across your cheeks. You can't keep your eyes off of her as she walks out to head to the field. When she turns the corner and out of your sight you shake your head, trying to clear your mind as you feel the small childhood crush come crawling back up.
You clean up the table you had been working on, putting the lotion away and wiping down the table with sanitizer. Moving over to where your mom was working, she was completing reports for each of the players who had come in for treatment, she passed them to you to file once she’s completed with them. When the paperwork is done you follow her out to the pitch. You find yourself sitting on the bench, watching as the players work through drills, your mom occasionally going to chat with the coaching staff or other physios.
You couldn't help but watch Jessie, watching how effortlessly she made moving the ball look, how much power and control she had on the ball, it was fascinating. On a couple of occasions you found yourself admiring her physique a little too much, watching as her muscles twitch with every movement. You also started to notice she was favoring her weight on her right leg the longer practice went on.
“Mom.” You get your mom’s attention, not wanting to make the call yourself on if Jessie’s movements were unusual. “Does Fleming usually favor her right leg?”
“What?” She moves over closer to you, looking out to the field in the direction of Jessie. You both watch as Jessie takes another pass, moving upfield with the ball. “Oh, no she doesn't, I mean she prefers her right foot, but not like that.”
At the next water break you see your mom sitting in front of Jessie, hand on her calf, you watch as they talk about your mom maneuvering her leg. When the team moves back to the field, the players and coaches bring out their kids, letting them join in on games. Jessie stays sitting, now talking with your mom and the coach. She then stands up, your mom following her in your direction.
“Can you take her inside? I want to be overcautious and treat her for a calf strain, heat pack, use the TENS unit, then have her roll out, ice and tape.” Your mom throws a laundry list of tasks at you.
“Of course.” You stand up, grabbing your water and phone from next to you before heading in the direction of the physio room.
“Sorry you're getting stuck with me again.” You apologize to Jessie, trying to make small talk with the girl and also hoping she doesn’t feel like she’s getting stuck with just the student again.
“Oh, I don't mind. I wasn't really joking earlier when I said you did a better job than your mom.” She gives you a smile, you feel the flutter in your stomach. Her praise is nice, but it's the smile that she's giving you that makes your stomach flip, it’s gentle and friendly. “Don't take that the wrong way, your mom is excellent, just it was different, you were more thorough maybe, I’m not sure, it was just different.” Jessie rambles.
“That's probably because I’m more nervous about messing up than they are.” You’re honest, you were doing everything to the exact standard, following the expectations you had been taught in class, yet to develop your own style.
“You’re nervous?” She seems surprised.
“I mean, wouldn’t you be, being brought into a professional sports team and being asked to help that team's captain while you're still a student? I mean I guess you’re usually level headed, penalty machine and all.” Thankfully you have half a brain to not throw in that the captain being attractive was definitely adding to your nerves.
“Oh believe me, I was nervous for those penalties but I’ve always thought nerves are good, they show you care. How much more school do you have?” She continues with the small talk.
“Just another semester. And then licensing tests, but just a semester of school.”
“That's exciting, do you know what you are going to do after that?” You make your way into the training room, holding the door open for Jessie to walk through.
“I don’t know, probably work at some secondary school to start, work my way up to bigger teams, I'll have to see what options I have. Go ahead and sit up on the table.” You point at the table at the end of the room as you move over to where the heat packs were stored. Jessie is sitting on the table, watching you when you turn around. You lift her foot, placing the heat pack on the table before placing her calf down on top of it.
“Is it still just sore or is it more sharp now?” Turning the conversation back to a more professional topic away from the small talk about yourself.
“Just sore, feels like a sore muscle.”
“You know, it's nice to actually meet you finally.” When you give her a confused look, she continues “I just mean your mom talks a lot about you.”
“Oh that's embarrassing.” You regret saying it as soon as it comes out of your mouth, you loved your mom, you know you shouldn’t be embarrassed about her talking about you.
“No, it's actually really sweet, I hope my parents talk about me even half as much as your mom talks about you. She’s so proud of you. You're her world.”
“Yeah, I know, it was always just the two of us. I know she misses me when I’m at school, I feel bad leaving her sometimes.” You look down, then realize youre probably giving way too much information to someone who likely doesn't care. “Sorry, I don't mean to talk about my personal stuff.”
“No problem, I don't mind, it's nice talking to you,” she quickly corrects her sentence “to someone closer to my age.”
You pull up a stool and sit with Jessie while she uses the heat pack. When the heat pack starts to cool off you slide over and start digging around for the TENS unit your mom recommended. When you’ve opened your third cabinet and had no luck finding it Jessie speaks up.
“They keep the TENS over there.” She points across the room to a different cabinet. You push up off the stool and move over to where she pointed, opening a drawer and finding it quickly.
“Sorry, I obviously don’t know where anything is, I didn't have time to really get acclimated this morning.” You feel embarrassed, already feeling inferior being the student but now being clueless and having to have Jessie tell you where everything is.
“That’s alright.” She reassures you. You move back and attach the pads onto her calf, turning the machine on low and handing her the controls and tell her to leave it on for 10 minutes. She messes with the controls of a second before setting down the remote and slightly leaning back, her arms propped behind her. Not knowing what to do with yourself you stand up and move over to the other tables where rolls of tape, bandaids, scissors, and various other tools used by the trainers are askew. You tidy up, finding where things belong through your own searching.
“So what do you do outside of school?” You had gotten used to the silence that Jessie’s voice breaks.
“Well school takes up most of my time, I wish I could travel more, I miss going to new places, seeing new things. But unfortunately school turns me into a pretty boring person.”
“Maybe you’ll get a travel experience this summer eh?” You turn at her, you’re assuming she’s implying going with your mom to Paris for the Olympics. “Your mom mentioned she wanted you to come with the team.”
“Yeah she said something about it to me, I mean I’d have to have her boss, Mark, pick me, I think there’s a few people they’re looking at for the trip. She thinks it’ll be a good experience for me for future jobs. I know it would look good on a resume and all but I also don’t want to get the opportunity just because my mom is here.”
“If it means anything you have my vote, the other people have been boring.” Jessie quickly says. “Sorry that’s not what I meant. I just meant, you’ve been the best one they’ve tried out. You care the most, at least it seems like you do. Plus you’re easy to talk to, the rest were too caught up on work, some of them stressed me out just being around them. And no one else was as observant. Your mom mentioned you were the one to see I was putting my weight off center, that’s why it’s important to have fresh eyes.”
“Yeah, I just happened to be watching, I get told I’m observant a lot.” You move your hands to take the TENS unit off of her gently peeling the pads from her skin. You move to grab her the foam ball across the room, tossing it in her direction. Jessie tried to catch it, it bounces off her hands, into her face and then onto the floor.
“Oh my god sorry, I didn’t mean to throw it that hard.” You throw your hands in her direction apologizing. Moving quickly across the room you pick up the ball where it had rolled before gently placing it in her hand.
“Nope, that was my fault. There’s a reason I play a foot sport.” She laughs. Her laugh is beautiful, it fills the room momentarily. It makes you feel light inside.
Just as she moves to the floor to begin rolling out her calf, the training room door opens and in comes the loud crowd of her teammates. They move in all directions across the room, some moving to the ice bath, some moving to grab heat packs. Some move to take off tape, tossing it in the trash. It’s loud, conversations in every direction and you’re quickly swept away, your arm being pulled by your mom as she moves you over to where the ice cooler was. You’re instructed to make ice bags for the players who want them and help them wrap the ice wherever they want it. It’s an easy task but it takes you away from Jessie, no longer having the quiet privacy of the training room.
You wrap arms and legs and shoulders and backs and feet with ice. You can’t help but keep glancing at Jessie, she was still rolling her calf, chatting with her teammates as they walked by. On a couple instances you caught her looking back at you, she’d give a quick smile before looking away. You finish the last player requesting ice and when you look up Jessie is now sitting on the table with Mark, he’s taping her calf. A small part of you feels jealous, which is insanely stupid you tell yourself, she’s his player not yours, he’s the head trainer, you’re not even one, it should be him doing the work.
Only a few minutes later, Jessie hops off the table, giving you a wave and a shout of thanks before leaving the room. Only staff remained, the rest of the players on their way home for the day. You finish cleaning up, asking your Mom a couple of times where everything belongs, making sure nothing gets put away in the wrong place.
It feels like time has flown by in the eight hours that you have been at the training center, before you know it you’re headed out to the car with your mom, the same way you came in this morning.
“Mark wanted to extend the offer for you to spend the rest of the summer here, and for the Olympics. He’s going to give you a call tomorrow, but he gave me a heads up. It can probably count as some clinical work for school, he said he’ll just have to get the paperwork sorted. Something about high praises from a certain team captain.” Your mom nudges you with her shoulder. You look at her and you can tell she’s being suggestive with her wording.
“What?” Your cheeks begin to flush slightly. “You’re the one who kept sticking her with me.”
“I know, I also know you had a little crush when you were younger.” She teases. You just roll your eyes, not wanting to give yourself away.
“Oh my god mom that was years ago, she’s not my type.” It was true, your dating history was littered with blonde preppy girls with terrible personalities, quite literally the opposite of Jessie. Hoping that fact would help your argument that you didn’t still have a crush on Jessie and it seemed to as your mom dropped the topic.
“I know honey, I’m only kidding you. You can drive, I’m tired.” She places the keys in your hand. You don’t mind driving, you turn back looking at the facility, realizing you could be spending your summer everyday here didn’t sound like too bad of an idea.
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ts1989fanatic · 8 months
Have We Reached Peak Taylor Swift? The Psychology Behind When Someone Becomes Overexposed.
Is Taylor Swift about to be in her 'overexposed' era?
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Midway through the Eras Tour, Taylor Swift is everywhere.
The ongoing tour ― Swift is scheduled to resume the international leg in November ― and the subsequent concert film are certifiable cultural events that have actually boosted regional economies. (In Los Angeles, for instance, where Swift performed six shows, the California Center for Jobs and the Economy predicted a $320 million boost to the county. No wonder Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau practically begged the Grammy winner to visit up north.)
She’s even bolstering the NFL’s viewership: Since the “Cruel Summer”
singer started attending her boyfriend Travis Kelce’s Kansas City Chiefs games, the league has seen some Super Bowl-level numbers thanks to all the Swifties tuning in.
Meanwhile, the media coverage is breathless. While daytime talk show hosts ask Kelce’s mom about Swift, there’s play-by-play of the couple’s dates around the web: “They were in a rounded booth sitting super close to each other in deep convo the whole time,” a diner at the Waverly Inn in Greenwich, where Swift and Kelce dined on Sunday, told The Messenger. “It looked super romantic and was super intimate.”
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But given Swift’s cultural dominance ― and NFL fans booing an ad for her concert doc early this month ― even her fans are a little worried that Taylor fatigue might soon set in. Is Swift due for another “overexposed” era?
“Kinda overwhelmed by how close Taylor is to overexposure,” one fan tweeted on X.
“You either die the hero or live long enough to admit that you have Taylor Swift fatigue,” another wrote on the site.
On the main Swift subreddit, fans debate if Swift will eventually go back into pop star hibernation like she did after her “1989” album.
Indeed, this isn’t Swift’s first go-around with overexposure. The success of “1989” in 2014 was followed by a heightened interest in Swift’s personal life: her famous friends (or her “squad”), her ill-fated romance with Tom Hiddleston, her drama with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. In response, Swift made a “conscious choice to disappear” and opt for a more “lowkey” life, a source close to the singer told People at the time.
Her rollout of her next album, 2017’s “Reputation,” was relatively quiet. (“There will be no further explanation. There will just be reputation,” Swift remarked on Instagram.)
Swift seems to pay close attention to her fandom and cultivate those parasocial relationships, said Lynn Zubernis, a psychologist and professor at West Chester University who researches fan psychology.
“Who knows, she might consider withdrawing from the spotlight again at some point,” Zubernis told HuffPost.
The professor likened the “Anti-Hero” singer’s ubiquity right now to Barney in the ’90s. Parents loved the purple dinosaur initially (no one kept their kids as entertained), but that love soured by the 104th listen of the “I love you, you love me” theme song.
“Familiarity is part of what drives fandom — we’re wired to attach to familiar faces, whether they’re offline or on our screens — but there’s a limit to how much repetition we can tolerate,” Zubernis said. “Too many instances of someone popping up and behaving the same way or saying the same thing can start to grate.”
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The overexposure is sometimes exacerbated by the celebrity being perceived as “trying too hard” or being inauthentic, Zubernis said: Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, even Lady Gaga come to mind, she said.
“At first their ‘antics’ were popular, but people soon grew tired and cynical about them,” she said. “Justin Bieber, James Franco, Shai LaBeouf and Kanye West fall into that category too, and all have been on lists of ‘celebrities we’re tired of’ as a result.”
There’s also a common trajectory that fandom tends to take: Fans love to root for their favorite celebrity ― or sports team or TV series ― because of that vicarious sense of success they gain, but there’s also a cost to that success and visibility, Zubernis said. Some fans jump ship.
“Fans also relish feeling ‘special’ and seeing their fandom as exclusive ― as in, we are the only ones who see how truly special this person is and appreciate her,” the professor said.
“Once someone like Swift becomes beloved by everyone, even ‘normies,’ the fandom doesn’t feel as exclusive anymore,” she added. (Think how in high school, you used to say, “Yeah, I liked that band when they were still underground.”)
Jaye L. Derrick, an associate professor of psychology who studies parasocial relationships at the University of Houston, has a different take: She thinks that most of the people complaining about Swift were never fans to begin with.
“She has a very large following, but no celebrity can make 100% of the population like them,” Derrick told HuffPost.
“As Taylor Swift is shown to new markets, she is meeting some pushback from people who may have been aware of her before but never sought her out,” she said. “I suspect that most of the negative exposure is from people who had maybe consciously avoided her before and are not able to avoid her anymore.”
Tracy Gleason, the chair and professor of psychology at Wellesley College and an author of a paper on parasocial relationships, agrees with Derrick. The fans at the Giants game who booed her ad, for instance, might have done so because she’s dating a player on a rival team.
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“Another possible explanation for the football game is that people who are fans of football, some of whom are likely women, are not necessarily fans of Taylor Swift,” Gleason told HuffPost. “Seeing Taylor get more attention than the game itself might have felt distracting and annoying.”
“Who knows, though,” she added. “Maybe they are Swifties but just want to keep each of the things they enjoy in their own lane: Taylor belongs on the stage and football belongs in the arena.”
Is misogyny at play when we deem someone “overexposed”?
When it comes to conversations about fame, some have pointed out that it tends to be women that get the whiplash “love-hate” treatment: They’re celebrated at first, then they’re deemed overexposed, like Anne Hathaway or Jennifer Lawrence were after their respective Oscar campaigns.
For the most part, men have more room to navigate fame: There’s a double-standard for the type of behavior that is considered appropriate for men versus for women, Derrick said.
For starters, men are expected to express their agency, so they are allowed to promote their projects.
“For women, it is harder to engage in agentic behavior without people viewing them as too in-your-face,” Derrick said. “In American society, we traditionally expect women to be more communal and less agentic.” (Swift addresses this complicated bind for women in the song “The Man” from 2019 album “Lover.”)
The professor thinks these women would probably get a pass if they were “trying too hard” to promote something communal, like a charity, but over-promoting yourself is a cardinal sin in celebritydom if you’re a woman.
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With male examples of overexposure, it usually results from some publicly frowned-upon behavior: Bieber was a notoriously bratty teen (which is hardly a crime, of course, but his reputation persists), West was accused of antisemitism, Franco and LaBeouf were both accused of sexual misconduct, and Elon Musk has been accused of not only damaging Twitter (or as he’s rebranded, X) but threatening democracy itself.
Women celebrities are shamed for bad behavior, too, of course, but also for deviating from social expectations, Zubernis said.
“The culture still isn’t all that comfortable with women being very visible or powerful or successful in some way; that idea is vaguely threatening to the status quo,” she said. “I think that would apply to Swift, Hathaway and Lawrence.”
If you were a fan of any of those women to begin with, though, you probably stuck by them through and through. Fandoms tend to be ride or die until something truly cancellable happens.
“There are times when fans will turn on a celebrity, but those are usually cases where the celebrity did something out-of-character that led people to become disillusioned with their brand,” Derrick said.
In other words, when it comes to these “overexposed” claims ― or criticism from non-fans who wish Swift would take a sabbatical ― Swifties worldwide are probably just going to “shake it off.”
So Michael Jackson in his prime was everywhere and until he went off the deep end was beloved by fans and none fans worldwide. But Taylor Swift who has in my opinion reached MJ status is over exposed, you know this was not really a thing until she started dating Travis Kelce.
So to answer the question posed above
Is misogyny at play when we deem someone “overexposed”?
In the case of Taylor Swift damn straight misogyny is at play, all these talking heads and college professors and the rest of the media jackals and TS haters need to just FUCK THE HELL OFF.
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renlyslittlerose · 6 months
So my estranged grandfather passed away in the wee morning hours today. Seventeen years and one day since my Canadian grandfather died - which is very odd.
He wasn't what I would say was a good grandfather, nor a good father. He wasn't even a very good man. I started distancing myself from him around 2016, and was fully out of his life by 2018. He was verbally and emotionally abusive, enjoyed toying with people and their emotions, used people for his own personal gain, gaslit like it was his fucking job, and was generally neglectful to his duties as a father and a grandfather - especially to my sister and I. I can count on one hand the times he actually remembered my birthday when I was a kid, but even those moments were probably prompted by my mum or his girlfriend or his ex-wife.
But he had his moments, and I think I should say a few words about him and who he was.
He was born in a town in Hungary in 1935, near Lake Balaton. He was the youngest of the children, his brothers old enough to serve during WWII. During the war he talked about how he and his friends would go out to the abandoned battlefields and collect ammunition from the German and Soviet tanks, pile them in cow pastures, and set them off to scare the cows and other livestock. He said once school resumed after the war, a lot of kids came into class with missing fingers or even missing hands. He was lucky in that the only injury he received during his dumbass-ery was slicing his ass open on a destroyed German tank.
After the war he remained in the area, growing up with minimal education and helping run the household (his eldest brother had committed suicide shortly after the war was over). But in 1956, Hungary had their failed revolution in a desperate attempt to kick out the Soviet occupation. My grandfather wasn't part of the fighting, but he had enough sense to listen to one of the elders in the village who said that if they wanted to get the fuck out of Hungary and past the Iron Curtain, now was their time to run.
So he fled to Austria with some of his friends. They stayed in a refugee camp where he tried to learn basic English, before Canada accepted Hungarian refugees in 1958. So, along with some friends he'd made in the camp, he got on a boat and had a miserable trip across the Atlantic to the harbour of Halifax (he said that he could barely eat the entire trip because he was so sea sick). From there, he was put on a train that went across Canada, and he could get off on at any stop and just... start a new life.
It was, of course, the dead of winter when he and his friends arrived. Canada during the winter isn't pleasant - doubly so when you've come from the relatively mild Hungarian countryside. But one of his friends had family in Vancouver, and so he suggested they stay on the train all the way to the West Coast. Satisfied with this idea, my Papa agreed.
Only he made it as far as my home city in Alberta. You see, my city has this funky weather phenomena called a 'chinook.' Chinooks are when warm winds from the Pacific flow into the area and rush down the mountains and across the prairies, causing an inversion of air that rapidly warms up the city for a few days. We can go from -20C degree temperatures one day, to +15C the next. So when my Papa arrived in my city it was warm. Deceptively so. Ignoring his friend's suggestion they just continue on to Vancouver, my Papa decided to get off and start his new life.
The next day the train rolled out, and with it the freezing cold temperatures returned.
Despite it all he remained where he was. Life as a Hungarian refugee was tough. He knew very little English, and wasn't sure how to navigate life in a city that had developed past his home town in Hungary. He told me a story about trying to figure out how an automatic door worked, as well as trying to ask a store clerk where the bars of soap were, only to be taken to the canned soup aisle.
But as he learned English and adapted to Canada, he decided to sign up for architectural classes. He eventually got good enough at the gig that he became an expert in concrete as a building material, and helped to build one of the more iconic buildings in my city that is shaped like a saddle (which, if you know, you know).
In 1961, he and some fellow Hungarians decided to go to a dance at the local German-Canadian club where he met my German grandmother. She'd just moved to Canada, and had made the unfortunate decision to dance with the handsome Hungarian lad in the corner. Few months later she realized she was pregnant with my mum, and they got married before she gave birth.
Their marriage wasn't a happy one. But regardless, my Grandma had two more children with him before filing for divorce.
Growing up my Papa was always this strange, nebulous figure in my life. My sister and I were the eldest of the grandchildren, so we had to deal with his fumbled attempts at trying to be a grandfather when it was clear he didn't care. My mum would take us over to his house where they would argue the whole time, while my sister and I sat in the basement watching Jesus Christ Superstar on repeat. Gifts for birthdays usually came in the form of money, but I can remember the few times he actually bought me something. One time, he took me to the circus which ended up terrifing me because of the loud noises and bright lights. But instead of yelling at me or mocking me, he took me out of the show and bought me a teddy bear to sooth me. It was light brown with a white belly, with a yellow ribbon as a tie. I cherished that thing for a long time.
When I was old enough to carry a conversation, and he realized that I had an interest in ancient history like he did, we started chatting more. For a time it was fine. But then I realized that he liked to poke and prod and jab - liked to make people uncomfortable because it made him laugh. I would say something about my studies, and he would retort with something completely bigoted just to see me get flustered. I'll admit that I put up with it longer than I should have. The final straw was when I told him what my Masters studies would be on - how ancient Greek ideals on masculinity and male same-sex relations influenced the early German Gay Rights movement. His response was 'Good - show the world how your grandmother's people are a bunch of homos.'
He didn't believe what he was saying. He wasn't homophobic - unless he knew he could make it hurt. Which is almost worse, in a way.
After that I distanced myself. I didn't go to any family events he would be present at, and if I was forced to go I wouldn't speak with him. The last time I saw him was a few years ago when he was giving out cheques from his estate, under the assumption that he only had a few years left. I was surprised that I was even included, but then I realized that once again it was someone else in his life that had made sure I was looked after. This time it was my aunt.
I think the last thing I said to him was 'take care' or something along those lines. An impersonal greeting, one made out of social obligation more than anything.
I'm not sad about his passing, but I do worry about those who are left behind. My mother claims she doesn't care, but I know she still has lingering feelings - how could she not, he was her father, after all. My aunts are grieving terribly for a person that I never got to meet. Not really. My cousins who had a better relationship with him for the most part, are probably feeling the loss. And my sister, bless her, is worried for everyone else. His death will leave a crater in the family - one last 'fuck you' to his children, whom he loved to see fight over his affections and attention.
He had a lot of bad qualities, but some good as well. He was determined, he was curious, and he loved to learn. He was brave in the sense of leaving everything he knew behind just for a shot at something better. He had a good sense of humour (when he wasn't being a jerk), and I think deep down he did love his family. Just maybe not as much as he loved himself.
Nyugodjék békében Sandor 💕
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nocturnalrorobin · 1 month
Ro moved to Canada for a new beginning, only to meet his fated pairs. CW: none yet, but there will be smut. MDNI **************************************** HOWL
He arrived in Deline pretty early in the morning. It was a really small place, and no matter how much he looked, he couldn't find “Punks repair and tune ups”. Ro moved to Canada as he wanted a change in his life, something new. He already got a new job in a car repair workshop. 
At the very least, he saw a bakery that was open, so he bought a coffee and asked the man at the register if he knew where it could be. “Sorry to break it to you, but you gotta go deep into the forest. It's at least another ten kilometres. But all you have to do is follow the path.” Ro sighed in defeat, he only just arrived, and he was already annoyed; this feels like information that should have been mentioned. ‘At least I packed light.’ Was all he could think when he picked up his duffle bag and started walking. Everything was quiet and peaceful around him. There was still some snow left that was slowly melting away, and the thick trees started to blossom. He took a deep breath and just enjoyed the fresh air that hit his nostrils. ‘I wonder if anyone back home even noticed that I left?’ Whenever he talked about something,  people would just talk over him, and most of the time, he is quiet, and then people complain that he should talk more, it annoyed him to no end. 
Ro didn't know if it was because in the forest by himself, but he felt watched even though nothing was there. Just to be sure, though, he increased his speed, and soon enough, he saw a big black house. He opened the door to the garage “Hello? Is there anyone here?” He barely managed to finish that sentence when he noticed a threatening Aura appearing behind him. He slowly turned around, and his doe eyes met striking, piercing blue eyes that almost left him speechless. “Uh. Hi, I'm Ro, I'm supposed to start here today.” Ro held his arms in front of his breast and started playing with the sleeves of his grey sweatshirt. It's what he does when he is nervous or feels like he did something wrong. The tall man in front of him had long blonde hair and wore a white - blue striped mask that covered the lower part of his face, while the upper half was covered by long bangs but his eyes were so blue there was no hiding them. 
“Did you lie on your resume?” He asked, looking him up and down. Ro sighed ‘Here it comes.’ Everyone had to go back to it sooner or later. “No I haven't. I'm a man, it's just I had no choice with what gender I was born.” Killer nodded in understanding “Are you hungry? There's still some minor details we have to discuss, and we can do so while eating breakfast.” The tall Blonde led Ro upstairs into the Kitchen. “You can sit over there. What do you want to eat? We have eggs, bacon, and muesli. Take your poison.” Ro sat down at 5he table like he was told, but grew quickly restless. “ I take what you are having. Are you sure I can't help with anything?”  He heard a faint chuckle coming from the blonde guy, almost as if he was trying to suppress it. “Ah sorry, I'm so used to doing the food by myself in the kitchen. Yes, you can set the table and make coffee for at least four people five if you want some too. We also have juice in the fridge.” Ro quickly set the table for five people and made the coffee. Luckily, he found everything rather easy. Pancakes, the blonde dream boy, made pancakes his favourite. Ro was already drooling after him. “Name's Killer, by the way.” He quickly declared while sitting down next to him. 
“I have some more questions if that's OK. First of all, I should tell you that up here is our living space. It's just me, Wire, Heat, and Kidd living here, and we still have space. In fact, I think you and Heat could share a room for now if you still need somewhere to stay. Oh, but wait, I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable, but what is your second gender?” Ro got a little nervous he actually never got tested as he never had anyone in his life caring enough about him to talk to him about second genders, but seeing how he never experienced any symptoms of a heat cycle or rut he figured that meant he was a beta. “A Beta. And no, I don't have a place to stay, so if it's OK I would like to live here. ” He tried to sound as sure as possible, but he wasn't sure if he succeeded. “Hmm. That's no problem,  I expected as much. Depending on what Heat says, you either stay with him or get your own room. How much experience do you have working with cars?” Ro flinched hearing the last question because, of course, he said how experienced he was, but he couldn't pretend for much longer. “Umm, to be honest, none. I lied. I'm quick at learning though, I promise you won't regret this” Before Killer  even had a chance to say anything, a huge mountain of a man sat down opposite of them and growled “But we don't have time to Babysit you. Why would we do that? You are quite useless to us, kitty.” His fiery messy hair and his pale skin that almost looked like porcelain and his captivating ember eyes. Ro was in heaven, but he had to convince him to let him stay. “Kid! At least give him a chance!” Killer did it for him though, it seems that even though Kid seems to be in charge, Killer is the mother of the group, and Noone argues his word. At least, that's what it looks like to Ro. The redhead ate his breakfast without another word and was obviously upset. To Ro, he looked like an angry chihuahua.
“Morning everyone.”  A tall man with baby blue dreadlocks walked in . His face looked like a zombie, he wore an oversized sweater and a skirt. He just looked so pretty. The moment they saw each other, both of them started blushing and shyly smiled at each other. “Morning Heat. This is our new guy, Ro. He is also gonna live with us from now on. Can you share a room with him?”  Killer told Heat. “Sure thing. As long as Ro doesn't mind that it's a bit messy. Alright, let's go.” 
He led Ro out of the kitchen and then turned left and walked down a long hallway that was covered in black wallpaper and had wooden flooring. The black walls had posters of different bands hanging here and there. “The first door to the left is Killers room, the next room is Kidds room. Don't ever enter it, trust me on this. The last room at the end of the hall is empty, so if you ever get uncomfortable with me or need your privacy, use that room. The first room to the right is…” Before he could finish this sentence another tall man walked out of said room and his eyes immediately fell on Ro, he stared at him almost in a predatory style as if he was hunting a prey. “Hi I'm Ro. I'm the new guy.” It was hard to look at him for some reason because it felt like he would devour him if he made the wrong move. “Uh-huh. Wire.” With that, he moved past them. “Damnit! Why are you all so huge? I look like a child next to you.” Ro pouted, but he enjoyed being surrounded by so many sexy men. Heat laughed at that remark and gently patted Ro's head. “Anyway last but not least, this is our room. The bathroom is between ours and Wires room. Except for the one empty room, each room shares a bathroom with another room. I leave you to unpack. Just join us when you are ready.” 
After Heat disappeared, Ro could finally focus on the room. The way Heat made it sound it was supposed to be messy, but all he saw was some loose clothing laying here and there. So the room was fairly neat. The walls were covered in painted fires, and the floor was covered in a fluffy soft black carpet. There were bookshelves on the right side of the bed. “How to safely breathe fire” and “The do's and don'ts of fire-breathing “ were among them. What he didn't see was a second bed, though. There was a king-size bed in the middle of the room.  “Sharing is caring, I guess? Oh my god.” Ro could feel his heart trying to leave his chest. He just met these guys, but they showed him less hostility and less judgement than anyone has done in his life. 
He felt his thoughts creeping in, and he knew if he kept thinking about this, he would cry, and he did not want to give anyone this satisfaction. His mind was racing. All his thoughts were flooding his brain, but his body dysmorphia was screaming the loudest. He hated the fact that everyone assumed he was female,  he tried to cover it up by wearing sweatshirts three sizes too big, but his breasts are just too big. He could wear a binder, but he didn't want to blindly buy one as he heard that could be dangerous for rips. 
His finger ran through his short maroon hair and took a deep breath. ‘Right. New beginning.’ 
Meanwhile, in the kitchen. “Did you guys notice that too?” A confused Heat wondered when he sat back down. “Yes!” It came in unison from the others. Everyone except Kidd, he would never admit such things out loud, nor does he believe in fated pairs. To him, his fated pair was Victoria. “He said he is a beta, though, so we have to take his word for it. Keep an eye on him, and when you are alone with him, carefully release your pheromones. Maybe he doesn't know that he is our omega.” Killer said to Heat. 
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natlacentral · 3 months
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HOLR is chatting with Joel D. Montgrand, who stars in HBO’s “True Detective: Night Country” and Netflix’s live-action adaptation of “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” Get to know breakout star Joel D. Montgrand, as he sits down to chat with HOLR about his latest roles to date- those of which include starring in HBO’s “True Detective: Night Country” and Netflix’s live-action take on “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” From how he got his start in the entertainment industry to what’s next for the rising star, Joel, who is an indigenous actor and podcast host, is diving into his “life and career-changing” opportunities and how they have shaped who he is as an actor, today.
Talk to us about how you got your start in the entertainment industry.
Professionally? It was 10 years ago, that I was given a lead by a mutual acquaintance with my now agent.  He told me I was talented and should do more than community theatre and that he went to school with someone he knew was working as an agent now. Armed with this info I showed up and walked into their office, there was no one at the desk, so I went in and knocked on the first door I saw and she was like “Hello?” I introduced myself, and said I was looking for an agent and she said, okay, where’s your resume and headshots, and I was like “Oh, I need those?” I had no clue about how to get into this business. Thankfully she took a chance on me and told me to get some headshots done. I spent the only 500 dollars I had to my name and got them done and wonder of wonders, I booked 4 out of the first 5 auditions I had and managed to pull myself out of poverty.  It was quite a trip at the start.
You play Eddie Qavvik in the fourth season of HBO’s hit series “True Detective: Night Country.” Talk to us about this experience and what it was like starring alongside Jodie Foster and screen partner, Kali Reis.
It was life and career-changing. I felt so lucky to finally be given a character I could really sink my teeth into and showcase my abilities. Beyond theatre, I was never really given that chance so I knew I wasn’t going to blow it. Also, I was really lucky to have a scene partner that I was able to have such great chemistry with.  Kali is thoughtful and driven. I appreciate people who know how to put in work, and honestly, she has a tremendous work ethic, you don’t get to be a champion of the world without it.  Jodi is a champ in the acting world too, so it’s an inspiration to see her process. I admire all of them a lot.
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We’re excited to hear that you also play Hakoda in Netflix’s live-action adaptation of “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” which premieres soon on February 22, 2024. Talk to us about this project.
Now that it’s out I cannot wait to see what the future holds! I hope they get more seasons so I get a chance to form this character and show his amazing journey.  He’s a total badass.
What are some of the other projects you’ve worked on to date that you can share more about?
There’s a movie called “Beans” that I was in that really started my career. I think it’s probably the most important story I’ve been a part of since it is based on real events that happened in Canada in 1990. There was an Indigenous uprising because a town called Oka tried to destroy a burial ground so they could expand a golf course. It sounds like a cartoonish evil plot that couldn’t happen now, but it did and things like it still do. If it wasn’t for that movie I would not have had the chance to be in The Last Airbender or True Detective. The work speaks and grows with each job.
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What are some of your favorite things to do in your spare time?
I enjoy gaming, hanging with my partner and cat, cycling, reading all the various things on Reddit, and long walks on the beach. Also, beer. But I can’t have as much as I used to, Hakoda doesn’t have a beer belly.
What’s next for you? 
I have a movie coming out that’s being shopped around called “Sweet Summer Pow Wow” I play the uncle trying to help his nephew find love and learn how to be a man. I’m really proud of that movie, it’s got a lot of heart and I hope it’s out soon. Beyond that, you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled.
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morenocaleb · 4 months
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[Alfonso Herrera — 41 — he/him] Introducing CALEB MORENO . Word on the street is they are a HEAD OF QUEENS FOOD PANTRY / UNDERBOSS, having been around for +40 YEARS . Despite an otherwise clear record, sometimes they are known to engage with THE BROTHERHOOD’s affairs. Though they are VINDICTIVE and MANIPULATIVE, they can also be EMPATHETIC and PASSIONATE. In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in.
TW: death of parents, violence, nsfw subjects
Name: Caleb Moreno Age / D.O.B.: 41, March 11th 1983 Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: cis male, he/him & homosexual Hometown: Toronto, Canada (Queens, NY) Affiliation: Brotherhood Job position: Head of Queens Food Pantry {info here} / Underboss Education: BA in sociology Relationship status: Single (he dabbles atm) Children: – Positive traits: empathetic, calm, street smart, witty, passionate, attentive Negative traits: vindictive, brutal, manipulative, possessive, calculative
Caleb was born on a train in Canada while his parents were on vacation. His name is in honour of the doctor who helped his mother with the delivery. After the trip, his parents came back to Queen where Caleb lived a normal childhood, until his father (Miguel) was gunned down over mistaken identity by the police in 1995 when he was barely 12. Following the death of her husband, Caleb’s mother Daniela who had been leaning toward pacifism over violence completely changed. She used the money given to her by the court/city for reparation over Miguel’s death to create Queens Food Pantry, but also support Christian Davis Brown when he made the Brotherhood in 1996. She was a proud member until her death when he was 23.
Caleb didn’t skip steps to reach his coveted spot. He didn’t cheat, nor lied for it and certainly didn’t use the nepo baby card either. He went step by step; starting helping as a teen at the Food Pantry, talking with people on the street and what the neighbourhood needed eventually becoming a reliable falcon, then a ruthless enforcer, before his accession to business-savvy region manager, hot minute captain and finally, underboss.
Because he was around when it all started and a very impressionable teen with a vengeful mother, Caleb took to heart the initial ideologies of the Brotherhood; "fight the oppression against the NYC police" and "get revenge on behalf of those who could not". You could say he’s a modern Robin Hood with a twist. Taking over the family business when his mother was killed was a no-brainer, using her death to fuel more outrage into the heart of the neighbourhood he grew up with. After all, his father had been innocent; the generous reparation money had been proof of that. So it was easy to say that the woman who was so generous with those around her had been targeted too. He’s been milking that for years now and because of how much he helps in the community, he’s very aware that taking him down would just result in him and his family becoming martyrs and create complete anarchy, which would be fabulous!
Notable moment in his career, was during his days as an enforcer in his early 20s, when he gunned down a traitor in the middle of a small meeting with a handful of members. It had been to make a point at the time. He apologized for it before the meeting resumed, but that act has stuck with him since then.
He’s been Underboss for the past 5 years, but a fixture in the Brotherhood since its inception.
Height: 5’ 9" Body type: Athletic Hair: Black (with some grey) Eyes: Hazel Facial hair: Beard (same as hair) Piercings/Tattoos: Part of a skull tattooed on his left hand and his body have lines all over tattooed. {photo here} Distinguishing marks: When he puts his left hand over his face, the tattoo on it makes it look like part of his face is a skeleton. Defining traits: N/A. Languages: English, Spanish, French and a little bit of Portuguese and Russian Fashion style: Casual or casual chic Extra: Caleb looks almost too nice for what he does, right until you piss him off. Then, his whole demeanor changes and becomes suddenly intimidating with an unsettling serenity to him. He wears Valentino's Born in Roma Uomo Green Stravaganza.
General: Giving off the Mama Bear vibe more than anything. It’s not unusual to catch him in the kitchen making sandwich to someone with a clearly oversized knife while talking about whatnots. Because he feels strongly about helping the community, Caleb is respected and viewed as someone empathetic who’ll help someone build their patio or check daily on someone else’s grams. He might also be a big flirt on the side whether it’s with someone he’s really interested in or some aunties at the salon. When he’s angry, he’s unsettlingly calm, but action driven; going from 0 to 200mi/hr. Like cutting crusts on a sandwich one second, then shoot you in the foot the next without even blinking or losing his cool. Brotherhood: {Same as General}, but they are his family, because that’s all the family he has left. They mean the world to him, and he’ll protect each one of them with his life. But because he cares deeply, it also means that he takes betrayal to heart, and might not just kill the person for it but their whole family too. He gets a bit carried away like that. But whatever a member needs, he’ll try to provide or find a way to make it happen. Employees (food pantry): He’s a generous and understanding boss, always happy to cover for his employees when something comes up. Though, at the same time, he has no tolerance for lazy people. So as long as they’re hard workers, he’ll keep them around. Cartel/Police: There’s no love there. One killed his innocent father, the other he suspects orchestrated his mother’s death by tipping off the police. He looks down on the Cartel, seeing them as nothing more than a pale copy of the Brotherhood. Syndicate: He’s neutral about them. A necessary evil, but not people he’d still hang out with. Toussaint family: Same as Syndicate. Though, he's aware that making an enemy out of them could put them at a disadvantage with everyone else. Motivations: Introjected Current Goal: Keep the Brotherhood strong and united Life Goal: Get rid of the oppressors or blow them and put something better in their stead Best Quality: Empathetic Worst Quality: Vindictive Fears: Losing the Brotherhood Hobbies: Volunteering, taking care of his pet snake, crochet, cooking, going to the gym Alignment: Neutral Good Influential Memory: Seeing his father’s murder Source of Embarrassment: Anyone from the Brotherhood fucking up publicly Source of Pride: The Brotherhood and his community Extra: He likes to crochet accessories for people. And might have unknowingly slept with someone(s) he shouldn’t have
Brotherhood: {See Brotherhood section in Personality}. Significant other(s): Could he settle? Probably, since he’s done it before (months or a year the longest). Caleb is only interested is something serious with Brotherhood members or civilians. Anyone else is a no-no. He can be monogamous, or poly. All he expects from his partners is respect and honesty about the relationship itself (like a partner wants to sleep with someone else, he doesn’t mind, just don’t do it behind his back). He’s fine with casual. His flirting and teasing with his partners is at a different level. He does give Dilf vibes sometimes. He’s a passionate and loyal lover, but it can take him some time to warm up to the idea of an actual relationship. He can be verse on some occasion, but mostly a top and very dominant. Blood Family: N/A Tristan Zaire: Caleb adores Tristan and respects him deeply, even if he doesn’t always agree with him as he likes a bit of order in his chaos himself. He sees him as the little brother he never had, but never disregards nor disrespects his authority. Friends: {see General in Personality section above}. Lulu: Or of her full name Miss Lucy Liu. She’s a 5-year old Piebald/Pied Ball Python. Love his girl, and carries her around with him a lot. She’s like the mascot for Queens Food Pantry; kids love her.
《 Dabbling 》People he’s newly sleeping with, has slept with is currently sleeping with. Brotherhood members or civilians… or the times he didn’t know he was sleeping with the wrong crowd. 2/5
《 Siblings in arms 》Brotherhood members that he’s closer to. The relationship is platonic, but close. (can be bff, siblings like or he’s a father figure to that person, etc.) 1/3 @caseybxtr
《 Lover(s) 》Serious relationship(s) WIP (to discuss) +30. Either Brotherhood member or Civilian. (0/1-2; depending on discussion)
《 Others 》Opened to other connections/ideas too
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theresearchblog · 7 months
Online Recruitment Platform Market Detailed Strategies, Competitive Landscaping and Developments for next 5 years
Latest released the research study on Global Online Recruitment Platform Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Online Recruitment Platform Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Online Recruitment Platform The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are LinkedIn (United States), Monster (United States), Indeed (United States), CareerBuilder (United States), Naukri.com (India), Seek Limited (Australia), Zhilian Zhaopin (China), DHI Group, Inc. (United States), SimplyHired, Inc. (United States), StepStone (Germany),
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/116557-global-online-recruitment-platform-market
Online Recruitment Platform Market Definition:
Online recruitment platform is also known as E-recruitment or an internet recruiting platform that allows businesses to use various internet-based solutions for online advertisement and job listing to hire the best candidate for the particular job role. In today’s time increasing use of internet and evolution of advanced technologies has made easier to scout candidates and conduct the interview. The platforms offer facilities for job seekers to upload their details and resumes online.
Market Drivers:
Increasing Use of Online Recruitment Platforms for Potential Talent Scouting Across the Globe
Increasing Use of the Internet and Advanced Technologies to Reach Bigger Audience
Market Opportunities:
High Adoption by the SMEs Due to Its Cost-effectiveness and Flexibility
Market Trend:
Development of Innovative Features in Online Recruitment Applications by the Providers
The Global Online Recruitment Platform Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Permanent, Part-Time, Internship), Vertical (BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Food & Beverages, Real Estate, Travelling & Hospitality, Media & Entertainment, Automotive, Others), Enterprise Size (Small & Medium Enterprises, Large Enterprises)
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/116557-global-online-recruitment-platform-market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Online Recruitment Platform Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Online Recruitment Platform market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Online Recruitment Platform Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Online Recruitment Platform
Chapter 4: Presenting the Online Recruitment Platform Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Online Recruitment Platform market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026).
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Online Recruitment Platform Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Online Recruitment Platform Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
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AMA Research & Media LLP
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So I was only 19…
So when I was 19.. a few days before my 20th birthday I was living in the Bahamas. Rough I know. I was teaching scuba diving at a very popular dive shop ( I’m not going to name them, we’re a non judgement place here … although they were the most awful place. So toxic) anyways, there I was 19 years old, living in the sun, teaching on the water everyday. I met joey from Nsync!! And little did I know, 7 days before my 20th birthday my entire life would change.
maybe I’ll back track a little.. if you’re interested. I’m from the smallest place ever in Canada & I got into a super cool school that taught me how to be a scuba instructor. So I packed up my hopes and dreams, cried for weeks and moved across the country. Met the best people, partied like my life depended on it and headed to my first stop on my adventure - Turks and Caicos. But that’s a story for another time. After that adventure ended.. I headed home and searched for my next stop. Oh how I wish I could have seen into the future on this one.
so long story short, I made my way to the Bahamas. Bright eyed and bushy tailed.. happily just quit my job at McDonald’s- which I might add I was terrible at.. and I set fourth on my new quest.
I guess I should at at this point I wasn’t alone.. I had a boyfriend but he’s not relevant to any parts of these stories. But I don’t want to seem that brave, because I wasn’t. Okay back to it.
so I made it to Nassau, was living on the dock, had made some friends. I was young, I was tanned - what could go wrong?
well exactly seven days before I turned 20 I was sitting in my one bedroom tiny above the dock apartment, when we heard the alarms going off after hours. We looked around and couldn’t see anything, so we called our boss who then tells us they see people had broken into the gift shop part.. they had notified the police. Then the phone lines go dead.. because the people robbing the place cut them and the Internet. Great.
now this was 15 years ago.. I had a pay as you go flip phone I bought in a grocery store in the Bahamas. I wasn’t texting for help… or making a TikTok.. our only lines of communication were gone. So we just stood there. Well, I just stood there as a cockroach crawled across my foot and my at the time boyfriend decided to go down and yell “hello” … because that was going to spook them. It didn’t. He runs back up and we stand there watching as they throw bags over the fence and then proceed to jump the fence while wearing face masks and holding machetes and huge guns.
They must have heard my heroic boyfriend because they then proceed to POINT up at my apartment where I am standing trying not to scream at them or the cockroach and they wave and say something in Jamaican & take off in a jeep.
I breathe. Like, the biggest exhale I thought I could ever exhale in my life. Tears start pouring down my face and the panic sets in. Then obviously I’m wondering is the dock dog alive? He isn’t barking? He’s like 30 years old! They wouldn’t kill the dog right? Oh yeah - my boyfriend! I grab my pack of Marbolo reds and run outside (I was 19 and living alone smoking seemed cool 15 years ago)
everyone is alive! The gift shop is not so okay, but the dog and boyfriend are okay. The police, in true Bahamian fashion, showed up almost 2 hours later. Our loving bosses never showed up - we were okay though thanks! And that ended my day of June 3rd, while I was 19.
life resumes as normal. I wake up late, throw on my bikini and eat some Nutella toast and run down the dock to see my jobs for the day & set sail out into the beautiful, crystal blue waters of Nassau. Then comes June 7th. Three whole days before I turn 20. My entire life changed. I can’t go back, I can’t change anything that happened from then until now. But I have learned. I’ve regretted. I’ve lost and gained. But looking back to my 19 year old self and this day.. my heart does nothing but ache for her. So I guess I should tell you, if you’ve stuck around this long.
so here it goes ..
So, I was only 19. And I watched an elderly woman commit suicide over a 1900 foot wall, underwater, in the Bahamas. Got blamed for neglect, investigated by numerous people, blamed by her husband infront of a boat full of people, got exiled from my actual work to work at the sister shop and lost my damn mind along the way in a fit of grief and depression.
I was only 19. 19 years old. I was a kid - just starting out in life and all of this was being thrown at me. And no one but myself was protecting me - everyone was protecting themselves. And the things I discovered along the way. All the lies and deception.
so, If I’ve still got you here and you are interested. Let me catch my breath & I’ll tell you that story. Because that’s why we’re here right?
talk soon,
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duffyharrell63 · 1 year
Sap Easy Finance On-line Training In Uk Schooling Nigeria
Whether you opt for the SAP coaching or fico coaching course, you can get tons of opportunities after completing the course. We have our devoted recruitment team to guide you in every step. From briefing you up for the interview to building the resume, we offer a comprehensive help to our college students, in order that they'll safe a lucrative job. In the up to date business setting, a SAP coaching holds the key to professional competence.
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You need to inform us about the missed classes and we are able to fit you in the next session and in addition present you recorded online video of the class. We imagine extra in practical and experiential studying than simply theoretical educating. With SAPvits, you get to work on actual SAP screens with hands-on SAP and in addition get guided directions and explanations alongside. We give all our learners a full access to SAP Sandbox for an actual SAP experience. Basic level information of the SAP® ERP Financials modules.
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This will allow you to understand about your roles and duties in an precise project situation. Most of our college students use this as experience and update identical on their resume as a project; In addition to that our candidates are provided with numerous different real-time project based mostly case studies. This certification exam certifies that the candidate has attained required primary and core information for a consultant profile. We have been collaborating with a variety of the biggest firms within the UK. This certification covers the muse data required to combine SAP SuccessFactors with other SAP systems. Topics covered embrace data replication, extensibility, integration and OData. The following 9 certification tracks lie outdoors our chosen areas of expertise and are included for unbiased study on the current time. As of now, we solely have purchasers in USA and don’t present services in Mexico/Canada. Because of above-mentioned reasons, it is always higher to work with one staffing firm at one time. Best Trainers – If you're taking a Classroom training, you might be restricted to take the coaching from one of the best instructors available in that area only. We hire and work with Best trainers throughout the world with the facility of web.
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Ing, the assignments and coaching materials personally enhance me to focus on the goal. Im very grateful to zarantech because they even helped me in resume preparation. The course topic, task, assessment & case studies are very detailed. Overall you guys are doing a tremendous job in delivering high-quality training.
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musherum · 2 years
alright so just got out of the orientation or info session or whatever
long story short there would be a two week program, starting friday, to help amp up our resumes, practice interview skills and help us thru the long drawn out process of actually applying for a canada post job. i would need a way to get there reliably, thatd be a stumbling block. especially because it could start as early as eight in the morning.
thered be a period of a few weeks before we hear if we're accepted or not. if we get accepted, thered be a period of several months of unscheduled on-call work before we can snag a part time or full time position. that would be... stressful and shitty. and potentially not great money.
income assitance would make up the difference for periods when we have fewer hours, they people there said. but id still have to have a look at the numbers because i dont want to sign up for something where ill be getting even less income in than i do on disability
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sciencetynan · 2 years
I would really recommend some resume help or re-vamping application materials somehow with rejection rates this high, because it sounds like you could get stuck between a job outside of the field or no job at all.
I have asked on this blog before and multiple people helped me with my resume. I also had my parents and family help me with my resume.
I got through 2 interviews for a job in January, so clearly I'm good enough, for the right job at least. Also it shouldn’t need to be said but Neurodivergent people like myself have a really hard time with job interviews. It is not natural to me and I am not very good at masking/pretending to be an extrovert in order to make people like me. I have social anxiety. This is the hardest part of applying for a job.
The problem is that so many jobs that are being offered have hyper specific work experience requirements, and while I have do have a few years of relevant work experience, its rarely in these specific sub-fields that the employers want, as well as the fact that truly entry level positions in this field are just about impossible to find.
I am also concerned, that most of the jobs in this field in Canada are outside of my province, and I think me applying from far away is having them prefer more local candidates. I can't do anything about this unless I get money or a job.
At the moment I’d rather just keep trying. While I’m not earning a lot of money, at least at the moment I don’t have to worry about rent or other expenses. If I give up on looking for work in my field I don’t think I’ll ever have a career doing Science, and I’m not ready to give that up.
Also I have to say, I really don’t like the perceived tone of this ask. It feels a lot like victim blaming, when I’m trying my hardest.
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imarawbu · 2 months
So since I saw that video from my ex's brother's wedding in my feed I have had the flashbacks resume full time really bad. I've not told anyone, no need to say anything. I really wish I had just ended my life back then a few weeks before I met my ex just like I had planned to before I did something dumb and called a helpline where they forced me into the hospital where I met my ex.
There was no way to get away from my family back then, even when I ran away to Canada with my ex, we ended up back here. I ended up back with my parents after the divorce. Idk I probably won't go back with them as there's no way for me to especially with my daughter after this divorce. Besides I am not leaving until I'm financially secure anyways and can stay where I am. I know what will happen if I go back with them.
Financial security is all I want and need now. Lol. So does everyone else in this shithole country with few exceptions. There's no point getting remarried, I am already isolated from everyone and I have a kid so no friends. The social groups I had before marriage are all dormant and gone as everyone has moved on in life now. Maybe I can find a way to double my own investments and find a way to gain total financial freedom for a couple of years, go back to school and finish a degree, no job pays decently anymore for college degrees though. I probably wouldn't get any better pay than what I get at this job. I want a degree(s) to showcase intelligence not really for a specific job- but that's not an option with a kid, especially as a single mother.
I messed my life up, yeah I know. No need to tell me. I am always quite aware of what's my fault, I just don't go around saying it all the time. I try to give myself the benefit of the doubt instead.
This Ramadan series I mentioned is called why me and so there are other things that obviously resonate with people in hard times. Other videos about how praying Istikharah turned out to not bring a good end, how blessings or things you really want are withheld from you because the idea is to elevate your status or prevent you from falling into sin are pretty relevant to me- obviously.
I used to be an atheist before I met my ex husband. Yeah, one of the worst humans that exists on this planet was part of the reason I decided to become Muslim (I'm not really going to give him credit for anything because he didn't do anything, it's mostly the fact that I liked him and studied up on his religion that got me into Islam). These kind of things you see as an atheist and the knee jerk reaction is to say well there obviously no god because he could just do X and nobody would suffer. This was why I was so militantly atheistic (a long with the belief in logic and science somehow proved the lack of a god.) looking back it seems so immature and juvenile to be an atheist and go around talking so sure of yourself and that you, a being on a tiny speck on he edge of a galaxy thats an even tinier speck compared to this universe has all the answers and knows how things should function and be.
Lol. I'm sure that will get a lot of atheists mad. I don't really care. There's nothing logical or scientific about atheism, agnosticsm, maybe, at least you admit you don't know everything. Once you write a scientific paper and get published. Your view on science, the scientific method, really change. Maybe that's more apparent after all the stuff related to the COVID and the vaccine, if you were paying attention into the science community and having to pivot every couple of weeks until the realization came that nobody if following any evidence of anything, COVID or otherwise. I'm not anti vax, I'm just saying how things developed. I wrote a couple papers on COVID. It's very boring and uninteresting, I read through 1000s of papers, no joke, to get references. You realize after awhile, yes, we have the scientific method but these experiments we do are not always reproducible, especially in biology. You can do the same test 5 times and you will get different results every time, if the results are similar or reveal a pattern then you use that as evidence. It is very similar when it comes to things you have no evidence for, at some point the evidence doesn't support anything and humans have pattern recognition and so you can logically go with that because there are no exact answers. Then you can be angsty, be an atheist, and say the lack of evidence is evidence for your position and make leaps about what you would do as an all powerful being when you can't even master your own mental health. Anyways enough on atheists, probably what I wrote doesn't even make sense.
I'm not perfect but I never did anything to have to grow up with parents that made me the scape goat and blamed me for everything. When I tried to leave, I ended up in an abusive marriage. Coming back was literally suffering and tried to escape again to the same thing but a little less abusive with a kid in tow now. You should have done this, you shouldn't have done that. Yes. I know. Not helping. Where should I have learned that? Osmosis? I got that after the fact. Who should have taught me? Parents? Really? Interesting. Let's go back to what I said at the beginning. Is my messed up life my fault? Yes and no. Yes, I did it, I did somewhat know better but that option was better than my current reality. No, it's not my fault, why should I have to choose between known horrible and potentially horrible? Isn't there a non- horrible option? Homelessness? How would that be helpful..
Anyways this is long enough. Nobody reads these things but me.
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educationedge0123 · 3 months
Top 5 Canada Immigration Options for Indians in 2024
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Canada has long been a favored destination for Indians seeking new opportunities and a better life. In 2024, the options for  Canada Immigration from India to Canada have expanded, offering a range of pathways to make the dream of living in the Great White North a reality.
Express Entry System
The Express Entry System remains one of the most popular ways for skilled workers to move to Canada. It's like a fast track to your Canadian dream. Through this system, candidates are ranked based on factors like age, education, work experience, and language proficiency. The top scorers receive invitations to apply for permanent residency. So, polish up that resume and get ready for an exciting journey!
Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)
Provincial Nominee Programs are like secret passages to Canada. Each province has its own immigration program, and if you have the skills and experience they need, you could get nominated for permanent residency. It's like being chosen by your favorite team – but in this case, the team is a Canadian province!
Atlantic Immigration Pilot
If you fancy the East Coast, the Atlantic Immigration Pilot might be your ticket. This program is designed to fill job vacancies in the Atlantic provinces – New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. With a job offer from a designated employer, you could be saying "hello" to the Atlantic lifestyle in no time.
Family Sponsorship
Sometimes, family is the key. If you have a close relative living in Canada who's willing to sponsor you, the Family Sponsorship program might be the answer. It's like having a Canadian family member vouch for you – a direct route to reunite with loved ones and start a new chapter in your life.
Study and Work
If you're thinking of hitting two birds with one stone, consider the Study and Work pathway. Pursuing higher education in Canada not only opens up new academic horizons but also allows you to work part-time during your studies and full-time during scheduled breaks. Once you graduate, you may be eligible for a post-graduation work permit, giving you a chance to gain valuable Canadian work experience.
In 2024,  Canada Immigration continues to be a land of opportunities for Indians seeking a fresh start. Whether you're a skilled professional, a provincial gem, or a family person, there's a pathway for everyone. So, gear up, explore your options, and get ready to make Canada your new home – where maple syrup flows, and dreams come to life!
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7827002876 · 3 months
The Average Salary In Canada Per Month
Easy tips to get jobs in Canada: An ultimate Guide
If you’re looking to move to Canada and start a new life, there are a few things you need to know first. In this blog post, we’ll outline the steps you need to take to get a job in Canada from India, including how to find the best job opportunities, how to apply for a job, and what to expect once you’ve been hired.
We’ll also provide tips on how to make the move to Canada as smooth as possible and help you get started on your new journey. So if you’re thinking about moving to Canada, read on for all the information you need to start your journey!
Why Canada is the best place to work?
1. When it comes to workforce availability, Canada has a massive pool of skilled and talented professionals from which to choose.
2. Canadian employers are known for their high levels of employee satisfaction, which means that you won’t have to put up with a lot of nonsense on the job front. The work environment is also notoriously flexible, so you can expect plenty of support if needed.
3. The cost of living in Canada is relatively low when compared to other major countries in the world — this makes it an affordable option for people who are looking for a quality lifestyle without breaking the bank. The average salary in Canada per month is $3,000.
4. With a long history of having strong business and economic growth, Canada is now one of the world’s most powerful economies — this means that there are plenty of opportunities for ambitious individuals to seize.
5. Finally, in terms of quality of life, Canadians generally lead very tranquil lives which provide ample opportunity for relaxation and self-realization. Add all these factors up and it’s easy to see why so many people choose to make the move to Canada as their new home!
Finding a job in Canada from India
So you’re ready to make the move — good news! The process of finding a job in Canada is relatively straightforward, and we’re here to provide you with all the tips and advice you need to get started.
When first arriving in Canada, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the job market and become aware of the types of jobs that are currently available. You can do this by taking part in workshops or attending career fairs which will give you an overview of what’s out there and help you target your search specifically.
Tip: If you want to save some time while searching for a job, consider registering with Canadian Employment Service (CES). This free service will provide you with a range of resources and services that can help you find a job, including access to databases that list specific jobs in Canada.
Once you’ve got an idea of what type of work is available in your field, the next step is to start networking — this means meeting people who work in related fields and exploring any potential opportunities together. You can do this by attending career fairs or conventions as well as speaking to professionals at local businesses.
Tip: If you’re shy or uncomfortable talking to people face-to-face, consider using online job boards or social media to reach out to employers.
Once you’ve got a few leads, it’s time to start your job search. The best way to do this is by sending out targeted resumes and covering all the bases — from stating which city you’re looking for work in, to detailing your experience and skill set.
Tip: Make sure you keep up-to-date on current industry trends by reading publications like Canadian Business or Forbes magazine. This will give you an understanding of what companies are looking for in new employees and help you tailor your resume accordingly.
Benefits of working in Canada
There are many benefits to working in Canada, including:
- Low cost of living — Compared to some other countries, the cost of living in Canada is relatively low. This means that you can afford to live comfortably without having to take on too much debt or spend a lot of money on unnecessary things.
- Quality healthcare — The quality of Canadian healthcare is generally considered to be among the best in the world. This means that you can trust that if something happens while you’re working overseas, your health will be taken care of no matter what.
- Easy access to education — Canada offers a variety of educational opportunities, from public schools to prestigious universities. This means that you can easily find a job that matches your skills and education level, no matter where you’re located in the country.
- Strong labor laws — Unlike some other countries, Canada has strong labor laws which protect workers’ rights and ensure that they are treated fairly. This makes it easier for employees to negotiate fair pay and benefits, as well as take appropriate action if they feel their rights have been violated. 2. There are also some disadvantages to working in Canada, including:
- Limited job prospects — Due to Canada’s abundance of resources and its status as an economic powerhouse, there are currently a limited number of jobs available for people who want them. This means that you’ll have to be very selective when it comes to choosing which job you apply for and make sure that your skills and experience match the requirements of the position.
- Long hours — Many Canadian employers require their employees to work long hours, often starting early in the morning and continuing until late at night. This can lead to a lot of stress and fatigue, which can impair your performance at work. — High cost of living — Although the cost of living in Canada is generally lower than in other countries, it’s still higher than many people are used to. This means that you’ll need to be careful with your spending if you want to avoid going into debt.
Easy steps to Get a Job in Canada
1. Start by researching the job market — to make sure you’re looking at the right opportunities, it’s important to familiarize yourself with what’s available in the labor market. This can be accomplished by checking out online job search engines or speaking to friends and family who work in related fields.
2. Write a well-crafted resume — one of the most effective tools that applicants have for securing a position is their resume. Make sure that your resume is neatly written and showcases your skills and experience accurately while avoiding jargon or anything that might sound arrogant or overbearing.
3. Network — one of the best ways to find job leads is by meeting with people who work in related fields and finding out what resources they might be able to offer you. You can also try reaching out to your local Chamber of Commerce or business association for help.
4. Attend career fairs — when it comes to networking, nothing beats an opportunity face-to-face. Attend as many career fairs as possible, and make sure that you bring a resume and plenty of questions about the available jobs.
5. Apply online — nowadays, most job applications can be completed online. This means that you have more flexibility when it comes to where and when you submit your application.
6. Send a cover letter — even if you don’t get an immediate response to your online application, never stop contacting potential employers. A well-crafted cover letter can help increase your chances of being offered the job in question.
7. Stay positive — no matter how many rejections you receive, don’t let them get you down. Instead, take the time to review each opportunity and consider why you weren’t selected for the role. From there, use that information to improve your next job application.
What Jobs Are In-Demand in Canada?
There are many different job opportunities available in Canada, depending on your occupation and location. Here are a few of the most in-demand occupations in Canada today:
Accounting and finance professionals — Accounting and finance jobs continue to be some of the most popular options for professionals looking for work across North America. This is due, in part, to increasing demands from both private and public businesses.
Computer systems analysts — Computer system analysts play an important role within companies by providing guidance on how best to use technology resources. As such, this position is always in demand among businesses big and small.
Engineering and technology professionals — In addition to accounting and finance, engineering and technology professionals are also in high demand. This is because they’re responsible for designing, manufacturing, marketing, or selling products that rely on computer systems or other types of technology.
Sales representatives — Sales representatives play an important role within companies by helping customers find the correct product or service. As such, this position is always in-demand.
Web Developer- Senior — As the demand for digital content continues to grow, many businesses are turning to web developers in order to create online products and services. Specifically, senior web developers are sought-after due to their experience and expertise.
Pharmacist- Assistant — Pharmacists are in high demand across Canada, and Assistant pharmacists are no exception. This is because Assistant pharmacists play an important role by helping patients access scheduled medications and providing general health advice.
General Labourer- Temporary — Temporary general laborers play an important role by helping businesses with tasks such as moving furniture, cleaning up after a party, or painting a room. As such, temporary general laborers are always in high demand.
Useful tips to get jobs in Canada
1. Start by researching the specific jobs you are interested in. This will help you to identify which companies need candidates for those particular positions and help narrow down your search geographically.
2. Create a strong resume that showcases your experience and skills relevant to the position you are applying for. Make sure to include contact information, as well as a link to any online portfolios or websites where you have previously published work.
3. Submit your application directly via email or through an online form submission platform such as Jobsite Canada. When submitting applications, be sure to include all of the required information, including your resume and any letters of reference.
4. Stay positive and be sure to send a thank-you note after receiving an interview offer or having your resume accepted for review. This will show that you appreciate the opportunity and demonstrate your commitment to the job search process.
How Round World Immigration can help you?
Are you looking for help finding a job in Canada? We can provide a range of services to assist with your search, including resume writing and online application submission. Contact us today to get started!
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menzoneacademy · 3 months
Master the Art of Barbering: Find the Perfect Barber School Near You
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Aspiring to become a skilled barber? Turning your passion for hair into a fulfilling career? Look no further! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to find the perfect barber school near you, opening doors to a rewarding and in-demand profession.
Why Choose a Barber School?
While self-learning resources exist, a barber school offers a structured and comprehensive learning environment. Here’s why enrolling in a barber school is the ideal choice:
Master the Fundamentals: Gain a solid foundation in haircutting techniques, fading, shaving, styling, and more, under the guidance of experienced instructors.
Hands-on Experience: Practice your skills on mannequins and real clients, building confidence and refining your technique in a controlled setting.
Licensing Preparation: Prepare for and pass the licensing exam required to practice barbering professionally in your state.
Industry Connections: Network with instructors, classmates, and potential employers, gaining valuable industry insights and career opportunities.
Career Support: Benefit from career guidance, resume writing assistance, and job placement services offered by many barber schools.
Finding the Right Barber School Near You:
With numerous barber schools available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Here are key factors to consider:
Location: Opt for a school conveniently located near your residence or workplace, ensuring easy access and minimal commute time.
Licensing and Accreditation: Ensure the school is licensed by your state’s governing body and accredited by a recognized organization, guaranteeing quality education and meeting industry standards.
Program Options: Choose a program that aligns with your learning pace and career goals. Full-time, part-time, and accelerated programs are often available.
Curriculum: Evaluate the curriculum’s comprehensiveness, ensuring it covers essential barbering techniques, theoretical knowledge, and practical training.
Cost and Financial Aid: Compare tuition fees, financial aid options, and scholarship opportunities across different schools.
Student Reviews and Reputation: Research online reviews and testimonials from past students to gain insights into the school’s learning environment, instructors, and overall experience.
Beyond Location: Exploring Online Barber Schools:
While traditional brick-and-mortar schools offer valuable hands-on experience, online barber schools are emerging as a viable alternative. These programs provide theoretical knowledge and sometimes even video demonstrations, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience. However, it’s crucial to note that online programs often lack the hands-on training component, which may be crucial for licensure in certain states.
Taking the Next Step:
Once you’ve identified potential barber schools near you, schedule visits or attend virtual information sessions. Interact with instructors, tour the facilities (if applicable), and ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of the program, learning environment, and career support offered.
Choosing the right barber school is an investment in your future. By carefully considering the factors mentioned above and actively engaging with potential schools, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on a successful and fulfilling journey as a barber. Remember, passion, dedication, and the right education are key ingredients for carving your path in this exciting and rewarding field.
To know more about the barber school near me or barber school we recommend you to visit the Men Zone Academy , as it is the best barber academy in Canada.
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jobrecruitmentportal · 5 months
Part Time Appointment Setter at Zachary Jennings Painting
Explore an exciting part-time opportunity this fall with Zachary Jennings Painting! If you’re seeking flexible work, a chance to boost your resume, and possess a strong work ethic, this role is tailor-made for you. Join a fast-growing company that values positivity, results, and continuous learning Job Title: Part Time Appointment Setter Company: Zachary Jennings Painting Location: Canada Type:…
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