#richard baskin
nofatclips · 11 months
Interview, a short film by Caroline Leaf & Veronika Soul
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cybercityoedo808 · 2 years
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Nashville, 1975, dir. Robert Altman
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sensedim1938 · 5 months
Dünyada yalnızca 14 milyon Yahudi var;
~Amerika'da 7 milyon,
~Asya'da 5 milyon,
~Avrupa'da 2 milyon,
~Afrika'da 100 bin
Adet Musevi yaşıyor..
Soru: Pekiyi de kaç adet Müslüman İnsan var?
Cevap: 1,4 milyar Müslüman;
~1 milyar Asya,
~400 milyon Afrika,
~44 milyon Avrupa,
~6 milyon Amerika
Kıt'asında Yaşıyor.
👉Yâni Dünyada 1 Musevi’ye Karşın 100 Müslüman Var...
İyi ama Yahudiler Müslümanlardan niçin 100 kat daha güçlü ve daha zengin ve daha eğitimli ve daha mucitler?
Tarafsız ve Bilimsel Yollarla tespit edilmiş nedenlerini öğrenmek istiyorsanız lütfen okumayı sürdürün.
👉Tüm zamanların en etkin bilim adamı Albert EİNSTEİN bir Yahudiydi.
👉Psikanalizin babası Sigmund FREUD bir Yahudiydi.
👉Karl MARKS Yahudiydi.
Tüm İnsanlığa zenginlik ve sağlık katmış Yahudilere bakalım;
👉Benjamin Rubin insanlığa aşı iğnesini armağan etti.
👉Jonas Salk ilk çocuk felci aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Gertrude Elion lösemiye karşı ilaç buldu.
👉Baruch Blumberg Hepatit-B aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Paul Ehrlich frengiye karşı tedaviyi buldu.
👉Elie Metchnikoff bulaşıcı hastalıklarla ilgili buluşuyla Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Gregory Pincus ilk doğum kontrol hapını geliştirdi.
👉Bernard Katz nöromasküler iletişim kaslarla sinir sistemi arası iletişim alanında Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Andrew Schally endokrinoloji metabolik sistem rahatsızlıkları, diyabet, hipertiroid tedavilerinde kullanılan yöntemi geliştirdi.
👉Aaaron Beck Cognitive Terapi’yi akli bozuklukları, depresyon ve fobi tedavilerinde kullanılan psikoterapi yöntemini geliştirdi.
👉Gerald Wald insan gözü hakkındaki bilgilerimizi geliştirerek Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Stanley Cohen embriyoloji embriyon ve gelişimi çalışmaları dalında Nobel aldı.
👉Willem Kolff böbrek diyaliz makinesini yaptı.
👉Peter Schultz optik lif kabloyu, Charles Adler trafik ışıklarını,
👉Benno Strauss paslanmaz çeliği,
👉Isador Kisse sesli filmleri,
👉Emile Berliner telefon mikrofonunu,
👉Charles Ginsburg ilk bantlı video kayıt makinesini geliştirdi.
👉Stanley Mezor ilk mikro işlem çipini icat etti.
👉Leo Szilard ilk nükleer zincirleme reaktörünü geliştirdi.
Peki, ama;
~Son 100 Yıl içinde Yahudiler sadece Bilimsel alanda 104 Nobel Ödülü kazanırken,
~1.4 milyar Müslüman neden yalnızca 3 Nobel kazandı
Yahudiler niçin bu kadar yaratıcı ve neden bu kadar güçlüler? Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu yatırımcılara ve işadamlarına ve markalarına bakalım;
* Ralph Lauren (Polo),
* Levi Strauss (Levi's Jeans),
* Howard Schultz (Starbuck's),
* Sergei Brin (Google),
* Michael Dell (Dell Bilgisayarları),
* Larry Ellison (Oracle),
* Donna Karan (DKNY),
* Irv Robbins (Baskins & Robbins),
* Bill Rosenberg (Dunkin Doughnuts)
* Richard Levin (Yale Üniversitesi'nin kurucu başkanı).
Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu sanatçılara bakalım:
* Michael Douglas,
* Dustin Hoffman,
* Harrison Ford,
* Woody Allen,
* Tony Curtis,
* Charles Bronson,
* Sandra Bullock,
* Billy Crystal,
* Paul Newman,
* Peter Sellers,
* George Burns,
* Goldie Hawn,
* Cary Grant,
* William Shatner,
* Jerry Lewis,* Peter Falk...
Yönetmenler ve Yapımcılar arasındaki Yahudiler:
* Steven Spielberg,
* Mel Brooks,
* Oliver Stone,
* Aaaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210),
* Neil Simon (The Odd Couple),
* Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1 /2 / 3),
* Michael Mann (Starzky and Hutch),
* Milos Forman (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Amadeus),
* Douglas Fairbanks (TheThief of Baghdat),
* Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) ,
* Kohen Kardeşler,
* William Wyler.
* William James Sidis
Sorun kendinize;
250’lik IQ derecesiyle Dünyaya gelmiş en parlak insan hangi dine mensuptur?
Sorun kendinize;
Neden Yahudiler bu kadar güçlüdür?
Cevabı şudur;
Her çocuğa ve her gence kaliteli eğitim verirler...
Bu eğitim türü sorgulayıcı (teslimiyetçi değil), araştırıcı (ezberci değil) ve yaratıcıdır (bilgi üretmek/bulmak içindir)
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umudsuzumud-official · 3 months
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Dünyada yalnızca 14 milyon Yahudi var;
~Amerika'da 7 milyon,
~Asya'da 5 milyon,
~Avrupa'da 2 milyon,
~Afrika'da 100 bin
Adet Musevi yaşıyor..
Soru: Pekiyi de kaç adet Müslüman İnsan var?
Cevap: 1,4 milyar Müslüman;
~1 milyar Asya,
~400 milyon Afrika,
~44 milyon Avrupa,
~6 milyon Amerika
Kıt'asında Yaşıyor.
👉Yâni Dünyada 1 Musevi’ye Karşın 100 Müslüman Var...
İyi ama Yahudiler Müslümanlardan niçin 100 kat daha güçlü ve daha zengin ve daha eğitimli ve daha mucitler?
Tarafsız ve Bilimsel Yollarla tespit edilmiş nedenlerini öğrenmek istiyorsanız lütfen okumayı sürdürün.
👉Tüm zamanların en etkin bilim adamı Albert EİNSTEİN bir Yahudiydi.
👉Psikanalizin babası Sigmund FREUD bir Yahudiydi.
👉Karl MARKS Yahudiydi.
Tüm İnsanlığa zenginlik ve sağlık katmış Yahudilere bakalım;
👉Benjamin Rubin insanlığa aşı iğnesini armağan etti.
👉Jonas Salk ilk çocuk felci aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Gertrude Elion lösemiye karşı ilaç buldu.
👉Baruch Blumberg Hepatit-B aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Paul Ehrlich frengiye karşı tedaviyi buldu.
👉Elie Metchnikoff bulaşıcı hastalıklarla ilgili buluşuyla Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Gregory Pincus ilk doğum kontrol hapını geliştirdi.
👉Bernard Katz nöromasküler iletişim kaslarla sinir sistemi arası iletişim alanında Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Andrew Schally endokrinoloji metabolik sistem rahatsızlıkları, diyabet, hipertiroid tedavilerinde kullanılan yöntemi geliştirdi.
👉Aaaron Beck Cognitive Terapi’yi akli bozuklukları, depresyon ve fobi tedavilerinde kullanılan psikoterapi yöntemini geliştirdi.
👉Gerald Wald insan gözü hakkındaki bilgilerimizi geliştirerek Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Stanley Cohen embriyoloji embriyon ve gelişimi çalışmaları dalında Nobel aldı.
👉Willem Kolff böbrek diyaliz makinesini yaptı.
👉Peter Schultz optik lif kabloyu, Charles Adler trafik ışıklarını,
👉Benno Strauss paslanmaz çeliği,
👉Isador Kisse sesli filmleri,
👉Emile Berliner telefon mikrofonunu,
👉Charles Ginsburg ilk bantlı video kayıt makinesini geliştirdi.
👉Stanley Mezor ilk mikro işlem çipini icat etti.
👉Leo Szilard ilk nükleer zincirleme reaktörünü geliştirdi.
Peki, ama;
~Son 100 Yıl içinde Yahudiler sadece Bilimsel alanda 104 Nobel Ödülü kazanırken,
~1.4 milyar Müslüman neden yalnızca 3 Nobel kazandı
Yahudiler niçin bu kadar yaratıcı ve neden bu kadar güçlüler? Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu yatırımcılara ve işadamlarına ve markalarına bakalım;
* Ralph Lauren (Polo),
* Levi Strauss (Levi's Jeans),
* Howard Schultz (Starbuck's),
* Sergei Brin (Google),
* Michael Dell (Dell Bilgisayarları),
* Larry Ellison (Oracle),
* Donna Karan (DKNY),
* Irv Robbins (Baskins & Robbins),
* Bill Rosenberg (Dunkin Doughnuts)
* Richard Levin (Yale Üniversitesi'nin kurucu başkanı).
Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu sanatçılara bakalım:
* Michael Douglas,
* Dustin Hoffman,
* Harrison Ford,
* Woody Allen,
* Tony Curtis,
* Charles Bronson,
* Sandra Bullock,
* Billy Crystal,
* Paul Newman,
* Peter Sellers,
* George Burns,
* Goldie Hawn,
* Cary Grant,
* William Shatner,
* Jerry Lewis,* Peter Falk...
Yönetmenler ve Yapımcılar arasındaki Yahudiler:
* Steven Spielberg,
* Mel Brooks,
* Oliver Stone,
* Aaaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210),
* Neil Simon (The Odd Couple),
* Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1 /2 / 3),
* Michael Mann (Starzky and Hutch),
* Milos Forman (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Amadeus),
* Douglas Fairbanks (TheThief of Baghdat),
* Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) ,
* Kohen Kardeşler,
* William Wyler.
* William James Sidis
Sorun kendinize;
250’lik IQ derecesiyle Dünyaya gelmiş en parlak insan hangi dine mensuptur?
Sorun kendinize;
Neden Yahudiler bu kadar güçlüdür?
Cevabı şudur;
Her çocuğa ve her gence kaliteli eğitim verirler...
Bu eğitim türü sorgulayıcı (teslimiyetçi değil), araştırıcı (ezberci değil) ve yaratıcıdır (bilgi üretmek/bulmak içindir)
Araştırmayı yapan:
Dr. Faruk SALEEM
İslamabat ~ PAKİSTAN
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Bevo Francis Award Top 25 Watch List Announced
2024 Bevo Francis Top 25 Watch List Announced
Kansas City, MO – The National Awards Committee and Small College Basketball are happy to announce the Bevo Francis Top 25 Watch List for the 2023-24 season. The Top 25 Watch List consists of some of the top players from the NCAA Division II, NCAA Division III, NAIA, USCAA, and NCCAA. With the amount of talented players and phenomenal seasons across all of these levels, the National Award Committee continues to have the difficult task of narrowing the list down. John McCarthy discussed this years Top 25 list:
"Congratulations to the 25 players that have made this prestigious Bevo Francis Award Watch List,” stated McCarthy. “This is a list of the elite of the elite in college basketball at the small college levels, based on our criteria. I am very grateful to our committee members, as they have provided great insight and information." 2024 marks the eighth year of the Bevo Francis Award. Past winners include Dominez Burnett of Davenport University in 2016, Justin Pitts of Northwest Missouri State University in 2017, Emanuel Terry of Lincoln Memorial University in 2018, Aston Francis of Wheaton College in 2019, Kyle Mangas of Indiana Wesleyan University in 2020 and Trevor Hudgins of Northwest Missouri State University in 2022. In 2023, RJ Sunahara of Nova Southeastern was named the winner of the Bevo Francis Award. The award was not presented during the 2021 season.
The Clarence “Bevo” Francis Award is presented annually to the player who has had the finest overall season within Small College Basketball. Considerations will be season statistics and individual achievements, awards, personal character and team achievements. This is an incredibly prestigious award, as this award will only be given to one player within Small College Basketball per season.
Next up on April 5th, the finalists of this year’s award will be announced. The Bevo Francis Award winner will be announced on April 8th .
The Bevo Francis Awards Committee consists of the following coaches: Gary Stewart - Stevenson (Md.), Chris Briggs - Georgetown (Ky.), Bill Dreikosen - Rocky Mountain (Mont.), Mark Berokoff – Oklahoma City, Mike Donnelly – Florida Southern, Sam Hargraves – Olivet (Mich.), Richard Westerlund – UNOH, Chase Tiechmann – Florida College, Aaron Siebenthall – Ottawa(Kan.), Mark Vanderslice – USC – Aiken, Matt O’Brien – Southwestern (KS), Chris Wright – Langston (OK), Ben Thompson – Emory & Henry, Justin Leslie – Midwestern State, Raul Placeres – Maryville College (TN), Chris Martin – Loras (IA), John Lamanna – Whitman (WA), Brian Miller – MSOE, Justin Downer – Point Loma Nazarene.
To stay up to date on all things Small College Basketball or to learn more about the Bevo Francis Award, please head to smallcollegebasketball.com.
2023-24 Bevo Francis Award Top 25 Watch List
Trevor Baskin 6’8” Jr. CO Mesa Drew Blair 6’5” Sr. MN-Duluth Frank Champion 6’7” Jr. North Georgia Luke Chicone 5’10” Jr. John Carroll Cevin Clark 5’11” Jr. Southwestern (KS) Tyler Dearman 6’3” Sr. Guilford Wes Dreamer 6’7” Sr. NW MO State Gus Etchison 5’11” Jr. Marian Spencer Freedman 6’0” Sr. New York U Zach Goodline 6’1” Sr. Huntington Jake Hilmer 5’11” Sr. Upper Iowa Jeff Hunter 6’7” Sr. Keene State Zawdie Jackson 6’0” Jr. West Georgia KJ Jones 6’6” Sr. Emmanuel (GA) Jaden Lietzke 6’7” Jr. Oklahoma Wesleyan Elijah Malone 6’10” Sr. Grace (IN) Anthony Mazzeo 6’3” Sr. Case Western Reserve Jalen Overway 6’9” So. Calvin James Paterson 6’7” So. STAC Logan Pearson 6’4” Jr. Wisconsin-Platteville Anthony Roy 6’5” Jr. Langston Tyler Schmidt 6’4” Sr. Olivet Nazarene Alex VanKalsbeek 6’6” So. Northwestern (IA) Malik Willingham 6’3” Jr. Minnesota State Larry Wise 6’5” Sr. West Texas A&M
0 notes
welcometowowsville · 2 months
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#welcome to la #keith carradine #sally kellerman #geraldine chaplin #sissy spacek #harvey keitel #lauren hutton #viveca lindfors #denver pyle #john considine #richard baskin #diahnne abbott #alan rudolph #robert altman
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behindavelvetcurtain · 5 months
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Sing (1989) - Directed by Richard Baskin
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citylifeorg · 6 months
Darius de Haas Celebrates Stevie Wonder at 92NY
Photo © 92NY 92NY’S LYRICS & LYRICISTS™ Presents IN THE KEY OF LIFE: THE GENIUS OF STEVIE WONDER Conceived, Written, and Performed by Darius de Haas Kenneth L. Roberson – DirectorFeaturing Richard Baskin, Jr., Helen White and more TBASaturday, December 2, 7:30 pmSunday, December 3, 2 pmMonday, December 4, 7:30 pmTickets from $40All Performances In Person  “You Are the Sunshine of My Life,”…
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Birthdays 8.15
Beer Birthdays
Adam Eulberg (1835)
Christian Benjamin Feigenspan (1844)
Charles D. Goepper (1860)
Christine Celis (1962)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Julia Child; chef, writer (1912)
Stieg Larsson; Swedish writer (1954)
Jennifer Lawrence; actor (1990)
Oscar Peterson; Canadian jazz pianist (1925)
Walter Scott; Scottish poet, writer (1771)
Famous Birthdays
Ben Affleck; actor (1972)
Tommy Aldridge; drummer (1950)
Ethel Barrymore; actor (1879)
Leonard Baskin; sculptor (1922)
Marion Bauer; composer (1882)
Robert Bolt; English playwright, screenwriter (1924)
Napoleon Bonaparte; French emperor, soldier (1769)
Estelle Brody; silent film actress (1900)
Jim Brothers; sculptor (1941)
Jan Brzechwa; Polish author and poet (1898)
Bobby Byrd; singer-songwriter (1934)
Bobby Caldwell; singer-songwriter (1951)
Cadence Carter; pornstar (1996)
Lillian Carter; Jimmy Carter's mother (1898)
Judy Cassab; Austrian-Australian painter (1920)
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor; English composer (1875)
Tom Colicchio; chef (1962)
Charles Comiskey; baseball player and manager (1859)
Leslie Comrie; New Zealand astronomer (1893)
Mike Connors; actor (1925)
Gerty Cori; Czech-American biochemist and physiologist (1896)
Walter Crane; English artist (1845)
Jim Dale; English actor (1935)
Abby Dalton; actress (1932)
Louis de Broglie; French physicist (1892)
Régine Deforges; French author (1935)
Thomas de Quincey; English writer (1785)
Linda Ellerbee; television journalist (1944)
Edna Ferber; writer (1885)
Eliza Lee Cabot Follen; writer (1787)
Huntz Hall; actor (1919)
Signe Hasso; Swedish-American actress (1915)
Richard F. Heck; chemist (1931)
Bobby Helms; singer (1933)
Natasha Henstridge; actor (1974)
Wendy Hiller; actor (1912)
Wolfgang Hohlbein; German author (1953)
Stix Hooper; jazz drummer (1938)
Jacques Ibert; French composer (1890)
Blind Jack; English engineer (1717)
Tom Johnston; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1948)
Julius Katchen; pianist and composer (1926)
George Klein; Canadian inventor of the motorized wheelchair (1904)
Aleksey Krylov; Russian mathematician and engineer (1863)
T.E. Lawrence; Welsh writer (1888)
Rose Maddox; singer-songwriter and fiddle player (1925)
Rose Marie; comedian, actor (1923)
Debra Messing; actor (1968)
Sami Michael; Iraqi-Israeli author and playwright (1926)
Giorgos Mouzakis; Greek trumpet player (1922)
E. Nesbit; English author and poet (1858)
Pyotr Novikov; Russian mathematician (1901)
Paul Outerbridge; photographer (1896)
Inês Pedrosa; Portuguese writer (1962)
Bill Pinkney, American pop singer (1925)
Luigi Pulci; Italian poet (1432)
Paul Rand; graphic designer (1914)
Nicholas Roeg; film director (1928)
Mike Seeger; folk musician and folklorist (1933)
John Silber; philosopher (1926)
Leo Theremin; Russian inventor (1896)
Rob Thomas; author (1965)
Jack Tworkov; Polish-American painter (1900)
Gene Upshaw; Oakland Raiders G (1945)
Mikao Usui; Japanese spiritual leader, founded Reiki (1865)
Jimmy Webb; songwriter (1946)
Hugo Winterhalter; composer and bandleader (1909)
Peter York; rock drummer (1942)
0 notes
thewitagency · 11 months
Top Recent Rebranding Examples to Inspire Your Business
What’s Rebranding?
Rebranding is the process of giving a new look and feels to a company’s brand to reflect its current values, personality, and mission. Successful rebranding can help a business create a lasting impression on customers, drive success, and stay relevant in a constantly evolving market.
Table of Contents: What’s Rebranding? Highlights
The Wit Agency – A Leading Branding and Design Agency in Pune
A strong brand is invaluable in today’s competitive market
Rebranding involves updating a company’s visual identity and messaging
Successful rebranding reflects a company’s values, personality, and mission
In 2020, Baskin-Robbins, the ice cream chain, underwent a successful rebranding. The new visual identity reflects the company’s mission to add happiness and youthfulness to every day. The updated design features a modern, playful look that has been positively received by the industry and customers.
CNET, the tech news website, underwent a logo redesign in 2017. The new design uses a bold font and color scheme that establishes trust and dependability as the company expands beyond tech. The new design has become a popular favorite, with many praising its modern and sleek look.
In 2021, Mars, the company that produces M&M’s, updated the M&M’s logo to reflect a progressive world. The updated design features a straightened logo and updated character designs that emphasize the brand’s focus on belonging and togetherness. The new visual identity reflects the company’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity.
In 2021, Zapier, the application integration platform used by thousands of companies, updated its brand and logo for the first time in its ten-year history. The new logo features a bold retro font and red underscore, making it more fun and punchy. The new visual identity captures the magic and motion of its customer base, reflecting the company’s mission to help businesses automate and streamline their workflows.
Logomakerzz – The Wit Agency:- A Leading Branding and Design Agency in Pune
Logomakerzz, now known as The Wit Agency, is a company that exists to help brands exceed their expectations by collaborating, creating, and celebrating together. The company seeks enthusiastic brands with limitless thinking and a drive to succeed through the right strategies and staying up-to-date with technology. The company’s rebranding reflects its mission and values, emphasizing its commitment to helping brands succeed.
“Your brand is more than just a logo or a name. It’s an expression of your company’s values, personality, and mission.”
Successful rebranding involves more than just updating a logo or color scheme. It involves creating a visual identity and messaging that reflects a company’s values, personality, and mission. The examples of Baskin-Robbins, CNET, M&M’s, and Zapier show the transformative power of successful branding. As a leading branding and design agency in Pune, The Wit Agency is committed to helping businesses create a strong brand presence and drive success through effective branding strategies and cutting
“A strong brand is invaluable as the battle for customers intensifies day by day. It’s important to spend time investing in researching, defining, and building your brand.” – Richard Branson
0 notes
#9 The Ghost at Dawn’s House: Chapter 8
Dawn and Jeff explore the secret passage and scare the shit out of themselves.
The same night Kristy is being regaled with the tale of Ben Brewer, Dawn's home alone with Jeff while Sharon's out on a date. Dawn says she “did a strange thing” after finding the secret passage, saying she hasn’t told anyone else about it. Which is what the BSC usually does - how many mysteries would have been solved right away if they told adults what was going on?
Dawn's also pissed that Sharon isn't out on a date with Richard. She's apparently been playing the field, including with some guys she met at a party. Was it a party thrown by Lisa and Seth? If so, damn! Anyway, tonight the lucky guy is Mr. Gwynne, the son of Granny and Pop-Pop's friends. 
After Sharon leaves for the romantic night with the guy that isn't Richard, Dawn and Jeff heat up a casserole and make a salad and watch an episode of All in the Family on tv. Dawn says she hates the show and I can think of a few reasons why. 
Since this is the same night as Kristy’s babysitting job, here comes the rain. And, as luck would have it, the power goes out. Dawn freaks out and thinks only the power went off in their house. Geez, for someone on edge so much in this book, you'd think she wouldn't be so eager to start reading ghost stories in the dark. But this is Dawn, the individual. She does what others wouldn't! So after reassuring herself that the power is out all throughout the neighborhood, she reads Jeff a whole bunch of spooky stories and manages to freak out both of them even more. Though I have to admit I'd take Dawn reading ghost stories over Karen rehashing Ben Brewer any day.
After Jeff says he doesn't want to hear anymore stories, Dawn decides this would be the perfect opportunity to show him the secret passage. “All we need is a flashlight!” Mind meet gutter AGAIN. They go inside and right off the bat, Jeff finds an Indian-head nickel. It's so old, the date's worn off! Man, the ghost is just losing things left and right. Is this a spectral Jackie Rodowsky?
As they keep walking, something crunches under Dawn's shoe and she freaks out and thinks it's a skeleton. Chill the fuck out, Dawn. Oh no...it's something scarier...AN ICE CREAM CONE! She and Jeff just stare at it, bewildered. Jeff is confused because he's never seen a pointy-bottomed, brown ice cream cone before, just the flat-bottomed yellow ones at Dairy Queen. Dawn also makes it a point to say that she and Jeff have only had ice cream, like twice, in their whole lives. Oh, aren't you so special? First off, I'm pretty sure Dairy Queen has the pointy cones too. Second, in their chapter 2 intros, it’s always said Jeff is a health-food nut but also likes sweets. Third, have these two never been to a Baskin Robbins? Oh wait, they're from California. According to the BSC, no one eats sweets in California.
Jeff and Dawn conclude the cone is one of those old-fashioned ones and probably hasn't been in production since Taft was in office. I still don't get that they think pointy ice cream cones are so antiquated. And that an ice cream cone from the 1910s wouldn’t have rotted away by now. Dawn's confused because the last time she was there, the cone and nickel weren't. She concludes the ghost must have materialized them.
Jeff rolls his eyes at Dawn but she explains the noises she's been hearing lately and tries to imitate the moaning she's been hearing. He isn't too convinced, until Dawn reiterates that the nickel and ice cream cone weren't there before. The conclusion now? The ghost is mad Dawn took the things from before and they shouldn't take the nickel now. And forget the ice cream; Dawn would only touch that with haz-mat gloves on.
So is the ghost paying Dawn the BSC's rate circa 1790 for watching his ghost children when she doesn't realize it? Does the ghost want them to leave the house so he's putting ice cream in there to scare them off? Before they can ponder this anymore, they hear a creak and a moan and they run out of the passage, screaming. Oh, and Jeff drops the nickel somewhere.
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energylifept · 2 years
Is the zookeepers wife playing tonight in st george utah
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Holly Willoughby gives health update as stomach bug forces her to miss a THIRD day of This Morning and insists she'll be 'back on Monday'Ī royal wonder of the world! Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall arrive at the Great Pyramid of Giza after visit to Al Azhar Mosque in Cairo on first day of Egypt tour and admits her image overhaul is a 'metaphor for surviving' Marry Me first official trailer: Jennifer Lopez's pop singer falls for a math teacher played by Owen Wilson after they wed on impulse in new romantic comedyĪdele details how losing 100lbs helped with her back problems and residual C-section issues. 'He told people I was an alcoholic, unhinged and a terrible mother!' Alice Evans makes further explosive claims about ex Ioan Gruffudd Radiant, youthful skin shouldn't cost the earth! Here's everything you need to know about the high street's HOTTEST new vitamin C serum and her post-conservatorship plan recommends staying drug and alcohol free Tiger King's Carole Baskin responds to claims her missing ex-husband Don Lewis is living in Costa Rica and slams producers for her 'made up feud' with Joe Exoticĭame Helen Mirren set to receive 2021 Screen Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement Awardīritney Spears' was caught speeding in September. 'Let's break taboos:' Maria Fowler posts 'unfiltered' snaps taken during her C-section as she encourages women to share 'real and imperfect birth stories'Ĭhristmas parties are BACK! Here's how to dress to impress WITHOUT breaking the bankĮastEnders' Adam Woodyatt 'owes £20,000 to creditors through his gin brand despite pocketing £250,000 while his estranged wife struggles for cash' Kyle Richards thinks Dorit Kemsley could be suffering PTSD after terrifying home invasion: 'I don't know if you ever get over something like that' 'I'm looking after the kids and that's it': Katie Price's ex-husband Kieran Hayler says he's 'done' after her Vegas wedding 'prank' with Carl WoodsĮmily In Paris season 2 trailer: Lily Collins shrieks in frustration over 'most incredible night of sex' as she finds herself in TWO love triangles Love Island's Lucinda Strafford left shaken after her phone was snatched by a balaclava-wearing thief on the way to the theatre Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne share a sweet KISS on the jumbotron at the New York Knicks game
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twotrey23 · 2 years
FREESTYLE LOVE SUPREME curtain call with Anthony Veneziale (Two Touch), Aneesa Folds (Young Nees), Jay C. Ellis (Jellis J), Andrew Bancroft (Jelly Donut), Mark Martin (Mandible), Richard Baskin Jr. (Rich Midway), and James Rushin (Shifty Hills) taking their bows after their performance at the Pasadena Playhouse on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Captured & edited by TheMovieReport.com #FreestyleLoveSupreme #AnthonyVeneziale #TwoTouch #LinManuelMiranda #AneesaFolds #JayCEllis #AndrewBancroft #MarkMartin #RichardBaskinJr #JamesRushin #PasadenaPlayhouse https://bit.ly/11nvHED https://bit.ly/1edyvbz Follow me on Instagram: https://bit.ly/XoHfFC Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/twotrey23 Follow me on Tumblr: https://bit.ly/2BnV19g by TheMovieReport.com
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Tiger King star Carole Baskin earns Bidens support on big cat bill
Tiger King star Carole Baskin earns Biden’s support on big cat bill Tiger King star Carole Baskin earns Biden’s support on big cat bill Photo by Araya Doheny/Getty Images for NightFly Entertainment, Ltd. On Tuesday, the White House officially threw its support behind a bill pushed by Tiger King star Carole Baskin to restrict exotic animal ownership. In a statement, the Biden administration said that the Big Cat Public Safety Act “would build on existing laws that protect big cats like tigers, cheetahs, jaguars, and other wild animals living in captivity in the United States” and “limit ownership of these animals to zoos, sanctuaries, universities, and agencies.” The measure — introduced by Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) — would formally ban the cub petting industry of lions, tigers, and other big cats featured in Netflix’s hit Tiger King documentary released in 2020. As highlighted in the show, private zoos regularly host events where park-goers are allowed to pet the cubs of small cats. For years, animal rights activist groups have criticized the practice that they say harms animals and threatens public safety. “Because cubs can only be ‘handled’ for a few months, this practice results in cubs being prematurely weaned and forcibly separated from their mothers, often resulting in long-term psychological repercussions,” the Animal Legal Defense Fund says in a message of support for the measure on its website. Private zoos, like the one run by Joe Exotic and other owners featured on the show, benefit from the loosely regulated cub petting and private cat ownership business. The legislation could dramatically affect how businesses like these operate, stripping away a large portion of the revenue earned through petting attractions. Early last month, the New York Post reported that Bhagavan “Doc” Antle, a private zoo owner featured in Tiger King, was booked by the FBI. No charges were listed, according to The Post, but Antle has faced numerous charges of felonies, including abuse of exotic animals, over the years. The House is expected to vote on a handful of bills, including the big cats measure, as early as this week. https://ift.tt/1LgeErz https://ift.tt/wsnW96l
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petnews2day · 2 years
‘Tiger King’ Bill to Protect Big Cats Advanced by House Panel
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/cat-news/tiger-king-bill-to-protect-big-cats-advanced-by-house-panel/
‘Tiger King’ Bill to Protect Big Cats Advanced by House Panel
A House panel Wednesday advanced bipartisan legislation that would ban the private ownership of large feline species such as lions, jaguars, and tigers, as depicted in Netflix Inc.‘s Tiger King series.
The Natural Resources Committee approved the Big Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 263) by 25-17. It would add big cats to the 1981 Lacey Act, a law that combats illegal trafficking of wildlife, fish, and plants.
The measure is backed by a majority of House members, including more than 50 Republicans. The House passed it in the last Congress, but the Senate never considered it, and hasn’t acted on a companion (S. 1210) reintroduced by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) last year.
Tiger King, released by Netflix in 2020, exposed a wider audience to issues around big cat ownership.
Photo: Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Carole Baskin, founder and CEO of Big Cat Rescue, on Capitol Hill on March 2, 2022. Baskin starred in Netflix’s Tiger King, which followed the starkly different approaches to big-cat ownership between the Baskins and former private zoo owner Joseph Maldonado-Passage, also known as Joe Exotic.
The series star, Joseph Maldonado-Passage, also known as Tiger King, managed the Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park in Oklahoma. He is now in federal prison for violating the Lacey Act and the Endangered Species Act, as well as for a murder-for-hire scheme targeting his nemesis Carole Baskin of Big Cat Rescue in Florida.
Baskin has lobbied for the bill on Capitol Hill.
The bill also would restrict the public from participating in certain practices related to big cats, including cub petting.
Republicans on the committee have criticized the legislation in the past for pitting large zoos against smaller zoos. There have also been concerns that the bill isn’t clear on various definitions, or which federal agency has primary jurisdiction over enforcing it.
Rep. Garret Graves (R-La.) on Wednesday complained that the panel was focusing on a “big cat” bill at a time when lawmakers should be discussing ways to tackle surging energy prices.
To contact the reporter on this story: Kellie Lunney in Washington at [email protected]
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Sarah Babbage at [email protected]; Anna Yukhananov at [email protected]
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Bevo Francis Award Watch List of 50 Players Released
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 15, 2024 Media Contact: Matt Ankenbrandt Sports Information Director │ Small College Basketball 616.780.1335 www.smallcollegebasketball.com
2024 Bevo Francis Top 50 Watch List Announced
Kansas City, MO – Small College Basketball and the National Awards Committee are pleased to announce the Bevo Francis Top 50 Watch List for the 2023-24 season. After the Top 100 Watch List was announced on January 15 th, 2024, the National Awards Committee had the difficult task of narrowing the list down to the Top 50. The Top 50 Watch List is made up of some of the best players across the NCAA Division II, NCAA Division III, NAIA, USCAA and NCCAA. John McCarthy touched on the this years Top 50 list:
"Congratulations to all 50 players on the Bevo Francis Award Watch List,” mentioned McCarthy. “This is an incredible honor, as this represents 50 players out of approximately 13,000 - 16,000 players that are competing at the small college levels. Each player is in the midst of an outstanding season, both individually and as a team. I am very grateful to our SCB National Awards Committee for such tremendous input on this list."
The Clarence “Bevo” Francis Award is presented annually to the player who has had the finest overall season within Small College Basketball. Considerations will be season statistics and individual achievements, awards, personal character and team achievements. This is an incredibly prestigious award, as this award will only be given to one player within Small College Basketball per season.
2024 marks the eighth year of the Bevo Francis Award. Past winners include Dominez Burnett of Davenport University in 2016, Justin Pitts of Northwest Missouri State University in 2017, Emanuel Terry of Lincoln Memorial University in 2018, Aston Francis of Wheaton College in 2019, Kyle Mangas of Indiana Wesleyan University in 2020 and Trevor Hudgins of Northwest Missouri State University in 2022. In 2023, RJ Sunahara of Nova Southeastern was named the winner of the Bevo Francis Award. The award was not presented during the 2021 season.
On March 15th, the Top 25 players will be announced. On April 5, the finalists of this year’s award will be announced, followed by the Bevo Francis Award winner being crowned on April 8.
The Bevo Francis Awards Committee consists of the following coaches: Gary Stewart - Stevenson (Md.), Chris Briggs - Georgetown (Ky.), Bill Dreikosen - Rocky Mountain (Mont.), Mark Berokoff – Oklahoma City, Mike Donnelly – Florida Southern, Sam Hargraves – Olivet (Mich.), Richard Westerlund – Great Lakes Christian, Chase Tiechmann – Florida College, Aaron Siebenthall – Ottawa (Kan.), Mark Vanderslice – USC – Aiken, Matt O’Brien – Southwestern (KS), Chris Wright – Langston (OK), Ben Thompson – Emory & Henry, Justin Leslie – Midwestern State, Raul Placeres – Maryville College (TN), Chris Martin – Loras (IA), John Lamanna – Whitman (WA), Brian Miller – MSOE, Justin Downer – Point Loma Nazarene. To stay up to date on all things Small College Basketball or to learn more about the Bevo Francis Award, please head to smallcollegebasketball.com.
2023-24 Bevo Francis Award Watch List
Trevor Baskin 6’8” Jr. CO Mesa Drew Blair 6’5” Sr. MN-Duluth Octavio Brito 6’4” So. Keene State Martez Brown 6’9” Sr. Lincoln Memorial Frank Champion 6’7” Jr. North Georgia Luke Chicone 5’10” Jr. John Carroll Cevin Clark 5’11” Jr. Southwestern (KS) Toru Dean 6’0” Sr. Langston Tyler Dearman 6’3” Sr. Guilford Connor Dillon 6’2” Jr. Winona State Ely Doble 6’6” Sr. Morningside Wes Dreamer 6’7” Sr. NW MO State Gus Etchison 5’11” Jr. Marian Spencer Freedman 6’0” Sr. New York U Zach Goodline 6’1” Sr. Huntington CJ Hall 6’2” Jr. SAGU Jake Hilmer 5’11” Sr. Upper Iowa Jahn Hines 6’4” Jr. Christopher Newport Jeff Hunter 6’7” Sr. Keene State Zawdie Jackson 6’0” Jr. West Georgia Josiah Johnson 6’1” Sr. Mary Hardin-Baylor KJ Jones 6’6” Sr. Emmanuel (GA) Tavon Jones 6’3” Sr. Nichols Cameron Kahn 6’6” Sr. Dallas Baptist Zach Laput 6’4” Sr. Bentley Jaden Lietzke 6’7” Jr. Oklahoma Wesleyan Drew Lutz 6’1” Sr. Bethel (IN) Elijah Malone 6’10” Sr. Grace (IN) Jayvon Maughmer 6’6” Sr. Cedarville Anthony Mazzeo 6’3” Sr. Case Western Reserve Jaylin McCants 6’6” Jr. Dubuque KJ McClurg 6’3” So. Cal PA Erza McKenna 6’9” Jr. Mobile Josh Omojafo 6’5” So. Gannon Jalen Overway 6’9” So. Calvin Christian Parker 6’6” Jr. Mount Union James Paterson 6’7” So. STAC Ben Pearce 6’1” So. Emory Logan Pearson 6’4” Jr. Wisconsin-Platteville Ethan Porterfield 6’8” Sr. IUP Anthony Roy 6’5” Jr. Langston Tyler Schmidt 6’4” Sr. Olivet Nazarene Jeremiah Sparks 6’3” Sr. Oswego State DJ Talton, Jr. 5’10” Jr. OK Wesleyan Jo Valrie 6’5” Jr. Point Park
Joshua Van Gorp 6’10” Sr. Central (IA) Alex VanKalsbeek 6’6” So. Northwestern (IA) Jaden Wells 6’1” Jr. Central Oklahoma Malik Willingham 6’3” Jr. Minnesota State Larry Wise 6’5” Sr. West Texas A&M
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