#rings of power x reader
valkyriepirate · 11 months
Elrond x Reader- Always Been Yours
Summary: You and Elrond have been close for many years because of your positions on the council. When an army of orcs unexpectedly attacks Lindon while Elrond is away in the dwarven kingdom, you become near-fatally wounded in battle. Elrond rushes home to find you barely alive, calling the name of your lover in your sleep. Little does he know you are dreaming of him. 
Word count: 4.9k words
Warnings: Battle violence, fluff <3
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#1- Always Been Yours
Spring had finally arrived in Lindon, and the air was thrumming with the promise of life. A fresh, warm breeze gently swayed the trees of the forest like a rebellious eddy on the open sea, lifting your long sleeves and carrying your voice to the sky. It wasn’t often that you sang on the palace grounds; while you had a beautiful voice, you never prided yourself in it, but the day was far too beautiful not to let it fill your heart with joy through song. You could almost sense the flowers readying to break the surface of the soil and taste the dew that would settle on their leaves.  
You knelt next to a tree by the river, caressing the dirt with your fingers. Your mother had always said that the forest should be greeted as your dearest friend, for it was your greatest protector. As you ran your hand through the crystalline water, you could imagine her voice intertwining with yours, just like how you two would sing together all those years ago. Being here amongst the trees and the earth made you feel closer to her, as if her spirit lived on in the forest.  
“I didn’t know you sang,” a familiar voice from behind lurched you from your thoughts. You turned around, already feeling the tips of your ears heat in embarrassment, to face your longtime friend.  
“Anyone with a voice to speak can just as well sing, can they not?” You brushed loose dirt from your dress as you stood up.  
Elrond smiled, glancing politely toward the ground. “Many can speak, but not many can sing like you. Please- don't stop on my account.”
“I’m afraid that is a song for the wind and water, not for the ears of well-meaning friends,” you teased.  
“Then it would be best I said nothing at all,” said Elrond.  
“And leave me to go on with silent listeners nearby? I think not.”
You stepped out onto the main path, Elrond falling in step beside you. Even though you were reluctant to let him hear your voice, you felt comfortable in every other way around him. You couldn’t help the little spark of gladness that flickered in your chest whenever he was near.  
“What are you doing out here in the forest?” you asked, glancing sidelong at him. The sun was casting amber hues through his hair, making him look like a crowned prince.  
“Looking for you,” he folded his hands behind him. “The High King Gil-galad is sending me to Forodwaith to establish terms of trade with Durin and the dwarves of Khazad-Dum. He expects me to leave in the morning.”
“So soon? It feels as if you just returned from your last journey,” you said, trying and failing to keep the disappointment out of your voice. Seeming to hear it, he nodded regretfully.  
“Apparently I was specifically requested by Durin. The High King fears he won’t negotiate terms with any elf other than I.”
“Ah, I see. The dwarf wants another excuse to see you.”  
Elrond laughed good-naturedly. “I doubt that. I think I’m simply the one he wants to hit with his hammer the least.”
“You give yourself too little credit, Elrond. You have a spirit more kind and gentle than anyone I know. Even a dwarf can see that.”  
He pinked in the cheeks. “And I think you give me too much credit, (Y/N). Besides, the kindest heart in Eriador certainly doesn’t belong to me. I’m afraid that title is taken by a particular elf-maiden with a lovely voice.”  
A fluttering sensation enveloped your stomach, and you bit your lip to keep from smiling. “When do you think you’ll return?” you asked evenly.  
“In a fortnight, perhaps. Though these trips always seem to take longer than initially planned. You know Disa’s hospitality.”
That you did. You considered the female dwarrow a dear friend. Your position as the general of the Sindarin army sometimes took you to distant lands across Middle-earth, and you had become acquainted with Disa in your travels long ago, before she had married Durin. Though you suspected you were in for a thorough scolding the next time you saw her, if Elrond’s account of Durin’s anger amounted to anything. Your kind were wont to lose track of the days, unlike the mortal races. It made you wonder how long it really had been since you’d seen Disa last.  
“Give her the warmest tidings from me,” you said sincerely. “I miss her dearly. How I wish I could accompany you.”
“I wish much the same,” said Elrond bashfully, not meeting your eyes. “The road travel can be quite lonely and tedious at times.”
“Here.” You bent and plucked a white-plumed daylily from a bush that was rooted in the stream, handing it to him. “Keep it with you. When you feel alone, you can pull it out and think of me.”
He handled the flower reverently, as if you had bestowed upon him a precious jewel. He looked up at you, the sweetest, humblest smile gracing his features. “I most certainly shall.”
The two of you talked far into midday, wandering the forest and ignoring the existence of your duties. Your heart began to ache the more time you spent with him, however, knowing that he was bound to disappear once more, and all too soon you bid him goodbye. There were several things concerning the Sindarin warriors to discuss with the king, and Gil-galad was not one to be kept waiting.  
You slept fitfully that night, Elrond’s face flashing in your mind every time you closed your eyes. You rose before the sun the next morning and raced as elegantly as possible to the road past the waterfall where Elrond was set to depart. Only the guards were awake, nodding respectfully to you as you passed. All of Lindon dutifully recognized your position as a war general even when you weren’t in your armor.  
As periwinkle streaks of dawn bled across the sky, you nearly began to worry that you had missed him, but your worries ameliorated when you caught sight of his robes by the front gates. Elrond was loading his supplies onto his horse, his face turned away from you. Silently, you approached him from behind, hoping you didn’t appear as if you’d rushed out to meet him in a frenzy.  
“Attempting to leave without saying goodbye, are we?” you said into the still morning air. Elrond looked up, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.  
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he tied one last knot around his knapsack. “I only wished for you to have as much rest as possible. It is early to be awake even for I.”  
“So you may say.” One side of your mouth quirked up. “Is everything prepared?”
“Yes. All I need is to collect my will to mount this horse and leave Lindon behind.” His voice caught as he said Lindon, as if he were about to say you.  
Your heart was buzzing inside your chest as if you were a restless bumblebee being separated from your flower. “Do not forget,” you reminded him softly, spotting the daylily tucked into his robe. You reached over and tenderly pressed the petals against his chest. “This flower means I am with you. You will be in my thoughts, Elrond.”
He held your gaze, his eyes filled with some deep emotion you couldn’t express. Gently, he grasped your hand and grazed your fingers with the barest of kisses. Physical affection was rare among your kind, particularly in public, though you sensed the only bystanders observing your interaction were the dandelions beneath your feet and the forest critters slipping between the trees.  
“And you will be in my heart, (Y/N),” promised Elrond. He was the embodiment of a dulcet predawn dream, the kind you wanted to get lost in forever, to never wake up from. Yet you knew both his duties and yours were to the kingdom before they answered your own desires.  
You gave his fingers a slight squeeze. “You will give Durin and Disa my best, will you not?”
He smiled. “I shall.”
“Do be safe. You have duties and friends to come back to, you know.”
“I will do my best,” he bowed. “I am sure my heart will ache with every step I take away from you.”
You parted, feeling as if you were forcing yourself awake from a pleasant dream, and watched as he mounted his horse and trotted away from the front gates. At the end of the path, he halted and turned to face you one last time.  
“Goodbye, (Y/N),” he called.  
“Goodbye, Elrond,” you returned, and didn’t allow yourself to blink until he had passed over the hill into the far reaches of the forest, where the trees seemed to lean down and caress him with their branches as if he were not simply an elf, but a king venturing into a distant land, riding away with your stolen heart.  
A harsh, screeching noise tore you from your sleep. With a jolt of panic, you bolted upright in bed, trying to collect your bearings. Liquid moonlight spilled through your leaf-paned window and leaked over the floor. You judged that it was a little over two hours past midnight. The horrible, dissonant noise seemed to come from all around you. You picked out the sound of Lindon’s warning bell from among the chaos, coupled with pained screams and the sound of something shattering.  
In a heartbeat, you leaped out of bed and grabbed your silver-plated longsword by the door. You burst out of your room and flew down the stairs towards the commotion. The clanging noises intensified as you ran to the royal courtyard. You deduced the source before you saw them- orcs.  
Dozens of the grisly fiends were pouring over the gates, brandishing crude, makeshift weapons and baring their black teeth. Several other elves had already arrived on the scene, defending against the attackers with deadly grace. Swords flashed and arrows flew under the silvery light of the moon, and blood the color of the night sky painted the ground before your eyes.  
You seamlessly entered the battle, lopping the heads off one orc after the other, not stopping to ponder how or why the orcs were leading this raid. Your senses clicked into the mode of war, as familiar to you as breathing. Within seconds, you had effortlessly picked out the opening points of the battleground that were most concentrated by the enemy, and called out regiment orders as more of your brethren rushed into the courtyard. The few elves donning soldier’s gear hastened to obey your command.  
You drove your sword into the gut of a nearby orc and sliced another in half at the waist. The rest of your thoughts fell away with every kill as you allowed your sword to become a part of you, as dexterous and fluid as an extension of your arm. Any sleepiness you might have felt was replaced by an acute focus of your surroundings.  
You worked your way towards the gates to quell the flush of orcs streaming into your territory. With a spin, you dropped three of the beasts at once, moving with all the poise and accuracy of an elven warrior. As you did, you spotted Galadriel at the far side of the courtyard.
You had to step over the bodies of your victims to make berth towards her in the rushing sea, as if you were caught in a dangerous dance between life and death. “Galadriel!” you yelled. “How did this happen?”
“Someone has left the anterior parapets unfortified,” she called back, ducking to avoid a swinging club. “These gates were open when I arrived!”
“How can that be? There are guards stationed here day and night!”
“I do not know. The Dark Lord must have found out about our affairs in Númenor. We are at half our strength. He senses weakness.”
“He won’t find any,” you gritted your teeth. You stabbed a nearby orc in the neck and spun to avoid the spray of black blood. If the Dark Lord thought catching you off your guard would give him the advantage, you were prepared to prove him wrong.
“There is something adrift about this attack. Something...foul. Within the kingdom.”
You raised an eyebrow, though it was doubtful Galadriel could see it in the dark. “You think there is a traitor?”
“Perhaps,” she said. “Or an intruder yet to be detected.”
This troubled you. You were the head of the Sindarin army. It was your job to keep the kingdom safe. If there was a spy under your nose, you would be the first to know about it. Yet with half the army stationed in the Southlands aiding the Númenorians, an attack could come from any side.  
Irrationally, you found yourself becoming steeped in worry for Elrond. It had been days since his departure, and if this orc army had advanced in from the south, it was likely Elrond may have crossed paths with them. While he was more than a capable warrior, standing alone against an entire army wouldn’t be easy even for you. You hoped he had already made it to Khazad-Dum...
Suddenly you cried out in alarm. While you were worrying about Elrond, an orc had approached on your left flank and slashed you across the shoulder.  
Focus, you reprimanded yourself. Do not forget the battle in front of you.  
You dispatched the orc quickly and kicked the dismembered helmet away. Then Galadriel screamed. You whirled around to come face-to-face with the largest orc you had ever seen.  
It was almost twice your size, and armed with a cruel-looking blade. Its armor was detached in places, as if it had outgrown its battle garments too fast for them to be replaced. Galadriel had taken a swipe at the exposed part of its hide, but her sword had lodged in its armor on an angle. In a blink, the orc slammed both its fists into her arm, emitting a sickening crack.  
Her sword dropped to the dirt. You rushed to her side, ferociously stabbing your sword through its calf. The orc roared in pain and slashed at you with its blade. You deflected and thrust upward at its chest, but its height momentarily gave it leverage. It swung again and you narrowly dodged what could have been a fatal slice to the throat.
“Archers, to me!” you yelled over the din of battle. Two elves equipped with bows and arrows raced toward you, taking aim. “On my count!”
You pressed forward, trying to prompt the orc to step into the open. Galadriel took position on your right, one of her arms hanging limply at her side. Together you attacked as fiercely as you could. You needed to wound it somehow and step out of range for your archers to have a clear shot. Any head shots would be futile against its obsidian helmet.  
You moved to the left, trying to keep it distracted, but the orc was swiping at you with its sword in one hand and swatting at Galadriel with the other. You ordered the archers to fire, but most of the arrows struck harmlessly over the thick armor. The ones that buried in its skin didn’t seem to slow it down at all.  
With a growl, the orc hobbled forward and shoved Galadriel to the ground. She cried out as she landed on her broken arm. Without hesitation, you lunged to put yourself between her and your attacker. It raised its blade above its head.
“Fire!” you screamed at the archers, but it was too late. Time seemed to slow down. Arrows flew. Your sword glinted in the light of the moon, sending the world up in a flash of white, and you swung.  
There was a thump and you looked to see the orc’s meaty arm lying in the grass, separated from its body. Its crooked fingers were no longer clasped around its blade. You blinked and gasped, suddenly hit with a wave of pain, and looked down to see that the blade was buried in your stomach.  
One of the archer’s arrows struck clean through the orc’s bare neck, and it was dead before it hit the ground. The sound of it rattled your brain. You felt blood gushing from your torso and trickling down the front of your white nightgown. Your hands grasped the hilt of the orcish blade, but you didn’t have the strength to dislodge it. Your knees gave out and you crumpled.  
Galadriel was frantically calling out your name, but her voice soon melded into the sounds of swords clashing and orcs roaring in the battlefield around you. Your vision went blurry, your lungs desperately searching for air; you were drowning, and all you could see was red before the night itself bled over the trees, overtaking your body completely.  
Elrond rode on a steed of wind and rain. The sky over the next range of hills was darkening so quickly it was as if clouds of ink had been spilled from the heavens, leaking down to the earth in the form of icy droplets that stung his eyes and soaked through his cloak. His heart was pounding in tune with the beat of his horse’s hooves on the soil. Desperately, he pressed one hand against his heart, where (Y/N) had tucked the daylily. He had taken it out each morning of his journey and run his fingers over its soft petals, knowing that with every step he was farther away from her, but feeling her presence in his mind at the very thought of her face.  
He pictured her now and fervently prayed that she was unharmed. Elrond had only been in the dwarven kingdom two days when Durin informed him of the attack on Lindon. The report hadn’t come with many details, only word of casualties among the elves. Elrond was trying to ignore the fact that (Y/N) would have been on the front lines, leading the defense.  
He urged his horse faster. Lindon’s sunset-orange elm trees came into view. He sped into the kingdom, past the gates, and into the royal courtyard. The midnight battle occurred over a day ago, but Elrond could still see the bloodstains painting the ground, a canvas saturated with too much color. He averted his eyes as he dismounted his horse and rushed into the palace.  
Lindon’s exquisite halls, which usually shimmered with magic and light, were opaque and desolate, echoing the sound of thunder and rain pattering against marble. No one was about roaming the palace grounds. It almost seemed that the kingdom was deserted.  
He spotted Gil-galad as he turned the corner, standing in the hall outside the infirmary. The High King, usually so serious and serene, was gazing in concern at the inside of the room.  
“My King,” Elrond said as he approached. “I came as soon as I heard of the attack.”
Gil-galad nodded solemnly. “The Dark Lord sees too much. I’m afraid if he were to advance again, with double the forces, we may not be able to hold our position for long.”
“Our army. Is it...?”
“Intact? Yes. Yet not entirely stable. All we can do is wait and recover.”
“And the wounded?”
The King looked at Elrond and in his eyes was utter sorrow. “Perhaps you should go in.”
Elrond bowed, feeling as though his thoughts were laid bare. With his heart in his throat, he steeled his emotions and stepped into the infirmary.  
It was a wide, circular room, the far side bordered by an arched veranda that opened out onto a terrace with a view of the waterfalls. Curtains of leaves were draped over the arches to keep out the rain, cloaking the room in dim light. Cots layered with forest-green silk were placed evenly about the space. Nearly every one was occupied by a wounded elf. A handful of healers moved about the room, pressing cold cloths to foreheads and spoon-feeding herbal concoctions. A scatter of lit candles cast the place in a sleepy red hue like blood washing away in a river.  
Elrond walked among the wounded. Most of them were familiar faces. Some had sheets pulled over their heads. Others were so scarred and bloodied or covered in salve that he couldn’t recognize them. But there was one elf he was searching for in particular.  
He found her on a cot by the far wall. Her face was so gray that she looked on the verge of melting into a puddle of raindrops. Heavy gauze was wrapped around her navel up to her sternum. Her hands rested peacefully at her sides.  
Elrond’s heart broke at the very sight of her. (Y/N) looked so drained, so lifeless- the stark opposite of the lively elf maiden he knew.  
He lowered into the chair at her side and took her hand in his. Her fingers were like ice. Fighting the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes, he whispered, “I’m here, hiril vuin. It’s me.”
She didn’t stir. Elrond could almost imagine that she was a statue made of marble, carved by a delicate hand, framed in stormy light. Her breathing was so shallow it was hard to believe she was alive at all.  
Elrond didn’t know how long he sat there, staring at her unmoving form. He murmured sweet nothings under his breath as he stroked her palm, as if his whispers would coax her from her sleep.  
A healer came by at some point to check up on (Y/N), but there wasn’t much to do besides dab her forehead with a cloth and make her as comfortable as possible. The healer hummed an old elven healing song over her before moving on.  
“Come back to me,” Elrond whispered as soon as the healer was out of earshot. “You are the light in my life, (Y/N). I cannot walk the darkness alone.”
He reached into his cloak and brought out the daylily. The tips of its petals were wilting, as if responding to the condition of its giver. He leaned over and tucked the flower into (Y/N)’s hair. “There was never a moment you escaped my thoughts,” he said. “You, nin lilui, my daylily, are my dearest friend. Yet you are also so much more.” A tear traced its way down his cheek and dripped onto her fingers. Elrond caressed her cheek, his voice breaking. “You are so much more to me.”
He stayed by her side as the night passed. Soon enough rogue streaks of dawn shone through the curtains. Weariness and heartache weighed him down, but he couldn’t sleep while she was like this. Her eyes moved rapidly beneath her eyelids like she was trapped in a dream and couldn’t find the way out.  
Elrond pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Dawn is here, nin lilui. Do not let the darkness claim you.”
(Y/N) made a sound in the back of her throat. Her brow furrowed in pain. “Nin onlui mel...”
Elrond sat up straight. He searched her face for signs of life. “(Y/N)?”
She mumbled unintelligibly in Elvish. Elrond’s heart raced. “It’s me,” he said. “It’s Elrond. I’m here.”
“Nin onlui mel,” she muttered. “Mi van me, nin mel...”
Where are you, my love?
Emotions clouded Elrond’s mind in a swift blur. She was on the verge of consciousness. She was going to be okay. His daylily hadn’t left him. And yet a bitter taste filled his mouth.  
She was calling out for her true love. And it wasn’t him.  
You ran through an endless forest. Black trees like twisting claws kept bursting from the dirt, redirecting your path. The hungry screams of your enemies echoed from all sides, and you spun in confusion and fear, unsure where to run. You had no weapon. Your nightgown was drenched in blood. Your heart beat frantically in your chest like you were a wild, hunted animal.  
You followed the line of trees, but shadows formed illusions in the darkness. The trees seemed to grasp at you, pulling your hair, tearing your clothes. Everything looked the same. There was no way out.  
The screams sounded closer now. You turned and ran, but the ground was wet and you slipped. When you got to your knees, you realized you had fallen in a pool of your own blood.  
Your vision was hazy, but you could see vicious shapes snarling and snapping out of the corner of your eye. You felt so weak, so tired. Looking up at the gray sky, you were ready to give up hope.
“Elrond,” you sobbed. You yearned for him with an aching you couldn’t express. The thought of him was like sunlight in this dark place. Your Elrond- kind as summer, gentle as a breeze. “Where are you?”
Your enemies howled, and the world was then no more.  
You didn’t remember opening your eyes.  
At first, you weren’t sure what was a dream and what was reality. The shadows seemed to linger around your body, their wispy hands trailing against your skin. Your head felt like it had been stuffed with cotton. The gray sky had disappeared, and the light of day was pouring into the room from somewhere.  
You blinked, feeling like your eyelids were made of iron. Your entire body ached. An incisive pain ripped through your stomach as you woke, bringing your surroundings into focus. You laid on a cot in the infirmary. Sitting to your left was an elf with tousled brown hair.  
“Elrond?” you groaned. It was as if your throat had been charred with firewood.
"(Y/N),” he sat forward, holding your hand. In his eyes were a million emotions.  “It’s okay. I’m here.”
The sight of him was going to make you cry. “Oh, Elrond.”
He quickly poured you a glass of water and held it to your lips. “Drink this.”
You obliged, though just the movement of your neck set your torso on fire. You had been wounded in battle countless times, though never as bad as this.  
“You came back for me,” you said. Your voice sounded scratchy to your own ears.  
Elrond looked on the verge of tears. He smiled at you, and despite your pain, giddiness fizzed in your veins. “No sooner had I been in Khazad-Dum two days when Durin gave me word of the attack. I set off again that same hour. I came as fast as I could.” He looked down. “(Y/N), I am so sorry.”
“Elrond,” you reached out and cupped his face. “I am a soldier. Battles happen. Warriors fall. Nothing is your fault.”
He closed his fingers around yours. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. His eyes were drawn and his hair was a tangled mess. You had the urge to run your fingers through it.  
“(Y/N),” he said carefully, “What were you dreaming of?”
You closed your eyes again, remembering the figures in the darkness, the gnarled trees moving you about the forest like a ghost, the way you were drenched in blood.  
“I thought I was dead,” you responded weakly. “There was darkness, and I was lost- there was so much blood...”
“You were calling out for someone in your sleep,” he said softly.
“I was? W-who?”
You saw the answer in his eyes before he spoke. “’Nin onlui mel.’”
Silence like an ocean stretched between you two. You turned to face the terrace, where the curtains had been pulled back to provide you with a view of the waterfall. “My true love,” you translated, unable to look at him.
He let go of your hand, placing it at your side. He didn’t speak for a long time. The silence was devastating.
Eventually you couldn’t take it anymore. “Elrond-”
You turned to face him again. He didn’t meet your eyes.  
“It would be a lie to say some part of my heart does not ache,” he said. “Yet the desire of my heart is for you to be happy. I will not get in the way of your devotion to another.”
You tried to sit up, but a wave of nausea forced you back down. “Elrond, I don’t understand.”
“I am sorry if I have been a bother. It was foolish of me to think...to think with such selfishness.”  
“What are you saying?”
He glanced at you. “Whoever he is, as much as I wish not to be, I am, shamefully, envious. I only hope that you can forgive me.”
“No.” You shook your head. “No, Elrond, you don’t understand. There isn’t someone else.” You took a deep breath, gathering your courage. “Nin onlui mel. It’s you. It’s always been you.”
His expression matched himself on the day you’d given him the daylily- as if your small kindness was as valuable to him as sparkling treasure. “Me?”
You nodded. “I cannot help it. You are the water to my soil; you have made spring bloom once more in my heart where I thought it not possible. You give me hope. My soul longs for you, nin mel. I love you as I love life.”
Tears fell from his eyes. He was beautiful. He brushed a stray curl from your face and murmured, “And to truly live is to love. Will you allow me to love you with all of myself?”
“My love,” you whispered, “I cannot live any other way.”
His lips were soft as he kissed your temple. He leaned his forehead against yours, and in that moment, you had the world.
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why-what-no · 2 years
First Meeting
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Pairing: Elrond (ROP) x Reader
Warnings: None, Some Silmarillion Lore Mentions
Summary: After a lifetime of Elrond imagining what would happen when he first met his love, the half-elf encountered a being in the forest that left him awestruck.
Requested by: @writing-fanics
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Throughout his life, Elrond had always tried to imagine his future love. Creating images in his head about what they would look like or what their personality would be. There'd be so many scenarios in his head about what he and them would do together. And most importantly, their first meeting.
He had always been a romantic, teased by his brother for it. But the teasing had always been gentle, and Elrond had always known that his brother had admired that romantic quality of his.
When he got older, however, he knew that he had to leave those thoughts behind. His career had to take precedent. Slowly, ideas for how to improve Middle Earth took over his ideas of love. Keeping busy and putting his whole heart and mind into his ambition. When Elrond cared about something, he made sure to make it his top priority.
But in the evening, when he was settling down for bed, some of those hopes and dreams for a relationship would return. When he couldn’t hide the fact that he sometimes felt so lonely.
His brother was gone, his friends were either his superiors or were always traveling to far off lands. The idea of someone putting him first, and letting him put them first, was a powerful desire
Despite that, however, Elrond went on with his life. Until everything he had pushed into the back of his mind happened.
Until the imagined "first meeting" was a reality.
There was a forest around Lindon that Elrond loved to walk through on those days where he needed a break from his duties. The leaves providing a gentle shade, a gorgeous green that brought a relaxing atmosphere. There was a feeling in that forest, like time stood still and allowed him to be free.
It was there that he finally met (Y/N). When the sound of a cracked branch brought his attention to the person agilely climbing down from one of the trees. Jumping down and landing gracefully just feet away from Elrond. 
He could only stop and stare.
It was obvious from the pointed ears and the lovely features that she was elvish. But the half-elf could swear that in all his life, he had never been so captivated by another being like he was with her. 
Elrond had heard stories of Thingol, the first King of Doriath, when he met his wife Melian, one of the Maia.
He had been traversing through forests to visit his friend when he came across Melian, awestruck by her beauty. He took her hand, and for years he stood there with her, having forgotten his people from the sight of the powerful and beautiful being. 
It was in the moment when he saw (Y/N) that he finally understood the spell that had taken over King Thingol. 
It was only because of great luck to those who depended on Elrond that he only stayed, basking in her presence, for a few days. But he could barely bring himself to care. Needing to know her, to learn her name and the things that brought her joy.
When he finally left, he vowed to return as soon as possible. 
(Y/N) lived in the forest, keeping to herself. The nature brought her joy and the animals were her friends. But when she met Elrond, she knew that there would be a chance that she would give that up to be with him. 
He would never ask her for that, knowing how special the trees and land around Lindon was. However, to (Y/N), he was the most special thing she had ever seen. She just wants to see him every day.
As for Elrond, those fantasies of meeting his love had disappeared, finally having met the person he knew that he would spend the rest of his life with.
And no one else could possibly compare to her.
Taglist: @dark-academia-slut @silverhart93
763 notes · View notes
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Imagine Halbrand’s sweet words while he harbours a secret…
An elf pointed down a stone path to a green patch of land circled by a body of water. Thanking him, you departed in the direction hoping to find Galadriel. As you neared the sweet-smelling greenery there was a rustle from a nearby thicket. You paused and a brown-haired head appeared. 
“Y/n.” Halbrand greeted as he emerged from the edge of the lake. “What brings you here?”
Grateful to see him, you smiled. “Elrond was looking for Galadriel. A passing elf mentioned that she may have come down this way.” You replied.
Halbrand straightened his shoulders, hoping that they would be wide enough to conceal the elf in question sinking beneath the waters surface. He shook his head. “I don’t believe that I’ve seen her down this way.” 
He lied as naturally as breathing. He had every intention to leave for Mordor before more questions were raised but the disheartening look on your face made his chest knot. How had you managed to cause such an effect on him - the Deceiver?
His mind formed the words to begin an exit but his feelings overcame the rational thoughts. “Why don’t we search the upper halls together.” He offered with a smile, watching your sad demeanour visibly lift.
Looking up at him, you mirrored his smile and stood to gaze at upon his face.
For a mere moment, Halbrand wondered if you had discovered his secret and were waiting to speak on it but he tread carefully on the matter.
“What is it?” He asked.
Raising a hand to his face, you brushed a few strands of hair away from his eyes before lightly tracing his cheek.
“Nothing, I just - this place has quite the effect on people.” You replied. “For example, you look…”
Halbrand leaned forward and winked. “Impossibly charming?” He teased.
The jest managed to coax a sweet laugh, one that Halbrand was due to miss upon his departure.
Composing yourself once again, the smile turned into a grin. “You look radiant. As if the sun has graced you with their flames.”
Halbrand chuckled and took your hand, for nothing more than to hold you close until he no longer had the privilege.
“If that is so then I must confess that when you are near, I feel the warmth of the moon.” He flattered before falling into a softer more sincere tone. “And I see a light guiding the lost through the dark - someone who has reminded me of what it is to love.”
His words touched you so deeply that you avert your gaze to where he was caressing your skin. You only wanted to help him and Galadriel on the quest to restore his crown. Never did you think to fall in love with him on the way.
Halbrand brought a hand to rest beneath your chin tilted your head up so his eyes could meet yours. He held your gaze, melting the world around before speaking again. “You are a gift. One that I will never forget.”
Halbrand leaned forward, pressing his lips firmly against yours and felt that moon-like warmth spreading through his being when you kissed back. He would have revelled in the blissful moment longer had he not remembered Galadriel behind him. Pulling away gently, Halbrand smiled.
“We should probably leave before they think that I’ve stolen you away.”
You could help but chuckle at his statement. He would have no need to steal you, he simply had to ask.
Giving him a small nod, you stepped back and turned towards the stone steps that led back up to the tower. “Shall we?”
Halbrand gestured forward. “After you.”
~ More imagines here ~
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wordbunch · 6 months
SFW alphabet: Isildur
a/n: partially requested by @queenmeriadoc and mostly written very self-indulgently for me cause i love this chaotic boy and i miss him!!! i hope you enjoy, and be so kind to let me know in comments/reblogs <3 this is literally for me and like 3 more ppl, but it is the last thing in my drafts which have to be cleared out before i start with new things ehehe
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A = AFFECTION (how affectionate are they and how do they show affection?) Moderately affectionate, usually in teasing and playful ways, when you two are around others. If he notices someone looking at you a bit too much for his liking, an arm around you is obligatory! Behind your four walls, he is soaking up every touch and kiss that you give him, and sometimes he will be borderline annoying with how much he loves to have you physically close.
B = BEST FRIEND (what would they be like as a best friend and how would the friendship start?) Pretty cool, except sometimes flaky. But he would always enthusiastically try to make up for everything he missed, and he would always have an adventure up his sleeve!
C = CUDDLES (do they like to cuddle & how?) Don’t tell his friends, but he is an absolute cuddle bug! As soon as you’re alone, he will all but glue himself to you, and complain when you want to get up - he is willing to sacrifice food in favor of constant skin-to-skin contact with his stunning partner. All cuddling positions are good cuddling positions, but especially the ones where he can relentlessly shower you with kisses.
D = DOMESTIC (do they want to settle down; how are they at cooking/cleaning?) Somewhere down the road, he’d like to settle down with you, but right now you’re young, wild and free! He is sort of a mess, and he can be a bit lazy around the house, but just make an enticing promise of a reward for his help, and he’ll be up and running to do whatever you need him to.
E = ENCHANTED (what was their first opinion/feeling about you when you just met?) Oh he was smug, and very flirty when he first approached you, not necessarily ‘cause he immediately liked you, but because he wanted to show off in front of others, and be flirted back with. He most definitely found you attractive, but if you responded with a sarcastically flirty comment, he’d get the most gigantic crush right then and there. Before you knew it, he was wrapped around your pinky finger.
F = FIANCE(E) (how do they feel about commitment; how quickly would they want to get married?) Somewhere down the road for sure, but he needs his 'young, wild and free' time. But also having a sleepover with your best friend for the rest of your lives sounds pretty enticing... I wouldn't put it past him to want to just randomly elope somewhere and go on a boat journey as a honeymoon! Also once you two are officially a couple, he will only have eyes on you and definitely be a tiny bit possessive.
G = GENTLE (how gentle are they, physically and emotionally?) Regarding this... he is a complicated one. He can surely be a bit rough, and always is to his friends (of course in a loving way), but for you he tries to learn to be gentle and sweet in every way. It's actually super cute!
H = HUGS (do they like hugs, how often, what are they like?) He will absolutely give you surprise hugs and hugs from behind, and the hugs where he picks you up and makes you laugh, so it's mostly playful hugs with this boy. Except if he's feeling down about something, then he will instinctively look for your touch and warmth. He's almost neutral towards hugs on everyday basis but he's absolutely not going to say no. However, in private he prefers to go all in and at least have a cuddle session.
I = I LOVE YOU (how fast they say the L-word) It takes him some time for sure, but I feel like he'd blurt it out in some random moment, and he'd most definitely be staring at you like the most lovesick puppy as you do something or just talk, and maybe he would say it quietly at first so you'd have to double-check - he was surprisingly shy about it! But all is well when you say it back, and he can't get enough of hearing it.
J = JEALOUSY (how jealous do they get and how they act then) He is fiery and quite impulsive still, and also very aware that you’re very attractive, so he tends to get quite jealous quite often. As soon as someone is giving you unwanted attention, he is there with a snarky comment and a slender arm sneaking around your waist tightly. He will side-eye the person while subtly checking over you to see if you’re alright. In those moments you will try to suppress laughter, because he looks so cute when he tries to act all manly and big. Maybe later you tease him for it a little bit.
K = KISSES (what are their kisses like, where do they like to kiss you/be kissed?) Unpredictable and sometimes desperate, like kissing you is air that he needs to survive. He will grab your face with both his hands and smush his lips (and half his face) against yours until both of you need to pull away for oxygen, it’s kinda funny but also super sweet, and one of the ways he shows you that he’s absolutely smitten with you. He is the biggest fan of kisses on the lips, 
L = LOVE LANGUAGE (what is their love language and how they show you love) Physical touch is definitely up there, and maybe quality time. He is quite touchy-feely with you, especially in private, and he will gladly ditch anyone and anything to have more of that with you. Something that shows he’s very thoughtful is the way he plans little dates and outings for the two of you, on normal days as well as more special ones.
M = MORNINGS (how are mornings spent with them) Usually he’s active and energetic, and he can run on not too much sleep, but once he gets addicted to falling asleep while cuddling you, and waking up by your side, his sleeping hours get a bit longer, and his mornings a little bit slower and lazier. It’s also in the mornings when he’s the most quiet and just enjoys your presence and warmth.
N = NIGHT (how are nights spent with them) This boy loves to be outside on chilly starry nights!! His absolute favorite thing to do with you in the evenings would be to walk around the city and share a couple of drinks, maybe socialize with your friends, but after that he must steal you away and go either for a night boat ride under the stars, or a night swim - or both!
O = OPEN (when would they start revealing things about themselves; everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) On the one hand, Isildur wants to pretend he’s this mysterious I-can-get-anyone type of guy, but the real truth is… you look at him with a head tilt and ask him about something, and he will crumble and say everything at once. He can be influenced by you big time.
P = PATIENCE (how easily angered are they?) Young Isildur can be feisty, that’s for sure, and he tends to get annoyed by some relatively trivial things sometimes, but most of the time there’s no use trying to rationalize with him over them while he’s upset - rather just let him air it out and get over it, maybe he’ll go horse riding or have a short swim to cool down, and then he’ll come to you like a pouty baby.
Q = QUIZZES (how much would they remember about you – every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget most things?) Not every little detail for sure, he’s somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Sometimes you’ll be surprised by the fact that he’d remember something very tiny and almost insignificant, but ended up forgetting something that was a bigger deal. 
R = REMEMBER (favorite moment in your relationship) The lead-up to his favorite moment wasn't sweet in the slightest - a man who'd had too many drinks in a tavern was making suggestive comments about you, and Isildur most definitely wasn't going to let that slide; his impulses got the best of them and he ended up getting into a fight. When you finally pulled him away from it, it was time to bandage him up, and it made him feel really loved. It was so worth it to go through the fight to defend his beloved, and then afterwards receive your affection and care and lots and lots of kisses to cure the pain.
S = SECURITY (how protective are they; how they'd like to be protected and how they protect you) In theory, he's definitely going to be like 'my partner is so badass and doesn't need my help and defense' but in practice... all it takes is someone's weird look towards you for him to be running to your side. Sometimes he's definitely partial to taking it too far and then you have to step in and calm him down a little. However, he's not the biggest fan of you acting protective over him publicly - he isn't going to stop you or tell you anything, but it's going to make him feel insecure and insufficient in a way. That's something the two of you work on.
T = TRY (how much effort do they put into dates, gifts, anniversaries, everyday stuff) Okay so, he is secretly convinced that you can do better and fall in love with someone better than him (you wouldn't tho), so he's going to do anything in his power for you to stay with him for good, which includes sometimes too elaborate date or anniversary plans. Once you catch on, you have to push a little bit to get to the bottom of it, but eventually you reassure him that he doesn't have to have every detail figured out - it's okay to go with the flow on more special days as well, if some things don't work out perfectly!
U = UGLY (some bad habits of theirs) He can be messy and chaotic, he doesn’t spend much time inside so his room is not in the best of states. He usually just runs inside to grab or leave something, and late in the night crashes in the bed which, you guessed it, was unmade all day.
V = VANITY (how concerned are they with their looks?) Not too concerned, he knows he looks good without putting too much effort in, so why should he? Except for when you two have something special planned, then he’s going to try his best, and if you compliment him he will absolutely burn on the inside!
W = WISH (something that they really want to do/experience with you?) He wants to go sailing with you on a very early morning, when it’s still dark outside and the sun is only beginning to rise - the colors look beautiful reflected on the water, everything is quiet and the air is misty and fresh, the water is basically perfectly calm. He is planning to use that date idea for a birthday surprise for you, and that might even be how he’d like to propose.
X = XTRA (a random headcanon for them) While he is relatively self-confident, and doesn’t have too much trouble approaching anyone he deems interesting or attractive, he will become an absolute flustered stuttering mess if he gets approached first, especially if the person approaching him is immediately flattering or flirty to him!
Y = YUCK (what are some things they dislike generally or in a partner?) Isildur hates being bored and passive, except on the days when he really wants to just be lazy, so he would prefer a partner who is also relatively active in their everyday life.
Z = ZZZ (a sleep habit of theirs) He is a very restless sleeper and he tosses and turns quite a lot, and ranges anywhere between throwing the blanket on the floor in his sleep and wrapping himself in it and being a complete blanket hogger. 
💕 taglist my beloved @lotrnonsense​ @starlady66​ @queenmeriadoc​ @thesolarangel​ @averys-place​ @valkyriepirate​ @noldorinpainter​ @asianbutnotjapanese​ @fenharel-enaste​ @starryeyedrogue​ @lady-of-imladris​ @suncran @asianbutnoteastasian @moth-makay @bubbleyukismile @herstudios💕
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multific · 1 year
Love Me Tender
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Elrond x Reader
You felt a cold breeze, the first sign of winter. It made a chill run down your spine.
You adored every season.
Spring for it's beauty, it was the symbol of the start of something new. Summer, for the warmth and many opportunities it brought.
Fall for the falling leaves and Winter for the snow.
Winter to you meant change, it was the beginning of something new.
And it was also winter when you met the love of your life, Elrond.
You were lost in the woods, no idea where you were heading after a terrible encounter with Orcs.
You were lost with Orcs hot in your tail. The forest was unforgiving, it was cold, no leaves to hide behind, all you could do was run.
Then you heard weapons clashing and suddenly, a young handsome elf stood in front of you.
"My name is Elrond," he introduced himself, so gentle and kind, it made you trust him immediately. 
You remember how much you were shaking, from both the cold and the fear.
Yet, somehow he was able to calm you in a matter of seconds.
His eyes held such gentleness and kindness, only the freezing temperatures stayed.
Didn't take long for Elrond to start courting you. 
Your admiration and friendship for Elrond soon turned into love.
And after exchanging promises, you became his wife.
His one and only.
The one he proudly showed off by his side. The one who opened his eyes to many things, the one he loved the most, you.
And most importantly, the one who gave him the gift of a beautiful daughter and two strong sons. 
Elrond was older now, his spirit unbreakable, and his love for you burning with the same flame as many many many moons ago.
There, you stood, out on the balcony of Rivendell, looking at the night sky as slowly snow started to fall. The moon was bright in the night sky, illuminating you as if the moon wanted your husband to see where you were exactly. 
"My Love, isn't it too cold for you be out here?" he asked as he approached you. Taking you fully in, now while he still saw the same woman he saved so many years ago, that frightened little thing he saved, he couldn't doubt that the woman in front of him was a lot more mature. A mother to his children, a Lady for his kin and a wife for him.
"It is cold, but I couldn't deny the moon. It is too pretty to simply ignore." you turned slightly and looked up at the moon again.
"While I do agree with you, I would rather you look at the moon from the warmth of our chambers."
You smiled and turning you nodded. Knowing there was no point in arguing with your husband. And you were rather cold, so you allowed him to take you inside.
In your chambers, the fire was cracking, the room felt so warm, it was your home. In this room, nothing else mattered but you and Elrond. No elf, or dwarf, no orc or men. Only you and your love for one another.
You moved to your side of the bed, while your husband did the same, waiting for you so he can hold you, you moved your head onto his chest as he moved his arm around you, holding you as you watched the fire crackle.
"Good night, My Love." he whispered.
"Good night, Elrond, I love you." you replied, and although you did hear him mumble something, sleep took over and you couldn't hear him fully.
But deep in your heart you knew exactly what he said, so you slept with a smile on your face. 
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​ @stunkbiggu
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Hiiii could you please do something filthy for Galadriel? Please? 💖💖💖 tysm you rock💖💖
I will be sharing with you my thots 🤭
Pairing: Galadriel x female human reader
Warnings: multiple sex positions, oral, bodily fluids, dom/sub.
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18+ only content or ☠️
Galadriel is a dom through and through. She wants to dominate and domineer the scene, setting up her own rules and she likes a tidy space. She's not one for brat-taming because if you provoke she will simply stimulate you until you were numb and unmoving.
She likes it rough but not particularly dirty. She likes a clean space so she Always wants you to clean up after yourself, working your tongue on her, collecting each other's juices, and when she sees anything that's not clean enough for her high standards she simply makes you do it again.
There are some positions she wants you to perfect, she might even ask for more things: strip shows, fucking demonstrations. She could even have you practice your vocal orgasms by having you completely dressed in her chambers standing up, not allowed to touch yourself while she's reciting filthy scenarios to you, or better yet simply looking at you until she sees how wet you can get with just her deep gaze.
She is relentless though, her elven stature gives her the high ground to turn you completely into her toy and she also loves adoring you in jewels and the finest fabrics. Dressed in the best silk with the most vibrant colors. She likes watching you happy all day long until the night when she orders you to her chambers and has you screaming and pleading for mercy.
She's mostly into both overstimulation and orgasm control, she likes the softness of long make-out sessions and leaving love bites on your skin with her sharp teeth. She loves the roughness of face riding both for you and for her but most importantly she loves it when you ride her cunt your hands holding on to her shoulders slick upon slick until you're both breathing into each other's mouths.
And of course, the aftercare would be the most sublime, with her singing songs inside your ear while you fell asleep on her body.
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judgementdaysunshine · 10 months
A promise
Pairing: Galadriel x Fem reader
Description: Galadriel keeps her promise to you after you get lost and hurt during the war
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Galadriel feels her mind spiral out of control as she looks and yells for you, she doesn't care about the ash and soot all over her, that her hair is dirty and sticking across her face, and her body screaming in protest after all the fighting she had done. All she cared about was finding you alive and making sure she didn't lose you after everything you both had already been through in your lives and gone through together this past while, she could never forgive herself if you were gone because of her, she had only been with you for this last month after you both poured your feelings out to each other and everything else after was a whirlwind of love and passion between the two of you as the war came and you both prepared yourselves and all the villagers who had decided to step up and fight for their home and all of their lives, you groan in pain as you come to seeing dim orange light above you as you cough as you hear noise around you. You yell out in pain as you move debris away and pop up, barely able to see you slowly use a nearby door as leverage to pull yourself up as you hear voices not far away from you, you turn and begin to walk but fall down as you yell out to the man and woman you saw talking and looking around probably looking for someone they knew or had found each other randomly "Are you alright?!" you see a brunette woman checking your body especially the wound on your abdomen as the man who you noticed was an elf gently whispers to you while running his fingers on your face to keep you awake as they help you up and you are put over his shoulders as they yell out a name you barely hear as you pass out and they take you to the safe point they had made for everyone. You wake up to see a boy next to you as you look around, groaning as you try to lean up but you are slowly pushed back down by the woman from earlier "You got hurt pretty bad but it will get better just don't move unless you have to" you nod as you see the same man from earlier above you making you grab and hold his hand "Thank you both of you for helping me" they both smile at you as they lean down and hug you, the three introduce themselves learning their names are Bronwyn, her son Theo, and Arondir making you smile as he speaks Quenyan to another elf "Have tye seen a blonde inya moriquende esse telepse armor?" he turns to look and smiles big as theo runs out, you soon hear footsteps and see a familiar face above you. You thank the three as you and galadriel hug tightly and share a kiss "I thought I'd never see you again!" she laughs tearfully as she thanks and hugs the three "I made a promise to you not only to love you for eternity but that if we were lost and separated from each other we would never stop until we found each other" you tearfully smile as you remember the heartfelt promise you made to each other right before the war started, the two of you talk to each other and neither of you are seen without the other too far behind as and after you recover from your wound and as everyone slowly recovers and moves on from the war that nearly ended everything for every single being in Middle Earth.
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onegayastronaut · 1 year
Being Human and Dating Galadriel Would Include…
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Requested by anon
Galadriel showing up at Numenor and goes around demanding information
Being referred to you because the locals know you have the best chance of giving this rude elf information and getting her to leave
Spending time researching and having a huge crush on her
Watching her train the local students
She is impressed by how smart you are and finding herself coming back to talk to you
Eating together and neither of you really talking because both of you are too shy
The research takes years, and the two of you acting like a couple
She’ll surprise you with food, and will always take you to different places
Even though she tries to pretend to be tough, she likes to cuddle
Everyone pretty much assumes that you’re a couple at this point, and you don’t really correct them
Eventually you find out the information that Galadriel was here for in the first place, and she leaves
She’s gone for a long time, but she finds herself missing you every day while she’s gone
Coming back to tell you that she’s not going anywhere without you
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ali-r3n · 1 year
Halbrand x Elf!Reader
Hints of possible assault and fighting
{The Picture is not a representation of Y/N's appearance, just the way I pictured what she wore}
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While walking through the streets of Numenor, Y/N was ambushed by a group of three men. A man trapped her in his arms with his hand over her mouth to muffle her. She held his wrist and stared wide eyed at his accomplice who stood in front of her. 
“Ain’t she a beaut,” he sneered. His eyes roamed her body with a wicked gleam in them. 
She felt exposed and shivered in disgust. 
She flinched away when he ran his finger down her cheek and tucked her hair behind her pointy ear. 
“Now, now. None of that.” 
Y/N pleaded with his eyes when he pulled out a dagger. Her stomach twisted in fear and she tensed as he dragged the blade down her cheek. 
“You won’t fight us, Elf. It would be a shame to mark up that pretty face.” 
She closed her eyes and waited for it to be over, praying that it would be quickly. 
“Now what do we have here?” 
Y/N and her captors looked over at the entrance to the alley where Halbrand walked down. 
“Stay out of this, Low Man. This doesn’t concern you.” 
Halbrand’s jaw clenched and leveled the Man with a dark gaze. The Man took a step back. 
“Do us both a favor and let her go,” he said. 
“And what are you going to - AH!” 
Y/N kicked out and hit her captor in the groin. He grabbed himself and doubled over with a groan. She tossed her head back and broke the nose of the man who held her with a sickening crunch. He fell back with a cry. The third man stood no chance and was also quickly on the floor in pain. 
“Thanks for the distraction,” she stated. 
Halbrand crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. “Anytime.” 
“Pointy Eared Bitch!” The First Man exclaimed and lunged at Y/N to attack her. 
His wrist was seized by Halbrand and he was pulled away from her.  
“You should’ve stayed down,” Halbrand stated, coldly. With a single twist, he snapped his wrist like a twig.  
He tossed the man to the side  as he wailed. Halbrand looked at Y/N like nothing had happened. 
“How about a drink?” 
She stared at him for a moment. “A drink sounds appealing.” 
She lifted up her skirt and stepped over her attacker who was curled up in a ball whimpering. 
“My Lady.” Halbrand gave her a bow before he followed her to the tavern.
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Imagine: Elrond (RoP)
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Pairing: Elrond x (human) Reader
Part 2
Warnings: None.
Gender neutral, no hair/eyes/skin colour mentioned. might be a little OOC.
I love the show so much, and Elrond just stole my heart the second he appeared on screen <3 ! he’s just so cute!
I kinda got carried away... and i have almost 0 writing skills. you've been warned.
also, english is not my native language, i apologise for any mistakes. and i tried to add some elvish in this, but i’m not sure if i got the translation right...
The sun was barely peeking behind the horizon when you started to wake up. The slightly open window of your chambers allowed the smell of the morning dew on flowers and grass to enter the room, and the faint breeze coming with it caused goosebumps to appear on your arms. You pulled the covers around yourself a little more, wishing nothing more than to go back to sleep before ultimately having to get up to attend to your duties. In your half asleep state, you didn't hear the door slowly opening, or the light footsteps approaching your bed...
Elrond had started the preparation for his journey when the moon was still high in the sky, and having almost finished, he decided to sneak into your room to wake you up. He was to leave in the evening, and you wouldn't be able to see each other for a month at best. He was determined to spend as much time as possible with you today.
Swiftly, he entered your room, and walked to your bed where you were almost asleep again. A small smile tugged at his lips. He crossed the room without a sound, and sat next to you, careful to not startle you. He reached out to touch your face delicately; his fingers grazing your cheeks and forehead. After a few minutes, he decided to gently wake you up, he leaned in and placed small kisses on your temple, muttering sweet nothings in between each kisses.
It took you a few seconds to realise what was happening; to realise your lover was beside you, giving you affection. In your opinion, there was no better way to wake up.
With a sigh, your eyes fluttered open and you were greeted by the handsome face of the elf who stole your heart. You rolled on your back and smiled at him, taking the hand that was touching your face in yours.
“Good morning...”
“Good morning my love. Did you sleep well?”
You hummed while nodding your head.
“Yes, but I could have used an hour or two more, though.”
He let out a breathy laugh. You sat up and leaned your head on his shoulder.
“Aren’t you supposed to get ready for your journey?”
You asked as he gently rubbed the back of your head with his free hand.
“The preparation are almost finished. Someone else will take care of what’s left. I just wish to spend the day with you.”
It was no secret that the both of you hated being apart; when he had to leave for a long period of time, he always looked for a way to get you to join the travel, that way you were by his side, and he could subtly show you off to the world.But his time, he couldn’t bring you along...
“I have to help in the library today.”
You reminded him.
“Do not worry about that. I made sure they wouldn’t need you...” 
He really had planned everything. Not that you were complaining.There was nothing you loved than to spend a day with him. Especially since you wouldn’t be able to for some time.
“Then, why don’t we lay down for a while longer, and then we’ll enjoy the rest of the day until you have to leave?”
You suggested, pulling away from him. He kissed your forehead, and smiled.
“Very well, meleth nin (my love)”
You moved to give him some space to lay down. Once Elrond was comfortably settled on your bed, you cuddled up to him, resting your head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around you and took your hand that was resting on his chest in his. his warmth was slowly but surely lulling you back to sleep, but before sleep could fully take hold of you, you heard him whisper:
“Melin le (I love you)”
You woke up two hours or so later. Elrond was awake too, he probably didn't sleep at all. Je gazing lovingly at you, like he always did when he looked at you. With a sigh, you sat up and leaned in to give Elrond a kiss. You both got out of the bed and he left the room to let you get ready, telling you he would wait for you on a balcony down the corridor. You went to the bathroom attached to your chambers to wash up quickly. Once finished, you went back to your room and got dressed.
You didn't waste any more time and ran out, almost slamming the room behind you, to join Elrond. You found him, like he said, on the balcony, looking out at the sea, a serene smile on his face. You knew he heard you coming but that didn't stop you from running into his back to hug him. You both laughed as he took your hands in his, turned into your embrace and kissed your forehead. He then let go of your right hand and led you out to start your day together...
The day was spent laughing, talking about anything and everything, sharing kisses and words of love, in the meadow where he always go when he wants to be left alone. Time passed to quickly for both of you, as you had to walk to the gates of Lindon to meet with the other elves who would be travelling with him.
When you arrived, everything was ready for his departure. Elves were busying themselves around the horses and the carts, not paying attention to you two.
Elrong took both your hands in his when you stopped walking. He looked deep into your eyes and kissed your knuckles.
"Are you sure there is no chance of me going with you?"
You asked him, for what feels the thousandth time, and even though you already knew the answer.
"Sadly no. I've pleaded the High King many times, but the answer remains the same."
He looked as saddened as you. You huffed and looked behind him far into the distance, at nothing in particular. Elrond held your chin between his thumb and index finger and turned your face to his, so you could look into his eyes.
"Do not be upset my love. I don't like the idea of leaving when you feel like that..."
You smiled as best as you could. It was but a sad smile, knowing that you would be alone for a month, as most of the elves usually ignored you. A single tear feel down your cheek at the thought, and Elrond was quick to catch it with the pad of his finger. He let his hand rest on your cheek. He just looked at you, as if it would be the last time he saw you. Then, he kissed you. The kiss was passionate and full of love. He didn't care at all if the others saw; they didn't matter for him. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, eyes still closed. You could faintly hear the elves around you, talking and giving orders... What snapped you both back was the one that said that it was time to leave. But you didn't moved one bit.
"I guess it's time to say goodbye..."
You said.
"I'll be back before you realise, my love, do not worry."
He gave you a bright smile to try and cheer you up a little. You put your hand on his, that didn't leave your cheek. You smiled bak at him, and then kissed his palm. He was about to say something else but once again, an elf insisted it was time for them to be on their way...
"Melin le, nin elena (I love you, my star)"
"I love you too"
You stood in the same spot you were when he left, you just turned around to look at him slowly going in the forest. A few steps into it, Elrond turned around to look at you. He gave you a small wave and turned back around to catch up with the others. You watched them until they completely disappeared into the forest.
You didn't know if he was right, if this month would go by quickly, but Lindon surely would be quite dark to you, without your lover to brighten your days...
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why-what-no · 2 years
Like Home
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Pairing: Halbrand x Half-Elf!Reader
Warnings: Violence, Prison Cell
Summary: After a lifetime of feeling like an outcast, Galadriel’s dear friend meets another outcast when she follows Galadriel into the open sea. Her and the human man getting close in Numenor, including in a Numenorean prison.
Requested by: @lina-lovebug
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Numenor was absolutely stunning, (Y/N) would admit to herself and only herself. Art and functionality working together to create such a city. Everyone a part of it, with a legacy to be proud of. Truly a symbol of the ingenuity of the race of men. 
(Y/N) wished she had gotten the chance to visit this island in better circumstance. Plus, it was a shame that everyone looked at her and her dear friend Galadriel like they were the greatest enemy of every human on the island. She wanted to let them know that she was only a half-elf to calm them slightly, but she doubted it would actual change anything. 
An elf was an elf to a human. How much elven blood flowed through her veins didn't quite matter as long as her ears were pointed and her youth was forever. Even despite how much of an outcast she sometimes felt. Even with a friendship with Galadriel, as well as Elrond who knew very well how (Y/N) felt.
But someone who didn't make her feel like an outcast was, surprisingly, the sea stranded human that she and Galadriel had met on the ocean when (Y/N) had followed her friend in the escape from the ship to Valinor.
Halbrand wasn't someone she expected to care amount, too cocky and irresponsible. But he was smart, and kind to her. And throughout their very short time together, he never made her feel like she didn't belong. In fact, he always tried to make her smile.
However, he never stopped being irresponsible. Namely when it came to underestimating others, which is exactly what got him into a fight with several Numenoreans. Numenoreans who didn't like the fact that Halbrand tried to steal from him. 
For the first time, (Y/N) was frightened by the human man who before had only ever made her laugh. The fury in his eyes as he bashed the man's head into the wall shocked her. Even as (Y/N) shouted to him to stop, it was only when the Numenorean solders arrived that his rage finally retreated. 
But when a soldier gripped (Y/N) shoulder, making it clear she would be locked up with Halbrand, that anger returned to the man. "Take your hands off of her." He snarled, stepping forward. 
But she stepped in front of Halbrand, blocking him off from causing any more violence. "It's alright." (Y/N) spoke hastily, giving her human friend a look that let him know to calm down. "We won't fight you." She promised the guard, holding out her hands to let the soldiers bind her wrists. 
Halbrand could only follow her lead, not wanted the soldiers to use his rashness as an excuse to separate the two of them. 
Once in a cell with Halbrand, (Y/N) sat down on the floor, resting her head against the wall. The human man tried to offer her the single cot in the cell, but she refused. Elves were durable, sleeping on the floor, against the wall, wouldn't actually hurt her other than some slight discomfort. 
She fell asleep quicker than Halbrand expected, clearly having been more tired from the activities of the last few days than she had let him know. 
While Halbrand wasn't exactly a gentleman, he hated the idea of sleeping on a cot while a lady was on the floor. At first debating whether he should lift her onto the cot, but quickly realized how much she would hate him doing that. 
So instead, he pushed himself off the cot, resting against the wall beside her. Trying to get some rest like (Y/N) was. But when he finally managed to fall asleep, Halbrand unconsciously slumped sideways against his half-elven friend. 
When (Y/N) woke up, not too long later, she was surprised at the sight in front of her. Halbrand had slumped over in his sleep, his head resting against her lap. She didn't push him away, only blushing deeply as she softly stroked her hand over his hair. 
He woke up at that, realizing what was happening. "Sorry." He muttered uncomfortably, clearly blushing as much as she had been. It was obvious that he was embarrassed. 
"No need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." She paused. "At least in this cell." AS soon as she said that, she regretted it. Wincing as a defeated look crossed Halbrand's face. 
"Did I scared you?" He asked softly, his hand passing over his face in exhaustion. 
(Y/N) could only nod, her heart hurting at the sad look on Halbrand's face as she did. 
"I'm sorry." 
She shook her head. "Don't be. You were protecting yourself." (Y/N) knew that was true, knew that those men would have done similarly violence things to Halbrand if he hadn't defended himself. 
"Still." Sighed the man. "I don't want you to be afraid of you. I wouldn't ever hurt you." 
"I know." 
Moving to face her, the gentle yet strong look in Halbrand's eyes made the warmth in her cheeks feel even stronger. She felt a pull towards him, something she wasn't used to feeling. 
"It's true, I want you to be safe." He told her. "I... I care about you." The honesty seemed like it was difficult for him, fighting against his instincts to let her know how he felt about her. Even if he couldn't quite yet let her know the true depths of his feelings.
But, Halbrand knew that (Y/N) understood what he was saying. "I care for you too, Halbrand." She told him, reaching out to take his hand. The warm smile on her face bringing warmth to his lonely heart. 
(Y/N) could only hope that the two of them got out of the cell soon, wanting to be able to return to Middle Earth with Halbrand. There was so much that she wanted to see with him, to experience with him. Only having spent a few days with the man, but not being able to imagine returning home without him. 
He made her feel more accepted than she had ever felt before. More like home than any place she had been. And unbeknownst to her, Halbrand was thinking the exact same things.
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Imagine Galadriel’s disappointment after learning that Halbrand was cold to you…
“Have you lost your mind?” Galadriel scolded as she entered the blacksmith’s forge. “I came to speak with Y/n when I overheard your poisoned words. You do not understand how lucky you are to have someone who cares so deeply that they would fight a war in your name.”
Halbrand threw down the hammer in his hand and faced the elf. “Y/n was to be kept out of this but you went over my head and exposed a truth that I wanted to take to my grave!”
“I have seen the love in their eyes for you, Halbrand. Y/n deserves the truth and nothing less.” Galadriel told him sternly. “You should do well to remember it or you will lose them.”
~ More imagines here ~
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wordbunch · 10 months
Their love song (Taylor Swift edition) > The Rings of Power characters
a/n: welcome to my little self-indulgent celebration of 700 followers! 🥳 EVEN IF you're not a fan/don't know the songs, I hope you can still like and support this fic - a lot of time and love went into it! and by all means come talk to me about it or suggest your own songs! love you all so much and thank you for reading my stories and being a wonderful community 💕
HALBRAND ♡ cruel summer
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Please look at these lyrics and tell me it isn't just perfect for him!! You never really planned on falling for him, ever, but alas, something captivated you - his eyes looking down on you from a height difference, the way he seemed to understand you more than anyone else in certain moments, and how he was adamant to be around you. He was very cocky and confident when you admitted it at last.
ARONDIR ♡ peace
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Maybe you come from different backgrounds, but there is nothing that you wouldn't do for each other. He is very protective of you, but he is also cautious because he never wants you to be in danger because of him. Although your relationship can be judged negatively, the only important thing is what the two of you feel for one another - true love.
ELENDIL ♡ labyrinth
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Things haven't exactly been easy after his wife suddenly died, and he had mixed feelings about moving on; somehow, with you it was kind of effortless and unexpectedly natural. He struggled with it within himself for some time, but you were understanding and supportive the whole time, and he began feeling much better when he accepted his developing feelings for you.
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Honestly, he kind of is a magnetic force, and he would also be a total romantic to his partner and spoil them in so many ways. Admittedly, he's lived through a lot of things and challenges, but ending up with you seemed like a reward at the end of everything, and he never wants to let you go.
GALADRIEL ♡ daylight
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She certainly has her struggles and her mind can be a very occupied place, so she really didn't expect to find captivating romantic love among all the mess. You bring brightness and warmth to her life like nobody else, and she lights up when she is around you, especially when the two of you are alone.
ISILDUR ♡ blank space
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He is still quite young and impulsive, and everything else that comes with it, and also naturally curious and a bit of a troublemaker - never a dull moment. When you two first met, you didn't think it would go anywhere, but quickly you fell for his reckless charm, and decided to give it a go anyways. It's a passionate and unpredictable relationship which can end at any time, but he is so wrapped around your finger that you highly doubt it.
VALANDIL ♡ sparks fly
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He is also crazy, young and exciting, but something won't let you let him go. He is aware of his strengths and he knows how to play them exactly right to keep you on your toes and crazy about him. Maybe it isn't the most stable of relationships, but hey, as long as you're having a good time!
GIL-GALAD ♡ gorgeous
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He is so royal and classy and naturally, captivated your attention within mere seconds in his presence. At first you might have been a little intimidated (who wouldn't be?) and you had mixed feelings within yourself - he surely already had someone, so you decided it would be best to wait for him to approach you. Years and years later, you both like to jokingly reminisce on those moments.
BRONWYN ♡ new year's day
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Life can be tough, and people can be difficult to deal with, but the two of you have each other's back through it all. While you have your arguments and disagreements occasionally, and maybe someone judges your relationship, at the end of the day there is nobody else that the two of you would rather share your troubles with.
ELROND ♡ you are in love
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This sweet soul had to get this song assigned to him! Your love bloomed steadily over centuries of close friendship and understanding, you shared a quiet, unspoken bond, and it was just the most natural thing ever. It eventually became difficult to pinpoint when exactly it turned into something more than platonic, because for so long it had been the two of you together, side by side.
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings @thesolarangel @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-place @valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr @noldorinpainter @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste @ironmandeficiency    @starryeyedrogue​​ @dinofromspac3 ​​  @wisheduponastar @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @sweetpea-thoughts
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