#rp fantasia
gloriaregalirpg · 3 months
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Casting disponible hasta 20 de Febrero del 2024.
Partida similar a los roles de mesa, teniendo un master que dirige el curso de la historia.
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badguysgalore · 2 months
Open RP
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"Yeeeesss. Yeeeeeessss. Burn. Buuuurn, wretched ones. Burn and despair as the flames that consume you dance in my hand."
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"And know that it is I, Chernabog, who controls your fate."
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Self Promo
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Do you like animals and nature? What about eerie abandoned places? How about cute girls and adventure? If you're interested in any of those things then like/reblog to interact with a Studio Irodori multimuse featuring Kaban, a super smart safari guide and her zany animal friends.
(All fandoms tagged are ones I'd love to crossover with ^_^)
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damaprimavera · 14 days
So, there's a lot of emphasis on this cherry tree in Fantasia 2000
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Spring seem pretty fond of it and also seems important for Elk too
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And when the Firebird goes on a rampage, she clings to it, desperately
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And in the aftermath, Elk gazes at what's left of it
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This tree is important to both, and we see it one last time before Spring triumphantly makes the forest grow back.
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Here's my personal headcanon about it.
Spring was that tree once.
Before becoming completely sentient and leaving it to shapeshift into an animal, she had incarnated herself in this tree.
She looks fondly at it because it was her home, she was this plant, from leaves to root.
Imma go cry somewhere
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malinalxochtl · 5 months
CAFÉ & RPG: uma comunidade luso-brasileira de roleplayers.
Oi, amigos/as/ues! Estou passando para divulgar o queridíssimo e possivelmente já conhecido Café & RPG.
O Café & RPG é um espaço dedicado a todos os roleplayers da comunidade luso-brasileira. Aqui buscamos oferecer suporte para tudo que é pertinente ao mundo dos RPGs: sejam templates, gráficos, jcink, forumeiros, discord, tumblr, twitter e telegram; além disso, possuímos uma área de autopromoção, onde é possível divulgar seus jogos, personagens, tramas e trabalhos. Assim, os participantes de toda a comunidade podem tornar deste lugar um espaço de reunião, amizade, divulgação, solução de dúvidas e compartilhamento de informações sobre inúmeros assuntos. Nosso berço é dos fóruns, mas a intenção é expandir e conectar as comunidades e diversidade de jogos, perpetuando assim a nossa maneira de jogar: através da escrita.
Para participar é só criar uma conta no Discord, fazer login e clicar no link de convite a seguir:
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tinderpbr · 7 months
Hey, vindo tentar a sorte aqui :} Ela/dela, 30 aninhos. Quero jogar m/m ou m/f. Uso fcs asiáticos, mas não é obrigatório pra outra pessoa. Busco por partners 20+ Escrevo e quero responder posts "grandes" (vários parágrafos). Não sei escrever coisa curtinha gente. Jogo e converso com partner pelo Discord. Quero jogar qualquer coisa que fuja de rl (sim, me atirem pedras. Acho rl puro entediante). Quero universos com magia, seres mágicos, pessoas amaldiçoadas, máfias de vampiros, criaturas vivendo escondidas, apocalipse e sobrevivência, piratas e o mundo pra explorar, aventuras, ação, etc. Espero poder criar um contexto/mundinho legal pra explorar. Gosto de jogar com persons mais velhos (desde 30 + anos até, sei lá 1000 anos e lá vai). Escrevo smut se fizer sentido na rp/plot, e se eu estiver confortável com meu partner. Não tenho problema com violência, sangue, essas coisas. Considero de EXTREMA importância conversar/manter contato com meu partner. Gosto de falar de char, criar headcannon, etc etc.
Tá atrás do seu match aí também? Entra aqui e boa sorte!
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curseshared · 7 months
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Here's a plotting/rp ad for the Fantasia War event! Lilith's info can be found here. Here are a few interactions I'm looking for, but if you have an idea that isn't on the list I'm open to discuss that too!
Fellow Vampires: If your muse got turned into a vampire too, they might as well work together. If your muse was already a vampire before this... Lilith could really use some advice. You might even genuinely become friends.
Criminals & Double Agents: She'll never admit it, but she's really out of her depth here. Her history as a criminal really only consists of morally necessary rebellion. All the immoral things she's done? Those were legal. Anyway, she's aligned with the Opalarian Empire, but not really a fan of the political situation there, so allying with people trying to sabotage their side of the war could be on the table.
Victims- I mean... blood donors? Just to be clear, we're not looking to make this a sensual experience. If you're after that kind of vampire, I'm sure there are some around. But, well. She is gonna need blood. She would prefer to obtain said blood ethically, but the longer she goes without it, the harder it will be to resist attacking people.
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thinking about an old online friend…
I was a witch obsessed with knowledge, you were a priest and I don’t know what you were obsessed with, if anything, because I was too blind. I stole your holy artifacts to study them and you never could stop me, no matter how you tried. You were incomprehensible to me yet I understood you like no other. We seemed destined for animosity. By the laws of nature, we should have hated each other. And yet I remember building that wedding pavilion in the thick jungle and nearly collapsing from exhaustion…
I remember seeing the face of that royal brown bear and being swept away by the overwhelming desire to know, to understand it. I remember boating with it for miles and miles. Callouses on my hand, my back drenched in sweat as it’s fur pressed into my back. I remember the sound of the boat scraping against sand as the river narrowed. The jungle with the wedding pavilion was an open plain, wide enough for all our guests, but this jungle was thick with trees. Maybe that’s why I failed…
I barely remember the attack. Only surprise and pain and waking up as the river lapped at my face and realizing what had happened. The sun was so bright, the heat so intense in that jungle. I withered like a golden tipped rose, perhaps from the heat but more from the weight of my guilt. I ran, my cloak dragging through the water. I stumbled back the way I’d came and collapsed on the rocky, mountain river edge. Orange wood, strange faces, yellow wheat. They took me in, but I told myself I would leave. Just one more day I thought. But one more day turned into one more week, one more month, one more year. And now I am only a figure in the stain glass windows of a temple that isn’t yours. A legend, a myth, a deity. What made me worthy of this praise? Nothing, but they do not know that. They didn’t know me, not like you did. They don’t understand how I failed you. I deserve nothing but to be crushed beneath the heel of history and buried in the dirt where no one remembers my name. All I can hope is that you do me the mercy of sparing just a minute to go into that temple and gaze upon my fractured visage.
Batlast, if you are reading this, I’m sorry for leaving you at the altar, but in my defense, you deserved so much better than me.
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faechivalrous · 7 months
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it's barghin' time (barghs all over those guys)
this is a starter call for raid threads, considering how it's Raid Time and all! don't plan on having a cap but i will update this post if that changes.
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dj-iida · 7 months
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Whoops! I can’t believe I forgot to post an Event starter! Well, better late than never. Like this post for a starter, I’ll be capping off at 2 since it’s my first and I don't want to overwhelm myself!
Event: Fantasia War / Event Info post
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spiderstaff · 7 months
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throws out the tiniest starter call for Fantasia-- Kay's a vampire! (Info Here!)
Leaving it uncapped, but selective!
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chaoticclaybomber · 7 months
Fantasia War Info
God I'm so stupid late with this but hey! Deidara is a Faeken, specifically a stone based Nymph and fire breathing Draken mix! He's got the blonde hair still and the blue eyes but his scaling on his face and hands is more grey and rocky looking. He's got a thin tail and big ol dragon wings that are a really light grey with the webbing looking sparkly like there's chips of pyrite in them. Small claws, sharpened teeth, and weirdly ethereal grace top it all off.
He's lost his hand mouths so all his bombs have to be made in his own mouth. He is mildly annoyed by this.
Dei favors flashy, sparkly spells like Fire, Lightning, Blessing, Charm, Light, and Levitate. He'll also use Invisibility.
Technically Xalphina is his kingdom of origin but he works for whoever pays him the most, no ifs ands or buts. There's few lines a ninja won't cross after all!
No seriously pay him, that's the whole point.
If you want a pretty bastard dragon merc go ahead and like this! I'll do three starters with him.
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drunkelreporter · 7 months
Got distracted with dnd stuff so uh like this if you want a fantasia starter! Just a totally normal Faekin, definitely not an omen of death at all, no sir.
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moraypower · 7 months
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like this post for an event starter! I'll be leaving this uncapped but selective, and Frye's fantasia info can be found here in case you missed it.
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aspeckrobus · 9 months
i THINK i have a concept i like for a new ffxiv main. now we set him down in arr and take him for a test run and see if he grabs me the way m’seyli did.
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As the Immernachtreich has reached the peak of its glory, it too has to see the end of thy reign. The timeline continues, so shall we continue back to our origins. I shall keep this moment in time in my memories forever.
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