#sam's underwear
mlobsters · 1 month
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supernatural s1e3 dead in the water (w. sera gamble, raelle tucker)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
i'd like to present some of my very early reports to someone about watching spn
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forgot i was trying to watch this over lunch LOL. backed up drain water is a hard pass for mealtime. god that reminds me of a gross bathtub drain moment with my girl lydia in teen wolf. *shudder*
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i get it, the jaws of it all, but also rolling my eyes at the repeated cuts to her ass underwater :p
DEAN You know, Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in a while. DEAN points to WENDY walking away; she's wearing short shorts. DEAN That's fun.
i like how sam shuts him down without a word
SAM Closure? What closure? People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them. DEAN Something you want to say to me? SAM The trail for Dad. It's getting colder every day. DEAN Exactly. So what are we supposed to do? SAM I don't know. Something. Anything. DEAN You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think I wanna find Dad as much as you do? SAM Yeah, I know you do, it's just— DEAN I'm the one that's been with him every single day for the past two years, while you've been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find Dad, but until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Okay?
again kind of framing dean as being tough but fair and sam being impatient (dare i say bratty) kid who ran away. i don't think i really caught so much that sam wasn't really that invested in finding john specifically, but that it's also about the as-yet-unnamed demon that john's going after having killed jess too, need to get to john to assist the revenge plot. though he does go more sympathetic to john for other reasons when dean goes the opposite direction. but anyway i semi-regularly think about how sam was to be the audience insert-ish, he's who we're supposed to sympathize with more. but i don't think anyone quite anticipated the extent of the jackles-whammy
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cheesy rock and this shot, feels like a laundry detergent commercial. ok so the cheesy rock is a netflix special, supposed to be round and round by ratt which isn't completely not-cheesy, but it's better :p
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s1e3 daniel hugh kelly as sheriff jake devins / star trek: insurrection (1998) as sojef
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ANDREA Must be hard, with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line. Enjoy your stay! SAM 'Kids are the best'? You don't even like kids. DEAN I love kids. SAM Name three children that you even know.
sam was very amused by the bad attempt at flirting and her shutting him down. also, how many opportunities does the unattached drifter get to even meet kids, sam? :p anyway the very special episode where we learn dean is actually great with kids (and totally should have the chance to have one in the future)
padalecki with the extra crispy R on "theory", there. also dean doing the sniff test. reminds me of the post with a snippet from one of the novels having an outsider pov saying they're stinky boys :p
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Supernatural: Bone Key (Supernatural Series, 3) August 26, 2008 by Keith R.A. DeCandido
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lol and somewhat related dean crowding sam and getting his face very close to the laptop
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s1e3 / s5e22 swan song
it's fine, everything's fine 🥲
DEAN You know, I'm thinking you can hear me, you just don't want to talk. I don't know exactly what happened to your dad, but I know it was something real bad. I think I know how you feel. When I was your age, I saw something.
oh, dean.
the official website's journal entries for john via wiki
December 4, 1983 [...] Dean still hardly talks. I try to make small talk, or ask him if he wants to throw the baseball around. Anything to make him feel like a normal kid again. He never budges from my side – or from his brother. Every morning when I wake up, Dean is inside the crib, arms wrapped around baby Sam. Like he’s trying to protect him from whatever is out there in the night.
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even without ghostly drownings, i am not sticking my hand in the gross backed up drain :S
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sam listening to this, see above gif
DEAN You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too.
don't personally think that's a great approach with a traumatized kid, the whole being brave thing, but whatever :p
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SAM What you said about Mom... you never told me that before. DEAN It's no big deal. Oh God, we're not gonna have to hug or anything, are we?
yes. yes, you are
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ghost aside--girl, turn off the water your tub is about to overflow
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gross ghost water turning her modesty garment thing green lol and good thing sam's jacked, no more dead moms on his watch
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look at those pretty eyeballs
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good grief, padalecki. arm veins poppin even back then
SAM Look, we're not gonna save everybody. DEAN I know.
and how the roles will be reversed by s2, but with way more angst
s2e11 playthings
DEAN Yeah, well, you can't save everyone. Even you said that. SAM No, Dean, you don't understand, all right? The more people I save, the more I can change! DEAN Change what? SAM My destiny, Dean!
i feel bad but drunk sammy so emphatically and earnestly saying "my destiny, dean!!!" makes me giggle. so much so that i posted the full clip of it with the same comment lol
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LOL sam and his too-small sweatshirt
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(script linked via wiki)
interesting, i don't think that's what ended up onscreen. more of feeling a little awkward/pleased about the unexpected kiss. also sam dimpling out in the background watching it go down
also via wiki
Jensen Ackles again cited this episode in the premiere issue of the Official Supernatural Magazine: "...but Dead in the Water holds a special place in my heart, too. I liked what my character had to go through in that episode. It was kind of the first time where I really got a sense of who Dean was, and I was able to peel back some layers. I thought it was a good story that was directed well, so that was definitely one of my favorites. When I had to hold my breath with that kid, holding him in my arms...I hope you've never had to experience something like that. When you're treading water, just getting your mind around having two people below you in the water, pulling you down...that was a really weird sensation that I wasn't prepared for, not to mention I was responsible for the life of this 10-year-old kid that was in my arms. He's supposed to be dead, so he's limp. I'm actually treading water, keeping us both afloat with my left arm. And when they say action and I have to hold my breath, he holds his breath, and I have two divers pulling me down. So after the first time, I kicked the divers loose and I sprung right back out of the water and I'm like, 'Okay, wait a second - I'm going to need a minute for this one.' But we ended up getting the shot, and it was nice."
woof, that sounds scary/unsettling indeed. especially for the kid, yikes
i was also under the jackles-whammy a bit the first time around (i love faces and he has an exceptional face), so i'm paying more attention to what's going on with sam/jared i think this time
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guystightunderwear · 4 months
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frontseathater · 28 days
"supernatural is catholic" "supernatural is protestant" "supernatural is pagan"
god is in the american midwest telling men to dig for tablets that only they are allowed to read supernatural is mormon
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ihatedean · 1 month
its very funny (not funny it's actually driving me insane) that dean canonically has a thing with wearing panties and he simply will NOT stop joking about sam doing exactly that. whyyy do you keep bringing it up babe 😭
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bloodfreak-boyking · 3 months
one of my absolute favorite wincest fic dynamics is when sam has been thinking about doing the nastiest, most wretched things to dean since like forever and has desired him carnally since he knew what that meant, and dean is just like "wow, never noticed how hot my brother is. shame i can't do anything about it bc we're brothers." meanwhile Sam is like locked in the bathroom licking the floor of the shower bc dean just got out. love it when sam is a freak ab his brother in a way that fucking blindsides dean <333
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mlobsters · 1 month
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supernatural s1e6 skin (w. john shiban)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
an effective teaser, having dean be the bad man doing bad things to that nice lady. bummer again with the netflix music sub, should be in-a-gadda-da-vida by iron butterfly which has a very particular vibe but we got this serviceable good deal by mommy and daddy instead. (cheesy start but) not the worst, not great.
DEAN Alright, I figure we’d hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south, hit Bisbee by midnight. Sam wears women’s underwear. SAM I’ve been listenin’, I’m just busy.
can't get anything by sammy boy. transcription says palm pilot, but it's a palm treo 650 i believe 🤓
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reports from my initial watch - baby stylus! still laughing about that one. heady days of weird smartphones
speaking of laughing, [email protected] haha
DEAN You’re kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies? SAM Why not? DEAN Well, what exactly do you tell ‘em? You know, about where you’ve been, what you’ve been doin’? SAM I tell ‘em I’m on a road trip with my big brother. I tell ‘em I needed some time off after Jess. DEAN Oh, so you lie to ‘em. SAM No. I just don’t tell ‘em….everything. DEAN Yeah, that’s called lying. I mean, hey, man, I get it, tellin’ the truth is far worse.
he'd know *cough* cassie
SAM So, what am I supposed to do, just cut everybody out of my life? You’re serious? DEAN Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can’t get close to people, period. SAM You’re kind of anti-social, you know that? DEAN Yeah, whatever.
revise that to can't get close to people not in the life, and even then it's rather hazardous for their health. but even if you're not divulging everything, it's good to have friendly contacts in a normal universe where you're not being tracked and hunted by demons and whatever
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SAM They’re in St. Louis. We’re goin’. (DEAN chuckles.) DEAN Look, sorry ‘bout your buddy, okay? But this does not sound like our kind of problem. SAM It is our problem. They’re my friends. DEAN St. Louis is four hundred miles behind us, Sam.
standing his ground then folded in 2 seconds. can't resist the face
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little wine mom moment on the counter there. "when in doubt add more wine"
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so sam's close enough with them that he's in a picture on the fridge, but we never hear of them before or after this episode :p soo la voo or whatever
SAM Hey, Bec, can we take those beers now? REBECCA Oh, sure. SAM Hey. Maybe some sandwiches, too? REBECCA What do you think this is, Hooters? DEAN I wish.
good answer, bex. i laughed. also eyeroll at the obligatory piggishness of getting her out of the room by asking to be waited on and hooters business :p
watching this conversation about the glowing eyes again just upon reflection, knowing that supposedly there's this whole world of hunting and documentation and knowledge out there and they're having to brute force figure everything out themselves realtime, that they're running into things that dean never heard of even in the time he has been hunting with john... it's just a lot to consider
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DEAN I still don’t know what we’re doin’ here at 5:30 in the morning.
another thing i've had on the slate to paint since i watched it originally, grumpy grumbly dean with his coffee and baby
it is REALLY bright for 5:30am :p sunrise in st louis missouri in march is ~6:30am :P 100% doesn't matter but this is not the first time i noticed some impossible sunlight hours lol of course i can't find it. it involved a boat.
SAM Shapeshifter? (DEAN shrugs.) Something that can make itself look like anyone? DEAN Every culture in the world has a shapeshifter lore. You know, legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other men. SAM Right, skinwalkers, werewolves.
this one doesn't get a unique name though i guess? just shapeshifter. i was thinking they called them shifters, but maybe it's the true blood terminology leaking in again
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DEAN I hate to say it, but that’s exactly what I’m talkin’ about. You lie to your friends because if they knew the real you, they’d be freaked. It’s just—it’d be easier if— SAM If I was like you. DEAN Hey, man, like it or not, we are not like other people.
and other first watch screenshots. you can assume from here on out that any sort of earnest brotherly interaction i took screenshots the first time around as well :p freaks together forever
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sam's underwear #2 (#1)
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also *shudder* at sam walking around the sewers in his ripped up dragging pants and sneakers. perhaps the stapled jeans (couldn't find a non-tinhat post version of this story so be forewarned) :p
laughing at all these people casually walking by on an evening stroll with no reaction to sam and dean climbing out the sewer. nothing to see here!
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your canada is showing, show!
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sweaty betty with light eyes lookin good even if he's an evil monster
SAM You caught those keys with your left. Your shoulder was hurt. SHAPESHIFTER Yeah, it’s better. What do you want me to do, cry? SAM You’re not my brother.
now this is the sam and dean i know *bangs pots and pans together* i hate in later (and not even much later, like swap meat) seasons when no one notices that hey sam is acting really fucking squirrelly or SOULLESS. ugh.
from my 5x12 swap meat recap
not in any universe, especially when sam has been possessed before, do i believe that dean winchester is not going to notice sam behaving so differently. you don't get every demon, monster and psychiatrist within a 50 mile radius calling out your codependent relationship with your brother and not notice some bumbling teenager is behind the wheel of his body.
extended rant on how they handled soulless in 6x01
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SHAPESHIFTER I swear, the more I learn about you and your family—I thought I came from a bad background. SAM What do you mean, learn? SHAPESHIFTER He’s sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don’t think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you? SAM Where is my brother? SHAPESHIFTER I am your brother. See, deep down, I’m just jealous. You got friends. You could have a life. Me? I know I’m a freak. And sooner or later, everybody’s gonna leave me. SAM What are you talkin’ about? SHAPESHIFTER You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to, and he ditched me, too. No explanation, nothin’, just poof. Left me with your sorry ass.
wonder how much groundwork this laid for our ideas about dean's abandonment issues. it becomes clear too when it's actually dean, like in 1x16 shadow where he wants so badly for sam to stay with him and not go back to school when everything's over. and how that keeps coming up. and of course sam runs away periodically. that little cycle felt like it might never end. not a ship thing they just legit needed couples therapy but slap another name on it to save face. disasters
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SAM Yeah, it’s me. He went to Rebecca’s, lookin’ like you. DEAN Well, he’s not stupid. He picked the handsome one. (SAM gives him a confused look, then continues to work through his ropes.)
dear transcriptionist, forever thankful for everyone who did this work, but i beg to differ regularly on their described expressions. this is a bitch face glare if i've ever seen one :p
SHAPESHIFTER Maybe. Evolution is about mutation, right? So, maybe this thing was born human but was different. Hideous and hated. Until he learned to become someone else.
well we know shifter babies are adorable from 6x02
SAM Yeah, that’s the thing. He didn’t just look like you, he was you. Or he was becoming you. DEAN What do you mean? SAM I don’t know, it was like he was downloading your thoughts and memories. DEAN You mean, like the Vulcan mind meld? SAM Yeah, somethin’ like that. I mean, maybe that’s why he doesn’t just kill us. DEAN Maybe he needs to keep us alive. Psychic connection.
trying to recall other shifter episodes. the bank thing he was just killing the people before assuming their form iirc (2x12)
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SHAPESHIFTER It’s funny. I kind of understand him. He’s all alone—close to no one. All he wants is for someone to love him. He’s like me. You know, everybody needs a little human touch now and then. It’s so hard to be different. REBECCA You should go.
sometimes it's the little things in a show like this that actually hit home in a realistic way that for me are so much more upsetting. that feeling being the more vulnerable person around a man and he's starting to do things you're not comfortable with and knowing the power balance is heavily in his favor. jackles did a good job being uncomfortably creepy
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the relatively rare (in this show, at least) jackles shirtless situation
another bad netflix music replacement, when the shapeshifter is fleeing the cops it's supposed to be filter's hey man, nice shot (i had this cd (or tape?) and literally only remember this song)
laughing though at the lyrics in the replacement song, "I don't wanna be a freak show pretty boy anymore" little on the nose for dean/shapeshifting out of a dean meatsuit
they really decided to go all-in on the gore of this transformation. two cuts to his teeth pinging out of their sockets. kept the samulet on too so the cord is gonna be all goopy :|
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do places still do this?
DEAN The thought of him drivin’ my car. SAM All right, come on. DEAN It’s killin’ me. SAM Let it go.
silly, but cute. sam trying to placate him
SAM Look, they can’t hold me. Just go, keep out of sight. Meet me at Rebecca’s. Dean. Stay out of the sewers alone. I mean it! DEAN Yeah, yeah!
DEAN: I’m sorry, Sam. But you know me—I just can’t wait.
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SHAPESHIFTER Murder in the first of his own brother? He’ll be hunted the rest of his life. I must say, I will be sorry to lose this skin. Your brother’s got a lot of good qualities. You should appreciate him more than you do.
back when the show was fresh and the threats felt threatening. and who's to say sam doesn't appreciate him, did he mind meld with sam too
SHAPESHIFTER Not bad, little brother. SAM You’re not him. SHAPESHIFTER Even when we were kids, I always kicked your ass.
okay fake dean, not like being 4 years older had anything to do with that :p
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laughing at the way she's cradling sam's head. boy's always getting choked! plenty of time for someone to save the day though. and good thing they cut away when dean went to retrieve the amulet, effects were not gonna hold up an interaction with the body :p
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some kind of 00s outfit she's got there
SAM No. REBECCA Did Jessica know? SAM No, she didn’t. REBECCA Must be lonely. SAM Oh, no. No, it’s not so bad. Anyway, what can I do? It’s my family. REBECCA Well, you know, Zack and me, and everybody at school—we really miss you. SAM Yeah, me too. REBECCA Well, will you call sometime? SAM It might not be for a little while.
(or ever) this storyline was rough, the whole sam wanting out thing. creeping toward the eventual conclusion that he wants to hunt, wants to be with dean. but it took a long ass time to get there.
DEAN Sorry, man. SAM About what? DEAN I really wish things could be different, you know? I wish you could just be….Joe College. SAM No, that’s okay. You know, the truth is, even at Stanford, deep down, I never really fit in. DEAN Well, that’s ‘cause you’re a freak. SAM Yeah, thanks. DEAN Well, I’m a freak, too. I’m right there with ya, all the way. SAM Yeah, I know you are.
freaks together forever and ever amen ♥️
freak became such a loaded word with this show over time. funny seeing sam roll with it now
good fucking grief this got long. there's just so much notable stuff in the early seasons and well, now i have a whole series worth of references i can point to while watching.
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guystightunderwear · 11 months
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dailymatbaynton · 1 month
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samlover4evr · 10 months
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my favorite shots from episode 6
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lovebirdgames · 11 days
DnD/Fantasy AU! What would the boys' races be? (Cadence would be human)
Sorry for the wait! I’M GLAD YOU ASKED because I’ve been meaning to draw this forever since I’ve been obsessed with Baldur’s Gate 3 (it basically makes up my DnD knowledge)! I had their race/classes jotted down in my notes for months. Here’s what I came up with, hope you like it!
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Samantha Fox
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willgrahamsleftear · 25 days
“You’ve been wearing the same pair of boxers for four days.”
Dean… 🙁
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guystightunderwear · 11 months
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teach-tolerance · 3 days
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iaminjail · 1 year
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yo whats good sam & max fandom
i've decided to make human versions bc i saw a post of s&m as humans fanart n got inspired (plus im bored)
max was probably the hardest lmao it was hard combining all his canon characteristics (cute but deadly, short, adrenaline junkie, no clothes, etc) without making a twink who looks uncomfortably young compared to sam (considering they're the same age from what i remember)
anyways sam is just harry du bois whoops
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