#samwise gamgee deserves the world and that's the tea
give-soup-please · 1 year
the truth is, our universe is an unjust one.
because if it was just, i could take samwise gamgee to a botanical garden.
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robin-foxglove · 2 years
Rules: list your favorite male characters from ten different fandoms, and tag ten people to do the same.
Thanks @theimpossiblescheme for the tag!
Okay this is gonna be a little tough, since I tend to skew towards favoring female characters. I can come up with ten, probably...
So, in no particular order:
1. Bustopher Jones, Cats. He's such a jolly guy and his song is underratedly fun!! He's really just out here to have a good time and he's absolutely thriving. To me, he embodies the kind of life that every cat aspires to have: decadence and indulgence, and commanding the admiration and respect of his community.
2. Dick Gumshoe, Ace Attorney. Pure of heart, large of muscle, and dumb of ass. I love him so much 😭 He's so loyal and helpful, and I especially love his interactions with Pearl. He tries to act tough but he really is such a softie 😭💕💕💕
3. Clay, Wings of Fire. He loves his family more than anything and he's just constantly trying his best and I love him...He's far from the cleverest in the group, but his protectiveness and loyalty towards his friends just gets me okay 😭
4. Caduceus Clay, Critical Role. Aro/Ace king who spouts wisdom and makes tea out of dead people--what's not to love? I love the contrast of him being such a serene and morbid person. All of Talisen's characters exude powerful energy, but Cad is my favorite of his!
5. James, Pokémon (TV series). He was always so kind to his Pokémon and one of the funniest characters in the entire franchise. I love his flamboyance so much, and even though Team Rocket as a whole are my favorite characters in the franchise because of their INCREDIBLE dynamic, James in particular was always my favorite.
6. Samwise Gamgee, The Lord of the Rings. Yeah, I have a type, in case you couldn't tell. "I can't carry the Ring, but I can carry you" lives in my head rent free. I can't think about him without tearing up a little--all he wanted was a simple and happy life, but he went through all that Morder shit and stuck by Frodo through everything and he deserves the world 😭
7. Ryuk, Death Note. I rewatch Death Note once a year, and I grow more and more fond of Ryuk every time. I've begun to view Death Note through the lens of a comedy, which really elevates the narrative to a different level once you realize that Ryuk is doing the same thing too--Light's psychological warfare bullshit is Ryuk's favorite sitcom, and like honestly yeah me too, this shit's funny as hell.
8. Nagito Komaeda, Danganronpa. And yes I took psychic damage typing that out. My taste in characters is either Himbo or Completely Fucking Unhinged. I think he's the best antagonist to come out of the series, and I ADORE the conflict he brings in terms of the series themes of hope vs. despair. Most of my favorite characters in the series come from the second game, but Nagito holds a very special place in my heart. A friend and I did a playthrough of the series together where we did stupid silly voice acting for the characters, and I had Nagito and god it was so much fun.
9. Todd Chavez, Bojack Horseman. Absolutely one of my favorite pieces of media ever, and Todd is in my top three favorite characters. He's everything I aspire to be. I love the wacky hijinks that he gets wrapped up in so much and he is such a welcome relief amidst all the rest of the bullshit that happens in the show. But he still gets really good character arcs and moments too?? His arc about his relationship with his asexuality is the most incredible ace representation I've ever seen in TV, and he's all around a very relatable character to me. He's probably my favorite character on this list.
10. Black Beauty, Black Beauty. Black Beauty is one of my favorite books ever, and I just really love how constantly pleasant and gentle he is, despite his circumstances. He's so polite and mild-mannered all the time and he's the perfect boy to bring home to my parents. Both the book and the 1994 film were huge parts of my childhood--I'd check it out from the library like ten times in a row, and it was my favorite movie to watch on long car trips. He's definitely very much an observer, but he's so contemplative and I find his inner monologue to be so very, very charming. I do cry at the end of the story every time,,,,
Oh jeez now to tag 10 people,, hnngg okay gonna tag @berrybfoxglove @my-name-is-jimmy @heccin-lit @lina-voltaire @bees-in-a-davidbowie-shirt @rumpleteazers-swag-bag @itsmyregularcat @look-how-the-lights @mister-beetlejuice @corico-mile
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clockworkouroboros · 4 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms
I was tagged by @rebelqueenofthediscovery to list my favorite character from ten different fandoms. I don’t actually know if I have ten different fandoms, so this will be interesting.
1. Eighth Doctor (Doctor Who)
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So he’s not my actual favorite because I don’t actually have a favorite character in Doctor Who (too many to choose from!) but I do love him a lot and he is one of my favorites. Which probably doesn’t surprise anyone. I just love him a lot he deserves the world.
2. Narvin (Gallifrey)
No gif because audio series, and yes, this is a separate fandom than Doctor Who shush. Narvin is a Good and I do just love him so much. His character development is ??????? So good???????????
3. Jaskier (The Witcher)
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Again, probably surprising no one, Jaskier is easily my favorite character in The Witcher. The Witcher is actually an interesting piece of media for me, in which I don’t necessarily like all the characters, but I am fascinated by all of them. But Jaskier I definitely like. He’s great I love him.
4. Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
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I think it’s impossible to not love Sam actually? (And again, this is one of those where he isn’t my favorite character, but he is one of my favorites, because I’m bad at picking favorites for anything. I’m spending such a long time putting this list together.)
5. Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)
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I don’t know if this counts as a fandom? But I’ve loved The Princess Bride since I was very small, and when I was like two and three, the only line I knew from the movie was “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die” which I would say for weeks afterwards every time we watched the movie, annoying everyone. (Especially my siblings, since I was fake stabbing them when I said it.)
6. Dorian Gray (The Confessions of Dorian Gray)
No gif for this either, as it’s another audio series. I only have a few friends who listen to tcodg; it’s this original Big Finish audio series imagining a world where Dorian Gray is real and Oscar Wilde based his book off of the real Dorian, only the really Dorian didn’t uh die. (Spoilers for The Picture of Dorian Gray, I guess?) The audio series is very dark and horror-y and also gay and honestly it’s a lot of pain but just a real good time. Dorian needs some therapy.
7. George Strangeways (Iris Wildthyme)
Another audio series! (And it’s a spinoff, so it doesn’t count as Doctor Who, those are my rules and I’m sticking to them.) Anyway George is a sexy American doctor voiced by Sean Carlsen (aka Narvin, who’s also on this list) and I cried listening to that audio because I was laughing so hard. Please just listen to The Panda Invasion it’s so good, especially if you’ve listened to Gallifrey audios.
8. Ford Prefect (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
He’s just a frood
9. Aziraphale (Good Omens)
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I don’t know that I have a favorite Good Omens character because again, inability to choose a favorite anything, but I really vibe with gay bookshop owner who collects rare books and drinks a lot of tea. That’s goals right there.
...and I genuinely cannot think of a tenth thing, whoops. Uh. I know I’m supposed to tag ten people for this, but I’m gonna go ahead and say if you want to do this, consider yourselves tagged!
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beaft · 7 years
the lord of the rings for the fandom thing! (book or film or both ur choice)
hello!! this is a good one, thank you for this
interactions i enjoyed the most: merry and pippin are always good fun, however much tolkien drags out the fangorn forest scenes (and boy does he drag them out). i also got very into the frodo/gollum interactions in the movie - it was one of the few instances where the complex nuances were carried across from the book, and communicated in a way that adds some real depth to both characters. and while we’re on that, gollum/smeagol. magnificently portrayed and animated, allegorical implications of an abusive relationship present but not so much that it became heavy-handed or disrespectful. honestly the dynamics between the four of them (frodo, sam, gollum and smeagol) were just really cleverly done and satisfying to me
the character who scares me the most: i was never really scared by lord of the rings, but gollum’s transformation sequence in return of the king freaked me the fuck out. that shit was straight out of a horror film. plus the idea of that slow slippage from sanity into insanity is something that will never not be fascinating to me
the character who is mostly like me: probably bilbo. i’m an oddball who loves a good adventure but only if i can go home at the end of it and have a nice cup of tea. and i’m also quite keen on my pipeweed (hur hur)
hottest looks character: liv tyler please marry me and have my adopted babies. they will be beautiful and long-lived and very good at swordplay 
one thing i dislike about my fave character: my favourite character in both book and film is samwise gamgee, because he’s a brave little cinammon roll who deserves everything he gets. however, i’m not keen on the way he treats gollum throughout the two towers, and tolkien makes no secret of the fact that if he hadn’t snapped at him on the stairs of cirith ungol, gollum might have ended up being redeemed after all - which is really one of the great tragedies of the series, and mostly due to a combination of bad timing and lack of emotional intelligence on sam’s part. all in all he’s a pretty simple and honest guy, which means that he often ends up seeing things in very black and white terms in a world which doesn’t really allow for that
one thing i like about my hated character: i fucking despised denethor in the films, but in the books he was a little more developed beyond “abusive asshole who mistreats his younger son just because” to “flawed parental figure who projects his own fatherhood/self esteem issues on to his children”. he also has some pretty admirable qualities that peter jackson overlooks, like strength of will (he used the palantir against saruman for years without being overtaken by it) and strategic intelligence, which could have made him a way more three-dimensional character if they’d been better explored in the franchise itself
a quote or scene that haunts me: not to be a cliche but sam’s speech about good triumphing over evil (“but in the end it’s only a passing thing, this shadow; even darkness must pass”) is one of the high points in the franchise for me. i’ve welled up over it in the past. no shame. in the books: “deeds are not any less valiant because they are unpraised.” keep that one in mind, self
the character i least understand: in the films, probably arwen, because there’s simply not enough information about her as a character to allow me to really identify with her. which is a shame, because she has the potential to be fascinating, but any screentime that could have fleshed out her backstory and motivations was given over to her looking pretty and being in love with aragorn, which i’ll probably always be a bit salty about
a character i wish died but didn’t: honestly? frodo. my stance on his character changes a lot (i liked him in the books but found him intensely irritating in the films), but either way i can’t help feeling that it would have been more narratively satisfying had he not returned from the quest, particularly as there were so many hints throughout that he wouldn’t. (and of course in a way he doesn’t, as he’s so profoundly changed by what has happened that he’s not really anything like the frodo we see at the beginning of the trilogy.) 
my ship that never sailed: do you even have to ask? i fucking shipped sam and frodo before i even knew what shipping was. gimli and legolas are also fucking adorable, in terms of friendship if nothing else.
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