#santos escobar x reader
sydsaint · 2 months
Damian who? Santos is my only valid Lantino papi <3
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Summary: After defecting from the LWO and reuniting with his Legado family, Santos finds himself faced with a decision regarding the reader and Elektra who are both vying for his affection.
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You arrive to the LFI lockeroom early so you've got plenty of time to get ready for the show. Angel and Humberto are already there hanging out when you arrive, but Santos and Elektra haven't shown up just yet.
"Hey, Berto, Angel." You wave at the pair as you come through the door.
"Hey, YN." Humberto waves back at you, looking up from his phone.
Angel nods at you as well, but doesn't say anything. You shut the locker room door and head over to the vanity sitting in the corner. You set your duffel bag down and fish your makeup bag out of it so you can get started on dolling up your face.
"Who are you getting all prettied up for, YN?" Angel saunters over to you after a few minutes.
"Not you, Angel, that's for sure." You tease him.
Angel chuckles and rolls his eyes playfully. "You hear that, cousin?" He turns back to Humberto. "YN here's got a thing for our fearless leader."
"Mhm." You hum while applying your mascara carefully. "Jealous?" You continue to joke around with Angel.
"Maybe a little." Angel grins at you. "Any man would be lucky to have your attention, Mi Amore." He winks at you.
You giggle and Angel finally leaves you alone for the time being. You finish up your makeup and are putting things away when Elektra and Santos finally arrive. You watch the pair in the mirror as they come through the door. Your jaw clenches in jealousy when you spot the way Elektra hangs on Santos as they come inside the locker room.
"Afternoon, Santos." You swivel around in your chair and greet Santos, also making a point to ignore Elektra.
"YN! Punctual as always, I see, Mi Corazon." Santos walks over to you. "How long have you been here?" He asks you.
You shrug like your earliness is no big deal. "Oh around half an hour is all." You assure him. "Angel and Humberto were already here when I arrived." You add.
"Well, those two don't have anything special going on anyway." Santos replies. "But you, Mi Corazon. I's expect you to have plenty going on." He smirks at you.
You drop your head and smile to yourself for replying. "Oh? And what kinds of things do you expect me to be doing in my free time, Santos?" You ask him.
"Well, I imagine that you've got droves of men dying to meet you in whatever city we're in." Santos explains. "I know I'd pay a high price to get a photo with such a beautiful woman." He adds with a wink.
"Santos!" You giggle playfully.
A few feet away, Elektra scoffs quietly to herself before making her way over to the two of you. "Santos! You're going to come out with me for my match against Tiffany Straton, right?" She asks him, batting her eyelashes gently.
"Yes, I said I would come out with you earlier." Santos reminds Elektra, turning away from you.
"Thank you, Santos." Elektra cooes. "It's nice to have support from our fearless leader." She grins and bats her eyelashes again.
You roll your eyes, regonizing the game that Elektra is attempting to play with you. "I've got that match against Zelina as well, tonight." You get Santos' attention back on you. "But since you're going out with Elektra, I think that I'll go it alone tonight."
"Nonsense." Santos protests. "You should take Humberto and Angel with you." He insists. "Joaquin and Cruz will most likely be out there, and I don't want you to be alone."
"I can handle myself, Santos." You remind him. "I don't need a man looking out for me." You add, making sure to glance over at Elektra at the same time.
Santos nods, a small smile playing on his lips. "I know, Mi Amore." He assures you. "But please, take Angel and Humberto with you." He asks you. "It'd put my mind at ease knowing that you weren't left all alone out there."
"Okay." You nod. "But only because you asked, Santos." You touch his arm gently.
"Thank you, YN." Santos smiles in releif.
You step off into the other room to get changed into your ring gear. While you're in the middle of changing, Elektra comes into the room to do the same.
"YN." Elektra looks at you with a stoic expression.
"Elektra." You greet her with the same dry tone and look on your face.
Silence falls over the room as the two of you get changed. But Elektra can't help but speak up after a while of the rwo of you ignoring one another.
"This little game you're playing with Santos isn't funny, puta." Elektra turns toward you with fire in her eyes and a sour tone.
"Oh?" You reply with a sly smile. "And what game is that?" You dare ask her.
Elektra scoffs and moves toward you. "He's never going to be into you." She sneers. "Not when he can have me. So you'd be smart to end the game right here and now." Elektra glares at you.
You laugh and pull on your cropped jacket. "See, the thing is, Elektra." You grin, not giving her the satisfaction of stopping what you're doing. "You claim that this is a game. But it's not. See, a game implies that more than one person is playing." You laugh to yourself. "But the truth is, there was only ever one. Because you were never a player to begin with, Elektra." You wink at her and step toward the door.
"Excuse me!" Elektra fumes, but you swing open the door and step back into the main locker room before she can get a word out.
Your match with Zelina is scheduled first, so you pick up Angel and Humberto and head out with them. Your match with Zelina is around 10 minutes long, and you manage to pick up the win against her before heading backstage again.
Elektra's match against Tiffany is right after yours, so she and Santos are waiting behind the curtain when you get backstage.
"YN! Wonderful job out there!" Santos praises you. "You looked fantastic."
"Thanks, boss." You match his grin. "And, hey, I told you that I didn't need the pretty boy squad." You add and nod to Angel and Humberto. "Joaquin and Cruz were hardly any trouble."
Santos nods, aknoledging that you were right. "Of course." He smiles at you. "I should have listened to you." He jokes.
You and Santos linger near each other for a moment before Elektra drags him off for her match. You head back to the locker room with Angel and Humberto so you can change again.
Once you're back in your normal clothes, you head back out to the main locker room just as Elektra and Santos are returning from the ring.
"Hey, guys." You wave at them both. "How'd the match go?" You ask casually.
"Ugh!" Elektra groans and stomps past you.
You watch Elektra slam the door before you turn back to Santos. "She lost. Escobar explains.
"Oh." You nod. "Too bad. Tiffany is really good, though." You shrug.
Santos nods in agreement, and the two of you chat for a few minutes before Elektra comes back from her tantrum.
"Santos!" Elektra whines and walks up to him. "Buy me drinks after the show?" She asks him. "To make me feel better about losing?" She frowns.
"Elektra, come on." Santos shakes his head, putting a few inches of distance between the two of them. "What has been going on with you these past few weeks?" He confronts her.
Elektra's frown deepens. "What do you mean?" She asks him.
"You've been clinging to me like some desperate teenage girl." Santos explains. "And I'm getting tired of it." He admits.
"Are you kidding me?" Elektra scoffs. "YN's been dropping hints to you same as me!" She points a finger at you. "What's the difference?"
Santos scoffs and glances at you. "There's a big difference, Elektra." He insists. "YN hasn't been acting like childish. She flirts with me, yes. But she hasn't been acting desperate. Which is exactly what you're doing."
"Ugh! Whatever!" Elektra sneers and turns to you. "You can have him, YN!" She scoffs before storming off.
You watch Elektra slam the door once again and laugh once she's gone. "Well, that was dramatic." You giggle.
"Got that right." Angel chimes in. "So, drinks for everyone after the show?" He suggests.
"I'm game." You nod. "As long as Santos is buying the first round." You tease Esobar.
Santos chuckles and walks back over to you. "Happy to buy if it's for you, Mi Corazon." He grins at you.
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vivaeddiegurrero · 30 days
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 7 months
Santos Escobar x Reader
Summary: You make a surprise return interrupting the LWO. Things take a turn for the worse.
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Standing in gorilla watching the LWO cut their promo, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see my dad Carlito.
"You ready for this mi hija?"
I look up at him smiling and shake my head yes.
"Yes dad. I am ready."
"Alright! See you out there!"
His music hits and he walks out to the ring. He calls out Santos for leaving the brass knuckles on the ring to make Rey lose his US title. I stand in gorilla watching the TV. Bobby comes out and has his match with Carlito.
*end of match*
Bobby and the Street Profits are beating up Carlito in the ring while Santos is standing on the ring watching. I grab a steel chair and get ready to run out. My music hits and I run out to the ring swinging the chair at Bobby. Bobby and the Profits roll out of the ring and up the ramp. The crowd is chanting my name and going crazy. I drop the chair, glare at Santos than knee down next to my dad.
"Are you okay?"
He is holding his stomach groaning. Rey comes out and is arguing with Santos. I look over my shoulder at them. I see Rey shove Santos and I stand up grabbing the steel chair. Santos looks over Rey's shoulder at me and winks. I smirk and lift the chair smacking Rey in the back. The crowd erupts with gasps and boos real fast. Santos grabs Rey's mask and starts talking to him standing him up. Rey starts smacking Santos making him almost fall out of the ring. I throw the chair on the ground than roll out of the ring. Rey walks over to Santos and is talking to him on the apron. Rey helps Santos up talking to him apologizing. Santos pushes Rey into the ring post and Rey falls on the stairs. Santos dropkicks the stairs smashing Rey's leg in-between the stairs and the ring. I walk over to the corner smirking and biting my lip watching Santos. He starts yelling in Rey's face grabbing his mask. Zelina comes running out to try reasoning with Santos but I run up and elbow her in the face making her fall to the ground. I jump on top of her and start beating her up on the ramp. Santos comes up and grabs me by my waist pulling me off of her. He puts me down but keeps his arm around my waist. I bite my lip looking up at him. He looks at me and smiles.
"We did it baby."
I smirk looking up at him than we look at the camera in our faces.
"Guess she is the real Bad Apple of her family huh?"
He grips my waist and kisses me on camera for the whole world to see. Finally letting the world and our families know about our relationship. The fresh start we needed.
The End.
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1-800-sinister · 3 months
who i blame for me not being able to write
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alicejoaquin1990 · 2 years
Wrestling Mastlist - And I do take requests, so don’t be afraid to ask me to make a story for you. I do fluffs,Smuts,etc
🌶❤️‍🔥🔥🔞=smuts/BDSM 18+
♡=Fluffs short stories
😈=Angst very dark, depressing, sadness
😰=H/C (Hurt/Comfort)
🧑🏻‍❤️‍💋‍🧑🏽=M/F: involves romance between male and female
👨🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾=M/M: involves romance between male and male
👩🏻🧔🏽=OC (Original Character)
🤼=A/A (Action/Adventure)
👩🏻‍💻=working on it
🙅🏻‍♀️=nothing at the moment
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Damian Priest
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365 day 🌶🌶👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ❤️‍🔥🔥
Santos Escobar
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bed springs 🌶🌶👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ❤️‍🔥🔥
bed springs part 2 🌶🌶👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ❤️‍🔥🔥
Finn Balor
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when i was your man 🥰 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽👩🏻
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Wheeler Yuta
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👩🏻‍💻 🔞Adorn
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when i was your man 🥰 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽👩🏻
Daniel Garcia
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All the Things(Your Man Won’t Do)🔞👩🏻‍💻
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odetodilfs · 1 year
Javier Peña hooking up with an informant(top male reader) to get information on Escobar, but the sex is really great? And the information is useful (can’t really think of anything so I’m just keeping it vague)
Can you plz include intimate sex, lots of kissing, Javier being obsessed with the readers muscles and how the reader is so gentle and loving with him, no Dom/sub dynamic it’s just pure intimate and amazing sex
Lose yourself inside me
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This was so damn amazing, this actually looks perfect for a part 2 so I might write multiple parts based off of this!!
Pairing: bottom Javier Peña x top male reader Warnings: Multiple orgasms, swearing
Spanish spoken, translations at the end.
You actually couldn’t believe Javier Peña was coming to get info from you. You had been drooling over the man for months now and the fact that you actually had good info ensured he stayed. So when the doorbell rang you checked yourself in the mirror, all nicely dressed with a suit and tidy hair, just to impress him, and went to open the door, “Hola Javier” you said, he obviously looked like the most beautiful man in the world, with a red shirt and some jeans, that signature mustache that always made you feral.
“Hola, vine por la información que dijiste que tenías sobre Escobar, ¿puedo pasar?” he asked, you were mesmerized, “Oh, si, pasa pasa” you said, brushing off the unholy thoughts this man was giving you, you showed him all the intel and he listened attentively, the fact that this man was so infatuated with what you had to say made you all giddy inside, it was a full hour pf showing him info, “Bueno, muchas gracias, this really helped me” he said, looking at you, there was a truthful smile on his face, “It was nothing really,” you said, scratching the back of your head, you sat there looking at each other, you started to drift closer, eyes wide open. Javier suddenly brought his hand to your lips and gave you the sweetest, most tender kiss you’d ever had in your life, when he finally pulled apart his eyes were still closed, you looked at each other, Javi was almost giving you puppy eyes, then, he said what you’d wanted to hear him say for months, “Fuck me” he said, totally seriously, you immediately grabbed his shirt and kissed him passionately, grinding your groin against his as he moaned into your mouth. 
“Mmm- Javier-” you moaned as you brought him closer to you, both of you fully naked now, you were basking in his scent as you kissed him, feeling his arms. Meanwhile Javier was feeling something he normally didn’t feel when hooking up with most people; he didn’t feel like he was going automatically, it felt real. 
Before he knew it, he was on his back, his ass exposed to you, his legs opened for you, “Mmm- tranquilo, vas a disfrutarlo” you reassured him as you squirted some lube on your fingers, you shoved one in, he was so damn tight, “Es mi primera vez” he confessed, “Yeah, you’re so tight I could easily figure it out” you said, “More- please-” he had a desperate look, so you went ahead and pushed a second finger inside him and felt for his prostate, just when you touched the spot he gave out a whimper of pleasure, “So you whimper, hm?” you asked, teasing him, “Y-yes-” he moaned, focusing on the feeling of your fingers inside him, you shoved a third finger in, “Oh- santo dios-” he whimpered as your fingers stroked his prostate.
You fingered him for about 10 minutes, just so he was stretched enough and because you loved seeing how he was so helpless and hearing his moans and whimpers, “Fuck, Javi, you keep making those pretty sounds” you said as you fingered him, “Fucking hell, you’re so sexy” you whispered, you felt his hole clench around your fingers, he started writhing and his eyes shut tight as he threw his head back. Ropes of cum started shooting from his hard cock, he was screaming in pleasure.
“Te gustó, ¿no?” you asked, smiling up at him, “Me encantó” he said, “But I want your cock now” “You sure, Javi?” you asked, not wanting to hurt him, “Yeah” he smiled, you lubed your dick up and started to put it inside him, “Oh fuck-” he moaned as you kept pushing deeper. He was so warm and tight, you could fuck him forever, you leaned in to kiss him and he kept whimpering and moaning into your mouth.
And you made love, you thrusted into him for hours, you were pretty sure Javier lost count of the amount of times he came, all he could focus on was moaning your name and throwing his head back with every orgasm he had. When they weren’t shut tight from pleasure he was looking at your eyes directly, as if to tell you how much pleasure you were giving him. The way his tight walls massaged your cock with each thrust didn’t let you get enough. By now, there was a pool of cum on Javi’s stomach. 
“I-I’m gonna cum again-” Javi whimpered, “Come for me, mi amor, go on” calling him that sent him over the edge and he spurted his seed all over himself as he clenched around your dick and you came inside him, both of you panting as you came down from your high. Javier was so intrigued with how loving  and caring you were with him, he lacked that in his hookups, so it was nice for him to have someone who treated him so well. You looked at the clock.
“We’ve been fucking for the last two hours” you said, kissing him sweetly, “Could go for two more” Javi flirted, “Well, I should go now” he said, fetching his clothes, “No need to, I’ll make us something to eat” “I don’t want to be a burden- plus we don’t know each other,” “Vamos Peña, tuviste mi polla dentro tuya hace menos de 5 minutos, si podemos hacer eso puedes cenar acá” you said, “No te equivocas, very well, I’ll have dinner” he smiled. 
Dinner was very nice with him, he even helped you cook, “It’s late now, I should go” he said as he put on his coat, “Well, it was the best fuck I’ve ever had, don’t be afraid to come back for more” “You can count on that” Javier said as he brought you in for a kiss and left. Silly little you had fallen for Javier Peña.
On the way home, Javier thought about everything, how much better it was to have sex with you compared to the other hookups he’d had, something about it felt real, he came to a realization, a realization he was afraid of; he had caught feelings for you, Javier Peña, the unfeeling manwhore had caught feelings for you.
-------------------------------------------------------------- Translations:
“Hola, vine por la información que dijiste que tenías sobre Escobar, ¿puedo pasar?” - "Hey, I came for the info you said you had about Escobar, can I come in?" “Oh, si, pasa pasa” - "Oh yes, come in come in" "Bueno, muchas gracias" - "Well, thank you very much" “Mmm- tranquilo, vas a disfrutarlo” - "Don't worry, you're gonna enjoy it" "Es mi primera vez" - "It's my first time" “Oh- santo dios-” - "Oh dear god-"
“Te gustó, ¿no?” - "You liked it, didn't you?"
“Me encantó” - "I loved it"
“Vamos Peña, tuviste mi polla dentro tuya hace menos de 5 minutos, si podemos hacer eso puedes cenar acá” - "Come on, Peña, you had my dick inside you less than 5 minutes ago, if we can do that, you can have dinner here"
"No te equivocas"- "You're not wrong"
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delilahcalicocat · 1 month
Hi Delilah, could you do a Cody Rhodes x Reader x Jey Uso poly fic where reader reunites with her 2 boys at a WWE house show in the UK after being away from them doing Nxt and Smackdown.
Info-Reader is 1/2 of the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions along with Zelina Vega, and they get called in to do a a few house shows. So reader doesn't tell Cody and Jey that she's coming.
A/N: Of Course, But I think my little backstory here is that Y/N and Zelina were fighting Chelsea Green and Tegan Nox on Smackdown the Month prior and won le titles while the boys were busy, and Y/N surprised them on Jey's Birthday by appearing at the House Show!
{Rating: Fluff}
{Warnings: Swearing, Kissing, Hugging}
{Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader x Jey Uso}
You won the tag titles with Zelina a few months ago, so you and her were always on Smackdown or NXT. But Never RAW where your boys waited.
So while you were at the store, picking up things for your dinner that night. You'd gotten a call from HHH, asking if you were free to compete in a singles match against Lyra, the newest call up from the draft.
You were super excited, but decided not to tell Jey and Cody you'd be there for the show.
It was in London England, so you decided to get a head start because Cody and Jey were probably also on the road despite it being 8:30pm at night.
And the reason you and Zelina weren't fighting as a team is because Zelina was set to fight in a match against Elektra Lopez and Santos Escobar with Rey Mysterio
As soon as you sat down in your locker room, your eyes felt heavy.. you drove the entire night to make it to London. But you couldn't fall asleep now... it was literally 6:00am, you might have to make a appearance at the meet and greet.
But you still ended up falling asleep, you woke up to your 3:30pm alarm on your phone.
And you fixed your hair and ran towards the general area in the backstage.
Cody and Jey were nowhere to be seen. So you had sometime to sit and relax
Until you heard Cody's Voice. You scampered away back to your locker room not to ruin the surprise.
And you couldn't hide all day..
That was until... it was 6:51pm, you'd been hiding for 3 hours...
The show was about to start, and you had to come out from hiding.
"Man, I wish Y/N could've made it, what about you Cody?" Jey said
"Yeah, I hate being on RAW sometimes because I miss her." Cody Said
You suddenly jumped and grabbed their shoulders spooking them a bit
"Surprise!!' You smiled
"Y/N?! Ya made it!" Jey Smiled hugging you
"What's this about Y/N?" Cody Asked
"Couldn't let my Birthday Boy's day be ruined, and I got a match against Lyra" You said with a small smile
They both kissed you and after your matches of the night, you all group hugged
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south-of-heaven · 8 months
Can I please have Dominik Mysterio x Fem reader x Damian Priest with the prompt "I wanted to make you proud but I just got in your way" I need some fluff and emotions right now
Intervening || Damian Priest x Reader x Dominik Mysterio
Summary: You're just trying to prove that you belong in the Judgement Day, it doesn't go as planned.
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Stepping into the world of the Judgement Day had been both exhilarating and nerve-wracking for you. You were determined to prove that you belonged there, alongside the likes of Damian Priest and Dominik Mysterio, two incredibly talented and experienced wrestlers. You trained relentlessly and gave every ounce of your energy to your matches. But tonight, during a critical bout against the LWO, things took a turn for the worse.
The arena was alive with the electrifying atmosphere that only wrestling could provide. Damian, and Dominik were up against Santos Escobar and Rey Mysterio, two formidable opponents. The match had been intense, with each team giving it their all to secure a victory.
As the match neared its climax, you saw an opportunity to make a difference. Rey's upper body was hanging off the middle rope, and Dominik was gearing up for his signature 619. You decided to intervene, hoping to distract Santos and prevent him from interfering with the move.
However, in your attempt to help, things didn't go as planned. You misjudged your timing, and instead of distracting Santos, you ended up inadvertently obstructing Dominik's path. He collided with you in a chaotic tangle of limbs, and you felt a sharp pain radiate from your ribs as you both crashed to the mat.
The crowd gasped in shock, and you heard the ref count: "One, two, three!"
Dominik had still managed to execute the 619 and pin Rey to the mat, securing the victory for your team. But as he stood up, his face etched with a mix of relief and disappointment, you could tell that something wasn't right.
When the three of you finally made it backstage, you couldn't hold back the tears any longer. Damian and Dominik rushed to your side, concern etched across their faces.
"I'm so sorry," you sobbed, your voice cracking as you clutched your aching ribs. "I wanted to make you proud, but I just got in your way."
Dominik knelt beside you, his expression softening. "Hey, it's okay," he reassured you, his hand gently brushing away your tears. "We won, and you're part of this team. We're proud of you no matter what."
Damian wrapped his arms around you, lifting you gently off the floor. "You're not alone in this, [Your Name]," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "We're a team, and we've got your back."
Despite the pain in your ribs and the lingering embarrassment, you felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the two men who had become not just your partners in the ring but your pillars of support in life. You knew you had found your place in the Judgement Day, and you were more determined than ever to prove that you belonged there.
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judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
Can I have Damian priest x reader where she comes home from spending a few days in the hospital 🩷 love you sweetheart!!
Love you dear!
No control
Pairing: Damian Priest x Fem reader
Description: You come home after being in the hospital after having a seizure
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You sink on the couch after you and Damian walk through the door, he knew you still felt bad for having him be stuck in the hospital with you but he would have stayed no matter how long you had to be in there. You were in the hospital for four days after having a terrible seizure, you were in the Judgement Day's locker room watching Damian and Dom's tag team match against Santos Escobar and dom's dad Rey feeling proud when they won until you start feeling fear and feel the familiar small twitch of your leg "Hey baby wanna head for drinks?" you turn to damian as you stand but shake your head frantically before everything goes dark, damian quickly grabs you laying you on your side while carefully holding you gently talking to you while your three friends immediately jump into action first dom grabs cold water, Rhea grabs a blanket and places it on you as the seizure continues, and Finn tells the medics who followed him while he called an ambulance each of them being worried as the seizure continues until a few minutes before the ambulance came in feeling slightly confused as damian slowly sits you up against the couch wrapped in the blanket "What happened...what's going on?" you close your eyes feeling dizzy as dom hands damian the water "You had a seizure mi vida it was bad" you feel frustrated and embarrassed as tears brimmed in your eyes after being put on the stretcher with damian by your side in the ambulance. "God I feel embarrassed and just upset" he looks at you as you lay in bed after blood work and being looked over by a doctor "Baby you can't control the seizures and I know you feel bad for it but you can't do that to yourself" he kisses your forehead and caresses your hand as your friends walk in instantly relieved to see you alert, awake, and aware as they each gently hug you before all of you are talking assuring you that they still cared about you and you didn't need to be embarrassed by a condition you don't have any control over whatsoever, after awhile they leave as you began to doze off feeling damian run his hand through your hair "Get rest I know you're tired Mariposa, I love you" you fall asleep a second later after feeling the bed sink slightly knowing that he was laying with you being careful of your IV line as he gently holds you making sure you slept for the night waking up to find warm takeout making you swell with warmth as you eat together, the next four days go by slowly as more tests are done and you rest with visits from friends which helps you pass time until finally you were released. You smile seeing damian looking at you "You wanna shower? I know how much you don't like the antiseptic smell" you smile sweetly before heading upstairs and showering with damian who watches you closely as he washes your hair and washes your body from the lower waist down so you wouldn't have to bend down knowing you were still woozy and dizzy which is what your seizures did to you quite a bit drying off and throwing on one of his shirts and underwear while he makes dinner watching tv together until you went to sleep wrapped in damian's arms feeling more relaxed and glad to be home.
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hungbucks0 · 2 years
Championship Match - Carmelo Hayes
pairing: carmelo hayes x reader
summary: visiting your north american champion before his big match, not without meeting his right hand man first!
warning: curse words? implied smut (barely), fluff!
word count: 1351
“You’re going to make it for my match right?” 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, baby.” You grin, holding your phone closer to your ear, “I’m heading out in a couple of minutes.” 
“Good. You know, you’re quite a topic over here. Everyone is really excited to meet you.” He sat on the bench in his locker room, messing with the end of his shirt, “I’m afraid they’re going to steal you from me.” He confessed. Your laughter rang through his ear, making him roll his eyes, “It’s nice to see you find this amusing.” 
“I just think it’s cute that you care.” 
He scoffed, “Just hurry and get here. You’re going to throw me off my game.” Hayes bit the inside of his lip, keeping his smirk at bay. 
“Yes, sir.” You slyly commented. 
Carmelo stopped fidgeting with his hands, feeling his mouth going dry. He slowly drug his hand across his face, with a groan “Are you trying to kill me?”
”You’re fucking evil, you know that? I’d have you begging for my-” 
A knock interrupted his sentence, as Trick Williams popped his head in. “Hey man, are you busy? I need help with something.” He held his phone in the air, quickly covering his mouth when he saw Hayes on the phone. 
“OH. My bad, I’ll just…” A smirk replaced his concerned look, as he crossed his arms, “Are you on the phone with our girl?” 
“You mean MY girl, then yeah…she says hello.” Carmelo added, before Trick swiftly pulled the phone out from his ear. 
“Hey baby girl, I can’t wait to see you tonight.” Williams flirted, causing Melo to punch him in the gut.
“Get the hell out of here fool,” He kicked him in the side. Trick struggled to laugh at his antics. “Y/N, he’s abusing me…help!”
You stared at your phone with a confused look, making sure you were still connected, “Hello?”
“Yeah, I’m still here.” Melo replied, “I’m going to get going, before someone else bursts in here.” He said, voice getting low, “Text me when you get here, I’ll come out and find you.” 
You shook your head, thanking the man above he couldn’t see you right now, “I’ll let you know.”
“Okay. See you in a bit,” You both stayed on the phone though , “Are you going to hang up?” He broke the silence. Your eyes widened, “I thought you were excited to get ready for the championship match. YOU should hang up.” 
“Another championship match? I do that nearly everyday. Spending time with you,” He grinned, “That’s rare.” 
 “Oh, you’re smooth.” She commented, making him laugh, “I’m serious…you need to move to Florida.” 
“We’ll talk about it tonight. Okay?” You bit your lip hard, as she thought of actually moving to Florida… for him. “I’m going to hang up now. I’m an hour away now.” 
He curled his brow, looking at his phone. “I guess we have been on the phone longer than I thought.” He huffed out a laugh, “I’ll see you soon babe.”
“Can't wait.”
“Man! Chill out!” Trick screamed at his partner. 
“Don’t you tell me to chill out,” he mimicked, “I forgot my shades back at the apartment. They complete my whole look. I AM THE FULL PACKAGE.” He threw his hands in frustration.
“Look man, we can run to the mall across the street, and get you a new pair. You’re making a scene.” 
“Hola. mi amigo.” Santos Escobar crept up on them, “Vi a esta chica…” he moved out the way revealing his girl. 
“Santos… you know who I am!” you roll your eyes.
“Sí, pero esto es gracioso.” He joked, making you groan. 
“OH BABE-'' Carmelo threw himself at you, making you stumble. He rubbed his hands up and down your back, “You’re here! You’re really here.” His movements stopped, as he slowly released you. “You’re here… and I don’t have my glasses!” He cried.
Your eyebrows lowered in confusion, as you looked over at Trick, who just waved in return.
“STOP FLIRTING WITH HER MAN,” He yelled, snapping out of his tantrum.
“All I did was wave!” Trick defended, “You haven’t even introduced us yet…” He made his way to you, sticking his hand out. “The name is Trick Williams. I’m Carmelo Hayes right hand man, and I hold him down whenever you’re not with him—“
“Pause.” Carmelo added, “That don’t sound right.”
“But it’s true!”
Trick rolled his eyes, “Fine. I’m just his right hand man. It’s an honor to meet you.”  You reached to grab his hand, uncertain. “Thank you for taking care of him… I know he can be a lot.”
“I’m standing right here.” Carmelo said, “The audacity.”
Trick laughed out loud, “Tell me about it! Before you got here he was about to piss his pants over some shades.” 
Your lips moved, before looking back at your boyfriend, “The red ones?” 
He nodded, you reached into your purse, pulling their case out. “I had a feeling these were not supposed to be left on the bathroom sink,” you held your hand out waiting for him to take it.
He looked down at the item, then back at you. Carmelo’s mouth fell agape.
“What's your ring size?”
You choked, shocked by the question. “Pardon?” 
He opened his case, sighing with relief when he saw his babies sitting there. “There is not even a scratch on them… you’re,” he handed you back the case, putting the glasses on, “Incredible.”
You were immediately crushed, his arms pulling you in. “I knew you were my good luck charm.” 
Trick looked between the two of you, a grin making its way onto his face, “Look at us! Finally, one big happy family!” He wrapped his arms around you, and Carmelo.
“If you don’t getcho crusty hands off me-“ Hayes threatened, making Trick scoff in return, “Acting like a bitch in front of your girl… that’s low.” 
“Get out!” Hayes yelled. He finally did, letting you two finally get the alone time. 
“He seems really sweet,” You started, “But you got to deal with him all day?”
“ALL DAMN DAY.” Carmelo added, “He never shuts up.” 
You laughed at that. He looked over at you, a smirk appearing, “You’re wearing my shirt.” 
You looked down, “Huh? I guess I am. It’s kinda sick.” You grinned back at him, he grabbed your hand planting a kiss on the inside of your wrist. “This is my first time wrestling in front of you.” 
You nodded. “I’m nervous.” He admitted. You rose a brow, and let out a shaky laugh, “You’ve wrestled in the same arena your whole career. I think you’ve surpassed this place.” 
“You’re only saying that, because you have a big match at the MGM Grand in a couple weeks.” 
You fully laughed at that. Since you worked for the rival, All Elite Wrestling and had a match against Thunder Rosa at Double or Nothing. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, “I’m a random crowd member. Don’t focus on me, this is your moment.” 
He relaxed his hands on her waist, pulling her closer, “You’re so wrong. I’m never not thinking about you in my matches, you inspire me… I’ve learned so much from you.” 
You ducked your head, never being comfortable with compliments from anyone. “Look at me.” He demanded.
“I’m going to wrestle like my life depends on it. I know how picky you are, and I want to impress you.” He joked, making you roll your eyes. 
“I am NOT picky.” 
His mouth widened, “You get mad when I walk too fast in my entrance to the ring.” 
“The camera needs to soak you in!” You defended, “You look way too good sometimes.” 
His smile broke through, as he took his glasses off and placed them on her. A feeling began to form in the pit of his stomach. “Don’t get me wrong… I love the way you look in anything, but the way you look right now…” He spun her around, “I just fell in love all over again.” 
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sydsaint · 5 months
A continuation of my last Santos fic
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Summary: After over a month of avoiding Santos for what he did to Rey, the reader is forced to confront her former lover. Emotions run high as the pair air out their pent of feelings and frustrations.
It's been around a month since Santos made his shocking betrayal of Rey Mysterio and the rest of the LWO. And you've been adamantly avoiding him ever since. But when you have the same travel schedule and work the same nights/shows as the man you're trying like hell to avoid, things can get complicated. 
"Thanks for letting me borrow your curler, Zelina." You lean in the doorway of the LWO locker room holding Zelina's curler in your hand. 
"Of course!" Zelina nods. "Are you sure that you don't want to hang around?" She asks you. "You know that Joaquin and Cruz won't mind." She insists. 
You nod and flash a small smile at the pair hanging out further in the room. "I know." You assure Zelina. "But all my other stuff is in my locker room. Plus I kind of need some alone time to get ready for this match against Bayley later. You understand, right, Zelina? I know It must seem like I've been avoiding you this past month since I came back." 
Zelina shakes her head and puts a hand on your shoulder to stop your rambling. "It's alright, Y/N." She smiles at you. "I get it. You need some time to figure stuff out after what Santos did to Rey. Just don't forget that we're here for you if you need us, okay?" She reminds you. 
"I know. Thanks, Zelina." You lean forward for a hug. 
Zelina hugs you tightly before you head back to your locker room to get ready for the show. 
You make your way through the backstage area and say a couple of quick hello's to friends as they pass. You run into Kevin Owens backstage and strike up a casual conversation with him for a moment. 
"Y/N, hey." Kevin greets you with a casual smile. 
"Hey, Kevin." You stop and smile back at him. "Did you win your match in the US tournament?" You ask him. 
Kevin nods, clearly pleased with his victory. "I did, yeah." He confirms. "Don't you have a match against Bayley later? A number one contenders match, right?" He asks. 
"Mhm." You nod. "I'm just headed back to my locker room to get ready for it." You raise the curler in your hand. 
"Nice! I'm sure that you'll do great, Y/N." Kevin grins and pats your shoulder gently. "Good luck out there tonight." He adds before dismissing himself. 
"Thanks, Kevin." You match his grin. "And good luck with the rest of the tournament." 
With Kevin now gone you begin heading back to your locker room again. You round the corner and are met with the one man you are trying to avoid. Santos Escobar. 
"Oh! Santos, hello." You stop cold in your tracks. 
"Y/N, cariño. So I finally managed to catch you." Santos blocks your way to the locker rooms. 
You stare up at the man who betrayed your uncle and put him in the hospital with a solemn expression. You want to hate him. To loath him with every fiber of your being. But you don't, As much as you want to hate his guts. To call him every foul name known to man. You can't bring yourself to do any of it. 
"Please let me pass, Santos." You ask him politely, swallowing hard as you do. 
"Not until we talk, Mi Amor," Santos replies. "I've been trying to get you to talk to me for a month now. And you've been avoiding me." He reminds you. 
You cross your arms over your chest in order to seem more angry and disinterested in whatever game Santos is playing. "You put my Tio in the hospital." You remind Santos right back. "He had to have surgery on his knee!" 
"And yet, he seems fine," Santos replies. "Now, are you going to come with me so we can talk?" He asks you. "Or do I have to drag you?" 
"Lay a hand on me and I'll scream." You take a step back from Santos. 
Santos huffs and shakes his head. You watch him step toward you with an outstretched hand. "Y/N, come on, amor." He insists. "You know that I could never hurt you." 
"I never thought that you could hurt Rey either." You reply coldly. 
You watch Santos' jaw clench in frustration. He retracts his hand and steps back to his original position. "Y/N, please." He starts to speak up again. "Do you really hate me that much, Mi Amor?" He asks you, hurt written in his expression. 
"Santos you hurt my family!" You snap at him. "You betrayed our friends! And for what? What did you gain from it?" You ask him. "You hurt me, Santos. Is it because I said that we couldn't see each other anymore? Did I make you so upset that you had to find a way to hurt the people I love?" 
Santos' eyes widen at your response. He never meant for you to blame yourself for all of this. He loves you! Taken aback by your statement, he falls silent under your hurt and frustrated gaze. 
"Well?" You put a hand on your hip. "You've seemed so sure of yourself this last month. Now you don't have anything to say for yourself?" You ask him. "I'm done here, Santos." You manage to shoulder past him. 
You hurry off to your locker room with tears brimming in your eyes. Your heart feels heavy in your chest as you slam the door and lock it behind you. You hate this feeling. Why do you have to get so emotional when it comes to Santos? The two of you weren't even officially dating. And yet, being his enemy seems like the worst thing in the world. 
You do your best to collect yourself and get ready for your match with Bayley. Santos weighs heavy on your mind even when you're heading out to the ring for the match. Bayley seems to pick up on your distracted state and uses it to her advantage. She picks up the win against you and gloats to the crowd until you are out of sight backstage in retreat. 
"Damnit!" You curse the air once you're backstage again. 
Frustrated, you head back to the locker room to stew in your feelings for the rest of the night. You manage to just make it to the door when Santos pops up again waiting for you. 
"Y/N." Santos calls out to you as you round the corner. 
"Are you kidding me!?" You go off when you spot Santos lingering outside the locker room. "You! I lost because of you!" You shout at him, pointing an accusing finger in his direction. 
Santos pushes off the wall and watches you stomp his way like a bat out of hell. You reach his side and raise a hand to smack him but he catches it with ease. Pinning your arm back to your side, Santos takes advantage of your shocked state and kisses you. 
You freeze up when Santos' lips touch yours. His kiss is just as sweet as it's always been. A sensation that you can never seem to get enough of. He steps away after a moment with his defenses completely down, ready to accept any punishment you deem necessary. 
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Santos gets a word in before you have time to decide how you want to react. 
"I don't hate you, Santos." You reply quietly. "As much as I'd like to. I just can't bring myself to do it." You let out a heavy sigh. 
Santos shakes his head. "I'm sorry." He apologizes again. "This is all my fault. I'm a selfish man. I'm selfish because I want my freedom, yes. But only if I get you as well. And I know I can't have both." He bites his lip in frustration. "I want you, Mi amore. I love you. But I can't make you leave your family for a bastardized man like myself. You don't deserve that." 
In a bold move that you are surprised yourself by, you lean forward and capture Santos in another kiss. "I want you too." You whisper against his lips. "And I'm tired of pretending I don't." 
In a mess of sloppy and desperate kisses, you back your way into your locker room door and fumble around for the handle. Too busy with getting yourself and Santos locked away in the privacy of your locked room, you don't notice a shocked Zelina standing at the other end of the hallway. 
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judgementdaysunshine · 9 months
"tell me if it hurts" & "I know I'm sorry it hurts, it'll feel better soon" as a prompt for a soft fluffy smut with Damian 🙏🩷
How much I love you
Pairing: Damian Priest x Fem reader
Description: Damian shows just how much he cares about you when he finds a letter you wrote for him but forgot about
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You smile at Damian as you both sit on your bed, the two of you having come back from training for your tag team match against Zelina Vega and Santos Escobar. The two of you showered at the gym and have lunch together before heading back to your house to spend the rest of the day together since neither of you had anything to do for the rest of the day or week due to you recently having an extreme rules match against Charlotte Flair, he had also had an exhausting match and both of you were thankful that you could have some time off and just take a long and truly needed break "I'll be right back l gotta change" you go in the bathroom and change leaving damian in your room until he heard a small noise looking to see a partially opened envelope with a paper in it on the floor thinking it was a letter you got when he sees his name on the envelope recognizing the writing as yours leading him to take the paper out. He feels his heart flutter, soar, and quiver as he reads the letter of you pouring your heart out of how much you really felt for him and loved him smiling big as he puts the letter back on your nightstand right before you come back in the room "God that feels much better I thought I was suffocating" he chuckles as you sit next to him, his heart stops when you accidentally graze your arm against his leg feeling the softness of your skin knowing he couldn't hold back his feelings or thoughts anymore "You know I really care about you" you look at him with a soft smile feeling your heart flutter with warmth "I do too dames, making me melt like butter" he shakes his head with a small laugh before grabbing your face. "No...I care about you more than you think, I read the letter" your mind screams when you notice the letter on your nightstand on top of the envelope. "Let me show you that I feel the same" he kisses you so tenderly and sweetly making you absolutely turn to putty in his hands as he pulls you across his lap with his hands holding your face "Can I show you how much I love you mi vida?" you nod with a small smile before the next minute he was on top of you kissing your face and jaw going down your body as you slowly strip each other until you were both admiring the other in awe with smiles before you gasp quietly when he kisses your thighs and legs, you felt a sense of warmth and new type of trust in the moment that it truly made you completely fall for him over again at how sweet and caring he was especially during this moment full of vulnerability, intimacy, and love as you switch places with each other caressing his thigh with your hand tracing your fingers across the tattoos on his shoulders. Your skin feels cold and hot at the same time as your bodies are molded together "Tell me if it hurts in any way" you hold your breath before wincing for a second when he starts pushing himself inside you, you whimper as tears brimmed in your eyes when he caresses your face "I know I'm sorry it hurts, it'll feel better in a second I promise" he kisses you softly as the pain went away moaning when he slowly begins to move and the feeling of bubbling pleasure was way better than you had ever thought, the pleasure along with the intimacy, unconditional love, and vulnerability only grew at how slow and truly emotional the moment is realizing just how much damian loved you which truly melted your heart. "I love you with my heart Mariposa, you have taught me what love really is in all it's forms by knowing you" the words he whispered against your skin made you tear up wrapping your arms around him until you were holding each other in the quietness as you both came down from the pleasure and high smiling as you lay on his chest feeling his heartbeat and slow breathing "I love you very much my love" you kiss his chest thinking he was asleep until he gently lifts your chin to look at him, sharing a soft kiss as he runs his fingers across your back before laying back down on him both of you falling asleep a minute later.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 5 days
💥Updated 5/28💥
Kip Sabian x Reader
Swerve Strickland x Reader
Angelico x Reader
Tyler Bate x Reader
Undisputed Kingdom x Reader
Jey Uso x Reader
Grayson Waller x Austin Theory x Reader
Chuck Taylor x Reader
Kyle Fletcher x Will Ospreay x Reader
Juice Robinson x Reader
Bang Bang Gang x Reader
Santos Escobar x Reader (Request)
Matt Taven x Reader
David Finlay x Will Ospreay x Reader
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sydsaint · 3 months
How many WIPS do you have?
Take a quick WIP update!! In no particular order and subject to change of course!
Logan Paul x Injured Wrestler!Reader
Charlie Dempsey x NXT GM!Reader
Bron Breakker x Wrestler!Reader one bed trope
Santos Escobar x Mysterio!Reader
Matt Taven x Cole!Reader
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judgementdaysunshine · 10 months
Tu sonrisa me hace feliz
Pairing: Zelina Vega x Fem reader
Description: You learn that your friend Zelina fell in love with you and what made her fall head over heels
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You are stunned after learning from Santos not only that one of your friends had feelings for you, but that it was one of your closest friends Zelina. You and zelina had been friends ever since joining the WWE roster in the same week, the two of you were practically attached at the hip once you got to know each other and each time one of you had a new friend you would introduce the other to them leading to the two of you having a lot of the same friends including Sasha Banks, Rey Mysterio, Rhea Ripley, santos Escobar, Liv Morgan, and Legado del fantasma becoming a acknowledged and loved friend in the small group, "Your smile is what did it" you look at rhea confused as stretch your body after your match against Dakota Kai "Did what?" rhea and liv laugh as santos and rey share a hug with you "Your smile is what made her fall head over heels" you blush as you ask the boys where she was. You find her next to rey's dressing room as you follow the boys ready to tell her how you felt as well "Hey you can I pull you aside?" she nods as the two of you go into an abandoned locker room locking the door and pulling the blinds down as you take a deep breath "My smile huh?" you giggle as you smile at her seeing her face blush and her eyes slightly widen as you grab her face stopping two inches away allowing her a chance to say stop or move you away but instead she places her hands on your lower back and closes the gap left between the two of you into a tender kiss that leaves you both breathless and dazed when you pull away to look at each other "Tu sonrisa me hace feliz bebita" you smile despite not knowing what she said as you hold each other agreeing to head out to dinner that next night as the two of you walk out of the locker room hand in hand only to see your friends across the corner. They cheer and whistle as the two of you laugh hiding your face in her shoulder as she affectionately and jokingly flips them off before you are both pulled into a giant hug, you cheer and hug zelina after she wins her match against Bayley and after celebrating with your friends the two of you leave and have dinner together leading to another lunch date and later on a park date before the two of you announced your relationship to everyone who were thrilled and happy that now the two of you were together.
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